▶ No.602>>603
Do you have a secret porn stash?
▶ No.603
>>602Closest thing to that is my furAffinity account, which has… one item that was deemed too hot for dA? It's not even frontal nudity at that.
▶ No.608
>>606I've been poor at juggling obligations. Most of my time these days is committed to poring over MLPFMTORPG stuff.
▶ No.615>>616
>>606I'll be honest, a lot of the messages aren't very inspiring. I can't choose.
But I have an idea…
▶ No.616
>>615You mean you need people to ask more questions?
▶ No.671>>673
Do you make stuff and not post it on dA?
▶ No.673
>>671I sometimes get a backup of sketches that I forget to upload. I get it up eventually in kind of a slow drip, though.
It goes without saying that there's a small wealth of working pieces and other visuals that never get considered for upload, though.
▶ No.689
>>686Looks a little chubby or her head is too small. Other than that, it's looking great and I'm glad you're drawing this!
▶ No.698>>699
Did you do that quest style, with people giving commands?
▶ No.716>>717
>>713Dang, that and a lot of others are sitting unfinished.
I've been doodling a little the past week, drafting some nonpony conversion stuff for MLPFMTORPG.
▶ No.754>>755
We even going to get more Twist 'n Girls?
▶ No.756
>>749I like apollopone.
Finally got around to finishing it and was pleased. ▶ No.758>>759
GR, why do you draw these girls with such enormous teetees?
▶ No.759>>760>>761>>762
>>758Because I like enormous teetees
No mystery
▶ No.760
>>759When will we get to see the rest of this one?
▶ No.761
>>759A big teetee girl that doesn't have a bland personality is the best kind of girl.
▶ No.762
>>759The glasses frame is over her nose instead of under.
▶ No.777
Just in case anyone was wondering what
>>772 >>775
>>776 were about. (3rd one is from another kors k piece called
▶ No.796>>797
>>794Oh thank god, I was starting to worry you were going chibi-exclusive.
▶ No.797>>798>>799
>>796Art is like humor. You can tell the same joke over and over, or try different routines.
And a lot of it is stolen.
▶ No.798
>>797Humorous self-deprecation is fun and all, but 'talentless hack' seems a bit much.
▶ No.799>>800
>>797I need this in a higher res.
▶ No.800
>>799I only drew over the one that was posted in the thread. Maybe go hunting through shepherd's stuff for the hi-res?
It's not that big of a deal.
▶ No.807
Babs when?
I really like how you draw her in particular, and that request you got recently, unf. You can do it justice….
▶ No.846
>>845Trixie as Slut Girl.
▶ No.858>>859
GR, I like your stuff, but sometimes the perspective seems off. Like, the faces are flat rather being on a curve or tits are jutting out wrong.
▶ No.859
>>858Funny you mention that since unlike a goodly number of my contemporaries, I bother to render the nose, which I feel goes a long way to adding depth and curvature to a face! I will admit that the brow, eye socket, and nose bridge are a confusing area for me since I feel their subtleties are best left to shading, something that I don't employ as completely as I should.
And the same goes for breasts as well, since at larger sizes it becomes increasingly difficult to track the propagated motion and gravity through flesh, based on the hidden plane of the chest behind.
Both of these are things I try to be conscious of.
▶ No.868>>872
Anything come of this?
▶ No.872
>>868It's in the ever-growing "stuff to finish off" pile…
▶ No.1093>>1094
Naked Babs when?
Or at least in underwear.
▶ No.1099>>1100
Hey GR
Do you have a Skype, by any chance?
▶ No.1187
>>1186I still maintain that the things you do to my penis with your art say otherwise.
▶ No.1189
>>1188Looking a little cross-eyed there Babs.
▶ No.1204>>1207
>>1186But if you consistently draw them as adults then what's the issue? I'd agree if they were 10 with megaboobs but I've not seen you draw that.
▶ No.1226
>>1224For the record, I believe this is SB's work.
▶ No.1247
▶ No.1248>>1249
Twist and Babs arguing over the other girl's breasts.
▶ No.1264>>1265
Banned! I'll wait this one out, I have ponies to draw anyway.
▶ No.1265
>>1264You too? On the ban, I mean, not the drawing. I can't into art.
▶ No.1266
>>1249I dunno. Maybe over who has the better pair?
▶ No.1464
>>1432D'aww, she's got reverse vitiligo.
