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In which we discuss/write about PG-rated greentexts about teenage humanized ponies.

Gentlemen, it's time we brought it back.

Post your ideas and available times. Try to set up some jam sessions so the shitposters can be drowned out by two or so >feelsmiths posting in concert.


>Silver Spoon
I was mostly thinking of revisions for what we already had - like having it so that she was always into cooking before meeting you, but maybe she was a bit too self-conscious to share it with anyone; refocusing things a little bit. As much as I enjoy the idea of her having a cold, domineering mother, I think we took it a bit too far and it got distracting.


Haven't we bandied a few ideas for her around as well? Something about cutting class with her?
What do high schoolers in New York City do for fun?


Nerdy girl-next-door comes back from MIT and it turns out she got really really cute is still a solid idea and we should do more with it.
Or the thing with her as that girl in the soda fountain/candy shop.


We had a lot of stuff with Silver Spoon. Might be better to break new ground on Babs and/or Twist.

Didn't we already have the delinquent angle for Scootaloo? Maybe something else for Babs…


>We had a lot of stuff with Silver Spoon

Well, yeah, that's why I was mostly thinking revisions for her - we probably wrote more with SS than we did with some of the others combined.

>Didn't we already have the delinquent angle for Scootaloo? Maybe something else for Babs…

Well, it's been established that Babs was bullied - and it seems like there could be a big enough distinction from Scootaloo; even if Scoots has to deal with being bullied, she still has her two best friends - Babs, on the other hand, it sounded like she really didn't have any friends at all.

I can see maybe Babs putting on a tough-girl persona and trying to convince herself she doesn't need any friends and that your attentions are just another ploy to humiliate her, like every other time a boy's shown any interest in her. … or maybe that's a bit much…

Also, what will we do about Applebloom? That one's always been problematic, because of the retardery around when it got cut off, and because any attempts to restart it are met with especially intense shitposting.


Honestly, I think the Applebloom shitter could just be counterspammed/ignored. I'm frankly amazed that lowlife is still hanging around these parts. Regardless, we don't have any new ideas brewing for her, so it shouldn't be forced.

I'd like to think Babs could have grown past the bullying by teen years, but that does seem to be her shtick, more or less. Maybe the nature of the bullying changed post-puberty? Excuse me for >my fetish, but maybe those big tits of hers could be a factor. You'd think they'd make her popular, but more often than not busty teenagers are ostracized and you hear about their reduction surgeries in the news.

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