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 No.703584[View All]

Two candles flicker on either side of a dusty old tome. The leather-bound cover creaks open and words slowly etch themselves into the paper. This old book begins to spin you a yarn. A tale of a small mountain village. A grand quest gone wrong. Self-sacrifice gone unrewarded. And, perhaps most of all, biting off a little more than you should chew.

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You're too focused on your pain to stand. Against your will, you move your mask just enough to bite something. Your jaws slowly open and your head inches its way toward your foreleg. Your autophagia is interrupted by something heavy slamming into your back, pinning you to the ground.

You dive onto Scorched right as it seems like he's about to start tearing himself apart. The impact both hurts you and him, and jolts him back to his right mind.

Nepenthe isn't so lucky. His spell fails as he drops to the ground. His eyes flit around the cell, before focusing on his foreleg. Dropping down, his jaws spread wide, and he takes a deep bite just below his knee. Before he can tear anything away, the pain jolts him back, but it still isn't pleasant. Looking down, he sees two deep gashes slowly oozing blood onto his fur.
>-3 hits


The corpse continues slowly making its way toward the group, but it hasn't moved much.


"Gh-!" He scrambles away from it, gritting his teeth. He whispers something to the Hand, and it extends its palm, touching the injury.
>Wyrd Reconstruction: spell, recharge 1; Nepenthe attempts to reseal the target's injuries with dark magic. Heals 2 hits on a success, and 1 additional hit per roll (3 on 7, 4 on 8 etc). Heals 1 wound on crit. Overheals grant temporary max H/W equal to the roll -2, minimum 1. Overheal does not apply to targets that are at full hits. On critfail, the target takes 3 hits.

Roll #1 9 = 9


Scorched ended up letting out a cry of indignant rage as his flames began to erupt.
>Nirik Fury

[1d10] The Fire Rises

Roll #1 7 = 7



Scorched was quick to buck the donkey off him and turn his sights to the corpse now.

[1d10+2] Slam

Roll #1 10 + 2 = 12


Having literally knocked the sense into Earth, Reverie swings her censer to perform a physical exorcism on the corpse.

>Reap: weapon, recharge 1; Enchant your weapon with the cold touch of the grave. Deals damage and this skill gains +1 for every wound you are missing. On Crit you can extend your touch at expense of yourself, letting you target additional enemies in the same zone as your original target at the cost of 2 Hits per.

[1d10+2] Great weapon

Roll #1 4 + 2 = 6


Yout wound stings as fark energy stitches the bite closed. After a moment the bleeding stops and the pain in your leg fades. Only the raw, pink flesh where the wound was is any indication it was even there.

The corpse moves to open its mouth again, but you slam into it before it can do anything, sending it tumbling across the cell.

It tries to start crawling back toward you, but your censer slams against its jaw, forcing it back to the ground. For the moment it falls limp.


Scorched rushed in and decided to try and remove it's head from it's body figuring that it would do the job of making it's movement stop.

[1d10] Cleave

Roll #1 8 = 8


"Hah!" He regains some of his confidence seeing the corpse fall. "In the words of the great sage Pandemonius, 'Naebunma sgn'wahl nilgh'ri hrii s'uhnnyth wgah'n'." He nods sagely, then looks around. Seeing Scorched bent on incapacitating it, he helps him by pointing the Hand. It makes the sign of the horns.
> Tartarian Power: spell; Demonic power fuels your minion or an ally, making all their actions critical, success or failure, until combat ends or you take a DC6 action to end the effect. On Crit the magic fuels their body endlessly, preventing them from falling helpless. Whenever they would fall helpless, their hits fully restore and they lose a wound. On Critfail the target goes berserk, hostile, or possessed, and lasts until they fall helpless.

Roll #1 8 = 8


Calming herself, Reverie's double continues to attempt to get the corpse away from the others.

[1d10] Ghost Trick

>Divergent actions depending on success

Roll #1 6 = 6


Finally seeing her spiritual echo start to phase into the place of the corpse, Reverie tries to pull herself up the sheet rope.

[1d10] climb

Roll #1 8 = 8


Scorched's veins bulge and glow a faint blue-black as he's filled with unholy energy.

Your blade passes cleanly through the corpse's neck right as Reverie's echo swaps places with it, sending both the head and the body onto the floor above.

The rope holds together as you shimmy your way back up. The headless corpse weakly rolls onto its side while the head gnashes its jaws at nothing.


The flames encompassing Scorched slowly faded as he took a few breathes before slowly climbing the rope after the others as he wanted to put this unpleasantness to rest now.

