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 No.833281[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

In which our meticulously crafted settings are besieged by monsters and players.
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Why does deer allow its raccoon tail to sing obnoxiously while it studies?


I think so. The main thing of value from Fallout is the Range and weapon system, so my thoughts were to basically take the weapon tags from Fallout and allow people to build their own weapons for their character- within reason, of course.
The spells could be tweaked to take the different ranges into effect- Marksman Shot assisting with long-range shots, for instance.

Of course, it might not pan out, but it's worth a shot.


uh, so there's gonna be magic too? how much?



Yeah, that should work. I can even excuse the weapons being bad as those being the ones allowed to Civilian operations.

Not so much 'Magic' as 'Radical New Technology'. It's mostly going to be used to allow/explain certain abilities.

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 No.831129[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

In which we roll a 1
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I'll make one


I didn't say that.


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 No.831126[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Fancy uniform edition
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Well, I guess I'll go get my shit kicked in in Souls for a bit.


Bye! And don`t come back
I wish I could help you but you play on PC right?


But Viola loves spiders!




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 No.830054[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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That line really touched me
Even shattered, this aeon is still flipping smooth


Aeon is very cute


be igh bak




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 No.828963[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Wherein we discuss tiny pones, donuts, and other pointless things.
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Not in the house.

Probably not.
Maybe some car or something?
Because I also doubt it was someone unloading a semi-automatic gun.


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It's Them.


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I have no way to know from here



What is worse I have no way of knowing from here either!

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 No.827903[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

In which we dance around our problems
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and just in time



I might have a sleep problem.


ME3 was fantastic, especially gameplay wise. Storywise it's the weakest of the three games, except for the Citadel and Omega DLC, which are some of the best parts of the Mass Effect series overall. If Andromeda had been on the same level as 3, I'd have been so fucking happy.

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 No.826898[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Something something uninspired new thread with 100% less fat
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Speaking of Wrongfully Accused, it's taking SO LONG to fucking download because no one is seeding it. Motherfucker.


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I will be SO mad if I miss that.


Airplane! is up first after LWA, so you have some extra time.


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 No.825828[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

In which we discuss witches and samurai on a horse board
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Who are you and why aren't you questing?


You guys ever heard of this movie Jeopardy? It's about a man being stuck under a timber pole while his wife looks for help fighting against the clock as the tide rises.
Why are you asking me now?


Answer the question!

Or post that s10 lineup!


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>Blackarachnia was based on a stripper in the Vancouver area that the mainframe animators were fans of
Boy that sure explains a few things.
What S10 lineup?


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 No.824751[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Onwards to another meta
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That was literally for 20 seconds while we were waiting for someone to show up


I killed you 3 times in 20 seconds? After you account for respawn times and travel times, I must be a god McCree


I killed you first, we all know that's the only kill that counts, the first blood, the popping of the cherry



>"I killed you first, by starting the game without telling you it was headshots only, taking three bodyshots for no damage before I finally lucked into a kill"


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 No.823665[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Not clever, but fun
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To be honest, no one in the quest has pissed Buttermilk off enough to break her 'character' of cute little goat and sing songs that are explicitly meant to terrify people


New hoers pls



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qt birbs


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