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File: 1381466516186.jpg (39.65 KB, 894x894, if only hitler had a best ….jpg)

 No.6723[Last 50 Posts]

Shit's down

Post ponies


File: 1381466761983.jpg (12.01 KB, 217x180, it's not easy being green.jpg)

fuck you i won't do what you tell me


File: 1381466862109.gif (1.7 MB, 922x720, Dash-ball.gif)

man it's been a while, okay


Post ponies without posting images.



ascii is amazing…


I don't see it


File: 1381467078599.png (459.85 KB, 3087x3797, Applejack waits patiently.png)

4chan will be briefly read-only for maintenance. Come back and post later!

moot plz

In the meantime maybe apples?


File: 1381467161821.png (129.75 KB, 1000x1000, APPLES.png)

they're okay




Guess you could say she's got a pretty big ascii


File: 1381467237861.png (1.76 MB, 998x1196, Apples forever.png)

There's always room for apples.


Welcome back.


How many characters are the posts here limited to?

Kind of a garbled apple though…


File: 1381467320320.gif (868.79 KB, 718x572, Pinkie-Butt.gif)

I made a gif


File: 1381467382180.png (1.29 MB, 2500x2500, little apple.png)

Why not a little apple?


dat booty wiggle


File: 1381467473280.png (186.02 KB, 1024x1252, baby_applejack__s_new_10_p….png)

Posting tiniest apple


I'd like to babysit the cmc
It'd be a blast


god the baby models are awful


Yeah. Each time I want to forget they exist another one pops up.


File: 1381467576074.png (149.42 KB, 721x1109, Small apple in large small….png)


Small apples are fine to.


He's done it
He's finally done it
He went and banned everyone
We're free from this gilded cage


File: 1381467693398.jpg (27.14 KB, 356x347, 1344682123005.jpg)

Everything is awful




File: 1381467778528.gif (558.69 KB, 591x510, 1239-(n1299101634444).gif)

But everything is always awful. So calm down and post pone


is there something I could do to make it not awful?


Hey pineapple, short of deleting and reuploading my /art/ thread, is there a way I could change my OP image later?


Oh and for those that make it here and didn't see it
Backup copy of the Quest Archive:



File: 1381467869266.gif (237.91 KB, 200x200, 1328674501695.gif)



Thanks man
It's good to know that the thing I did still lives


File: 1381467928426.png (1.05 MB, 800x797, Dash angry goggles.PNG)


File: 1381467959739.jpg (321.06 KB, 800x500, dontpanic_large[1].jpg)


Nothing you can do, but I can change it if needed.





Anon, pls don't spam


is that a butt


I kind of like em
what does it matter


I think it's a peach with a leaf coming out the stem.


Thanks a ton. I don't have anything right now, but I wanted to know if I could pick you up on that once I did.


pony thinks this alternate general is satisfactory


pony doesn't like the smell


This just in: Pony thinks Nathan is a faggot.

In any case any new interesting news? I just woke up.


pony a shit


Sorry Mr. Janitor. last one


Tell pony everyone knows he is but it is what it is


File: 1381468344202.png (1002.84 KB, 2500x3000, Pinkie is fucking on fire.png)

I'm sure everything will be fine


File: 1381468354021.png (21.4 KB, 220x225, beep.png)

Yep you can find my contact info here:




File: 1381468626591.png (455.72 KB, 621x536, Pinkie Confused 2.PNG)

Do you think ponies use 2-ply toilet paper or 1?


how did Dash die?


earth pony can't hold toilet paper so they have to have unicorn friends to help wipe them


She fell down the stairs three days ago


File: 1381468715529.jpg (304.29 KB, 1750x2200, 1347047255245.jpg)

I bet Rarity uses silk cloth.


is she going to be okay?




Pinkie Sense says it is so.

Turns out Dash has super pony healing powers and the dead Dash was just an LMD while the real Dash was off taking a nap at home.

As for that half of ponyville, they are away on exchange.



No one cares about you Nathan. Shut up.


File: 1381468874483.png (240.59 KB, 900x1748, Dash Front Idle.png)

I hope she gets better


File: 1381468937899.png (202.71 KB, 1675x1252, 135105265719.png)

She gets reborn as an alicorn princess. Is this satisfactory?


Well she could get better if her friends go to Tartarus to negotiate whit whoever is in charge there and get her soul back.


>tfw beb
at least we can post porn without getting banned, right guys?


Dash is irresponsible and thick headed
She would not wield magic well


I think porn is only allowed on /unf/


No porn is fine so long as you are courteous and spoiler it


Holy shit, why don't we just migrate here entirely? 10 sec post timer… 4chanx isn't that much better than this, and I could probably port my cap helper to this.


Because then people like me would have actual power.

And that is a scary thing.


Oh…well that's col.


File: 1381469215378.jpg (29.34 KB, 279x425, pogo.jpg)

You raise a very convincing argument. Better the anonymous, probably-just-as-autistic-as-you-but-we-don't-really-know-him Janitor on /mlp/ than pic related.


i miss 4chan.


Na no one cares about you having power
people just don't like you because you've posted your face, or at least admitted to it being you
And that's awful


I think the mane 6 will all be very beautiful princesses.


Yeah, I mean, acting like a raging faggot on the internet is one thing, but owning up to it with your actual face?

pig disgusting.


That really makes me wonder how S4 is going to unfold with Twilight being a fucking princess


File: 1381469416486.jpg (85.9 KB, 500x357, apples.JPG)

How about we don't make this thread about me and post ponies?


File: 1381469466260.png (758.28 KB, 786x1017, 3a60a79b2dad88314f8bb73093….png)

God help us if Pinkie ascends to alicornhood.


File: 1381469529626.jpg (160.21 KB, 1047x762, hot watermark action.jpg)

They'll set her up more and more as a guide for her friends.


File: 1381469544564.png (29.15 KB, 337x228, 1377064098384.png)

So how about those batponies?


Banned from the show and comics


>AJ has a fire mane
>her family tries to hug her
>tries to buck some apple trees
>All Sweet Apple Acres burn to the ground


why does moot hate fun so much?



Man you're an idiot. I love you.


its just hair


Shut up Nathan. And stop samefagging


#rekt #browned


File: 1381469949125.png (348.11 KB, 956x974, 1366084983267.png)

Best filly


File: 1381469950786.jpg (Spoiler Image, 228.88 KB, 1280x1280, Fluttershy x badger.jpg)

So I got banned on 4chan like a week ago for posting this. I didn't really think it was nsfw since it didn't show anything, what do you think?


I wish I was one of fluttershy's critters.


Which critter?


They are having sex, anon. That counts as NSFW


Because of the sweet and tender love and care I would receive from fluttershy and the long cuddles.

Any critter.


Did anyone in the thread draw or make any other special things for the pony anniversary?


File: 1381470150898.png (Spoiler Image, 366.95 KB, 843x783, AJ Dash hard cuddles dripp….png)

yeah but where do you draw that line?
Is this nsfw?


File: 1381470183086.png (1.59 MB, 1495x650, 136718556564.png)

There is very clearly some fucking going on in that pic, so the ban was justifiable.


No specific critter in mind though?



They are having sex.

You can even see vag juice.


If it weren't for the dripping sexual fluids, you could get away with this one.


The bear.


File: 1381470302507.png (Spoiler Image, 693.49 KB, 1000x750, AJ Rarity collar leash.png)


So as long as there aren't fluids I'm thinking


That bear is pretty strange looking but whatever floats your boat.


If there are no fluids, it could just be considered very sexual cuddling.


If the characters are clearly engaged in sexual activity, it is NSFW

In that pic they are sweaty, blushing, breathing heavily and most importantly bumping uglies.


It sounds like you';re implying that some one could be banned for that picture, but I don't think they would.


Depends on how fickle the moderator is.

I know the /mlp/ mods and janitors seem to have very little tolerance for anything even remotely resembling sex.


File: 1381470609822.png (144.03 KB, 771x1250, Happy Luna.png)

I guess that's what it comes down to. It's a little frustrating how subjective the rules are with those things. I don't enjoy being banned for something I thought would be okay.

but anyways…


I'm going to marry Princess Twilight Sparkle!


How many people are here right now?
Seems like there's maybe 5 or 6 of us.


File: 1381470787398.jpg (102.79 KB, 1191x674, Pinkie Twilight Very Serio….jpg)


Well, it really depends on how many are actually talking.


Me too!


surprisingly more than i thought


Yeah. I'd guess a good amount of people normally in the thread take the time 4chan's down to actually do something productive.



So anyone have a gif request
I could use a good hunt


what if 4chan never comes back
and moot goes to mexico


How is Merryweather and 4chan the same?

They're both shit if they are working or not!


File: 1381471028658.jpg (33.68 KB, 637x355, Dash Shocked.jpg)

>9 people


File: 1381471058031.png (203.98 KB, 634x328, Scrubble Doll Pinkie.png)


fluttershy is my waifu


A loop of Derpy bobbing her head.

Pretty surprising. Wonder what it could get up to if the site were down for a long while.


>11 people now


File: 1381471135586.png (96.13 KB, 468x483, 1379042720888.png)

How unfortunate


those were actually some really cute drawings of Fluttershy from earlier
You should color that one where she's on her back with her eyes closed


Cute quest resuming tomorrow?


Don't worry fellas I got more to help pass the time until the site is back up!

Everyone knows Twilight has a notorious bad streak.

Just look at her her mane!


File: 1381471224733.gif (146.23 KB, 390x324, 1373056034136.gif)




So, two days from now for me since its 11pm PST at the moment.


File: 1381471231708.png (180.19 KB, 900x940, I wasn't reading the Aspir….png)

Does that mean you're not doing Fluttershy Quest next?


File: 1381471238764.png (3.55 KB, 444x267, googlea.PNG)

This and this should definitely be spoilered.

This while very very suggestive would be fine in the normal course of a thread as long as it is not spammed.

So, the hard line is the fluids.

The highest this counter has ever been was 120 something during a bronycon when 4chan went down. That poor poor VPS couldn't handle it very well. We dedicated server now.


File: 1381471273369.png (764.84 KB, 2250x1928, ponywall20.png)

Hmm, alright, i'll color it now
also; if anyone who gave me a request is here, here they are, thanks


Alright, looking forward to it.

>8 on right now
>poll at 15


>fluttershy being useful


It's all adorable, though, I love that Twilyhug


File: 1381471366380.png (156.55 KB, 1280x676, 1365912837691.png)

After Cute "Quest" I hope to run an adventure quest.

After that, I have no idea.

I've never been opposed to running any "quest" for the main 6. I wouldn't mind redoing the second half of Rarity "quest", but I haven't done Dash, AJ, Fluttershy, or Twilight.

It's one reason I was interested in doing a VN, that way I could just hit all the bases at once. Then again, that might not be the best idea due to time constraints. It'll take ages to get the coding done, let alone the writing.


I find the counter is not the most accurate thing in the world.


You could help with the one /mlp/'s making if you feel like it. They could always use the help.


Derpy just doesn't make enough appearances for that to be worthwhile, sorry
I looked but none of them are very "bobbing"


The most accurate counter in the world is Twilight Sparkle.

Because you can always count on her to be terrible!


File: 1381471483592.gif (2.11 MB, 720x405, All the ponies are explodi….gif)

It was kind of a joke. But an adventure sounds fun!




>tug of war
You're the greatest


Only one I can think of is the one in Hurricane Fluttershy, but she isn't really bobbing her head side to side there.

Maybe one with Celestia bobbing her head then?


>We dedicated server now.
Fucking why? Surely the load mlpg.co generally sees is a fraction of the capacity of even a vps?

Why spend your money like that?


Diamond Dog + Transformation + Force Feeding + Mindbreak + Rape + BDSM + Face Sitting



wait this is just a youtube link


The one SmutAnon is working on?

I have no idea if I'd be able to help with that. Time and whatnot.

Well, that's my honest thoughts anyway. Too tired to read into the jokes. My apologies.


Damn. That has more fetishes then Zecora's medicine bag!


The one LiveSmutAnon is working on. They put a demo out recently.


File: 1381471800872.png (303.32 KB, 1484x1328, Fluttershy goes on PinkieQ….png)

No, no! No need to apologize, I like to hear your thoughts, I just wasn't pushing for a Fluttershy Quest right now!


File: 1381471970168.png (7.7 KB, 493x223, 30days.PNG)

Because every VPS company I have been with has been shit. Got sick of it and got the cheapest dedicated server I could find. Much better support and more control. But yes a VPS SHOULD be able to handle the site but I have been much happier with my cheap dedicated.


How do you know Pinkie Pie is full of venereal diseases?