[1d10] Climb

Roll #1 5 = 5


"Oh. I suppose that's over. I thought it would get back up. Luckily, I was wrong. Ahem. Let's finish this, yes?"

He dismisses the enchantment on Scorched. "Now, how are we going to move this up there? I'm afraid I'm not the strongest, nor do I have the knack for telekinesis…"


"It's up. I'll deal with it until you two are up here. If we don't want to deal with it, I'll have my echoes move it for us while we keep a short distance. All we need to do is keep eachother from eating ourselves." Reverie says from the top of the hole, trying to create another spirit to expedite the transportation process.



The echo flies up from the hole.

Roll #1 10 = 10


"I was going to kick the head down the hall and drag the body with my magic."


"Sounds like a plan. Touch wood, we'll be out of here soon."

He climbs back up the rope as best he can.

Roll #1 2 = 2


Weakened by the curse, ascending the rope is slow going. Finally you make it to the top.

You have even more trouble, and the sheet rope threatens to tear more than once. By the time you actually make it up, the head locks its empty eye sockets on you. It opens its mouth, and though no sound escapes, you still feel something. Something that draws your eyes to Reverie. Your stomach grumbles.

>Will save

You summon another echo.


He groaned and shuddered as he worked to resist the curse again.

[1d10] No monch

Roll #1 3 = 3


Despite everything, he finds himself beginning to succumb to the hunger. He grits his teeth and clings to the rope, trying to push past it and force himself up.
[1d10] Climbing
[1d10] Will

Roll #1 5 = 5 / Roll #2 3 = 3


Reverie gives a firm bonk to anyone looking like they're about to bite themselves, being wary of their mental fortitude.

[1d10] perception/bonk

Both echoes in the same zone as Reverie, one moves forward towards the exit, one stopping a small distance away to try and swap places with the corpse, while the other moves even further towards the exit.

>Echo 1, Move Zone then Ghost Trick

[1d10] Ghost Trick

>Echo 2, Move Zone, Move Zone

Roll #1 9 = 9 / Roll #2 6 = 6


Your focus locks on Reverie and you shuffle towards her in spite of trying yout best to keep yourself in place. Before you can get too close, she cracks you on the noggin, bringing you back to your senses.

>[-1 hit]

You manage to shimmy the rest of the way up, but as you do your eyes lock on Reverie and, like you're just a passenger inside your own body, you lunge at Reverie and sink your teeth into her leg.

The echoes swap places with the writhing corpse, bringing it closer to the stairwell. The other echo makes its way into the hallway, only several feet from the door leading up.

You notice both of your companions have succumbed to the curse's influence. But they're not attacking themselves. They're attacking you. You lash out and crack Scorched in the jaw, you're left open for Nepenthe to bite into you almost the moment he climbs out of the hole.

>-2 hits


Scorched groaned but quickly used his powers to try and help Nepenthe as he moved with him.

[1d10] Purify to try and weaken the curse on him.

Roll #1 2 = 2


"Ah, I…" He draws back almost instantly, appalled at himself. "It… it wasn't… I'm sorry, I just… This curse…"

He tries to pull away from the others and regain control of himself.

Roll #1 1 = 1


He also decides to use his force of will to try and protect Reverie from any further harm for a short period of time.




"Gaah" Reverie winces, pulling her leg back, "Let's just keep moving, know it ain't you doing that shit, still fuckin hurts though."
"Think you two could cut a piece of your clothes off and gag yourselves? Chew on some fabric if anything, tie it onto your face if you need to."

Echoes Act 2 is one zone ahead, while Echo 1 has returned to the party's position. the two echoes swap the roles they had last time.

>Echo 2 Move, Ghost Trick

>Echo 1 Move, Move (Ending up one zone behind Echo 2 ends)

Roll #1 2 = 2


Your purification doesn't do anything. He continues gnashing at Reverie, but as he fails to regain control you get in his way, causing him to bite into you instead.

>5 hits, still at 1 because Protect

For a moment your mind completely fades, replaced only with the thought of tearing Reverie's tender flesh. Before you can bite into her again, however, Scorched gets in your way, leading to you biting him instead. The delicious taste of his blood fills your mouth, but he stands his ground.


The echo and the corpse -now a good bit away from you- swap places. The furthest echo is now in the staircase hallway. It looks like this'll all be over soon enough.


Scorched lets out a roar and tries to hold Firm as he tapped into his powers as he tried to summon his flames to heal him.

"Move or get the corpse out." he growled

[1d10] Resist Curse
[1d10] I Will Not Yield

Roll #1 10 = 10 / Roll #2 4 = 4


The the two echoes continue onwards, continuing to swap places with the corpse to move if forward out into the sunlight.

