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 No.811979[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Haista la vittu, baby.
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NO, you do it


No, I'm lazy!


its turned out better than I imagined even



don't spoil him

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.810958[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

In which we remember this was 2 years ago
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Yeah but it still pisses me off by how reduntant it is
>person is currently enrolled in a Masters level English course
>succesfully applies to Post-grad courses to a British university

>gee I wonder if he can speak english


In today's education system just studying something does NOT mean you know anything about it.



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[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.809974[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

In which we discuss the same topics as always
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Take plenty of pics


>tfw you will never visit the reich's heartlands



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Austria reached. One more hour to go.


I'll try that next time

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.808860[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Family edition
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Where'd this come from?


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"Tom and Jerry's Giant Adventure", so /wsg/ says

Also this:



I'm sure the animators had a fun time doing that part

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.807741[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

There can be no hope in this Hell. No hope at all…
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About half the time I'm on the winning team
>capped as symmetra on night market


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Small witches send me to slp


>Average s10 combat styles


[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.806743[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Selena is best Mom edition
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Does remind me I should read the manga though


So bepped


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Just about time for a new thread too



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>I know for a fact that only hungarians and finns saw this outside of japan.
Is this true?

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 No.805702[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

In which we discuss the same stuff as always
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[beakie intensifies]


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If you take my packet to the post today, remember to save the receipt for the tracking code
Also which race has the best butts
Which race has the best hips


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Lack of butts made it hard to find pictures for you


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 No.804515[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The pon abides edition
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>if there are three or more and you don't have covering fire
anyone would have a hard time


Pls Blizzard
Cute girl omnic when


I mean Symmetra's damage and range are already annoying right now. Nanoboosting her is probably better than many other options.


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There's already a Disney Princess in the game


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 No.803372[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Friendship Meta
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No I mean it's literally a root
a trip to google shows it's called Cassava


Oh like a potato.


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Potatoes are basically roots, Maali. Though maybe a comparison to carrots would be more accurate?


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 No.802368[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Pretty Princess Pony edition
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It's still a literal invasion.


Following a coup in an allied country. If it happened in Mexico the US would react similarly.


And they would have just as much claim to it as the Russians have on Ukraine. None.


Not really, if for no other reason than because Mexico's government has always been incredibly unstable.
Hell, they're in the middle of what amounts to war against the numerous gangs that have taken root, and we're not doing anything about that.


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Okay, dream time

This particular dream was a doozy, there was a Overwatch tournament with teams and such, and Wf was in one of those teams, they had cool rainbow team jackets too
For some reason I got to Play in the time in one of the matches and did really well as Reinhardt. I even remember the match was in Lijiang tower
We stomped so much that one of the members of the enemy team raged and just stopped playing and stormed out of the place

We won and then there was a break before the next match
But before it started I got a call from someone saying my mom got chased and captured by little pygmy Indians and I needed to be there, but that made me miss the next match of the tournament and Wf told me that "I was not getting the rainbow jacket"

Then I had a short nap with another, shorter dream
I was standing outside with family and looking in the sky we saw there were more than one sun, there were like, 3,and as we looked, some more started showing and some even moved, and then we saw they were actually meteors crashing down in the city. I woke up after the first one crashed down
This one played really similar to the dream I had where a nuclear bomb was dropped near my house

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