▶ No.1595>>1607
oh god my dick
▶ No.1622>>1625
>>1607I did this last year and apparently surprised a lot of people that I was willing to draw nudes at all.
▶ No.1643
>>1639>>1641So what I did was put together digital lines for that sketch of "Tiara" and then let MLPG have a go at it for coloring ideas to make it not-Twily. I may have mistakenly implied the hairstipe should go… when I receved the submissions and set about recreating them with my own impressions, I found myself missing the hairstripe! It creates a great contrasting color piece to frame her face and chest, setting off her eyes while not overpowering the overall silhouette.
▶ No.1721
I actually really like this. I wonder how that red would look as a vibrant purple.
▶ No.1743
That blonde one is ACE!
▶ No.1856
Gr pls.
[s] pls
▶ No.1967>>1973
I recall seeing you mention "Major Miners" in the thread once or twice, but didn't really understand what it was, beyond that you were designing characters for it.
What is it going to be?
▶ No.1974>>1976
>>1973Neat. So you're making it all yourself? What are you planning to make it in?
▶ No.1976
>>1974Solo for now while I work on art and gameplay design. Been studying Unity.
▶ No.2137
More big ass (and big tits) Celestia
▶ No.2170
>>2134The sooner the better, mang. The old princess stack is dreadfully behind the times.
▶ No.2227>>2237>>2939
Okay GR/MSOB, whichever you want to be called, I've had a few drinks so I'm going to say this before I lose my nerve. Damn you. Goddamn you for drawing these pin-ups. I know that what they are is something I can never have in the real world, that the proportions are exaggerated, and that I can pick out drawing discrepancies, but it arouses me in ways I can't comprehend. Since you already draw things like this, and what you have on your dA (yes I've seen your older one too) I'm sure it's fine to tell you that I've rubbed one out after surfing your collection. Been avoiding it/this thread ever since. But no, here you are, drawing more to tempt me and posting it in the general where it'll catch me off guard. Shame on you. I don't know what possessed you to draw this (I'm sure it's a fetish for you) and share it, but it's like a siren's beckoning, calling me to go deeper into the realm of fantasy to which there is no return. I'm so scared of the slippery slope that is self-fulfilling hedonistic pleasure that will make it so nothing realistic can satiate me… but it's so good, like a drug that I'll need more and more of, until my tolerance levels are so high that I become more and more perverse. I don't know what to do, I'm so lost and confused. You horrid drug dealer. You magnificent bastard. You… fucking you drawing fetish guy you who hits all the right places and scratches an itch that I can't control. It's like your drawings are succubi. I don't even know what kind of reply to expect, if any at all, but I just had to get this off my chest and MAYBE get some answers. Fuck.
▶ No.2237>>2240>>2487
>>2227When one draws sexy things, it comes as no surprise there are people who think sexy thoughts about these sexy things. Just don't overdo it. In the end it's always encouraging for artists to learn there are people so passionate about their work.
As far as I'm concerned, huge breasts art is a dime a dozen, especially on the internet. Is it specifically my work that elicits this reaction or don't you think there are other, possibly better, artists you could be following? What about my artwork that features less-fantastically proportioned girls?
I mean, if I'm doing something right, I'd like to know what it is.
▶ No.2239>>2241
I am trying to start a moronsonofboron folder but it seems your art is posted in many random places.
can i get an up to date zip folder of every single picture you have ever done, even for tumblr asks.
▶ No.2240>>2241
>>2237>artists you could be followingI would like to know what large breast drawing artists you follow.
▶ No.2241>>2369
>>2239Could you be more specific? Like, do you want a specific year range? Content?
>>2240While I can certainly recall a few names, I don't specifically follow or devote myself to following any particular artists. I usually just go to a booru/gallery site, type in "huge breasts" and let 'er rip. From there, curiosity takes hold.
