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File: 1505965361387.jpg (645.81 KB, 1280x960, more autism decals.jpg)


Waterslide decals while supply lasts.

Email hyreia77@gmail.com the address you want them sent to and what you want. There's ones with a clear back and a white back. Without the white backing white will show up as transparent. So on a non-white mug it'll look like that color.

I'll probably just send them tucked into a few pieces of folded of paper in an envelope.


File: 1505965711654.jpg (1.62 MB, 2560x1920, official shitposting mugs.jpg)

Finished examples. Apparently not enough kyron applied on the black mug's decal. Will redo. If you fuck up I'll just send you more if I still have them.

I'm sending them with the kryon coats already on them (ready to cut and dip) but applying more probably won't hurt.

How do: https://www.decalpaper.com/product-p/tryc.htm
You can find more explanations online.

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