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/mlpol/ - My Little Politics

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mlpol.net will be back shortly

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File: 1491543167875.jpg (8.28 KB, 229x220, 1491079425203.jpg)

d4b8e No.16

Thanks for bringing this back. Even if it's smaller than it once was it's still great.

65d81 No.17

There are some anon's in /qa/ that might want to know about this place

45ca9 No.36

some spooge in ur bum

ab54f No.41

I think /qa/ was frozen

77820 No.42

/qa/ is frozen. 4chan seems to be doing everything it can to get rid of us.

3f811 No.43

File: 1491601661182.jpg (33.43 KB, 500x342, post-24096-0-92879200-1392….jpg)

>Tfw our autism united is so strong not even 4chan can stand it so we are forced to make a containment chan so we can continue hitting 4chan so they give us a land on their servers we can call our own

dc434 No.44

we plan on goin back once its up again?

f5866 No.103

Real patriots wish that they could stay awake 24 hours a day spreading freedom.

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