▶ No.2487>>2939
>>2237I'm sorry. This is drunk anon and I am drunk again to tell you a response. I'm sorry. I have to work hard on this because keys hard to type. I am just trying to come to terms with the fact that I am attracted to things that aren't real. Now for the whole "dime a dozen" thing, big tits maybe true, but showing personality isn't. Knowing that there is a person there is number one, then it's a girl, then that they want sex or intimacy, then that they have big tits. It's a weird thing I know. I'm sorry. Alcohol makes me vocal. I'm sorry if my typing made you feel bad, but I like your stuff. Please do more of girls who just so happen to have big tits doing stuff. I know their proportions aren't close to reality, but it does resonate with something in me and it disturbs me. You are right, I shouldn't feel bad nor let it control me, but I guess I wanted someone to blame rather than my own inability to accept my arousal. I like you. You are a cool guy who does what you want and doesn't let haters control you. I'm not going to respond to your response unless I am drunk again because I am ashamed while sober, but please respond so I can process it while sober. If I can ask for anything, More Babs because her body looks like it supports her tits more likely. Anything really, and also update Twist and the girls because the life of girls with big tits is inciting to me. I'm going to stop now before I erase this all and think too much about it. Love you MSOB, even though I hate myself for liking your art.
▶ No.2603>>2610
>>2369wheres that file you homo
▶ No.2910
>>2901I dunno, but I bet her hips, butt, and tits are cold.
▶ No.2911
>>2901A very magical hooker named Harriet?
▶ No.2939>>2950
>>2227>>2487Oh, hey, I was just wondering.
Was there a specific piece you got your rocks off to or was it just, like, the whole idea of what my art represents?
▶ No.2950>>3293
>>2939I'm not drunk, but fine, if you really want to know… I tried to explain while inebriated but maybe it's too hard to read. I like big tits, but most of the time women who have them are either stuck ups or mental, at least in porn. They are being fakes who fuck for cash and don't really want it, and that's a big turn off. Porn is hard to find, as my fetishes are as follows: They are people (which means being genuine in who they are) instead of some barbie doll, they actually want it, arousal and intimacy, and impossibly big breasts. You tend to hit these spots in a way I don't know how to explain. That being said, just big boobed people being… people gets me going, which is a sort of catch-22. If they are faking it, it's a turn off, but if they are just being who they are, it's enticing. An example of yours, Twist just being Twist. She doesn't let her body get in the way of her being herself. Or that Babs just hanging out being Babs. There's a sense of personality in your drawings, so it sort of gets the ball moving. I guess that's why people use drawings and writings to help them release a certain type of pressure or press the right buttons. To answer this question directly, it was Twist wanting sex but was too scared to ask directly as her arousal began to build and interfere with her work. Just her fighting that carnal desire and feeling like no guy would see who she is past her huge tits while hating them, and in turn herself, really got me into it. This made a feedback system of wanting a man to satisfy her more but she felt like they would use her as an object instead of who she is, which made her more lonely which lead to wanting sex more etc etc. It kept going until she attempted bring up the subject of sex and arousal to Anon, quite adorably and without social grace, and if he could help her out. Her lisp even showed itself the more emotional she got. I don't know how comfortable you are with me telling you this, so I'll just stop here. Hopefully this answers your question. ▶ No.3293>>3300
>>2950damn dude
that post was fucking beautiful. I'm not even being ironic. True honesty is a beautiful thing.
▶ No.3300>>3301
>>3293Are you high? I feel bad enough posting it, MSOB is probably creeped out at this point. I'm sure he wanted something more along the lines of a critique of his style rather than why it gives me horny feelings, but I don't feel qualified enough to do that. Thank god I can be anonymous, the shame would be too strong otherwise.
▶ No.3301
>>3300It was fine. Above and beyond technical aspects, art is also about ideas, so you telling me what that all is about is actually still really helpful.
▶ No.3326>>3332>>3337
Hey MSoB, care to expand on Twist? Who she is, how she acts, why she acts like that, etc. All we have is some pics you drew and what little of
http://twist-n-girls.tumblr.com/ there is. There's very little of her on the show, and I'm sure you've deviated from that so much that she's practically someone else, not to mention human. Don't even have to draw it, just tell us.
▶ No.3332>>3333
>>3326>Expand TwistYes
Yes I agree with this gentleman
▶ No.3333
>>3332Are you Daft, poor girl has it hard enough as it is!
▶ No.3335
>>3334where's the uncensored version msob
where is it
▶ No.3337>>3348
Yet another addition to the "will finish eventualy" pile.
>>3326Talking about it isn't my job.
▶ No.3344>>3347
GR pls, more mars
▶ No.3347>>3379
>>3344You saw this, yeah?
Don't worry, I will probably have more. I really like MWGG, and Mars is my favorite.
▶ No.3348>>3352
>>3337C'mon yo, don't be like that. Just a little?
▶ No.3351
>>3339As cute as both my be, Lyra's mouth seem a bit wrinkle/dried.
