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File: 1635909906550.png (680.14 KB, 640x640, The highschool arc.png)

 No.757445[Last 50 Posts]

Last time on HolyQuest Autumn had arrived from his leave of absence only to beset us with another hiatus. The HQ crew strung out of their crack ships have taken their last resort to defeat a monday without a game. FEMTO Presents Holy Kyusetsu!! Uchikeshi no Rapyuchitsu ga Koko ni!

This quest is intended to burn the time away while we wait for the current hiatus to be over and we can move on with the main plot of the 3rd act of HolyQuest. Players will be allowed to remake their character sheets and replay old characters or multiple characters at the DM's discretion. Please make your character appropriate to a highschool setting.





IZU KE!!!!!!!!!!!


Roll #1 1 = 1





Defenders win in a tie. [1d10]

Roll #1 10 = 10


So it looks like I'm becoming the defacto DM which I have conflicted feelings on but am excited to DM the first session and so on. Moving forward we may do DM rotations or semi-rotations small events that aren't impactful to the plot (if there is a plot). I'll be writing down a list of what roles NPCs are in this game; whether they are faculty members or students or something else.

The Highschool Arc takes place in a beautiful slice of 2010 americana, nice clean rows of suburb populating a sleepy town with it's own grade schools. Please make your character accordingly.
You should decide what grade year your character is in, whether he is a new arrival at the school or has already been there some time. If your character has an after school job or is a part of any club activities you may say so. You should also make short notes of your household and the temperment of your parents if you have any, any interactions with parents will likely be handled off screen but I'd like to have something just to be prepared.



So I've decided the game is going to basically play like undertale where you can act cute, use compliments, apply belly rubs and such silly social rolls to appropriate recipients to defeat them in battle. I haven't decided on a unique system to account for this and it's likely I might not. For now you can assume that social rolls used in combat deal damage to an opponent's regular hitpoints.

Also I will not be accounting for ultimate abilities. Any ultimate abilities you were given will not be counting towards the Highschool Arc. I'm doing this because I don't want to suffer like autumn does.
For the same reason I won't be taking into account any special armor or items that give you resistances to an element. You make keep your trinkets or weapons fluffed as whatever they might be as the highschool kid analogue of the weapon/trinket but I don't want to deal with element weaknesses and strengths in this game either when it comes to combat.
However when it comes to using social rolls in combat using something that I deem extra appropriate as a social roll will have it's lowered nat crit range by -2dc. For instance if you're fighting a dog or Onion who is a diamond dog and used belly rubs on him as a social roll in combat that would apply the reduced crit range to.
If You're ever in a combat scenario where social rolls can't be used I'll let you know the same turn combat starts with [You get the feeling you can't talk your way out of this one]
You may also fluff magic attacks as a social roll. And at the DMs discretion I'll port their ability's effectiveness. For instance if Pryce instead of conjuring fire swords conjured sparklers and dazzled the audience with them he would get the conjured weapon bonus applied to his social rolls in combat.

These rules are subject to change; we might just find a better way of doing this as the game progresses but for now I think this is serviceable. Although combat will be spares please have your sheets ready by monday when we start.

Next: you are allowed to refund any of your abilities and remake a new sheet entirely from the bottom up, changing your class, talent, multiclass or awarded abilities or whatever. That's fine. Just please make a sheet with the ability names and and description, please include your H/W


As a note Appraise will have a small buff where in addition to the benefits it already provides it will allow you to know what types of social rolls are especially effective on enemies by giving intimate details about their personality.


Please welcome the staff and Students of Huoli High! And the citizens of a small town known as Fantasia

[let me know if you have any suggestions or any differences with the list. The list can be subject to change.]


Calling for sheets. Gonna go watch an anime while you guys unload.




I'll probably change my name depending on who I'm posting as. We'll see how it flows.




It's a beautiful sunny day in small town Fantasia. The birds are chirping and the sun is peaking out warm colors of dawn into the sky as the town wakes up from it's slumber and the soft whirs of cars and trolleys, chatter of gardeners and people passing by livens the world.

You stir awake in your bedroom it's time to get ready for school. You may RP out your routine, your rooms, and how you plan on getting to school. Bus? Walking? Bike? Do your parents love you enough to buy you a car? Spoiled child.

You hear a loud banging on your door "PUNISH." The coarse forceful voice of your father rangs pass the door "I'm leaving to work. I don't want to hear about your truancy on the first day of school.

Your father has already left to work, however your mother remains in the house (If you don't have a mother feel free to omit this. I don't know anything about Gabriele's actual parents so RP will be limited.)

Music comes alive on your radio alarm. Stirring you to awake. Hallmarking the day Summer ends and School session begins. It's time to mentally prepare for another year.

Shei-Sher is up past the night, but he's never needed sleep. An odd quirk he's adopted from his goat heritage. He is chipper as can fixing up breakfast for himself, his little brother and his father. The clinking of plates and glasses signal this house waking up to a cozy morning. The scent of sausage and eggs drifting into his family's respective rooms.

Shei-Sher shares a room with his Brother Gadds. Approaching his bed, and nudging his softly and he sends quieted messages to him "Gaaaadds. Gadriel.. It's time to wake up. Breakfast is ready."

Next Shei-Sher ambles to his Father's bedroom door and knocks softly "Breakfast is ready."

"Thank you Shei." his father Aliester Crow-ley announces from the otherside of the door as he readies his routine.

[Game Start]


Gingerly you awaken to a new day. The start of School session. Light filters through your window, prodding you to get out of bed. Your parents have already left for work trusting you to get to school without having to wake you up themselves.


File: 1636427313779.png (34.55 KB, 400x500, gabby.png)


>Gabriele: Huoli High Ver.

>Gabriele is a semi-popular griffon female steadily climbing the ranks of social hierarchy at the school, presently on the student council in charge of the Disciplinary Committee. It is a task she takes great joy in, finding a hobby in tormenting tardy/miscreant students and finding ways to exploit them for favors to continuously move her way up the ladder. She has a crush on the Class President, though mostly for his status/power and he barely realizes she's there most of the time. One of the preppy kids and very haughty, though comes from a lower-income family than most of her peers on the council
>Lives with her mother, her father having been divorced when she was quite young and her controlling mother very defensive of ever letting her see him, so it is mostly the two of them around the house



"Yes sir," Punish groans as she wakes up, attempting to put as little attitude in her tone as possible. "Thank you," she adds for good respectful measure.

She grabs her bag, already packed, and gets dressed real fast. She dons a black leather jacket, some black gloves that go all the way up to her upper arms, and a black skirt with light blue tights underneath.

Once she is ready, she opens the window and starts flying to school. She prefers to get the extra exercise in in the morning rather than taking the bus.


One moment, Amy is in a deep sleep. The next, her eyes snap open, and she hops out of bed. She quickly throws on some tight-fitting sweatpants and a loose-fitting blouse and heads out the door to the bus stop.


mystery roll


Roll #1 3 = 3


Pryce wakes up with a yawn, the music easily soothing him awake better than the standard blaring beeping. He taps the alarm off, hopping out of bed with a stretch. After a quick shower to wake up and clean, he heads downstairs where his parents and younger brother are already eating breakfast, a nice bowl of custom oatmeal for each (Pryce's being a peanut butter and walnut mix today). His other siblings aren't too be seen, either woken up far earlier for their own jobs or away on extended business.

The usual morning chatter goes through, asking how they're feeling for the new year, if they got any big plans coming. KP of course is going on and on about how great it'll be to see friends again. Pryce is also looking forward to it, junior year is the second biggest one after all. After finishing his breakfast, Pryce washes his bowl in the sink and gives each of family a hug before heading off early, taking a leisurely flight to school.


Gabriele has woken up characteristically early, looking over her homework and notes and organizing papers concerning today's council meeting as she prepares to make an early departure, grabbing her bag and cap as she makes her way to the kitchen to make a very quick slice of toast with jam for breakfast.

"Morning mummy!" Gabriele cries out in her posh accent, preparing the toast swiftly as she shouts, "I'll be off to school in a few minutes, need to go early again. I might be a little late too due to a council-meeting, so don't wait up for dinner!"



The sky's are open to you. You breeze through the fantasia skyline able to view the town below you like miniture figurines. The lives people live driving through the streets, walking on the sidewalk are small meandering dots.

It is quite chilly up above. Though you are likely used to the biting cold as the air brushes past your body midflight.

In the sky you can see other flying races opt for the sky as their path to their respective occupations. Here comes one right now. It looks like Pryce Etac is just behind you.

In anycase it won't be long until your reach school.

Just as Amy steps outside the door she bumps into something causing her to fall butt first on the floor

Oh hay! It's your next door neighbor Spike. "-u-uh Hi Amy. I was going to knock well but the door opened well you know haha" He boyishly chuckles. This conversation is going to be a waste of time you can sense from previous encounters with him

"Any I noticed you never took my minecraft invitation. They boys would be really happy to see you pop in."

[Oh.. no… what is this. It's like some sort of confrontation except he's not assailing you.]
[Oh no! You've entered combat. Remember your social rolls. You could hurt Spike physically but that probably wouldn't be a good look for you beating up an elementary school kid. You might want to talk your way out of this one.]

"Have a good day!" You can hear your mother call out to you as you exit the front door and begin to take flight. The sky is freezing today. It's the morning cold that precedes fall rushes past you as highspeed wind.

You spot someone in the sky as you take flight. It looks like Evil's Punishment. Maybe you should fly by and say good morning.

You mother forces a tubberware of lunch into your arms as you spring out of your room to get ready "Back to the old routine. Couldn't you be a little more lazy this year Gabby." She radiates a warm caring smile. Her question isn't phrased as a question, she doesn't expect you to comply with a mother's doting request.


"Oh mummy!" Gabriele says with a cute giggle, belying her sadistic nature at school as she waves a talon at her kind and attentive mother. "One never gets anywhere by not putting in the hours. Besides, I have important responsibilities." She says very proud of herself as she takes the tubberware lunch in claw, holding it under wing as she moves to nuzzle her beak against her mother's feathery cheek. "Love you mummy, I'll see you later!" She says in a hurry, nombing down on her buttered toast within a few minutes before preparing to take flight to good old Huoli High, taking advantage of her wings to make it there without having to dirty herself on the bus or with some other of the many street-urchins below her.


You take flight into the open air and ahead you see two other bodies present in the neighborhood skyline. Is it a friend? A neighbor? Someone you know?

Oh hay! it's Pryce Etac and Evil's Punishment flying the same skies as you. You may approach them if you want or head directly for school.



Amy grimaces as she rubs her bruised behind from the fall. She gets up and looks at Spike. She smiles.

"Oh, hi, Spikey!" Amy says as she gives him a pat on the head.

"I'm sorry," she says awkwardly as the subject of Minecraft is brought up. She enjoys video games, but things as slow-paced and boring as Minecraft aren't really her cup of tea.

"I haven't really played Minecraft lately. I'll definitely join your game next time I log in, though!" she says, flashing him a cute smile.

"You better head to your bus stop!" she says as if Spike is going to be late, inwardly praying that they don't share the same bus stop.

>[1d10] social roll with DC-3 due to Compassion

Roll #1 9 = 9


Gabriele takes note of the other students flying in the air, smirking to herself as she sees a few other early-birds (semi-literal) flying their way to school. She decides to impose her presence upon them, flying up from behind as the student council disciplinarian moves in from overhead, casting a shadow above.

"Well, this is pleasant to see. Getting to school early for once, I see?"


"I'll tell you all about when I get back!"
Pryce calls back as he flies up into the air.

The cool fall air is welcoming. The crispness helps shake off any lingering morning grogginess, and the chill in general is a nice contrast to the constant heat that comes from his magic.

As Pryce flies and sees another student, who looks to be Punish, Pryce waves a hoof (even if it can't be seen since he's behind), and calls out.
"Morning! Looking forward to the new year?"

Pryce looks up as a shadow is casted over him.
"Well of course, it's the first day! Lot to do, right?"
Pryce greets with a smile to the imposing gryphon.



Punish looks up at who is casting a shadow on her and groans when she sees it's that Disciplinary griffon. "Don't you have someone else to condescend to?"



Punish merely gives Pryce a sideways glance and curious expression when Pryce greets her.


Health total 9 hitpoints

Compassion succeeding from DC-3 deals 7 hits of morale damage

Spike's 2 Morale HP away from giving in, but not just yet.

He grabs your hand in a knee jerk reaction "H-hold on! I mean, don't you want to go for a walk. It's the first day of school. We may as well enjoy it together"

You can see your bus waiting for you. You can see the exhausted expression on Eragil's face. He's rolling his eyes and looking at his wrist watch, the bus driver might just leave without you but you're so close!

After the moment Gabriele's highschool colleagues can respond another shadow engrossed your stature and blocking the sun from your heavenly Flight

"HO- HO! A couple of Early birds I see." It's Gengenschien flying overhead Gabriele by 20 or 30 yards. "Good Morning!" His voice belows from above you all, grandy and jovial. Perhaps even annoying if you have something against friendly Jocks.

Before any of you can respond a clever reply Gengenschein dive bombs straight past the three of you. The sheer force of wind briefly disrupting your flight path.

[Roll to reorient your flight path, apply whatever modifiers or skills you think could apply but please note them in greentext]

Distracted in conversation you've failed to notice your Highschool is directly below you.


[amendment post]

Eragil is female


Gabriele smirks at the Pegasi's almost sickeningly upbeat attitude. "Well, isn't that studious of you? Make sure you keep that up for the rest of the year now." She lectures.

She chuckles, "Why, I take offense at that. Here I was simply trying to make polite conversation. What might I ask your name is, dear?" She asks haughtily.

Gabriele's attention is distracted by the shout of Gengenschien shouting above, a social-climber like her immediately attuned to the voice of one of the school's premiere jocks. "Ah, why hello there Geg-"

She's cut off as he dive-bombs past them, the force of the wind blowing her out of course. "AGH! Bloody….!"
[1d10] Correcting flight

Roll #1 8 = 8



Amy jumps when she feels her hind leg touched so brazenly by this child. She blushes slightly.

She looks over at her bus waiting for her pointedly. "My bus is waiting, Spikey… We can talk later, alright?"

Amy gives him another pat on the head before turning to skip toward the bus. She doesn't hate the kid, but he's sooooo clingy!

>[1d10] social roll DC-3

Roll #1 3 = 3


Pryce merely smiles, a casual greeting to a fellow student.

Pryce nods.
"Mhm, got to set an example for the younger years."

Pryce looks up higher as another greets from above Gabriele.
Pryce's response is cut off as Gengenschein dives past the three of them, the turbulence spinning him off-course. Pryce angles his wings to try and spin back straight to avoid a crash landing or worse, being late.
>Flight Fix [1d10]

Roll #1 6 = 6



Punish nearly spins out as Gegenschein cuts them off.

>[1d10] to not crash


Punish shakes her head as she regains her composure. "And you don't even know who I am," Punish responds in a combative tone. "Typical. Everyone's been calling me Evil's Punishment. Or Punish for short. The name doesn't ring any bells for you?"

"I certainly recognize you, you posh griffon," she rolls her eyes.

Roll #1 4 = 4


1 morale damage done
1 morale HP left

Spike steps a his little dragon foot claw back and and digs it into the concrete, sheering it to crack. (yes, dragons are that strong even baby ones.)

His head leering down. His eyes grown to beat the puppy dog's reputation. "You promise?" he asks, a sweet troubled voice.

You correct your flight almost immediately. you may fly down to Huoli High whenever you like.

You hardly manage to correct your flight path, but you do. You may fly down to Huoli High at any time.

Feathers burst from your wings as the wind generated and momentum of your flight send you careening down toward your highschool. You manage to adjust yourself enough to decelerate before crashing into anything.

Huoli high isn't much further down. You may fly down into the courtyard at any time.


Pryce steadies himself, hovering in air as he reorients after the tumble.
"Close one…"
He mutters to himself, before looking down and seeing he's above the school now. He decides to glide on down before any other eager early birds dive past.



"Yes! Geez! Why would I lie!? It'll be fun! I really gotta go! Bye!" she says more forcefully now.

>[1d10] social roll DC-3

Roll #1 2 = 2



"Stupid jock…" Punish grumbles angrily as she shakes off the near-crash. She then lands in the courtyard.


Upon correcting her own flight pattern, she turns and clicks her beak at Punish's comment. "Posh griffon? Well, for one who recognizes me and takes offense at not knowing your name, you don't seem to know ME very well either. Though, I'll gladly take the compliment." She chuckles, arrogantly flying around her as she blows a bit of wind in her direction. "So, 'Evil's Punishment'. That's a rather interesting name. I'm Gabriele, in case you didn't know. Head of the Student Council's Disciplinary Committee?"

She nods towards Pryce as he comments on wanting to set a good example. "Well, that is refreshing to hear: an exemplary upperclassman."

She snarls after Gegenschien. "Unlike SOME ponies I know…"

She touches down at the school in a huff, looking towards Pryce as she checks her bag to see nothing flew out of it. "Well, it was nice meeting you…?"


File: 1636432284515.jpg (189.04 KB, 1200x645, Hibbing_High_School_2014.jpg)

You have the benefit of arriving at school early meaning, no need to beat the rush, no lines no trouble.

You hear a bell ringing as you descend. It's not a school bell though.

"Remember to pick up your new uniforms!" A very formally dressed teacher, in plaid skirt, black stockings, modestly short heels and a turtle neck sweater of cozy coloring waves a cow bell as you all hover down into the School courtyard.

It's River Spring!

"Down the east wing, in the lunchroom."

you all remember the layout of the highschool and will be able to reach the lunchroom without much busy work where uniforms are being handed out. You know the drill.

You all see Gengenschein just a few fee ahead walking toward the door to enter the school halls and exit the courtyard "Thank you Ms. Spring. Should be another good year for us."

"I know but-" Spike follows after you and steps on your back heel causing you both to trip over eachother. You fall onto the grass of your front lawn with the Baby dragon on top of you

"S-Sorry! I didn't mean to do that."

You suffer 4 hits of damage from the fall. It seems theres a rock in the grass you feel on.


Bus honks. The driver is getting very impatient.


Pryce turns as he lands, holding out a hoof to shake.
"Pryce," He answers the trail off. "It was nice meeting you too, miss…?"



"Cool, now I know the name of the person to avoid," Punish says in a grumpy tone as she turns to leave Gabby behind.

Punish heads to the lunchroom to get her new uniform.



"Ow!" Amy shouts out as this fall genuinely hurts her. "That hurt, you idiot!" she shouts angrily as she pushes Spike off of her violently. "Get OFF!"

>[1d10] to push him away

Before Spike can do anything else, she rushes onto the bus.

Roll #1 9 = 9


Pryce looks as he hears a bell, though seeing it's just a reminder gives him some relief, worried too much time passed in that flight.
"Thanks for the reminder M.s Spring!"
Pryce says as the teacher takes her time out to remind the students before school begins proper. He heads down towards the lunchroom to pick up his uniform.


"Ah, of course. Gabriele," she says, extending her talon to shake the pony's hoof. "Student Council head of Discipline. Let's make sure you come to school early often, shall we? Would hate to write you up now…" she says in a sing-songy voice.

"Ta-ta, 'Punish'." Gabriele waves her talon at her good-bye. "With a name like that, you might be interested in joining my committee."

"Ah, right! The new uniforms." Gabriele says with a skip in her step, always eager to try out each year's new uniforms. A sense of conformity and discipline, something like that always gave her a thrill.

As Gengenschein heads towards the doors, Gabriele delays in fetching her uniform for a moment to clear her throat next to the jock. "Excuse me, Gengenschein? I feel I should remind you that inconsiderate or endangering flight-patterns ARE outlined in the school rule-book…"


"Oh, wow. Meeting somepony on the Student Council before school even starts. Glad I left when I did," Pryce says with a chuckle, looking to be more upbeat on meeting and not catching the little threat implication.



At Gabriele's pun, Punish drops her tough facade and genuinely lets out a girlish giggle.

Which she immediately regrets as she realizes they're both heading in the same direction.


Punish can't help but roll her eyes.


You enter the lunchroom. Before to the gymnasium and the theatre it is the 3rd largest room in the School. tables are set everywhere with only a few students populating the place. They're sat down to enjoy their breakfast and conversation. None of the students you recognize except for Princess Solar wind who is currently haggling with Mister Friendly at one table. She looks terse.

Nonetheless breakfast is being served. The quicker you get your uniform the quicker you can eat. The Music Teacher Volkama and Chemistry teacher Deriva are sat at the closest table with a stack of uniforms a clear bucket of keys, enjoying cups of coffee amid pleasant conversation

"Over here." Volkama calls you over "Make a line. Uniforms over here. He gingerly sips his coffee.

4 physical damage versus 1 morale hp
-3 morale hp, poor boy

You push the small child off you and promptly you see he is holding back tears. "I'M SORRY!"
He runs off in one direction, seeming to elect to walk to school instead of taking the bus.

You hear the pressured steam like noise of the Bus door closing. As the Bus Driver threatens to disembark now. No roll is necessary to catch up or get the Bus Driver's attention. He's just fed up with waiting. So hurry now!

"Caught some whiplash? haha! Dreadfully sorry Gabriele. I considered you 3 expert fliers by now I didn't think of it any harm. It won't happen again." Gengenschein responds

If you like, you may follow him into the lunchroom with the rest.



Amy quickly jumps in through the closing bus doors. "Sorry, sorry," Amy apologizes vehemently to the driver. "He wouldn't get off of me," she adds with an uncomfortable laugh.

Amy then proceeds to find an empty seat and looks out the window in the direction of Spike. She sighs, inwardly feeling bad for the baby dragon.


Pryce smells the air as they enter the lunchroom with breakfast being served. While nothing can beat a homemade meal, it does still feel enticing. As Volkama calls them over, Pryce steps in line to get his uniform.



Punish quickly gets in line to get her uniform so she can get some food before it's all gone. She makes a point of getting into the line just before Pryce.


Gabriele flushes her feathers, taking a deep breath as she lets it out. "Well, in light of your contributions to our school's sports curriculum, I'll over-look it for now, but don't let me get caught up in one of your tail-winds AGAIN."

Gabriele catches sign of Punish's chuckle, her brow rising at that and grinning triumphantly as she turns towards Pryce again, "Yes, yes, it's quite an honor I'm sure. Forgive me for asking but, which grade are you? Sophomore or Junior?"

Spotting the stack of uniforms ahead, Gabriele pushes ahead, her wings fanning over Volkama as the teacher's pet eagerly pushes for attention from the faculty. "Oh, over here, Mr. Volkama, over here! Oh, I'm ever so eager to see what wonderful uniforms we have this year. You know the School Committee I'm on voted on the designs?"


Pryce takes a step back as Punish rushes in ahead of him.
"After you," He says politely, letting her take the spot.

"Junior. And you, if I may ask?


Shortly after Volkama returns to some gingerly conversation with his wife Deriva "Did you hear Buiwong is petitioning for new baseball equipment. NEW Equipment! That spindly spider has this school caught in his web of -of -eh gah! Obsession- And baseball! It's silly. What about the arts!"

"We still have malfunctioning bunsen burners" Deriva remarks

"Precisely my sweet cesium drop. Now these new clubs starting out krr-" He sneers "all candy sales and car washes, from here til the end of the year. They'll see no funding after their pet clubs get first pick."

Gabriele pushes past Pryce and Evil's Punishment, it's so early in the school day they were the only line to push through.
Volkama addresses Gabriele's brown nosing with lacking enthusiasm "Eager sport this one. Can I see your student ID?"

>"He wouldn't get off of me,"
"Wouldn't be a first!" Another student, Fox. is quick to make the jab and bus seats curdle with snickering and chuckles

The Bus driver pays the commotion no mind. "Hm! Spike again? He sure loves to ruin a lady's routes." She shifts her stick into next gear and the bus begins driving again as the pressurizing sounds announce it's departure.

The Bus's sudden departure sends you off balance for a moment. But you're free to find a seat.
You catch nearby, silver, metallic fured lion laughing to himself. With a goat seated beside him cautioning "Don't laugh at that! Gaaadds!" Shei tries to quell his brother.
"But that was great. You have to admit!"



"Junior," Punish answers moodily.

"For a student council member, you sure don't know your own constituents," she comments with equal grumpiness.


"Well HE definitely didn't vote for you," Punish comments with a laugh.


She smiles, "Why, the same. I'm surprised I haven't met you before over three years. Then again, it IS a big school."

Gabriele's feathers ruffle up at that comment, sneering at Punish as she chides her. "Well, for one of MY position on the committee, it is preferable for students NOT to be overly familiar with me. I can make things… difficult, for malcontents."

As she jokes further that he didn't vote for her, she flaps her wings, "Oh! Did you vote at all last year? Do you even care about our schools duly electoral process?!"

Gabriele smiles happily, "Oh, of course sir! Right here…" she says, reaching into her saddlebag and happily producing her ID out of her neatly organized saddlebag. "Never far without it."

"And might I say," she says, putting her talon on her chest, "I absolutely agree with you both. The state of our artistic and scientific is in dire need of an overhauled budget! I do think our sports facilities are more than up to par as it is. I assure you both, I shall speak to the committee at LENGTH about this." She says, continuously trying to ingratiate herself to the teachers.


"I trust my fellow students to vote for the best pick. I get a little too busy myself to look into making the best informed decision."

"I'm not too surprised, I get a little too focused on my extracurriculars."

Pryce stumbles to the side as Gabriele pushes past.
"There was a line, Ms. Head of Discipline," Pryce says, still friendly but a little annoyed for the lack of respect to a line already made.



"Ha ha ha," Amy says sarcastically at Fox's comment. She kneels on her seat to look back at him on the bus. "Poor Foxxy," she says loud enough for everyone to hear. "So jealous. He's probably been holding it in all summer. Well, hopefully SOME filly will take pity on him this year."

>Mantra of Equality to embarrass Fox in front of everyone

>Mantra of Equality: Recharge 2; Instant; Soothes a hostile target, making them more likely to listen to what you have to say, and unable to target you next turn.
>[1d10+4] DC-4

Then, she looks down at the two right in front of her. She smiles. "Helloooo," she says in an excited, friendly tone. "I don't think I know you two! Sorry if I do and just forgot! I kinda do that… What's your names?"

Roll #1 2 + 4 = 6



Punish rolls her eyes at Gabby as she talks about being someone of "her position".

Then, when she asks if she voted, Punish smirks and says a flat, "No," to answer both parts of the question.


Punish chuckles lightly at Pryce calling out Gabby's line-cutting.


Punish fishes her pockets for her school ID for whenever this gabby griffon is done getting her beak brown.


Gabriele flushes a light pink as Pryce calls her out, clearing her throat, "A-ah… was there? I apologize, I must have missed it." She flaps her wings, "I'm just SO excited over new school uniforms, and, surely a studious young colt as yourself recognizes it's important for someone on the Student Council to be enthusiastic about these things, yes?"

She glowers over towards Punish as she chuckles at her snafu, sticking her beak up and looking away with a light 'hmph'. "W-well, I suggest you consider it. After all, re-elections will be upon us before we know it."



"I don't think you WANT me to vote," Punish grumbles.


"It was only me and her-" Pryce says, gesturing to Punish with a wing, "but that's still a line. Excitement or no, it's still proper to follow good conduct."


Volkama takes your Id and begins tallying it down it in his notepad. He searches the stacks of folded uniforms behind for the right on. "Deriva find her, her key." As Deriva searches the key bucket.

Volkama speaks up "Well- well. You have my vote as long as you give Buiwong the business."

He hands you your uniform and locker key "Enjoy."

The uniform is crisp and smells like new hallway.

"The weak should fear the strong." Volkama says to you, before holding out his hoof for your student ID. But instead Punishment is first to place her ID in Volkama's hand. Beating you to the draw.

"Another eager one." Volkama takes her idea instead of Pryce's. The guy just wasn't quick enough on the draw. Soon enough Volkama supplys Punish with her uniform and locker "Don't fret. Breakfast will wait for you. On the first day of school the morning intermission lasts an hour."

Not quite a roar of laughter. But another wave of laughter cradles the bus Carriage and Fox takes your rebuke in good jest, laughing along with. "Alright, that was pretty good."

You see Gadriel emit another rancor of contain laughter. Shei-Sher introduces the both of them to you. "I'm Shei-Sher and the chuckle head is my brother Gadriel. But people like to call him Gadds for short."

"Nice to meet you." Gadds finally says

"We're freshmen." Shei-Sher informs Amy.

[we can timeskip to school at anytime you want.]


"Well that's not right, nopony should fear anypony," Pryce comments back as he reaches for his ID, only to be beat by Punish. Which is acceptable to him, since she was in front of him in line anyways. After the two girls get their uniforms, Pryce hands his ID over to Volkama to get his, and see what they're serving for breakfast.



"Oooh! Freshman, huh?" Amy converses with the new faces happily. She rests her chin on her hoof-paws which rest on the back of her seat (potentially uncomfortably close to their faces depending on how tall they are).

"Are you guys neeeeervous?" she asks teasingly.



"Thanks," she says tersely as she takes her uniforms, stuffs them in her backpack and goes to get some breakfast.


"…maybe not," Gabriele grumbles under her breath as well, but clears her throat. "Well, all the same, consider it. I would be pleased to have your vote."

As someone NOT on the Disciplinary committee lectures her, Gabriele leers at Pryce for a long moment, before saying with a forced grin. "Why, you're absolutely correct. As I already said, I APOLOGIZE. Might we move on from it?"

Gabriele can't help herself as she takes a quick sniff of the crisp, warm uniform, appreciating the scent of new clothes. "Why, but of course Mr. Volkama!" She says sweetly to the professor, bowing her head. "I will bring up your concerns first chance I have! And, thank you for the uniform!"

[good to move to classes when ready]


"Of course, everypony makes a mistake now and then," Pryce says with a smile.



"I don't pay attention to popularity contests," Punish replies flatly.


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Gengenschein's girth approaches. A shadow is cast as he stands behind you smirking. "A single vote can cast a large shadow. I think Gabriele and I would both be pleased to know you voted for either of us. Enthusiasm or not."

"Yeah, yeah here you go." Volkama hands you your uniforms and locker key "Enjoy the lunch."

You grab your breakfast down the tray line. Fluffy eggs, sausage, beans and sprouts are for breakfast. With plenty of desert still left. Your choice of toasted marshmellow poptart or blueberry scone.

Where ever you seat yourself to eat you see that slowly the school is filling up with activity and it's not long until the halls are buzzing with activity. Feel free to RP where ever your locations are, feel free to get creative too. You could be locking yourself down in the boiler room, getting a peek at the classrooms, being a loner around the rooftop, or just enjoying your lunch in cafeteria. Your choices are not limited.

"Eager actually!" Gadriel responds in kind.

"Errmm not so much." Shei responds. "Our dad had us watch dazed and confused to prepare us for highschool. Is the freshmen paddling still a thing?"

Gadriel tries to reassure Shei "We can take them."



Amy bursts out into laughter at Shei's question. "Oh, I WISH!" she says with a little wink.

"Anyway, my name is Amy! Amy Thest!" she extends both of her hoof-paws over the seat back to shake at once. "If you guys need anything and I'm around, feel free to ask! I love helping people and making new friends!"

>ready to skip to school


"After meeting you two, I might look into the election this year."
Pryce says.

"Thank you, Mr. Volkama."
Pryce says as he's handed his uniform and key. He then goes to grab a little breakfast from the line. Not too much since he already ate, but a little extra boost wouldn't hurt, and he opts for the scone.

He eats the main breakfast in the lunchroom, and then with scone in his telekinesis he goes to scout out where his classes are for the day to get it mapped out ahead of time.



"Like I said," Punish responds to Gegenschein. "I don't pay attention to popularity contests."

Punish takes some eggs and sprouts and a blueberry scone. She finds an empty table at the cafeteria to eat by herself in peace and quiet. Notably, no one wants to join her.


Again, forcing her grin, Gabriel says between clenched teeth (if she had any) "How very gracious of you."

"It's not JUST a popularity contest! The students you elect are burdened with an immeasurable responsibility to our school! We organize school events, and oversee our peers! Only the most qualified should ever even campaign."

As she gets into line for breakfast, Gabriele feels a bit peckish off of her early morning toast and elects for a few eggs and sausage to get her protein up."

Having gotten her food, Gabriele decides to seek out a table containing her fellow councilmembers, ideally the most popular table in the entire cafeteria!



"Then, it sure does suck that it's a popularity contest," she responds flatly.


The Bus finally arrives at School. By the window side you can already see rows and rows of cars parked and students of all kinds, demon, pony, mule, minotaur, zebra pouring into the Highschool proper.

The pressurized sounds revisit you as the Bus comes to a stop. Everyone walking down the aisle now exiting the Bus.

>"Anyway, my name is Amy! Amy Thest!"

"We already knew that." Shei says "You have something a reputation." His eyes travel to the corner of his vision

You amble into the school theatre to get a scope on the drama class. You see a man covered in military camo, boots, a bandana. He's jotting down notes and seems to be preparing for the school session.

"I always do try to make it a contest of wills." Gengenschein comments "It was nice talking. I'll see you in the classroom then." Gengenschein takes his leave

Gabriele follows Punish to her table regardless of her consent it seems. And they enjoy their chat as around them other tables fill and quickly cliques form.


[typo fix]
"You have something of a reputation."



"Oh woooooow, guys," Amy says to everyone on the bus. Though she says it accusingly, her tone and expression make it clear she's being mostly playful. "First day and the rumors are already starting back up!"

"Don't listen to them," she looks back to Shei and Gaddriel. "MOST of the rumors aren't true. Trust me, I don't bite."

She then gets out of her seat and starts walking down the aisle. But, before she leaves, she looks over her shoulder and says, "Unless you want me to," and winks.

Then, she hops off the bus and heads to the cafeteria. The whole way, she waves and greets just about everyone she walks by, regardless of whether she gets their names right. Upon receiving her uniform, she stuffs the shirt in her backpack, but puts on her skirt haphazardly over her tight sweatpants. It's arguable as to whether this makes her look more or less decent.

Then, she grabs some breakfast. If you can qualify a pile of sausage on a plate as "breakfast" and eats it at a table of fellow cheerleaders.


Gabriele, taken in by Punish's comment, follows her to her table to continue their argument. "Well, that's a rather shallow way of thinking it. What better way to choose those to represent the student body that one chosen specifically BY the student body?"



Punish lets out a long sigh as Gabriele sits down with her. "And, you expect a bunch of teenagers to make well-informed voting decisions? Come on. I know you're self-absorbed, but you're not DUMB!"


Gabriele flaps her wings in shock at the jab, "Ah, AH!" She says, gasping as though in shock. "Well, who would YOU have making such decisions then? The teachers? You expect students to listen to the Council that the professors picked for them? Letting the students choose who to have on the Council at least guarantees they'll choose someone they'll likely listen to."


You leave Gadriel and Shei high and dry to process their encounter with you before you head off.
The two brothers step down the bus and Shei asks Gadriel "Is your heart racing to?"

"I thought she was going to hug me." Gadriel says in a somewhat shellshocked tone.

"I thought too Gadds, I thought so too." Shei adds pensively. These two are clearly sheltered.

To some pony's dismay a few student's excitement you take a spot beside the line to dress in your skirt, posing your slender taut legs out as you pull the skirt to fit. You sweatpant tights emphasizing the form of your figure. You might catch a pony sweating if you look hard enough.

"We have bathrooms for a reason Miss Thest." Volkama sternly remarks your way

As you engage in your discussion the attention the room is diverted to Volkama and Mudi. You can't help but notice the tension in the room.

"I am not taking that key give- give me another." Mudi demands
"This is the key you were assigned. Take your items and please take a seat Mudi-"
"I know that locker number. If you think I'm keeping my locker in the corner of the highschool an inch away from the boy's bathroom you're mistaken." Mudi again asserts herself
Vizsla steps to Mudi's side to back her up "Do as she says pencil pusher. We have a class to get to."

"Pencil- Pusher!" Volkama curses.



"What!?" Amy responds to Volkama, sounding outraged. "I'm literally putting something over me while I'm already fully clothed! How is it inappropriate?!"

This is obviously an argument she's had a lot with the faculty.

When Mudi starts arguing over her locker assignment, Amy steps in. "I'll trade lockers with her," Amy offers eagerly.



"Alright… That's a good point," Punish admits. She actually seems to smile slightly and give a nod of approval.

She doesn't say more on the subject, though.


Gabriele continues as though Punish had just argued back, "Oh, before you even START on-" she pauses, her eyes blinking as she just seems to realize she was no longer arguing.

"…I'm sorry, what did you say?"

Gabriele takes note of Vizsla and Mudi causing a stir, sighing to herself. "Wonderful, those weirdos causing a ruckus again…" she says under her breath, not letting anyone hear it as she stands up ready to try and do something, if only perhaps secure a few more favors.

But her attention is distracted as Amy stands up and offers to trade with them instead, seemingly resolving the issue. She stands back, watching the exchange from afar



"You're right. If we're going to have leaders, it should be picked by the students. Teenagers don't listen to authority otherwise," Punish shrugs.

"Which is kind of why we shouldn't have a student council at all," Punish grumbles more quietly (but still loud enough to be heard).


Punish also watches the events transpire. A look of noticeable and utter distaste crosses her face when Amy gets herself involved. She rolls her eyes at the offer Amy made.


Mudi simply pays Amy a look and then a demanding look to Volkama at her suggestion.

Buiwong calls over from the room's entrance "Volkama quit bullying my star. You're holding up the line."
You can see Volkama's brow furl, you can practically hear him cursing in his thoughts. Volkama takes your key and gives you the one that was assigned to Mudi. "Here." He calls next in line "Next!"


The first bell rings and with it the school day proceeds. You are greeted with introductions for each class you arrive in.

Volkama address the classroom "Salutations, salutations, salutations." Volkama's eccentric and poignant behavior seems to always catch the attention the class. As the chatter dies down to allow him to speak "I'll be your music teacher and advisory period adminstrator. If you're in this class it is because you are compelled to discover your musical potential." Volkama paces the room "I don't allow just any creaton to step into this classroom. To be frank I don't very well have a say in it. But if you didn't belong here I will make it very apparent don't you worry. For those who don't know Deriva- Deriva dear come over here would you." Volkama asks Deriva to join him at the front of the classroom. "Is my class aid. You are to treat her with the same fear and condemnation you regard me. Now lets get on to class materials."

You get on with your classes, and the teachers then after are somewhat less eccentric.

For language arts you have River Spring, who seems to fail at holding her class's attention "Please! Everyone Please! I can keep you here past recess if that's what it takes." She eventually wrestles control of the class long enough to dessiminate materials.

For your math class is Chorazin. She is now points to a figure on the chalk board with the horsewhip in her hoof. "This is the area underneath a curve." Her statement is met with radio silence from her class. But then she cracks her whip against the chalkboard "SOLVE IT." without any introductions the class seems ready to proceed.

for your next class you have Lord Kibble, a large gruff Diamond Dog. He is probably the most casually dressed teacher at school next to Buiwong. "I am here to teach you lies.." There isn't an inch of humor in his tone.

Your next class is an elective of your choice; drama/dance class, chemistry, art class, mass media

You may respond or RP within whichever class of your choosing before we move on from here.

All the party members share the same classes together except for their elective. unless they all choose the same elective. For advisory and band Class you are mixed in wtih all grade groups, freshman, sophmore, junior, senior. If there is an NPC you want to engage with just write yourself doing so.


Pryce walks into the theatre, taking a look around to get the feel back for the place after not being there all summer. When he sees somepony else in there jotting notes, Pryce waves a hoof as he greets them.
"oh, hello! I didn't think anypony else would be here this early."



"Yeaaaah!" Amy does a little excited dance as she gets the scandalous locker key.

"High five, Moody," Amy demands as she raises her hoof-paw to her.


Mudy squints her eyes at you. Almost appraising your hoof as she slowly decides to touch it with hers. She hold her hoof there intimately touching yours

She regards you with a smile "Please refrain from tiring out my teammates too much this year."

You approach the man, but he ignores you. He's busy writing down notes. It is so quiet in the theatre you can hear the jotting of pencil against paper reverb off the walls.

You hear a voice from the stage, and following it is the sound of wheels moving on hardwood floor. "Don't mind him. He's in the zone." Onion, the janitor of the school leans on a mop standing in a rolling mop bucket.


"He must take… whatever it is he's writing, very seriously," Pryce comments as Onion rolls in.
"Who is he?" Pryce asks, since Onion seems to know him, and it has his curiosity.



Paw pads feel good to touch.

Amy lets out a series of giggles at Mudi's request. She blushes slightly. "Hey! They should be used to getting a good workout! They're athletes!"


Amy spots Gads and Shei in music class and goes over to sit next to them. "Heyyyy! How are you two doing?" she asks conversationally as she sits backwards in a chair, once again resting her chin on her arms and her arms on the back of the chair. "Everything working out for you two so far?"

>On a side note, surprising everyone, Amy's elective is chemistry. And, she's not bad at it!



In Lord Kibble's class, Punish can't help but raise her hoof. "I'm sorry. What in Tartarus is this class?"

>Punish also elects for chemistry, she doesn't do all those artsy-fartsy or communications things


"Kid, the man's been serious ever sense he finished his tour in afghanistan. Shell shocked that fella." Onion responds.

"My name is Hope. And I will be teaching you drama. If you can manage." Hope finally speaks up. Huoli High's Drama teacher.

Mudi leaves you to join her sisters in the cafeteria

You join Shei and Gadds in their rows
"Surprisingly yes." Shei says with idle relief.

Gadriel says "A jock type tried spanking Shei's tush but we took care of him right quick. He won't be using his right hoof anytime soon."

"Or leaving the janitor's closet." Shei adds

Gadriel admits "It was probably a joke thinking in hindsight but its better we don't take risks."

Volkama reaches you three in your seats. He seems to have been going through the rows. "And what instrument will you be playing?" he asks

Lord Kibble stops his jotting onto the chalk board as Punish asks her question. Kibble slouches forward and sighs the word "History…"


The site is unstable



"Oh…" Pryce comments lowly, having not known.

When Hope speaks up about being the drama teacher, Pryce smiles after seeing how serious he was with the writing.
"I'll look forward to it," He says with enthusiasm. "I should check out the rest of my schedule. I'll see you later!" He says in farewell to not keep the teacher held up or distracted too much longer as he heads off to get a note on the rest of his class locations.

