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File: 1431795957335.png (16.57 KB, 692x53, What the fuck.PNG)


I was happily posting in /vg/ about videogames, then went out to do some groceries and when I came back I saw this every time I tried to post.

I checked to see if I was banned, but apparently I'm not.

I changed my IP by turning off my router, but that didn't change anything.

I added hola unblocker in case everyone from my country in case 4chan had gone mad and decided to stop all europe from posting here.

I cannot post on 4chan. I don't have a ban but I just can't post.

Bloody hell I wasn't even shitposting

What the fuck, people
What the fuck happened



Get on the 4chan IRC and pester some mod to unblock your IP
Some dumb faggot got rangebanned because he's a cunt
They can unblock your IP specifically and you'll be able to post, but not if you reset your IP again.


That didn't work, but I sent a feedback to explain the situation to wheover reads those
Now I can't post only on /vg/, for some reason, but at least it's an improvement

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