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 No.766596[View All]

After parting ways with their comrades descending into Tartarus, the remaining group of the Saviors met with Ecclesia to join into the Vermillion Corps, a mercenary faction that would give extra aid while they prepare for the oncoming forces of the Treibheanna. Their first mission is heading north to Ornifex to uphold the promise made to Zjetya to help her homeland with the Draconic Lords. Their official task for Ecclesia is to end the civil war, not mattering which side wins, leaving leverage of their aid to stick with the victor.

After a long journey, they reached their first destination of Vortigern's home village, where they met her husband, Grantz, and were filled in over time on the history of the land and the takeover enacted by the Dragon Lords. With unanimous agreement to aid the rebels against the dragons, their first step in fighting the war was to recruit Alloy, a descendant of Buiwong and sister of Mocha, to strip the draconic power given to knights that collected tributes from the lower villages.

With a grand success, they then joined a meeting of the villages, learning they were divided between the sides of the war as well, leading to a sneak attack against them in their sleep. Stopping the attacked, they discovered the dragons also had the aid of angels on their side, with the attacked under a heavy and inescapable mental alteration.

Now, they work to decide their next step. Lying low while they wait for the villages to decide who they stand with, and working on a defense against the angelic mind control to avoid losing themselves in the conflict.
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"Yes," Zjetya says.

"Unfortunately," Vortigern says. "The game involves a good bit of flying. Meaning not all of you could participate in the final game… but of course, we can all practice together."

Estuary's disappointment recedes just a little, not that he lets either of these show on his face.

"I'd say we get started," Grantz says. "If I have to stay cooped up reading letters all day I'm going to go crazy."


"That does limit things down…" Pryce notes, seeing that would leave just River, Zjetya, and himself as viable participants from their group into the final game. "How much flying is involved?"

"Right, let's get as much practice in as we can," Pryce agrees.


River and Zjetya go off to the side to discuss the matter among themselves.

"Let's go over the basic rules first," Vortigern says. "There are two goals on either side of an arena, each defended by a team of five. Players must snatch up the ball using only their 'spear' – resembling a wildlife net without the netting – and deliver it through the enemy's goal. First to five points wins the game, best of five games wins the match."

Grantz continues. "Whoever scores a goal banishes one player of their choice, OR returns a banished teammate back onto the field of play. Only one player from each team can be banished at a time. Any player who touches the ball – accidentally, deliberately, or through the aggression of another player – is automatically banished."

Vortigern nods. "The goals are positioned high, so the conventional wisdom is that only fliers can plausibly compete. But some close matches have been won through last minute ground plays."


"Sound simple…" Pryce thinks as they give him the rules. "If only one player can be banished per team, does that mean touching the ball is safe if you already have somepony banished?"

"Ah, I see," Pryce mutters at the goal height. "Sir Estuary, how good is your throwing?"


"No," Vortigern says. "Touching the ball means banishment no matter the circumstances, so the current banished player on that team would be set free, and the one who touched the ball goes out. This can be done in a pinch if the best player on the team has been banished."

"As deadly as a trebuchet, my liege," Estuary says, forgetting what you said about formal titles.


"Hmm, so there can be a lot of juggling with the players and the ball. Sounds like the strategies can go deep with this," Pryce says, intrigued.

Pryce first opens his mouth to correct Sir Estuary about the title, but opts out with a minor sigh.
"Good, that can be an edge then. But to open our options, how would you like a pair of wings?"


"No way," Zjetya scoffs. "You're not gonna make him an alicorn prince, are you?"

Estuary arches his eyebrow. "…Whatever wins us this war."

River snorts and laughs at the suggestion. "That's better than what I had in mind!"

Even Alloy chuckles. "Taking a page out of my grandfather's book, huh?"

River's laugh catches short, worrying how you might take Alloy's comment.


"Hmm, I suppose that is an option. I was opting for just the wings for now," Pryce says, realizing the options available. He takes out the Wand of Chimeramorph, aiming for it to give Sir Estuary flight.
"What did you have in mind?" Pryce asks on River's comment.

"The difference, is mine will work the first time," Pryce retorts, remembering the wonkiness that came when he first got his wings.