After scoping out the rest of his classes, it's easy for Pryce to be on time for each one, important to do for the first day both to set a good habit and to also get the best seat.

Language arts was always one of his more favorite of the core, the literature and speech aspect linking well with his drama enthusiasm. Though he can't see why the class is so rowdy, Ms. Spring seems to be the most straightforward of all the teachers, you'd think they'd appreciate that more.

As for his elective, his choice is obvious, drama.


"…oh." Gabriele says, looking surprised. "I… sorry, I'm not so used to someone agreeing with me so quickly. Usually I have to be a bit more beak and talon."

She clears her throat, "Well, you HAVE to have a Student Council. We're entering that part of our lives where we should be preparing ourselves for the responsibility of adulthood. That involves at least a degree of self-governance."

As the school-bell rings and classes begin, Gabriele lets out a sigh of relief and stands up from her table, very eager to start off the new school year and earn the admiration of teacher and student alike.

Gabriele proves a spirit though plainly average student in music, though she does not go for Volkama's over-enthusiasm she grins and bears with it, finding her own pace as she plays the violin.

Language with River Spring she excels at, being one of her better subjects in understanding the finer points of Equish and literature. Mathmatics she's noticeably less skilled in, grumbling to herself angrily as she considers tearing apart the book at every moment. But throughout all her classes, no matter how grumpy or tired under the surface, Gabriele keeps on a pristine, plastic smile at every turn, even making faux offers to help others when she sees the opportunity (though silently hoping they'll turn her down)

As she reaches her elective, Gabriele picks up her bags and moves to dance class, much like with music finding a sort of refined, elegant joy in the finer arts of dance. Though, sadly like music, she finds herself rather average at it, but no less for enthusiasm as she practices the fine art of ballet.




"What!?" Amy responds with upset shock at Gads and Shei. "You can't hurt people! Or lock them in closets! At least let them out!"

"I'm a trumpet kind of lady," Amy responds to Volkama.



"Since when does 'self-governance' involve a few stuck up students with too much time on their hooves telling you what to do?" Punish responds with a rolling of her eyes.


Gabriele's talon grips at the notion of her 'having too much time on her hooves', but sighs. "I'm going to ignore that, because I'm so nice. And, it's still technically self-governance since the majority chose those 'stuck up students'. If you abstain making a choice, you are still in fact making one in accepting the outcome regardless of your input."


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You hear Hope murmur something in a dismissive manner as he continues his writing and you leave the room.

As one of the few students with some classroom decorum you catch River offering either of you a chagrined look of desperation. Though there's nothing she could expect you to do to discipline the classroom you can't help but see the pleading in her eyes.

The day moves on to Drama class where you get a proper introduction with the new Drama teacher. The students are seated in the auditorium seats, Hope is pacing the stage paying each of you silent looks. His dress shoes clap against the hard wood stage with each step. The sounding echoing into the auditorium like a well timed metronome. You can feel yourself being appraised for you're very worth as a person.

Seated beside you is Mocha and Ichimonji. You're a small class seated at the front seats.

Shei and Gadds look eachother blankly before Gadds answers to you "But he violated the NAP."

Volkama looks to you, he scratches his chin upon careful consideration. His concentration only interupted when Shei interjects.

"I would like to try the saxophone."
And Gadds says "Where are the kazoos?"

"PSS!" Volkama silences them with a hoof and continues his glower toward Amy. His stature clearly leering over you.
"Yes.. But are you a trumpet lady? What can you do?"



Punish smirks, but says no more on the subject. She walks away to her next class.



Amy's eyes shift back and forth in confusion as if she might for the answer somewhere else. She leans away from Volkama slightly.

"Plaaaay the… trumpet?" Amy answers the question slowly, as if it's a question.


Gabriele takes a brief break from her dancing exercise, seated in a modest leotard besides Mocha, Ichimonji, and surprisingly the young pegasus Pryce she met this morning as she looks on ahead towards the imposing Mr. Hope.

As he taps on his shoes against the hard wood stage, she watches the metronome pacing back and forth nervously, curious what it is he could be waiting for. She clears her throat, "Ahem… ah… did you, wish for me to perform my routine one more time, Mr. Hope?" She asks deceptively sweetly.


"Come on everypony, it's the first day! Let's focus to get past the starter stuff quick."
Pryce speaks up, seeing how much trouble Ms. Spring is having keeping the class controlled.
>Persuasion [DC-1] [1d10]
>Gilded Tongue: Passive; The DC for persuasion, bartering and intimidation-related rolls is reduced by 1. Folks will naturally sense your charisma at a glance and be more willing to trust you the first time you interact.

Pryce takes his seat in the front row, looking up as Mr. Hope paces back and forth. After meeting him earlier and seeing the intense focus he had, he starts to wonder how grand of plans he has for the year.
"…Will we be starting soon, Mr. Hope?"

Roll #1 10 = 10


"Can you play any arpeggios, what scales do you know."

As you speak up the classroom can sense the annoyance in your voice and then look to themselves as the source. That trained look you have inspires some of the less wild students to disquiet their neighbor. As soon enough it seems no one wants to be on Pryce's bad side. There is a short exchange of words between the students as they reel their routiness back in. What was previously a cacophony of ingratious students is quieted down to a bare 1 or 2 conversations exchanged in whispers before that too peaters out.

River Spring looks to you with an approving smile. And returns to the giving her introductions in order to start the class on a good note.

You had finished your stretches and dancing exercises that marked the beginning half of the class when you were prompted to take your seats and Drama Teacher Hope began appraise you all.

To Gabriele's questions Hope responds "Hm.. maybe." His glower then lands on Pryce "River Spring tells me you stood up for her in english class. You might have some command over your words. I want you to step up onto the stage."

He gestures toward Gabriele "You- I want you on stage with him. I like your stamina."


Pryce smile as the class quiets down, feeling good to have helped out an unruly first day.

Pryce nods as Mr. Hope instructs him to come up on stage.
"I can carry a presence when I need to. Can't be an actor without that talent."


Gabriele at first looks shocked when Mr. Hope picks Pryce over her, almost looking ready to argue before, thankfully, he gestures to her as well. She smiles widely, bowing in a curtsy of sorts, following up behind Pryce while flaunting her wings, trying to make herself more the star of the show. "I take it we'll be performing a scene together? Just hit me with whatever you have in mind, sir, I assure you he's not the only one with a commanding voice!"



"I don't know… what that means…" Amy says in a similarly slow and questioning tone.


"Oh hey, this is great! Who could've guessed we'd be paired up for the first performance," Pryce comments on the coincidence after their earlier meetup.


"Ever watched The Lion?" Hope asks Gabriele and Pryce as they step up on stage. "I want you to play that scene where Rafiki is holding up the Lion king to the animal kingdom."

That is all he says, without specifying which of you two would be Raifiki and who would be Simba

"Harumph." Volkama grunts with displeasure at your answer. He seems to be losing his patience. He steals away another student's Trumpet from behind him.

"Vhat! How can you do vis to me!" You hear frieschutz voice some outrage from behind Volkama, but he ignores her for the moment. Volkama gives the Trumpet to Amy.
In a stern sentence her says "Play me something."



"Okay!" Amy says, having no qualms with putting her lips to a use mouthpiece.

Amy plays her best rendition of "When the Saints Go Marching In".

>[1d10] for good trumpet playing!

Roll #1 4 = 4


"Of course, it's a classic," Pryce responds. After the instructions are given, Pryce looks to Gabriele, holding out a hoof, ready to take the role of Rafiki to carry out Simba.


Gabriele forces the fakest grin she's ever put on. "Yes, what a happy coincidence." She chuckles, "Do try and keep up, will you?"

Gabriele offers a blank stare towards Mr. Hope, turning her head as her feathers ruffle out somewhat. "Aah…. ah… well, why… yes, I am familiar with the scene you speak of but," she chuckles, "Well, I mean, it isn't much to work with. There isn't even any dialogue, and, neither of us are quite suited to the role of Simba."


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Pic related is the auditorium from stage view. Except the lights are dimmed and there is a row of students seated in the front seats.


>neither of us are quite suited to the role of Simba."
"That is why I want you act like you are. ACT! Ms. Gabriele." Hope doesn't seem to respond well to complaining.


As Pryce offers up his hoof, she takes one look at it as she narrows her eyes as he insinuates to carry her like a baby lion. "No. Absolutely NOT!"


"There may be no dialogue, but it's all in the buildup of the scene."
Pryce comments, giving some helpful advice.

"Well… uh, are you sure you could do it?"
Pryce asks, unsure of how to asks if she could lift him without being insulting.


>"Well… uh, are you sure you could do it?"
"OF COURSE I CAN'T!" Gabriele shouts, "Look at me, I'm a delicate young griffoness, I couldn't pick up a big hulking stallion like yourself! But neither will I have you parading me around like… like… a newborn griffon cub! It's insulting!"

As Mr. Hope insists she act, Gabriele looks on pleading. "But… but… but…!" she start to stammer, before deflating in defeat, not wanting to disappoint - or cause trouble with - a teacher. "B-but of course! How silly of me! Hehe…" she forces a fake laugh, looking at Pryce as she forces herself to smile.

"Well then… I suppose you should… get on with it then, no need to keep the professor waiting…" She grinds her teeth, sitting down on the floor of the stage to be easier to heft up.


You do your best but it's not very impressive. Your notes aren't clear and you have no sense of volume. Your notes are played without any care for accenting. Nonethelee Volkama taps his conductor's wand against a music sheet stand in time with your performance. Overall the mediocrity of your performance is lost in the surrounding mediocrity of the classroom. As the random noises everyone else is making on their instruments is just as unskilled.

"That'll be enough, you got the job." Volkama says with little climax.

"Uh- vhen do I get my instrument back, hm?" Der Freischutz wonders outloud.

Something one of says stirs a memory in Hope.. about the war. "When my OFC had his legs shorn off from his cavalry unit taking heavy fire I had to carry his limp, dieing body 12 miles to the nearest airbase." His voice is singular in tone and calm, yet reverbs through the auditorium with the drama of his statement. "If you can't carry one another, then the actors may cup their partner by the waist to play the scene."


"How is it insulting? We're reenacting a movie."

When Gabriele relents, Pryce smiles.
"Alright, let's sell it," He says, ready to perform.

When gabby sits, Pryce uses the opportunity to play out set up of Rafiki walking to Simba's parents, remember the intro the best he can. His horn glows, using his telekinesis to help lift Gabriele more comfortably, and putting one hoof respectable under her back to look that he is carrying her. He steps forward to the front of the stage slowly, holding her more to the side to give that little bit of hidden from sight aspect, until he reaches the front of the stage, where he lifts her high up overhead in the climax.
>Performance [1d10]

Roll #1 3 = 3


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As Hope suddenly relieves a horrifying war flashback, Gabby's eyes open wide as she can't help but look helplessly around the theater for some sort of rescue from this horrible awkwardness as he lays out his trauma on the class like that. "Oh… uh…" is all she can say in response to his eerily calm tragic backstory.

As he says that if they can't pick them up, cupping by the waist is acceptable Gabriele sighs in relief. "Oh, well, in that case OHMY!!!" She's caught off guard as she's scooped up in Pryce's telekinesis, looking down with barely hidden disdain at the alicorn. However, as she sees him getting into character, Gabriele puts on a dopey face, extending out her arms and legs like Simba did as a cub with little to no enthusiasm, basically appearing like a stiff, angry little simba-cub
[1d10] Performance to appear as displeased as possible.

Roll #1 7 = 7



"You can have this one back," Amy says, presenting the instrument to Freischutz. "It's… a little used now, though," she says with a small giggled. "Sorry about that…"

"Get we get another trumpet over here, Mr. Volkama?" Amy asks loudly.


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"Vhank'yu! Cherry~" Der Freichutz says as she is handed her instrument. She promptly trumpets a perfected jazz solo to celebrate the reunion.

You still have Volkama's gaze on you "hrm, you have my permission to fetch one from the pile." Volkama points over to a pile of cases and instruments laying about in the instrument gallery at the back of the room.

As he digresses from you hear him saunter over to Gadriel and you can hear to the effect of much drama in his voice "So you think you can play the Kazoo??!"


You earn nothing but Hope's quiet observation. Nobody knows this, but He is currently focusing on hearing the Lion King soundtrack in his head. That is until he realizes there is zero effort being given by the audience.

"What are you waiting for cadets!" He begins shouting like a drill seargent. The student crowd is shaken his roaring volume, frozen for a moment until Hope commands them "You're the animal kingdom! Praise you're new king!" He points to the crowd announcing them as animals "You're elephants. I want to hear elephants" The he points to another portion of the crowd "Zerbas! Whiney! WHIIINEEEYY!!"
And then another portion of your classmates "Monkeys! Tantrum! Throw a tantrum!"

Without much time passing the audience of students assemble a chorus of animal noises. As many of them fake whineying, stamping their hooves on the ground, other flail their arms infront of their face like a trunt and make elephant noises, while the rest make racorous monkey screeches.

Inexplicably A spotlight shine on gabriele and Pryce like a light shone from heaven, amid the performance.

The elective class bell rings and it is time to make your way to your final class. P.E. After your teacher dismisses you, you file into the highschool corridors among the other crowds of students pouring into the halls.



Amy gives Freichutz a round of applause at the masterful playing.

Amy collects the spare instrument, but doesn't get much a chance to use it as the class bell rings.

Amy skips excitedly out of the classroom. "Time for P.E.!" she sings happily. "Best class!"

She exits with Gads and Shei nearby since they were sitting together. "You guys will loooove P.E.! It's just playing and then you get a grade for it!"

Then, she suddenly gets a serious expression. "But, first you two need to go unlock that guy you locked in the closet. If you don't want to, then I'll do it myself."



Punish lets out a long sigh as she approaches the worst part of the day: changing in the locker rooms. P.E. is fine. It's actually almost good. But, she hates the awkwardness of the locker room…

She makes sure to get to the locker rooms first and get changed before the bulk of the people arrive. She does her best to look at no one and draw no attention to herself.

Despite being geared up for P.E. class, she continues to wear her long gloves that go almost up to her shoulders.


Pryce looks down as Mr. Hope gets the rest of the students to act out the animal crowd. He really goes above and beyond for the performances it seems. Even having a spotlight shine down too for the final beat.

After they finish, Pryce sets Gabriele down.
"That went pretty well, don't you think?"

As the bell rings, Pryce heads off towards gym class, expecting a bit there knowing the energy that's in the air after the first full day of classes.


Gabriele continues to look infinitely displeased with everything in regards to life at this moment, up until the light shone down on her and Pryce. In that moment, looking down at all the 'animals' praising the coming of their new Queen, a small smile formed up on Gabriele's beak, and her stiff and hateful expression turned to one of concealed indulgence as she spread her wings and accepted the glory, imagining it in a different sort of tone / setting as she pictured what upcoming elections might look like… for Class President.

Lightly chuckling to herself amid the fantasy, Gabriele is shocked as the bell rings, blinking in surprise as they're released from their performance. After she's (presumably) set down by Pryce, she turns to look him dead in the eye, pointing a talon at his muzzle. "You will tell NO ONE of this." She says promptly before hurriedly running to grab her bag, and make her way to PE, trying to hide the blush underneath her feathers.


After Pryce sets her down, Gabriele does not answer the question, quickly moving down to pick up her bag and quickly flapping up to the stage, a light twinge of pink beneath her feathers. "You will tell NO ONE of this." She says promptly, before quickly retreating away from the stallion towards the exit.


"Why? That was a great show." Pryce says as Gabriele walks off. He tilts his head in confusion before heading off to his next class as well.

"Huh, guess she's stage shy." He mutters to himself.


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You all make your way for the school's gymnasium for your final class P.E. What the acronym stands for nobody knows. What you do know is that this is one of your few classes that is a composite of freshman, sophmore, juniors, and seniors alike. As you file through the entrance you find the lights are off and the place is quite dark to your confusion. It doesn't seem like there is a class taking place all. The entrance is housed by an archway that holds up the gymnasium stands for people to sit in to watch games played in the gym court.

As you pass the archway into the gym court you find that the entire area of the floor is covered with fog, lapping against your movements.

Shei-Sher and Gadriele almost knock into you as they hurriedly pass by you. "Excuse me!" You see Gadriele placing fog with a portable dry ice machine. And Shei-Sher is dressed in a orange safety vest while wielding orange guiding rods. He wears a yellow safety helmet as he guides the student body into the gym court "This way please. Please file into the gymnasium court, thank you."

The two freshman hang their head low, saddened to have disappointed their upper classmen "Okay, you're right." Shei emits apologetically.

"Maybe we did take that one a little too far." Gadriele admits.

The three of you hurry as there isn't much time before the next bell. Shei and Gadriel lead Amy to outside the highschool to a nook in the courtyard at the border of the highschool where the janitor's supply room is.

To your surprise the Supply room is unlocked and even more the room is mostly empty save for a standing shelf with supplies. In the corner of the room is the locker where you can only guess is where their victim is held.

Shei-Sher makes quick work of picking the lock they used to seal the locker and you find that it was Fox locked in the locker. He is tied up with toilet paper and snoring peacefully in a deep sleep.


Pryce enters the gymnasium, pausing when he sees it all covered in fog. As Shei and Gadriele nearly topping into them as they pass, Pryce looks at the two with concern.
"What's all the fog for? Isn't this a hazard for the class?"


As Gabriele enters the gymnasium, she's right in the middle of preparing to go to the girl's locker room to change before she sees the clear spectacle going on here with the fog being spread across the gym, and the oddly dressed little goat stirring up a ruckus in directing everyone to file in.

She turns towards Pryce, clicking her beak in the process. "Indeed, it is. One moment, *I* shall handle this…" she says with determination, stomping her way intimidatingly towards the tiny goat in the orange safety vest.

She taps him on the shoulder, then putting her talons on her hips. "Excuse me! Might I ask what you think you're doing? This is supposed to be the group PE period!"


>After first period

"You're saved, Foxxy!" Amy says as she finds him asleep. "You're welcome! I already gave these two hooligans a talking to!"


"What are you two up to now?" Amy asks Shei and Gadds suspiciously, assuming that they're being mischievous again.



"Oh thanks goodness!" Punish declares with intense sarcasm. "The chief of discipline is one the case!"


Gabriele is aware of the sarcastic tone, but decides to play on the opportunity as she cries in faux-relief in the midst of so many potential voters. "Yes, yes, dear, you need not concern yourself anymore! Your head of the Disciplinary Committee shall handle things, as you would expect her toooo~!" She says in a sing-song voice, more so to the other students around Punish so as to earn their favor.



Punish just lets out a long sigh.


"Nothing bad!" says Gadriel

Shei-Sher turns his radio on "Rodger Dodger, we have an unruly civilian. over"

"Ten four- she looks like she means business. over." you hear a voice from the radio.

Otherwise Shei seems to completely ignore your response in order to carry on with his work


"Gadds cue the lights." You hear shei's voice off somewhere and at once an array of spotlight shine, accompanied by music playing over the Gymnasium ceiling speakers.


The spot lights line up at the precipice of the bench stands above you. The lights land upon a Zebra's back, green jersey and track pants lit up by the spotlight. He turns around to reveal its none only than your gym teacher, Buiwong!
He begins a precarious sprint, stepping on each of the stand benches as he finally jumps on a mini trampoline at the bench floor.

Buiwong flies into the air in a spining, flipping pirouette. He lands on his feet before you, as a splash of fog dashes away from his landing. Seemingly from no where he produces a bat in hoof and bats an oncoming baseball thrown to him.

Gadriel is seen with a mitting running backward to catch it but instead gets hit in the face "Ow!"

With a flourish Buiwong spins the bat and tosses it into the air, a single hoof held out to catch it. Except the bat never falls. A dramatic amount of time passes and the bat still isn't seen to have fallen anywhere, but the song does end, closing the performance.

"Hello class, I'll be your P.E. Teacher Buiwong. Pleased to meet you all."

You feel like you should be clapping, with some hesitation other students in the begin to clap politely for the performance. And the gym lights turn off.

Gadriel and Shei hurry to the front of the gym to return the equipment. You can see Shei stopping by Buiwong briefly to ask "-and about that favor?"

"Sure thing, it's yours." Buiwong says


Fox's snore bubble pops him awake in response to Amy's yelling. "Huh wha- you!!?" Fox exclaims as he unceremoniously spills out the locker.

He gets up to briefly dust himself off. He points to his own eyes and then points to the three. "You three are nothing but trouble." He finally states before promptly leaving the room for his next class.


As Shei seems to ignore her entirely, Gabriele's feathers literally ruffle up, her talons reaching over to grab the goat by the scruff of his neck. "Unruly!? Now listen here, you upstart little… I am the Student Council Discipline Committee's duly elected head! And if YOU don't want a referral for a month's detention, at LEAST, then you will clean up this garish little mess you've made and…"

As the music kicks off, Gabby lets go of Shei in surprise, looking up to see the flying zebra springing through the air, landing perfectly and hitting off the baseball squarely towards Gadriel in the face, wincing in pain as she sees her fellow griffon get knocked out before looking on at the triumphantly posing gym teacher standing in the middle of the gymnasium.

She clears he throat, putting on fair airs for a teacher, as she approaches, "Ah, my, yes, that was a WONDERFUL introduction, Mr. Buiwong! I uh…" she clears her throat, looking towards Shei. "I take it this was all under your approval, then? I mean… it was quite irregular…"


Pryce looks up as the light comes on, shining over Mr. Buiwong, their gym teacher, though this at the moment feels more like drama class.
He watches the performance, wincing as Gadriel is hit by the ball. At the end of it all, Pryce gives a few stomps of applause, the oddity of the introduction throwing off the spectacle.
"Pleased to be here, Mr. Buiwong. But, uh… should we clear out the fog now?"



"She means it was stupid," Punish says in an annoyed tone at the teacher. "Can we throw some balls around now or something…?"



"It wasn't STUPID!" Amy says, defending the teacher. "It was just… kinda…" she puts a hoof-paw to her chin to think of the right word. "Pointless?"

She nods in satisfaction at the word choice. "But, Coach is always doing stuff like that, it's kinda cute," she says with a giggle.


Then, Amy notices Pryce for the first time today.

"Ooooh! Speaking of cuuuute," Amy says with a big grin on her face. She hops over to Pryce and leans against him like a dog looking for attention.

"Hiiii, Pryyyyce! I haven't seen you aaaall summer," she says in the flirtiest tone she can muster. "I missed you!"


"Oh, hey Amy!" Pryce says with a smile as she hops over to him.
"Yea, this summer was a little busy. How was yours?"


Gabriele gasps in an exaggerated fashion, "W-why I said no such thing, Punishment! Just that, it's rather… distracting."

"Well, 'pointless' might be a tad too harsh for our," she chuckles, "ESTEEMED physical education instructor, hehehe…" she chuckles, "But, as traditional as it is for Mr. Buiwong to put on such a spectacle, as this year's DULY ELECTED Student Council Disciplinary Committee chair, I do feel it is my responsibility to perhaps, point out such grievances." She says, trying to seem as political as possible to both sides.



For the briefest of moments, Amy deadpans at the complete lack of affection in Pryce's response. But, then her bubbly smile returns and she doubles down.

"Ooooh, busy?" she asks in an interested tone. "What were you doing? I hope it didn't involve any summer romance that didn't include me!"


You see the pale of terror screen over Shei's face as he takes the first moment of distraction to flee your talons.

"That will be fine Mister Etac. The fog is pleasantly dramatic."

"We're getting there, but first I need to make class introductions and show you to your changing rooms."

You hear Mocha voice out her concerns "It was pretty bold Buiwong! Can you save the routines for the games." A quasi gothic lolita dressed spider-mare complains.

"Little spider I won't have to put in that much effort for another year. And I don't remember us being on a first name basis young lady." Buiwong chides Mocha

"Sorry.." He apologizes, crestfalen.


"Alright, alright settle down class. Now for the most part people have treated my class as a goof off class. Well I'm here to tell you that if you are going to goof of that is your prerogative. The world needs underarchievers like you so that it's over achievers can have someone to achieve over. It's like the food chain. There is a bottom of the food chain. Like mycelium. You see a lot of you are like mushrooms dangling at the jungle floor and the then king of the jungle comes around and digs you up to cover his poop. If that is your destiny in life I'm not here to fault you for it. I'm here to manage the baseball team -Go Ecclessia!- and provide a sort of cushion between classes for the teachers. That means if you prefer to walk the bleachers instead of doing laps or hitting the weights you will be awarded the same grade as the people who actually try in life. Do I have any questions before we move on?"



"As much as I hate to agree with the mutt," Punish says, gesturing at Amy's pathetic attempt at flirting. "She's right. It was pretty pointless. Which I would call stupid."


"Way ahead of you," Punish says as Buiwong talks about changing rooms. She gestures down to her wearing her P.E. uniform from last year which she brought with her specifically so she could get changed before everyone else.


"I say we let the underachievers try harder. Just creates better competition," Punish disagrees with Buiwong's world view.



Amy ignores everything else as she devotes the entirety of her attention to Pryce, staring at him longingly. While right next to him.


Pryce chuckles a little as Amy hopes he didn't have a fling.
"Went to a summer camp for acting, even picked up a little singing too. My little brother picked up skateboarding too, so that's been a time and a half helping out."

"I… alright."
Pryce says, accepting the fog as staying.

As Buiwong gives his speech of under and overachievers, Pryce can't help but frown at the usual presentation.
"We really shouldn't encourage underachieving. Everypony should reach out for their full potential."

Pryce looks to the side, seeing Amy's focus entirely on him.
"Come on Amy, this is class time, you should at least pay a little attention during that."



"Summer camp!?" Amy says, sounding genuinely concerned. "But, that's where all the best summer flings happen!"

"Pryce, don't tell me-" she starts before Pryce cuts her off by telling her to focus on class.

"F-fine!" she says in a huff. "I see how it is! I'll just have to try harder to beat her - whoever she is!"


"W-Wait, there isn't anypony else!" Pryce says in his defense as Amy gets upset.


Gabriele decides to overlook Shei's terrified expression, but keeps a steady eye on the goat as she directs herself to her seat in preperation for Buiwong's speech. As it proves to be a long and… somewhat demoralizing affair over the state of the student body being mushrooms for the kings of the jungle to feast on. As it comes to an end, Gabriele raises her talon.

"Ah… just for clarification, sir… you're saying if we DON'T participate in activities, we still receive a passing grade in the class?"

As Amy flirts with Pryce, Gabriele can't help but roll her eyes and whisper to Punish, "My gods, what is her deal? Does she know the Colt Scout?"


Buiwong's glower shines on you with discontent like how the sun shines in the Sahara "That's gross. We got new uniforms for everyone. Wearing your old uniform is not an option."

"Then you two can explain that to the ponies that are going to walk the bleachers. I don't know why you're telling me."

Buiwong blows his whistle as he points to you, the griffon raising her hand. He answers "That is correct. P.E. is an almost completely leisurely class, we have activities but as long as your aren't disruptive or go missing feel free to use that time however you like."

"Follow me class." Buiwong leads you all into the boys changing room. He's just showing you around don't worry.
"These are the boys' locker rooms, the Girl's are on the other side of the room. You'll be claiming your locker tomorrow. Now Vortigern is in charge of the ladies P.E. but she's busy with other things today so I have teach coed style for now. But usually you'll be segregated by gender."

Buiwong points you into a dark office space within the same changing rooms "This is my office, I'm almost never in here because the changing smells like sweat. So for the most part I use it as storage."
You see the office is filled with boxes, nick nacks, you think that might be a sleeping mat underneath the desk. And in one spot in the room a pile of folded P.E. clothes.

"I don't have list. You can all go ahead and take a any P.E. uniform, that's fine. Boys change here, Girls will go to their respective changing room and change there. Then everyone report back to the Gym Court. We're playing dodgeball today!" Buiwong blows his whistle signaling everyone get into gear and follow directions.



"Gods, your head really couldn't get any further up your own ass, could it?" Punish scolds Gabby for not knowing her own constituents.

"That's Amy, a cheerleader. That slut of a mutt has 'dated' like half the baseball team. And, Pryce is one of the star players. So, naturally, her predatory instincts kick in around him. It's disgusting," she says loudly enough for Amy to hear.


When Buiwong tells Punish that she can't wear her old uniform, Punish practically deflates. There goes her clever idea.

When they are told to grab a uniform and go change, she quickly grabs one and heads to the girls' locker room as fast as she can.


"Oh… well then!" Gabriele says happily as she takes out her bag, not even bothering to make her way to the girl's locker room as she starts looking over some of her homework she got from her earlier classes. "I could get an early start on all this nonsense, then." She happily starts writing down with a pencil and paper without going to the girl's locker room first to get changed, not anticipating if Vortigern would take any issue of the girls not even getting into uniform for the class.

"Well, EXCUSE me for not knowing the name of every jock, nerdling, and diva in the school!" She bites back, pointing her talon, "You know, I bet if I did the minimal amount of digging, I could find something you should probably be in after-school correction for."

As she explains who Amy is, she turns to look towards the wolf pony, rubbing her beak. "Still, all that said, I am surprised I missed her. Cheerleaders and athletes at least are worth getting to know, lots of pull with the student body. Though, she's a rather promiscuous little thing, isn't she? HALF the baseball team you say."



When Punish calls Amy gross, Amy sticks her tongue out in Punish's direction.


"Oh, Pryce, I knew you cared!" Amy says lovingly as she nuzzles her fluffy cheek into Pryce's neck.


Upon being shown the boy's locker room, Amy can't help but have a mischievous look on her face. When Buiwong mentions it smells like sweat, Amy says, "Yeah it does," like Buiwong meant it in a good way.

She subtly stays in the back of the line to be one of the last to get a uniform. And, when she does finally take one, she sneaks away to a dark corner of the locker room to spy on the boys while they change.

>Transparency: passive; Crystal coats are known for attracting attention making sneaking and hiding more risky for your kind. Few crystal ponies however, don’t shine as bright or stand out all that much. Blending into the scenery better even thanks to their see-through form. When wearing minimal armor (jewelry, trinkets and minor accessories are fine) you gain a passive DC-1 to stealth and hide rolls.

>stealth roll [1d10] DC-1

Roll #1 5 = 5


Pryce follows along as they're giving a tour to the changing rooms and Mr. Buiwong's office. When he announces that the game of the day is dodgeball, Pryce can't help but get a little excited. It was always a fun game.

He picks out a uniform of his size from the folded pile, making sure not to leave it a mess after, and finds a spot in the changing room to change after all the girls have left to go to their room.


Pryce's face takes a small tint of red, taking a back step after Amy nuzzles up to him.
"A-Amy, c-could you not do that in public, please," He stammers back in response.



"Fine," Amy says before getting closer to whisper. "We'll save it for private," she whispers with a wink.

Then, they part ways.



"Honestly, the less we talk about Amy, the better," Punish says, sounding like it's a sore subject.


"You do any digging up on me, and I'll show YOU some Punishment," Punish says as she punches her hooves together threateningly.

Then, when Gabby shows absolutely 0 interest in P.E., Punish gives her a derisive look. "Really? Not going to mingle with your people in a rousing team-building activity? It would do good for your image?" Punish says alluringly.


You file into the locker before anyone else can get a chance to beat you there. You arrive to empty rows of lockers and small benches. There is an office in here too, the changing room completely mirrors the boy's changing room.

You think you're alone here until you hear a high pitched "Eeep!!" You see a short horned demon Pony doing her best to drape a shirt over hereself. She has burn scars from her face to here body. "What are you doing here!"

Mocha, the only goth girl dryder in this school joins you in the bleachers setting her books down beside you "Did you under the math homework?"

You hide yourself into a locker, with only barely enough time to go unnoticed. Through the slits in the locker you can clearly see the boys changing.

You see that Shei and Gadriel are preparing to change just ahead of you. And other than a few other ponies whose names you don't know you see Fox among them, and he doesn't seem too happy about sharing space with them.

As he picks a locker to store his stuff he very obviously brushes againsst Shei shoving him against a metal locker.
Gadriel voices out concern "At least say something."

Fox "I have nothing to say to you runts."

Pryce busies himself changing. He noticed some rough housing going on in Shei and Gadriel's corner.


Pryce, mid change, turns his head towards the sounds of rough housing.
"Come on, save it for the game you guys."
He calls over to the group.



"Trying to get changed," Punish grumbles at the demon pony. She tries to office door to see if it's unlocked.


Fox turns head to Pryce "These freshmen threw me in a locker! For two periods!"
"And you touched our rumps! So you're a queer and a pushover!" Gadriel retors.

Fox ignites "If you cannot appreciate my mercy, you'll enjoy my wrath!" and wrestles Gadriel down with four of his tails and two of his arms as the metallic Chimera struggles.

"Hold him there! Gadds!" Shei twists a towel, ready for retaliation he delivers a whip to Fox's hinny
[1d10] for towel whipping

She stands up, without looking at you she stammers "Sorry!" And runs out of the changing room. It's your guess she is probably going to change in the ladies bathroom.

Roll #1 4 = 4


"Neither of those is reasons to get into a brawl in the locker room. You can report that proper after," Pryce says to diffuse the situation, until Fox jumps on Gadriel.
"Hey, hey!" Pryce shouts, marching over shirtless to their brawl to split it up.
"Alright that's enough! Break it up!"
Pryce says, pushing Fox off Gadriel and putting himself between the three of them.
>Push Apart [1d10]

Roll #1 6 = 6


[1d10+2] resist

Roll #1 8 + 2 = 10



At first, Amy is frustrated that the eye candy she gets is Shei and Gadriel. But, when Fox shows up, she accepts this eye candy gladly. She was wondering how he would look in his underwear. And, she is satisfied with what she is seeing.

Then, she hears Pryce's voice and gets excited. She squirms around in the locker trying to find Pryce.


Then, he marches into view. Amy bites her lip as she happily watches this display. It's all she can do to stop herself from giggling with excitement.



"Nice," Punish says as she quickly takes the spot and gets changed before anyone else shows up.


Then, she heads back out to the gym where the pathetic bunch who won't even partake are already waiting.


Gabriele smirks as she comments on Amy again. "You two don't have history, do you? Perhaps… she found her way towards someone YOU might have had interest in…?"

As she threateningly stamps her hooves together, Gabriele throws up her talons mockingly. "Oh, so scary! Well, forgive me for prying… just remember, I've got my EYE on you." She says, pointing to said eye.

As she comments on how she's missing out on an opportunity to mingle with 'her' people, Gabriele looks at her with a shocked / distressed image. "What…?! But. but… my homework… and… the sweat? I could miss all of it!" She shouts back, before contemplating what she says as she sees several of the other girls starting to head towards the lockers.

Acknowledging she might have a point, begrudgingly, Gabriele waits until Punish makes her way to the locker room, and then looks towards Mocha herself. "Not a bit… you plan to skip this period too?"



As Gabriele comments on Punish's history with Amy, Punish just glares at her for a second.


When Punish arrives from the locker room, she spots Gabby, still not changed/changing. "Pathetic…" she says with a goading smirk.


As Punish comes back from the lockers, Gabriele still in her normal clothes, the griffon sticks her beak up. "Hmph. Well, I'm sure they'd understand why I cannot join them in the festivities. I'm on the Student Council, after all! I have responsibilities, obligations, extra work to be done for all THEIR benefit! In addition to my own homework I have to handle," she says, laying out her complicated math homework, "I have a good reason why I shouldn't - can't! - participate in P.E. with them."

She shivers, "As 'enticing' as the idea of getting all sweaty and worked up sounds."


The crowd of boys hear rumbling in an adjacent knocker but probably pay no mind to it amid the excitement.

Fox partitions the four of his tails to hold Pryce as he gets involved and Fox continues trying to suplex Gadriel, but the kid is making it difficult.

The grappling fails to break up but there is a stall in effort made in the next minute. Two shadows leer over you two. When turn to see who it is you find Gengenschein standing cross armed and stark naked and Living saint Zoantharia with nothing but a towel covering his lap.

"Ho- Ho! What do we have here. 3 on 1 doesn't seem like a very fair fight." Gengenschein's voice dominates the scene though he doesn't try too.

Him and Living Saint Zoantharia are licked with beads of water dripping along their musculature. They look as if they've gotten back from a fresh shower. Zoantharia speaks up "We were just throw some hot coals into a bucket but now are steam has been interrupted. Fox couldn't you take care of these 3 quietly? You couldn't possibly need help?"

Fox gulps nervously, understanding that in close quarters like this he'd get hurt from friendly fire.

"I think he does Zo?" Gengenschein threatens plainly.

You do just that except as you're about to head out a crowd of girls barrage you as they fill into the changing room all at once. In no time the room is filled with the scent of hair spray, the sound of hens chatting, squeeling running amok naked, and somehow the room just gets humid.

"If Buiwong lets me. I would much rather get home without anymore homework to do but Buiwong has always given me special treatment."



Punish shrugs. "Whatever. Not even sure why I'm talking to you, anyway."

She then proceeds to start doing some stretches.



Punish shudders just by being touched by them, let alone the mess they make in the locker room. She gets out as fast as possible.


typo correction:
>"We were just throw some hot coals into a bucket but now are steam has been interrupted. Fox couldn't you take care of these 3 quietly? You couldn't possibly need help?"

"We were just throwing some hot coals into a bucket but now our steam has been interrupted. Fox couldn't you take care of these 3 quietly? You couldn't possibly need help?"



Amy practically starts drooling when Gegenschein and Zoantharia come into full view. VERY full view in the case of Gegenschein.

Oh, no, wait. She IS literally drooling. She can't help it. She can't look away. This idea has worked out better than she ever could have hoped.


"Well, that makes TWO of us." Gabriele snaps back, looking back down to her homework in frustration as she rattles her brain over the formulas.

"Special treatment?" Gabriele asks curiously. "Did he give you this deal for P.E. last year, or something like that? Let you pass the class while doing nothing?"


Pryce struggles against the tails, caught by surprise with how serious Fox is taking it. When Gengenschein and Zoantharia enter, Pryce looks over to them.
"This isn't a 3 v 1 fight. I was stopping these two from fighting," Pryce says, gesturing to Fox and Gadriel.


She giggles charmingly for a goth girl "No, the opposite. He doesn't like me slacking off. Not one bit."

"Ecclessia" Shei curses from underneath a bench in the crowded locker row.

"Ah, hello there Shei." Gengenschein greets him amicably before addressing Pryce "I'm sorry about that dear boy. Gotta protect you're own you know how it is." He tells Fox "Fox. Save this for a sporting round of dodgeball. You're disrupting the sanctity of the locker room."

Fox "Y-yes Gengenschein." He lets go of his graps and the three of you all him to take his leave after the engagement is dispelled.

After changing you all find your way to the Gym court where Buiwong makes gingerly conversation while waiting for his students. Behind him are two cages full of rubber dodgeballs.

You hear the sound of a whistle blowing, calling you all forward "Form up!"

The students arrive group up together, you get the feeling teams for dodgeball are going to be called.

The activity in the locker room disintegrates, until finally the lights go off. You're all alone in a locker.


"Yea, in a way," Pryce responds to Gengenschein's 'protect your own' comment. After they're released and freed, Pryce looks to Shei and Gadriel after the others leave.
"You locked him in a closet for two periods? Regardless of what he did that's not something you do to a fellow student," He mildly scolds, hoping to steer them right and giving them a break for now.

Afterwards, Pryce goes to put on the rest of his uniform and heads out as they line up for dodgeball. He ponders what the teams will end up being.



Amy enjoys the show as long as it lasts. At one point in particular as she stares at Gegenschein's glory, she finds her hoof-paw slowly drifting down her body. Then, she stops herself. She might be depraved, but she isn't THAT depraved! She has SOME self-control!

She waits for everyone to file out of the locker room before she makes her safe escape, seemlessly sneaking into the crowd.


Whereupon she proceeds to stand next to Pryce again. She gives him a sideways glance and a grin that goes unexplained.



Punish stands in the line with a silent grin, excited to kick some dodgeball ass.


"He doesn't?" Gabriele asks again, now definitely perplexed. "Well then, why are you sitting on the bleachers with me instead? Won't he be upset?"

Gabriele continues to sit on the sidelines as the others line up for dodgeball, fully intent on taking Buiwong's offer to sit things out and still be given a passing grade and enjoying the idea of watching the rest of the class beat each other with dodgeballs.

She DOES take a bit of Punish's advice to heart though, and tries to show a little 'team spirit' while she's at it. "Come on girls, knock those boys' blocks off! Woooo!" She says with a little half-hearted 'woo' at the end, waving to the team as she quickly turns her attention back to her homework.



"Knock them OFF?" Amy responds with a giggle. "That's not how you flirt, Gabby!"


Pryce glances to Amy, and just takes this as standard Amy actions.


"Oh for the love of…" Gabriele groans as she reaches over her eyes.

"I'm SAYING - throw the balls at their heads really hard, is that more clear?"



"Well duuuuuh! That's how the game works!"



Punish can't help but chuckle at Gabby's struggle.


"Well, yes, I am AWARE of that, Amy…" Gabriele shouts, scratching her head, "I'm just, trying to encourage you to do it better than normal!"


The boys offer a downcast expression as you scold them "Yeah we know." Shei says "Amy already gave us a proper telling about that."

Mocha is about respond but before she can she's interrupted by the whistle. Buiwong yells after her "Mocha off the bleachers you're captaining the north team."

"But- b- Coach!" She voices her displeasure.

"Don't give me that-" Buiwong chastises her "No grand-daughter of mine is going to be a mushroom." He blows his whistle twice "Now don't make me ask again."

Mocha accepts her responsibility and takes the stairs off the bleachers "It was nice talking to you Gabriele. We should study group together for math some time."

"You" Buiwong points to Punish "You have the three qualities dodgeball necessitates in a team leader. Spunk, attitude, and sass. And you have all three. You're the south side team leader.

The whistle blows "Team Leaders! Pick your teamplayers." And Buiwong blows the whistle some more.




"Oooooh!" Amy says, finally understanding. "I can see why you're not a cheerleader," she says with a giggle.




Last time on Holy Kyusetsu!! Uchikeshi no Rapyuchitsu ga Koko ni! otherwise known as the HQ Highschool RomCom quest that is completely non-canon

The school day was nearing it's end with the student body convening at the gymnasium for P.E. Buiwong gave an excellent introduction that went underappreciated, but despite the reception he had the grace to impart everyone some life advice about being mediocre.

