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File: 1360516490433.png (108.76 KB, 574x486, Whorepinkiepie.png)


A Pegasis here with some old art, but I'll definitely update with new stuff. I may try to do r34 and kinks, may consider requests, but otherwise, its just me having fun.


Hello and welcome. How old is old? I don't think I recognize you.


I drew the Pinkie Pie back when I was taking requests on /mlp/. For some reason, my pony art has bombed since then, so I've been trying to get the anatomy better before I really fix anything. I hope to spend a lot more time here. This community seems nice.


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Camera quality of someone's Oc. Scanned version will come tomorrow.


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Damn, what a difference.


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A profile of Sho Time.


You need longer necks, shorter heads (eyes should be level with the nostrils), and squishier bodies. Try drawing some of the wackier and exaggerated poses from the show.



The profile isn't really working for me.

The nose and neck are too short, and the head seems a bit too tall.

I also take issue with the eyes and the missing ears, but those are minor.

There's a thread here with tutorials and advice - have you looked through it?


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