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 No.813158[View All]

In which we celebrate our lasting friendship
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>He posted it separately
>it's actually extended
Dinoflask is the savior Overwatch needs.


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>Maali offline
>Sion offline
>Nonny snooze
>Andy 'maybe'


>tfw no wf


>tfw the others won't show up


how's For Honor?


I-I'm just looking to get my badges gosh
Sorry I'm here


something is completely fucked with my dodge timing which seems to be the key to surviving combat, blocking doesn't do shit.

I'm gonna wrek you mate


should I give it a try while it's still free?


yes, that's the best time to try something IMO


Right, guess I could give it a spin tomorrow


Are you challenging me for a Pokemon Battle?



It looks pretty cool, I just got pretty frustrated by it


I watched my boyfriend play it a few days ago, we were having troubles since the game kept freezing on us. But it's pretty fun when you start to get really into it.


>finally off
>time to get home and run bzzz
>train cancelled lol

My life has become a rage comic


I also keep forgetting to swap my name


Oh, oh it's on sister
Next meeting we're PvPing


Day 27
Alishaan now calls me 'brother' when he serves me my pizza

I think I have gained their trust now


Let's hope Sylt won't be a faggot and shows up



As I said, I'm busy tonight. Leaving in 15 minutes.




If you're running bzz should I cancel OTR?


He did warn us this might happen so let's not make a big deal out of it


No cuz bzzzzz is not running


It's not a big deal, i just wasn't sure if yesterday he said it was a maybe or a guaantte


Sorry I thought I'd made it clear it was a sure thing.


Well, I probably misunderstood so it's my fault.
Have fun though with your stuff!


It looks nice.


I only saw a video of Iron Pineapple being a cunt in it by pushing people off ledges in duels


The bzzz remains unbzzzd

Vamp later?


You can do this.
Its cool hand to hand combat.


So will you play in OTR even if you can't run bzz?


Well, we were warned at least.

Maybe OTR will have a chance to shine


We need disciplines, right?

I'd give it a try but I doubt my rig can handle it


Right, I'm actually using a relatively low res for that game to run it properly.


Well, if you have to low-res it you can imagine what a toaster could do with it
I'm not too sad though, I don't mind missing out on literally 90% of the playerbase being weebs running around with katanas


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Vidya isn't everything in life.
>tfw wanted to use the dodgy assassin class
>tfw dodge is fugged and doesn't happen when I think it should
I'm so frustrated, maybe I can try later with another class.



That reminds me of my friends calling me a 'noob' for playing an STR/heavy armor/shield build in DaS 3 instead of their wank "le fast katana dodge dexmonkey" build and said I had no skill
I beat them both in PVP then undressed and just had a Glaive and underpants on and still beat them

I was always more fond of tanking stuff instead of dodging, not sure why


Id love to but I need to get home first whichll take an hour. You can start without me if you like.


That's pretty surprising.


No since it'll be as humie but if you wanna talk disciplines thats fine. Also that thing we discussed



Oooh, I'm fine with just getting some practice RP in while he was still human!
Those were fun when we were doing the other character!


I always played all of them as a heavy tank as well. Partly because weapon durability on light weapons was a real issue in some of the games, partly because I just love finally having a game where I can be a big shielded tanky asshole


Yeah, you can be a sneaky dodgy asshole in a lot of games, but I just fucking loved being a 2 meter tall beefy lady with a 3 meter long ultrasword while wearing an armory's worth of steel in armor plates


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Did you miss the new thread?




>woke up with sore throat


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