Afterward the boys and girls got acquainted with their new changing rooms, while Amy got down to some peeping from inside an unused locker.
In addition to half naked highschool boys Amy was witness to a rivalry unfolding between the ecclessia boys and Gadds, Shei, and Pryce. But things settled down and they agreed to take their frustration on a good ole game of dodge ball.

You are all present at the gym main floor or the bleachers.

Evil's Punish has been selected the south dodgeball team's captain! Buiwong calls you to come down in front of the group of students ready to play dodgeball, so you may present yourself as their team captain.

You may pick any students as your teammates from this list, Although some may refuse are argue before joining you.


Gabriele waves goodbye to Mocha as Coach Buiwong insists upon her getting up and participating in the activity, smirking to herself as she peacefully takes out her math homework and begins to toil over it, trying to piece it together while mumbling quietly to herself as she barely pays attention to the physical activity going on around her.



Punish looks around at her options. Amy hops up and down, raising her hoof-paw to be picked by Punish. However, Punish rolls her eyes and ignores her.


Her eyes rest on Pryce. "You," she says with a small grin.



Amy deflates when she isn't picked.


You dedicate yourself to working on some homework as you allow the P.E. period to pass you by. Just as well, other students that have resigned from any physical activity pass you by on the bleachers, simply walking laps to at least appear like their doing something as instructed by Buiwong. There are only a few other ponies seated at among the bleachers working on their homework. You note Mudi and Vizsla in one corner of the room working on their homework.

"Well come on boy get down here." Buiwong encourages Pryce to stand by Punish and represent himself as a part of the southside dodgeball team. Yet for some reason it doesn't seem you're getting his attention.

You might want to pick someone else until he shows up. You may pick up to a total of 6 dodgeball players including yourself. You may also pick them all at once if you want.

Mocha gives her pick some consideration before saying "Gegenschein."

"First pick!" Gegenschein brags "And a swell choice at that."

Mocha blatantly asks Gegenschein "Gen, do you want be leader?"


"Mocha." Buiwong chides her with just her name

"Sorry- Gegenschein would you like to be my right hand griffon.

"I can also do that." Gegenschein responds


Gabriele continues to work on her homework, growing increasingly frustrated with the concept of triangles and their stupid, pointless ratios as she scours over the meaning of sines and tangents. She takes a look over at Mudi and Vizsla as they decide to take off P.E. as well. She gingerly scoots her way over towards the pair of nerdy sisters, thinking of being able to squeeze in on the study session.



As the captains are picked, Pryce stands in line as the teams are formed, waiting for his turn. When Punish picks him first, Pryce smiles, walking over to Punish's side.
"I won't let you down captain!" Pryce says with entusiasm and a chuckle.


As Mocha and Punish pick team-members for dodge-ball, the doors to the gymnasium are thrust open by a powerful impact, the sounds of four hooves running desperately on the loud court wood echoing throughout the place as a young Freshman buffalo shouts out loudly towards the coach.

"WAIT, WAIT! I'M HEEEEEEERE!!!!" Shorthorns shouts out at the top of her lungs, no doubt drawing more than her fair share of attention as the tiny buffalo almost runs out a breath as she reaches the line-up. "Hahaha… hah… haha…." she pants for breath, "Sorry… Late… got lost… first day… huooo…" she says, almost collapsing from the exertion.



When it's Punish's turn to pick again, Amy once again starts bouncing with enthusiasm.



Punish points to Zoantharia specifically to separate him from Gegenschein. On subsequent rounds, she also points to Fox and Mudi.



Amy deflates at not being picked again.



Punish rolls her eyes. "You want to be on the same team as Pryce, don't you?"



Amy perks up and nods her head vigorously. She gives Pryce a wink, then looks back to Punish. She gives her puppy-dog eyes.



Punish rolls her eyes again. "Fine, I pick Amy…" she groans.


"Also her," Punish points in an authoritarian manner at the late arrival.


You meander over to on end of the witches respective bleacher, and slowly but surely you scooch your way into their vicinity. Sliding ever closer, they haven't even noticed yet. They can't even tell yet that you are subtlety inserting yourself into their group. The genius! Oh the subterfuge! They won't notice until it's too late!

And you just notice once you halted your pace the two witches are staring at you silently..

"There he is. Took you long enough." Buiwong comments

Good majority of heads do turn your way as you barge through the doors and onto the gym floor. Buiwong wastes no time scolding you "That's no excuse Flaming. You've been visiting the school grounds for the wrestling team. You should know this highschool like the back of your hoof by now. If you're late again you'll be running laps afterschool, I don't care if wrestling club is hosting practice or not."

Zoantharia is amendable to this. He gracefully takes a spot beside you on your team.

The others aren't so agreeable "No way!" Fox declares "I won't be teaming up with someone who associates with a certain goat. Count me out."

Mudi calls out from her spot on the bleachers down to you "Pick someone else." as she continues to work on her homework.

so far you have Pryce, Amy, and Living Saint Zoantharia. Pick 2 more.

"Hmmm" Mocha contemplates further "Who do you think is good?" She asks Gegenschein.

"Why don't we pick Fox, I like his spunk. And Ichimonji she's quite reliable. And I like that buffalo's girth, very rotund, good for absorbing some balls. What's their name?.."

Little Journey walks up to their group "Little Journey, boss."

"Glad to have you." Gegenschein welcomes him.


Flaming smiles, "Alright!" She says, before turning her head in confusion. "Me for what?"

Shorthorns scrunches up her nose, lowering her head grumpily as she stomps her hoof. "It is too an excuse…" she mumbles, "I never had to find my way down here from the stupid science lab…"

As you threaten her with laps though, that gets her attention. "Yes sir, won't be late again sir, promise sir!"


"That's not very sportspony-like. When picked for a team you support the team regardless of your differences off the court."
Pryce comments on Fox's declaration.


As she's inevitably spotted by the duo of witches, Gabriele at first freezes up. But moments later, the grey colored griffoness manages to put on her nicest of airs, waving her talons. "Hello there… good day. Um… I do apologize but, I just couldn't help overhearing, you two are working on trigonometry or, algebra or whatever it is, yes? Well, I just so happen to be doing my homework as well at the moment. Perhaps, we might be able to share notes? I think we could really help each other." Gabriele says, knowing she's going to be of no help but will gladly take theirs in turn.



"Her and…" Punish thinks for a moment. Then, she grins.

She points at Gabby up in the stands. "Her," she says loudly.



"Oh, Pryce, you're such a good sport," Amy says admiringly as she gets uncomfortably close to Pryce again. "Just the nicest, coolest, handsomest guy."


Gabriele is distracted as she hears Punish raise her voice, turning a quick eye to her before turning back to the witches, then glancing back as she sees the hoof leveled directly at her. "…WHO?"


"Who says I have to be a sportspony-like."

Buiwong mentions. "I'm afraid the kid's right, The gym operates on street rules Mr. Etac, you better get used to it."

The two witches look to each other and then look back to you. As Mudi is about to speak she is interrupted by Buiwong's whistle

The sharp tweet of Buiwong's whistle blows as he arbitrarily commands his authority "Alright, Gabriele, you're up get down here."



Punish's grin grows wider. "YOU. Would such an important figure in our student council really refuse to partake in a team-based activity?"


"Just being a team player," Pryce says humbly. As Amy gets far too close, Pryce gets a little uncomfortable. "You… are going to focus on dodgeball, right?"

"I'd argue why we have captains then, but it looks like our team has filled up anyways," Pryce comments as Fox remains stubborn and Buiwong backs him.


"…WOT?!" Gabriele shouts in the most faux-posh/Equish accent she can muster. "B-but but I… you said I had the option to sit out, she can't just pick me, I refuse!"

However, as Punish points out that her reputation seems to be put into question, Gabriele has a quick look around, worried glares on her face as she looks at each of the students in turn and realizes that Punish has cast the die already.

"…I… well, but of course I couldn't allow such a… 'travesty' like that to occur. Why, I would 'love'," she says the word without a hint of it in her snarled tone, "to participate in such a… team building exercise, hmm?"

She pauses, then looks down at herself, "OH! Why, how embarrassing though, I-I didn't change into my gym-outfit earlier! Oh, that could take me so long and, I just couldn't bear the thought of forcing you all to wait on just me…" she says, hoping her needing to change outfits might prove her salvation


Flaming quick moves over to Punish's side, smiling widely as she gets an activity to participate in a game. "Trust me, you won't regret this! I don't know what we're playing but I'm the star on the girl's wrestling team, I can take any of the softies on the other team. Just let me take the lead, alright?"



"We can wait," Punish says, continuing to grin. "Or, you could save the time and just change here," she adds with a laugh. "I mean, if you're SO pressed to not waste our time…"


Punish merely grumbles as Flaming mentions being the 'star' of the wrestling team.



Amy stares luridly into Pryce's eyes, still very close to his face. "Why Pryce, of COURSE I'm going to pay attention to whatever you want me to," she says, smiling kindly.


Flaming doesn't seem to acknowledge her annoyance at first, looking around and trotting about the court before asking, "So, what ARE we playing? Basketball?"


Gabriele lets out a gasp, a light blush appearing on her feathers as she tries to ignore any cat-calling that inspires from the boys. "Oh, you would like that would-…" she grumbles, before composing herself. "Well… if you're all willing to wait on little old me then, I suppose I must…" she says, taking a long, hard leer at Punish as she flies over to the girl's locker room to get changed, making sure she takes a little extra longer just for the sake of spite.


"Thats fine Gabriele. Everyone's eager to play, you can play in your regular clothes for today." Buiwong blows his whistle for everyone to get ready.

"And we'll take Evil's Judgement. A nice little foil to our enemy team captain." Gegenschein makes his last pick

"I heard that!" Evil's judgement says, not taking too kindly to being compared to a person she believes to imitate her in her every regard.

Buiwong blows his whistle "Everyone form up on your team's side, south team south, north team north. That should be simple enough. Now here are the rules.

Each round You may throw a ball at the opposing team, at either a specific member or one of it's un-named npc members. Getting hit with a ball means your are out. Meaning that the total of a team's members are it's collective hitpoints.

You have 14 extra un-named npcs added to your group to join you in making a volleys. totaling at 20hitpoints per team. Over time each group's volleys will whittle the npc member's down.

Hitting named dodgeball players requires a roll to beat DC9 while there are still un-named npcs. Though low rolls against named dodgeball players may catch them off balance lowering the dc next round or hit adjacent un-named players.

Catching a ball will allow you to choose which downed teammate to revive

"Ready?" Buiwong asks the respective groups.

As a dramatic pauses lingers in the air, a row of dodgeballs line the center of the floor.

Inexplicably Shei-Sher and Gadriel seemed to have slipped into your team without Buiwong noticing +2 hitpoints to your team. (22 hitpoint total)




As soon as the whistle is blown, Punish spreads her wings and dashes toward the balls in the middle. She grabs one, backs up slightly, and holds it in front of herself with one hoof. She closes one eye to aim her shot.

With the other hoof, she punches the ball as hard as she can, aiming directly for Gegenschein. Big target and a threat to her own team.

>Slam: recharge 1; damages the enemy via a crushing body slam. Crits on 9+

>Unorthodox makes it a weapon ability
Charge: passive; Your attacks are treated as as having a Weapon tag, chosen when you take this skill.
>Punish's hooves are considered heavy weapons
>Martial Defender: passive; You take +2 hits before going helpless (if you had 5, you now have 7, etc), and Slam crits on 8+
>Crits on 7+

Roll #1 10 = 10


Seeing Punish starting so strong out of the gate, the young freshman buffalo calf grins to herself, snorting as she scrapes her hooves against the hard wood floor of the gym, eager to not be outdone. She shoots out after the nearest available ball, using her head to bounce it up off the ground and immediately head-butt it towards Little Journey, finding a fellow buffalo as a worthy adversary.

All Or Nothing: Recharge 1; When all else fails, use your head. Autocrits. All failures count as critical. Can be used while helpless.

Roll #1 2 + 1 = 3


Gabriele looks shocked as the whistle blows, the academic griffoness very much out of her element in such a violent sport. "Oh my…" she says to herself, using her wings to take up to the sky and merely keep out of danger, not knowing if using one's wings are against the rules or not.

[1d10] Purely dodge roll, trying not to be hit by the onslaught of oncoming rubber balls

Roll #1 10 = 10


"Eheh… Good… Could you focus on the ball then, and, uh…" Pryce takes a step back as Amy stares right into his eyes, too close for comfort. "Yea, that's good."

As the whistle blares to start the game, Pryce quickly goes to gather a few balls, denying the other team the chance to knock their players out, and throwing one too to get in a quick knockout.
>Throw [1d10]
>Homing Magic [Gathering dodgeballs] [1d10]

Roll #1 3 = 3 / Roll #2 8 = 8



"Pay attention to your- Oh! Right! The game!" Amy says, her eyes going wide. She follows behind Pryce and takes a playful-doggy position. She is ready to do what doggies do and catch balls out of the air to protect either herself or Pryce.

[1d10] to be ready to catch a ball

Also, she watches Pryce work his magic and says, "Oooh! Good idea!"

>Prayer of Enlightenment to learn Homing Magic

Roll #1 4 = 4


Little Journey neglects getting a ball instead he stomps on the ground causing the gymnasium to shake and throwing off your un-named npc's volley by -2 dice

>This spell must be sustained each round to remain active


You are direct in your advance and without reproach you capture a ball in claw before anyone can get the advantage on you and shoot the ball with a single punch.

Gegenschein having grab his ball, stands triumphantly at the front poised to dash an unfortunate victim with his ball. That is, until he realizes rubber ball bouncing squarely off his chest. It whips with a loud rubber smack sound, though Gegenschein is unphased. An un-named npc beside him is smacked to the ground by the ball ricocheting off him.

"Well that's what I get for showboating." Gegenschein picks up the downed student and resigns to the sidelines.

Little Journey dodges your attack without much effort "Hi Flaming, I didn't notice you there." he gloats

2 other players jump in to focus you down.

Mocha sends a flurry of webs to keep you trapped at the front end of the game

>Lasts until the webs are destroyed. reduces DC to hit opponent to DC6, applied next round


Fox jumps ahead of Mocha, each of his 4 tails and two hooves armed with a ball.


Living Saint Zoantharia steps in to inure you from danger. A force field of shimmering light erects around you.


Although you miss a ball throw you manage to deprive the enemy team of several balls, lowering their volley dice by -1 for one round

Ichimonji steps to the center of the floor with her eyes train on you. She dances a ball on the tip of her sword, using it's flat side she smacks the ball toward you.


Evil's Judgement focuses on you, seeing you as a prime threat after you take out Gegenschein.

>Slam: recharge 1; damages the enemy via a crushing body slam. Crits on 9+

>Unorthodox makes it a weapon ability
Charge: passive; Your attacks are treated as as having a Weapon tag, chosen when you take this skill.
>Judgement's hooves are considered heavy weapons
>Martial Defender: passive; You take +2 hits before going helpless (if you had 5, you now have 7, etc), and Slam crits on 8+
>Crits on 7+

>Going to count the crit of 7+ as a dc7 to hit

>And martial defender gives you two dodgeball hits before you're out of the game.

Roll #1 4 + 3 = 7 / Roll #2 7 + 3 = 10 / Roll #3 4, 2, 2, 1, 1, 3 = 13 / Roll #4 1 + 4 = 5 / Roll #5 9 = 9 / Roll #6 7 = 7


South team volley

>-2 from Little Journey's skill


North team volley

> -1 from Pryce stealing balls


Roll #1 2, 2, 7, 6 = 17 / Roll #2 7, 7, 1, 6 + 1 = 22


A flurry of balls fly around you all as they assail random teammates beside you

south volley score 2 hits

north team scores 3 hits

South Team is at 19 hitpoints

North team is at 16 hitpoints


Pryce's eyes shift over the enemy team, seeing which should be priority. His own team looks to be strong on defense, with Punish being a strong attacker with her opening throw. He settles to Fox, seeing him throw out a volley of balls, though none of them looking to be all that effective. Still, that can't be some to let happen again. But, he can't go direct right away. Pryce grabs a ball ,throwing it to take out another of the unranked number, and then moves to his plan. His horn gives a dull flash, heating up as he focuses his magic as he grabs another ball to prepare for his next move.

>Throw [1d10]

>Smite [1d10+2]

>Smite: Recharge 3, spell, [+2 from 3 BP]; Open a gate to your chosen deity, summoning their power to raze your foes. Hits all enemies in a target area and marks them to be struck down. Next turn, all your attacks on any enemies marked by Smite will autocrit on success.

>Conjure Weapon [Empowering the ball for next round] [DC5] [Single, Dual] [1d10+1]

>Conjure Weapon: instant spell, recharge 3; conjures a magic weapon of any one type for the duration of combat. Can apply any Elementalist effect you know. Crit applies Quality +1 to the weapon. Summoning a second weapon destroys the old one.
>Emblem of the King: passive; Weapons created by Conjure Weapon get a second weapon tag. Weapons are +1 by default, and +2 on a critical conjuring roll. Landing a critical hit with a Conjured weapon grants that weapon another +1 (does not stack).

Roll #1 8 = 8 / Roll #2 9 + 2 = 11 / Roll #3 7 + 1 = 8


Gabriele continues to keep an aerial advantage over the field, the prissy student council chair crying out as she bobs and weaves out of every thrown shot in the madness below. "Gah! H-hey, watch it! That one almost hit me, I know your names you know, I'll write them down after all this!"

[1d10] Gabriele continues to keep looking after her own tail and dodge

Roll #1 2 = 2



Amy tries to catch Ichimonji's ball.

>[1d10] to catch

Defying all reason, logic, and known laws of magic, Amy starts copying Pryce, despite not having telekinesis. She starts gathering balls around her with some unknown force.

>Homing Magic


Roll #1 10 = 10 / Roll #2 7 + 3 = 10


As her ball misses Journey, Shorthorns grunts and stomps her hoof. "Ooooh, Journey! Stay still and lemme hit you, already!" She says, chasing after him looking for another ball to launch
[1d10] Throw

She gasps as she notices Mocha firing webs in her direction, crying out as she tries to dodge out of the way. "Gah! Hey, is she allowed to use those?!" She cries out towards Buiwong as she tries to fire another fierce shot in Mocha's direction
[1d10+1] All or Nothing

Roll #1 2 = 2 / Roll #2 1 + 1 = 2



Punish sees the ball coming at her and tries to dive out the way.

[1d10] dodge

"Seriously? You're just going to copy me like that?" she asks in annoyance.

She grabs another ball and punches it at Judgement.


>crits on 9+

Roll #1 9 = 9 / Roll #2 1 = 1


You whip through your the floor grabbing a ball and deftly taking out an un-named enemy. You grab another ball in fiery magic and with your next motion the ball slams like a nuke onto on Fox, a blast fire unfurling on the gymnasium floor. As he is covered entirely in soot once the blast fades.

Buiwong blows his whistle "Walk it off fox, walk it off."

You successfully prepare a ball with fiery magic. +2 on next round's dodgeball throw.

"Solider's! on my mark!" You hear Ichimonji command 5 other un-named students to join her in throwing balls you. As your flight appears to have struck a nerve with the student body. They will not be looked down on.


To Ichimonji's dismay you catch her ball. Her eyebows raise. She stands with her sword in front of her, ready to withstand your next move.

You summon 5 balls in fiery levitation around you, ready to be thrown next round as 5d10

Also you may revive a downed player since you caught a ball. If there are none then your bring back an un-named npc gaining 1 hitpoint for the team.

"Nope. Maybe some other time Shorty." Journey skillfull dodges another ball as he sustains his earthquake. Pounding his hooves onto the gym floor


As you voice your complaint to Buiwong he simply looks the other way and says "What- I didn't see anything."

You try to charge out of the webbing by fall over and simply tangle yourself deeper in the webs.

Mocha very meekly tries to recover for Fox and with both hands throws a ball at you as you lie down on the floor.

[auto succeeds because of critfail unless blocked by Zoantharia]

Zoantharia forms a solid light shieldover you to block it
>Blocks attacks from one attacker

You expertly dive out of the ball's way but as you ready yourself again another ball flies over to your head. It just barely grazes your ear not clearly hitting you.

>Martial defender proc'd

One more dodgeball hit and you're out

Roll #1 6, 3, 9 = 18 / Roll #2 7 + 3 = 10 / Roll #3 2 + 4 = 6


Zoantharia Blocks Flaming from harm for now.

South team volley

>-2 from Little Journey


North Team volley has been divided up by Ichimonji


The volley of balls collide into you all at once ending your flight. You're out of the game unless Amy decides to call you back in after securing your catch.

Roll #1 7, 10, 10, 5 = 32 / Roll #2 10, 2 + 2 = 14


Also team hitpoints is at:

South team 18

North team 11


With Fox out, Pryce looks for the next target to take out. Hearing Ichimonji calling for a barrage and playing strategist, Pryce sets his sights to her. He throws his ball out towards her, then turns to see Flaming pinned down by the webs. He runs over, horn glowing to peel the webs back to help her up.
"Are you alright?"

>Throw at Ichimonji [1d10+2]

(Both being used to remove the webs)
>Telekinesis [1d10]
>Mantra of Purity [1d10+1]
>Mantra of Purity: Recharge 1; Instant; Breaks all (if any) status effects on the target and makes them immune to status effects for three turns.

Roll #1 4 + 2 = 6 / Roll #2 1 = 1 / Roll #3 6 + 1 = 7


Gabriele looks down at the slurry of balls coming up at her from below and her eyes look downcast. "Oh poo."

As they collide, Gabriele lets out a squeal as she falls from the sky, hitting the ground with little fanfare as she dizzily tries to drag herself out from the game. "AH! M-my wing! I might have broke a wing, nurse, nurse!" She shouts out dramatically, trying to garner sympathy from the onlookers


As she gets stuck by Mocha's webs to the floor, she struggles to break through them as Buiwong turns the other cheek. "Hey, she ISN'T allowed to do that, is she?!"

As Mocha prepares to nail her with a ball while she's stuck, Flaming tense up and watches helplessly before Zoantharia comes in for the save, Flaming letting out a sigh of relief. "Thanks!" She says, trying to pull herself free of the gooey web while she makes another shot at the opposing team

[1d10] Throw

[1d10] Breaking the web

Roll #1 6 = 6 / Roll #2 8 = 8


>Amy brings back a nameless NPC

"Look, Pryce, I'm playing like you!" Amy says with a maniacal laugh as she SOMEHOW telekinetically launches 5 balls at the nameless NPCs on the enemy team.

>[1d10+3] [1d10+3] [1d10+3] [1d10+3] [1d10+3]

>Also ready to catch a ball: [1d10]

Roll #1 10 + 3 = 13 / Roll #2 10 + 3 = 13 / Roll #3 7 + 3 = 10 / Roll #4 9 + 3 = 12 / Roll #5 5 + 3 = 8 / Roll #6 8 = 8



Punish swoops and grabs another ball and, while on the move, punches another ball at Judgement.

>Slam ball

>[1d10] Crits on 7+

Roll #1 3 = 3



>just keep dodging [1d10]

Roll #1 2 = 2


"I don't laugh like that!" Pryce says, a little insulted at the evil imitation.



Amy blushes. "I-I'm sorry… I was just getting into it."


Ichimonji slashes the ball you send her way. The whoopie sound of a ball deflating as it hangs on her sword. Something in her eyes says she might be a little irked by you interrupting her duel with Amy.

You dash over to Flaming. Your telekinesis only serves to tangle her further in the webs but once your mantra of purity sounds it the webs come undone seemlessly.

Zoantharia bows his head slightly to Flaming, achknowledging her thanks.

The webs have already been undone by Pryce. Once you get up you score a hit on an un-named npc.

With Pryce and Flaming in close proximity Mocha takes advantage of the moment by shooting webs at the both of you at once


Mocha and Little Journey recover a ball and launch them at each of you

[1d10] ball at pryce
[1d10] ball at Flaming

Zoantharia dashes in to retaliate throwing a ball at Mocha

And raising a shield of light over Pryce

Little Journey continues stomping his hooves to cause an earthquake


I messed myself up with how combat rounds work. Since Amy caught a ball I am ruling you're still in and your catch is disabled from failing the dodge roll

You fail to dodge the volley, inspite of catching a ball afterwards it does not count towards the team. Although Amy caught a ball, Buiwong annouces with the blow of his whistle "Gabriele, you're still in the game. Amy caught a ball for you, how about that."

You launch a volley all at once. The barrage of rubber planting many of enemies on their flanks as they fall backward from the sunden burst. They tiredly get up and groan as they walk to the sidelines.

Buiwong blows his whistle "Make some hustle for the people still in the game! A broken Coccyx doesn't mean you can't run."

Though rubber balls sail through the air ichimonji steps her way past them all and continue another throw at you


Evil's Judgement continues her exchange throws with you, determined to clear her name the only way she knows how "I won't play this game with you. We both know who's been copying who!"

>Slam ball

>Crits on 7+


Roll #1 3 + 3 = 6 / Roll #2 4 = 4 / Roll #3 9 = 9 / Roll #4 3 = 3 / Roll #5 2 + 4 = 6 / Roll #6 8 + 3 = 11 /


roll cut off. continue where the rolls cut off

[1d10] ball at amy

[1d10] ball at Evil's Punishment

South team volley


North team volley


Roll #1 3 = 3 / Roll #2 2 = 2 / Roll #3 8, 8, 1, 6 = 23 / Roll #4 6, 6, 4, 9 + 2 = 27


With the last volley, The enemy team is whittled down to the last four

Little Journey, Ichimonji, Evil's Judgement, and Mocha.

They only require dc6 to hit now

Your remaining team is at 15 people


Flaming grunts and struggles against the webs as she tries to pull out of them, only to look up as Pryce takes the initiative to pull them off. She lets out a sigh of relief, shaking off the last gooey remnants as she nods her head. "Yeah, I'm fine, thanks!" She says, lightly bonking his side in gratitude (though so roughly it may be hurtful.

As Mocha and Journey make their move, Shorthorns lets out a gasp, quickly rushing for a ball to toss at them. "Look out, they're coming back!"

[1d10+1] All or Nothing on Little Journey
[1d10] Huge (to try and catch the ball thrown at Flaming on her horn)

Roll #1 4 + 1 = 5 / Roll #2 10 = 10


"You don't need to be sorry. Here, it'd be something more like this," Pryce then laughs triumphantly, giving Amy an example to base on.

As Mocha approaches to web them again and bring down a volley of balls, Pryce's horn glows red as he tries to burn the webs away before they're snared. He then also quickly scoops up a ball to throw at Mocha for a counter.

>Telekinesis [Fire] [1d10]

>Throw at Mocha [1d10]

Roll #1 1 = 1 / Roll #2 3 = 3


Gabriele, meanwhile, manages to pull herself over to the sidelines, looking on at her team as they hold a clear advantage over the remainder. More than a little sore at her elimination, the griffon scowls at the North side and shouts,

"Go on, finish them off! There's only a few left, you'd BETTER have this, you lot!"



"I wasn't… trying to copy your laugh. I was just… laughing. Does my laugh really sound evil?" she asks, sounding uncharacteristically insecure.

As she talks, she casually throws a ball at Ichimonji. [1d10]

And also catches the one thrown at her. [1d10]

Roll #1 8 = 8 / Roll #2 6 = 6



Punish and Judgement continue to duel it out.

>regular throw [1d10]

>crits on 9+

>Dodge [1d10]

Roll #1 5 = 5 / Roll #2 3 = 3


"Oh, no it wasn't evil. It was… intense," Pryce says, now feeling guilty that he insulted Amy.



"Am I too intense?" Amy (somehow) asks genuinely, sounding insecure.


"Oh, no not at all. I just thought you were doing an impression of me, so it just felt off since I'm usually not," He says in a soft tone to assuage Amy.



"Oh good," Amy says, grabbing Pryce for a hug, completely forgetting about the game. "You're so sweet," she says sweetly.


Though Flaming catches the ball on her horn, deflating it as it's soundly pierced. The both you fail at hitting anyone with your thrown balls.

You toss another ball her way but you swing wide and it flies over Judgement's head.

You score a hit on Ichimonji. She bows her head and Sheathes her sword. "good game" and resigns to the sidelines.

Though you manage to catch the ball thrown your way.

Little Journey meet's Flaming's charge, locking horns with her. Mocha catches both Pryce and Flaming in their web. Sealing them from moving away but not from making actions. The DC to hit them is reduced to DC6

Evil's Judgement retreats to behind Little Journey, hiding behind him, Pryce and Flaming for cover.

The rest of your team can't get a clear shot on them. Though this doesn't stop the enemy team from launching their balls

[1d10] Pryce
[1d10] Punishment
[1d10] Flaming, Journey reaches over with his ball trying to touch flaming with it.

Roll #1 4 = 4 / Roll #2 4 = 4 / Roll #3 4 = 4


Pryce is a little startled by the hug, but seeing Amy not upset or sounding insecure is good.
"Th-Thanks," He stammers, putting a hoof around Amy to return the hug quickly.

That is, until Mocha's web slings around him, binding him up. And, unfortunately, Amy too, leaving them stuck together due to the hug. Pryce's face turns red at the circumstance, frozen still as he's unsure of how to undo this quickly. The only thing he does manage to do is to flick back the ball thrown at him with his telekinesis as the game is a nice distraction.
>Telekinesis [Throw Ball at Mocha] [1d10]

Roll #1 9 = 9



Amy giggles in Pryce's ear as she realizes they are tied up together. "Try not to enjoy this too much, Pryce," she says teasingly.

"Thank you, Mocha," Amy calls out to her on the other side of the gym.

>Amy does nothing, she is where she needs to be


Flaming grins as she manages to pop Journey's ball on her horn, smiling smugly at the other buffalo. "Well, if SHE'S allowed to use her webs, I guess that's fair too, right?"

As she's webbed up again by Mocha, Flaming looks down in agitation, "Oh, COME ON, again?!"
She looks up just in time to see Journey charging at her, the slightly smaller female buffalo lowering her head in time to lock horns as she struggles to push back against him. "Grrrrrrr…! You're not bad I guess… for a BOY!"
She says, reaching over with her ball as well to tag him out first
[1d10] Throw!

As Amy and Pryce get caught up together, Flaming lets out a gasp, looking worried at the two. "Oh no! Hold on, you two, I'll come save you in just a second!" She says, not catching whether one of them may not want saving.

Roll #1 10 = 10


"I—" Pryce starts, stopping as he's unsure of what to say now to avoid hurting Amy's feelings again.
"…This is just part of dodgeball." Is the best he can come up with.


"Knock them out! Come on, make 'em pay, make them regret throwing those balls at me!" Gabriele continues to 'cheer' on for her team, staring daggers at Ichimonji all the while



The duel continues.

>Slam ball [1d10]

>crits on 7+

>dodge [1d10]

Roll #1 9 = 9 / Roll #2 2 = 2


"You're welcome?" Mocha looks questioning at Journey at back to Amy "Am I looking at something I shouldn't be?"

Mocha releases a high pitch squeak "OW! Cheap shot."

Little Journey flinches as your ball comes into view, but he's too big and you manage to ouch him first "Okay you got me. You put up a good fight Flaming." Little journey puts his hoof out for you to shake.

There is more of the enemy team sitting on the sidelines than the south team and as you finish your sentence you notice them all paying you menacing glares.

"Never Submit!" Evil's Judgement cries before your dodgeball lands on her forehead.

And just as it does the rest of south team launches a volley at her


A cascade of balls completely surround her like raining rubber.


Roll #1 6, 8, 9, 6 = 29


Here's the recap on Holy Kyusetsu!! Uchikeshi no Rapyuchitsu ga Koko ni! or Highschool Quest!

The gang has been proceeding with their first day of school. Amy ran in to Spike during one of his clingy episode on her way to the bus but thankfully she was able to shake the little dragon off, not without him shedding some tears. The rest of the group took a leisurely flight skyward with only a few interruptions the crew nearly avoided a crash landing into the school yard. While on the bus Amy met two of our new freshmen this year. Shei and Gadriel. The morning continued into the pre-bell breakfast session where our students grabbed some food and their uniforms. When the students were able to scope some haudiness from the school's star baseball players Mudi and Vizsla, otherwise known as the Sisters of Gehenna. Making a fuss over their locker assigments. Though Amy was able to pacify the situation and keep things from escalating. And Gabriele tried earning some suck up points with Volkama and Deriva. This will surely pay off for when she runs for class president.

The first day of school is always a half day and the classes proceeded quickly, lasting only as long as their introductions where the students found their mold into the student body. Amy landed a role playing the trumpet for band. Pryce and Gabriele were a hit during drama class. Evil's Punishment successfully slept through several of her classes.
Gym class marked the end of the day as the last period, where a mix of upper and lowerclassmen participated in the same classroom session. Introducing your eccentric Gym teacher Buiwong. After some humbling words of wisdom the students were sent to their respective lockerooms where trouble followed Shei and Gadds from their previous hijinks. Pryce being a model citizen attempted to break the fight, Amy being a model pervert observed from inside a locker. While our Ecclessian boys Gengenschein and Zoantharia came in to back up one of their own. In spite of Fox's aggression everyone aggreed begrudgingly to settle things with dodgeball.

And things basically just got settled.

You here the Gym Teacher's whistle blow a long tweet signaling the end of class "That's game, shake hands and go to the changing rooms. School's almost over. Good game."


ahem, wrong name.


As the gym teacher's whistle tweets out loudly, Flaming lets out a sigh of disappointment just as she was about to throw out another hit. "Awwww…"

As Journey offers to shake his hoof, Flaming looks over at him, smirking to herself as she lightly slaps his hoof in a playful way. "Yeah yeah, it was alright. Next time, try to bring your REAL game though, okay?" She says cockily before trotting off towards the showers


As the game comes to an end, Gabriele lets out a sigh. "Finally…" she says to herself, rubbing her wing where she was hit earlier. "That was painful on more than one level… but, my team won, so I suppose that counts for something." She takes a whiff of herself, wincing. "Guh, gross… this is exactly why I wanted to just stay on the bloody bleachers…"


As the whistle signals the end of the game, Pryce sighs in relief that its over, though realizes that doesn't mean the webbing is just going to disappear. His eyes move to Amy, then shift away to anywhere not her as his horn lights to try and untie them.
>Telekinesis [Untangle] [1d10]

Roll #1 6 = 6



"We were going to win that," Punish says matter-of-factly to Judgement as she goes to shake her hoof. "Nice moves, though."


Punish just watches Gabby complain with a smirk on her face.



"We're so close together," Amy says dreamily, clearly not helping at all to make this end. "Isn't it romantic?"


"I-I wouldn't exactly call gym class romantic…" Pryce mutters.



Amy makes an annoyed grumble when her advances are clearly being ignored.

"But, it's romantic when two ponies are so close together, they could… kiss…" she says temptingly as she cranes her neck to get her face in the direction of Pryce's. She closes her eyes and waits for Pryce to make the next move.


"Oh yeah, You can maybe throw some balls, but your pinning game still use some work." When you reach out to give him a hoof slap, Journey grabs your hoof and pulls you in to bounce a rubber ball on your head "Good game." He says cheerily and starts to head toward the showers himself.

The students seated around you on the sidelines begin to file out, as it's time to get changed and maybe take a shower if you're comfortable with that.

"It looks clausterphobic." Shei points out
"Do you need us to call a doctor?" Gadriel says in return.
"Perhaps a barbiturate to ease the tension?" Shei suggests macabrely

Pryce's horn glows and a pulse of telekinesis creates space between each strand, causing the net of webbing you're stuck in to loosen and expand enough for you to wrangle yourself out of with some effort.

"I can help with that." Mocha says as she approaches the two of you, getting her spidery hooves into the net, she's able to spin it off of you both without sticking it in further knots. "We can just forget this ever happened." She adjusts her glasses with the reticent acumen of a bookworm.
You see her make her way to the nearest trash can to dispose of the webs.

you can both make your way toward the changing room now.

Evil's Judgment grimaces but she returns your hoofshake "Yeah, yeah good game." She doesn't stick around long as she too heads for the changing room in need of a shower to wash the failure off.

You enter the girls changing room, and are greeted by the thick aroma of hairspray and deoderants. Small groups of girls giggle as they goad eachother into taking a shower first, as there is no curtain to conceal yourself. You see through a glass wall Vortigern in her office, looking over paperwork. The chatter of girl talk and white noise from running showers fills the room.


As Punish smirks over in Gabby's direction, she shoots over a sneer. "Oh, what are YOU so happy about?"



"I'm just happy we won," Punish says with a coy shrug.

She heads to the locker rooms. But, she doesn't go in. Instead, she waits just outside the door.


Pryce says, dragging on as he focuses intently on undoing the webs.

"No no, I got this," Pryce says to Shei and Gadriel as he works on untangling the web, until Mocha comes over and undoes it for him. Freed, Pryce gets up quickly, lifting Amy up as well and gently setting her down on her hooves and making some space between them.
"Thank you Mocha," He says, bowing his head in gratitude. "Good game!" He says as he makes his way to the locker room quickly.


Gabriele throws up a talon in the air, "Wooo, go us. It was positively thrilling, I'm amazed I don't do it more often…" she says sarcastically as she heads inside the locker rooms.

As she heads in, she looks around at all the girls giggling and flapping about, rolling her eyes as she elects to forego a full shower and simply find her clothes to change back into, whilst adding to the sickening aroma of deodorants with her own can. As she cleans up, she looks over towards Vortigern, smiling as she sees another opportunity to gain favor with her teachers. "Helllooooo Ms. Vortigern, quite a game out there wasn't it?"


As he bounces a rubber ball off her head, Flaming looks up in surprise, turning towards the male buffalo as he heads off. Snorting out, she picks up the ball and bunts it his direction with her head to get him back, smiling happily to herself as she makes for the locker rooms.

As she goes by, she sees Punish, standing by herself outside, and turns to look at her with a look of curiosity. "Oh. Is it already full in there?"



"Awww!" Amy whines as Mocha unwinds the two lovebirds.

Then, Pryce's quick retreat leaves Amy dejected. She lets out a long sigh as she watches Pryce longingly. "He's so cute when he plays hard-to-get…" she says more out loud than to anyone in particular.



Punish smiles more genuinely. It's an unusual look on her. "Well hey. Glad you enjoyed it."


"Too full for me, anyway," Punish says, fidgeting with her arm-length gloves.


Flaming shrugs, standing by her side at the locker room. "Eh, whatever, I barely worked up a sweat out there anyhow. How about you?"



"It was alright," Punish shrugs. She eyes Flaming with a bit of a grimace.


As you wait outside the changing room eventually some girls file out and wait in the same space just before the exit door. They're waiting for the last bell to ring so they get the okay to leave. A moment after you see another girl exit from the bathroom door across the hall from the changing room door. She has burn marks running along her face and seems gravely shy. You recall her as the pony that was changing alone in the locker rooms early, and fled when you came in to change.

Entering the locker rooms was like entering an airlock, as stepping in you could feel the mixture of axe spray and B.O. create a dense air to pass through. Lots of the guys are using the showers, just as they are in a hurry to clean up before the bell boys waiting outside the shower cubicles harass them to pick up the pace. You See Buiwong through a glass wall in his office doing stuff on his computer.

Shei and Gadriel rush pass you, skipping the shower and going straight to dressing up. Thankfully, Fox is around at their locker row. Gegenschein approaches you suddenly "Good game, Pryce. I appreciate the sportsmenship you put out on the field."

The rubber ball connects with Little Journey, causing him to pause for half a second, before continuing his merry way. As you stand outside the changing room, more girls file out the door waiting for the last bell to ring.

Soon enough, the court floor is vacant. You are the only one here, sweaty, filthy, weird and alone.



Amy sighs one last time and heads off to the locker room, dejected and alone.


Stepping into the locker room, Pryce relaxes with the distance from Amy. Being bound up with her in public was not something he was expecting on his first day.
"Good game indeed!" Pryce responds, turning to face Gegenschein. "Well that's just the right thing to do, isn't it? Always put your all into the game."


Flaming nods in agreement eagerly, not catching any level of resentment from her fellow teammate on the wrestling team as she smiles, "Yeah, not a big problem for the ones who actually play sports outside of PE!"

As the bell seems ready to ring, she turns towards Punish once more and smiles, "Well, I guess I'll see you later at practice?"


Gabriele pours out of the locker room with the other girls in her nice, clean, crisp school uniform, an aura of quick spray-on deodorant keeping the stench of the game at bay as she moves over back to the bleachers, looking over her homework as she laments at not having had a chance to have the nerds like Mudi and her sister take a look at it. "Poo… Now I have to actually do it myself…"



Punish watches the timid pony with a look of pity on her face.


"Yeah…" Punish says with little enthusiasm as Flaming leaves.

She continues to wait until the majority of the students are out of the locker room.


"True as sunshine. It's sad could dash a few balls your way. That girl punishment took me out in an instant. Pryce, What would you think about joining the baseball team this year? The champs want to go to state and we won't cut it without a star line up."

A few more minutes pass and a large majority of the girls have filed out of the changing room. But now there is a mob of girls crammed in the hallway, hollering at one another to just push through the door while others tell them they need to wait for the bell. Vortigern exits the Changing room as well using her presence to keep some sort of order in the hall. You find yourself shoulder to shoulder with the other girls in the room. As more time passes the girls become more routy in their eagerness to leave. The commotion of the changing room has transferred to the hall.

"Gabriele?" That drider pony from earlier, Mocha. She's come up to you on the bleachers "Did you still want to study together?"



Punish has little trouble pushing through the girls to get into the locker room. Once she is safely in, she shudders at the chaos in the hall.

Now that the locker room is mostly empty, she finds a secluded spot to get changed and washed up. Amy is also late to get changed, but Punish doesn't seem to pay her much mind.


"Still planning on it, can't let the team down now after all, right? But really, me in a star line up? Are you sure you wouldn't want somepony better?"


Flaming notices the huge rush of girls coming out of the locker room, eagerly bumping shoulders against them as they all seem ready to lead a stampede out the doors and on to their next classes. "Well, almost time to go! See you later!" She says to Punish, pushing herself up to the front in order to get ready to rush out first. "ONE SIDE! I need to get out first so I can make it to my class on time!"


