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File: 1500093404916.png (110.22 KB, 323x381, Aquamarine Jonah edition.png)


[07/15/2017 05:00PM]
[07/22/2017 05:00PM]
[07/29/2017 05:00PM]
[08/05/2017 05:00PM]
[08/12/2017 05:00PM]
[08/19/2017 05:00PM]
[08/26/2017 05:00PM]
[09/02/2017 05:00PM]
[09/09/2017 05:00PM]
[09/16/2017 05:00PM]
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[09/30/2017 05:00PM]
[10/07/2017 05:00PM]
[10/14/2017 05:00PM]
[10/21/2017 05:00PM]

This stretch will see the conclusions of seasons four AND eleven! Plus, the final Hercules movies on MST3K…for now. The schedule should be back to normal by November, basically. The stretch of "Wizards and Warriors of the Lost" is coincidental but amusing.

Jul. 15th- Rifftrax!
Jul. 22nd- 422: The Day the Earth Froze (ft. Here Comes the Circus)
Jul. 29th- 1108: The Loves of Hercules
Aug. 5th- 423: Bride of the Monster (ft. Hired!- Part 1)
Aug. 12th- 1109: Yongary: Monster from the Deep
Aug. 19th- 424: Manos: The Hands of Fate (ft. Hired!- Part 2)
Aug. 26th- 1110: Wizards of the Lost Kingdom
Sep. 2nd- 501: Warrior of the Lost World
Sep. 9th- 1111: Wizards of the Lost Kingdom II
Sep. 16th- 502: Hercules
Sep. 23rd- 1112: Carnival Magic
Sep. 30th- 503: Swamp Diamonds (ft. What to Do on a Date)
Oct. 7th- 1113: The Christmas That Almost Wasn't
Oct. 14th- 504: Secret Agent Super Dragon
Oct. 21st- 1114: At the Earth's Core


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