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/mlpol/ - My Little Politics

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File: 1491555375253.jpeg (182.1 KB, 989x707, 6gorillion.jpeg)

2a652 No.31

CURRENT LIST OF ACTIVE /mlpol/ BOARDS Sticky This Please (You) United States 2 minutes ago No.208[Watch Thread]

Alright, this is starting to get out of hand, so I have compiled a list of all the /mlpol/ boards that I am aware of and am posting this thread. I am going to post this exact same thread on every board on this list in hopes that we can actively maintain a list of boards.

Whoever owns this board, if you could please sticky this at the top I think it would help everyone. Ideally every /mlpol/ board should have a list of all active boards stickied at the top until we figure out where our main board is going to be.

If you know of any others please post them in this thread.

>Current list of all boards (including this one):





We need to keep ourselves organized, we are getting spread too far apart.

a9c2a No.81

File: 1706593665718-0.jpeg (100.53 KB, 1280x959, large_10.jpeg)

File: 1706593665718-1.png (300.46 KB, 920x654, vril-society01.png)

DamnM HOW THE BUCK I NEVER SAW THIS board in this years? i was in mlpol, altbrony and 4chan and even 8ch one but never seen this one until now. Greetings

1f9ad No.82

This enclosure is dead.

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