Gabriele's attention turns towards the voice calling her name, spotting the gym teacher Buiwong's own daughter once again. "Ah, Mocha! Well done out there!" She says sweetly as sugar, intent on trying to get in on one of the teacher's kids. "That was really impressive tactics, I really wish I could have been on YOUR team instead."

"If you'd like to study, well, I'd certainly love to. What's your next class, if I may ask?"


The smell of girl is remarkably thinner now. You are able to change in relative peace. As you're in the process of getting dressed the bell rings and you can hear the muffled stampede of ponies on the other side of changing room wall.

"I'm certain. Mudi is hellbent on managing the perfect team. We're bound to grab some bench warmers this year, par for the course but if we can get a crack team of hard workers to make rotations we'll have one hell of a year. I'll see you at the sign ups." Gengenschein pats you on the shoulder before leaving to change. By sign ups he's refering to the club sign up that'll be set up somewhere in the courtyard after school. Like every year afterschool on the first day the clubs organize a table in the school courtyard for people to sign up.

And like that the last bell rings. School is officially out. Again you see Shei and Gadriel rush past you.

The bell finally rings and you are made a victim of a couple dozen girls rushing past you for no reason at all except impatience, racing one another to push out the door. When you finally peter through to the exit, Vortigern puts her hoof on your shoulder. She gestures for one moment and then gestures for you to follow her as she leads you back into the changing room and toward her office.

Mocha closes your eyes tiredly "You really don't have to pep talk me. I didn't want to play just as much as you. But When grandpa asks me to, I can't really say no."

"Next Class? School is out Gabriele." You recall hearing the last bell just a bit ago but you were too absorbed despair to probably notice. "I was thinking if you don't mind, you can come over to my house and we can work out our hard homework together. After clubs sign ups that is. I still want to stay the extra hour to see what clubs there are this year. Are you going to be signing up for anything?"

Mocha picks up her backpack and books as she appears ready go, waiting for you to walk with her.


"If you think I'm that good, then great! I'll give the team all I got!"

As the bell rings for the end of school, Pryce quickly gets changed, opting to leave the shower for home since it's the end of the day anyways, deodorant works fine for now. He steps back as Shei and Gadriel rush past, paying them no mind as they're probably glad to get out after that earlier scuffle. All set and ready, Pryce heads to his hall locker to get his things, then out to the courtyard to see the sign up tables.


Gabriele blinks in surprise. "Oh… my apologies, I… recall you were trying to sit out the game same as I did. I just assumed you had fun regardless. You're clearly gifted at sports, aren't you?"

As she reminds her that school's out, Gabriele's eyes open wide. "It is… OH, so it is!" She says, chuckling to herself, "My goodness, that snuck up on me… in which case, I don't mind at all. I certainly could use the help, buuuut-" she say, "I have to see if I have Student Council duties, we used to have meetings after school got out. If you'd like to come with me to where we meet and hold on for somewhere between 30 to 40 minutes, then we could head out after?"


Flaming smiles as she jumps out past the other students, possibly knocking over a few of them in her mad rush to get out. "Yeah, look out, here I co-" she says before she suddenly feels an overbearing, dangerous presence looming over her shoulder. Shorthorns freezes like a deer in the middle of the road, looking up over her shoulder at the imposing fiture that's grabbed her on her way out.

"O-Oh… hey, Ms. Vortigern. Something up?" She says, trying to sound as innocent as possible, not knowing what she might have done


You arrive at the courtyard venue and there are a large array of tables set up by students and teachers alike hosting their clubs like every year. The bustle of students signing up for extra curriculars is alive with noise.

A frost furred snow demon pony stumbles up to you. She's holding a clipboard, and is absolutely shaking with nervous energy as she solicits you "Um- excuse me d-do you have a moment- Do you have a moment to talk about the Home Ec club?" She holds her clipboard as if she were trying to hide behind it.

"OH no, I'm not any good at sports. I'd rather read a book or play videogames. I'm just not an athlete at heart, but Buiwong tries to bring it out."

"Sure thing, I can come with you to that. I always thought about running for Student Body President, but I never had the guts to take the leap." like that, Mocha decided to walk with you. Through the courtyard and toward the english classroom you brought yourselves where the student council meetings are usually held. There officially isn't a Student Body President yet as elections haven't even been held yet. When you enter the room you see River Spring seated at her desk along with a few other club members from previous years that usually participate in the running. Gengenschein, Box, and a deer with antlers that fume a purple toxin named Hexapod.

River Spring greets you as you enter the room "Gabby, you've made it. And a friend? Is she running too this year?"

Mocha stammers "I don't know yet- I still wanted to see the other clubs, but I am interested!"

Vortigern walks you silently to her office, she's never been a mare for words. Once inside she hands you a clipboard. On it is a paper titled Wrestling Club sign ups, with lines for students to write their names. Vortigern smiles at you knowing how much you've wanted to be officially a part of the team.

She then points to a folded table wrapped in cloth. And gestures with her hooves as asking you to help her carry it.


Pryce looks across the courtyard to see the array of clubs and activities. He's already set in his mind for his usual sign ups for drama and baseball, but it's always interesting to see what other new clubs may have popped up.

He stops as the snowpony comes up to him, looking like crowds are the polar opposite of her natural environment.
"Sure, I can talk a little," Pryce says with a smile, figuring he can help her get past the starting stage fright.


Flaming still looks nervous and uncertain as the silent teacher walks her into her office, fearing what she could have POSSIBLY done already on her first day. She stays silent, respectful, not wanting to earn any more ire than she already has from her elder…

Before she's presented with the Wrestling-Club sign up paper, looking down at it with surprise and, slowly, a small smile starts to widen far across her muzzle. "R-really?! I get to sign up!?"

She immediately jumps out of the chair, running up to take the clipboard out of her hooves and dance with it, "Oh, thank you thank you thank you! I was so excited to finally be able to join the big-kids' team this year…" she pauses, looking over towards the folded table she's asked to carry. "Oh! Sure thing, here lemme help you…" she says, putting the clipboard aside to help.


Early pause, because I'm falling asleep


"Ah, high parental… or, grand-parental, I suppose… expectations. A classic problem, I assure you. Still, I don't think it's all fair to say you're not ANY good at sports. You clearly showcased talent out there, don't you think?"

As she voices her interest in running for Student Body President, Gabriele's feathers nearly stand on end, turning towards her as she talks about not having the guts. "Well, I can certainly see why! Student Body President… why, it's a massive responsibility! And a timesink. If you think you have no time for books or videogames now, oh my, imagine how little you would have if you actually won! Which, I'm sure you could, being such a star and all, but imagine how much you'd lose in the progress…"

As they arrive at the Council meeting room, Gabriele smiles towards River, "Oh, hello River! Long time no see," she says even though it's only been a few hours. "And, no no no of course not, this is Mocha, Buiwong's granddaughter. She's just tagging along with me before we take the afternoon to study together."


File: 1645585064665.jpg (123 KB, 1280x720, harem club.jpg)

Welcome to another game of FEMTO Presents Holy Kyusetsu!! Uchikeshi no Rapyuchitsu ga Koko ni! or Highschool Quest!!

Last time on Highschool Quest, the gang played dodgeball. That's it! That's all that happened. Get ready for another reciting tale of highschool adventures!!

It's after school and it looks like our heroes are entertaining the prospects of extracurriculars. As a number of booths crowd the outdoor halls in the school building's outdoor terrace. Here's what's avaiable:

Clubs And their Club Hosts:
forestry club - Hexapod
wrestling club - Vortigern
baseball club - Buiwong
home ec club - Summer Snow
Occult research club - Shei&Gadds
Drama club - Hope
Art Club - Volkama
Rockband club - Zjetya
FFA Club - Bananna splitz
Cheer Club - Desert Lamp


"O-okay, thank you, I mean- We're the Home ec club. Sorry- no, this is the sign ups? for the Home Ec club. I'm Summer Snow and this is a club for cooking and sewing, and sometimes we play crossboards or well- no- I'm cooking usually-.. the only one that is.. but I'd like other people to join me and we can rotate with other stuff-" She stammers and then her fear of losing you compels her to nearly shout "B-But if you just want to join for the free food! -t-thats okay too. Will you join please?" Snow nearly shoves her clipboard into as her posture is pleading with you to sign.

You hear Volkama stammer a giggle when Flaming mentions 'the big kids' hearing it as something more a toddler might say.

You assist Vortigern in carry the table and table cloth to the courtyard where you are greeted by a menagerie of booths eager to have more members. As you finish setting up the table at a spot next to the Baseball Sign ups you already see that Vortigern's presence as wrestling coach draws in students waiting to sign up. Vortigern takes a seat behind the booth with another lawn chair available if you choose sit in it.

Little Journey catches you from behind with a perky greeting "Flaming!" He says happy to see you "I thought you'd be too scared to tumble for real with the big kids."

Vortigern rolls her eyes, and turns her amused smirk away from another mention of 'big kids.'



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When Gabriele Compliment's Mocha's dodgeball skills she says "You mean my webs? -thats- just a fight or flight response" Mocha responds with a sense of chagrin.

"Wow.. you hmph-" She giggles "Really have a way with words Gabby." She calls you by the familiar version of your name without realizing it "I mean what you're saying is way too nice! Haha, I'm not really all that busy. Yes, I have my fair share of busy work around the house and school but I always make time for my hobbies and plain old napping- A spider needs her naps. But I'm not like the daughter of a tiger mom or anything. I'm probably not interested enough to be student body president, buuuut.. mabye I could be a student body assistant?"

When you greet Riverspring, she's quite perfunctory in getting the meeting started "Right, well anyone and everyone is welcome. It's about time so I'll pass out the sheets. Riverspring goes around the classroom passing several sheets for you to take home, read get sign by your parents, as she explains the initial proceedings and paperwork finishing off with.

"And just like last year we won't actually have anyone running until a week from now. The students need time to settle in with their schedule and so do you all before we start having elections piled on top of things."

Hexapod raises his hoof
"Yes" River answers.
The lanky deer with antlers buzzing with toxic fumes puts his hoof down "I think I have everything I need from this meeting. Can I be excused to set up my forest rangers booths?"

"Sure thing, you're excused" River nods
"thanks" And Hexapod briskly packs up his items as he leaves the classroom.


[game start]



Punish heads to the wrestling team right after school.



Amy wonders the halls for a while before heading to cheer club. She happens to wander by the occult research club and notices the strange lighting in the room (because of course there would be strange lighting, right?) She decides to poke her head in and see what's going on.


"Well," Gabriele says in response to Mocha, "Naturally I think you'd be capable of *whatever* you set your mind to. But, I think assistant would offer the best of both worlds, wouldn't you say? And I might know someone who might be in need of such an assistant at some point."

As River Spring comes to meet them, she bows her head amicably and looks to the sheets they pass out, holding them up in her claw as she reads over this years guidelines and committing them to memory to better punish students when they don't follow them to the letter.

"I think that's very fair in regards to the schedule. Tell me, will we be doing this with each president selecting their own 'cabinet' or will President, Vice-Chair, etc all be elected individually?"


Flaming looks up with confusion as Vortigern giggles, not even picking up her own childish phrase as she shakes her head and gets to moving the table with Vortigern. As it's set up to receive applicants, she decides it can't hurt to size up her eventual competition as others start coming in to sign up for the class.

As Little Journey approaches, Flaming grins and leans forward on the table at him, "Me? Scared? HA! You wish, wouldn't you? Sorry, but you and the rest of the team are gonna have to learn how to deal with losing to a Freshman."


>a number of booths
>I was imagining them in rooms

Well, either way, Amy spots the weirdness and decides to see what's going on.


Punish and Amy find themselves walking in some proximity around one another, incidentally, as they feed their curiosity on the many after school booths populating the verandas. And even more entertaining are the overzealous invitations offered clubs and their club members.

You are encapsulated in the comfort of being a third party, a lofty observer, a solitary peanut gallery to muse jeers to yourself until, suddenly you become a part of the show.

"Hay you there. Kids. Yeah I'm talking to you." A Stallion dressed in full body camo, militar boots, sleeves rolled up, night vision googles obscuring his face and a skeleton smile bandana hiding his nose and mouth. He stands behind a booth stacked with various pamphlets and complimentary knick knacks, like pens and eagle pins, and tiny american flags. This stallion is quite built and bursting with the sort of energy you'd expect from a man trying to lure the youth into the army. "How would you like to join the United States Military."


[this is meant for you]

"O-okay, thank you, I mean- We're the Home ec club. Sorry- no, this is the sign ups? for the Home Ec club. I'm Summer Snow and this is a club for cooking and sewing, and sometimes we play crossboards or well- no- I'm cooking usually-.. the only one that is.. but I'd like other people to join me and we can rotate with other stuff-" She stammers and then her fear of losing you compels her to nearly shout "B-But if you just want to join for the free food! -t-thats okay too. Will you join please?" Snow nearly shoves her clipboard into as her posture is pleading with you to sign.



Punish looks over at the stallion with a knitted brow. She looks around to make sure the stallion is talking to her. Then, she notices Amy standing right next to her and rolls her eyes. She looks back to the stallion.

"You're recruiting young mares now?" she asks in a condescending tone.

>"Hmmm," Amy says, deep in thought. "I bet all the stallions are really big and strong…"

Punish makes an audible gagging sound.


Pryce starts to feel a bit guilty now. He offered his ear to help get the starting jitters out of the way but it looks like she's desperate for ponies to join her club.
"Oh, well, I'm already joining the baseball team. If you'd like, I could help you with your sign-ups though."


The occult research club is the old janitor's supply room. There's no way for you to have known this, but uncanny doggy intuition has led you here.

The room is dark, and the door has been left unlocked. You pop you head in to see Shei and Gadds bickering.
"We're late Gadds."
"I know but-"
"We're late!"
"You're going to thank me later Shei"
"La-a-a-a-aa-a-te—" Shei bleats at Gadd's protests.

You hear the clatter of some items as Shei nearly trips causing Gadds to fumble as well. They're hauling a foldable table together but having some trouble due to their small stature and lack of excercise. Also god knows why the lights are off but that too!

"Amy! Saint Peter's grave what are you doing? You scared the peep out of me." Shei exclaims.
"You mind helping?" Gadds asks.
"Yes, could you help us please. We suck."

They are referring to helping them haul the foldable table out.

Little Journey takes the clipboard and signs his name "How can I be scared of a freshman. I WAS a freshman last year. I already know what we're capable of and it's not much. But I'd be pretty nervous if I were you. After tryouts, the first years have to try a match with every person on the team at least once, no matter the weight difference. It's supposed to be a character building exercise. But it really just sucks" He laughs.

Some time into your conversation an elephant student arrives at the booth. Ginormous she is, it boggles the mind how this highschool is even able to accommodate her, let alone the buildings.

"Hello, my name is rooster. May I sign up?" The elephant girl speaks slow and gently, betraying her enormous stature.

you see and hear the same as above. Flaming and Vortigern are accommodating people with sign ups.

Riverspring is caught off guard by your question. It's the end of the day and she didn't expect to do anymore than the bare minimum of her job "Cabi- Vice-chair I- um sure…" She quickly reads over some stuff whilst seated at her desk to find the appropriate answer. "Oh yes. Yes, right. The winning election runner essentially adopts the losing election runners as a part of their cabinet. Unless they're bad sports and quit the club all together. As far as a vice chair goes… No one would be afforded any special authority beside the Club host and the President- but if you are so inclined to have a right hand man, no one would stop you."

Mocha smiles at Gabrielle knowingly.

Box speaks up "Oh thats great! Because I have so many lackeys waiting to suck up to me." His box lid claps up and down as he jumps in his seat to speak "Teach I gotta question. What are the rules on posters this year? Can we get stuff done by the art club or what?"

River answers
"There was a precident set last year. Posters are fine, as long as they do not depict anything graphic or explicit, you can't however solicit the art club to doodle up bribes."

"Dang!" Box curses in his gingerly own way.

"You can read more about in the rules and guidelines sheet I passed out." River concludes


"I- I-.. We have brownie thursdays.. A-and we have the board game jumanji." You can see beads of tears beginning to form at the lid of Summer Snow's eyes and she is doing darnest to continue to sell this pitch despite Pryce declining.

The Army Stallion proudly admits his ideals to you "Most men might disagree, but a Mare doesn't belong in the kitchen fixing meals and keeping pretty. Women belong on the frontlines, dieing for their country."

To Amy he says "The name is Tenochtitlan. And you bet. Big strong, burly, tough, stinky, sweaty, weird dudes trapped in a desert hunker for months subsisting on nothing but crackers and camel urine. Days so long you could cry. You kill before the boredom kills you. So what do you say to signing up for the military. You'll be constantly trapped in a sweaty pit of curmudgeon men for an entire theatre. In addition to the free healthcare and schooling.


"Oh yeah? Well I don't care, lemme at 'em!" Flaming shouts back in Journey's face as she smiles widely with confidence. "I've seen the big kids wrestle, and *I'M* not impressed. So what do you think of THAT, huh?"

As she trades barbs with Journey, she looks up with surprise at the elephant who shows up to the sign-up sheet, the diminutive-by-comparison buffalo calf looking up in awe at her.

"…y-you're trying out for wrestling?!"


Gabriele looks over at Mocha as she catches her grin, smiling confidently as Spring briefly touches up over the rules for the winners. "Right, I think that's very fair. Wouldn't want the runner-ups to go to waste, now do we?"

As Box talks a mean game, she shoots a glare over towards the talking boxes direction, further reminded of how they'll let just ANYONE into this council. "Hmph… I'm sure you'll run a fine campaign Box, but you may not want to get ahead of yourself."

She looks to Spring again on the posters, and trying to think if she knows any artists before she puts her faith in her own Photoshop skills.


"W-Well, brownie thursdays sounds like a good day, eheh…" Pryce says with a nervous chuckle. He takes the pen and signs down on Snow's clipboard.
"I'll warn you in advance my schedule may be pretty packed."



(I'm going to say that this happens before Amy gets outside to talk to the army recruiter.)

>Amy looks at the two with in the janitor's closet with a furrowed brow as she tries to take in the scene. She has no idea what's goin on. But, she's never been one to turn down helping someone.

"Sure!" she says jovially. She grabs one end of the table.


>Amy frowns. "On second thought… ew. No thanks…"

Punish laughs. "The military really IS desperate if they're resorting to recruiting people like HER!" she says as she gives a derisive gesture in Amy's direction.

>"What can I say? I'm a lover, not a fighter," Amy says with a grin and a shrug.

"Gross," Punish says before quickly returning her attention to the recruiter. "You can count me out of anything THAT desperate."

Punish leaves to the wrestling booth a short bit away.

>Amy follows her lead and goes to find her cheerleading "friends".


Punish shows up at the wrestling booth. She gives Flaming a glare, but says nothing.


"My father says I should broaden my horizons." in a lavender voice soft like pillow sheets the Elephant Rooster says this. She takes the pen in her trunk and signs her name on the clipboard.

Little Journey is equally agog at the sheer stature of Rooster "I-.. I don't think we have anyone in your weight class."

"That's okay. I don't know much about martial arts. You can just put me against your newest members." She puts the pen down "Thank you for your time." She says before leaving you both to signings.

Little Journey is still standing there. A moment passes before he says "I think- I need to go home. And some push ups.." He emits rather pensively "I'll see you later Flaming"

>but you may not want to get ahead of yourself."
Box jitters up and down causing his lid to smack against his boxy chest as he speaks up "I don't even have 'a head' on myself. So hah!"

"Ho Ho!" Gengenschien laughs "It's going to be a good year I can already tell."

Riverspring smiles and shakes her head at you all. Amused to see the election runners in good spirits. She goes over only a little more about the election before concluding today's meeting "I'll see you all in class or next week if you aren't in my classes. And don't let Student council keep you from joining the other clubs. These meetings are very flexible." She excuses you all.

You are free to go to the courtyard to frequent the other clubs or rejoin with the party. Mocha is packing up her stuff ready leave with you. "You wanna check out some of the other clubs before they start to pack up?"


She sniffs the tears back in and rubs an eye, doing a bad show of hiding her emotions as she lets you sign "You can come by any time. We're in room 102."

As you finish signing a bubbily, though hawty filly comes bustling into the conversation "Summer snow!" Princess Starlight.. well she calls herself princess. Don't think about it. Just think about her regal posture, her starry eyes and galaxy mane, her demanding voice. Okay don't think too much about that, shes a filly mate, calm down.

"Are you going to be making those double layered cupcakes with the vanilla frosting every tuesday?" She asks her with her sparkly bubble eyes glowing with hunger as she asks.

Upon a second of consideration Summer Snow concedes with a relenting smile "..Yes."

"Count me in!" Princess Starlight cheers, before signing her name on the clipboard.

Though you are free to check out any booth as you finish up with that encounter you hear your named called out. "Mister Etac." Hope, the Drama teacher calls out to you from his booth.

"Thank you Amy." Shei exhales with relief "We're running late to set up our booth because someone had to make a run to the library."

Gadd speaks to his defense "I thought this was a place of learning. But clearly I was wrong."

"But on the first day gadds!?" She asks

The two brothers exchange brotherly banter with one another the entire time you help with hauling the table over to the school courtyard. You do set it up, with table cloth, a sign, and weird occult doohickeys strewn about. There is a national geographic magazine about african fertility cults on the table.

You're free to check out other booths or just hang out, it's whatever.

AS the two of you dismiss Tenochtitlan it does nothing to dishearten his spirit. At least theres no way to tell as his face is completely obscured in gear. You remark that as you do leave a baby dragon the neighborhood knows as Spike passes by the booth.

"Hay you kid- How would you like to be an international mercenary."

"Boy- would I!"


"I'll be sure to," Pryce says with a happy tone, figuring this can be an easy balance to add.
He looks down as the new filly waltzes in. With how she asks about the cupcakes and Snows hesitance, he starts to rethink that desperation in getting sign-ups. He notes to definitely help her out in this club.

With that sign up done, Pryce turns and starts to walk towards the baseball booth, until he hears Hope call out to him.
"Ah, Mr. Hope! Was on my way to sign up," He responds, turning to head to the Drama booth, not wanting to forget that one.


Gabriele continues giving the 'polite' glare of utter contempt for her cubical rival for the President spot as River Spring goes throughout the rest of the meeting proceedings, thinking over any strategy she can for the upcoming campaign and wondering who else she might have to compete with.

As it finishes, she waves 'cheerio' to her fellow councilmembers as she walks out with Mocha, looking to her as she asks about other clubs. "Hmm, yes, I don't see why not. Though I don't know if I'll be able to join any, I feel like Student Council uses so much of my attention. I really try to give it my all, you know." She says, trying to sell herself as a hard-working individual


Shorthorns continues to stare up at the massive form of Rooster as the soft-spoken girl signs up for the sheet, still dumbfounded at the idea of someone like her stepping into the ring.

"N-newest members…?" She repeats, the realization of who that entails still dawning on her as she finishes up and leaves the signing booth.

As Journey speaks up about needing to go do some push-ups, she turns in half a daze to look at him on his way. "Wuh…? Oh, uh, y-yeah, me too. See you, Journey."

She steps away from the booth, and looks over at Punish as she trots over to her with her heart starting to race. "D-did you see that?!" She says in reference to the elephant signing up for wrestling.



Before going to find her cheerleader friends, Amy turns around and grabs Spike by the hand. "No, he WON'T be signing up for the military," she says to the recruiter in a defensive tone as she forcibly drags him away.

>[1d10] if necessary

Roll #1 6 = 6



"The bigger they are, the harder they fall," Punish comments, unimpressed.


File: 1645595368909.png (1.26 MB, 2600x1800, Malechim.png)

"I like the command you showed on stage. A troupe needs a leader like any platoon. Else everyone doubts their lines."

He offers you the clipboard picking up on your eagerness to sign up by instinct. "You know. A good-" WRANG loud wrang sounds as somebody does a guitar check from somewhere. "A good-" Wraang! "Improvision is neces-" WRANG!

Hope stands firmly from his desk to shout at the booth across from him "Oh would you put down the elton john sonny! The adults are talking!" From the other booth are a group of malechim, outfitted in groovy laid back clothes and hair that covers their eyes. pic related.

Zjetya is at that booth with the musicians, you can hear her tell them "Okay, it's time to quiet it down."

"You're an all business type of gal Gabbriele. But I don't really mind that. I'm a little bit of the opposite. I feel like I'm missing out from not joining all the clubs, sans the sports teams. I hear there's a rockband club this year, I was very curious about. Why don't we see if they're any good?"

You amble over to speak with punishment. And as you do, in the background you swear you see Amy wrestling with a baby dragon.

"B-but my life of espionage and devilmaycare!" Spike complains, as he wrestles back your tugging with dragon strength.

[1d10+3] baby dragons are very strong. You should probably never mess with a real dragon.

Tenochtitlan steps into the fray "What's the hu-bub pussy galore. Why are you holding back this fine cadet from a life of action and adventure."

You feel something errily familiar occuring. Something very similar to what happened this morning when you entered combat with Spike. Do you really want to enter a heated argument with an army brat recruiting dragons?

Roll #1 6 + 3 = 9


Shorthorns looks at Punish with a bewildered look. "Uh, YEAH! That's what I'm afraid of, is her falling on me REALLY hard!!! Can you imagine being pinned by that!?"

Flaming's concerns are distracted as she looks over to see Amy dragging Spike away by the claw, looking on with confusion as he retaliates by pulling her into a wrestling match. "HEY! We're supposed to practice in the ring, not out here!"


At the mention of a band, Gabriele's eyes light up with intrigue, and she puts her talons up in a gleeful pose, "OH! They're putting together a band?!"

She sighs with whimsy, "W-well… not that I'm sure I'd have time for it but, I suppose I might be interested in looking at it, anyhow." She says, offering for Mocha to lead the way. "Do you think they're looking for a singer?"



"WOW!" Amy says, looking to the recruiter. "You DO NOT get to call me THAT!" she says angrily at the nickname.

"And, YOU wait until you're older to make those kinds of decisions."

>[1d10+4] DC-4 Mantra of Equality

Roll #1 7 + 4 = 11


"Thank you, sir. I pride myself on being able to get into character on the stage," Pryce says as Hope compliments his earlier display. He looks over as the guitar tuning distracts the elder teacher.
"They got to get their practice just like we do," Pryce comments to get Hope to take it easy on the malechim.



"Don't call her 'that'. She's a she," Punish responds flatly.


Punish laughs. "They wouldn't allow HER kind of wrestling at our school."


At Punish's reprimand, Flaming's face goes red as she realizes what she just said. "OH! No, no no no no I-I didn't mean it anything like that!"

"It's just, well… you saw her. Isn't that a little… I don't, unfair?"

Flaming looks over at Amy as she gasps in surprise at Punish's statement. "Oooh, what she some kind of pro?"


Mocha joins you, a renewed whimsy added to her step at the prospect of checking out clubs with a new friend. "From what I heard, Zjetya sings for the band. But she's a teacher so I bet she only fills in for singing because there's no one else."

As you arrive by the booths you see some malechim rush together their instruments with the teacher zjetya escorting them and their amps. They seem to be setting up to play "What! Are they going to play. We need to see this!" Mocha is beaming with excitement over the rare occassion.

Hope grumbles curmudgeonly in response to Pryce "I'll see you in class."
You can't help but notice a commotion brew around you as the musicians begin moving their instruments in a hurry

"She's gonna do it! She's gonna do it!" Basist Malechim
"Good timing! Considering we missed her in the morning" Triangle Malechim
"YOOOOOW!" Violin Malechim

The group assemble behind Amy, as Zjetya seems to stay behind at the booth.

"It's not as suggestive as you think. Pussy Galore is a love interest from the old bond movies. But who wants to talk cinema when we can talk about the army!"

The Army recruiter looks to you "Welcome to the ring."




[Oooooh nooooo you've entered combat. You can fight or use social rolls to deal damage. Social rolls always deal natural critical damage if you are appealing to a special interest of insecurity. Have Shei appraise him to find that out!]

As the Malechim band begin to play the sceney shifts magically into something else entirely. The booths conjoin together to form rows of war tables. The people behind them becomes officials, dignitaries, Warriors of high status reflected by their new uniforms. The pavillion transforms into the grey linoleum of a war room with observers watching from the sidelines.

This sort of thing happens all the time when you enter combat with the malechim playing to your battles. They'll always show up to your important fights to play. Don't question it, it's the meta that keeps adults from interfering.

Tenochtitlan flashes around a fancy swiss army knife. And imbues it with an incredible power.
>taxonamomegamonopoly: activates next round: Takes the first two successful rolls made against him the next round and applies it to everyone in his next action after that round. If you casted a healing spell on him you will have to endure him calling you an amateur.

After which Tenochtitlan does two consecutive dropkicks in a row at Amy and Flaming

[1d10+4] Amy
[1d10+4] Flaming

Amy's smooth talking seems to take him down a peg however. He takes 8 dmg from the social roll and can't attack her this upcoming round.

Roll #1 6 + 3 = 9 / Roll #2 5 + 4 = 9 / Roll #3 9 + 4 = 13


"See you then!"
Pryce turns, ready to go sign up for baseball now, until the Malechim all get into a scurry. He pauses, wondering if they're about to play something, curious to hear. However, as things change when their focus goes to an army recruiter fighting Amy and Flaming, Pryce runs over to try and help break up the fight.
"Whoa whoa, you can't attack students like that!"
Pryce calls out, grabbing Tenochtitlan with his telekinesis to try and stop the dropkicks.
>Telekinesis [Grab] [1d10]

Roll #1 5 = 5



Punish grimaces and then laughs. "No," she answers flatly.


When the recruiter straight up starts attacking Amy, Punish doesn't think twice. She flies forward to put a stop to it.

"What do you think you're doing!?" she asks angrily as she grabs him from behind and puts him in hold.

>Suppress: recharge 1 after letting go, weapon; Renders target helpless. After success, can keep taking automatic actions to keep the target pinned. If this action is not taken, the target gets up.

>[1d10+1] crits on 9+

Roll #1 4 + 1 = 5


Gabriele goes along with Mocha readily, her interest in being a star overshadowing her desire to be Class President ever so momentarily as she looks to the spider-pony. "So their singer is just a teacher placeholding? Oooh, do you think I should try out? I don't like to brag but, my mummy says I have an *angelic* singing voice."

As they arrive at the Malechims and see them about to get ready to perform, Gabriele watches with interest as she spots Pryce there as well. "Oh, Pryce. Are you trying out for the band as well?"



Amy responds with outrage when she and Flaming are attacked. "What the heck!?"

She pulls out a potion to heal Flaming.

>Natural Remedy: recharge 1, ranged; Use an unpredictable tincture to fully restore a target’s hits to full and restore one wound, or removes status effects. Crit on 9+ restores 2 wounds, but crit fail on 2- deals a wound of damage.


Roll #1 9 + 4 = 13


Somewhat stunned at the response, Flaming takes a moment to retort.

"Uh… y-yeah, you know, me too! I mean, I don't think it's unfair either. I mean, MAYBE for her," she says, chuckling, "yeah, I was just testing you. I could pin two elephants with one hoof."

As the Army recruiter challenges her openly and brandishes out his swiss army knife, Flaming looks on with surprise as he proceeds to attack the pair.

"WOAH! Hey, what's wrong with you?! I don't even know what's going on!" She shouts angrily, before snorting out her nostrils.

"But if you wanna fight, I'll give you a fight!" She lets out a powerful and triumphant (and slightly adorable) 'Moo' battle cry to charge head-first into his crotch
[1d10+1] All or Nothing (crits if success, critfails if miss)

Roll #1 3 + 1 = 4


"Oh, hey Gabriele," Pryce greets. "Nah, was signing up for drama club. With that, baseball, and home ec, my schedule's a little packed."


Tenochtitlan simply smirks "It's only a warcrime.." The camera closes up on him "If you lose."

Tenochtitlan just slips through your telekinesis mid dropkick

"It started as a theoretical demonstration, but now- It's corporeal." You try to have a serious conversation with him, but he just throws puns at you!

That slippery fuck manages to dodge your grab.

You completely negate the damage done to Flaming. But Amy still takes 3 hits of damage.

> I don't even know what's going on!"
"Lacking direction in life? How about joining the army kid?" Tenochtitlan straight up just hurdles over you in the middle of your charge. completely missing. After which he quickly donkey kicks you one in the face. dealing 3 hits of counter attack damage.

>At Everyone

He pulls out a gun and shoots Amy.
Holy shit he has a gun!: recharge 1, ranged; He has a gun. Breaks through any defense except defenses meant to render you invincible to any damage. Adds a +3 to the roll but can never naturally crit.

>Attacking Amy


>Military Secrets: Tenochtitlan charges his qi and is able to fight with forces unseen. Aggroing a target with the highest rolls this round. Tenochtitlan hits you with a roll modified by every number above 5 you roll next round, for all your rolls that round.


Tenochtitlan pulls out a radio and speaks into it! "I'm going to need suppressive fire."
Orbital Strike: spell, recharge 4 after it lands, [+1 to main roll from 1 BP]; Fires a spell directly up. On success, roll an additional 1d10. This determines how strong the spell is, and how long it takes the spell to land. Weaker spells land sooner, but even the strongest ones stay up for a maximum of 5 turns. On a crit fail the spell still works, but will target the caster instead when it lands.

>Aimed at Pryce


Roll #1 5 + 6 = 11 / Roll #2 9 + 3 = 12 / Roll #3 3 + 3 = 6


Orbital strike charge


Roll #1 8 + 3 = 11


hits in 3 turns.


"Are… What?" Pryce is befuddled at Tenochtitlan's response, unsure how to respond. That is, until he pulls out a gun and points it at Amy.
He shouts in extreme worry. His horn glows and he runs to Amy's side and shoves her away, space opening up beside her as she slips out to subspace and safety.

He then looks to Tenochtitlan as his horn glows crimson, conjuring up a bat since it's growing clear this guy isn't going to be listening to reason.
"What is wrong with you?!"

>Subspace Walker [Auto]

>Hide yourself, an ally, or a medium-sized object within a Subspace pocket for four turns, or until they dismiss the effect. During this time, the target cannot attack or be attacked. If used on a sentient target, that target can now move through solid objects, barriers, etc within a short distance at will.

>Conjure Weapon [Baseball Bat] [DC5] [Fire, Single, Great] [1d10+1]

>Conjure Weapon: instant spell, recharge 3; conjures a magic weapon of any one type for the duration of combat. Can apply any Elementalist effect you know. Crit applies Quality +1 to the weapon. Summoning a second weapon destroys the old one.
>Emblem of the King: passive; Weapons created by Conjure Weapon get a second weapon tag. Weapons are +1 by default, and +2 on a critical conjuring roll. Landing a critical hit with a Conjured weapon grants that weapon another +1 (does not stack).

Roll #1 7 + 1 = 8


Flaming grunts as she goes underneath Tenochtitlan, looking him go up and over her charge with disdain as she sees his rear hooves coming down at her, knocking her away and rolling into a wall as she lets out a pained grunt.
"OW! You…. lucky shot!" She cries out, turning back around and scratching the ground as she prepares another charge head towards him as she sees him pull out the gun, eyes opening wide with shock.
[1d10+1] Another All or Nothing

Roll #1 8 + 1 = 9


"Ah, yes, I should imagine that'd make a full schedule. Myself, I was fully committed to spending all my available time on the Disciplinary Committee and Student Council… but, I heard there was a rock-band looking for members."

"What in God's name?!" Gabriele lets out a shrill cry of surprise as she turns to see the crazed recruiter unloading on students. "ARE YOU MAD!?"

She flaps her wings, looking around as she shouts out, "Help! Anyone, the faculty, one of the faculty has lost it!"
[1d10] Crying out for school campus security

Roll #1 8 = 8


quick post for Amy

Pryce successfully shifts you into a subspace dimension. Except… you were already in a subspace dimension.

You find yourself back at the highschool. There is no fighting going on. The malechim aren't present, neither are your party members. At the army recruiter booth you see a person that looks like he could be anyone. It's difficult you focus your glance on him but as you do you see many faces shifting in and out in a single blur, imperceptibly. He glows with the halo of a blur and speaks to you in a voice that is utterly familiar for all the voices it uses. "Welcome back Amy."

He is standing in for the boss enemy missing from this reality.

To your side stands Shei, he just approached you "Amy- Why did you ditch the booth?"


You summon a slender but tall baseball bat, enormous for a bat.

That thing was too big to be called a sword. Too big, too thick, too heavy, and too rough, it was more like a large hunk of wood. -Kentaro Miura.

>"What is wrong with you?!"

"Lots of things kid, but then the army set me straight."

Your headbutt directly hits Tenochtitlan in the gut. "Damn kid, I can see you brought your hard hat.

you deal 7 hits of damage

You cries are only paid with the cold glare of sergeants, generals, and colonels surrounding you in the war room. You don't seem to be in a highschool anymore. And where ever you are, it's totally surreal.

Spike pays you some consolation "Don't you think you're overreacting just a little?" He cocks a glock right in front of you "These are just standard issue. Everyone gets one of these."



forgot to quote Flaming

Your headbutt directly hits Tenochtitlan in the gut. "Damn kid, I can see you brought your hard hat.

you deal 7 hits of damage


>Amy and Punish

"I… Huh?" Amy responds to Shei's questions with confusion, a dazed expression on her face.



"Alright, buddy," Punish says as she punches her hoof into her other hoof. "You wanna play rough? Let's play rough."

She flies straight at the recruiter and punches him in the gut with all her might.

>Slam: recharge 1; damages the enemy via a crushing body slam. Crits on 9+

>Unorthodox makes it a weapon ability
>Charge makes Punish's unarmed attacks considered great weapons
>Martial Defender lowers the crit range further
>Crits on 7+


Roll #1 3 = 3


It's a beautiful totally regular afternoon at Huoli High. A regular day at school that is. The majority of our heroes are fighting at military control at the moment. Amid the hysteria of combat their surroundings have transformed to accommodate the extravagance. Thankfully you have Spike to keep you company. And your faithful fans, The rockband club, here to play a fanfare and keep morale up.


>Military Secrets: Procs this round
Tenochtitlan touches both hoof tips on temples sending a wash of military trained psychic force your way

"Oh kid, that was weak. What's even your action economy. tch- Logistics problems, you don't have that in Army."

Tenochtitlan casually flips his pistol around your way "Hay, kid check out the caliber on this thing." He says before shooting at you.
>Holy shit he has a gun!: recharge 1, ranged; He has a gun. Breaks through any defense except defenses meant to render you invincible to any damage. Adds a +3 to the roll but can never naturally crit.


Tenochtitlan launches himself into the delivering a drop barreling toward Gabriele "Campus Security here. What's the distress."

Tenochtitlan blows a whistle, tweeting throughout the military control room. And at once a Humvee full of african warlords, samurai, and war world 1 era soldiers arrives, which he jumps in to. The Humvee drives circle around the room as they arm themselves with automatic rifles.

"I would like thank all the children participating in this military exercise."

>Calvary Parade: instant; Recharge 6; duration 3; Tenochtitlan's basic attacks cleave without the critfail penalty. Landing a natural crit on Tenochtitlan will stop the ability and send the vehicle whirring away for double the damage. Counterattacks deal bonus damage stacking for every failed attack during the ability.

Roll #1 9 + 4 = 13 / Roll #2 5 + 6 = 11 / Roll #3 8 + 4 = 12


[Calvary Parade is automatic. Looks like I forgot to include that in it's description.]


Flaming winces as the psychic energy washes over her, the fairly straightforward buffalo having never had the need (or want) to train herself against a mental assault.

"Aaaaaghgh…" Flaming curses, holding her head in pain, "W-WEAK!? Who you calling 'weak'…" she says, scratching at the ground as she readies a charge. "At least I don't need any cheap head games to win!" She says as she, ironically, uses her head to win this game

[1d10+1] All or Nothing Headbutt on Tenochitlan

Roll #1 9 + 1 = 10


Gabriele opens her beak in shock as the recruiter comes barreling towards her, trying to leap out of the way in a fright as the massive Humvee filled with all manners of soldiers from all manners of era appears, throwing her off her game even further.

"GAH! Okay, this has officially gone OVER the line! Sir," Gabriele says, unfurling her whip. "I must insist you behave according in school guidelines or I, as the Disciplinary Chairwoman of the Student Council, will have to right you up a REFERRAL!" She says, throwing her whip to mark the bus

[1d10+1] Cursed seal

Roll #1 4 + 1 = 5


"Yes, I'm still Shei. Did you hit your head?" Shei gives Amy a quizzical look. Shei doesn't seem thrown off by your sudden appearance or by the strange looking persona of pure energy seated behind the military brochures booth.

You dive in to throw a punch and are super cool about it too, but unfortunately it didn't pack enough punch nor was it cool enough. The Army recruiter swerves around in his humvee and you are accosted by a series of sword swashing soldiers of history's past.

dealing 3 hits of counterattack damage. Though the failed attempt does not stack damage for the next round's attacks because the ability mechanically doesn't deploy until next round.
Flaming takes 8 hits of damage.
Though, undeterred by the psychic assault, and without any regard for attacking a moving vehicle Flaming headbutts Tenochtitlan square on the shoulder dealing 5 hits of damage, you swear you hear something crack. As Tenochtitlan's humvee swerves and teeter toters to it's side, the sheer force of the headbutt causing it to turning fall over mid drive.
"Cheap! Oh just wait until you pay taxes kid. You won't the military's CHEAP."

Gabriele's whip marks the car with a smudge. To which Tenochtitlan promptly wipes off with cloth wipe. He furrows a brow at you and puts on his serious face. "Hay man lay off the car."
6 hits of damage dealt to price
Tenochtitlan and his recruits shoot at you all from their high velocity humvee

Tenochtitlan celebrates with a round of drinks with his soldiers as they all clink their swords and shoot their guns in the air in praise.
>taxonamomegamonopoly: activates next round: Takes the first two successful rolls made against him the next round and applies it to everyone in his next action after that round. If you casted a healing spell on him you will have to endure him calling you an amateur.

Roll #1 4 + 4 = 8 / Roll #2 3 + 4 = 7 / Roll #3 10 + 3 = 13


forgot to include from previous round's attack
6 hits of damage where dealt to gabriele from the dropkick


Flaming grunts as she's continually impacted by the rifles, but grins widely as she manages to knock the thing square on its side.

