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/mlpol/ - My Little Politics


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File: 1491537831176.png (81.17 KB, 626x639, 1491152198025.png)

bd746 No.13[Reply]

Ok, someone start a straw poll and sort this shit out. We can't afford to spread ourselves out so much. I only have my phone right now so I cant do much, but I think we currently have an 8chan, endchan, and custom website board, as well as /qa/. Personally, I like the custom website, but I'll go anywhere where there are the most people.

File: 1491519185278.jpg (77.52 KB, 747x563, 0__3_.jpg)

9f89f No.3[Reply]

How can Jeb still win?

518aa No.6

We just need the blood of an alicorn virgin to sway the vote

f30cc No.7

>Not Rubio

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