Because she's always so positive!


Yeah I saw it.
To be honest I wasn't fond of the art design, mostly the faces. The faces mostly looked the same to me.
I did laugh at Tom being the protagonist though. I was amused.
I look forward to analyzing some of the writing. It's become a bizarre past time of mine if I'm not on League or working.


>you will never a lewd horse


That was terrible, Bubbles.

Even for you.


What do you think the new pony comic series replacing the micros is going to be?

They already did ones with each of the individual ponies being the focus and they have the main arc for stories involving main and secondary characters, so if they could somehow pull it off I think having it centered around characters we haven't seen may be interesting. Maybe different species or ponies in far off locations.


File: 1381472357678.gif (2.38 MB, 554x348, Celestia-Bump.gif)

I tried to edit it but she was too pretty to change anything


File: 1381472361240.png (124.05 KB, 694x645, twist.png)

Best filly right here!




That is neither Sweetie Belle nor Diamond Tiara


But that is worst horse


I wouldn't mind a short series focusing on the misadventures of the CMC.


How did Rainbow Dash learn to swim?

By wearing wingies!


File: 1381472603081.png (105.63 KB, 678x687, Fluttershy swim suit float….png)

pony needs to be safe when swimming


Who even calls them that?


>SB still making awful jokes

mlpg never changes


>Reminded I need to catch up on some.

Okay what the fuck happened to the archive?


>Fluttershy still won't go in the water.


Cosmo made Sent ragequit MLPG. He dropped off the entire archive for someone else to deal with.



File: 1381472743829.png (157.76 KB, 900x802, steven_magnet_by_oelderoth….png)

This thread needs to be a bit more FABULOUS


that is the gayest thing I've seen all day



You're bathroom mirror broke?


>Cosmo made Sent ragequit MLPG.

I almost want to give that Ruskie a medal…
Oh good.




File: 1381472909646.png (191.87 KB, 900x900, 1379662439667.png)

Why haven't you installed gentoo yet?


File: 1381472918551.png (277.52 KB, 805x706, fs78_color.png)

Alright, how's this?

>>6870 >>6884
>people saved them


File: 1381472941284.gif (616.39 KB, 245x333, 1381170892038.gif)

Not best but pretty good


File: 1381472944747.png (91.09 KB, 386x778, Pinkie Installs Gentoo.png)

I honestly don't know how


File: 1381472955697.gif (49.09 KB, 500x129, iceburn.gif)

Have an image for future burn events for free.




Her left leg seems to cut off a bit early but other than that it's really cute




The same people who use the term bouncy castle.


File: 1381473085720.png (771.67 KB, 825x882, Pony in the mirror.png)

>you are mirror


can you do the one where Anon is kissing her tummy?


You may be right.


hey tex can you add wings to >>6746 ?


That little pony looks like shes

reflecting on her life!


File: 1381473199853.gif (670.65 KB, 683x525, 1381171132962.gif)

Don't forget to bring a towel


File: 1381473216583.png (323.8 KB, 1100x1100, Dash Fan service.png)

well that's not right, I meant this




I'll get to it. Just playing some hats right now.


File: 1381473324265.png (148.3 KB, 645x800, 4chan.png)

>No massive countdown
Why do we use 4chan again?


I guess its true what they say.

Rainbow Dash really does have the worst fans!


no problem, just noticed it recently and though it was funny no one pointed it out before


File: 1381473430569.gif (317.65 KB, 1000x1000, 1365564378284.gif)

Later, gentlemen.

Have a pleasant evening.


May want to try that again.[size]


write me a bedtime story


It wouldn't happen right away, but being completely removed from 4chan and having no new blood would cause the place to die a slow death I think.


About who, anon.





It dies faster than you think.




File: 1381473603142.png (82.62 KB, 309x608, one foot in front of the o….png)

W-was I supposed to not save them?


The comics have been episodic like the show up until now, so the only good place they have to go that would sell to more than neckbeards interesting in nonpony worldbuilding is a strong continuity with much longer plot arcs

It'll probably be called my little pony adventures or some painfully generic thing


That is a point, sort of. But the /b/ threads moved to mlpchan and they're going stronger than ever a year later… without any new blood whatsoever.



File: 1381473743773.png (371.49 KB, 1070x918, Fluttershy Wets the Bed.png)


haha no you're fine
i mean, i wouldn't think people would save my stuff



File: 1381473888393.png (130.26 KB, 700x700, 1381259670672.png)


The focus of their threads are the people in them though, so they can talk about each other anywhere without any disruption as long as they're together.
Our focus is more on the show and producing content and discussion on it. We need new people more because we need new creative sparks and points of view to keep things from stagnating. I feel that this place would have a severe shift in center if we stopped getting new people and got bored enough to continuously /soc/ and fling shit at each other. Already happens to some degree due to the hiatus.


It's just not the same…




>Our focus is more on the show and producing content and discussion on it.
Sure, until somebody MLPG hates posts something.


File: 1381474036779.png (346.65 KB, 1280x781, 1377754564680.png)

them's some pretty wide hips she's got there


How come you can't see Fluttershy's hoof if it's a transparent jug?


File: 1381474057399.gif (949.69 KB, 400x225, Flower Trio panicking.gif)


You just put the at the end.


>use 4chan pass for over a year
I forget what captcha is like


File: 1381474082955.png (227.46 KB, 1280x781, Flutter butts.png)

Hey that's the butt I traced the other day


… this [ / ]


paying moot


I know it doesn't happen often, but things would move on like normal if people could ignore the stuff they don't like and comment on the things they like and want to encourage further discussion on.

Same here. Just renewed it a few days ago.


Do you think Twilight ever gets headaches from studying too hard?


>giving mootenbergensilverstein your shekels


Maybe she gets headaches from study withdrawal.


File: 1381474291885.png (360.72 KB, 628x1015, 1380232533820.png)


With all the studying she normally does I think it would have to be something really time sensitive with lots of things hinging on it to get to her.


Which Stallion enjoys dominating colts in pretty dresses?




You fucking sicko.




File: 1381474557289.png (100.97 KB, 405x405, 1379314708862.png)

>4chan is still fucking down
I want to cry
What is happening to the rest of the internet with /b/ offline


A marginal increase in shitposting.


File: 1381474637227.png (91.19 KB, 348x348, 1380318576600.png)

If you don't post ponies in the next 10 seconds, I will sacrifice a pone.


Looks like you guys have been… busy.



File: 1381474753099.png (1.1 MB, 1700x1000, 1378020073544.png)



File: 1381474791082.gif (54.72 KB, 1128x960, 1346232621010.gif)

>flood detected, post discarded



File: 1381474900286.png (255.67 KB, 1206x662, 1378422130440.png)



>no option for _________yes__


File: 1381475001592.gif (531.72 KB, 600x499, 1381299054660.gif)


Superior OF THE TWO, Dash.
Jesus, don't get your dock in a twist.


File: 1381475106480.png (368.53 KB, 720x720, 1360866272993.png)

Tex, that's not how polls work


File: 1381475177208.gif (241.46 KB, 481x480, [cuteness intensifies].gif)

>Cloudchaser winning
There is a god


File: 1381475222411.gif (237.21 KB, 242x242, derp mind.gif)

>cant change my vote now


File: 1381475301411.gif (461.56 KB, 245x231, 1376413389203.gif)

This downtime gave me the magical abilities to not be lazy and actually get to writing the diamond dog TF fic.


but why did you post Flitter?


I was hungry so I took some olive oil and heated it in a pan. Then I chopped some broccoli and added it. Then I put the broccoli aside and added some eggs and butter. then I I scrambled those eggs and added a bit of cheddar. Then I put everything together.


did you change waifus again


File: 1381475448027.png (75.67 KB, 500x530, 1376118367426.png)

Because i'm a blind bastard apparently


Plants vs Zombies 2 is surprisingly more frustrating than the first one



File: 1381475514381.png (124.29 KB, 745x532, 1375023278655.png)


>tfw thugdere trixie waifu





but where's her eyeliner?


>not himedere


File: 1381475660056.png (594.35 KB, 1232x952, Fluttershy Dash Feedbag De….png)

i wish i had a feedbag


File: 1381475664292.png (104.53 KB, 758x734, 1377266447784.png)

how much longer dammit


I wonder how many people don't know about the sub, or simply forgot about it.


I'd fill mine with marshmellows and pretend i'm eating out Rarity's asshole


I am tired so this is bad, but I tried.

It was a cool autumn eve on the Apple family ranch; All the family already snug in their beds.
Covered in warm blankets; Cozy sleeping caps on their heads.
But Applejack was still awake, head filled with thoughts.
So she got out of bed, thinking of going for a walk.
Realizing she still wore her cap she reconsidered, instead, she plopped down on the couch, thinking it's darn comfier than her bed.
On the wall were some photos, of family and friends; Of holidays, work days, and happy week ends.
Remembering fond times, AJ's eyes quickly closed, but as she fell asleep something brushed across her nose.
With a holler and a jump she bolted nearly to the roof, before falling off the couch and banging a hoof.
She looked about quickly, but no pony was there, then she thought she felt something crawl through her hair.
She screamed and she shook out her beautiful mane, but the search for the cause of her fright ended in vain.
No source could be found, but she was darn scared; So up the stairs she did run, back into bed, turned a light on and pulled the sheets over her head.
She was about to sleep, though this time a bit shaken, when she heard the door open; She wasn't mistaken
Before she could shut it something jumped through, and with a strange voice said, "I'm gonna get you!"
She screamed and she begged as it jumped in her bed, but despite all her pleas it wrapped its hooves round her head.
She kicked and she thrashed but it wouldn't let go, she was about to give in when suddenly it giggled, and gave her a noogie.
"Ha ha, I gotcha!" Apple Bloom said with glee, before AJ grabbed her and squished her in a hug so care-free.
"Darnit Bloom," AJ laughed, "You gave me a scare! I thought maybe it was a ghost that'd been there."
They shared a laugh as AJ laughed out her fear, then yawned quite abruptly; Sleep was drawing near.
Too tired to send AB back to bed, AJ just had her sleep with her instead.
Two sisters cuddled together in bed on the cool autumn night, slept peacefully together without a night light.


The poll is useless.
Blossomforth > Cloudchaser and Flitter


I wonder how many of the people here are from /mlp/ and have never even lurked the general


File: 1381475823773.png (261.59 KB, 660x601, QATAR.png)

Wwhat poll?



File: 1381475887269.jpg (29.87 KB, 850x476, EGYPT.jpg)

oh, nevermind.
Flitter > Stormshit


Found it but thanks


I doubt most of the people from /mlp/ that don't frequent the thread would care enough to remember this place when 4chan goes down.



File: 1381475920446.gif (17.43 KB, 100x100, 1381258197791.gif)

How do poles work?


They tend to be invaded.



I'm gonna sleep well
You sleep well too


File: 1381476056956.gif (1.31 MB, 400x360, 1351141526458.gif)

Poles are spooky things.
Pony should stay away from them.




that was pretty good.


>tfw mlpg.co threads never want to go fetish


File: 1381476234159.jpg (354.43 KB, 1000x1063, 1366685756164.jpg)

Will do, Captain.

You flatter me.


would you let a pony brush your hair while you brushed another pony's hair and drank tea


ruined everything


thanks that was great


File: 1381476405069.png (98.91 KB, 234x268, 1375160255408.png)

>Not the superior drink


File: 1381476425588.png (44.76 KB, 563x244, 7000get ruined 5ever.png)

fucking sperglord autistic attentionwhoring tripfags stealing gets left and right




File: 1381476493977.png (75.63 KB, 534x400, 1358097085262.png)


File: 1381476511407.gif (6.82 KB, 256x192, Pinkie Mask.gif)

jeeze anon, I've seen Pinkie make better posts


File: 1381476519387.jpg (336.76 KB, 768x1024, bestSSheadcanon.jpg)

>not liking tea

Pony would like you to enjoy tea with her. What's your favourite tea, anon?




File: 1381476571966.png (852.89 KB, 1600x1289, Twilight Uncolored pet.png)


Tea is nasty.
But I'll try not puke for pony. Maybe something with cinnamon? I really like that stuff


Tough shit, twi, you're my master, now put your hoof on the top of my head and crush my skull.


Oh god, the twaifufags are jacking off to the thought of her killing them again.