▶ No.3352>>3354
>>3348I'd rather the work speak for itself.
▶ No.3354
>>3352In that case, may I request something that shows more about Twist?
▶ No.3379
>will probably have moreAww yiss
▶ No.3401
>>3397that is cute as fuck
▶ No.3406
>>3397This mostly serves to remind me how far I am from being adequate.
But I like the drawing!
▶ No.3407
>>3077What I really like about this is how dynamic the pose is. It's like a snapshot was taken in the middle of something. I want to know the context of it, what lead up to this and how she continues to react. The legs are really nice, they are proportioned to be "full" and the angles are believable. Expression is a bit hard to pin down, as if she either doesn't know what to do or is in the middle of changing it. If I had to guess, she got caught with her pants down, literally. Poor girl doesn't have any way to not look adorable. The only problem I see are her breasts. It's not that they are too big, I personally like that, but their position seems a little off. Trying to mentally place where her right shoulder is so I can picture how they connect. The left tit seems fine, but the right one looks like it's jutting out too far, or it's squashed like a torpedo.
▶ No.3409
>>3397Oh dear, I would really like to see this finished
▶ No.3411>>3454
>>3397Digging that filename. Don't know too much about Sunny other than she… has a sunny disposition. Is she from something or an OC?
▶ No.3495>>3541
>>3454Can you tell us more about Sunny?
▶ No.3508>>3511
>>3505This would look really good with a Slugbox shine.
>>3506I really like this!
▶ No.3511>>3522
>>3508I'm really not a fan of the oily/plastic shine that some big-name pinup artists use.
▶ No.3522
>>3511I'm not generally either, I just think that particular picture would look good with it.
▶ No.3528
>>3501Looks like posting this one got me a temporary ban. Oh well! Here's hoping /mlp/'s janitor and mod situation clears up.
▶ No.3541>>3543>>3544>>3555
>>3495Sunny was originally an OC for Ace Attorney.
She was homeschooled and works as a weather news anchor.
She has a massive sweet tooth.
Her favorite color is green (duh).
▶ No.3544>>3568
>>3541I wonder how her and Twist would get along, considering their sweet tooth and other similarities.
▶ No.3555>>3568
>>3541I haven't seen anything other than a few drawings, so I can't tell a personality at all. Is she an air head or a bimbo?
▶ No.3568
>>3543Huh, I never thought of that.
>>3544>>3555Sunny is an airhead, in a curious and child-like way. She can't keep up with more involved or intellectual pursuits, but she won't be bored doing it.
▶ No.3670
>tits the game
I swear if you put in jiggles the underside of my desk is going to be caked.
▶ No.3922>>3940
Do you ever do animation? How about something like this?
http://i.imgur.com/pqFOVaF.gif▶ No.3923
>dat gif
▶ No.3940
>>3922>sweating man.jpgI was thinking of taking up sprites…?
▶ No.4004>>4005
>>4003Ha! I should have figured.
As long as you're not the guy RPing Sunny on f-list.
▶ No.4005>>4006
>>4004I'm not. What happened was someone made a joke about a MLPG con and you came, but you were a woman with tits like how you draw. It just fucking spiraled from there. I don't want you to stop doing what you are doing because I'm an idiot.
▶ No.4006>>4007
>>4005That's just silly. Do you even know what I look like?
Are you aware of my existing R63? ▶ No.4007>>4008
>>4006It was before you posted that… I just kind of pictured Sunny.
I feel so goddamn weird about this you have no idea. ▶ No.4010
▶ No.4013
>>4011She looks like there's either no feet or her calves are disproportionately small… it's uncanny.
▶ No.4023
>>4012I like the twintails and the bun. One's for relaxing, the other's for business.
▶ No.4253
banana time
▶ No.4268
>>4119The tits look disconnected or too low.
▶ No.4302
Where are the bare tits, GR.
Where are they.
▶ No.4310>>4317
http://sadpanda.us/images/1711709-NBHNLDP.jpgMSoB, I know you are doing this just to taunt me. Why do you taunt me so?
▶ No.4317>>4326
>>4310I like fucking with people. Don't worry, some day you'll be able to look back on all this and just laugh at yourself. That's really key to having characters that are characters and not just anatomy gags, not to take any particular part too seriously (even the not being serious) and just be.
▶ No.4326
>>4317Even if, I still get the feeling you like to see me conflicted.
