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File: 1491519330125.jpg (58.09 KB, 970x824, 1478758213512.jpg)

884c1 No.4

>tfw you'll get drafted in the coming wars again Iran, Syria, Russia, North Korea, and China because of that orange cheeto

42434 No.19

Trump did not get drafted on many occasions because of being at school and having bad feet! I do not think he wants anyone to be forced into fighting. Plus foot soldiers are hardly needed anywhere but N. Korea. I would volunteer just to get a free trip.

b77bf No.34

If we didn't bring back the draft for Iraq we're not going to bring it back for Syria. I wouldn't worry bout it.

884c1 No.47

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Hes literally about to make us go to war against multiple nations at once. what the fuck

d5945 No.49

Relax nigga, it's just like 2006, things just look more bleak than they really are.
It'll be fine ^:)

d0dc9 No.52

>three years pass
Everything turned out better than expected.

55063 No.53

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He has been nominated for a nobel even. What a weird timeline.

d40e7 No.54

Instead of a foreign war, sounds like he's pushing for a civil war instead.

eaf80 No.56

Joe Chi Minh, you mean? I'm already missing Orange Man. I am willing to accept a few dumb tweets for sub-$2/gallon gasoline, an economy that isn't on permanent lockdown forever with the sniffles as a pretext, and no more foreign wars.

014f9 No.57

This aged well.

0a094 No.77


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