File: 1381476742190.png (97.02 KB, 945x945, 1368766153627.png)

>Not liking tea
It's like you want pony to hate you


File: 1381476802252.jpg (482.93 KB, 978x1318, Lyra sucking a hoof.jpg)

>you will never taste as good as a pony


File: 1381476818834.gif (575.13 KB, 322x182, 1360866429470.gif)

I can't help it
I've tried so many different kinds of tea
I gag pretty bad each time



>tfw discovering a new fetish


File: 1381476847989.jpg (68.82 KB, 588x498, 1381439305526.jpg)

>you will never taste pony


File: 1381476913037.png (93.84 KB, 312x312, 1380922523379.png)

Black tea a shit.
All other teas are great.


We can't be niggas


What the fuck busted your cloud rain pony?


File: 1381477067977.gif (52.96 KB, 185x198, 1372819381030.gif)

when the weather outside is frightful


4chan's back up.


File: 1381477149804.jpg (54.15 KB, 440x448, poneforce.jpg)

in flames of death's eternal reign we ride towards the fight


4chan is back.

Until next time.


Fuck dat shit, I'm staying here forever.


File: 1381477248257.png (22.28 KB, 127x142, drizzle leery.png)


It's pretty lonely here, but now that you're here we can be lonely together!



I would but nathan feels the need to include himself in conversation and then tell others to stop talking about him.


File: 1381477443159.jpg (29.79 KB, 297x350, 1313993925901.jpg)


It's not like he actively steers the conversation to himself, it just kind of gravitates towards him whenever he posts with a name on.

If he would just loose some fucking weight we wouldn't have this problem.


File: 1381477595566.jpg (460.15 KB, 1568x1992, falling_man.jpg)


Who cares even

I don't get people that can't ignore names and trips


No he did it in this very thread, I just didn't want to say anything.

and then


He's just an asshole.


File: 1381477886424.png (604.15 KB, 1366x768, get a load of this pone.png)

>Self depreciating jokes = steering a conversation


Actually yes
He made a meta joke about himself and then was tiffed that the conversation was meta…regarding himself

This is a silly conversation but maybe he should either shut the fuck up or not wear his janitor tag when it isn't relevant or at least not bring it up and then immediately complain that people are talking about him.


anon i derailed the thread into tea

nathan is not the worst person here


This. He is no better or worse than the rest of us. He just has a name and a face to target.


No he's no idiot, he knows what he's doing. It's just a desperate grab for attention at its worst.




We be ded again




File: 1381522802504.png (94.54 KB, 639x480, 1378231707318.png)


and i was just about to tell marker my true feelings for her


>no captcha
man this feels so good
I might just buy 4chan pass now


File: 1381522939692.gif (62.21 KB, 170x386, AJ bouncing and apple no h….gif)


No, don't let his jew schemes get you!


File: 1381523098825.png (7.71 KB, 475x269, the enabler.png)

It's too late for me.


I'll probably buy one too soon


There might be a christmas sale, I might get one then


>want to fap
>look for fapfic
>twirity one
>but has weight gain and fat fetish which I'm not really into
Decisions decisions…


i wish i was a pricness


the regular kind or the pony kind


You guys suck


No, you do.


File: 1381524357584.png (203.53 KB, 538x251, Fluttershy sorry.PNG)


File: 1381524430624.png (80.82 KB, 259x259, 1379790497081.png)


File: 1381524475823.jpg (239.56 KB, 800x499, KINDLE_CAMERA_138099126900….jpg)

What is MLPG wearing for Halloween?


I don't think I'm going to any themed parties so probably nothing


suck what


all the dicks



File: 1381524714679.png (1.86 MB, 2700x2400, Sweetie wants a hoof rub.png)

sometimes that /mlp/ drawthread is alright


I didn't read the file name and thought Sweetie was about to kick me in the face.

That's pretty good though, just wish it was a bit cleaner.


yeah well, pony wishes you were a bit cleaner


Not you Aspirant. I love you.


I want to chill on the beach with Shining Armor and watch Cadance surf.


File: 1381525325976.gif (1.4 MB, 200x200, For Sexual.gif)


Well Cadence is kinda drowning


I wish she was real…Just play with her, hug her…You know be like a big brother to her all while banging her sister.


>not banging Sweetie and being like Rarity's little brother


File: 1381525519342.gif (36.83 KB, 125x125, For-Sexual.gif)

Hmm, does it auto-gif smaller files then?


Sweetie isn't for sexual. She is for hugs.


But Shining Armor can't swim either!


Well it's up to you to save her


File: 1381525624215.jpg (154.97 KB, 1500x2000, Dog x Sweetie.jpg)

it could always be both


File: 1381525663793.png (179.29 KB, 496x519, What's with that last mill….png)

Yeah, sure, whatever DAD. I'm going out with Anon and you can't stop us!


File: 1381525665360.gif (386.32 KB, 735x376, 1370430608641.gif)

>Dog x Sweetie
more like
>Ghost x Sweetie




>Horn piercing

That just seems ridiculous.


It's a clip on


They were never serious.


File: 1381526131761.png (481.02 KB, 628x1012, 1380232533820.png)

will 4chan ever stop being a trainwreck?


I don't know. Will you ever stop being a faggot?


File: 1381526265913.png (133.99 KB, 800x800, KEEP OUT.png)

Don't you like holey horns?


File: 1381526282320.jpg (7.06 KB, 257x209, TUNISIA.jpg)

After you


Good night MLPG. It's time for pony dreams for me. I promise I'll think of you guys when I'm playing with the ponies


File: 1381526314181.png (98.14 KB, 1413x1176, Lyra holding a mini-suitca….png)

I'm gonna call it a day
Good night, MLPG


no don't think of me I forbid it




File: 1381526399439.png (23.04 KB, 650x650, tumblr_mlz7zhYGXA1qck5blo2….png)

That's a cute picture. Mostly for the piggy bank.

I dunno, holey holes aren't very wholly holy to me.

I'll uh, take a break for that one.


File: 1381526441523.jpg (81.28 KB, 387x391, Crystal pony not amused.jpg)


File: 1381526509855.gif (690.12 KB, 450x500, Angst Bloom gif.gif)

I just said I was leaving, don't give me that look.


File: 1381526516875.jpg (48.4 KB, 623x293, Piggy Bank.jpg)

Piggy banks are cute. Small kids with piggy banks are the cutest


fuck i remember that
it still hurts


I remember that story. Still gets me a little bit.


File: 1381526600984.png (228.19 KB, 500x282, Pokk4.png)



speaking of gravity falls, when are there going to be new episodes?


In like a year
Not kidding ;..;


File: 1381526664566.png (92.24 KB, 536x1133, DAMMIT PINKIE.png)

Also goddamn I have some old shit in that screencap folder


bleh lame


File: 1381526932716.png (139.37 KB, 1052x891, When in Rome.png)

I lost all my really early ones when I got a new computer and didn't bother transferring the files. Wish I had.


File: 1381527073808.png (2.03 MB, 1000x3900, Favorite Pony.png)

>not backing up your pony folder daily on a portable HDD
It's your own fault.
Anyway I really need to go to sleep. Have this thing since it always makes me laugh.


But if you leave me then I'll be all alone here








File: 1381528022035.png (222.92 KB, 1000x737, MT Marker Pony Voodoo.png)

don't be deb anon


is back up




diamond dog belly rubbing


no dogs


You got a link?


File: 1381548039275.png (29.5 KB, 823x860, large.png)

Yes dogs


fucking moot
what's his aim this time


File: 1381548100453.gif (488.93 KB, 400x233, suddenly golden delcious.gif)

So is this where we are hiding for the time being


File: 1381548136527.jpg (49.46 KB, 627x767, 1379749141297.jpg)

hiding isn't the word I'd use


>some people on /mlp/ want to do a panel showcasing the content each general thread on the board makes
Assuming we take it seriously, what do you think we'd show for something like that?


he's trying to find a way to extract bronybucks directly while still getting rid of /mlp/ and keeping the global pony ban up




All of the drama and maybe marker pone
Do you mean hiatus time or during show time though


All of it would be badly written greentext porn. Literally.


Stuff from here that would be worth showing off from either time. Art, quests, greentext, ect.
I was wondering how much we'd have to show for all our activity.


Not greentexts but maybe some art and quests
Greentexts aren't the best around here and hate anon drove away the writers


If I had the power to change size whenever I want I'd build a tiny little house somewhere remote and safe from wildlife for a matter of hundreds of dollars.

My electricity would run on a single battery, my water reservoir would consist of a single gallon jug, my home imax theater would be built from a single ipod or laptop screen, and I would be able to buy a month's worth of food from the convenience store for a matter of dollars.

I could make all the money I'd need pleasuring curious women by shrinking down, crawling into their cunts, and manually working their libido from the inside. I'd just need a tiny mask and air supply to bring with me.


Sounds about right. Strange that last hiatus was so full of greentext and now this one is pretty much devoid of it.
Think Scrubbles, the occasional Anon, and maybe Aspirant have tried, but it always ends up in drama that discourages it from happening often.


and you will become world famous as the vulvanaut




It's because it takes a lot more effort to appreciate writing then to give art a once over and save it.

Bad to say, but it's laziness.
I've tried to write before but I'm afraid of no one liking it.


So you want to be Gloomy?


File: 1381548876274.png (106.55 KB, 438x387, comet tail is unsure.png)


Don't do it anon! You have so much to live for!


File: 1381548951868.png (728.07 KB, 1313x1105, 1378087822308.png)





Yeah, art is a lot easier to consume then text unless you throw in fetishes or smut to entice them to go through it. Though even that seems to have been mostly driven away somehow.
What did you try to write?


Just some AiE stuff.
I tried to go for a more realistic approach that made anon have to survive in the forest, then deal with the fact that he's the lone human
Ponies didn't take kindly to Anon for a long time. Diamond butt was repulsed by the site of him actually


that doesn't sound too realistic


Aspirant you around?
Still doing that stream of your play through?


Other than the fact that it's a world of marshmallow equines I mean


Site's down, so I wouldn't mind taking a look at it. Did you ever post it anywhere?


File: 1381549534969.png (269.76 KB, 520x750, Rarity anon comic.png)


It's not like he'd be any worse off than iron will


File: 1381549555568.gif (942.57 KB, 350x300, junebug.gif)


>I've tried to write before but I'm afraid of no one liking it.

That is the thing about writing for something like MLPG. Even if a bunch of people like your story and one person does not, you are only going to hear from that one guy who hates it

Don't let it discourage you though, even I wrote for it once a billion years ago and some anons liked it, and I am terrible


No, it's not finished yet
I can't stand people who update chapters at a time.


Wonder how many writers lurk MLPG without posting any of their work there.
Did writing ever get much critique like art sometimes has?


does anyone still have chistery's anon/fluttershy hair brushing thing

i missed it


File: 1381549854300.jpg (179.14 KB, 418x920, fluttershy_guy_by_high_rol….jpg)

I'd like to, but I have to get over my nerves as well.
I've arted a few times and posted it here, and it got a collective meh


Could've been much worse if you just got a collective meh out of it.
What are you afraid of?


i mean if you're taking a completely alternate world i guess


File: 1381550183157.gif (598.87 KB, 239x261, 1355883919066.gif)

A lot
But someone actually picking apart my story and it's flaws
You'd think that's a good thing, but it would tear me apart inside.


I see people with the shittiest art who never improve constantly post here like they have for months, or god forbid, years. They just keep coming back with the same stuff and only become relevant or a topic of discussion when they cause drama or have something personal revealed.

People keep telling them it's good, when it's not, but I keep that to myself because I don't want to hurt their feelings and they'll probably dismiss my anonymous opinion anyways. What do.


be less ross


Voice your opinion without sounding like a jackass
If they take it to heart or not is up to them

>ross comes to mind


But 4chan's all about picking apart thing's flaws. Maliciously or not.
And since we're mostly anonymous it's not like it should matter that much, but I can sort of get where you're coming from since I'm always double checking posts before posting them for fear of messing something up and devaluing my opinion. Just try and take it in stride and find ways to improve from criticism if you can.

Just say what you feel is wrong without being an ass. Nothing will ever change if people think what they're doing is okay with everyone.


i'm one of the people you're talking about, but recently i have rarely drawn anything at all and when i did it wasn't pony and neither do i talk about any related issues in the general, here or anywhere else. i hope you can appreciate that and i hope i can contribute to the general that way.


Shut up Kraut you draw fine

But if you really want to know who I was thinking of when I made that post and you're one of them, prepare to have hurt feelings Saine and Cosmo

I think the biggest problem I see is the both of them occasionally use that fucking gray marker on a white background, or try to cheat around a skill they really should learn (like shading and coloring)


Pokemon's up
Downloading now


holy fucking shit moot please stop
I'm gonna have withdraws


Metal Gear Solid is a garbage series.




Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes was a good game


I usually take the time to think about what I post when I type in the capcha
It's pretty raw right now


I don't remember the last time cosmo made a drawing.