Pryce gives a flourish with the wand, casting at Sir Estuary to give the goo pony some wings.
>Wings [1d10]
>Effect: Must hit an exposed body part; Change some aspect of the Target's body into that of an animal whose appearance you know; Changes whole body on 8+; Equipment is not morphed to accommodate their new form.
>Duration: Until Dispelled

Roll #1 7 = 7


River sighs with relief, seeing that you rolled with Alloy's joke alright. "I was going to say that you should take Zjetya. Being that she speaks both our languages, she'd be able to understand any call-outs that the other players are making."

"Mmm," Vortigern says. "I must warn you they're going to hate your accent over there."

"Too bad for them," Zjetya says. "I'm chatty."

"Agreed," Vortigern says. "That aside, anyone who doesn't participate in the match can cheer from the stands."

"Cheerleading!?" Zjetya gasps. "Okay, take Estuary then. I wanna do that."

You turn Sir Estuary into a goo-pegasus. He gives a few experimental flaps of his new wings, which splashes a bit of goo here and there in the chamber.


"Ah, that is a good idea. I was thinking we could use Sir Estuary and then whichever of the three of us did the best in practice."

"What's wrong with her accent?" Pryce asks.

When the setup changes easily at the mention of cheerleading, Pryce is surprised and realized at how easy this worked out.
"You sure?" He asks Zjetya.

Pryce tucks away the wand, stepping back from the splashing of goo from Sir Estuary. "How's it feel being the first pegoosus?"


"I sound like I'm from Yongning-si," Zjetya explains. "Doesn't matter that I have the specific regional accent of the changelings…"

River nods. "I suppose it's like how Accorsians would lump all northwestern accents together when they wanted to mock people based on stereotypes, despite the myriad idiosyncrasies of each region."

Moving on, Zjetya shrugs. "Well, like you said, whoever's got the best knack for it in tryouts should go for it… but I really do wanna wear a cheerleading costume."

"Less risk of getting bonked on the head that way too," River says.

Estuary looks at his wings. "Cumbersome things… I feel like I need to take up another fasting day."

Vortigern lets the fat-shaming slide. "I'll begin drafting a letter of challenge to our secessionists. Their right to separate shall hinge upon this match. Even if they ignored the result of the duel we held last time they tried this, they won't ignore the outcome of the sacred game."


"We can leave it between River and I then, if you want to cheerlead," Pryce offers.

As Sir Estuary seems to have difficulties adjusting, Pryce spreads out his wings with a flourish.
"You'll get the hang of them, took me a little bit too. I can dispel them once we're done with the game if you'd like."

Pryce nods as Vortigern begins to officiate the process.
"We won't let you down with this," He says resolutely.


Estuary grunts. "I really should just conjure the elemental dragons I used against you during our battle."

Vortigern shudders. "Don't. You'd be opening up every can of 'wyrms' imaginable if you started summoning dragons."

As the others laugh at the pun, Vortigern starts to draft the letter. Grantz motions for you to follow him to the training yard.


Pryce chuckles at the pun.
"Just wait until you get in the air," Pryce says to turn Sir Estuary's mood around.

At the motion, Pryce leads the group after Grantz to the training yard.


You go to the village training yard, where some warriors are currently holding little practice spars here and there. Some snap to attention seeing Grantz, but he waves them off to their own devices. He goes to the corner of the yard, to a vast conics where many rows of weapons and armor are organized along the walls. Going to a far corner, not used as often, he opens shed doors, where you see many sticks with funny-looking ends, clearly designed to grasp something. Various lengths of sticks are there, meant for many sizes of player, but the heads are all uniform, probably cut to a regulation code.

"Alright, have your pick," Grantz says, picking up a stick and a rounded hoop.


Pryce looks over the odd sticks, thinking about the rules Vortigern and Grantz told them. Pryce opts for a longer stick, feeling the size of a polearm or halberd will give good reach and defense for a potentially aggressive game.
"So who will we be playing with from your villages?" Pryce asks as they set up.


"I'll have to get the best player from each village," Grantz says. "Incidentally, the best one from ours is Vortigern. So, she can translate orders like you suggested, River."

"Cheerleading duty for me, then," Zjetya brags.