"Being done." Rev says, watching as the occultist bites into the Kirin and wincing.


"Agh!" He spits it out, babbling apologies. "I'm sorry, I can't- I swear, it's not me doing this- I'm- I-" He shakes his head and tries to run away to empty his mind.
[1d10] Will save

Roll #1 8 = 8


You both manage to clear your mind and fight off any more urges. Your stomachs still feel like they're in knots but, especially with the body now far away, your cannibalistic compultions have faded.

Your echoes carry the corpse without any problems, dragging it helplessly gnashing and groaning to the entrance. After a few minutes it seems like a heavy weight has lifted from the air. You feel your echoes fade.


"Would one of you two be a dear and get me one more bedsheet from the prison? I'll carry the remains, but I'd like to wrap them up first. Forgot to think of it earlier with the whole biting and all." Reverie mentions, letting out a long sigh.


Scorched nodded and headed for the bedrooms to grab another sheet.


"Hm? Oh, of course. Let me just- oh. I suppose that works." He takes a moment to rinse his mouth out with water, then waits for Scorched to return so they can finish this once and for all.


After a few moments the three of you stand near the entryway, bedsheets in hoof. The door is wide open, and the orange glow of dusk illuminates a black shadow lying just beyond the placard honoring the guards who lost their lives in the riot. Just above it, hovering in the air, is a faintly glowing etherial stallion staring up at the sky.



Scorched handed the sheets to Rev as he adjusted his mask a bit. "The end is in sight and I await it."


"That's what we were hired for. Just glad we can help bring them some proper rest." Reverie gently swaddles the corpse, carrying it over her back and tying the bedsheet to her back. "Let's inform his daughter, ask if she can take some time to be there for a burial."


"We'll have to inform her she's his daughter as well."


He nods, keeping an eye on the corpse. "Let's finish this whole bloody affair. Could use a stiff drink after all that…"

He tries to find the way back to the hospital to talk to Silver Needle.
[1d10] if needed

Roll #1 10 = 10


You wrap the still corpse up in the sheets, gathering up his head with it. While the tight, leathery face stretched across his skull is still horrifying to behold, there's something about it that almost seems peaceful. Maybe it's the fact that he's not trying to bite you anymore. Maybe it's something else.

Barely more than a skeleton, the body feels incredibly light resting over your back. Were it not for the circimstances, you could almost forget he was even there as you make your way back to the hospital. You step inside and see the receptionist's desk unmanned.

Silver Needle pokes her head out of the room she'd been in that morning. Upon seeing you, she smiles and steps out. "Guess you three actually managed to do it, huh? Burgermeister Stone is holding a huge feast. Both to celebrate, and for other obvious reasons. Most of the staff left early. So what was it? Pissed off witch?"


"Disgruntled spirit of a forgotten prisoner who starved to death." he said bluntly "Though there is a reason we came to you first.


"Do you have time to attend a wake? Seems fitting to do it on a day of a feast." Reverie says, making little mention to what's on her back given the other two.


He bears a heavy expression. "It's… a little more complicated than that." He proceeds to recount everything as best he understands it, trying to break the news as easily as he can.


Her smile fades and her lips slowly draw into a thin line. "A wake? For?" She patiently waits for someone to explain, and turns her attention completely on Nepenthe as he finally begins.

Her face cycles through a number of emotions as you retell the evening's events, finally settling on a passive discomfort. When you finally finish, there's a long silence. "I suppose that explains why the curse didn't touch me," she says. "All those years mother thought- I thought…" She pauses and shuffles, trying to hide a faint shudder. Her eyes are hard, but a faint glimmer at the corners betrays her attempts to mask her emotions. She takes a deep breath, slowly lets it out, and nods. "Well," she continues. "Thank you. I have a lot to think about. At any rate, we're all in your debt. If you hadn't come along I can't imagine the town would've lasted much longer."


"Tis simply my duty. I needn't thanks for saving the innocent from the predations of those most unholy forces."


"A sordid case," he concludes grimly. "It was our pleasure to get to the bottom of it all, and bring some closure to this nightmare."


Reverie nods at Scorched's response, "It's our job."


"Your job or not, thank you either way. I'm sure Burgermeister Stone has a reward lined up for you, at least. Couldn't say how much. Probably not enough." She glances down at the letter again. "If it isn't a sum that seems fair then come back here and talk to me. Or talk to me after the feast. I don't know how much father left, but I don't think anyone would argue at least some of it going to you three."

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