You're too young, your memory hasn't fully developed yet


File: 1381551448932.png (712.63 KB, 1275x1083, 1381127154655.png)

A few days ago.


I kinda think I've improved a lot in the last few weeks. You can't improve every drawing. I know I don't shade and color everything but that's something I'd like to focus on after I get more comfortable drawing in general.

I've tried to move away from a grey marker by changing my settings to me more opaque. What do you suggest in that regard?


File: 1381551547382.jpg (176.73 KB, 935x702, Fluttershy Zangief.jpg)



>Zangief will never bench-press you


Which pony is this?


File: 1381551766480.png (187.65 KB, 800x800, 1366646301052.png)

Aart anon oc.


That ones Savannah Smile (she's the southern accented one)


I've been busy with uni stuff, and whenever I have some free time I just dick around with vidyas or checking videos or whatever. My tablet's really busted (I got it in 2009) so it's kinda frustrating to draw with it, so I kinda have put off pone from my drawing list.
Which I really shouldn't, since I owe people some gifts and I expect to open commissions by the time s4 starts, so…


who are you?


Did he make a thin mints?


its okay man


I know who he is.


File: 1381552001505.png (68.63 KB, 707x525, 1381105161840.png)


I have no idea, I just like the Fancy one and the small one.


File: 1381552021846.png (302.47 KB, 1000x800, Thin Thanks alpha colors.png)

She and Thanks-a-lot are under construction.


File: 1381552121114.png (416.04 KB, 800x710, tumblr_msour2msiB1sh20rdo1….png)

Maybe find a color besides grey you like to draw in. Something more pleasing and opaque. Depends on if you've 'found your brush' yet but maybe use smaller lines when doing full body pictures because it leaves room for more appreciable detail that you can add when you know how. Other than that, try sketching really messily and carving out the picture from that. In the process study other pony artists for muscles, shapes, curves, etc to get an even better idea of the pony body (not just the show style that's simplified for the purpose of animation)

Lots of subtle curves in 'popular' pony art that other artists seem to just ignore when they say "Oh I wish I could draw like that how do they do it." For example I'm looking at your tumblr right now and on quite a few you just straight up ignore the fact that the characters all have different eye shapes and instead draw them oval.

tl;dr look at really good pony artists, study and attempt to replicate the fuck out of every little detail no matter how small it seems. Also finish pictures.


File: 1381552224408.png (436.9 KB, 630x512, fluttertongue.png)

I was upset that there wasn't more to that picture when I searched for it.


What do you mean by cheating? I only just recently changed how I try shading myself, which, probably wasn't a smart idea, was based off of how Skipsy shades his pictures.
So I've been trying a new thing that I've only done with a paltry few new pictures…


File: 1381552298153.png (100.33 KB, 678x554, Fluttershy ghost costume.png)

is that a ghost?


Thin Mints is looking good. I don't draw alot of OC ponies, but I would draw my favorite cookie.


File: 1381552359374.png (669.21 KB, 1280x1632, derpy the terrifying appar….png)


No but this is!


AA has other colors in his /art/ thread.


File: 1381552428826.png (261.93 KB, 453x543, Pink Pegasus Pony Heart At….png)


File: 1381552505276.png (155.57 KB, 647x891, 1329028020964.png)


File: 1381552544024.jpg (45.91 KB, 512x699, Field Armor.jpg)

That has to be the only fluffy pony picture I have ever liked.


File: 1381552630964.png (78.07 KB, 792x582, Fluffy Pone Drying Out.png)

Rose succeeded in making them too cute to do anything to.



How longs it been down for?


>4chan bans show someone violated US law in /mlp/



Probably some edgy /b/ troglodyte posting child porn.


chubby bat pony art when?


File: 1381553577624.jpg (168.23 KB, 556x645, 76458787644562.jpg)


I dunno, it's been in and out.


File: 1381553660012.jpg (45.51 KB, 670x372, Ha Ha Ha Preposterous.jpg)

>all those porn bans




, said Queen Chrysalis, upon her fifth defeat.


File: 1381553897636.png (175.42 KB, 1080x1500, Blushy Scoot.png)

I'll mess with my brush settings again but I don't mind how light some parts of my drawings are especially considering most of what I upload are only sketches.

As for the subtle curves thing, I don't really see the point in copying someone like Joseco or Egophilliac or any of the popular pony artists. I think it's more useful to try to develop on my own and take criticism on my own art. I don't want to get into the 'style' debate but I enjoy trying to draw more like the show.

I know I'm not the greatest artist but the 2 month old attached picture is proof enough that I've improved at least a little bit recently.

You are right about the eye shape thing though, I'll try to be more attentive to that.


Man what if I could…


File: 1381553944244.gif (810.01 KB, 680x680, 1379795542988.gif)

I tried, but Cry of Fear broke so I ended up streaming Metro Last Light for a bit.

Unfortunately that game is kinda boring.

I'm going to install Resident Evil: Revelations and see if I can't find another creepy game or two to stream during this month before Halloween.

Sorry the stream sucked this time around.


I didn't even know you were streaming yet jerk


I'm telling you man.
You just have to take the file out of the computer and blow on it and the game will run just fine.


EA pls respond


Sorry, I mentioned it in the 4chan thread before it went down for maintenance.

I hope to stream again on Sunday or so since I've got a 4 day weekend this weekend, and hopefully Resident Evil Revelations will work properly for streaming.

If it doesn't I honestly don't know if I have an alternative at the moment.


Be sure to preoder Battlefield 4™ and Battlefield 4™ Premium Membership for only an additional $49.99


alright, I look forward to it if you can figure something out


It's in the game!


I was thinking more like the artist picture I included when I said popular. Stoic has knack for putting shapes on paper.


Your attached picture did look nice but where do you think it came from?

He developed a way of drawing that he enjoyed and maybe took inspiration but I doubt he or anyone really sat there and copied details from people better than him. Not because he didn't want to improve but because it's boring.

I really do want to improve, and I'm the first person to get hung up on the fact that I'm not improving as fast as I'd like. But drawing for fun and staying motivated enough to stay with it is more important than getting good as fast as possible.

Since I'm attracting a lot of attention lately I guess I'll post without a name for a while but I doubt it'll change anything.


File: 1381554871036.png (166.23 KB, 1144x968, vampire twi 7.png)

4chan is kill

Give draw requests


CMC beatboxing


rarity and r63 sweetie bell dildo shopping


Applejack and Applebloom on a shopping trip to a haberdashery.


For Nightmare Night all the alicorns are going as Nightmare versions of themselves


draw ghost light being unintentionally spooky


All nine of them?


File: 1381554991608.gif (732.57 KB, 500x375, tumblr_inline_mps3l20XBD1q….gif)



seeing her art still makes me a little sad




can mods here see if i am samefagging


File: 1381555057076.png (144.56 KB, 1000x706, Ghostlight colored.png)

Reiduran's OC.


Yes, they can.


File: 1381555186509.png (158.91 KB, 843x948, sweetie sad.png)

ah dang


yes. the whole purpose of the sub was to give you the false impression of anonymity and was only created to dig up shit on you you think is secure


The real question is why you would give them a reason to care.


Is she supposed to be a ghost?


i was going to samefag my request giving the illusion more people want it. meaning a higher change he will do it.


File: 1381555474358.png (194.4 KB, 893x657, Ghostbutt.png)

Nope. Closer to a shaman/medium.
Eh. What's the point? If he wants to do it, he'll do it regardless of the number of times it gets suggested.


No, but she helps them pass on. That's her talent.


Thats a pretty rad talent.


File: 1381555634398.jpg (14.17 KB, 410x407, 1375246192137.jpg)

You should know I and most drawfags pick and choose requests that I think I would have fun doing, not the ones that more people want. If it happens to be both then that's just a coincidence. I'm sure the mods wouldn't call you out on samefagging anyways.

So she's some kind of paranormal middlemare?


File: 1381555648776.gif (202.45 KB, 618x470, 1374788105662.gif)

so how many people made it to this party?


File: 1381555708310.jpg (29.38 KB, 350x450, 1329992486306.jpg)

I'd give Pinkie a party.


I've had this thread open since the first time 4chan died today
But I hadn't actually posted until now


File: 1381555739020.jpg (469.02 KB, 709x1000, 1364906353063.jpg)

it's not a very great party


File: 1381555766013.gif (372.46 KB, 400x235, fillies are pleased.gif)


There are some survivors


I'm here, but I'm about to start up some Payday 2 in a bit.


>always ask myself if I should play hats or payday, even if it runs like shit
Nah, I'll just keep annoying this soldier with strange everything


Pretty much. What's important to note is that she's actually scared of ghosts.


File: 1381556156796.png (350.03 KB, 1027x1435, 1372038533331.png)


Man that must make her life horrible.


True, but it does give her a reason to move them on with all haste.


Bu shooing them away with a broom?


Or whatever's at hoof. Lantern, broom, torch… stick with prayer ribbons on it. Whatever.


I'd set that pony on fire


But she looks kind of upset about it.


if anything she looks bored like there's not enough of it


You would be upset too if someone burned your pie.




Fuck you!
X or Y?




Name it horse cock


I've been waiting for this pic to be pinkie'd for a while, but it never happened


File: 1381557244938.png (398.61 KB, 1215x734, Captureee.PNG)

I've been having trouble drawing some anon's suggestion of Applejack getting her hips stuck in something. Maybe it's the composition or perspective that I'm having trouble with. I'm wondering if anyone has any other ideas of what she could get her hips stuck in besides a window.


a barn door


I've played enough H-games to know where this is going


You wouldn't be able to see her other half, so it's not really needed to make her whole body.


Winnona's doggie door


A tree.
She bucked it too hard and her legs went right through.


But Anon, then all the image would be is of Applejacks butt.
Nobody wants that.


Are you implying there may or may not be a tongue lashing in her immediate future.


Could be interesting.


You just need to make her hips bigger

Much bigger


File: 1381557588425.png (13.59 KB, 480x391, 1375940436601.png)

>the general is down
>oh well i will just go to /vg/



>tfw missing out on dark souls general


Why would you have a window if the walls are transparent then?


Please, anon, please
Can your hip lust not be sated by her already plentiful hips?


tex make it a glass house instead


As we speak, the NSA is installing backdoors onto 4chan.


File: 1381557727795.gif (639.03 KB, 579x918, 1378384295065.gif)

You mean to tell me you DON'T have hip lust?


What if the windows are actually tiny, moveable walls?
And the barn is made of glass?





File: 1381557793612.jpg (294.81 KB, 945x945, 1377825516394.jpg)

I prefer these hips.


File: 1381557834210.png (34.26 KB, 250x232, I can't learn this.png)

What would be the point to such a creation


That's as good as the doggie door and now I'm conflicted.


File: 1381557880709.png (131.94 KB, 750x1125, Science.png)

Who needs reason when you have the most amazing greenhouse ever?


File: 1381557922393.png (332.6 KB, 1000x1000, 1377152844864.png)

they ARE pretty nice…


File: 1381557926370.png (154.85 KB, 1024x607, 1377927911144.png)

When did the house turn green?


File: 1381557985532.gif (2.59 MB, 254x175, Ponies sliding in.gif)

Well, you could always just have someone pull AJ's hat through a box with a fishing line and she gets stuck in that.


File: 1381558089626.png (523.47 KB, 1280x720, Pinkie.png)

Anon it was never green, don't you see?


File: 1381558094102.png (180.72 KB, 1280x676, 1355044767029.png)

No anon, they're REALLY nice.


File: 1381558188191.png (327.18 KB, 800x800, 1380757377658.png)

okay fine! they're really nice!


File: 1381558212114.jpg (68.61 KB, 586x585, 1383577_608042082570408_57….jpg)

where horse when


File: 1381558226188.png (201.85 KB, 1000x1000, 1377845400409.png)

Oh god
I should really keep up with the show


File: 1381558245150.png (195.31 KB, 371x446, 1362676795446.png)



File: 1381558315575.png (74.55 KB, 799x562, 1370477037950.png)

No, better than really nice. They're EXCELLENT.


File: 1381558374891.jpg (25.86 KB, 515x720, 1322533330388.jpg)

For fucks sake
Flutter hips are fucking amazing


fluttershy isn't a very attractive pony and her character isn't very interesting or likable except as something for other drama to spin off of


File: 1381558392009.png (185.55 KB, 833x574, ALoomingMewball.png)


I disagree on the first point, all pony are in their own way


File: 1381558498194.jpg (717.89 KB, 2844x1600, 1335362037324.jpg)

Yes, amazing. Simply amazing.


Except for fluttershy.

And daisy.