He sets up the hoop on a high stand in the corner of the yard. Then, he rolls out a ball. It looks like it'd fit quite nicely into the prongs of the stick – solid enough that you could fly with it, loose enough that you could fling it, or even whack somebody with it at the cost of losing the ball. He kicks the ball your way. "First, try picking up the ball, then feed it through the goal."


"Alright, let's give this a toss."
Pryce grabs his stick in his telekinesis, and gives the ball a scoop and tries to toss it towards the goal.
>Scoop and Flick [1d10]

Roll #1 10 = 10


"Not bad," Grantz concedes as you sink the goal hitting nothing but air. "There's no official rule against it, but try not to use magic. They're likely to cry foul if you do."

The others take a chance at tossing the ball with the stick, to middling success.

Grant positions himself in front of the goal, guarding it with stick at the ready. "Now, again."


"Ah, haven't heard that in quite a while."
Pryce takes the stick in his hoof, playing traditional as he grabs the ball again and gets a feel for the balance this time. Adapting fairly well, Pryce readies his throw, and gives a bit of spin to it to try and get past Grantz's guard.
>Curve Ball [1d10]

Roll #1 4 = 4


Onion snorts. "Nice that that's the biggest concern of the day, innit. Not demons, not food shortages…"

Grantz deflects your shot. The others line up for their turn as well, but he blocks all of those one after the other. A slight smirk shows on his face.

A spider comes up to Alloy not long after that. He picks it up with ears perked. "…are you sure I should relay that…?" he mutters nervously to the spider.


"It's good to have a light moment now and then," Pryce muses on the concern.

At the ease of all their shots being deflected, Pryce scoops up the ball again to ready for another try, wondering if he could outspeed Grantz. Before he can, he looks over as Alloy is greeted by a spider.
"Is something wrong?" Pryce asks, wondering what it could be with Alloy's reaction to it.


"Uh…" Alloy mumbles, looking about with apprehension.
"Out with it," River commands.
"It's from Vortigern," Alloy finally says. "She says, uh… Grantz, you have to go easy on us while we learn."

Grantz sputters in annoyance. "How are you supposed to learn if I take it easy… oh, alright. Village Chief's orders…"


When the spiders turns out to just be Vortigern relaying instructions, Pryce gives a sigh of relief.
"I don't mind if you take it serious for my shots. I want to know if my skills are up to snuff for this game when it comes to it," Pryce adds.

Once Grantz is back in position, Pryce gives another toss of the ball, working on the speed of his shots.
>Fastball [1d10]

Roll #1 5 = 5


With new orders on their training given, but Pryce electing to take take the harder path, they progress ahead in the teachings of the ball game. They cover the basics that were to be expected from this, passing, blocking, shooting, intercepting, and so on.
Then the lessons grew more advanced, covering into the fighting tactics for the game, dives, sweeps, and all other aerials. This was the one Pryce found the most difficulty getting the hang of, having to pick up flight maneuvers for combat while also not being able to use his telekinesis for his stick.
By the end of their practice, Pryce feels ragged, almost like going through a day of Sir Estuary's training. But it is an enjoyable exhaustion, from a good improvement being made.



You and Estuary continue your training for four days in this style, eschewing Vortigern's command of leniency. Grantz appreciates your commitment… but the others don't quite like his all-out training style. Grantz finds it quite annoying to do so, but he takes it easy on River, Zjetya and Onion… but only a little bit. As for Spitshine, Sugar and KP, he finds it easier to let them have a few wins that he could have easily denied.

Meanwhile, Vortigern's messengers depart for the territory of the secessionists, carrying her letter of challenge.

On the fifth day, you arrive in the training yard just after breakfast as usual, only to find that Grantz isn't there. Some of the usual warriors who have seen you practicing gesture to the council-longhouse… seems Grantz is there.


Pryce heads out, feeling confident on his ability to win in today's training. When they find Grantz not at the training hall, but over in the longhouse, Pryce leads the group in that direction.
"I wonder if they have news for the game," He wonders aloud, assuming that must be the reason for the change in schedule.


When you arrive in the council-chamber, you see that the wise women are there, as are Vortigern and Grantz. Alloy is there as well, and before you can take your seats, he stops each of you to take your measurements.

"Well, everyone," Vortigern says. "I hope you're ready to crush your enemies and drive them before you."