▶ No.4333>>4335
>>4330Why do you have so much stuff that you don't share?
▶ No.4335
>>4333I feel like I've explained this a million times, but it boils down to me being lazy and not a monstrous attention whore. I'm not compelled to upload and share everything at once.
▶ No.4353
>>4347If she shrinks her boobs by one or two cup sizes, yes.
▶ No.4445
>>4432I have mixed feelings about this…
▶ No.4466>>4473
Some lewd things… from last night.
▶ No.4469>>4473>>4477
Forgot to spoiler
▶ No.4471>>4475
>>4432Apparently this got administrated on deviantART. Their rules for mature content include "worksafe" oppai loli.
▶ No.4475
>>4471I guess that sort of makes sense, considering the content is pretty much just fetish fuel.
▶ No.4477
>>4469whoa bajeezes them titties
▶ No.4615>>4620
>>4614thigh highs and panties
▶ No.4620>>4627
>>4614>>4615Oh wow. Only thing I see that could be changed is that straight line at the bottom of the seam on the buttocks should curve a bit into a more w shape rather than a T. I'm trying to imagine her torso without the rolled shirt and jacket combo and it's screwing with my view of the proportions. Like the way her mid section might be too tiny and connects into the hips. Can you post the construction?
▶ No.4872>>4874
http://pdp-bjd.tumblr.com/Started this on a whim.
Pinkie Pie is a ball joint gothic fashion doll.
Go on, dress her up or ask her a question. She won't bite (her mouth isn't articulated).
▶ No.4874
>>4872Uncanny valley HOOOOOO
▶ No.5029>>5032
http://twist-n-girls.tumblr.com/Update soon, yes?
Going to start back on this thing, right? What kinds of things are you looking for about this little project. Which questions are you going to answer and which are you going to outright throw away.
▶ No.5032
>>5029I think general slice-of-life questions would be ideal, stuff that lets me put the girls in different modes of interaction. All the typical breast obsession stuff and predictable comments and catcalls will be discarded.
Also, doing Satyrday again at some indeterminate time. I'll be taking live requests this time, of a very specific nature: I'll try creating variations from templates.
▶ No.5041>>5064
A bit top-heavy but cute.
▶ No.5059
Satyrday stream in about 30 minutes
http://livestream.com/moronsonofboronI'll be creating satyr variants using a template. Suggest features and parentage; i.e. pick a pony and describe their human anon parent, and I'll blend them together in my own ay.
▶ No.5103>>5112>>5139
Some people like big breasted girls because they know how insecure they are and how much other mean only value them for tits and looks and they just want to protect them and show them how smart they can be.
▶ No.5112
>>5103Is that a bad thing?
▶ No.5129
Er, no?
First girlfriend when I was 13 was named Amanda and a stacked half-black girl who I had massive respect for.
▶ No.5139
>>5103This is a problem for me. I like really big boobs, like bigger than what people consider big, but personality is a requirement for me to get into it. Nothing is worse than lies, such as fake sex or shallow people. So that concept gets me going, but I don't want to treat the person as an object, which leads to the woman just being herself, which reinforces what I like, but I don't want to treat them like an object, etc. Catch-22 of a fetish.
▶ No.5148
No Satyrday this week.
▶ No.5311
>>5301Despite conventional wisdom and most people's opinions of me, I actually don't regularly spend good portions of my time meticulously perusing huge breasts or tracking current idols.
Preview of logo/banner for twist-n-girls while I poke at the new update material.
▶ No.5322
I'd like to see Pinkie Pie in a pirate costume with a wooden pegleg. Pony or human, your pick.
▶ No.5514
Someone wanted Pinkie in her sleepover tunic from one of the comic covers.
▶ No.5662
My cousin is staying over for the week so I can tutor him in math all day every day. Don't expect anything from me.
▶ No.5690
>>5686>that badgeWhat the hell is she enforcing? Inter-symbol relations?
▶ No.5692>>5704
Any chance I might get you to draw a pony? I mean, I like you humanizations, but your ponies are also great and you barely ever seem to draw them.
▶ No.5704
>>5692When I have an idea involving horses, you'll see it.
▶ No.5709>>5717
oppai loli sweetie
▶ No.5717>>5726
>>5709I'm no boobologist but those things aren't believable to me. Not because of the size but of the way they "start" so low, like the top is beginning at the middle of the ribcage. They seem to go below the belly button. I could be wrong but that's what I see. I do like the
implied fat puffy nipples though. Cute face and pose.