"I don't know, sure looks like a cheap piece of junk to me! This is why the cavalry shouldn't be driving cars, they should just be charging in a stampede like the good ol' days!" She says, running for the car's exposed under carriage to smash through it to bits

[1d10+1] All or Nothing

Roll #1 9 + 1 = 10


Gabriele lets out a huge puff of air from her lungs as she's kicked squarely in the chest, causing her to double over as her mark merely leaves a smudge on the car.

"H-how dare you! I can't believe you'd assault a lady, you barbarian! I'm going to put this all over the school bulletin board, your career is OVER when they hear about this!"

[1d10] Getting up from Helpless

Roll #1 2 = 2



Amy shakes her head and looks to the strange being behind the booth. "Who are you?" she asks, pointing at him.



Punish yelps in pain as she is slashed.

"Stop this shit!" she shouts. She flies to Tenochtitlan and attempts to put him into a half nelson.

>Suppress: recharge 1 after letting go, weapon; Renders target helpless. After success, can keep taking automatic actions to keep the target pinned. If this action is not taken, the target gets up.

>Grapple: passive; +1 to unarmed grabbing, throwing and wrestling down opponents
>Because her own hooves are her weapon, Suppress is considered unarmed

Roll #1 7 = 7



>Weapon: Baseball Bat +1 [Fire, Great, Single]


Pryce's eyes open wide as Tenochtitlan shoots at him, unable to react quick enough this time with himself at the other end of the barrel. He winces, holding himself steady from the impact.
"Alright, you need to be put down quick, before somepony else gets hurt."

Pryce winds back his bat with his telekinesis, humming a little song to himself as he swings it at Tenochtitlan like he's going for a home run.
>Swing [1d10+1] [Fire, DC5, Crits 9+,Crit Fails 2-]
>Hymn of the Cedar Tree Shrine: [Self] [1d10]
>Hymn of the Cedar-Tree Shrine: Instant, Spell, Recharge 3 after effect ends: Massively increases the target's resistance to all forms of damage for a very brief period. On success, the target will only take 1 Hit of damage from each applicable source of damage that hits them. This lasts for 2 turns, or 3 on a critical hit.

Roll #1 4 + 1 = 5 / Roll #2 1 = 1


>Should have been with a +1


"A stand in for the missing Army Recruiter. But those who populate existance know this one as Y'dryth, and if you're still drawing a blank then you should hit the books. What are they teaching in these schools anyway." Y'dryth clasps his hooves together, light bearing, featureless silhouettes of every person in existance. "So did you want to go back and finish what your friends started? I can take you back if you want."

"Can I come with" Shei asks

"Yes you can, just don't cry if you get hurt. Be a man about it." Y'dryth responds.

You are struck by a volley of machine gun fire. 5 hits of damage dealt.

"Young lady we don't discriminate in the army. In the army we have saying; Women and children first!"

You are pelted by heavy rain of assault fire. Bullets leaving swelts as they bounce off your tough buffalo body. 5 hits of damage dealt

But in spite of this you bulldoze a path toward the humvee, nearly sending it crashing once again as it spins out of control
"WOoOoOOoAAaAoaOaOH!" The passengers and Tenochtitlan cry as he tries to remain on coarse "Lady I haven't even finished my drink yet and you already have me crossing eights in the pavement!" Tenochtitlan voices to his displeasure.

Smoke begins to rise from the humvee engine. It looks like one more direct hit natural crit or not might get it to explode.

You deal 3 hits of damage

"Aaaahh, my cover's blown!!!" Tenochtitlan shouts wildly as you manage to trap him in a half nelson hold. Reducing one of his actions from his action economy. Some of sword wielding recruits spar with you to get you off.

More assault fire rains down on you all
[1d10+4] cleave hit

>taxonamomegamonopoly; activates this round

>proccing [All or Nothing] [5 hits]
>proccing [Suppress] [3 hits]
>hit everyone, suppress removes everyone's ability to make an instant action this round

You begin hear the deafing sound of metal creaking as shutters open from above. The ceiling of the control room opens revealing a helicopter called in by the army recruiter. "Suppressive fire has arrived" you hear the words sound out from Tenochtitlan's radio

A orbital strike launches toward Pryce. Halberd missles launched directly at him in combination of assualt fire.
[3 individual attacks make 3 hits]

3 his of damage dealt to pryce

Roll #1 6 + 4 = 10



Amy's face lights up. "Yes, please take me back!"

"I can't leave Punny to finish my fights for me! She does that too much!"


Flaming cannot help but grin widely as she continues to absorb the storm of bullets and pushes the humvee further and further, taking pride in her tiny little body being able to take so much and deal out even more.

"I don't know how to drive, but I DO know you're not supposed to drink while you do it! So think on… THAT!" She says, slamming out one more head-but to the vehicle

[1d10+1] All or Nothing

Roll #1 3 + 1 = 4


As the attack helicopter storms in from above, collapsing the ceiling around them, Gabriele looks up with utter shock and terror.

"ARE YOU BLOODY KIDDING ME?!" She shouts aloud, grabbing her whip again as she flies up to try and lay another Cursed Seal on the attack helicopter before it can really get moving

[1d10+1] Cursed Seal

Roll #1 5 + 1 = 6



Punish just shouts in frustration as she throws another punch.

>Slam that crits on 7+


Roll #1 10 = 10


Pryce brings up his wings reflexively as the helicopter flies in from above, sending a swarm of missiles his way. He just barely is able to remain standing, though he is looking unsteady and shaky.
"C-Come on, is that all you got?" He says, more to keep the recruiter's focus on him rather than the others. He shifts his stance a bit, bracing himself up to hold more confidence as his horn glows with a heavenly light.
"All your army equipment and you've barely made a scratch on any of us. Looks like your army has nothing on Huoli High!" Pryce says, rousing up an inspirational speech to shield his friends.

>Princess Vinland's Oppulence [Auto]

>Princess Vinland's Opulence: Twice per combat; Automatic; Recharge 2 after effect ends; Sacrifice 1 Wound to negate all damage against you and your allies made this turn. Damage made next turn against you and all allies will be reduced by 3, minimum 1. Damage made the turn after that will be reduced by 2, minimum 1. Damage made after that turn will be reduced by 1, minimum 1. On the final turn, 1 Wound is restored to you and all allies.


"Very well. And I will leave you two with a word of advise "Words can hurt more than any sword. Especially when your opponent is already hurt pretty bad, talking to them can be even more effective. Just ask Shei to appraise Tenochtitlan for his intimacies, and the rest will be obvious." there is a substantial pause before Y'dryth speaks up again "Or you can just beat the crap out of it. That works too. And while you're at it could you tell him to unsubscribe me from their newletter, I'm really not interested in joining the army."

"Will do Y'dryth, Sir." Shei agrees.

And with that Y'dryth offers you both his hooves, at a single touch you are taken back to the scene of combat. You see what the rest of the party sees. Pryce just tank a bunch of missiles as a helicopter arrived into combat and is about to leave just as soon. While Tenochtitlan drives around in a humvee on the brink of destruction, smoke blowing out of it in plumes.

More heavy fire rains down on you dealing 5 hits of damage

You just barely manage to touch the humvee with a head butt but it isn't enough. A mongolian manages to nick you with his spear. dealing 3 hits of counter attack damage to you.

You 5 hits of damage from the nearby swashbucklers and gunners trying to wrestle you off their captain. You manage to clear off one more solid punch. Landing straight for Tenochtitlan's jaw.

deals 20 hits of damage

The blow is so strong it makes him delirious, he loses control of the steering wheel. Causing him to careen out and crash the humvee. In a flash lasting less than a second, an explosion emits sending firey debris everywhere. You rise out of the debris unharmed or manage to fly out before it crashes.

You successfully land a cursed seal upon the apache helicopter. Just as it was about to leave the scene, but with cursed seal struck onto it, it instead whirs in the air confused. You can see the pilot is thrown for a loop as his controls malfunction. He isn't able to escape the fight scene.

Is it charisma? Or narcissim, nobody knows it's just teen spirit! You and everyone else feels protected by Vinland's Opulence.

All the passengers of the humvee flee the scene, terrified and on fire. Shouting in various different languages as they go. But Tenochtitlan rises from the smoky debris of his sweet humvee. His nightvision goggles cracked and his bandana mask torn and burnt.

He only has one thing to say to you "Wait- Let's talk about this."

As combat comes to a brief pause you only just now notice spike without any other excitement to occlude him. He's sitting on a foldable chair, eating popcorn and leisurely firing his glock in the air while making noises "boom Boom, kablam!"


With the battle coming to a momentary pause with his friends shielded and the vehicles of war disabled, Pryce looks down at Tenochtitlan as he now asks to talk.
"What is there to talk about? You started a fight with students, shot at us, called in all other kinds of assault, and gave a kid a gun!" He says, pointing over to Spike. "What is there to discuss aside from how you should be behind bars?"

After calling out the recruiter, Pryce gently grasps Spike's glock with his telekinesis to take it away before any accidents happen.



Amy returns to the frey just as it all starts dying down. She looks around at the scene. Then, she spots Spike.

"Go deal with that obnoxious recruiter," Amy orders Shei as she turns to go in a different direction.

"SPIKE!" Amy shouts like a disapproving mother. She marches over to him. "This is all YOUR fault! And, you're just gonna sit here and watch!? You think this is cool?" she asks rhetorically as she swats the gun out of his hand.

"This isn't cool! People are getting hurt!"



Punish merely stands behind Pryce, her hoof ready for another killer punch.

[1d10] to be intimidating

Roll #1 7 = 7



Just gonna make a social roll for the heck of it for Amy. Maximum guilt!

>[1d10] DC-3

Roll #1 8 = 8


Shorthorns lets out a series of huffed breaths, her bullet-ragged fur coat shaking as she struggles to stand, but she can't help but grin widely in content as she sees her foes driven before them, looking at all those in the humvee running like cowards.

She turns her attention to to the recruiter remaining, smiling and looking to Pryce as she asks, "I say we… uh, what do they do in the army exactly? String him up? Draw and quarter him?"


"I'm not sure… usually hear them shout 'Drop and give me twenty' in the shows."


Gabriele lets out a cry of anger as she sees the Helicopter spiraling out of control, not yet aware that the battle is already won.
"HAH! That'll show you for ruining MY first day back at school! All my feathers you've ruffled out of place, all the anxiety you caused me… well, take THIS in return!" She says, cracking her whip as she commands her cursed seal to explode!

[1d10+1] Corpse Explosion

Roll #1 7 + 1 = 8


Spike complains as Pryce steals away his gun "Hay! that was promised with the life of devilmaycare!"

Shei speaks up "I don't know this place is pretty cool. Mister where can I get on of those guns"

"Oh it that? -It's standard issue with everywhere commitment of 2 years to the Army. Here I'll get you some paperwork."

"Thanks!" Shei exclaims cheerily.

The helicopter careens out of control and on your command explodes into smithereens. Burning bits of shrapnel rain down into the sweet "Too wicked!" Tenochtitlan shouts as he watches the whole thing go down. He takes out his flip phone to snap a picture.

"Okay I might be a little wrong about taking a kid. But the scary girl in uniform definitely belongs in the army."

Shei-Sher pulls out some binoculars to get a scope on Tenochtitlan

>Appraise [1d10+1]

Just as Tenochtitlan talks to you all he sidesteps his way toward Spike. Punish's intimidating presence and Amy's guilt tripping doing something to make him go back on his recruitment drive ferocity "I see you aren't the bunch to negotiate. That's the first thing we teach. You would've made fine recruits. I guess this theatre is over then. Maybe I did go a little overboard drafting a however year old toddler. I could maybe start him out peeling potatoes, and cleaning toilets."

Spike complains again. "Ahh what, That's not devil may care and doesn't have the dangerous sex appeal mentioned in the brochure."

Just as Tenochtitlan inches his way up to Spike "Hay keep quiet kid I'm trying to help you out here." And just as he's within arm's reach Tenochtitlan flips open Spike's army jacket to reveal a bomb vest beeping and booping in the most menacing way, with dynamite very visibly strapped on. Tenochtitlan opens his vest too, to reveal another bomb vest.

"Always had a feeling I'd die for the cause." Tenochtitlan reveals his ace in the hole. Not one, but two bomb vests. One of them being fastened to Spike.

Spike admits "Uhhh, I think I'm done playing soldier now."

Roll #1 4 + 1 = 5




HP: ???
+2 attack +4 abilities
3 actions; 1 instant

Intimacies: Loves the military and people who praise it with him. Also loves it when people compliment his army clothes.

Shei explains the appraisal of the Army Recruiter's stats.

"….Is this what Y'dryth hinting at? I don't think I want to compliment what this guy is wearing. Especially not right now. In this highly sensitive context."


"Shei, no. You don't want to get pulled in with this guy," Pryce says sternly as Shei asks about getting his own gun.

Pryce keeps his stare on Tencochtitlan as he admits to maybe going overboard, though still speaks on having Spike in the army, just for grunt work. When he quickly flips open his and Spike's vests to reveal dynamite, Pryce freezes, looking in panic as the guy is threatening self-detonation. With the quickest reflex, just as when Amy was threatened, Pryce's magic pushes Spike into safe subspace.

>Subspace Walker [Spike] [Auto, 2nd use]

Subspace Walker: 2 times per combat; Automatic; Hide yourself, an ally, or a medium-sized object within a Subspace pocket for four turns, or until they dismiss the effect. During this time, the target cannot attack or be attacked. If used on a sentient target, that target can now move through solid objects, barriers, etc within a short distance at will.


Flaming's eyes open wide as they pull apart their vests to reveal their final ace in the hole in a pair of bomb-vests, to which Flaming looks at the explosives with shock and awe.

After a few moments of stunned silence, though, Flaming looks ahead towards Tenochtitlan and Spike and, a mischievous grin on her face, says,

"You're bluffing. I can tell."


Gabriele lets out a cry of wicked glee as the helicopter explodes on the horizon, cackling loudly and madly out of control.

"MUAHAHAHAHAHAH! Yes, learn to fear me, you slacking ingrates!"

As the recruiter mentions the girl in uniform belongs in the army, Gabriele blushes, and looks at the recruiter. "Eh? Moi?"



"Wow…" Amy says, looking at the bomb jacket Tenoctitlon is wearing. "That's pretty cool. The jacket is nice looking… and it really makes a statement. You're really committed…"

"It's… kinda hot…" she admits. Then, she looks to Spike. "But, it also involves a lot of dying. Is that what you want?"

[1d10] DC-3 to get them both to back down

Roll #1 9 = 9



Punish eyes Amy and lets her do her thing.


Tears begin to roll down Spike's face as he explodes into a crying fit "I don't think he's joking! P-Please I don't want to be in the army anymore! Guy's get me outta here! Get me outta here!"

"It's too late little man. You signed the dotted line. You're life belongs to the military."

"NoOOO!! I didn't sign anything! Let me go home! I wanna go home!." Spike screams and shouts, a blubbering mess.

Tenochtitlan's face scrunches as he takes out some papers from his vest. He puts on reading glasses over his night vision goggles "Huh. You're right you didn't sign it yet. And I almost committed a felony." Tenochtitlan begins unstrapping the bomb vest from Spike "Looks like I won't be blowing you up today kid. It'd be a federal infraction. But maybe in the future we can get you an adult sized bomb vest."

Spike snibbling, mucus crusted, and legs twitching to nearly piss himself, gets down from his chair and waddles toward the party as Tenochtitlan pats him on his way "i'lL cOnSIder iii-i-it *sniff*" Spike, the disgusting piss baby moves over to hug Amy. Digging his face into her shirt and wiping the mucus off his face.

Shei cringes deeply, he looks physically in pain He lets out softly "Please Amy.. Don't- This is beneath you.."

Tenochtitlan is caught off guard by Amy's comments "You really think so.. So you really think chicks dig the bomb vest? Because I have a date coming and I thought it would really wow them you know."

"Oh yeah you! You'd go far kid. Seriously. I have some papers here if you're still considering." Even at the brink of death Tenochtitlan is still ready to invite new recruits.


You ready yourself to push spike in subspace. But as it comes up, Spike never signed any papers, and loses his right to die for his country. Though Once spike reaches the group You go ahead and push him out into subspace. Sending him out of the fight scene and back to Huoli High.


name change Sorry about that


Flaming still manages to keep a confident grin on her face as she seems self assured that the recruiter doesn't have the guts, but as Spike starts to break down and the young dragon is sobbing at the desire to not be here any more, her hardy expression fades away into one of pity. She's about ready to try and bargain instead until Tenochtitlan is convinced to check his paper work by Amy.

As he confirms Spike did NOT in fact sign anything yet, Flaming lets out a sigh of relief at him taking the bomb vest off of spike. She smiles as she sees him run over to Amy, glad to see he's unharmed. "Next time, think about what it takes to be a warrior before you commit yourself to anything, little dragon."

She looks over at Tenochtitlan, and smiles again. "And I KNEW you wouldn't do it."


"To be fair! Spike is a child, in the eyes of the U.S. military. It wouldn't be right to blow him up. But I can still do myself for kicks." Tenochtitlan holds up a on of those classic handle buttons "I'll do it. Swearzies. It's really happening."


"Go ahead, I dare you. Bet you don't have the guts!" Flaming pushes (non-literal) buttons.


"….Okay, but do you double dog dare me?" Tenochtitlan asks


When it's revealed Spike was never signed up, Pryce sighs in relief that one problem is solved. Once he has Spike safely away from the war zone, he looks back to Tenochtitlan.
"Why don't you go back to the base or wherever and get reassigned. Recruitment is not up your alley."


Gabriele swiftly swoops down and wraps a whole talon around Flaming's muzzle, hissing,
"Be QUIET, you little ribeye…"

Gabriele smiles sweetly at the recruitor with a bomb strapped to his chest. "Oh, thank you, it's good to know you can see talent where it's blossoming in front of you, BUT, I'm afraid I have a career path set ahead for the next ten years at least that don't yet involve the military. At least, not in the 'grunt work' sort of deal. But, I think this little misunderstanding has been cleared up, no need to do anything drastic, we've all learned a little something today, haven't we?"



Amy deadpans at Spike as he hugs her. "Yeah… I hope you learned a lesson from this," she says as she subtly pushes Spike away.

Then, she turns to Tenoctitlan. "Oh yeah! A lot of women LOVE danger!"



That was supposed to be Amy.


Punish gags. "Don't listen to this sluts advice," she announces to everyone present.


"Please don't provoke this psycho," Punish says in a beleaguered tone.


"Agreed!" Punish says loudly with a nod.



Amy just sticks her tongue out at Punish.


"Speaking of danger…" Amy says as she works her way toward Pryce, getting uncomfortably close.

"I saw you fighting. You were soooo cool! Thank you for coming to save me, my knight in shining armor! You deserve a kiss," she says before puckering her lips, waiting for Pryce to kiss her.


"I couldn't just let some crazy pony shoot you," Pryce says with an awkward chuckle as Amy gets too close again. As she puckers up for a kiss, Pryce takes a step to the side. "A-Amy, isn't that a little inappropriate!"


Shei cringes even more "Amy honestly. We can just grab any one of the guns laying around and shoot him. I- I just don't think can take anymore this."

"Okay you can all stop me. I can tell when people force it. This isn't my first time threatening people with a bomb vest you know."

One of the Malechim band members speak up "Are guys going to fight? Or should we pack up?"

"Hush you-" Tenochtitlan demands


"I guess you all aren't really cut out for the military. You got that talk first, shooter later personality that's never gonna cut it with negotiating down terrorists. But I'll be seeing you again. And you can try out for something else. Something.. more appropriate for highschoolers. BYE BYE." Tenochtitlan clicks the button on his hand held device.

In an instant the scene is consumed with an explosion and with it combat ends. The flames furl over you and the deafening sound of explosives wracking your eardrum numb you anything else going on. When it all stops you find you're selves back at the highschool. Your injuries are gone, spike is gone too. Infact the Army recruitment booth has vanished with it as well.

The only thing left behind is a comedian's mask with a note attached to it, and a spyglass, where the booth used to be. In your surroundings you see highschoolers and faculty packing up their booths, it is late afternoon now.



"Inappropriate? No! It's romantic! The knight saves the damsel, then she gives him a kiss! It's in ALL the movies!" Amy responds, starting to sound annoyed.


But, Pryce is spared further "romance" when the explosion ensues. When she discovers that she is fine, she looks down at herself and the others. "We're okay?" she asks out loud.

"That was weird," she says with a shrug. "Oh well, whatever."

She turns to Spike. "Am I going to have to tell your mom about this?" she asks in a scolding tone.



"Well…" Punish says, clearly unsure as to what the fuck just happened. "Good riddance to him, I guess."

"How do you get yourself into these kinds of messes?" Punish asks Amy.



Amy just gives a nonchalant shrug as an answer.


"But they're usually in a relationship already when that happens," Pryce counters.

As Tenochtitlan starts to spiel about how they're not fit, Pryce is glad the situation is winding down, until he sets off his vest anyways.
Pryce spreads his wings to shield himself and Amy. When the scene clears and they're back in the schoolyard, he lowers them.
He looks down at the mask and note, about to read them, until he notices the booths being packed up.
"Oh man, what time is it?"
He quickly looks for the baseball booth, realizing he didn't get a chance to sign up yet with the fight, and getting called around beforehoof as well.


Flaming grunts and mumbles against Gabriele's talons as she wiggles her way out of them. "Oh come on, I wanted to see if he'd really do it or not! I've never seen anyone explode before, have you? I mean, outside of cartoons."

As he pushes the button, Flaming's ears flatten dramatically as she is made aware she made a bad bet. "Wuh oh."

She closes her eyes and covers her face with her hooves as the flames wash over them all… only to reveal them back in the hallway at their school. She looks around confused, before looking down at the spyglass and the mask left behind. "Huh… what are these?"


Gabriele's eyes open wide and her wings shut tight as the explosion envelops them all, crying out in dismay even as she is transported back to the school hallway

"AAAAAAAAAAGH no no no no no, I'm too young and beautiful to die, this can't be happening mummy heeeeellp—" she says, moments before opening her eyes again and seeing herself back in the halls, noting as all the other students are packing up and going to class.

She blinks a few times, trying to regain her composure, as she looks towards the trouble-making dragon who started all this. "….Spike?" She says plainly, barely having regained her senses.


"I- I don't know.. I really don't want to talk to Twilight about what happened today." Spike admits, having cleared up all his tears on whatever Amy is wearing.

Gadriel soon enough appears "Why did everyone ditch me at the booth?"

Shei promptly responds "Why did you ditch me at the library."

"I can actually answer that one" Gadriel fires back "Come on and see our clubroom. It's movie night everyone!"

"But it's afternoon" Shei attests

"Then it's a movie-noon. Come on, who's in?"

The malechim say their goodbyes as they exit the scene "Wicked send off guys, but we got to go." said the bassist

"Thanks for letting us put on a show. Til the next gig." said the Triangle

"You guys think Zjetya's mad we left her to pack up?" Said the one on Viola

"I thinks it's going to be about 3pm" Shei answers

The mask is simple theatre mask but with a note attached. The note is blank until by instinct you use the spyglass to view it.

The spyglass allows you read writting that wasn't visible there before "When things get weird again. Under a bristled canopy a merchant offers you something. I will be there." not really a riddle, not really not a riddle.

You've acquired a toy spyglass
>Toy spyglass: You've seen this thing on commercials before. It's a spyglass with the gimmick of allowing you to view invisible ink. Nifty, but can't say you'd ever buy one for yourself. It might just come in handy though.


"Put a hold on that, gotta get signed up for the team first!"
Pryce says to Gadriel as he asks the group about movie night, quickly running over to the baseball booth.
"Coach! Hold on, I'm not too late am I?" He calls out as he runs over.


"Spike." She says to the young dragon attempting to sign up for the army.
"Detention. Week's detention." She says calmly as she flattens down her feathers again, looking around as she tries to make sure no one saw her make a scene.


Flaming takes a look at the note through the spyglass, Shorthorns is fascinated, pulling it back and forth to see the hidden ink over and over again as she looks at her spyglass with rapt attention.

"Ooooh, cool! It lets you see hidden messages?" She smiles, picking up the cool looking mask too as she pockets the spyglass. She turns to look around to see Gadriel as he advertises movie night, the easily distracted buffalo turning with interest.

"You get to watch movies in the afternoon?! I LOVE High School so much! We only ever got to do that in Middle School when the teacher got bored and didn't want to teach us about wars that had movies made about them instead."



"He doesn't even go to this school," Amy defends Spike.


At the offer for a movie night, Amy looks around at everyone. In particular, her gaze lingers on Punish. She continues to to stare, as if her expression is a question.



Punish smirks at Gabby.


Punish spends a while staring back at Amy inscrutably. Then, her expression breaks. She lets out a long sigh.

"I guess it would be fun to watch a movie together."

But, before Amy can say anything in response, she puts up a hoof. "But, don't read anything into this."


You catch Buiwong and the witches in the middle of packing up the tables. Buiwong and vizsla holding the foldable table together "Well Pryce I have a table in one hoof, and Viz on the other end. Hardly have a booth here anymore. What do you think?" Buiwong responds irritably, but then he calls Mudi over "Muuuudi, do you have the clipboard."

Mudi was just on her way out but begins ambling over to you all. Buiwong says to Pryce "You're in luck. Check in with Mudi." Buiwong grunts as he shifts the table in his hooves and they begin hauling it out.

"What! says who!? I don't even go to highschool!"

"Eyyup. I snagged a dvd of bicentennial man and Army of Darkness from the library."

"Gadds.. I don't know if we want to advertise the Occult Research club's activities as movie nights."

"Welp, thats what it is. It's movie nights."


"I'll let everyone know we're good to start. I'll see you there." Gadriel dismisses himself with Shei trailing behind him. As they walk away you hear Shei ask "Wait- so you got more members?"

Once your attention is away, Spike takes the opportunity to try to escape the gravity of the group unnoticed.



Amy dances excitedly, only slightly held back by Punish's stand-off-ish nature.


"This is going to be so much fun! What movie should we watch together? Something romantic? Something funny? Something scary?"

"By the way," she adds practically in the same breath, looking to Flaming directly. "My name is Amy. Amy Thest. We played dodgeball together earlier, but I didn't get a chance to introduce myself. Nice to meet you!"


Gabriel squawks, "DON'T CARE! DETENTION! NOW!" She shouts quite demanding at Spike, cracking her whip once in the air. "Don't make me write you up a referral, dragon!"

She cracks it again for emphasis



"Army of Darkness," the two of them say simultaneously with disparate degrees of enthusiasm.

Upon realization of their simultaneous agreement, they look to each other. Then, they both look away uncomfortably.


"Phew, sorry. Things got really hectic," Pryce apologizes as Buiwong is busy with the tables. As Mudi comes over, Pryce turns to her.
"Really cut it close. Don't worry, won't happen for the games, I promise," Pryce says with a joking attitude, to lighten it a bit.


Flaming smiles, "Wow, my first high-school movie-noon. This is so cool, I didn't even know these were a thing! This is gonna be great. I haven't even heard of either of those movies yet!"

As Amy introduces herself, Flaming smirks. "Oh yeah, I think I remember you! Were you the one with the fire move in the game? I'm Flaming Shorthorns, I just started here! Well I mean, I came here as a Middle Schooler but now I'm officially a Freshman!" She explains excitedly


"AaaAAAHHH!" Spike cries out in fear as Gabriele cracks her whip. Running all the way to the Occult Research Club

Mudi gives Pryce the pen and clipboard "Look forward to seeing there." She says amicably.

You follow what you think were Gadriel and Shei's directions to the Occult Research Club. It's in the old janitors room at a corner of the school property. Beside the entrance you spot Flow and Renee in rasta flavored matching outfits. Trying to light some paper grabbed by Flow's mouth. But upon seeing you they scrambling to hide everything. Flow swallowing the paper and Renee hiding the lighter.

"Hiiiii- See you for the movie-noon." Flow sends himself inside the club room before anyone could tell him something, his girlfriend following with.
"Hehe"Renee giggles "yeah, happy movie-noon."

Entering the build you you can see the sparse decorum of what used to be a janitor's closet. With some cleaning supplies and gym equipment still here in low quantities. Besides that there is a ufo poster on the wall captioned 'I want to believe' and one of those neat tesla coil domes. You see the og machine Shei used earlier in the corner of the room too. There aren't many chairs, most are opting to sit on the diamond patterned rug.

Then the lights turn off, other club members tell each other to sush as Gadriel pops in the movie.

[End of School day] PAUSE


File: 1658195080651.jpg (219.81 KB, 1280x720, Mob Psycho 100 - 07 - Larg….jpg)

ADDITIONAL RULES!! and class order



After a long a day on a notably short day of school our heroes retire to a movie. Static cycles on the television screen until the VHS prompts the familiar FBI copyright warning and Army of Darkness soon enough plays as the club room shushes eachother and gets comfy in their beanbags, and floor mats, and decommissioned school chairs.

Just outside the clubroom door the sun sets on the horizon as the party spends their time until evening (or 'til their parents get worried) watching movies and bickering about the Club's purpose during intermissions. When the day finally passes you attend a regular day at school, doing regular work and having regular highschool kid opportunities to be regular highschool kids without any extradimensional schoolfight shenanigans. A week passes and it is largely uneventful. However with the passing of this week clubroom activities are just on the horizon. At the beginning of the new week is the start of afterschool club activities.

It is monday, September 19th, year 20??

It's a rather uneventful flight or walk, or probably bus ride (if your parents don't love you) to school. You grab your breakfast, you visit your locker. You spend what little time you have before Advisory class socializing or maybe avoiding socialization all together. When you finally do arrive at Advisory class there is a welcomed surprise waiting for the entire class.

Volkama wades through the front line of the classroom urging the class to calm and make quiet from their morning cacophany. "Students, children, students, Children- stundets, students, students.." A nerve bulges in his temple as he fails to gather their attention. "WE MAY PRACTISE MARCHING OUTSIDE IF YOU CAN'T HEAR ME OVER THE ACOUSTICS IN HERE."
The idle threat seems to do it as half the class puts together an effort to get the other half to quiet down.

Volkama scans the classroom with his eyes, little beads of scrutiny lasering on each on of you. "Good." he's pleased "Ahem, Class please welcome our newest exchange students they've come a long way so please welcome them. Thundering applause, whistles and all." He gestures to the other side of the room where a tower Minotaur and scrawny nerd girl stand "Please come over now. They can't throw food at you breakfast is over. Introduce yourselves please." The Minotaur and nerdy schoolpony deftly meander through the quiet of the room toward the front of the classroom ready to present themselves

Feel free to write out or RP your arrival to school and anything you want leading up to this scene.


Flaming Shorthorns runs all the way to school every morning. It takes longer than the bus that conveniently stops in her neighborhood, but there's nothing Flaming loves more in the morning than a good stampede to keep her legs strong and wits sharp. She makes it to school with nary a sweat broken as she rolls up to her locker, opening it up and stuffing all her supplies in there save for the one book she needs for each class, opting to make a trip to her locker between each and every period. She runs back towards Volkama's class, making it just in time as she sits down and proceeds to chat things up with any of the other wrestling girls she can find in the classroom, before being promptly silenced by Volkama's booming voice.

Now having her attention, Flaming immediately takes notice of the new towering Minotaur girl in awe. "Wooooah, you're huge! You should join the wrestling team!" She says perhaps a bit insensitively.


Gabriele flies to school after kissing her mummy goodbye in the morning with a packed lunch and all of her homework done precisely (even the ones that aren't due for days). She touches down in front of the school and checks to see if the Student Body Council has an early meeting, which she always makes a point to attend if it's scheduled.

Afterwards, she makes her way to Volkama's class and sits politely in the front row, the little suck-up griffin always trying to look her best in front of any teacher with more sway to offer her. As Volkama finds himself having trouble getting the kids under control, Gabrielle clears her throat and shouts loud and clear,



Amy feels some otherworldly force accuse her parents of not loving her as she gets on the bus.

She spends her time before advisory class with the other cheerleaders, scoping out the various boys.

When new students are announced, she bounces excited: new opportunities for new friends!



As per the norm, Punish flies to school. And, she doesn't talk to anyone. She gets her stuff and promptly arrives at her desk. She puts her hooves on the desk and leans back with her front hooves behind her head.


Punish silently rolls her eyes.


Punish can't help but chuckle at Gabby's impotent threats.



Pryce is up bright and early, as to be sure to be all prepped and set to go before the flight to school, especially now as things have settled in.

During Advisory class Pryce ends up spending his time thinking over his schedule, and how to balance three clubs now. There's a little dread at the idea, but he's confident he can handle it. He has to.
He is pulled from his planning as Volkama comes in and calls the class to attention. When he introduces two new students, Pryce gives a little stomp of applause to play in Volkama's comment.
"Welcome to Huoli High!" He greets the two students, adding in to whatever welcoming crew also does so.


You chat it with your wrestling club pals. Each of you equally excited for today's club activities as you hear you will be wrestling eachother to gauge each individual's skill level.
Sitting beside you is Lion and Rooster. You remember Rooster was the elephant student that signed up to the club. As you gawk and make your suggestion to the Minotaur fella Rooster chimes in with her characteristic eloquent, drawing cantor "You would make an excellent fit, I think."

Your rule and order appeasing nature doesn't appeal much to the routy parts of the class as the hurl slings and disses your way in response.
"Boner patrol!!" One student shouts
"What kinda power you think you have Gabs." Another says
"Calm down Teacher's pet." another remarks.
"You merely adopted the darkness!" Another one shouts with idiotic glee.

Though you see on another side of the class there are students that actually enjoy advisory and the band class the comes right after. So they join you in heckling down the class and shushing them. Among these like minded students are Mocha. Who surprises you by sitting by your side and saying her piece "I'll tell my grandpa to make you run laps Fox! So pipe it!"

You sit beside Dania, Mocha, and Princess Starlght.
As the minotaur makes his way front stage Dania comments "Oh he's cute!" in a hushed voice
Starlight exclaims "He's a babe!"
While mocha meerly blushes and averts her gaze "I mean if you're into that sort of thing."

Though despite the success in quieting down the class, Gabriele can maybe feel the condescending attitudes of Punish shrugging off her efforts

You burst out with a welcome, but only a few other students beside you join you in welcoming them, although even then their welcome is lazily done and non-committal. It's obvious they were just going with the flow and don't really care.

The shyer, nerdier look pony inches behind the Minotuar, allowing his enormous stature to cover her from the classroom's vacant eyes.

But the Minotaur speaks up "Uh- Yeah. The name's Hurricanrana. I just moved into town with mah pops."

Volkama on one side of the room gestures to Hurricanarana, jazz open hooves beseechingly.

"More? Uh- Yeah well My Pop's is actually famous. He's the Undertake believe it or not. And if you if got anything wise to say about I know 20 different suplexes and I practice Judo on sundays so watch it. I also like to watch the power rangers before I walk to school. Yeah it's for kids, so what. And I like to eat from home too because schoolfood makes you scrawny and unlayable. I eat steak and reseeses puffs for breakfast I want to be unslayable HAH! Dig it? Yeah. uuhh anyways I'm looking forward to making friends while I'm hear and trying one of the amateur sissy clubs here so I can continue the dream. What- Wrestling club?" He responds to one buffalo's suggestion "good enough for me. Oh That Dream by the way- Continuous flexing my friend! No other way to meet the day. Thats what Pop says." He speaks with wide, burly gestures and often flexes for added punctuation for sentences.

"That's fine." Volkama stops huricanrana before his bravado can rise the class to their regularly noisy enthusiasm. "hhhmmmm.. Nnnow you." Volkama points to the shy pony hiding behind Huricanrana. Huricanrana moves to reveal. And it is apparent she is petrified to be standing in front of the entire classroom. Eyes casted down at her shoes, her cute wizard hat drops down to obscure her face as he hoofs go crooked in a meek stance. She trembles.


As Hurricanrana introduces himself, Flaming's jaw drops as he mentions his dad is the Undertake. "Woah! I think I heard of him, he's like, a super famous wrestler, isn't he?! That's so cool!"

She eagerly points over to an open spot next to her wrestling clique, "Well come on over here, sit with us! We have got to get you signed up for the team. She turns her attention next to the shy nerdy mare behind him, "What about you? Are you a wrestler too?"



Amy joins in with Dania and Starlight. "I've never been with a minotaur before…" Amy says in a hushed tone as she eyes the huge minotaur up and down from across the room. "Do you think everything is… proportionate…?"

By the time Huricanrana is done talking, she's practically drooling.

Then, when the nerdy girl trembles in front of the class, Amy calls out in a consoling tone, "It's okay! We've all been new at some point! My name's Amy. What's yours, friend?"

>Social roll [1d10] DC-4

Roll #1 3 = 3



Punish does little but quietly grumble and lounge.


"Wow, cool," Pryce comments as Hurricanrana introduces himself. "So is your dad an action star or something?" He asks with curiosity.

As Volkama shifts attention to the other student, Pryce sits in patient silence, seeing they might be the type to need their time to get started.


Gabrielle growls at the malcontents among the crowd, gripping her talons as she begins taking down names and numbers among the dissidents. However, as Mocha comes to her side, she smiles, happy at the idea that she managed to successfully win someone over to her side yesterday. As the class finally quiets down, she clicks her beak and waves her finger. "THAT will teach all of you. I'll remember which ones took the longest to get with the program."

She looks over at Punish as she chuckles at her, sticking a tongue out (discreetly) at the pegasus. She turns to look at the two new students as they introduce themselves (or one of them, anyhow). "Well, welcome to Huoli High indeed! I'm sure you two will absolutely adore it here, best curriculum in the country if I might be so bold to brag. With the best faculty to boot," she says, smiling sweetly at Volkama.



"Oh come on," Punish says with a chuckle. "Best curriculum? Best faculty? Overselling much?"


Gabriele hisses in Punish's direction, "Well, have you been to any other high schools, hmm? Can you say with certainty this ISN'T the best?"


"Yeah. I mean he used to do pro but he got his name doing stage wrestling." Huricanrana comments as he takes a seat next to the three wrestling club members. "So which one of you is the strongest."

"Ohh uuh." Rooster is thrown off by the question.
while Lion replies "That I wonder."

The girls giggle in mock embarassment at your comment "Amy!" Dania exasperates your name while Mocha hides her face, and Starlight simply stares at the minotuar as he walks past the seated students.

The Shy pony lifts her hat up to meet your eyes with her own watery eyes, timidness replaced with annoyance "D-don't belittle me."

Volkama averts his gaze at once when you smile at him. Apparently even he doesn't want to be associated with the teacher's pet.

Deriva, seated at the corner of the white board claps excitedly as the minotaur fella takes his walk into the class seating. And lessens her clap to welcome the next exchange student's introduction.

"I-I *squeek*" She actually squeaked from nervousness "My name is Supper Lou Croux, b-but my friends call me Supper of Crows because it sounds cool and I- I'm pretty fond of birds. A-and- And I'm also fond of.. Card games. -Like Magic, and yugioh, I have hearthstone on Steam too. And -well. I'm uh I'm from Three coins private school. Orginally.. It's an all girl's school b-but my Mom and some friends wanted me to come here so-" She pulls down her wizard hat to hide her face entirely, just as the blush begins to turn her head cheery pink.

Volkama pats her on the back "Alright then go ahead an take a seat."
Deriva begins clapping again as Supper of Crows is apparently petrified in place from nervousness.

Volkama commands the classroom "Well are you going to let me beautiful, endearing wife clap alone! come on now! Applause applause, Welcome Supper. Your new friend. I'm sure you're all going to get along. clap! Clap! or you get demerits!"

The class slowly, coalesces the enthusiasm to applaud as Supper bumbles into chairs and nearby furniture as she walks with her hat covering her face, she hazardly navigates the classroom.



"Have YOU?"


"Cool, card games. How are they? I've mostly stuck around with traditional playing cards myself," Pryce says, adding in applause as Volkama demands they all clap.


Flaming doesn't seem to have any issue quickly resolving that issue. "Well that's easy, it's me!" she says resolutely. "You should go to practice right after school, we'll show you the ropes. Literally!"

As Supper of Crows finishes talking, Flaming stomps her hooves on the desk, giving her the required round of applause. "Wooooh!"


Gabriele's smile deflates as Volkama turns away from her, causing the haughty griffon to sink back in her chair. "Well, that's another name to add to 'the list'." She whispers out of ear-shot.

"As a matter of fact, student council duties often include getting to see other schools in the area for meet-ups and the like, and I can say with assurance that Huoli High is second to none in the entire county. I mean, look around you, what more could you possibly ask for?"

Seeing another poor, lonely, impressionable girl to get her talons into get on her side for upcoming student body elections, Gabriele quickly fans a wing over Supper and pushes her towards an empty desk close to her. "Is that so? Well, that's all just fascinating! You know, I always considered attending an all girl's school, but my mummy could never afford it. You really must tell me all there is to now, Supper dear."



"I wasn't trying to…" Amy trails off, her ears folding back when Supper tells her not to belittle her.

When no one applauds at first, Amy also does not applaud. She doesn't want to hurt Supper's feelings further. But, when the teacher makes them all clap, she slowly joins them.


"That's not true!" Amy blurts out when Flaming claims to be the strongest. "Punny is!"


Amy then looks around to see where Huricanrana sat. And, if she has to, she starts strategizing who she has to trade seats with to sit next to him.

[1d10] to get lucky and already be next to him!

Roll #1 7 = 7



"Literally any other PE teacher for starters."


At Amy's outburts, Punish nearly falls out of her seat. She has to catch herself with her wings then sit up. She quickly turns to shoot Amy a glare across the classroom. If looks could kill, Punish's expression would be fueled by weapons-grade plutonium.



Amy's ears fold back. She sinks into her chair slightly. "S-sorry…" she apologizes softly.


Supper stops in her tracks as she hears your voice. She follows, all the while keeping her hat covering her entire face, line of sight included. She reaches out a hoof feeling out a chair and then the hoof touches your face, soft to the touch and faintly smelling of pencil wood. She immediately retracts her hoof with a squeak when she realizes she's feeling someone's face. "uuuh yeah- I guess, I like traditional cards too.. Like go fish and stuff." She wears her hat properly and takes an empty seat next to Pryce.