"… on the field of play," Grantz specifies, rolling his eyes just a little at Vortigern's theatricality.


Pryce pauses as Alloy takes their measurements.
"The game is soon then I take it?" Pryce questions to Vortigern's dramatic greeting.


"They've accepted the challenge," Vortigern confirms. "We may fight as soon as we are ready. So, are you?"

Estuary nods.

"And once we've made the uniforms…" Alloy adds. "Should afford you some more time to practice at least."


Pryce nods in unison with Sir Estuary.
"I'm confident we'll win without a doubt!"

"How long will those take?" Pryce asks Alloy, wondering what they'll look like.


"We should be done by the time you arrive," Alloy says. "The local weavers circle is gonna let me and my spiders help."

"River," Vortigern says. "You and I will be on Dark Corridor duty. I'd rather not make a target out of the airship. Once the uniforms are done here, pop back and pick them up."

River bows lightly.

"Now then," Vortigern says. "Pack up for a hike, everyone. It's time to meet my old rivals once more."


Pryce nods as Vortigern tells them to prepare for the hike.
"Is there anything we should expect when we get there? Pre-game ceremonies or village customs?" He asks, not sure how far this game is taken for matters like this.


"They'll handle those," Vortigern says. She thinks it over. "Shouldn't be anything too difficult for you across the language barrier. Just stand when I stand and sit when I sit."

>timeskip available


"Follow your lead, got it," Pryce says, seeing that things will be mostly simple for this. "Wonder what their team is like…"
With the big questions out of the way, Pryce heads off to pack for the hike.
>Good to timeskip


You and the others return to your lodgings and get packed for a day's hike into the secessionist territory. Shortly later, everyone gets themselves ready as well, meeting Vortigern and her retinue of guards at the council-longhouse. Grantz meets you there, in something of a sour mood because he has to remain behind and tend to boring administrative and bureaucratic work instead of watching you in the arena. As goodbyes are said, Grantz brings you and Estuary in for a huddle, whereupon he gives you a spartan pep talk, consisting only of a command to "crush the bastards." Estuary is quite amenable to these dictates.

Thus prepared, you set out, taking the traders' trail through the sandstone bluffs that you cleared out last week. The trail extends for many miles beyond that point through scrublands and low creeks. This region gets more sun than Vortigern's village, to be sure…

The hike takes longer than one might have hoped. With Onion, Spitshine, Sugar, KP, River, Zjetya, Alloy, Estuary, Vortigern and her guards with you, the pace is somewhat awkward. You've traveled together long enough, but with Vortigern back on her home turf, she can't help but get a little too far ahead at times, requiring her to stop and wait for you. And it seems that the conveniences of airship travel have… spoiled the others a little, for lack of a better term. The hike is hard on them, and many breaks are needed, especially as the heat rises with the sun. Soon you must wait in the shade for an extended time, lest you risk heat exhaustion, and wait for the evening. With the evening comes a small cooling, enabling you to set out once more.

It's not til sunset is nearly done that you make it to the secessionists' village. Vortigern calls at the gates, and they open to you. You've a high heat tolerance from your proficiency with fire magic, but even you find yourself quite tired. Fortunately, the village guards lead you forthwith to your appointed lodgings. There's an inn not far from the gates. It's a little shabby and run-down, like many buildings around here, but it will do. You have to share rooms. Onion and Spitshine get one, you, Estuary and KP get one, River and Zjetya get one, and Vortigern and her retinue get one. Still, there's water in each room, as a small mercy.


The hike across the region reminds Pryce back to his traveling days back in his youth, though even then they went by wagon. As the sun starts to rise over their breaks, Pryce conjures some parasols and hats for the group to help shield them from the sun more, even when they stop for evening.

It is a relief to see the village, the time of day not even a worry since now there's no more hiking to be had. As they're each shown their rooms, Pryce lets Sir Estuary and KP have first go for the water, figuring they would need it more, as he sits on the bed to take some weight off his hooves.
"I can't imagine how you walked all the way up to the capital and back with how the sun gets here," Pryce comments to Sir Estuary.
>"What a hike! They should get a ship route set up out here."
KP exclaims as he takes a big chug of water.