File: 1381558533148.png (325.6 KB, 1280x1309, 204858__fluttershy_suggest….png)

And don't even get my started on her butt.


ded 4chan




File: 1381558732634.gif (263.35 KB, 306x308, Can'tDeal.gif)

Guys slow down, if we have to make another general /co/ is going to get pissed at us for being on page 0.


File: 1381558802311.gif (224.83 KB, 200x200, 1381193923295.gif)

>not going fast


File: 1381558808881.png (106.83 KB, 439x447, 1365134455079.png)

Flutterbutt has softest butt.


File: 1381558811110.jpg (61.62 KB, 256x256, 1332358977583.jpg)

If you know what's good for you


File: 1381558884480.jpg (364.53 KB, 900x1324, 580b391602f173f72c8f3c4e77….jpg)

You don't HONESTLY expect me to believe that you don't like a nice, wide set of hips, do you?
That's…that's just not possible!


I said "shh," that means it's a thinly veiled secret, dammit.

Stop tempting me with hips and thigh highs.


File: 1381559059640.png (109.1 KB, 450x450, Cute mud pony.png)

You have such good taste, Aspirant.
It's a pity your favorite is the pink one.


File: 1381559114783.jpg (394.26 KB, 999x624, 1376796443131.jpg)

You'll be writing hip-worship by the time I'm done with you!


File: 1381559146836.jpg (151.31 KB, 619x781, butterbutt.jpg)


aww yiss


File: 1381559168968.png (135.47 KB, 641x790, 1363547525098.png)

How do you feel about those firm buns.


>implying the Pink one wouldn't be just as sexy in thigh highs like that

She's got the chub to spill over a tiny bit and stretch those things out, man

Don't take much convincing


File: 1381559210552.jpg (520.57 KB, 1000x1000, 1381437383592.jpg)

4dead 4dead what we gonna do


File: 1381559226608.png (154.54 KB, 788x691, Applebutts colored.png)

True enough. Earth pons got back.


File: 1381559314098.png (263.2 KB, 900x838, 1356884982410.png)

did someone say butts



File: 1381559325455.png (364.62 KB, 1280x1359, pinkbutt_corwin.png)

Ponk is for butts


File: 1381559337780.jpg (72.78 KB, 802x997, 1368078215424.jpg)

I'm still a lover of dem pegasi.


it looks like her hoof is a penis


File: 1381559366395.png (409.43 KB, 1000x1077, 1380828912894.png)

You know you want to do it.
Pick a pony and start typing!


This thread has too many butts


tfw no belly worship mindbreak fic
God is so cruel


File: 1381559404998.jpg (138.85 KB, 1216x1080, Rebno Butt.jpg)

Your face has too many butts


File: 1381559405405.jpg (58.02 KB, 837x788, I work out.jpg)

How about now


File: 1381559414797.jpg (171.87 KB, 969x700, Assk me no questions and I….jpg)

Pegabutts are okay too.


File: 1381559478824.png (621.51 KB, 1280x1214, 1380645297855.png)

>that Fluttershy
not again
not now
not here


File: 1381559575879.png (201.84 KB, 750x684, 1381375685021.png)

But there's so many in this thread to pick from!

Party hips, soft yellow hips, rowdy orange ones, and sleek blue ones too!
Grey butts, purple butts, butts of all kinds!

I don't know if I can really decide.


File: 1381559578411.jpg (78.09 KB, 266x262, 1369716168425.jpg)

What if

what if they have butt feathers?


Pegasus wings are too small for them to fly with

So pegasi obviously fly using their butts


File: 1381559623972.png (1.81 MB, 1680x1050, monthly_03_2013-d4c7f3504c….png)

hey I've been neck deep in Skyrim for the past however long just figured I'd say something in case someone actually cares


File: 1381559625622.png (366.25 KB, 1027x921, 1377968702921.png)

Shall I pick one for you then?


File: 1381559633516.jpg (121.83 KB, 1280x1066, Swish Swish.jpg)

Tailfeathers? That might be silly.


I think you'll have to, otherwise I might start into a frenzy of trying to write multiple hip servicing and never been seen again.


why is it that in the General everyone is always fighting and getting angry at each other

but whenever shit dies and we have to come here, suddenly everyone's chummy and getting along?


Because this is where we circlejerk


shitposters don't come here
they just link here when they don't like something despite not knowing what they mean


If the outside knew we were gentlemen they would totally make fun of us and stuff!


Because they don't follow us.


Very well then.
I choose…THESE hips!


Small userbase and the thread isn't as hectic or fast paced


File: 1381559884551.png (38.01 KB, 381x349, 1378789189399.png)

I don't know, it's not like /mlp/ doesn't know this place exists.

I'm the guy who constantly starts up shit about drugs, yet here I just passively post about fetishes or whatever the current topic is.


File: 1381559893757.png (154.95 KB, 409x486, 1345957841397.png)

No, no, like soft, downy feathery butts.


It helps when you don't have people constantly trying to force their fetishes into every discussion.


The first thing I saw when I came here was a post about how much I suck.


I liked the podcast beta.


That game is terrible.


File: 1381560009829.jpg (126.98 KB, 538x437, Oh God What Is This.jpg)

What if… what if they don't actually have fur, but their entire coat is downy feathers?


File: 1381560018177.gif (46.93 KB, 200x200, For Sexual.gif)


>rainbow dash ruffling her buttfeathers as you massage her, slowly working your way down to her tail


Then feather flue is HORRIFYING!


I am a somewhat-known connoisseur of terrible things.

I like it but Morrowind's better.


File: 1381560086526.png (196.52 KB, 900x1084, 1374938238690.png)

Nowhere near as terrible as your opinions


File: 1381560094895.png (213.23 KB, 680x656, 1379138399179.png)



Imagine the moulting


File: 1381560156870.png (423.46 KB, 1150x865, 325978__safe_solo_plot_gla….png)


File: 1381560169218.png (243.45 KB, 717x1032, tumblr_mtxywenjGc1s7jwy6o1….png)

I'm trying to imagine Dash completely bald and pink.


>I'm trying to imagine Dash completely bald and pink.

Pony is like a cat, their skin is a horrifying then when exposed.
Pone is all wrinkly and colored odd.


File: 1381560256407.png (418.67 KB, 1550x1000, rumble my wings.png)

Oh god
and moulting is already such a gross process for birds.


File: 1381560284270.jpg (224.23 KB, 607x492, fire.jpg)

Motherfucking dragon yo.

That firepower.


>no zebra option


Oh shit, I forgot!
I can fix this!


No changelings either!

Fo shame dawg


>wanting to be inferior species like zebras and donkeys
At least you have your earth pony option


File: 1381560368120.png (106.67 KB, 411x385, ....png)

>No post time limit or captcha.

This feels wrong…


it's better this way


File: 1381560397435.gif (1.13 MB, 270x270, Jewish Belle.gif)

Just like your face


File: 1381560432463.jpg (107.04 KB, 1058x1333, GO GO GO GO GO.jpg)




File: 1381560477315.png (110.02 KB, 209x276, 1365638199341.png)

>no captcha
Oh man it feels so good.


File: 1381560536018.jpg (139.93 KB, 662x900, 1376946862000.jpg)


Okay, let's try that again!


File: 1381560543305.png (130.05 KB, 752x700, 1372047487383.png)

>poststhesamepictureineverythreadanon is here


>That whole back shot in general

And a fine choice they are.

To be close enough with Fluttershy to enjoy such a view, and be allowed to do more, would not be something to take lightly. One false move could ruin the moment and all future endeavors.

With a pounding heart and a knot in your throat you reach forward, eliciting a small yelp of surprise from Fluttershy as your fingers first touch the soft cheeks of her flank. You might be behind her but you think you can feel the heat of her blushing face from here.
A small nod tells you to continue, and your other hand joins the first in caressing her, kneading, massaging, and teasing gently as she stifles squeaks and moans, her legs starting to shift weakly as you hit sensitive spots.
You run your hands up, over those thick hips of hers, and take it a step further, bringing your face to one of her now rose tinted cheeks and give it a teasing nibble that makes her jump a bit, throwing her head back with a surprised cry of pleasure.

Her tail gently whips back and forth, making you move your head back, only to see a glistening between those beautiful cheeks that tells you she's more than warmed up.


It is my fetish


No it's an awful game and a abysmal Elder Scrolls title, and if you bought it you're basically saying "we're okay if you dumbed down and simplify games to absolute disgusting level because it's THE ELDER SCROLLS".


File: 1381560632891.png (124.05 KB, 1250x1250, sergei.png)



inb4 no one picks zebra


>(Now 35% less racist!)
Approved but now the choice get's a little harder for me
Earth Pony


Give it a taste.


File: 1381560682791.gif (67.15 KB, 289x199, you tried.gif)


File: 1381560723018.png (94.98 KB, 600x600, CLOYDES.png)


File: 1381560745654.png (43.36 KB, 456x295, 1364132361471.png)

Aw yiss, pegasi with most votes.


File: 1381560774097.png (154 KB, 500x500, saaaaaaaaaaaa.png)

Sassaflash is a qt pony

Do you think egypt is just a myth in equestria, or if we'll actually see pony egypt in a future episode?


File: 1381560797557.png (260.69 KB, 410x410, slut delivery.png)

wing horse best horse


>not wanting to be a unicorn


There's a Saudi Arabia, so I imagine there must be an Egypt out there somewhere.
It just needs a good horse-pun name.


>Arabian states exist
I'm more than sure it exists. I mean there was the mummy pony.


File: 1381560911116.png (190.02 KB, 389x425, 134604072829-1346031012755.png)

Pegasus superior


File: 1381560913105.png (364.75 KB, 800x731, 1343958872647.png)

My nigga.


You're a funny and wrong guy


File: 1381560951263.png (135.56 KB, 349x427, pp70.png)


File: 1381561002604.jpg (217.96 KB, 504x235, ManBat.jpg)


Well what are you sitting here for? Draw your waifu's who is also worst pony hips


you know what has to be done


[Retort involving Your face]


2.Earth Pony


>4chan down

It feels as if all your friends are gone and you'll never see them again.


I love how it's so common to support idiotic views on games as long as it's positive and any attempt to criticize the game is met with shitposting and reaction images.

And no one ever provides reasons to why the game is good, they just say it's good.


It's a game. You don't need a better reason.


File: 1381561179092.jpg (72.42 KB, 230x238, 1306732765880.jpg)



It's much easier to say something is bad than to defend how it's good since nothing is perfect.
I do agree skyrim is rather poor in the series though


File: 1381561245976.gif (596.42 KB, 500x450, tumblr_mu5rzuUuPG1spro0lo1….gif)

Or better yet…



>No, you can never talk about the quality of something because of what medium it comes from.

Sorry but I care about games.


I can't draw


Wings in the lead!


You lean your head forward, before daringly running your tun all across her hot, wet slit.

Fluttershy erupts with a passionate moan, one long, wobbling note of unrestrained carnal pleasure. Her body trembles, wings flared and tail shifting side to side again as you use your hands to knead deep into her cheeks before giving another lick.
The taste of her is pungent and heady, hot fluids flowing from her like water, running down your chin and pooling on the floor, soaking bits of her fur on the way down.
You slide your tongue in and give a pinch to one of her cheeks, making her cry out again as you feel her folds squirm around your tongue.
You don't know if she's peaked yet or not, but if that last spasm wasn't one then she's in for quite the surprise, you think as you move your tongue down, finding a pulsing nub at the bottom of her entrance.
Barely a tap of your tongue makes her clench her body tightly, pulling legs together and sandwiching your head in those big, soft cheeks.
She's trying to say something but is lost for words as you tongue her clit mercilessly, making Fluttershy's insides spasm rapidly and bringing her to orgasm in a matter of seconds.
A thin line of fluid smacks you in the face as she cries out a single word.


What if my waifu isn't a pony


I never said you can't criticize things.
I mean people don't need to give a shit if they like thing despite its flaws.


I can't draw.
I have these tiny hands…
I can't hold a stylus.


File: 1381561490033.png (87.09 KB, 640x400, waifu.png)


File: 1381561524151.jpg (67.97 KB, 550x627, 1370112731270.jpg)

Woo man, oh jeez.


Knead her cutie-marks and give her a good rimming.


What if your waifu orbits my dick?


>Pony generator now lets you make plane ponies.



How can you know you like something without understanding what's considered good or bad in regards to the series or genre?

Like, I always thought MGS was great, until I played superior stealth titles then recognized it as nothing more than a 3d interactive anime that has an element of "stealth".


File: 1381561644119.png (60.21 KB, 500x500, 1370571117485.png)


Ponies in shirts is 2adorable4me


I'd give that plane pony the biggest hug.