"Hah! I like it." Huricanrana responds to your confidence

"Oh ho ho!" Lion hoots a laugh "I have to agree. Our first years could take on the entire school. In fact I'm absolutely buzzing to see Flaming take on the entire wrestling team come try outs." Lion is exuberant in how he speaks, though what he says sounds positive you can't help but feel an undercurrent of mockery beneath his tone. "What do you think Rooster."

Rooster speaks her thoughts "I believe it may be rather hobbes of me to say but in wrestling there is no place for words between one pony and the overwhelming weight of one elephant." She flourish he large ears along her head as if it were hair.

"*SNRK*" Supper snorts unintentionally "Your mummy?" Is all she could gather from what Gabriele said.

"Punny?" The word draws slowly from Rooster to form a question.
Lion asks "Yes Amy, who is this Punny fellow?"

You take an opportunity in conversation to switch seats with someone who left theres. But just as you entered the group you feel Starlight squishing herself onto your very own seat "Yah! Whoooo is Punny. Or better et just who is Huricanrana underneath all this bulging heap of muscle."

"I am Huricanrana." Huricanrana answers.

"Um excuuuse me. Girls?" Dania has arrived at the scene and she looks ready to reel you girls back in.

[Spending one more round here then we're moving to Language Arts class.]


"Don't let them get to you Punish." Little Journey comments as he recognizes your agitation.


Flaming Shorthorns turns her head to its side as she looks on in confusion, "What? Uh, I don't know anyone named 'Punny', and if they were stronger than me," she snickers, "which I doubt, I'm pretty sure I'd know!"

Flaming smiles as the others admire her for her bravado. "No one's looking forward to it more than me, believe me! All these years of watching the high-school kids practice during wrestling, now I actually get to wrestle WITH them! I can hardly stand the wait."


Pryce gives a little chuckle after Supper mistakenly plants her hoof in his face while trying to find a chair, to help lighten up the situation a bit.
"Go Fish, Solitare, Poker, they're all fun. But my specialty is magic tricks, you can pull off a lot with those with a good pair of hooves."


Gabrile chuckles, "Whatever do you mean? He lets me do whatever I want in gym, in what is otherwise a totally wasted period. He's ideal, don't you think?"

Gabrielle's eyes twitch at her snickering at how she refers to her mother, but for the sake of the Presidential chair she lets it slide. "Y-yes, my 'mummy' dearest. She's a sweet thing, raised me all by her lonesome ever since she kicked out my worthless father. But enough about me, tell me more about you sweetie, I'm sure a girl of your standing having gone to such an exclusive school has plenty more to tell."



"Oh, I was just talking about her," Amy points over her shoulder at Punish. "They call her 'Evil's Punishment'. I call her 'Punny'. She doesn't like the nickname, though."

"But, enough about her," Amy says as she stares luridly at Huricanrana. "MY name is Amy. Amy Thest. It's soooo nice to meet you," she says as her eyes travel up and down his body.

As she speaks, she subtly uses her ample flanks to push Starlight off the seat, keeping her smile up all the while.

>Mantra of Equality: Recharge 2; Instant; Soothes a hostile target, making them more likely to listen to what you have to say, and unable to target you next turn.

>[1d10+4] DC-4 to get Huricanrana's undivided attention

Roll #1 6 + 4 = 10



Punish just nods and grumbles.


"There's more to it than just strength," Punish says flatly.


"How about a teacher who actually takes their job teaching seriously?"


"Flaming you have absolutely inspired me!" Lion bolsters you "In fact you know what would be perfect. If you and the Punny fellow wrestled eachother first at the start of today's club proceedings. Don't you all agree?"

"Sure, I'd like to see the girl in action." Huricanrana comments.
"I too would like to see her in action." Rooster says.

"Then it's settled. We have our very first match of the day. Flaming our beautiful first against our Junior sportsgirl Punny."

You succeed in bumping out Starlight from the seat with your voluptuous phanny. He hits her tiny girlscout rump on the floor and promptly pouts "That loose lipped tart!"

Dania picks her up from the floor "Okay now, I think that's a enough."

Your womanly wiles do something to fix Huricanrana's sights on you. "Hi there girly, it's nice to meet'cha!" Huricanrana grabs your hoof for a good shake and gives you a man's handshake

[1d10+7] for crushingly firm handshake, Rp your response to the dice result

Before things can proceed further than a hoofsake Dania manages to pull you off your chair "Come on girls, I think you forgot where your seats are.

"Oh wow– um that's cool I guess. If -if yo- you're a scrub. Those are normie games. I'm not really into those boomer games."

"n-not really. I kind of just came to this school to be with my friends. And um MY 'Mummy' encouraged me too because I don't have enough friends."

The classroom soon enough proceeds into band class with the ringing of a bell and as you get situated with your instruments and warm up, class goes on with it's regular activity. Before you know it the bell rings again and it's time to go to your next class.

For Freshman and Sophmores you have Desert Lamp for Language Arts class

And for Juniors and Sophmore you have River Spring for your next class.

You have 5 minutes to navigate to your next class. The halls flood with students, and you find yourself spilling into a cacophony to dumb kids just like yourself. River Spring is waiting right outside her classroom door greeting her students as they enter. Desert Lamp sits at her desk and waits for her students to seat themselves as she reads from a book.

You find Shei rushing up to you both in the halls. He is without his brother who's usuall attached to him at all times. He pants exhausted from running as he manages to ask
"Hay! *pant* are you coming to the *pant* occult research club after school?"

Roll #1 10 + 7 = 17


"A scrub?" Pryce repeats, confused. "I prefer the term magician, but if you want to see some I could you sometime." Pryce says, unaware of the dis.

As the bell rings, Pryce gets up to make his way through the halls, fetching his books from his locker and heading to Language arts.
"Morning Professor Spring," He greets back as he enters the class.



Amy smiles victoriously as he takes her hoof. "Oh, the pleasure is all miiiiii-" she trails off into a high pitched squeal as her hoof-paw is virtually crushed. She cuts off the squeal to maintain her flirtatious demeanor. She tries to laugh it off. "It's all mine," she says through gritted teeth as she cradles her hoof-paw.

When Dania pulls them away, she accepts and goes back to her seat. "We'll see more of each other later, I'm sure," Amy says in the most flirtatious tone she can muster through the pain. She punctuates it with a wink then goes back to her seat.

"I think he broke something…" she grumbles to her friends in a far less flattering, more annoyed tone once he's out of ear-shot.


As Amy limps through the hallway, she sees Shei coming at her, and she sighs. She's not in the best of moods now.

"I have cheer practice," Amy responds uncomfortably. "I usually just go home after that."


"Huh? I mean, yeah of course, that's true. There's a ton of technique too, but that's what I mean by being the strongest! I'm willing to bet I *may* not way as much as an elephant does," she chuckles, "But I'm still the strongest because I have the skills, power, and grit to win!"

As they suggest wrestling Punny, Flaming nods her head, "Yeah, that sounds great! Let's get to it right as practice starts! Just one more question," she says, turning her head again, "WHO is 'Punny' again?"

As the homeroom ends and everyone starts heading out into the halls making their way to their next classes (in Flaming's case, Language Arts), Flaming quickly intends to dash back to her locker and then to her class before she sees Shei running up to her while in the hall. "Huh? Occult Research Club? I kind of have Wrestling Practice after school."


"Well, considering he's actually using such a silly period as 'P.E.' for something much more productive, like studying and homework, I'd say he's taking our education *very* seriously."

"Oh my, well isn't that just a shame! Well, my dear, please consider myself your first friend made at Huoli High." She says, smiling as she wraps a wing around the pony and gives her a light squeeze. "I'm sure you'll fit right in, as long as you follow the rules."

As the bell rings, Gabriele takes heed and bids farewell to Supper as she carries her text books off to River Spring's class. "Good morning, Ms. Spriiing." Gabriele says in her usual suck-up sing song voice.



"This is NOT going to be my new nickname!" Punish growls angrily.

"I'll do a match with Flaming," she says, eying her down. "She talks a big game. I'll see if she can back it up."


"PE IS important!" Punish argues.


"tsk." Dania tsks at you, it's quite admonishing "It's what boys do best. They always hurt you in the end. Maybe you should go see the nurse?"

Lion lets our a mighty cry of excitement to answer Flaming by announcing her opponent's name "EEEVIIIIIIIIIL'S PUNISHMEEEEEEENT!"

Supper skitters in place and scratches at your frantically, repelled by the touch of your wing. She puts a distance you and your affectionate nature all the while she squeals with primal fear of skinship "Eeeeeeeeeeep!"

Supper's heart is pounding as she clings the edge of her seat having escaped Gabriele's grasp. She tries to settle down to answer you "*pant* maybe *pant* no promises."

Shei is distraught by the fact have other things going on "B-but you came last week." soon enough Gadriel arrives tailing behind him.

"C'mon big bro, you're going to come off desperate." Gadds wheels Shei out with both hooves on his shoulders. The little goat apparently downcast.

River Spring greets Pryce as he enters the classroom "Pryce! My little hero, did you have a good weekend?" She remarks on endearingly you're her hero in regards to the few times you've helped her settle down the class through out last week. Some nearby students snicker and call say something along the lines of cuckoldry and teacher's pet. River Spring's smile practically falls off her face, having only meant the term endearingly.

Once the class settles in RiverSprig announces "So today is a special day class. We will be discussing the Elections for Student Council President." She gives pause this comment erupts the class into lively chatter about council prospects.

You file in along with everyone else to their assigned seats. Desert Lamp closes her book and ambles to the chalkboard in front of the now seated class. She clasps her hooves together delightfully as she greets everyone "Hellooo~ class." Desert Lamp is a particularly fashion conscious teacher. She's wearing a sundress with roman ankle sandles and silk socks, topaz sky blue sapphire earings and you can see her sun hat at her desk. She greets the class and you see that a number of the students greet her back in unison as her cheery disposition rubs off. "Today we'll be taking a trip to the library so you can print out the first draft of your essays. Please do mind to pick any research material there you might need for your essay. You need at least one physical hardcopy reference and one digital reference for your essays."

The class begins to get up as the shuffle into an orderly line to leave for the library. Shei who is in your class tugs at you by the shirt "Hay, why are you sure you're not coming? We're not all about just watching movies, honestly."


>bad post quote

This is meant for you.

You file in along with everyone else to their assigned seats. Desert Lamp closes her book and ambles to the chalkboard in front of the now seated class. She clasps her hooves together delightfully as she greets everyone "Hellooo~ class." Desert Lamp is a particularly fashion conscious teacher. She's wearing a sundress with roman ankle sandles and silk socks, topaz sky blue sapphire earings and you can see her sun hat at her desk. She greets the class and you see that a number of the students greet her back in unison as her cheery disposition rubs off. "Today we'll be taking a trip to the library so you can print out the first draft of your essays. Please do mind to pick any research material there you might need for your essay. You need at least one physical hardcopy reference and one digital reference for your essays."

The class begins to get up as the shuffle into an orderly line to leave for the library. Shei who is in your class tugs at you by the shirt "Hay, why are you sure you're not coming? We're not all about just watching movies, honestly."


Flaming turns her head towards Punish, "What's not going to be your new nickname?" She asks innocently, not yet having connected the dots as Lion lets out his roar. "I'm up for a match any time but I really want to wrestle this 'Punny', she's got hype going on."

"Yeah, but that was because Wrestling Practice hadn't started up yet. I'm sorry but my hooves are tied, I've REALLY wanted to start practicing with the high school kids! Maybe some other time?"


Gabriele scoffs, "Oh please, it's just sports and running around and getting all sweaty. I understand wanting to maintain physical fitness but we could just exercise on our own time if we so desired…"

As River Spring brings up the Student Council Presidential elections, Gabrielle's internal alarms go haywire, and she immediately stands up straight, looking for all to see like the most model student as she listens with rapt attention as to what details she has to share. "Go oooon."


Flaming lets out a groan, "Aww, the library… that usually means the assignment's tough. I hate reading…" she grumbles to herself as she moves along with the class, head held low as she bemoans having to be seen picking out the easiest, most basic books again…

As Shei bugs her, she grumbles in a foul mood, "I *can't*, I have wrestling practice! What part of that don't you get?! Unless it cancels, my hooves are tied."



"Punny," Punish explains. "Don't call me Punny. It's Punish. Or Evil's Punishment."


"And, do you?" Punish asks incredulously, looking Gabby up and down.


Punish smiles, finally getting some hype on her side.


Punish feels the strong urge to throw a wrench into everything. But, she waits to see how things play out.



"Oh, I know about how guys can hurt you," Amy says to Dania. "I'll be fine."


"Look, can we talk about this later?" is the way Amy leaves the conversation quite impatiently with Shei.


In the next class, Amy does her best to get a seat next to Huricanrana before they're all taken.



[1d10] for getting a seat next to Huricanrana

Roll #1 7 = 7


"Its was pretty good, getting my schedule all set and planned now that the year's starting in full," He responds. When others students jeer over the endearing comment, Pryce shakes his head.
"They were doing the same to Gabriele last period, they're just not used to being back in school yet," He says to brush it off, not liking to see the smile fall so quickly.

"Student Council," Pryce repeats, looking over to Gabriele. "Oh yea, you're running for a spot on there, aren't you?"


"Punny…. ooooooooooh! OH!" Flaming says enthusiastically as it JUST now clicks. "Wow, I can't believe I didn't get that till now. Yeah, I wouldn't wanna be called 'Flamy' either or something like that. Why does Amy call you that?"


Gabrielle gasps, "E-excuse me? Of COURSE I do, can't you tell? Why, I fly to school every morning, I keep myself on a rigorous diet, how could you look at this figure and think otherwise!? Am I… is it showing in places?" She asks, suddenly nervous

Gabrielle giggles, "Well, one doesn't like to brag, buuuut I might beeee…"



"Why does that idiot do anything she does?" Punish asks in an exasperated tone.



Punish can't help but grin at Gabby being insecure. Then, she responds in an aloof manner, "Why would I know? It's not like I've looked that hard. You're just scrawny to me."


You leave Shei pensive, as he face scrunches he tries to come up with some solution to bring you into his club. But at last nothing comes to him in time for you all to depart for the library.

Walking down the halls and passing through the courtyard pavilion to come underneath the shade of tarped ceiling hanging above the library entrance. The students arrive in their formation and Desert Lamp reminds everyone to be quiet as they enter the library and that the duration of the class will be spent in here so to make good use of your time. You have your the rough draft of your essay stored on a usb that is ready to print. You just need to find a book to use as a reference for your essay. for whatever reason whether doing it at the last minute or know ahead of time what you want to reference you need to finalize your essay on a computer before printing it out in the library.

River Spring allows the class to naturally simmer down enough for her to be heard speaking. "Today our election candidates will be using their main class periods to visit every class room and give their electoral speech. As we discussed before you speech should be the same for each class you give it too and considering you have had a week to practice we have high expectations. So if you would please, we will be starting with this class with our own senior class student Gengenschein. Please, would you come up to the stand Gen."

Gengenschein steps out of his desk to walk over to the front of the class. There he breathes in deeply and pumps his chest with one claw. Steading himself for what you could only hope is the speech of a lifetime "Students, comrades, friends, rivals. You and I may not see eye to eye on everything. But I know I've been a friend to many of you in your time of need. And now I am asking you to return the favor. Not for my own sake, but for the sake of the student body. You see.. I have a dream. Where everypony can enter the mess hall due morning or lunch and see a wonderful, shining slurpee dispenser. Just like you see at 7-11. Now I've been saving up money over summer time to purchase and I even researched how to install one to save on funds. Last time I spoke with the principle he said only a licensed condenser mechanic can be approved for installing these babys and well class. Lo and Behold! MY CERTIFICATION!"



There it is in Gengenschein's claws, an immaculate degree, certifying Gegenschein as Condenser Installation Certified. There is only one thing left however. For you to cast in the vote. Only a Student Council president can elect amenity inclusions to the mess hall. But with your help, every day ponies will be lined up behind this STUPENDOUS slurpee machine with 5 different flavors to choose from. Some of you may say Gengen it's too bold. Gengen you're crazy. I am not crazy friends. I am Condenser Installation Certified. And I am begging you, friend or foe, colleague or miscreant. You know who the right vote is for. Thank you."

Gengenschein steps off from his podium to the rancor of applause and outstanding ovation. The classroom has gone wild over the prospect of a slurpee machine. Gengenschein seats himself, the sense of satisfaction in a speech well delivered written all over his face.

Mocha is hesitant to applaud but she soon finds herself swept up in the tide of clapping. She leans over to you to ask "How are you going to beat that?"

You manage to avert your assigned seating to sit next to Huricanrana. Nobody questions it, nobody cares. River Spring is flaccid to correct your disruption of the seating plan.

And the scent of Huricanran's cranberry sprite axe body spray fills your nostrils.




"Hi…" Amy says as she rests her elbow on her desk. She rests her face on her hoof-paw and looks in Huricanrana's direction with a flirtatious smile. "How's the new school treating you?" she asks conversationally as she bats her eyelids.

She doesn't pay the least bit of attention to the election proceedings.


Pryce gives enthused applause to Gegenschein's speech.
"Wow, he really went all the way for that. Amazing," He says, impressed by the effort made to ensure a council election promise.



"Is it too late to nominate someone else?" Punish asks loudly after Gegenschein gives his speech.


Flaming frowns, "Hey, she's NOT an idiot! She's one of the smartest ponies I know, she knew everything I didn't know how to in Filly Scouts."

Flaming frowns as she enters through the daunting doors of the library. Literacy was never her best subject, and she never had the best experience with books. She had no idea where to start, and the tough little buffalo felt all the more small as she felt judging eyes washing over her as she seemed unclear what book to pick out.

Flaming was somehow even worse with computers, so she skipped that and just went straight to the books, looking by hoof for one that seemed to catch her interest…

[1d10] Looking for something easy for a Freshman to read

Roll #1 7 = 7



Punish frowns. "I didn't know you know her."


Gabrielle huffs as she points her beak up in the air. "I think you mean, 'lithe' or 'nymphlike'."

Gabrielle looks over the crowd of students as they're all immediately swayed by the promises of a slurpee machine in every wing of the school. Her eyes open wide with shock as she sees the tides turn against her, and she grips her pencils in a barely contained rage, cracking a few of them along the side.

As Mocha asks how she's going to compete with that, Gabrielle looks at her and gives a sly grin. "His promises seem pretty air-tight… so I'm going to poke holes until it isn't air-tight anymore." She (respectfully) goes along with the clapping, wanting to seem like a good sport in the face of competition.

"A marvelous speech, Gengenschein, simply marvelous! I do hope you don't mind though if I might ask you a question regarding your campaign promises… where, exactly, will the money for these Slurpee machines come from?"



"Nymphlike?" Punish laughs. "Nah, I'd use that word for someone like Amy. But, for different reasons."


On the shelf you find an analytical report on Cory in the House. titled: 'Was Cory Really in the House?', but is it in any way related to what you wrote about? You could probably make it work.

Shei-Sher pops up from behind to bug you once again "What if-.. We offered pre workout shakes. Would you stop by for 10 minutes at least?"

"Can't complain. Could really go for a slurpee though." Huricanrana remarks oblivious to your flirtations.

At once you you hear the skidding of desk legs gratting against hard tile as Vizsla shortly arrives at the other side of Huricanrana's desk "Oooh Huricanrana, I didn't know you like keeping pets. You're not planning to leaves us for this bicycle are you?"

Huricanrana alerted by Vizsla's presence equally oblivious to anything she just said "Oh hay, Viz hows it hanging." Just like that his attention has slipped away from Amy.

You hear an entire row of girls swoon over Gengenschein's passion "Condenser Mechanic Certified." They swoon in unison with lovey dovey eyes.

River Spring stammers to settle down the class "Uh-h now Class. Please. We still have more candidates."

Next Box steps out from his seat "That's my cue." He hobbles and hops as the sound of his lid clanks all the way to front of the class. "Hi class. I just wanted to let you know that a vote for me is a vote for charity. Because thats what I'm running here, a charity case. And you aren't feeling generous me and my pals can make score a lot more difficult for you if you catch my drift, If you see my angle, if you sense what I'm angstin at, if you caught my motion, if you know what I'm talking about, if you see where I'm coming from, if you splittin ice with me, if you're in the walk with goldilocks, if you understand what I am trying to say. There are lots of boxes I could put you in. Don't let it be a coffin. Vote for Box. Also my dad owns the bowling alley alley and he says anyone who votes for me can get the first slice of pizza free on saturdays. Thank you."

Box dismisses himself from the podium. And reluctantly the class joins together in meager applause.

"Well I saved up thirty-two hundred dollars from my summer job just for this. I thought it would be a really cool idea. And honest to god, I love slurpees. I had to control myself from spending all my work money on them over the summer. Of course the slurpee machine will need maintenance and routine restocking but once the machine is installed and operational that's all covered by government subsidy."

"Gabriele, you're up." River Spring remarks. It is now you're turn to step up and give a speech.

[however if Shima needs more time to think up a speech I wouldn't mind pausing right now.]


Pryce glances back as he hears a full row swoon. Huh, mechanics must be popular, he thinks.

Pryce gives a modest applause to Box's speech. He didn't really have much there but he put in a good effort.



Amy's jaw drops as Viszla blatantly insults her twice. She smiles at the sheer audacity of it.

"Wow, Vizzy, that's a lot of jealousy I'm sensing coming from you. I'm sorry, not everyone can be as cuddly as me," she says, gesturing to her wolf-floof, in an attempt to turn the 'pet' comment back around into a positive.

"You know," Amy says to Huricanrana in a stage-whisper. "I'm a REALLY good hugger," she punctuates it with a wink.


"Where you come from I can see why you'd think regular pedestrians would enjoy cuddling a bathroom rug." Vizsla replies in kind

Though Huricanrana has a much friendlier reception, unphased by these girl's hostility "Ohh dude, have you ever done the Full Nelson Maneuver. It's a trip."

Vizsla interjects to hiss at you "Stay away! He's ours *HIIISSSSS* "

Bell Jar is seated right next to you, he response to what Pryce said he mentions "I told a girl I was forklift certified the other day and now I have a date for homecoming. Problem is.. she wants me to pick her up in my forklift.." He says with much consternation.


Flaming nods her head, "Yeah huh! We were in Filly Scouts together. Though, that was a little while ago, but we're still friends. Why do you think she's dumb?"

As Flaming looks over the books and tries to figure out which one she could work with for her essay, she takes Cory in the House and groans as she hears Shei bugging her once again. "Darn it, Shei! Alright, if it gets you off my butt I can show up for 10 minutes, but I really need to go after that! I don't want to miss my very first high school practice session, you know!"



"I don't just think it. I know it. Her grades are terrible. And, that's just the tip of the iceberg."


Pausing for now, but I'll reply to shima or any other responses by tomorrow. Thank you for playing everyone!



"Oh, that's rough. Suppose you could rent one for the night, that could work out affordably enough," Pryce suggests as advice for Bell's woes.


After Gabriele gives her speech, Pryce gives a hefty applause, equal to that he gave Gegenschein.
"Great speech, you really know your stuff on this," He says with some praise.




The reception to your speech is rather callous as you can imagine the reaction to a disciplinarian take. However Mocha does her best to support you, clapping with all 6 of her drider legs she manages to coax the crowd in to a non-chalant applause. Though it may be lacking the enthusiasm you desired.

Gengenschein raises a talon. Ready to repay your scrutiny with some of his own. Riverspring acknowledges the griffon "Yes Gengenschein, did you have a question for Gabriele?"

"I did." Gengenschein replies "Gabriele it sounds like you put a lot of consideration into the student welfare. And I love how much the delinquency of the school concerns you but I can't help but find a stance like yours redundant when we have student counselors, hall monitors, and a disciplinarian committee made up of the school faculty whom from clubs and classrooms I assume are already in touch with student affairs."

Riverspring adopts the tone of a referee as she officiates what she assumes to be a debate blossoming in her classroom. "He raises some valid points. Gabriele how do you answer?"

"Wow you broke alrea- I mean thank you! Thank you so much Flaming. You won't regret it!" Shei is absolutely ecstatic as your willpower to deny him finally breaks away.

Flaming returns to a computer chair, having already worked on her first draft over the week she only needed to enter last minute references. 20 or 39 minutes pass as she figures it out. By then she realizes the line forming behind the library's copy machine. She better print out her first draft before the bell rings.

"Where you come from I can see why you'd think regular pedestrians would enjoy cuddling a bathroom rug." Vizsla replies in kind

Though Huricanrana has a much friendlier reception, unphased by these girl's hostility "Ohh dude, have you ever done the Full Nelson Maneuver. It's a trip."

Vizsla interjects to hiss at you "Stay away! He's ours *HIIISSSSS* "

"Heh heh -yeah. rent the forklift. And then find someone to rent me their license." Bell Jar respond with abject anxiety.



"Hey, we're all kids here. No need to call anyone a pedestrian," Amy responds to Viszla. It's unclear whether she's TRYING to make a pun or just genuinely misunderstanding.

"I mean, some of us might be big, hulking, manly men," Amy says longingly as she strokes Huricanrana's bicep. "But, we're still all in high school."


Gabriele smirks in Gengenschein's general direction, doing her best to maintain a confident air about her. "A very fair question indeed, Miss Spring. To which I answer that which I've already clarified: what separates me from student counselors and other staff members is the boon of interacting not only with THEM, but with my fellow students regularly. I have experience as a Student Council member in charge of disciplinary actions, and do work with the school faculty regularly. But I am also a student myself, as well as one who interacts with much of her fellow students. I am a logical choice for those who seek the best of both worlds, who might give you all the bridge you need to reach to those who teach us."


Flaming rolls her eyes, "Whatever… just like I said, 10 minutes! That's all I can give you, Shei, so make 'em count!"

Flaming gets back to work as she looks over her draft and struggles to write out a painfully simple draft offering more or less a summary of the text as she groans, sending it to the school printer. "Finally… now I just need to-"
She stops at the back of the long line, groaning as she shouts out loud, "OH COME ON! What's the hold up?!" She asks rather bluntly from the back. "Is it jammed or somethin'!?"


"Oh," Pryce says, not realizing Bell did not have a license already. "Well, Gegenschein picked up certification for the slushie machine, I'm sure you could get a forklift driver license without issue."


"Did you need my bicep for something?" Hurricanrana asks obliviously as Amy strokes his muscle.

Though Vizsla does not give up "Listen here you poor excuse of a toilet cozy, I will not have you re-enacting Lady and the tramp with any of our prospective Baseball players. They must remain un-bicycled before you have a chance to sap them of their vital essence. You may keep playing with your old toys, but paws off Hurricanrana!" Vizsla hugs Huricanrana's other bicep

"I guess this is why Pop says; God gave us two arms for a reason." He comments non-chalantly.

"Ah I see." Gengenschein lays a claw on his chin, rubbing it ponderously. "So what you are saying is.. You have a personal hatred for Slurpee Machines."

[1d10] Gengeschein makes a charisma roll to captivate the crowd in his slanted view of Gabriele.

The heads of the classroom turn cock toward Gabriele in anticiaption. Is it true? their faces ask with unanticipated stupification.
Small comments eek out from the crowd:
"I knew it."
"The Ice Queen has something against frosty machines."
But these comments do not overtake public opinion.. yet.

Will you make a roll to contest him?

Shei manages to stand behind you in line. He comments. "I think the printer is just complicated to use? They did get a new one this year."

The line collectively groans with impatience. At last after a long standing in line you're up next. You see a jet black griffon with coarses of white feathers streamed along her bird fur having trouble with the printer just as much as the other students. Someone tries to help her but she brushes them off hastily in her pride. You recognize her as Nightseed. She hangs around the Sisters of Gehenna.

"C'mon you- darn.. Infernal contraption." She curses and whines as she impotently presses buttons to get the thing to work.

Bell Jar just slams his forehead into his desk "I don't even want to think about it." Just as soon as he does, sense Gengenschein is trying to slander your friend. And it's taking it's effect on a student behind you.

You hear the words in a hushed tone of phrase "I hear when she's alone Gabriele straddles the out of service slurpee machines from the seven eleven dumpster and practices breaking them with her own fists."
Insane how a rumor can start isn't it.

Roll #1 3 = 3


Flaming shakes her heads, "Grades aren't everything, books and homework and junk like that can be hard! I should know. But Amy's way smarter in tons of other ways! She knows all the best party games, she always knows what to say to people when they're feeling down, I wish I was half as smart as Amy was with people."


Gabriele scoffs at Gengeschein's attempt to make her look bad. "Please, Gengeschein, it is unbecoming of a School Presidential Candidate to put words in someone else's beak. I never said I had anything against Slurpee machines: only that I find your campaign promise to put one in every hallway a tad unrealistic, if well-intentioned. I simply want our fellow classmates to keep in mind the expectations of who they're voting for…"

[1d10] Contesting

Roll #1 9 = 9


Flaming groans, "Gaaagh… I need to print mine NOW, class is almost over!"

Flaming storms her way to the front of the line, standing alongside Nightseed. "Here, lemme take a look at it…" Flaming says as she tries to make top or bottom of the contraption, and finds herself as lost as anyone else. "Hmmm… well, what I know about computers amounts to just about squat, BUT if I learned anything it's that sometimes you just need to give a big hunk of machinery a little kick to get it moving."

She backs up a few feet, scratches her hooves at the carpet, and charges (relatively gently) at the printer to try and get it moving with a Fonzie-headbutt


[1d10] Meant to roll

Roll #1 10 = 10


Pryce's attention is pulled back from Bell Jar's dilemma as the debate seems to have taken a turn. Hearing the one student mutter crass rumors, springing from seemingly nothing, Pryce speaks out in a hushed tone at the student rumor mill.
"Come on now, a civil debate is no place to start slinging slander and pull things out of context," He says to help keep things in control.
>Quash Rumors [1d10]
>Gilded Tongue: Passive; The DC for persuasion, bartering and intimidation-related rolls is reduced by 1. Folks will naturally sense your charisma at a glance and be more willing to trust you the first time you interact.

Roll #1 8 = 8



Punish grimaces. "I'll give you that she's good at talking to MOST people."


Flaming tilts her head, "Who isn't she good at talking to? There wasn't a filly in our troop who wasn't friends with her, she's like a friend-making machine."



"Me, obviously," Punish says, looking away awkwardly.


Flaming frowns, "You? I don't understand, did she say something mean to you? That doesn't sound like Amy!"


With tact and ease you divert Gengenschein's barbs at you. The students respond rather convinced, the tide even turns on Gengenschein.
"Oh He wants to put one in every hallway?"
"I know right- that's a little dumb. inn'it"

You see Mocha somewhere in the crowd beaming with pride. Proud of how you deflected Gengenschein's vitriol.

Box takes this opportunity to get a piece of the action, as he is feeling left out of the drama and that is no good for his publicity "I do have'ta agree, having a Slurpee Machine in every hallway is a pipedream!"

Gengenschein protests "I never said in every hallway. Just on in the messhall!"

But Box is ruthless "That sounds like damage control!" His box lid flops up and down tapping at his box body as he speaks up bombastically "Really there's only one right choice for this campagin now! Since Gengenschein gives false promises! And Gabriele only promises more discpline the real decision to make here is to vote for me so we can hang out and eat free pizza at the bowling alley!"

The student body seems to nod in concurrance.
"Honestly doesn't sound bad."
"It is the most reasonable campaign when you think about it."
"Finally someone who delivers on their promises in 30 minutes or less."

[1d10] Box's roll to influence the student body. Will you contest it!?

"What! -Hay stop! Don't look at it!" Nightseed is defenseless to stop Flaming as she manhandles the machine to operation.

Finally two sheets of paper are printed out from the machine and Nightseed is quick to grab them before Flaming has a chance. "Thanks." She is quick with you as she storms her way out.

As you begin to use the printer the printer screen prompts you to check the printer glass. And you find there is a sheet of paper with occult diagrams and passages written in a dead language. In between the ink-lines on the paper are indentations that you can't quite make out. If you knew better you would guess someone might have written with invisble ink on it. Thankfully you still have your toy spyglass

As a reminder
>Toy spyglass: You've seen this thing on commercials before. It's a spyglass with the gimmick of allowing you to view invisible ink. Nifty, but can't say you'd ever buy one for yourself. It might just come in handy though.

Shei peeps over your shoulder "woooah, Whats that?"

You see that it's Hexapod seated behind you "Hah, sorry about that Pryce. I didn't mean to rub anyone the wrong way. Was just trying to have a laugh at some of the gullibles."

"Ah dude- what! you I completely believed you!" Little Journey says in response.

Hexapod then asks Pryce "So my friend, who are you voting for?"

Roll #1 8 = 8



"I mean, for starters, she may have just made 'Punny' my new nickname around the school," she glowers.


Gabriele can't help but scoff audibly at that, "Oh please, what are we still in Elemen-" she quickly shuts her trap, knowing that such rudeness could easily lose her points. She clears her throat and approaches Box, "Well, I must say, Box, that is a rather… quaint gift for all your fellow students. But, is that all you promise? A pizza party and one day of bowling? Surely," she says, looking to her fellow voters, "A Student Body President should have loftier goals in mind for the betterment of their school, don't you think?"

[1d10] Counter!

Roll #1 5 = 5



Amy seems to lighten up at this. "OH! This is about baseball! Well, we can work together, then!"

"It's not like I suck people's souls out! Do… do people say I do that?" she talks as if Huricanrana isn't right in front of them both.


"Better not to go too far with those, the damage could stockpile quick," Pryce comments as he turns in his seat to face hexapod.
"I'm not sure. Gegenschein put in the work all summer for this slushie machine, but that's all he really has it seems. Gabriele has the experience for the role, but she hasn't really stated any solid goals. …I'll have to see how the day goes."


"Oh, that…" Flaming can't help but snicker. "I mean, if it makes you uncomfortable I won't use it, but it's not that bad. She calls me 'Shorty', which took some getting used to. I didn't really like it at first but it grew on me."

Flaming smiles and waves at Nightseed, "No problem!

As she checks the printer to prepare to make her copy, she notices the oddly indented paper, holding it up and to the light as she tries to make heads or tails of it. "Huh, someone left this behind. What is it…?" she asks aloud. AS she spots the indented lines, she wonders if there's something written there before her eyes pop open wide as she reaches for the Spyglass she managed to retrieve yesterday during the Army recruitment fiasco with Spike. "Maybe this'll help…"

As Shei peeps over her shoulder, she looks at her spyglass through to the paper. "Gimme a sec and I'll tell ya, it kind of looks like someone wrote down a magic spell or something on this paper.."



Punish seems to let down her angry facade for a moment. "Have you spoken with her yet?" she asks softly.


"…uhh…" Flaming says, a little caught off-guard. "Well, not today I haven't. Actually…" Flaming rubs her head, "I haven't talked to her a lot since we left the Filly Scouts. She's so much older than me I don't really get to see her in school a lot, that's part of why I was so excited to be a Freshman this year was I can go to the same school as her again. But I know she's still the same ol' Amy I always knew!"



Punish just lets out a sigh and says, "Yeah."


Flaming lowers her ears. "That didn't sound like a very convincing 'yeah'."


Your counter response does not carry much oomph. As the you can sense the student body does care much about loftier goals and would trade all that in for a day of pizza and bowling.

"Hmmmm" Box thinks out loud "How about two days of bowling."
The classroom response to this is rather pleasing, to box at least. As students step over to commend him on his presidential decision and shake his lid as a hoofshake. There are even students wishing him luck in the running.

You see Mocha look at you with mild concern.

RiverSpring motions to the class "Well if that's all for the debate. I need to remind the Election Runner's we'll be holding time during your other classes to give your speech."

The bell is going to ring soon. If you have anything else to say, say it now.

"Oh my gosh!" Vizsla drags her pony ears down to close out any sound for a brief moment of disgust "Don't talk like that in front of Huricanrana. In fact! never say anything like around me again! We don't even want to be enticed with pondering what you do to those poor souls. Can you imagine our position. Seeing our club mates arrive at the ballpark with stupid grins on their face. Might it have been a good day for them? Or did they get pounced on by Amy??? A person shall never know but the thought haunts us! What's even worse is when they share the polaroids- just uuuggh." She shivers with discuss "I don't even know where they might produce polaroids, modern day cameras have come a long way." She trails off onto a different subject but that just expresses the depths of how much this disturbs her.

Hurricanrana just now cocks his brow. He might be rethinking the company he's keeping right now.

"Okay, well let me ask something else. Are you friends with Flaming? You see I have a troupe-"
Though Hexapods conversation is interrupted by Journey's snickering.

"W-what? Well go on. What are you laughin about now Journey."

Journey responds with an air of condecension "Still club poaching?"

"No. It's not like that." Hexapod responds nervously.

The spyglass reveals the indented marks to actually be notes made in invisible ink. Much of the notes reference to nomenclature and other occult nonsense that goes way over your head. But there are some words that stand out to you like 'Graverobbing' and 'Sacrifice'

Shei-Sher however recognizes some of the occult classifications written in visible ink "Shorthorns this looks pretty nasty. I can maybe look it over for you though. A closer examination is what this needs."
The goats mouth almost salivates as you can sense the eagerness in his tone.



"Just talk to her. You'll understand."



"H-hang on…" Amy stammers, looking between Viszla and Huricanrana. "P-people have p-pictures?" she asks nervously in a hushed voice. Her face turns deep red.


"Flaming? I met her yesterday, don't really know her that much. Why do you ask?" Pryce asks as Journey interjects. As it seems like more club recruitment, Pryce nods in understanding.
"She was talking about wrestling earlier today, you could try catching her there. Though if your club overlaps you might be out of luck."


Flaming frowns, the tough little buffalo seemingly taken aback by that exchange. "Uh… okay, fine, I will! I'm sure she'll be just like she always was, you'll see!"

"Graverobbing… sacrifice?" Flaming looks aghast, as though she'd found evidence of a horrible necromatic crime in progress. "H-holy cow, this is bad! Shei you're reading this right?!"

As he offers to take it under closer examination, she pushes it into his hooves and starts head-butting his rear out the door. "Then what are we waiting for?! This could be an emergency, it said 'sacrifice' for goodness' sake! Do you think we should bring it to a teacher?!"


Gabriele looks at Mocha, only being able to offer a shrug of her shoulders as it appears most of her classmates are won over so easily by the mere promise of pizza and bowling. Provided Gegenschein doesn't say anything more either, Gabriele wants to avoid as though she's appearing *too* pushy and lets it slide, thinking she'll need to make up for this during her speeches in the other classes."

"That's all from me, Miss Spring. Let the best candidate win."

She courteously bows to her opponents, but venomously stomps her way back to her desk as she whisper-hisses to Mocha, "How can they be bought so easily?! Pizza, bowling?! Any student could do that any time!"



Punish has nothing more to say to Flaming.


"Well, you have my vote," Punish says with a grin as Gabby returns to her seat.


"Please don't ask, I've only just finished suppressing those memories over the summer." Vizsla recounts.

while Huricanrana has decided he's had a enough. He lifts you both in the air simply by raising the bicep you were holding on to. Then promptly dropping you "Okay ladies that's enough." As soon as he walks away from his seat the bell rings. He must have been watching the clock this whole time.

"It's not like that." Hexapod corrects Pryce as it mentions anything about club conflicts "I need some help really. Yu see I'm the scout leader for the Forest Rangers club and as such I'm in charge of a troupe of elementary schoolers. It's my first time doing this sort of the thing and we're scheduled for a trip into the woods friday night. You have'ta sympathize with my position looking after a bunch of kids in the dead of night. It's a big responsibility. I'd feel a lot better with someone to share that responsibility. And so I remember Flaming was in the scouts when I was just a lil scout too. But really I'd just appreciate anyone willing to share the burden."

Just as Hexapod finishes that thought the schoolbell rings.

"A Teacher!?" Shei exclaims but for different reasons "You don't think they'll just brush this off as kids being edgy? Besides I NEED THIS Flaming. Please, my club has nothing going for it. At this rate we'll just be the 'watch movies afterschool' club. Please, you have to let me take this back to the gang. This is my specialty!"

Just as Shei finishes that thought the school bell rings.

River Spring commends you "You did very well Gabriele. Please have a seat." River spring addresses the rest of the class just as it is about to end wishing good luck to the Election runners just before the school bell rings.

Mocha ambles over to your desk her books in her arms "I hate appealing to the most common denominator but if Slurpees and Pizza are what gets votes maybe we should advertise our own treats."



"Th-they're going around the school?" Amy stammers some more as her face goes redder. But, Huricanrana and the bell mercifully distract her from her embarrassment.

As Amy watches him walk away, seeming very uninterested in her, she looks to Vizsla with a competitive glare. "This is YOUR fault. I had him until YOU showed up! I'm not going to suck out his soul! Just give him some good exercise! It's good for him!"


"And I very much appreciate that, but at this rate I fear that cubic dullard is going to reel in everyone else with his inane little after-school socials… pizza and bowling, I could just promise them a free soda-pop on election day and it'd pretty much add up the same!"

Gabriele sighs, "I'm very disappointed to admit you might be right, Mocha. There are times where one must use the carrot over the stick, but what would be within the school budget… I don't have Gegenschein's personal funds he plans to use for the Slurpee machines, and I don't want to just appear to be copying Box's pizza party and bowling. No, I must come up with something original that'd fit within the budget…" she tries to think of something unique to her. "What might students like more than slurpees or pizza… chocolate?"


Flaming groans, "Seriously!? If a teacher wouldn't take something like THIS as important, what even good are they!?"

As he begs her to let him take it back, she nods and runs alongside him, "Okay, if you're sure you can handle it, but I'm going with you! I'm the one who found it and I'm the one who was able to translate it, I'm responsible too!"


"Ah, yea when I see her later I'll let her know. If she was in the scouts sounds like something she'd be down for." He pauses a moment. "A campout sounds pretty nice, if Flaming isn't available I can check my schedule over and see if I got time if needed," He says as the bell rings.
"Oh, well, I'll let her know ASAP." Pryce says with a smile as he heads on off to his next class.



"What'd I tell you? School politics are a joke," she says with a snide grin.

"BUT, Chocolate would win ME over," Punish adds with shocking enthusiasm.



"You could promise to throw the best prom EVER!" Amy suddenly interjects into the conversation.


"Yes, I'm rather fond of chocolate myself, and it's different enough from the others. But, it is just another food-stuff, and it may not win out against slurpees or pizza…"

Gabriele squawks as Amy jumps in on the conversation. "Oh good Lord!" She says, holding her talon over her heart, "Don't, SNEAK up on me like that!"