"I traveled mostly at night," Estuary says, finally losing some of his grouchy attitude after having refreshed himself with water. "I learned alchemy from the court magi in Vadahara, which I use to make medicine granting nocturnal vision."

You hear the others leaving their rooms after having freshened themselves up, and they go down to the lobby for a quick bite and some orientation.


>"Oh cool, you can make night vision potions?! Can you teach us?"
KP asks with excited curiosity.

"Beat the sun by going when its set, feels like I should have expected that answer," Pryce chuckles at the obvious solution.

He takes a drink of water himself, and hearing the others head out to regather, heads out to join as well.


"Later," Estuary says.

You meet with the others in the inn's dining room. It's quiet, and not very busy. A server comes and sets small cups of hayshbrowns out for everyone. A little heavy for a late night snack but after that hike you feel like you could eat a whole course.

"The rest of our team will arrive sometime tomorrow," Vortigern says. "Uniforms will be done around then as well."

"What are the odds of another attack?" Estuary asks, recalling the hypnotized pony in the All-Village.

"Here?" Vortigern scoffs. "Nil. We challenged them to the game. Even if they were servants of you-know-who, they'd not besmirch tradition by sabotaging the upcoming match. You may rest easy."

Estuary doesn't look quite convinced, but doesn't press the issue.


Pryce takes a seat with the group. The dish of hayshbrowns are welcome, a hearty snack to end the day. KP dives into his immediately.

"I have a bell that can conjure us a watch, Sir Estuary. I also doubt anything will be tried with Vortigern around," He adds to convince him. Pryce then looks to Vortigern.
"When will the gme be held then?"


"Three days from now," Vortigern says. "Our other players will arrive tomorrow, giving us about a day and a half to practice as a team, and to play the pre-game."

"That being…?" River prompts.

Vortigern chuckles. "Just as in war, there's much more to the game than the actual play on the field. Before the game we will psych out the enemy team, and they will try to do the same."

"Seems kinda unsporting…" Sugar gripes.

Vortigern nods. "It's often taken that way by those from outside our culture. But I've seen a little from the public sports of the central-west and southern lands. They have their subterranean elements too, they're often just not acknowledged. Gambling, rigging, sabotage… illegal, but still done. Us barbarians up north are more honest about our meta-game."


"Reminds me of the shows of force some knights would do before a joust," Pryce comments on the pre-game. "I don't know about sabotage any the like, but I can help put on a show for our practices to intimidate them if they scope us out," He suggests.

"What should we expect them to try?" He asks Vortigern.


"Over here they like to intimidate through demonstrations of skill and force," Vortigern says. "Big talk and showy play. They'll likely go with that knowing that some far-easterners have come to throw down."

In a change of pace, Alloy's looking very intrigued… it'd be a poor idea to discuss too much strategy out here, but you might learn from him in a quieter setting.


"Hmm, sounds like they'll have a lot to face against with us. Might even beat them at their own game," Pryce says, finding it hard to image a bigger show of force after facing off against Sir Estuary.

"Do you have an idea Alloy?" He asks, seeing his increased intrigued.


Alloy takes a bite of his hayshbrowns. As he does, he subtly passes a strand of silk toward you. No… you recognize this. It's not spider silk. It's a White Thread. He passes another to Vortigern. Recognizing it, she accepts it quietly.


Pryce takes the thread, under guise of grabbing another hayshbrown.
["Must be a big one I bet"] He thinks through the telepathic communication.


River, noting the thread, leads the others in a decoy conversation, so as to cover the telepathic one to come.

We're beginners, Alloy communicates. I say we play up our beginner's luck. During practice, we shouldn't go so hard. Make mistskes, screw things up… but now and then, let some gold shine through. Present their spies with something they don't know how to interpret. Are we amateurs? Do we know what we're doing? The less they know what to make of it, the more we throw them off their game.

Hah, Vortigern communicates. You sound much like your grandfather going on like that. Just be sure you don't actually practice bad habits too much. I'll let our teammates in on the secret.


Play a feint so they don't know what to expect, I like it. Can't imagine they wouldn't take this seriously but it might get them to play basic to speed things along. Pryce thinks, liking the alternate performance.
Don't worry, we'll just play some sleight of hoof. This might actually help out our practice more with better control in a way, He communicates to Vortigern.

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