File: 1381561833634.jpg (32.77 KB, 302x300, YWTJLYOM.jpg)


They have people hiding in pony communities man. The moment they see something they like they'll steal it.


File: 1381561883230.png (136.19 KB, 684x690, 1350490334908.png)

They're little qts.


File: 1381561916638.png (133.04 KB, 700x700, deus snacks.png)



>tfw those taffers killed the Thief series and brought back something wrong



File: 1381562032566.png (165.06 KB, 800x800, 1377581716106.png)

Wish there was more like this. Pones and humans sharing a shirt is adorable.


File: 1381562051563.png (60.37 KB, 500x500, BDInAShirt.png)

Now look what you did.


Could you draw Sweetie,Twilight and Rarity being cute together?


File: 1381562078358.png (452.16 KB, 800x565, supersize.png)

There's always mew's sketch but it kind of looks like lyra's leg came off


File: 1381562109810.png (143.72 KB, 700x744, 1341994164220.png)

They really are.
Especially Blitz.


File: 1381562132444.png (172.42 KB, 768x1024, TabascoAndAnonBBQing.png)

Sometimes ponies don't care for it.


File: 1381562136379.png (416.77 KB, 2000x1500, muh waifu.png)



Now draw her reacting to having her haunches squeezed.


…She turned red?


That had better be the Harley Quinn that has the BTAS voice.


it looks like sethisto recently made a post asking people to say what they hate most about the fandom. most people said the worst thing is the r34 and the fetish bronies.

so far i have seen 6 porn blogs closed because of it.


Of course…I could love no other.



You move your attention upward, circling her anus with your tongue as you nearly bury your hands in her cutie mark pudge.
"Aaah! Oh, oh my~!" she squeaks, voice rising in pitch as you make circles with your tongue, "I, I don't think that's sanitar-EEE!"
You can feel her body shaking again, writhing against your teasing after her recent climax, her sensitivity peaked.
You lick from the top of her entrance to the bottom of her anus and back again, before circling one then the other with licks and kisses, giving one of her cheeks another nibble for good measure as you trace circles on her cutie marks with your fingers, before taking big handfuls of her flank again.
She seems conflicted, torn between the "dirtiness" of your act and the indescribable pleasure she's receiving at your hands.
She seems to bear it well enough. Up until you decide to take it a step further and start fingering her anus.
Her body clamps up and she's hit with another orgasm, her anus tightening around the lone finger you managed to get in before she blew.
The pool of fluids beneath her is now a veritable puddle, soaking her underside as she heaves for breath, sweat pouring from her brow, wings shaking as she tries to collect herself.

With a reluctance only trumped by the pleasant, prideful feeling of having serviced her so well, you stop.
Moving so that you lay along side her, you lie face to face with her.
Before she can do so much as smile you lean in and give her a kiss, not seeing the shocked expression that crosses it before she melts into you, kissing you back with little strength but as much passion as she can muster.


oh damn she turned Polish


Damn right.


Sometimes it's time to SPICE UP THE NIGHT


File: 1381562285604.png (300.86 KB, 1280x610, tumblr_muauhn7XJ71s7jwy6o1….png)

There's some really cute ones out there, but not enough for me.


Put it in.
And use those wide hips as handles.


File: 1381562443872.png (50.2 KB, 810x547, 1379707090409.png)


This. This is good.


Hey Aspirant, what time/timezone is Cute Quest continuing?


I'm gonna aim for 5pm ish PST. Might be a slight delay due to dinner first, but I want to start earlier for as much questing before I get too tired to write properly.


ded general ded show


File: 1381562613607.jpg (236.3 KB, 800x527, ded.jpg)




File: 1381562646003.png (184.02 KB, 455x411, 1375330064753.png)

Dammit I got family to deal with then.


File: 1381562684584.jpg (510.67 KB, 1913x2342, 1341464340059.jpg)

Mods are asleep
Post ponies


File: 1381562747434.gif (43.98 KB, 300x200, She-knows-you're-fighting-….gif)

C..can we do that?


>we'll back in 2 hours
>the downtime started at 11:14
>It's 3:24 right now


life is hell.


File: 1381562803810.jpg (18.9 KB, 306x264, 1341462469518.jpg)


File: 1381562837652.png (225.27 KB, 1000x667, Scootaloo.png)


I've been enjoying it more here. It's almost mystical with there being no shitposting or endless weird and/or creepy fetish discussion.


File: 1381562874751.png (188.28 KB, 425x600, medium.png)




File: 1381562940506.png (126.45 KB, 439x750, bitch.png)

I'll try


I guess this just goes to show that the creepy fetishposting was, in fact, the shitposting all along. Weird.
Now if you want fetishposting that isn't creepy, that's an entirely different matter.
Seeing if Dice work on /co/? '1d10'


Looks like they don't.


>that means 3AM for me
How many sessions were there till now?


File: 1381563018763.png (71.27 KB, 500x682, 1379318639422.png)

Yeah. This place is too slow to roll on post numbers.
draw now, study later or study now, draw later?


Study then draw


I know they work on /q/, but don't you need to put in the email field anyway?


File: 1381563090228.gif (589.91 KB, 300x254, 1380653951083.gif)

I don't like it for some reason.

I mean yeah sure the toned down fetish talk and minimal shitposting is nice but it's like being at your friend's house instead your place
>Creep fetishes
What constitutes a creepy fetish anyway? I have nearly every fetish but the most I take more care with is transformation


File: 1381563097170.gif (12.74 KB, 600x450, WeDon'tTalkAboutThat.gif)

I nearly forgot about that.
And you had to remind me.


File: 1381563138098.png (131.85 KB, 820x974, 1375534110932.png)

probably the best move, though i'll never git gud at this rate.


I wish there was a 4chan x for mlpg.co


File: 1381563170610.png (15.18 KB, 622x322, Untitled 2.png)

dont have my tablet



File: 1381563208646.gif (1.29 MB, 332x311, ⁄mo⁄.gif)

What is /co/ listening to?


>what constitutes a creepy fetish anyway

Being microwaved on high for ten minutes and slowly, permanently changing into a miniature drinking fountain while pony princesses watch and laugh, waiting to drink from your new permanently miniature spout.


She looks utterly terrified


Wow what a shit waifu.

Rainbow Dork is a terrible waifu choice.


Nothing at the moment, but know that you mention it…maybe some blunderbuss.


This is going places.
Now let's see how she reacts to a spank.




File: 1381563378641.gif (162.06 KB, 300x300, 1380227377374.gif)

Well she's a very nervous and modest pony, it's frightening yet feels too wonderful to stop.


File: 1381563392401.jpg (119.17 KB, 426x341, sir sweats a lot.jpg)


let's see


yeah i like this one much better


The site's back but we can't post.


I figured something was up when it suddenly slowed down.
4chan back.


File: 1381563810201.jpg (48.08 KB, 508x422, Burpy.jpg)

Haha, I made a horse.



After a minute or two of lying together, letting Fluttershy cool down for a moment, she kisses you again, nodding down the length of your body in a gesture saying you've yet to be taken care of.
You look into her eyes and she nods, folding her wings and rolling onto her back as you move back down to her flank.

She spreads her legs as widely as she can manage, though they sway almost drunkenly for a moment before you put your hands on them to steady her.
You ask if she's sure this is the angle she wants, and for a moment she wavers before saying, "H-however you want."

As much as you like seeing that face of hers, you want to manhandle that flank of hers as you go.
So you have her get on her front, though raising her flank proves difficult at first. Probably something to do with the first two orgasms and lying down for the whole thing.
Eventually her backside is up in the air, inviting, swaying gently as you position yourself to enter her.
"N-no more teasing," she says, the only preference she's given tonight.
That won't be a problem. After servicing her so thoroughly your more than ready to go, member throbbing almost painfully in its eagerness to ride her into the ground.
So without any further pretense, you line it up, and with a quick push of your hips, enter Fluttershy, slamming as deep as you can while pulling on those big hips of hers.



A slap resounds from your meeting and Fluttershy's head jerks back as she bites her lip, trying not to cry out.
She's out of luck as you pull back and thrust again, an aggressive lust overtaking you.
You lean your body over Fluttershy's as your hands dig into her hips, pulling for maximum force as you thrust again and again, loud, wet slaps echoing in the confines of Fluttershy's cottage, the only thing competing in volume the panting of Fluttershy.
You look down at her face to see how she's doing. The sight of her tongue hanging limply from her mouth as she shuts her eyes, voice shaking as she whispers small yesses and surprise between gasps and squeaks of pleasure.
She's completely at your mercy, and you're not feeling too merciful as you increase your pace, slamming into her as fast as you can manage.

Fluttershy is loving every second of it.

But such a frenzied pace can't be kept for long, and after servicing her so thoroughly you were already left real eager and sensitive yourself. It doesn't take long before you're ready to pop.
Fluttershy can sense it. Or maybe it was your muffled cursing that tipped her off. You look at her once more in a means to ask, and she manages to put her tongue back in her mouth long enough to nod fervently, before pushing back into you with her hips for a moment.
That's all the signal you need, and you keep your speedy pace until you feel you can't hold on any longer, then use those glorious hips of hers to push yourself so far into her your legs are under hers and she's nearly lifted from the ground.

You erupt inside her just as she reaches her peak as well. You can feel your cock twitch inside her with each spurt, daring to think you can fill her hot insides as you erupt harder and with more volume than anytime you can remember, painting her insides with your seed as Fluttershy hoarsely moans to the sky.

Finally, it stops, your member twitching a few final times before you slowly begin to let Fluttershy down. Once her legs are on the floor you let go and sink to the ground with her. Some untangling occurs as you bring yourself alongside her again, this time reaching around her and bringing her to you in a warm, fulfilled hug.
You kiss her on the forehead as she whispers praise and surprise, bleary eyed and sweaty from the nights events.

Eventually you find the strength to get up and take Fluttershy with you to her bed, where the two of you hold one another close until you're taken by slumber. But not before Fluttershy tells you the words you love to hear.

"I love you."



Window is fine. You just can't do it in one image.

Two panels:

1. butt stuck in window
2. Annoyed AJ face


>Sekret 3rd panel.
>Big Mac's head slowly emerging in the open window behind Applejack.


File: 1381564257716.png (49.19 KB, 492x499, 1380432075756.png)



I love you too Fluttershy.



When are we going to be over run by spam?


File: 1381564495471.jpg (312.92 KB, 1100x1100, 1365990992258.jpg)

Man, those things are longer than you think when you're writing 'em.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed!


We have Nathan here to protect us!




File: 1381564535969.png (314.72 KB, 1280x720, 1363358789812.png)



File: 1381564635563.png (253.09 KB, 1449x1133, 1371272512128.png)



Damn Anon that's a funny ass joke.


File: 1381564676501.gif (969.36 KB, 502x507, Dash-happy-talk.gif)



File: 1381564680855.png (141.62 KB, 600x553, BandanaDash.png)




She looks generically happy. Why would she be happy to be stuck in a window? She shoudl be annoyed and struggling.


You know hat I've always wondered what the P.Q stand for?


Pony Qt


>"Hah, told you I could get stuck in that window, Anon."


I think it's more of a half laugh because we caught her being stuck


I ran a shitty quest like two years ago and a few people liked it and now it's my moniker in the MLPG.


>I think it's more of a half laugh because we caught her being stuck

Is that what he's going for?

She should look a bit embarrassed then.


what does it mean


no idea





It stands for Pony Quest. I originally only planned on using it when running quest sessions.


Anyone else notice that Moot is total normalfag now?


we have to grow up some time, anon


>"Oh no! I've gone and got myself all trapped up in this here window! It sure would be awful if someone were to take advantage of the situation and ravage me!"





I'm 5 years older than him and three times the manchild.



>Glitter Glue scenario writer


You have to face Moot in combat to claim your rightful place on the throne of 4chan.


>No Beyond: two souls pony shit yet.


Aiden is a dumb pony anyways…


>Caring about pony content Beyond:Two Souls
How can you even like that?


I'll take a request.




Explain who the hell you are.


Really anon?


File: 1381565486885.png (207.29 KB, 371x447, 1379294462868.png)

He's a draw person.
Calm down.



I could dash something off quick before I go to sleep too.


Calm the fuck down


How about a dashing dash of Dash, then.


File: 1381565584522.png (228.92 KB, 561x514, tumblr_mtx1j8ocIT1s7jwy6o1….png)

I for one am in favor of more Dash.


Fuck it, I'm going to bed.


good, maybe now you will get proper sleep and be able to stream at a decent hour


what he >>7527 said


I never have time. Drawing/Streaming cuts into the time I would otherwise use to sleep because that's the only time I have to draw.