She pauses, "But, hold on a moment… what did you say?"



"Sorry, it's the doggy ears," Amy apologizes in an upbeat tone as she paws at her own ears. "I hear lotsa stuff. So, sometimes I just kinda… JUMP into conversations," she says as she does a little jump for emphasis. Then, she does a little giggle.

"I kinda forget that people don't expect me to hear sometimes," she says, still giggling.

"Anyway, EVERYONE wants a good prom! The romance… the dancing… the secret alcohol… the after-parties… Make it the best prom ever and you're SURE to win!"



"The mutt has a good idea for once."


"…a dance!" Gabriele gets a devious grin on her face. "Yes, of course, a dance! I could promise we put together a Homecoming dance in the next couple of weeks! It's an excellent and original use of the budget that stands out from just another pizza party, and if we really go all out it'll be a night everyone will remember! Dancing, music, fun, elegance, we could pick out a theme and everything!"

Gabriele grabs Amy by the shoulders, "My dear nosy little hound, you're a genius!"


"HAD him? Oh no, you've never owned anyone you. You merely rent." She points her nose up at you as she carries her books out of class.

Students begin filing out the classroom into the halls. You math class is up next.

Mocha tags alongs with you if you being ushering towards your next class. Class mates begin pouring out of the classroom and into the frenzy that is the school hallways.
"Maybe instead of a candy you can offer something like a school service? Something you could only get at school to make the school day easier. Or at least nicer. -Punish? that's your name right? Is there anything you always hoped for at school? Just to make the day nicer?"

"That could work." Mocha ponders

"Thanks Etac. I don't know ya well, but you could both come along if you want. Can't be too bad if you've made friendlies with Flaming already."

Just as the bell rings the class room begins piling out the door into the once again chaotic halls. You may decide to gravitate towards any group that's passing through the hallways.

Hexapod walks beside you "You know, if you like camping so much. The forester Rangers could be a good fit for ya. It's all kids but we have our fun."

In the rush of the school bell you print out your materials and submit them to your teacher who is patient enough to wait for any stragglers.

Shei talks to you all the while "It might take a little longer than a minute. I'll be going over this the entire club period to be honest. If you want I can introduce you to my best in club. Before next class and we'll give you some re-assurance."

Giving one more round to RP before moving on

The hallways outpour with the student, one half taking their time, chatting and corresponding with their fellows in that familiar school yard wit. The other half rushing across the hallways as their chased by Dragon the hall-monitor, some delinquents sit on the water fountain, some skate by on skate boards when the school authorities aren't on their case.



"Honestly? I just want the days to end faster. The less of this place and the people in it, the better."



Amy bounces off to math class. Having given her contribution to the conversation, she whimsically moves beyond it.


"Duly noted Punish, but let's try to focus on the dance as our primary deliverable. I don't know how well shortening the school day will go over with faculty, an extravagant dance organized by the students is sure to be approved though. I'm going to go for it, it's the best idea I have to compete with these inane promises made by my competition. These students want something tangible, by Lord I'll give it to them."


"Could be a fun group, I might take you up on that," Pryce comments to the offer of helping out with Flaming. He chuckles a bit at the offer to join.
"Tempting, but I got three clubs already competing for time. Might not be able to pull off a fourth."


Flaming quickly passes off the paper with barely a moment to spare as she keeps pace with Shei, "Well I promised you 10 minutes, didn't I?! I wanna see what you find out, this could be important, students could get hurt! If there's sacrifices going on, it's up to me to stop 'em! You just tell me where it says it's happening and I'll bust in and break some heads, okay?"



"Ugh… Dances? At least make sure it has some games or something," Punish says sounding bored of it already.


Gabriele turns her head in confusion, "I thought you said Amy had a good idea?"



"I said she had a good idea. I didn't say I liked it. If you're going to ask me to help, I'm going to tell you my opinion."


"Well, I certainly do take your word under consideration. I imagine you represent more than a number of the students who might be voting for me. The dance has marketability as it is, but what could I say to make YOU want to attend it? You mentioned games? I could see if we could make it a carnival of sorts as well."


Hexapod whistles impressed "And I thought I had it rough. Good luck with that Pryce, I'll get in touch with ya later for the camping trip."

"Flaming this occult document is written in a dead language, and is likely encrypted with a unique lexicon. If I had to take a guess it might be one of the secret Rosicrucian languages, but I can't really be sure. It's going to take some time."

However Shei is unable to find his friends in time before next period begins. So you both head to your math class.
Your time in Math class passes without anything eventful happening. Save for the anticipation and mystery of the occult document you found. As the next bell rings and you exit the class Shei makes good on his assurances. You arrive at Shei's locker where incidentally two of his friends were waiting for him after class. One of them is Gadriel and the other is an alien looking Pony colored in black with no clear appearance. His name is Observer.

"Flaming say hello to the A-Team" Shei presents them
Observer comments "We are a team? I thought we were a club."

"Same difference" Gadds responds

"Enough of that guys Shei says "We have our first case, look!" Shei shows off the occult document as the gang comes around to take a look.

The school day passes on as math class isn't very eventful. Gabriele and the other Election Runners use the class period to visit other classes and give the same speech they gave during language arts class. As everyone else proceeds with a regular, brain numbing math class.

By the next bell it's midday and time for lunch. Many students excitedly clamor out the door and let out sighs of relief for the much needed reprieve as lunch time lasts an hour and a half. There is a steady stream of students heading toward the Cafeteria.


Flaming looks between Observer and Gadriel, nodding quickly to both of them. "Hey nice to meecha! I'm counting on you guys to figure this out before something bad happens. So," she says, looking at the occult document, "If you're gonna need to translate it, I don't think there's much I can do to help with? Maybe I can track down who it belonged to, it could have been someone in our last class!"


Gabriele MOSTLY gives the same speech, but makes promises of the school dance that Amy had suggested, the exact activities planned vague enough she can change it on the fly but ultimately promising that everyone in the school would have a chance for a night of music, dancing, and various other fun activities for Homecoming.

After a few more speeches, Gabriele gives a shutter as she waltzes to the cafeteria, her stomach grumbling with anticipation. She turns to Mocha, "Be honest, how would you say the crowd is turning now that I've brought up the dance?"


"Thanks, and yea, catch ya later!"

Pryce heads on to the cafeteria after math, keeping an eye out for Flaming while he goes on to get his lunch.



"Carnival games? Sure," Punish shrugs. "I love a good test of strength or skill. And prizes for my strength and skill."



Amy randomly decides to explore during lunch. By chance she may or may not stumble upon the occult studies club definitely not breaking school rules by not being where they are supposed to be.


"I think they looked more engaged. In Language-Arts the crowd was more bored, but from where I was sitting it looked like there was more ponies paying attention this time around."

The familiar air of nerd talk surrounds Shei as what they discuss seems impenetrable by the unscholarly mind of a mere buffalo.
"You think it's rosecrucian?" Gadds asks
"That's what I was thinking." Shei responds
"Then what are those strange runes." Observer comments
"It could be a type of cuniform." Gadds
"I was thinking, maybe Akkadian?" Shei
"Then this geometry isn't goetic in relation, more like a mathmetical procession." Observer
"Like a calender?" Shei

In any case, they are lost in their passion. Shei flaps a hoof at you dismissively "Sure, sure, I'll see you after school."

Everyone is likely headed toward the cafeteria, and you can remember every face in your language arts class. You're likely to find your suspect there.

You do indeed catch Flaming, she is surrounded by a hive of nerds studying a document. You recognize them as Shei, Gadriel, and Observer.

You run into Shei, Gadriel, and Observer huddled around a strange document they are discussing. Surrounding them is Flaming and Pryce.


Gabriele nods towards Punish, "Then a dance carnival it shall be then. Hmm… would it be a faux pas to make it Eastern themed and have it be a combination of a summer carnival combined with a 'traditional' ceremony dance theme, I wonder…"

She turns towards Mocha as she gives a sigh. "Well, that's definitely an improvement, but I'm still skeptical of our odds. I feel like I was able to give enough of a counter argument against Gegenschein, but it's that BOX who seems to be a crowd pleaser with such a simple promise…"



Amy smiles as she stumbles upon Pryce by chance. She sneaks up behind him and then gives him a big hug. "Heyyyy! Pryce! Prycey Wycey! I found you!" she says lovingly as she continues her from-behind-hug. "What are you up to, my darling?"



"I think a lot of people would like the outfits that would come with that," Punish shrugs.



>Obviously, that was supposed to be Punish.


Flaming tries to wrap her head around what these dorks are yammering on about, the only reason she's even bothering to try to pay attention being the occult nature of it but they eventually lose her as she feels a headache coming on.

"Blegh, I can't even understand what you're all saying! Whatever, just let me know the moment you figure it out! I'm gonna try to find out who left that paper in the printer."

She heads off towards Language Arts, looking for the last person to use the printer before she had a chance to: Blackseed
[1d10] Percpetion for Blackseed

Roll #1 2 = 2


"Hey, Flaming!" Pryce calls out, waving down Flaming once he spots her.
"Hexapod was looking for you earlier, she wanted to know if you'd like to help with a Forest Rangers campout on friday," He asks the buffalo…

…Before being pounced upon by the prowling predator.
"Ah, A-Amy!" He stammers, startled by the surprise hug, wings bustling a bit under Amy's grip.
"G-Give me a little warning next time," He says, trying to slide out of her grip. "I was telling Flaming about a scout camping trip this weekend."


Starry beams in Mocha's eyes betray her goth style. Her spidery hooves are clasped together "Ooh! You should make it Goth themed! Or a masquerade! You could play Aurelio Voltaire all night long."

Additionally Mocha comments on the problem of Box "They say simplicity is key. Not everyone is going to be able to wrap their heads around your hoity toity aspirations Gabby." She teases "But I bet they could definitely wrap their heads around goth prom. Say it with me- Goth Prom." She appears attached to the idea already.

>Ahem Nightseed

The last of the nerd's conversation you hear is "We should meet at the club room and begin deciphering."
"uuh- no, I'm getting lunch." Gadriel non-chalantly mentions
"B-but our first case." Shei begs
"I am also hungry" Observer chimes in
"Fii-i-i-ine! We'll save it for after." Shei bleats.

The group of nerds begin following behind you, and as you arrive at the cafeteria line you see that it being so early in the period the line spills out into the hallways. You won't be able to catch nightseed like this, with all these hungry ponies blocking your way. Though I suppose you could always wait. Or use your head to find a way through.

As you follow Flaming or Pryce and the group of nerds following her you all arrive at the lunch line and see the same thing she sees.



Amy gasps and grins when Pryce mentions a camping trip. "Camping!? Why, Pryce! That's soooo romantic! We can go together," she suggests as she gives one last squeeze before letting go.


Amy does not care about whatever the nerds are talking about. But, food is good. She sniffs the air to see what they have cooking.



"You ruined it," Punish deadpans at Mocha's Goth Prom suggestion. "You took the idea. You ran with it. And you ruined it. Are you proud of yourself?"


As Flaming is about to go looking for Nightseed, she finds herself being caught up by Pryce calling out to her, as well as Amy glomping on him. She smiles and heads in their direction, grateful for some non-nerds to communicate with for a little bit.

"Hey Pryce! How's it going?"
As he mentions Hexapod looking for help setting up a campout, her eyes light up with excitement. "OH! A campout?! You'd bet I'd love to help!" She says as she practically jumps with glee.

She looks to Amy, still remembering Punish's words as she asks, "I don't think I've been on a real campout since Filly Scouts! Remember those, Amy, huh do ya?"

As she seems to find zero trace of Nightseed at first, she grumbles as she looks at all the ponies blocking her line of sight and realizes the futility of trying to look through them. So, Flaming just tries the 'direct' approach…

"HEY NIGHTSEED! NIIIIIIGHTSEEEEED!" She shouts out as loud as she can, hoping someone will stand out upon hearing their name.

Roll #1 9 = 9


"Well it's not exactly leisure, we'd be watching over kids," Pryce explains as Amy also jumps aboard, straightening himself out after Amy breaks the hug.

"I'm doing alright," Pryce answers. "Great! She'll love to see all the help she'll be getting now."

Pryce covers his ears as Flaming then starts to yell out for Nightseed.
"Uh, things going well with you?"


As the idea of the Gothic Prom appeals to Gabriele as well, Gabriele holds up a claw, "Now, hold on hold on, Punish. I do believe Mocha's suggestion merits some thought. I must admit, Gothic chic is VERY fashionable, and frankly popular amongst our age groups. Many an edgy teenager in these halls, you must admit. It's Fall and we could possibly tie it into a theme for the spooky season as well, and frankly I think you'd look darling in a pitch-black leather gown don't you?"


Mocha's pupil's turn to the corner of her eye as she scratches her cheek in mild chagrin "I thought it was a pretty cool idea."

You smell freshly baked muffins, you smell stew, you think you even smell friend chicken and mashed potatoes. You don't know who or what funds this school but they care about what you eat.

You don't hear anything at first but after a few short moments you hear Vizsla's voice cry out with equal force "MOST PEOPLE LIKE TO BE WITHIN BACKHANDING DISTANCE BEFORE THEY START WHINGING!!!"

A chorus of of snickers and chuckles directed at Flaming cackle in response to Vizsla's outcry.
Soon enough the lunch line moves past the Cafeteria entrance and you able to see Nightseed seated at a table with her friends, Mudi, Vizsla, Supper of Crows, and Nightseed's little sister Wishful whom is an elementary schooler so it's odd that she's here in the first place.

"I know about a quarter of the jocks love a good excuse to cosplay. I think it's a winner. Plus!" She clasps her hooves together and dreamily exhales the words "Goth Prom~"



Amy is currently occupied with sniffing the school lunch. Then, when Flaming asks about Filly Scouts, her eyes flicker open. She seems to zone out for a moment. Then, she looks at Flaming with an uncomfortable frown. "Um… Y-yeah, totally…" she nervously answers.


"Oh. Ew," Amy says flatly.



"Mmmm," Amy moans longingly as she sniffs the food. She vibrates with anticipation for her turn in line.


"Ew?" Pryce questions the uncharacteristic response.



Punish rests her face in her hooves as Gabby talks about what the "edgey teenagers" like. "God, I just feel the cringe…"

Then, when she talks about her in black leather, she looks down at her plane black tee and black arm bands going up her arms. She shrugs. "Doesn't seem like it would be much of a change. Could be nice. Not that I actually care about fashion."



"Yes, ew!" Amy says indignantly. "Who wants to watch a bunch of annoying kids?"


Flaming seems to pick up on her nervous response, her ears flopping down a bit but keeping a smile going just to keep the mood light. "You should totally go on it too! You know how to start fires, you know how to pitch tents and make the best smores. Remember how I kept burning mine and just ate them all black and charred?"

"I'll let you know soon as I know if someone is getting sacrificed at the school or not," Flaming says as she spots Nightseed at her table, walking in that direction. "Shei and I found this creepy occult looking paper in the printer in the Library and it mentioned stuff like graverobbing and ritual sacrifice! He and his nerd team are trying to decipher while I'm looking for the last person to use the printer before I found the paper. Namely, Nightseed."

Flaming grunts. Normally ANYONE who shouted at her back she'd take as a challenge, but for right now she was a calf with a mission. She saw Nightseed seated at the table with the other sisters, and Flaming bravely charged up to it. "There you are!"

She practically jumps up into Nightseed's face, "Hey! Did you leave something in the printer after you were done using it?!" She asks point-blank, hooves on the side of the table.


"Mmmm…" Gabriele says, crossing her talons. "You're somewhat of a focus group to me, Punish. If you aren't into it, I don't want to risk most of the other students voting for it not going for it either."

She turns to Mocha, "I'm a fan of Goth Prom as well, Mocha, but perhaps if it's best we leave it to a school vote: we'll allow everyone to submit suggestions for a theme and will organize a vote to choose which one the majority wants? That way we're sure to grab a majority of votes here for the Presidential run, and have our options open for when we organize the dance itself."


"It's a camping trip, it's not just watching but doing some teaching too. A way to pass down information to the younger generations," Pryce says to make it sound far more impressive.

"S-Sacrificed?" Pryce repeats, unsure if he heard right. He follows after Flaming as she heads towards Nightseed's table. "Is this a serious thing or just some project?" He asks with concern.


Shei chimes in "But we're annoying kids and you don't seem to mind us."

Gadriel also says "Kids can be cool."

Mocha pouts "Pooey, and I was so close, and I'm the one that ruins everything. Are you happy Punish? Now instead of goth prom we can have sparklers and fart jokes be our theme."

Shei answers Pryce "We only started looking at the document seriously right now. It's going to take some time to understand what exactly it is."

A nervous twitch pangs from NightSeed's eye as she can't believe someone is getting this close to their at the same time her friends eye her in a vexed manner as they try to enjoy their lunch.

Vizsla is the first to speak up, cross legged and not intimidated at all by your antics "Usually burglars prefer to have their face on the floor when begging for forgiveness."

Night re-iterates Vizsla's response but with much less vitriol "Well, do you have it. Thief."

The rest of gang see the confrontation in Flaming's post above. And just as you were getting close to being served lunch it seems Flaming is about to head butt her way in to her first school fight. Can the party prevail against the Sisters of Gehenna? find out next time on Holy Kyusetsu!!




Amy opens her mouth nervously, then closes it again. Then, she lets out a long sigh. "I-I'm sorry… There's really no easy way to ask this… Do I know you?"


Pryce looks between the Witches, Nightseed, and Flaming as the callout holds at a standoff. Between what Flaming said and the standoffish demeanor of the Witches, he isn't sure which way this could go.
"What exactly is this document?" He says calmly, not wanting this to escalate further than it needs to be in the middle of the cafeteria.



"It doesn't matter to me what theme Prom has," Punish states flatly.


Punish watches the confrontation with interest.



Before this can be explored further, the Witches confrontation happens.


For a moment, Shorthorns looks confused. One ear flaps up while the other stays down, and the young buff looks at Amy like she'd just spoken Prench.

"Uh.. huh?" Then, Flaming snorts quite loudly, "Oh, I get it! Hahaha, good one Amy!" She says, lightly elbowing her in the process. "Come on, I know it's been a bit but that was kinda mean, wasn't it?"

Flaming stands her ground against Vizsla as the queen of the goth-clique stands up, refusing to be intimidated even by the older student. "I'm not a burglar! It's not my fault Nightseed left behind CRIMINAL EVIDENCE of her plot to start a zombie apocalypse or something in the printer right when I was about to use it. Now fess up!" She says, stomping her hooves proudly.


Gabby groans in Mocha's general direction, "Try to have a LITTLE faith, darling. I'm certain we'll have some people who think they're just hilarious trying to submit a joke theme, but we'll make sure to give a little 'personal oversight' just in case. A respectable theme will be selected, no matter what it may be."


Shei begins to observe the conversation taking place. In a gesture of insecurity he holds his messenger bag closer to himself as he stays within the orbit of crowd.

Mudi, with a hoof pressed against her cheek stops her spoon in the other hoof, to respond to you. "Something very personal." Though she sounds voice, there is an unmistakable hint of hostility in there. Likewise the witches gaze gathers on your group with scrutiny.

Mocha sighs while shaking her head "There are so many trolls in this school. You'll need my help. I can't let you subject yourself to that all on your own."

As the cafeteria's attention begins to gather around Flaming an aggressive air reaches even those at the periphery of the cafeteria. Mocha notices it "Uhm, girls, did we miss something?"

"Hah! Zombie apocalypse, you're such a cutie." Vizlsa squawks, her aggression mounting as she leaps from her seat, she nudges a clenched hoof against Flaming's face, not actually striking her, simply touching. Though the threat is clear "Why don't I fix that for you?"

Students all around you in the cafeteria coo utterances of anticipation "Ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh." In unison.

Nightseed speaks up with clear offense toward Flaming's illiteracy "Typical uninitiate. I think you watch a little too many horror films squirt. Now give."





"I have an idea," Amy says, stepping into the situation with a calm tone. "Let ME look at the paper. That's what this is about, right? I don't know her," Amy says, pointing to Flaming. "So, I'm neutral in this. So, you can trust me, right?"

>Mantra of Equality: Recharge 2; Instant; Soothes a hostile target, making them more likely to listen to what you have to say, and unable to target you next turn.

>[1d10+4] DC-4

Roll #1 10 + 4 = 14


Gabriele smiles, "Oh, by all means! I would love to have your help in any way you can offer, Mocha. In fact, if I win, I might have a vice-student-body-presidential position in mind for you…"

As the commotion starts to take over the cafeteria, Gabriele leers in its general direction. "Oh what now… I swear, if it's a fight-" She pauses, grinning widely from cheek to cheek. "Well, I might earn a few extra campaign points for stepping up to stop a fight, now wouldn't I?"


"Personal or no, this is sounding like something serious that shouldn't have been on school grounds to begin with," Pryce responds to Mudi.

"Alright now, things don't need to dramatic here," Pryce says to step in as Vizlsa puts her hoof on Flaming's face.


Flaming snorts out her nostrils and scraps her hoof against the floor as Vizsla gets up in her face. "I'm not giving you nothin' until you spill the beans, necrodancer!" She shouts, using her head to shake off Vizsla's hoof.

"You got ten seconds or I'll show you how we do things in the wrestling club! 1…."

As Amy offers to intervene on their behalf, offering to take a look as a neutral party, Flaming looks up at her again. Her comment about 'not knowing her' again sets her on edge, but if Amy's willing to intervene Flaming is willing to have the back up.

"Of course I trust you, good idea!" She says, shoving the paper in Amy's direction. "Take a look! Doesn't it look suspicious?! Shei said he could read parts about graverobbing and ritual sacrifice, right there!"



"I doubt you'd earn many points by disagreeing with those three," Punish says, referring to the Gehenna sisters.


A metallic sound clinks as Mudi puts her spoon down. He tilts her head and facetiously makes a mock cute voice "I know! Why don't we look at Amy's polaroids since we're having a show and tell with other girl's private property!" There are those in the cafeteria that snicker and laugh, some gulp with lust, though most grow pale at seeing Mudi get mad.

Vizsla "Sister those privates, are everyone's property."

Nightseed joins her in ridiculing Amy "No it's perfect Mudi! She goes both ways doesn't she? She would make the perfect intermediary!"

>Inconsolable: Inherent; A will that is strong with Atma. This person or group cannot affected by social rolls inside or outside of combat. Perhaps in the future you'll find something to break this.

"uuuhm Gabby?" Mocha says, twinge disturbed though mildly amused with Gabriele's bloodlust. You feel she might be sitting this fight out.

The sisters ignore, it seems there's no place in their heart for negotiation nor surrender.

Wishful, Nightseed's little sister speaks in a soft, vacant voice "Oh she has good taste."

"You shush-" Nightseed quiets her. Wishful is a cute white feathered hippogryph, though she looks a bit too small for highschool.

As you level your ultimatum, Vizlsa does not lose face. When you count she takes your lead in counting "2.. 3.."

"I don't know.. The Sisters can be quite terrifying." Mocha says.

Shei-Sher nudges Gadriel with one elbow and tilts his head to gesture toward the exit. They slowly sidestep out of the cafeteria, trying their best to leave without notice. Observer stays, sipping on a juice box entertained. But Gadriel runs by to yank him away just a few seconds after Shei makes it his escape.

The Malechim begin gathering their instruments at the font of the cafeteria line

"Dude hurry- It's about to happen!" Triangle
"I'm going, I'm going, I'm going." Bass
"Who has the mic? Mic check!? Mic check?" Viola
"Thank you so much for this teach. You're the best!!" Triangle
"Okay, okay~ Just this once boys." Zjetya organizes herself in front of a microphone stand, swishing her hair over her shoulder.

The malechim nearly finish setting up their instruments, as battle begins to precipitate. And the crowd is stirring, at the very verge of going wild, they want to say fight, fight. Yet they hold their breath. It all seems so dramatic, wire cuts on steel, you stand on thin ice. But who breaks first. Will you let them gain the initiative, or will you throw the first punch.


"Hmm… they are rather popular with the student body, aren't they?" Gabriele comments to Punish as she points out the Gehenna sisters.

"But I'm currently the Disciplinary Chair! It's what I'm building my campaign off of is my past experience. If I let a fight happen under my watch, that'll destroy my reputation!"


Mocha grabs you by your uniform shirt with both drider hooves clenched "Shisho. I believe in you.." She really does.


Flaming takes note of Shei discretely leaving the area, nodding in understanding as she presumes he goes to investigate things further on his side.

As Vizsla continues with the count, Flaming raises a hoof and puts it on HER muzzle this time. "Hold the count! Let's take Amy up on her offer to take a look at the note. I wanna see if she thinks there's any funny business going on with you guys, and if there is…"


"Enough of that," Pryce says sternly as the Witches take shots at Amy. "The matter at hoof is one of you left a letter behind that has raised corncern and disturbed a fellow student and a freshman, hardly something that should be done within the first week," Pryce lectures.

"Take the paper to the Principal's Office. Let the proper powers handle this."



Suddenly, without any warning, Punish unfurls her wings, flies at top speed toward Viszla and sucker punches her right in the jaw.

>I Dream of Strength: Instant; Recharge 1; Enhances the target's combat abilities until the end of combat. Every attack they land will do 1 extra hit of damage. Every attack made against them will do 1 less hit of damage, to a minimum of 1. This effect stacks with itself to a maximum of 3 successes.


>Slam: recharge 1; damages the enemy via a crushing body slam. Crits on 9+

>[1d10] Crits on 7+ due to Martial Defender, Unorthodox, and Charge

Roll #1 4 = 4 / Roll #2 1 = 1


>Unbreakable: passive; As long as both the Knight and you are not helpless, you only take 4 hits from a critical failure roll instead of instant helplessness. The Knight also shares this effect for his critical failure rolls.



"Hey! I don't go both ways!" is all Amy can say before Punish suddenly flies in for her punch.


Nightseed takes her little sister by the shoulders as they begin to leave their bench "Come now, lets eat our food somewhere with a safer view." She speaks to her sister with such a kind voice.

The malechim begin strumming their guitars and the drums kick in to herald a legendary thrashing.


Woah whats this feeling again? It's like youre headed towards an unavoidable confrontation. Oh Noooo!! You've entered combat.
The cafeteria warps to fit a new extradimensional space. Where the linoleum turns into stony tiles. And the benches where hungry students were seated rise all around you to make large jury podiums which tower over you. The crowd's gaze darkens as the cheer and salute the beginning of combat and judge thee relentlessly so! Above you heads form the ceiling and chandelier of a coutroom. And at the beginning of combat you hear a gavel strike twice.

Vizsla bites Flaming's hoof. How is it you did not notice it before. But.. her teeth, they're sharp like knives. Your hoof.. It's bleeding a lot.

Strength pulses in her neck as she carries you into the air with just the lifting of her head, she jumps and slams your body onto the cold stone floor.



Roll #1 1 + 5 = 6


>Cocytus: recharge 4 after end of duration; One half of the combat zone is swallowed in a typhoon storm of ice! Inflicts 1 stack of Petrification per turn you stand in the blizzard. Deals an unmodified roll of damage to everyone in range when cast. This area effect lasts until dispelled.

>>Petrified (ICE VERSION): Your body is becoming ice. Suffering a single level of petrification applies a negative one (-1) modifier to your rolls. This modifier stacks from addition Petrification Procs. If this modifier ever reduces your roll to zero or below during a roll you die automatically. Does not proc through invulnerabilities.

Standing in Cocytus cancels the Phlegethon Status effect.


>Phlegethon: recharge 4 after end of duration; One half of the combat zone is swallowed in a flurry of magma and soot! Every time you are inflicted with the helpless status effect you take damage equal to the amount of turns spent in the Area Effect Plus initial roll's casted damage. Area Effect deals an unmodified roll of damage to everyone in range when cast. This area effect lasts until dispelled.

Standing in the Phlegethon cancels Petrification effect.


A thin envelope of ice beings to wrap around Vizsla, as her face contorts with a wild malevolence.

>Black Star: Stackable, instant; Vizsla incases herself in a merkaba of ice seething with ionic flames. Her attacks gain a +1 for every stack she gains for a maximum of 5 stacks. When hit with a natural critical attack this Breaks Black Star's Status Effect.


In each of Vizsla's hooves a devastated power charges which threatens to wash over the battlefield, by next turn.

At the instant you mention the principles office, you feel a blunt force break itself upon your face. In the next second you aren't quite sure what has happened, but your body makes a crater on the podium stand which makes up the cafeteria walls in this extra-dimensional space.

>BAAAAATTTEEEEERR UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!!!#%*$!: recharge 2; Mudi Knock's a home run! Deals two instances of damage and sends you to the other side of the room. THE CROWD GOES WILD!!! This ability procs the same round it is casted.


She steps over to the side and places the end of her bat on the floor, with both hooves on it's pommel, she appears pensive, a thick aura of aggression pools within her.

>Neutrino Meditation: Stackable Passive, Instant; Mudi steeps herself in malevolent energy. All attacks on her recieve counter attack damage equal to the unmodified attack roll's difference with 10.

Mudi may stack this ability. Stacks do not multiply damage. Mudi may expend her number of stacks as bonus damage for a single ranged attack.


>I Dream of Strength; fails to activate.

You accost Vizsla, and though you fly at her like a lightning bolt, it is at the last second you witness her pay you a glance. Vizsla counters your slam, with a twirl, and both arms she tosses you to make a second crater next to Pryce. Dealing 5 hits of counterattack damage.

Roll #1 6 + 6 = 12 / Roll #2 8 + 6 = 14 / Roll #3 4 + 6 = 10 / Roll #4 8, 4 + 8 = 20 / Roll #5 8 + 8 = 16



[amendment Punish took 4 counterattack damage. Not 5]


Gabriele gasps as she watches Punish take off like a bullet to sock Vizsla square across the muzzle.

"ARE YOU BLOODY INSANE?!" She squawks after her, her talons reaching up to practically pull feathers from her scalp as she watches her instigate a blood-feud in the center of the cafeteria.

"Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap… MOCHA!" She says, looking towards her arachnid-pony friend. "Got get a teacher, first one you can find! I'm stepping in." Gabriele says as she unfurls a whip from her bag, only to be used in the most dire of emergencies. She takes off after Punish, lashing the whip at Vizsla as the one looking like she's about to strike back.

"EVERY ONE OF YOU, stand down right this moment! By the word of the Disciplinary Chair on the Student Council, this fight stops right NOW."

[1d10+2] Cursed Seal on Vizsla

Roll #1 8 + 2 = 10


As Punish jumps in to slam Vizsla right across the jaw, Flaming gasps loudly as she feels her hoof clamped down on by Vizsla's unusually sharp teeth.

Despite the pain pulsing through her arm, Shorthorns can't help but shout in glee at Punish's jumping in. "YEAH! Like that, *THAT* is how we do it on the wrestling team!" She praises her club-mate, before leaning her head back to slam into Vizsla's head.

[1d10+3] All or Nothing (autocrits if successfully hits)
"And let GO of my hoof!"

Roll #1 10 + 3 = 13


Before Pryce can react to the surroundings, he finds himself many feet away from where he was standing, embedded in the podium-wall and face throbbing.
"You're not really helping your case Mudi…" Pryce mutters as he pulls himself free and down onto his hooves. His horn lights as he conjures his own baseball bat to not be defenseless against this confrontation.
>Conjure Weapon [Flare, Single, Dual, DC5] [1d10+1]

Seeing Flaming thrown rather forcefully beside him, Pryce hums along to the surrounding music that fills this zone, a bit to shake off his own pain before singing a bit along to help bolster Flaming, being the likely target of the Witches.
>Hymn of the Cedar-Tree Shrine [1d10]

Roll #1 2 + 1 = 3 / Roll #2 9 = 9



"Yeah! Go, Punny!" Amy cheers Punish on.

>Pragma: Passive; Select an ally at the start of battle. When an enemy inflicts you or that ally with a status condition, you deal 3 additional units of damage against that enemy.

>Choosing Punish

>Impatience: Passive/Instant; As a passive effect, all recharge periods on your abilities are reduced by 1. As an Instant action, you can reduce 1 ally's current recharge periods by 1.

>targeting Punish [1d10+2]

Amy then shapeshifts into a massive Grey Wolf.

>Animal Totem: automatic instant, recharge 5 after effect ends; You shapeshift into a Mystic or War animal for 3 turns (chosen when you learn this skill), gaining a bonus. May be combined with Nature Elemental.:

>-Mystic; +1 to a known spell. Gain useage of a cleric or shaman spell skill worth up to 2 points, chosen when you earn Animal Totem..
>Level 1 Tattoo (1 extra turn of Mystical Animal Totem)
>Level 2 Tattoo (1 extra standard action each turn in Mystic Animal Totem)
>Level 3 Tattoo (Gain an additional turn on Animal Totem Form. User takes half-damage while in Animal Totem Form,. All foes in close range are knocked back on activation and cannot attack the user next round. Regain 1 Wound per turn while in Animal Totem Form, after damage calculation for that turn.)
>Starlight Fragment: Relic (Wrath has no cooldown while in Mystic Animal Totem)

Amy barks at the sisters. Holy fire spews out of her mouth.

>Wrath: recharge 2, spell, ranged; Damage all nearby foes with a powerful blast, ensuring they cannot attack you on the next round; renders targets helpless on 9+. On crit you can kill or incapacitate weakened/dying targets.


Roll #1 3 + 2 = 5 / Roll #2 3 + 5 = 8



Punish flies to Mudi to put her in a half-Nelson.

>Suppress: recharge 1 after letting go, weapon; Renders target helpless. After success, can keep taking automatic actions to keep the target pinned. If this action is not taken, the target gets up.

>[1d10+1] Crits on 9+ thanks to Charge

Roll #1 5 + 1 = 6


You turn to where mocha was, but you must crane your head upward to fight her. She is simply another face on the jury stands, darkened with a judging smile. Just as much with any bystander in an extradimensional space. They will become another component of this space Combat takes place in. She watches you, making note of the hill you prepare to die on. figuratively speaking.

With the excellence befitting your Chair. You inflict a cursed seal onto Vizsla, with a flourish of your whip as it snaps upon contact.

You recieve no damage at all from Vizsla's attempt to pound you into the ground. Your headbutt knocks her out of moment, instead cracking her skull against the stone floor, a crater breaks beneath you both. And a sheath of frost sheds from Vizsla along the impact. As Vizsla smiles maddeningly, with her teeth still on your.

"Oh yehf yo'll bme a'un on'e" words muffed as she continues to grab your hoof in her teeth.

Vizsla takes 16 hits of damage! The Jury upon the podium towers scream in delight, cheering you on!

Vizsla's Black Star Stacks have been broken.

You fail to conjure the flame bat but your song does prevail. Flaming becomes sheath is tiny dancing yokai, which share their divinity with her.

>For 2 turns Flaming is protected from all sources of damage.

Zjetya sings as she hops and dances in place excitedly. She whips her head back and forth occassionally amid shallow headbangs.

Pryce has taken 18 hits of damage

As both Punish and Pryce stand to their feet, hooves, what have you, They immediately find themselves washed in the River of Cocytus. An extreme numbing freeze weakens your body and the wind whips at you like broken glass.

Both Pryce and Punish take 7 hits of damage

1 cocytus stack; -1 modifier to rolls




Amy, Flaming and Gabriel become caked in a sandstorm of soot that rushes worth as the stone floor cracks in molten seams. Lava licks beneath your hooves, so uncomfortably close. The heat causes instant for sweat to beat off the entire surface of your body as damp fur soon evaporates it's droppings. The choking soot threatens to asphyxiate you the longer you stand here. It would not be a good idea to become helpless here.

Flaming is protected by Pryce's song. Only takes 1 hit of damage
Gabriele takes 9 hits of damage.
Amy takes 4 hits of damage.

>Two Rivers Meet: Recharge 4 + Passive effect; Instant; to cross the boundary between the Cocytus and Phlegethon you must expend 1 hit point. This will never cause you to go helpless, instead lose 1 wound and rollback hitpoints without helpless status effect.
This ability can be activated to cause an avalanche that forces everyone into the center of the Combat Zone where you accumulate the status conditions of both sides of the Combat zone.
Vizsla tightens her teeth on Flaming's hoof like a vice, within close range Vizsla unleashes a full flurry of her attacks as her face becomes flush with fury and bulging veins


She commits to Black Star again, an icy envelop surrounds her momentarily.

>Black Star: Stackable, instant;


You wrap you hooves and arms around Mudi. Though it is like you have wrapped your limbs around the levers of a cranking machine. Mudi forces herself to stand up right

[1d10] contest pinning helplessness

As she attempts to rise her grip crushes at your limbs.
You take 4 counterattack damage for assailing Mudi.

>Neutrino Meditation: Stackable Passive, Instant; Mudi steeps herself in malevolent energy. All attacks on her recieve counter attack damage equal to the unmodified attack roll's difference with 10.

Mudi may stack this ability. Stacks do not multiply damage. Mudi may expend her number of stacks as bonus damage for a single ranged attack.


She turns an eye to you "I never really was the hugging type"
Impatience: Fails

You morph into a Wolf, your thick fur enables you to brave the extremes of these fiery elements. It still sucks though.

A volumous lurry of holy flames pours from your maw, washing over Vizsla whom is on the side of Phlegethon. Mudi remains on the side of Cocytus.

Vizsla takes 3 hits of damage


Roll #1 9, 10, 1 + 5 = 25 / Roll #2 5 + 6 = 11 / Roll #3 8 = 8 / Roll #4 6 + 8 = 14


[amendment. Vizsla had taken 6 damage from Amy. not 3]


Flaming grunts as she recoils from her head-butt driving Vizsla further into the crater, wincing as her teeth stay clamped on hard onto her hoof and she feels the waves of close-range icy attacks pounding against her.

But this buffalo calf didn't make the wrestling team by being easy to pin. As she chomps down on her hoof and speaks around it, Flaming growls as she swings Vizsla down in grapple to pin her against the crater, her horns glowing white in the process as she attempts to recover some of her stamina

"My Mama always said not to talk with your mouth FULL!"

[1d10+3] All or Nothing (crits if succeeds)
[1d10] Mantra of Recovery

Roll #1 3 + 3 = 6 / Roll #2 8 = 8



"If you insist," Punish says before she lets go of Mudi and instead gives her a hammer-hoof to the top of the head.

>Slam: recharge 1; damages the enemy via a crushing body slam.

>Crits on 7+


Attribute: Buff
Tag: Instant
Effect: Increase the Target's ATK Support and DEF Support by 1. This can Stack up to 3 times.
Duration: Until the end of Combat.
Recharge: 1
>+3 damage from Pragma

Roll #1 7 = 7 / Roll #2 7 = 7


Gabriele glowers up at Mocha as she looks down from the peanuts gallery. "Oh, what a help you are, Mocha. Vice-president, hmmph!" She huffs. "You'll be my secretary at best at this rate."

After the cursed seal is landed successfully on Vizsla, Gabriele takes a deep breath and cracks her whip once more,

"Viszla, I do believe I told you to CUT THAT OUT THIS INSTANT!" She caws violently

[1d10+1] Control (targeting Cursed Vizsla)

Roll #1 4 + 1 = 5


Pryce steels himself as best he can against the cold, but even for a fire mage he can't help but shiver against the stinging frost.
"I didn't think their magic was this tough… Just being near them is like walking through a blizzard."
Pryce's horn lights, casting a white glow over himself to fend some of it off while he sings to the beat again, conjuring a flaming shield to help keep him warm and protected.
>Prayer for Deliverance [Self] [1d10+1]
>The Scroll of Seneh, the Wildfire Aegis [Automatic]

Roll #1 7 + 1 = 8



Amy Howls, and magical energy bursts from her body.

>GO, GO, GO!

Attribute: Buff
Tags: N/A
Effect: For the next 3 turns, you and all Allies gain another Action, or 2 Actions on a natural crit.
Duration: 3 Turns
Recharge: Once per Combat

>Wrath: recharge 2, spell, ranged; Damage all nearby foes with a powerful blast, ensuring they cannot attack you on the next round; renders targets helpless on 9+. On crit you can kill or incapacitate weakened/dying targets.



Attribute: Buff
Tags: Passive; Instant
Effect: Passive: Reduces all the Recharge periods of your Skills by 1, except for this Skill's Instant Effect's Recharge; Instant: Reduce an Ally's currently-in-effect Recharge periods by 1.
Duration: N/A
Recharge: 1 Turn for the Instant Effect
>On Punish: [1d10+2]

Roll #1 4 + 2 = 6 / Roll #2 4 + 5 = 9 / Roll #3 4 + 2 = 6


It's faint but you can tell Mocha shudder with regret for her disposition as you demote her to secretary.

Vizsla shirks off your effort to control her, with only the briefest moment of coming under it. Yet she does not. Control; fails.

You summon your aegis minion. A hovering burshfire spirit which carries a trumpet in one hand and a shield three times it's size in the other.

You feel the effects of cocytus lessen from his presence. And with your prayer of deliverance you restore your health to full.

Mudi seeing this sprints to the font of your shield and strike you.


The impact of her bat on fire made solid sends her into the air where she hovers in place and pools scintillating cosmic colors, which threaten to run wild next turn.

>Megadola: Almighty, recharge 1; Mudi conjures the death of a star. Deals damage to everyone and procs through invulnerabilities.

Amy bestows upon every haste! 3 extra actions the next 2 turns.

While white hot passion in the form of raging fire fills the room from her maw. The flames lapping over Vizsla, as she remains helpless during it's charge.

You successfully reduce Punish's recharge periods by 1. She's feeling refreshed, dang!


Roll #1 8 + 6 = 14 / Roll #2 8 + 8 = 16


Flaming takes 3 hits from the flurry of blows Vizsla impales upon her, yet Flaming's will prevails gaining back 2 hitpoints, only losing a total of 1.

You brace her back against the stone rubble that was the floor. Dealing 2 hits of damage and shaking off her icy envelop once. Vizlsa releases her teeth from your hoof. "Don't think I've lost only because my back is to the floor."

The current of your respective area effects, phlegethon and cocytus sweep around you like the covalescence of a river forming. You feel yourself being pushed to the other side of the room. Occurs next turn unless contested.


