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Sorry I don't have a banner for you yet.


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Happy birthday sub

May the American Gods grant you a long life full of hamburgers (well, not so much!)


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Happy Birthday.


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Thank you, MLPG.co, for teaching me to appreciate horse porn just a little bit more.

Happy birthday!


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Happy Birthday!


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happy birthday sub!


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Happy birthday. Also happy birthday to /mlp/ yesterday.


Happy birthday mlpg.co!

Thanks for being a refuge when the board is down and place off adventure!


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Happy birthday! Thanks fallenPineapple and everyone else who keeps this up and running!


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Happy birthday MLPG.co! Hah I can't believe it's been more than a year since you bought the domain.

Good job Pineapple and all the crew working on this!


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A year already?

god damn

happy birfday sub


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It's still three minutes until midnight, I didn't miss it.
Thanks for existing, Sub.


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Makes me happy seeing people get use out of the site! With the way I handle these things it will probably be around long after the ride has slowed.

As we head into the hiatus I hope the comics and up coming movie keeps spirits up and optimism high for Season 4.

Pony on you crazy horsefuckers, pony on.


I have nothing to offer but all I can say that its nice to see this site lasted this long. Happy late birthday.


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Congratulations, and thank you for this place.

Here's to another year chaps

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