File: 1381566070260.png (192.8 KB, 830x467, 1377526019938.png)

But isn't it like 19:20 in australia?
Even when i had a job that wore me out i didn't go to sleep that early.


I'm not Australian. People were just saying that the other night.


Are you a pony


your hours yesterday seemed like normal aussie hours so i didn't doubt it.
nevermind then. Go to sleep.


Jesus i never noticed just how huge featherweight's ears are


Yeah, he's got them mega ears.



His body and legs are also creepy. So skinny.


File: 1381566446205.gif (1.1 MB, 480x270, 1377526243657.gif)

Yet they're so cute on him



He's a creepy alien thing. I don't like him. Plus he's a tool of super bitch.


File: 1381566482900.gif (1.93 MB, 424x238, 1365049642560.gif)

>>Researches worry about creating orgasm hungry nympho
Oh no, oh no oh no those fools. It's like going into heat but for humans.


File: 1381566517376.png (308.15 KB, 354x608, Tiara 113.png)

Just what are you implying?


I dunno, I think he looks ok overall. I like his coat and mane colors. It's just those crooked buck teeth



That I would love you to don dominatrix gear and insult me for getting hard while shoving your vag and butt in my face while I'm tied up.


File: 1381566715997.png (948.63 KB, 1280x720, Tiara 118.png)

That's better
But i'm not for sexual yet


She seems like the type who would demand otherwise.


File: 1381566863179.png (1.18 MB, 614x1384, Annoyed gril.png)


Well there's a little surprise in every pony, isn't there?


File: 1381566924006.jpg (95.11 KB, 1280x720, Shut it.jpg)



When are we moving back to 4chan?




File: 1381567040115.png (472.28 KB, 3604x2364, 19c9476f1617a89415b685aead….png)




I still can't post.


So, is everything dead or something?


File: 1381567348584.png (110.75 KB, 908x500, 1378269863276.png)

It's probably because goodnight, MLPG.


File: 1381567362795.jpg (56 KB, 449x464, Tyrion.jpg)

What is dead may never die


File: 1381567378879.png (165.8 KB, 800x700, GloomyPrincess.png)

Everything is beb




Don't post that whore ever again.

Marka for life.


File: 1381567477202.png (205.73 KB, 516x597, Markeretta.png)

loli horse?


File: 1381567504793.png (475.49 KB, 1100x700, 1381154773021.png)

Oh shut up.



Marker is like a teenager. Younger than the adult ponies, but older than a filly. I put her at 16.


File: 1381567621766.png (259.6 KB, 1000x800, It's a cute butt Dash.png)


Have a dash of Dash's dash.


Dat ass looks overweight


Nice dash of Dash, AA. Many thanks.


7/10 not bad.
Something looks off about the face though.


File: 1381567833754.png (130.7 KB, 374x448, 1357601748221.png)

>not being undead master race


There's that one picture of the three of them, is that the only other picture that has Junior in it?



>IMF cuts US and global economic growth forcasts

>warns failure to raise the debt ceiling will raise interest rates and may put the US back into recession

Oh god dammit.


File: 1381567910310.png (385.35 KB, 900x700, MarkerTrio.png)

Think so.


File: 1381567933913.jpg (207.91 KB, 933x700, Thanks.jpg)


This isn't pony.


File: 1381568018122.png (264.53 KB, 800x800, 1380400102446.png)

The happening is close, anon.

Neither is your face


Why are there so little pictures of pone being in this position
It's the unfest thing imaginable


It's all ogre soon
>this ruins my life and I stop laughing


File: 1381568388188.png (314.35 KB, 720x480, 1379292384020.png)

I almost forgot how bored one gets without 4chan.


>Bro is facing his last week working at a nuclear cleanup site because of this bullshit.

I can't even blame one side for this shit now. Both sides are acting like screaming toddlers because one had a sandcastle they said was better and now they smashed them both and are bawling that nothing worked.



I don't even play this game but holy shit this video is delicious.


File: 1381568570867.jpg (118.14 KB, 850x659, 1.jpg)

a Lannister always pays his debt


>not waving a cowboy hat around
fucking dropped


>I can't even blame one side for this shit now. Both sides are acting like screaming toddlers because one had a sandcastle they said was better and now they smashed them both and are bawling that nothing worked.

This is 100% the Tea Party's fault. The Afordable Care Act passed 3 years ago. It was challenged and won at the Supreme Court. They tried 41 votes against it, and failed each time. They lost. And instead of accepting that, they've shut the government down over it and are threatening the debt ceiling, which if they don't pass may put the USA back into recession.


File: 1381568784158.png (223.08 KB, 800x800, Sleepy sitting Dash.png)


>4chan finally dies forever.
>Millions of people who only knew it are now unleashed on the world.
Zombies are real…


File: 1381568836145.png (38.22 KB, 1000x1000, Bait.png)

>This is 100% the Tea Party's fault.

I would have agreed with you but, looking at how Obama himself is acting…


I can't join the Hat Fortress matches. Can you guys record some sessions? I want to see you guys in action.

Also, why don't we play like Quake 3 or something?


Winter is coming.

Rartiy is cumming




>I would have agreed with you but, looking at how Obama himself is acting…

He can't give into the Republicans. If he accepted their 1 year delay "compromise", they would have found another excuse a year from now.

This is not how things are done. If you disagree with a bill, you revoke it or you pass another one.

Obama's doing the right thing by having a backbone on this. But since they're completely insane, they may end up taking us to the brink. In that case, Obama may have to face the lesser of two evils and accept their compromise. Simply so the USA doesn't go into god damn recession.


>put the USA back into recession.
What happens then?


I didn't vote for Obama.

I'm british


>What happens then?

If we go into recession, the entire world may go into recession. Which means the job market will suck. Which will mean the poor have a harder time finding a job. Which means more welfare payments. And less Tax money coming in. And everything sucking.

And it might have long lasting effect of losing confidence in the USA's confidence.

All of this for NO god damn reason. The Tea Party really thinks that giving insurance to poor people is worse than slavery and will destroy America that we know and love.


Politics are funny. The only problem is that it is a comedy that affects everyone.

Pony is lucky. They don't have to put up with this bullshit. Pony has Celestia and Luna who both have thousands of years of experience. And to not be overwhelmed they let lesser princesses like Cadence take care of smaller areas.
And if one leaders goes batshit insane, don't listen to them and goes evil torturing their citizens Celestia and Luna fuck their shit up like they did with Sombra.


Give me something easy to draw pls.


A sleeping Rarity


I'm able to post again in /mlp/ just slowly.


>Oh no, he is being threatened to delay his bullshit act!
He already gave the same damn thing to businesses.
Which thankfully, helped me KEEP my insurance. And trust me, corporate made that perfectly clear. Because I am not an Olympian athlete, every year I have to go give blood work and the whole ten yards to make sure I am 'healthy' enough to be insurable.
I chuckled that you did admit his option is one of the lesser of two evils tho.


>Give me something easy to draw pls.

HD detailed image of Rarity's anus.


File: 1381569338078.jpg (60.55 KB, 640x480, RarityPonut.jpg)

Is this detailed enough?!


I've got a bunch of highlight reels from TF2 matches in our server on my YouTube channel.


I think I've actually got a few on my fraps drive now that I need to upload. I'm way too fucking lazy though.


>Average session in a Steam kids Match.


Most people are lazy to download Quake 3. And Quake Live doesn't let you make your own server unless you pay.





I'd play


If others would play, I'd totally download Quake 3 and play with you all


>be shit at FPS
>be shit at multiplayer in general
>never played Quake 3
I'm afraid I'd suck too much and make my team angry


You can't suck more then rch


Okay then someone link a good torent of Quake 3 and let's try to see if there are enough people to start a game.



I tried a pirated Quake 3 a while back and it couldn't do multi player.


Did you running it through steam?
I had a similar problem with a pirated ut2004 but I was able to play it through steam


Okay is it me or is posting down again? because if it isn't just me then someone should slap moot.


File: 1381572997856.png (91.45 KB, 296x338, 1380224070870.png)

>come back
>4chan is back up
>make post
>4chan is back down
I'm so sorry


Down again for me.


You got a little something stuck in your fields


File: 1381573101716.gif (640.87 KB, 1376x848, 1370116517185.gif)

my post went through, but it took 3 minutes



such uptime
many post


How did I forget about this place?


File: 1381573748671.png (223.78 KB, 900x898, 1379662439667.png)

Because your OS hates your freedom.


T-twist pls
I promise I'll make a folder for you when I get the chance


File: 1381573989792.png (150.65 KB, 694x645, 1381472361241.png)

That'f be thweet
Couldn't find /pic/ threadfh or archivef on any chanth. Twitht getf too little love.


gonna do a colored twist drawing in a bit


Have fun but post it in the General. 4chan is working again


Ooh, looking forward to it


Can it not be gore?


It's still up and down for me




File: 1381597579238.png (1.08 MB, 2048x1536, skygoddess.png)



It's just having a few problems loading it seems, thread is still up


Whats the difference between 4chan and a broken clock?

At least a broken clock works twice a day!


File: 1381652306362.png (225.25 KB, 622x544, 1381577934176.png)

4chan dead again






Those are some very cute fillys.


File: 1381652383710.gif (13.91 KB, 800x600, Twist draws.gif)

Can we go back to talking about Twist? I like her. Especially the titty version.


File: 1381652417725.png (15.33 KB, 330x295, Season 4.png)

>want to post something
>4chan dies again
Oh well

>S4 in a month

>Superhero episode
>NMM's origin episode
>2 Discord episodes, one with a song
>New comic series starting with January
The future is bright.

But I'm thinking about something else.
Season 3 and Season 4 were preordered long long ago. And remember what both Ingram and Anderson said when info about S3 surfaced? How they both said that many many more seasons are to come, some shorter some longer?
I mean it's obvious the show will be made as long as the toys sell. And even then look at G3/G3.5. Even with abysmal sales it got 5-6 movies.

I wonder how many things are already planed for the future.


>the titty version
no thanks


Man no wonder the general's been dead.


I want to apply lotion to busty Twist


>moot fucking around in gtag
>site breaks

I am optimistic, and look forward to years of pone.


the brony audience isn't that big for toy sales I'm pretty sure

hasbro will stop ordering seasons when little girls stop buying the toys


>>New comic series starting with January
Like the adventure arc?


File: 1381652718266.jpg (193.73 KB, 500x369, 1360076155747.jpg)

Welp. Seems like 4chan's ded again.

And if the anon doing that flitter thing ends up here, i just want to say that this is where I'm stopping. i can barely keep my eyes open and despite me wanting to finish this, i wont. Sorry.


I dunno, she probably wouldn't let anybody do that.


Ah good, it's not just me. Could only see Scrubble's post from the index for some reason.


>NMM's origin episode
Shit, I got to hurry to get shit done.


It's the one that is replacing the micro comics. That Friends Forever thing. I don't think any other info other than the title was released.

But you know what would have been cool? A "What if" comic series like the micros. What if Celestia went to become NMM and Luna banished her? What if Twilight never made friends. What if Spike integrated with the dragons? What if Gilda was friendly and not a bitch?




>That Friends Forever thing.
At least is not the eqd shit.


It might not be that at all
I mean all we saw was a nightmaremoonish thing
It could just be a dream sequence which honestly would tie in with all of them being superheroes


>4chan is alive again


I'd be real gentle
I wouldn't want her to feel uncomfortable or anything


No worries. It's getting pretty late here too.
Maybe someday we'll be able to finish it.
Wait what?


She might not even be comfortable with them herself.


At the rate I'm going, I'm never going to finish any of the ones I've help start.
Still, this is probably the farthest I've gone, and it's been pretty fun


Shit's back up for now


Still, I'd like to at least get this story and some art done before the season starts. I only worry since about three lore ideas I've had ended up being somewhat hinted at in the show.


Yeah. Thanks for sticking with me.
See you around~


that's rather unfortunate
she's a very friendly girl with an attractive body
she has nothing to be ashamed of!


Maybe she's ashamed because other people treat her different.






well that's awful
I just want to show her that she should feel good about how she's built, even if her body is a bit unusual




I can stream the rest of robin hood!
not the animated one the new one
I tried to download the animated one but it was in Portuguese
so I'm watching the new one


like hello


It's kind of weird how Meghan ends up getting most of the shit for bad stuff on the show if she's only involved in the assigning of writing and her own scripts.


File: 1381656243510.gif (2.53 MB, 499x405, Dash Pinkie fucking readin….gif)


It sucks being her.
She ain't no saint but she gets way to much crap and people ignore the things she does well.