>Maxwell's Demon: Recharge 2; Which ever Area Effect contains more Player Characters Vizsla makes a regular attack applied against everyone contained in the selected Area Effect. Effected members exchange their status conditions with the current stacks and have them applied immediately.

Vizsla steeps two more punches into your abdomen.

>Black Star: Stackable, instant;
Her icy envelope persists.

Mudi throws herself off your grip, yet she is met with your body slam, dealing 6 damage. Pragma does not proc against Mudi.

She repostes your slam by knocking your head with the tip of her bat. dealing 3 counter attack damage.
She then makes a strike at you with her bat once more.



Roll #1 7 + 6 = 13 / Roll #2 10, 2 + 5 = 17 / Roll #3 9 + 6 = 15 / Roll #4 8 + 6 = 14


Gabriele grumbles as Vizsla proceeds to ignore not only her commands, but her in general. She grinds her teeth together as she lets out a sigh.

"Well, I tried, you all saw me try. Now, I get rough." She reels back her whip, charging a spell to command the Seal to self-distruct. "Please continue to consider me for council president!"

[1d10+1] Corpse Explosion on Vizsla

Roll #1 5 + 1 = 6


2 stacks of cocytus this round, making -2 modifier to all actions.


Flaming winces as the blows keep coming, but manages to weather the blows with her tough little body. She keeps a tight grip on Vizsla and pins her down into the crater even as the ice spreads over her body.

She grunts, but smirks in response to Vizsla's comment. "I mean, that's technically how you LOSE in wrestling you know, is when your back is to the floor. But that's fair, we also need a three count. Here we go!"

She reels back her head, driving it into Vizsla's chest, "One!"
[1d10+3] All or Nothing!

Roll #1 4 + 3 = 7


Vizsla rolls her eyes as you explain wrestling to her. She replies completely disappointed "Why do I banter with you-"


Pryce braces back behind his shield spirit as Mudi comes in with the bat slam, the impact alone causing a concern in how hard they're going. Feeling the magic coalescing around her, Pryce's horn shines brilliantly in return, attempting again to arm himself with bat to match her with added bolstering.
>Conjure Weapon [Baseball Bat] [Flare, Single, Dual, DC5] [1d10-1]
>Sallus [1d10-2]

After, his magic shifts, sending out a pulse across the warzone to refresh his friends from the onslaught.
>Commandment of Balance [Auto]

Roll #1 4 - 1 = 3 / Roll #2 1 - 2 = -1



The power continues to flow through and out of Amy.


Attribute: Buff
Tag: Automatic
Effect: Select a 1-point Skill from your Class and add it to your Skill pool for the duration of Combat
Duration: Entirety of Combat
Recharge: Once per Combat
>Learning Homing Missiles

>Wrath: recharge 2, spell, ranged; Damage all nearby foes with a powerful blast, ensuring they cannot attack you on the next round; renders targets helpless on 9+. On crit you can kill or incapacitate weakened/dying targets.

>+3 damage from Pragma


Attribute: Buff
Tag: Automatic
Effect: Bring up all Helpless allies; Dispel all Status Conditions on self and allies; Restore full Hits and 3 Wounds to self and allies
Duration: N/A
Recharge: Twice per Combat

Roll #1 5 + 5 = 10



"You'll have to do better than that," Punish says with a grin as she goes from a punch square in Mudi's nose.


>[1d10] Crits on 7+
>deals 1 extra damage from Dream of Strength


Attribute: Buff
Tag: Instant
Effect: Increase the Target's ATK Support and DEF Support by 1. This can Stack up to 3 times.
Duration: Until the end of Combat.
Recharge: 1

>All damage is reduced by 1 on Punish for Dream of Strength

Roll #1 7 = 7 / Roll #2 3 = 3


Pryce's aegis sends a wave of flame towards Mudi in retalliation for the bat strike.
>Brushfire [1d10+1]

>Brushfire: Recharge 2; Single target fire element magic attack, +1 to rolls, can Cleave.

Roll #1 6 + 1 = 7


You cause Vizsla one mean nosebleed. She wipes it off with one hoof "You bitch!" dealt 1 hit of damage.

[buffing corpse explosion]
Vizsla has 1 stack of corpse explosion. With each stack the damage multiplies by 1.25. Yes you would need a calculator for this one. rounding up final damage. Stack up to 10 for a final damage multiplier of 9.31~

You fail to produce a bat

You fail to sallus

You aegis sprite shudders as a crack appears upon it's form. 10 hit damage taken from mudi.

You break a wreath of magical energy upon the mantle of your crown sending a wave of magical compassion which heals everyone that is your ally to full and resets their status effects.

As you cast commandment of balance somehow you feel yourself being overshadowed. If you elect to, you may stop the casting to save the charge.

You harass Vizsla with another barrage of heavenly fire. Vizsla struggles and grunts underneath, amid the pain she says "You know this smells really bad."

Vizsla rolls to get up from helpless [1d10]

Mudi deals 8 damage against you with the strike of her bat.

You manage to clock Mudi square in the face. You deal 6 damage against Mudi. but recieve 2 counter attack damage. You fail to stack I dream of Strength.

You assail Mudi with the flames of your summoned spirit, but it only harasses her. Dealing 2 hits of damage.

Your head collides with Vizsla's once more. Dealing 4 hits of damage and dispelling her Black Star.

Mudi strikes at Pryce with a flurry of her attacks, pinpoint him as the main threat and Punishment as merely the controller. "I should have realized our Star baseball player would be the only good one here."

[3d10+6] attacking Pryce

>Opiuchus Rising

Megidola, a super nova of energy releases it's self as bolts of energy and plasma detritus everywhere at once. Dealing 11 damage to everyone, yet the effects are healed by commandment of balance.

Amy, Gabriele and Flaming are thrown off their assault onto Vizsla. As the rivers of Phlegethon flow violently pushing them past the divide between the two area effects. Though they suffer incredible pain from the torrent of lava passing a them. commandment of balance heals that too.

Yet then Vizsla clasps her hooves together. "The rivers meet in Hell." She crones.

>Two Rivers Meet: Recharge 4 + Passive effect; Instant; to cross the boundary between the Cocytus and Phlegethon you must expend 1 hit point. This will never cause you to go helpless, instead lose 1 wound and rollback hitpoints without helpless status effect.
This ability can be activated to cause an avalanche that forces everyone into the center of the Combat Zone where you accumulate the status conditions of both sides of the Combat zone.

And just as the rest of party was thrown into cocytus, a river flows up from cocytus as well. Ice flows a deluge of nitrogen water, assailing you shards of crystaline debris. AS this force threatens to crash you into the river of Phlegethon which rages still.

Roll to contest.

But YOU CAN DO THAT NEXT TIME ON Holy Kyusetsu!! Uchikeshi no Rapyuchitsu ga Koko ni! See you next time folks.


Roll #1 8 = 8 / Roll #2 6, 4, 6 + 6 = 22 / Roll #3 4 + 8 = 12 / Roll #4 3 + 5 = 8



I will indeed save the charge of the Commandment.

"Well then, you're gonna hate what comes next," Amy retorts to Vizsla as she starts to inhale. Some strange light begins to leave Vizsla and enter Amy's mouth. She slurps it up like spaghetti.


Attribute: Debuff
Tags: Instant; Ranged
Effect: Steal 1 of the Target's chances to act next turn and use it in addition to your own.
Duration: N/A
Recharge: 3 Turns
>[1d10+2] on Vizsla

At the same time, all color in her body begins to drain toward her face.

>Homing Magic: Spell, Recharge 2 after effect ends; On success, summons a magical projectile, plus an additional one for every point you pass the roll by, to a maximum of 5 on a critical. The projectiles follow you around, and any number of them can be launched as an instant ranged-spell action, rolling separately for each.


As she continues to inhale, some of the energy she's storing up begins to spill out of her in the form of more holy fire.

>Wrath: recharge 2, spell, ranged; Damage all nearby foes with a powerful blast, ensuring they cannot attack you on the next round; renders targets helpless on 9+. On crit you can kill or incapacitate weakened/dying targets.


Some of that spilled energy also goes to Punish.


Attribute: Buff
Tags: Passive; Instant
Effect: Passive: Reduces all the Recharge periods of your Skills by 1, except for this Skill's Instant Effect's Recharge; Instant: Reduce an Ally's currently-in-effect Recharge periods by 1.
Duration: N/A
Recharge: 1 Turn for the Instant Effect

Roll #1 9 + 2 = 11 / Roll #2 7 + 3 = 10 / Roll #3 10 + 5 = 15 / Roll #4 10 + 2 = 12


Flaming grunts as she's tossed off of Vizsla, looking around at the rivers of pure lava that suddenly divide her from her target. "HEY! Ach, hot, hot OUCH! Where did this come from?!"

Flaming swims through the river of lava (blissfully unaware of how one should not be able to do that and not knowing this should hurt a LOT more than it actually does were it not for Commandment) back towards Vizsla, struggling to make sure she doesn't let her quarry go.

"It's a good thing… huff… I took swim lessons… huff… over the summer!"
>Expending 1 hit to attempt to cross
[1d10+1] Rolling to contest the river

Roll #1 1 + 1 = 2



"Only good one, huh?" Punish says with a sneer as she winds up for another punch.


Attribute: Buff
Tag: Instant
Effect: Increase the Target's ATK Support and DEF Support by 1. This can Stack up to 3 times.
Duration: Until the end of Combat.
Recharge: 1


>[1d10] Crits on 7+
>deals 1 extra damage from Dream of Strength

>All damage is reduced by 1 on Punish for Dream of Strength

Roll #1 6 = 6 / Roll #2 6 = 6


Gabriele huffs as Vizsla calls her a bitch, "How dare you! I'm on the Disciplinary Chair and you're already guilty of at least three school violations for initiating combat without faculty consent! I'll see your hide in detention for this!"

As the rivers descend, Gabrielle gasps and quickly takes to the air, but not before the tip of her lioness tail is caught on fire. "AACH! Ah, ah, put it out put it out!" She says before grabbing her tail and pinching the fire off, growling as she looks over the burnt fur on the tip of her tail. "You're paying for however many trips to the salon it takes to rid my tail of this burnt fur!"
>Taking one hit to cross back to Vizsla
>[1d10] Flying to contest the flow

Roll #1 6 = 6


Prayer for Salvation: Automatic; Recharge 2; The target's next recovery from Helplessness will be an Automatic Instant action, and the target will get +1 to all future attempts to get up until the end of combat.
>GO GO GO Action
Offering on the Mountain: Automatic; Recharge 2 after effect ends; A cursed blue fire encircles your head, drawing the ire of enemies, leaving them more likely to target you over allies who have not attacked yet. Allies who score critical successes attract more ire. This effect lasts 3 turns.


>Aegis: 10 hits remaining

As Mudi comes in for another flurry of blows, Pryce stands behind his aegis as his horn glows brightly. Flames gather around him, coalescing into orbs as he attempts to conjure up an array of baseballs, while the glow of his horn intensifies, splitting into two to form an image of a second horn on his head.
>Homing Magic [Flare, Baseballs] [1d10]
>Enhancement [Self, Dual Wield] [1d10+1]
>Resist [1d10]

When Mudi calls him the start baseball player, he looks up at her, thinking outside of the fight for a second.
"Hold on, we're on the same team. Why are we fighting? We didn't need to escalate this so far!"

Roll #1 8 = 8 / Roll #2 6 + 1 = 7 / Roll #3 2 = 2


Attempt to Cursed Seal from across the river on Vizsla
>GO GO GO Action
[1d10+2] Cursed seal on Mudi

Roll #1 5 + 2 = 7 / Roll #2 5 + 2 = 7


You manage to steal an action cost from Vizsla, as the pale of light slurped away from her She squints her eyes at you with mild disdain "All your abilities are gross."

You summon 5 orbs of homing magic.

And you spill out from your maw that stolen power in the form of fiery wrath. It blows out from you like a geiser knocking Vizsla out from the air she was hovering. "You aren't done with me mutt!" you hear her shrill cries as she is sent away. dealing 14 hits of damage and making her helpless. She is unable to act this round except roll to get up


Try as you may to swim against the molten current but you only scold yourself and are sent hurtling back to a pit of sizzling stalagmites made from where the two rivers meet. you take 5 hits of damage.

You prepare yourself for the worse by incensing future recovery rolls. And though your Offering on the Mountain works it is not enough to draw away Mudi's coming onslaught.

Attack increased for total of 2
defense increased for total of 2

You slam into Mudi, however you feel that slam wasn't quite your best. She pays you an annoyed glance as you deal 3 hits of damage.

"The Sisters of Gehenna do not recognize the Disciplinary Chair and substitute their own!" Vizlsa shouts back at you.

You barely manage to fly out the river past a storm of snow and frost. You are safe from what comes next for now. And from your vantage point you whip both the sisters with your cursed seal.

FINALLY FINALLY You summon something. 3 baseballs made from fire appear around you. And you enhance yourself to dual wield. Though you do so only as the currents of the freezing river pulls you into a pit of sizzling stalagmites where the two rivers meet.

And though you try to reason with Mudi your only response is "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" A fair argument I'd say.

Pryce receives 19 hits of damage from Mudi's flurry of blows.

A Baseball batted from Mudi hits Amy for 3 hits of damage.

And the burst of ionic fire from megidola whips at everyone. Causing everyone to take 3 hits of damage except Amy who takes 1 hit of damage.

Mudi rushes toward the Pit where the two rivers meet and Amy, Pryce, Punish and Pryce find themselves trapped. And begins unleashing a full frontal assualt on all of you

>Cleave: does not critfail

>+2 from Neutrino stacks

>Neutrino Meditation: Stackable Passive, Instant; Mudi steeps herself in malevolent energy. All attacks on her recieve counter attack damage equal to the unmodified attack roll's difference with 10. Mudi may stack this ability. Stacks do not multiply damage. Mudi may expend her number of stacks as bonus damage for a single ranged attack.

Vizsla is in the corner somewhere trying to get up

Roll #1 1 = 1 / Roll #2 8, 3, 4 + 8 = 23 / Roll #3 10 + 8 = 18 / Roll #4 1 = 1


Flaming struggles against the flow of the magma river until it proves far too much, buffeting her back and causing her to crash into the side of the cafeteria by the strong current of lava along with the icy winds. As she hits the wall, she grunts loudly, struggling to hold on as she clambers out of the river's path

>Activating Huge to see if I can survive with one hit


Roll #1 1 = 1


>Prayer for Recovery activates, allowing me to instant auto-rise from Helpless
Flaming gasps for breath as she pulls herself off the side of the river, her coat singed and frosted over at the same time as she shivers and tries to collect herself.

"Gaggh… c-c-c-cheap necromancer magic b-bull…" she curses as she focuses on gathering her strength for another go at the river. "I'm not giving up that easy!
[1d10+1] Going into the river again, contest

Meanwhile, her horns shine with a golden light that cast over all in the vicinity fighting against the coven clique
>Commandment of Harmony: Once per combat; Automatic; For 3 turns, you and all allies may ignore all Recharge periods, and the DC for all rolls is reduced by 2.
>Activating Prayer for Recovery, recharge limit discarded by Commandment

Roll #1 8 + 1 = 9


Gabriele cries out as the flames spit out against her, but readies her whip as she finds herself successfully marking both Mudi and Vizsla successfully regardless.

"You… will… respect… my… authority!" She cries out, cracking her whip out twice to both witches to activate their cursed seals. "Now KNEEL!"

[1d10+1] Control on Mudi
[1d10+1] Control on Vizsla

Roll #1 8 + 1 = 9 / Roll #2 5 + 1 = 6


Pryce's Aegis the brunt of Mudi's barrage, spending the last of its strength. As it starts to crumble, it expends the last of its energy in one final retribution.
>Hakarmell [1d10]
>–Hakarmell: Automatic: Upon losing all Hits, the shield rolls for an explosion of fire-element damage, targeting all enemies. Always succeeds, roll determines intensity.

Pryce falls back as the river washes him back into the flames, which while rough is a welcome change of temperature, feeling his body able to move more easily in the heat than the frigid cold.
He stands up, trying to speak back again only to see Mudi rush in for another flurry, clearly beyond any point of reason to talk to.

Pryce braces back, readying himself as Mudi charges in.
And then counters with a boop on the snout to push her out of the battlefield to cool down.
>Subspace Walker [Auto]

Roll #1 8 = 8



Amy endures the attacks meant to beat her. She looks over at Pryce getting hit hard and a look of concern crosses her face. Then, she looks back to Viszla. Her face, now engorged with a glowing black energy inside of her mouth twists into a drooling smirk. The rest of her body is now a pale white. Black ichor oozes from her mouth. Then, all at once, she regurgitates everything at Viszla with violent speed. A black beam of ooze and energy plows its way into Viszla. The beam is surrounded by a double helix of holy flames.

>Homing Magic shots

>[1d10+3] [1d10+3] [1d10+3] [1d10+3] [1d10+3]

>Wrath: recharge 2, spell, ranged; Damage all nearby foes with a powerful blast, ensuring they cannot attack you on the next round; renders targets helpless on 9+. On crit you can kill or incapacitate weakened/dying targets.



Once she is done throwing up, she rushes over to Pryce. She pulls out a potion from… who knows where? She forces Pryce to drink it.

>Natural Remedy: recharge 1, ranged; Use an unpredictable tincture to fully restore a target’s hits to full and restore one wound, or removes status effects. Crit on 9+ restores 2 wounds, but crit fail on 2- deals a wound of damage.


Then, she quickly gives Mudi a slap for hurting Pryce.
>[1d10] unarmed attack

Afterwards, she looks at the two sisters and says, "Are you two ready to calm down now?"


Attribute: Buff
Tag: Instant
Effect: Counts as a Critical Hit of the Mind Attribute; Target cannot harm the User, except with AoE Actions, next turn
Duration: 1 Turn
Recharge: 2 Turns
>[1d10+4] DC-4

Roll #1 5 + 3 = 8 / Roll #2 3 + 3 = 6 / Roll #3 9 + 3 = 12 / Roll #4 8 + 3 = 11 / Roll #5 3 + 3 = 6 / Roll #6 2 + 5 = 7 /


>too many roles for one post

>Natural Remedy roll: [1d10+4]

>Unarmed attack roll: [1d10]

>Mantra of Equality roll: [1d10+4]DC-4

Roll #1 3 + 4 = 7 / Roll #2 3 = 3 / Roll #3 9 + 4 = 13


Pryce gags as Amy appears suddenly to shove a drink down his throat.
"Ack, A-Amy! Don't just shove bottles into pony's faces like that!" He chokes out.



Punish takes the opportunity to punch Mudi in the gut then try to subdue her.

>[1d10] attack crits on 9+

>deals 2 extra damage from Dream of Strength

>Suppress: recharge 1 after letting go, weapon; Renders target helpless. After success, can keep taking automatic actions to keep the target pinned. If this action is not taken, the target gets up.


>Punish takes 2 less damage from all sources

Roll #1 4 = 4 / Roll #2 9 + 1 = 10



"But, my dear Pryce, you're hurt!" Amy responds with abject horror in her tone.


"I'm alright, I've had worse in practice. It's more important to look after the others," Pryce says, downplaying his injuries.


Though you still struggle against the rage tides crashing into you, you find a modest reprieve in activating latent healing capability. Draining 2 hits from Mudi just as her bat smashes into you several times with a cataclysmically painful impact. As if drowning in magma and liquid nitrogen wasn't enough.

You reign in a modicum of control over the witches, which cause them to twitch for a moment. May have to try that several more times.

[I forgot to do this it, so I'll do now]
Just as Mudi knocks you out of the pit with a severe blow you boop her nose. In a blip she teleports out of the zone of combat. But it is not done in time to escape the sheer impact she assails you with. Your body is rocketed to the other side of the room. The Band's drum player ducks just as you smash into the wall behind him.

Triangle chides you "Hay party foul Pryce!"

Zjetya steps away from the microphone to check if everyone's okay "You alright champ?" She bends down to offer you a hoof up. Brushing her hair back as she does.

Amy finds the nearest incapacitated victim and does the magical equivalent of curb stomping them. Your homing magic orbs are sent straight toward Vizsla popping on impact as each blow connects. dealing 18 hits of damage.

Followed up with an putrid blast of eviscerating vomit onto Vizsla. Dealing 3 hits of damage.

Vizsla complains "Aah no fair! Why's everyone ganging up on me!"

Mudi is currently out of combat as she was sent away by Pryce. So you do not hit anyone with your slap. But you are successful in buffing yourself with mantra of equality.

Amy forces upon Pryce something questionable to drink. It heals him to full hits.

Before you can strike Mudi, Pryce teleports her out of combat. What a drag.

The Party engrosses themselves in combat, stealing themselves for the next charge. But a deafening rumble which overshadows even the sound of the raging rivers comes to pass. And from the ceiling tears into this meta-narratively specific extra-dimension a new asshole. The crowds watching on high from podiums witness this as they receive penitence from Metatron's visage lording over you all.

"STOP THIS BEHAVIOR AT ONCE!" Says Metatron to everyone within infraction of the school rules. No fighting allowed on school grounds. In this meta-narratively specific extra-dimension he appears as an immaculate angel made from beauteous metal which shines rays of light on down the battlefield, the size of a skyscraper he looks down at you for your misbehavior.

The rockband immediately stops their playing, with a tear of sound as the amps cease. "It's the fuzz."

Mudi is still no where to be seen as her sister merely utters from her helpless position "The P-p-principle." From Metatron's perspective it must look like the entire group was bullying Vizsla.

[END COMBAT] unless you really want to try punching the principle.



Amy looks up at the principle and points a hoof-paw at Viszla and Mudi. "They were being mean!" she says in a slightly whiney tone.



Punish stands down, crossing her arms in an upset manner. She remains silent.


Pryce groans a bit as he's launched across the room (again) and crashes into the wall.
Pryce looks up as Zjetya checks in, offering him a hoof up. "Y-Yea, I'm fine. Thanks," He says as he takes her hoof in assistance to stand.


Gabriele looks up as the looming visage of the the Metatron stands over them all like a beacon of light.

"P-p-p-principal Metatron!" Gabriele gasps, not expecting the principal to make his way all the way down here just for a fight. However, being the brown-noser she is, Gabriele is quick to know how to take advantage of the situation.

"Oh, thank goodness you've come! Things were getting a little out of talon here, though obviously nothing your dutiful, trustworthy, and hard-working Student Council Disciplinary Chair couldn't handle!" She says proudly, pointing to herself as she looks down at Vizsla.

"This little troublemaker, you see, had instigated a combat in the middle of the cafeteria, with NO prior approval granted by any member of the faculty! I was trying to correct her behavior, but as you can see she has no sense of respect for those who wield authority."

[1d10] Convincing

Roll #1 5 = 5


Flaming Shorthorns still looks ready to rumble, charging ahead head first at Vizsla before the loud, booming voice of the principal comes down around all their ears and brings an abrupt halt to the fighting.

Flaming Shorthorns looks confused however, turning up towards the massive pillar of authority with suspicion before prodding Punish and Pryce, "Who's this guy? Is he one of the ones we're fighting, I was starting to lose track."



"That's the principle," Punish says, putting her face in her hoof in exasperation.


"Oooooooh!" Flaming says in understanding. "Wow, he's HUGE! How does he fit inside the school?!"


File: 1664856643036.jpg (3.51 MB, 6000x4000, IMG_0907.jpg)

Just as you point a hoof-paw, Vizsla points back at you, beleaguered.

"This may have gotten a little out of hoof." Her eyes point to the side as she hides a mischievous smile.

The drummer turns his neck "Hay Teach I'm alright too!" in his voice is the sound of concern for someone outside the band stealing their beloved teacher's attention.

You succeed in causing Metatron's angered visage to twitch. You have the feeling he's not in the mood to pick sides.

"Try to read the room Buffalo wing." Vizsla says.

"WE WILL TALK THIS OVER, IN MY OFFICE. ALL OF YOU." Metatron's hooves reach down into the battlefield. The rivers have ceased and receded into the ground. Your bodies are scooped up helplessly by the monolith of a stallion. Your senses give way to static as the scene transitions out of the extra-dimensional space

Your senses come back, and everything returns to normal. Nothing weird going on around here. After Metatron had retrieved you from combat, you were lead through the halls to the Administrative compartment of the highschool building.

There you are seated in rows of cusioned chairs beside the wall of the office. Just outside Metatron's personal office. Vizsla enters in first alone. You cannot make out through the walls what they are saying in there. You wait in patience for your turn, in the nerve wracking quiet of the room. Across from you are seated the Malechim band alongside their teach Zjetya.

The Malechim, Viola is the first to break the silence "First demerits- it won't be so bad. Did everyone have a good time?"

As you wait in the office with everyone you notice for the first time the way Zjetya's features pronounce her personality. In contrast to the formal setting, you see her thrift store skirt and button top, skull earrings and purple lipstick makeup the visage of a recovering delinquent gone professional. Perhaps in her youth she was someone else completely from how her students recognize her.


Flaming huffs at Vizsla, "I am not a buffalo wing! Say that again to me, you evil witch!"

As they're all summarily scooped up and brought to just outside the principal's office, Shorthorn's eyes blink in confusion once again as she looks around. Not quite sure of her position, she thinks to ask one of the others.

"Are we in trouble?"



"Can't help but notice that they let Viszla in first. What an idiotic way to handle this," Punish says as she rolls her eyes.


As she sits down outside the principal's office, Gabriele has turned from a confident authority into a nervous wreck.

"Me… outside the principal's office?! Oh, no no no no…" she says, chomping on her talons. "What'll this do to my campaign?! S-surely this must be a formality, a Student Council member can't be held suspect of breaking the rules, can she?!"

Gabriele groans, "You're seated outside the principal's office. What do you think?"


"He must have noticed how the lines were drawn and is getting her side of the story first. Don't worry, this is all under control." Gabby says, not sounding at all in control. "It's my word against hers."


"For sure. I don't think I've ever seen Mudi that upset before," Pryce responds.

As they're all pulled from the meta-dimension by the principal, Pryce follows as they're led to the Principal's Office. He sits, not so much nervous but disappointed in himself and accepting the outcome of this, having gotten caught up in the commotion.

He looks over at the Malechim and Zjetya across them them, his look lingering on Zjetya for maybe a bit too long.
"If I may ask, how come you showed up before things went south?" He asks Zjetya and her band. "…I think you were there last week too, weren't you?"



"Figures the disciplinarian wouldn't understand corruption," Punish rolls her eyes again.



Amy stares daggers at Zjetya as she hogs Pryce's attention.


"Oh, pff!" Gabriele scoffs. "Like one of the goth freaks has sway over the principal? Even if our institution were corrupt, which it isn't mind you, I highly doubt anyone in that little 'coven' of theirs would have anyone in their pockets except zombies."


Flaming's ears droop as she considers Gabriele's warning, her eyes widening in fear.

"I-if I get in trouble, will they kick me off the wrestling team…?"



"Maybe," Punish shrugs.


The Bassist chimes in "You might have some street cred now."
As does the drummer, Triangle "They did outnumber the girls, but still no one's held their own against the witches. 'Least it wasn't a one-sided ordeal."

You hear Zjetya fail to hold in a chortle at your last comment. She immediately averts her eyes from you.

Zjetya rolls her eyes, smiling bemused at the idea "Ask them" She point to her students with a nudge of her head.

Triangle speaks up "Don't get us wrong, we don't do what we do for you or anyone."
Bass finishes the thought "We do it for the show."
"We do it for the show." Triangle affirms.
Viola explains a bit further "It's our way of getting noticed."

Zjetya does her best not to include herself in the student's circle. As it would be demeaning to her teacherly status. As she is looking the other we she can't help but feel you staring at her. You catch her eye drift toward you. for a second before shooting back to the other corner of her vision.

Some time elapses as you speak amongst yourselves. Then breaking the chatter is the sound of the Principle's door opening. Vizsla walks out, very gently and respectfully closing the Principle's door as she exits.

Then as if she were invulnerable to tension she casually struts for the office building's exit door, not before paying Flaming some notice. "More like chicken wing." She sneers before getting out.

Some more time passes as you wait your turn. The Principle has not called you into his office yet.


Flaming's nervousness over whether she'll lose her chance in the wrestling club is broken once she hears Vizsla's passing insult. In that moment, the fiery little buffalo's blood boils over and she leaps out of her seat, chasing after Vizsla as she enters the hall.

"Just you wait!" She shouts back after her. "I'm on to your ritual sacrifice plan and once we figure out what you're up to, you are so going DOWN!"

She punctuates her last threat with a stomp of her hooves, before irritably trotting her way back to her seat. "Stupid witch horse…"


Gabriele looks towards Zjetya's snicker with a sneer, leering at the moth pony from afar as she considers the Bassist's comments.

"Wait… then, hypothetically, were you voting in the Student Body President election right now, you'd consider me…?"


Pryce turns his attention towards the malechim.
"For the show… I can understand that. How do you know when a scuffle is going to happen though? I know it was lunchtime but that was some quick timing still."

Pryce turns his attention as Vizsla exits the Principal's office, seeing as she exits calmly without a worry, outside of shooting off one more insult.
When they aren't called in next, Pryce begins to worry slightly. What would have been said that they wouldn't be followed up quickly after?



"What in the world happened, anyway?" Amy asks, sounding confused.


Amy sees Pryce worry. She takes the chance to swoop in. "Don't worry, Pryce," she says confidently. "You didn't do anything wrong. I'll make sure they know that!"



"For what it's worth, I do intend on letting them know that I started the fight," Punish says with a nod at what Amy said.


"That's a VERY good question." Gabriele says with her arms crossed. "If I'm going to be caught up in this mess, I figure I'm owed an explanation. I was just minding my own business when the fighting started and saw something I was obligated to stop as disciplinary chairwoman."


"That Mudi girl left her plans for an evil ritual sacrifice and summoning the dead in the school printer, but I couldn't read the dumb language on it so I confronted her on all her plans! Vizsla tried to get me to back down, but I wasn't gonna let her raise her zombie army or whatever to eat the entire school!"

Flaming seems jealous at you taking the credit. "B-but I was gonna if you didn't!"



"I thought you didn't want to get in trouble," Punish responds with a raise eyebrow.


"I don't!" Flaming insists, "But you're making it sound like you're the hero when I was the one trying to stop them!"



Amy stares at Flaming with some disbelief. "Why would they do that, though?"


"I don't know! Because they're evil, I guess? That's why I tried to get Mudi to spill her guts!"



Punish shrugs. "I didn't do it for you. I just punched a bully."



Punish and Amy both do so in complete silence. Though, their demeanors differ.


Flaming gets more distressed, "Stop making yourself sound so cool! I was gonna do it too!"


"No, I got caught up in it when I should've tried to break it up. I'm not blameless here," Pryce comments, taking his share of the blame.

"…Why did you, anyways?"



"I punched a bully. That's all it was," Punish says evasively.


Pryce is silent at the confidence of their response.
"What if two fights happen at once in different parts of the school? How do you pick?"


When Metatron steps out and finally calls them in, Pryce stands, following inside the office and waits for what comes next.


You catch Bass off guard with the question "Ah- Ah yeah. Sure, that's what we do, root for the guys we play for."

The Malechim each look to one another in unison, smiling knowingly. "Oh we know." says triangle. As Viola nods "Yeah, we know."

The bassist Malechim whistles impressed "Brave one here."

Just as Flaming is walking back to her seat she sees Metatron standing just ahead of his office door. He pays you a disapproving look, allowing you to seat yourself again before saying anything else. Metatron now is different from how he looked during combat. He's normal height for a pony, though his complexion is completely metallic owing to his angel nature. He wears denim pants with a dress shirt tuck in and pen clipped to his shirt pocket.

Principle Metatron motions to everyone seated next to eachother, Amy, Punish, Gabriele, Flaming, and Pryce "You five come into my office."

He ushers you to follow him into his personal office. Assuming you do there are 3 leather seats available to sit on, the rest of you will have to stand.

Metatron prepares some papers as he does, reading the documents which can't be read from your angle. It doesn't take long before he puts them down along with his reading glasses and clasps his hooves together as he speaks "So you understand that fighting on school premises is strictly forbidden. Some of you are first years others have been here a long time. By now you are to be treated as young adults, and young adults should understand that fighting anywhere is inappropriate unless in defense of your personal safety. I want you to tell me what happened without trying to assign blame on any party. I don't want to hear who aggrieved whom. I only want to know why did this happen in the cafeteria."



Punish can't help but smirk slightly.


[Acknowledge for occuring in response to this post!]


File: 1664859800938.jpg (165.96 KB, 1600x1200, 062cd8bf321f3da65a69959bd6….jpg)

can't forget this image



"Viszla and Mudi were saying very graphic and hurtful sexual things about Amy. Viszla was more hurtful. So, I punched her first," Punish says flatly with no remorse in her tone.


As Gabriele seats herself in the leather chair, she composes herself with as much poise as she can. "Well, speaking strictly for myself, I only involved myself in the fight after it had already begun. As the Student Council Disciplinary Chair, I felt it my responsibility to halt all hostilities between my peers, and when they refused to heed my warning, I was left with no other choice but to use force. For the safety of the others, you see!"

"As to why the fight started to begin with, well, I do believe one of our first years seems to have the answer to that…" she says looking towards Flaming.



"I just wanted to help Punny- er Punish," Amy says flatly.


"Oh," Pryce mutters in response to the simple answer.

Pryce is silent at the confidence of their response.
"What if two fights happen at once in different parts of the school? How do you pick?"

When Metatron steps out and finally calls them in, Pryce stands, following inside the office. With their only being three chairs, Pryce opts to stand, leaving them for the others to take.

"I saw distress between Flaming, Vizsla, Mudi, and Nightseed. With Flaming being a first year, I came over to try and help lower the tension of the situation, but then things escalated suddenly before I could realize," Pryce answers from his view, leaving the details to the others since he is still unsure of the deeper causes himself.


Flaming quickly stands up and puts her hooves on the principal's desk with urgency when its her turn to talk.

"Mr. Principal Sir, Mudi and Vizsla and all those witch students are up to something! Me and Shei found some kind of plan for a ritual sacrifice that Mudi left behind in the printer when we were working on our project, and I tried to get her to tell me what she was up to before anypony got hurt! Then Vizsla was being a big buttface about it and got in my face, so I got in hers, and then…"

As Punish takes credit for starting the fight, Flaming quickly interjects, "But if she didn't, I definitely would have! They're up to something bad, Mr. Principal, and we have to stop them!"



Punish face-palms at Flaming TRYING to get into trouble.



*Amy said timidly

A small but important change.


The Malechim do not answer you, they simply wave you off, as Zjetya at the end of her row of chairs twaddles her hooftip at you. [visualize the impossible hoof equivalent of a hand twaddling it's fingers up and down, not at the same time but in sequence. It's a cute gesture of goodbye.]

"Hm, we have reprimanded the girls in the past for being explicit. But that isn't SUFFICIENT reason to group up on Vizsla. What students tell each other behind our backs is beyond our control. If you feel the need to talk back to them, then do so. If you can't do that then come to the office and we can talk about the bullying. But it is absolutely never the case where you may physically beat on each other, especially in such gross numbers." Metatron's voice changes between compassionate and severe as he addresses each option.

"Okay Ms. Gabriele I can understand how you could think that's admirable. And in a space where there are no other authorities present to help it sure would be. But you're at school, if a fight occurs you notify the teachers or the office workers. Always. But I have to say Gabriel, it was Five against one. In what world do you think a fight like that is fair? What would you think if five students came up to you wanting to pick a fight?"

"You notify the authorities" he points a pen at Amy, squarely "Always-" And points it to everyone else "And that goes for all of you. I understand you want to help your friend but please, I think there was enough help as it was."

"Stop- Stop- Stop- You said Shei? Shei-Sher" Metatron sighs as if overworked "I'll have to call him to my office too then. Ms. Shorthorns have you ever played with an ouiji board before? You know can buy them at toys'r'us, they're harmless. But people hear all kinds of stories and hype eachother into being scared of it that it takes on a nature of it's own. But at the end of the day it's still a piece of cardboard with a compartment for batteries. Vizsla showed me a copy of her parchment. And frankly it what it looks like to me is like a bunch girls having fun with something very personal and intimate with their hobbies. And more power to them." You realize the parts of the parchment that alarmed you were revealed by your spy scope that reveals invisible ink. It's unlikely the Principle saw the same thing. "But Ms. Shorthorns I need you to take a good look at what you've done. Because what it looks like to me is that 1. You've stolen something personal from The Sisters, and 2. You got wrapped up in a physical fight with them over it. Do you understand that?"

As the Principle scolds the five of you, you can't help but notice behind Metatron, hanging from the wall is a framed poster of a cat hanging from a tree branch. The poster is captioned *Hang in there* Seems Metatron likes to empathize with how his students are feeling.


"Ahem… well, sir, at the time I was under the assumption it was Viszla who had started the fight. It was going rather well in her favor and figured it must have been due to her having the advantage of attacking first. I felt it was more appropriate to punish the instigator rather than to even the teams."

"And, in my defense, I *did* alert one of the other students to inform one of the teachers right away." She leaves out Mocha's name for now, not wanting to hurt her alliance with the only girl on her side for getting her elected.


Pryce can't help but smile a little at the goodbye hoofwave.

Pryce nods as metatron scolds them that they should've gotten the authorities first and foremost.
"Yes, Principal Metatron," He responds sincerely, knowing he should know better at his grade.



"Cool," Punish says with extreme sarcasm. "Good to know that we always have the option to bring the problem to you. That way, we can have you do nothing about it directly. Very helpful."



Amy doesn't say anything. She just stares at the ground.


Gabriele groans and tries to pull her officer's hat down over her eyes, "Oh Lord, *why* are you antagonizing him?!" She hisses under her breath.



"He's going to Punish me either way. He decided he would the second he had Viszla come in alone and FIRST. Intentionally biasing himself to her side of the story. I've seen enough of this shit. It's how it always goes down."


Flaming doesn't look at all concerned about unintentionally throwing Shei under the bus. "But that's not all there is to it, sir!" Flaming tries to explain.

She takes out her spyglass shows it off for emphasis. "There's parts of it on the copy we found they hid in invisible ink, and I could see it with this! Shei is positive it's some kind of sacrificial spell that has something to do with the undead, the witches wouldn't have written it in invisible ink if they knew they'd get in trouble! The whole school might be in danger!"


"Next time I want you to think more carefully about your actions Ms. Gabriele. You should always notify the local authority. In any scenario, if there is one nearby, you go to them first.

"And that is the only way you are allowed to help Ms. Nectar. Because the next time you get in a fight the repercussions will be severe."


Metatron passes a hoof through his hair as he looks at you exhausted "Ms. Shorthorns that's a toy. I bought my nephew one of those from the 99 cent store. Put it away before I take it away."

"I'm going to have to call your parents and notify them of what happened today at school. I want you to know that I don't believe in a 3 strikes system. If I catch you in trouble a second time I will retain you from your club activities in detention. So please from now on try to be on your best behavior. Thankfully none of you came out with anything warranting a trip to the nurse's office. So this offense isn't as severe as it could be. But in the future I want you to consult with the school faculty before running into a fight like this. There you go, you're dismissed. Go grab your lunch before the period is over."

Metatron dismisses you all. As you catch a glance at the clock you see there's only 15 minutes left with the lunch period.


Gabriele bows her head respectfully to Metatron. "Of course, Mr. Metatron, I completely understand. Thank you for setting me on the straight and narrow path, as always, sir" She says shamelessly sucking up.

As you mention having to call her mother, Gabby's feathers stand up on end, "O-oh, you don't need to trouble yourself with that, sir! You can trust me to tell her myself, I mean I *am* on the student council and would hate to add to your busy schedule."


"Nice try, get out." is all the Principle has to say to you.


Flaming Shorthorns stomps her hooves and tries to appeal to the principal one more time, not even minding a message home to her parents.

"But this is important, you're not listening! J-just lemme get the parchment from Shei, I bet he even has more news by now! I can show you the ritual and prove the witches are plotting something!" She pleas to the principal to let her make her case.



When the principal uses her real name, Punish stiffens up. She casts a glace at Gabriele to see if she was paying attention. But, she doesn't say anything else on the subject.

When they're dismissed, she grabs Flaming by the collar and drags her out of the office.


At hearing that their parents will be notified, a sense of dread washes over Pryce. But, it is the right course for getting involved in a fight.
"Yes, Principal Metatron. If something like this occurs again, I will get a teacher first," He says, learning his lesson.

With only a little time left for lunch, Pryce nods his head again as they're dismissed, heading outside the office.



When the Metatron says that he'll be calling her parents, Amy lets out a sob.

When they're dismissed, Amy gets up slowly and quietly, tears streaming down her cheeks. She exits without saying anything.


"I'll be sure to talk to him about it at length. Now please, go get some lunch, and play nice out there." He dismisses you as he returns to his paperwork.

Go get lunch you routey kids.


The Malechim are taken aback by the sad display that leaves the Principle's office "That bad?" Triangle asks


"GAGH!" FLaming grunts as she's pulled out of the office by Punish, dragging her hooves as the pegasus has to physically drag her out of the office.

"What was that for?" She cries out as she gets out, looking dead on at Punish, "I was trying to tell him about the witch's evil plot!"

Flaming takes note of how Amy is actually crying, concern for her growing. "Amy? Are you okay?"


When Gabriele hears the word 'Nectar', Punish can see a knowing glint in her eye as she looks towards Punish briefly, but her attention is quickly returned as the principal insists on making that call himself.

"I… understand. Of course, Principal Metatron."

She gives a curtsy and leaves the office, a sour face on her look as she looks over towards Pryce and Punish. "…I don't suppose your parents look very kindly on this sort of news either?"



Once they're out of earshot of the principal, Punish lets Flaming go. "He's not going to do anything. He already decided before he even talked to us. If you want any chance of uncovering what they were planning, we have to do it ourselves. And fast. Where's that dork Shei? If he has the paper, we have to get to him before they do."



"It's… nothing new…" Punish says as she involuntarily pulls on the gloves covering most of her arms.


"No, not really. Just… taking it a little rough," Pryce responds, not wanting the Malechim to think Principal Metatron brought the book down on them.

"I don't know, I really don't get in trouble," Pryce says with a shrug, then slumps his shoulders after. "It'd be a shock though, I've held a good record till now."

When Amy runs of crying, Pryce is surprised to see her take it this hard.
"Amy? W-Wait up!" He calls out, following after her.