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File: 1410382758716.jpg (821.64 KB, 2592x1944, id001.jpg)


Somebody referred me to post on this for possible feedback.

I just took up drawing.


Practice gesture.
Neck is too thick
Legs need to be wider at the ends.
Practice hindgelegs.
Study wings.
Study rainbow's tail and mane.
Ears should be a bit longer.
Try shading.




File: 1410721770145.jpg (666.02 KB, 2592x1944, Pic141.jpg)


I have no idea what went wrong but it looks bad…


File: 1410725676285.jpg (764.01 KB, 2592x1944, Pic142.jpg)


Well, Lyra's front legs are a little short, and Twilight's front right leg looks a little misaligned (too far forward)
and Lyra's face actually doesn't look too bad. I would suggest studying the legs of real horses to get a feel for how their legs should be bending.


Will do.


File: 1411412711953.jpg (839.44 KB, 2592x1944, id004.jpg)

"Work in progress"


File: 1411415114932.jpg (874.64 KB, 2592x1944, id004_02.jpg)


File: 1411506740979.jpg (619.01 KB, 2592x1944, id004_03.jpg)

"It's ready."

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