>the new one

You mean Russel Crowe?

sorry but, pass. That movie is so ungodly boring.


Most of the time she can ignore how others treat her but she'd be lying if she said it never got to her.


It's not weird, it's just how the mindset goes
Like how the president gets blamed for any government problem (not trying to start a political argument for the love of god)


I kind of liked it
I actually had no idea that it was a like a prequel to the typical Robin Hood story so the end caught me off guard


What's all this about Meghan?

Has there been new S4 news?


No just a long discussion about the show staff.


File: 1381656382061.jpg (23.8 KB, 788x118, There Goes the Neighborhoo….jpg)


Some stuff about the show production got brought up in the thread, so I was just continuing it here. Nothing new recently.



Haha. what's the story behind this?


Does this really need an explanation?


there's not much to explain, it's not a good place.


Seems like she's written Dragonshy, Call of the Cutie, Green Isn't Your Color, Party of One, Lesson Zero, Sweet and Elite, Hearts and Hooves Day, A Canterlot Wedding - Part 1 and 2, and The Crystal Empire - Part 1 and 2 based on the wiki.

How do you guys feel about those episodes?


would she like to talk about it?
I know I was rather forward with the lotion offer, but I just to help her feel better about the circumstances
I'm sure she can get rather sore at the end of the day


Not him but I doubt the the reddit guys are like ponychan banning for saying things like "Derpy is a very ugly pony"


File: 1381656657528.gif (1.64 MB, 505x590, AJ bump.gif)

I still think this is a very cute pony


We know Tex, we already know.





Dragonshy - Great
GIYC - not that great but a lot of people love it
Party of One - Great
LZ - Good, has a lot of great Spike
S&E - loved it
H&HD - good
ACW - pretty nice. Chrysalis was cool. To much spotlight on Twilight and Celestia was a retard.
TCE - Lots of good moments, that Spike and Twilight scene with the door was GOAT, great interaction between character. Sombra sucked in some ways. Pretty nice and better than ACW in my opinion. Oh and Shiny throwing Cadence as a fucking javelin was awesome.

Meghan can write a great Spike. I mean I hate EqG but I can say that at least Spike was good in it even if he was barely relevant.


File: 1381656864924.jpg (634.39 KB, 3508x2480, 1339516747922.jpg)

Goodnight, mlpg.co


File: 1381656888602.jpg (58.59 KB, 1122x276, 1311803461431.jpg)

Not mine, but this this is still my favorite ponychan ban repeal.


File: 1381657034096.png (107.02 KB, 640x575, Pinkie's medically necessa….png)

what even the fuck


File: 1381657143765.gif (287.86 KB, 800x800, Carrot Top carrot dance.gif)

So if a pony asked you to dance with her
And you're just standing there in front of her and the music is starting

What kind of dance do you do?


File: 1381657189608.gif (733.87 KB, 358x505, S1e19_xyler_dancing.gif)

The whitest dance possible.


No matter what she does or how she feels, other people treat her so much different from a normal person. And nothing can stop that.



The awkward male shuffle restlessly from foot to foot while waving my hands back and forth unenthusiastically


File: 1381657302806.png (373.28 KB, 549x632, AJ not amused on the bed n….PNG)

pony is unamused



Pony takes the dick.


File: 1381657365784.png (267.59 KB, 1232x1373, 1365052159877.png)



File: 1381657501574.gif (1.44 MB, 495x600, old white dude gets low.gif)



Help me name my panda pokemon /co/

Give me a weaboo name fit for a swole fighting woman.




Oh, alright

She should come with me to hang out with Babs!
We're gonna board games, it'll be fun!


Tan pls

Go to bed


Gen III was best gen. It went lame from there


They're still as fuckable as ever, though.


File: 1381658042045.png (1.93 MB, 1920x1422, 1326223353331.png)

When do we know to cycle horse here?


File: 1381658302399.png (632.02 KB, 1024x569, we gun run this town tonig….PNG)

it's not like we have to worry about following off the board

that said, things start to get unweildy after a thousand posts in a single thread but only if your computer sucks.




File: 1381658387744.jpg (19.9 KB, 124x203, Bready.jpg)

There's also the duplicate image detection.
I don't have enough twist for this place.


>can't post Twist

thank god


File: 1381658449712.jpg (65.75 KB, 800x800, thanks, obama.jpg)


File: 1381658466905.png (32.23 KB, 189x201, derpy2.png)

What's wrong with Twist?
She's not ugly, like this one.


It reminds me of when people tell me they like Babs as a character and then post a humanized big titted version of her


No that's just shit
flat chest, pony twist, if you would.


4chan is back

for now


4chan lives again


File: 1381658580668.png (91.14 KB, 987x256, tits.PNG)

eeeehh shit


File: 1381658626502.png (71.89 KB, 560x499, 1381429708519.png)

You and me can never be niggas



>you will never be swing buddies with twist


I like Babs as a humanized big titted version


File: 1381658930271.png (136.86 KB, 817x800, Don't forget to bring a to….png)

I despise any and all humanized ponies
Babs should be a filly


File: 1381659029611.png (463.36 KB, 943x1024, clothed human.png)

Me too!
Especially when she's absurdly tall


File: 1381659086873.png (104.67 KB, 800x800, PUDGY PONE.png)

That's just terrible


File: 1381659125714.png (799.57 KB, 1024x768, babs is way too big for th….png)

you're just terrible


File: 1381659284592.png (60.67 KB, 341x259, Perfection, beauty and gra….PNG)

Pfft, you're just saying that


>the majestic earth pony


File: 1381659746588.png (274.73 KB, 1280x720, The Majestic Mare.png)


File: 1381659795268.png (352.04 KB, 1681x587, Twits.png)








File: 1381660353122.png (498.23 KB, 1036x798, 1378828842102.png)


File: 1381660380819.png (438.43 KB, 1000x876, 1319896426383.png)



File: 1381660620044.png (175.61 KB, 505x562, 1306141184708.png)

>Mootykins in charge of not destroying his own site
worse than hitler


File: 1381660741136.png (559.21 KB, 865x766, wonder what that means.png)


>Added date: 26 Feb 2013
>0 downloads, but you can be the first one if you click on the blue download button




Gonna Stram requests.


>almost go to bed
>hey, Saine's gonna stram
god dammit


Go to bed



File: 1381661878070.png (164.31 KB, 900x1312, 1355816269270.png)

my bed


File: 1381739120952.png (399.32 KB, 685x848, 1336646997382.png)

It's dead, jim


File: 1381739173573.gif (1.06 MB, 1060x512, wacky wavy arm tube pony.gif)

not again


File: 1381762734416.jpg (96.84 KB, 401x458, Spoon 425.jpg)

Our system thinks your post is spam


Moot i swear to god.


what the heck anon don't swear




down for anyone else?


ded 5ever




I think I broke it.





This is the Rarifags and Lunafags fault


It back… for now.




We might be back but I'm keeping this tab open just in case


The general is full spoilermode because of the new article explaining the premiere.
I don't want to go back to mlpg until the premiere is released, but I can't go away at the same time.

Maybe we can pony here?


Down for anyone else?




>tfw no one is here
>tfw all alone
>tfw can't fetishpost
>tfw tfw


well I guess i'm going to have to eat all these ponies


>tfw couldn't even wish saine a good night


All I get is some sys.4chan.org shit.


everyone is


Rarity's trap harem


Reminder that Luna is a brony princess and adored by a dadrock faggot like Price.




The years went by and pony died, Anon went in join her in the afterlife~


4chan is ded and the only other site I know to spend my time on is this place



whatever slut


Derpy is a very ugly pony.


You're a very ugly human.


90s truly were terrible times


Not for video games.


cartoons were also glorious
as were movies really


the 90s were pretty good


we back btw


>Connection error


5 days into the new year before something broke, way to start it off right mootles


File: 1388906142741.jpg (142.25 KB, 794x875, AJ and Rarity.jpg)

So how about them pretty ponies


File: 1388906425555.jpg (72.38 KB, 413x467, 1366690360972.jpg)

Chrysalis is a pretty pony


Her carapace thing kind of grosses me out
Maybe if she morphed into something a little less bug like I could call her pretty


File: 1388907003832.png (1.11 MB, 1280x720, winner.png)

That's part of her charm though


I guess, I'd still never rank her over an every day pony in terms of cuteness


Am I the only one here? Its so dead in the general.


So, do you think changelings are just another kind of pony, like the studio book seems to suggest, or are they another species entirely?
I think the book is a little dubious, myself.


I'm here
and 4chan is completely down


File: 1388908169858.png (80.63 KB, 287x315, 1386298375750.png)

4chan borked again


I like the idea that they maybe used to be ponies but something changed them


File: 1388908237464.png (214.5 KB, 264x419, CrabBottle.png)

>4chan being down.
Impossible that site is super stable!


You would think that this thread would also update to the top when its the most replied.

Can one view the studio book online?


>connection error
For you too, eh? There's at least three of us in here, right now. Something's clearly fucked up on 4chan, posting past around 1:31 is completely absent as far as I can tell. Everything's frozen.


Well, considering we have Seamares according to the comic…


I think it might be past the bump limit


File: 1388908419966.gif (141.27 KB, 582x400, DerpyFixing4chan.gif)

I'm sure Moot is busy working as hard as he can to sleep and fix it in the morning.


File: 1388908430473.png (2.15 MB, 1361x757, Sad garden pony.PNG)

It's always when I'm in the middle of a good conversation too


>1012 posts and 340 image replies omitted
I forgot. You think one should make another thread just so the people from 4chan know where to post pony?


Oh, here comes everybody
hello everybody
I've heard this idea before and I kinda like it. It kind of makes sense, because both ponies and changelings seem to get 'powered up' by love and friendship, but changelings of course seem to be a bit more parasitic about the whole deal.
If it's anywhere, it's on yayponies. They have a book section I've never bothered to look through because supposedly they're garbage anyway.


What is a "studio book," or am I just misunderstanding something.

I haven't really looked at any of the books closely, but from what I've gathered they range from cheap trash to almost not trash, so are a pretty low tier of canon.


Ponies are parasitic about love and friendship too.
Just look at them, laughing and hugging and shit.


If you'd like, it wasn't too hard to find though

I think I remember some one having the idea that the story from Hearts and Hooves day about the love poison potion could have been referring to Chrysalis. I liked that though I'm not sure if that was debunked.


File: 1388908806334.jpg (377.42 KB, 750x750, 1335253232414.jpg)

It looks nice.


Hasvro released some kind of book that wa basically a big guide to the FiM series in general, not a behind the scenes thing but more like those players guides people buy for Pokémon and stuff. It was the one that called Bon Bon "Sweetie Drops," and there was a section on changelings that could be interpreted to say that they are merely another kind of pony.
well yes but those ponies are SHARING friendship, not just squeezing it out of kittens
I've heard that one too but unfortunately there's not much aside from speculation behind it. They'll probably never come back to it but I think that may be the best possible origin story for Chrysalis we can get, assuming changelings are just what happens when she leaves ponies in those pods for too long.


File: 1388908910136.png (247.44 KB, 532x439, PinkieStandup.png)

What does 4chan and Rarity have in common?
They both love going down.


File: 1388908988128.png (90.64 KB, 355x285, 135123671451.png)

>I don't get it


I am sure its just a story. I heard of that theory but I really doubt a love potion would true a princess into a queen of the changeling.


I dunno it seemed like a pretty strong potion.
I mean it even had Big Mac and Cheerilee lusting after each other.


But it wasn't a love POTION as much as it was a love POISON. It could have been that was more than just wordplay, or so the theory goes.


Its a strong charming potion, but its not a transformation one.

It was a simple flip in the episode but saying that it causes the existance of the Changeling Queen is a bit of a stretch.


I wasn't thinking it caused her to just poof into a changeling but rather it was a slow downward spiral over a long period of time.
The pony in the story was a princess so I'm assuming allicorn, who knows what can happen to you when you're that out of your mind and that strong with magic.


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File: 1388910456685.png (123.4 KB, 700x700, GloomyDead.png)

>4chan beb.
>We beb.
>Welcome to beb.


I'm on a late sleep schedule too so I'm just sitting here bored


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>A deer in Manhattan.
I would worry for him but I remembered that they hate guns in New York.


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Marker and Gloomy are such cute ponies. I bet they love the new episode.

Its cute but why is Spike a deer?


Because Rarity asked him to be a deer and help her with her things, and spike said "sure I'll be a deer"
so you know…dear


and I got dear and deer backwards
maybe I should sleep


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Ah, I see. I kept forgetting that Spike spoke in that episode.


It seem someone using the Luna thread as the new general.



okay I'll go there

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