▶ No.5726
>>5717She's supposed to be wearing an undershirt under the tank, and that's what would be stretched over her curves and making them look like they're rooted lower. It'll be more evident when I color it in.
Artists have a bad habit of short-cutting that detail of stretched clothing, though, just painting clothes on or having them hug the skin as though the cloth had been cut with breast-bags built in. I try to avoid that, though.
▶ No.5734>>5760
I notice you like to do the whole button shirt thing.
▶ No.5762
>>5760What about exercising?
▶ No.5849>>5852
Hey hey, check it out! Satyr kids now have their own DA group.
http://mlp-satyrkids.deviantart.com/▶ No.5852
>>5849>MSoB is the founderGonna get on that brony bux gravy train?
▶ No.5980>>5981>>5985
>MSOB might be drawing comic scenes
is it true? Celestia in the tub (from the rarity micro) when?
▶ No.6024>>6026
>>5981I'm just imagining the entire game sequence with this picture
I know a sequence is way out of the question but man
how on earth does luna run like road runner with those things
▶ No.6026>>6027
>>6024A lot of bouncing involved.
▶ No.6047>>6049
>>6027Va-Va-Voom, man. Try not to imagine Luna's breasts bouncing at supersonic speed to the point they cause a motion blur.
Also, speaking fo the comics, I'm reminded of that extra at the end of the chrysalis arc of spike and celestia fighting with those giant cockatrices, especially the one of them in the pond(I think its the pond, might be the fouantain) together
▶ No.6049>>6056
>>6047Okay now see to the point of motion blur is a gag. But if she uses her long, powerful amazonian legs to run like an ostrich, those bowling balls are going to react. That weight is going to try to escape that shirt, with spectacular visuals. And considering it looks like she isn't even wearing a bra… yeah.
▶ No.6056>>6057>>6058>>6059
>>6053Yeah, I mentioned Witchblade as a possible reference. I'm more concerned about the armor design, since her being "powered up" probably won't augment her figure all that much.
▶ No.6057
>>6056Jiggle like that isn't appealing to me. It hinders my willing suspension of disbelief. Bags of flesh that big are going to weigh more than that so there needs to be more heft to them. They would more easily sway side to side as the torso twists than up and down as they have to fight the gravity. Also individual breast physics means they wouldn't "stick together" as much.
▶ No.6058
>>6056Also, did you just sensually moan/grunt at me?
▶ No.6071>>6116
>>6065>THE BABYspeakign of which
Wonder if celestia was the one who looked after baby Spike or not? Like, recently hatched Spike (Cutie Mark Chronicles). It's not like Twilight was old enoug for the responsibility back then.
▶ No.6116
>>6071Actually, speaking of Spike, I don't think I've seen him drawn from you at all.
I suppose he could technically be around the cmcs age in the main series (i.e during the show) due to artisitc licence and all, just to get aroudn the show chronology
But I still want to see cutie mark chronicles actual baby spike though, mostly because it'd be adorable. In before him looking like a less naked Beelzebub (pic related), though
▶ No.6196
Also someone came up with the idea that if you hug Human Chrysalis she might eventually get bigger
knowing your affinity for drawing amazonian queens, maybe you could incorporate this into your chrysalis - I know you usually draw her with the big jam-jar tier glasses and all, but it's just something for yout to think about so that, with some hugs and some love, she can go from skinny nerdy bug kid to amazonian changeling queen
▶ No.6253>>6283
>msob teaches me the word bakunyuu
I hate you so much. I can't stop looking it up.
▶ No.6297>>6304
>>6283I hate you even further, but I'm having a hard time finding quality. Most of it is just furries, bland anime girls, or bad drawing. Can't like it without a good character there.
▶ No.6304
>>6297It really is a shame
▶ No.6332
>>6319Yes, I discussed this with the writer in the satyr skype.
▶ No.6501>>6505
Do you think GR is trying to express some kind of sexual fetish through his art? I have this nagging feeling. Can't quite put my finger on it.
▶ No.6596
ded boobs
▶ No.6773
ded Twist
▶ No.6783
>>6782I'll take the one on the left please.
▶ No.6786>>6794
>>6780The finger looks off.
▶ No.6794>>6795
>>6786Yeah, the thumb is a little bit too long and from that position you should be able to see the knuckles.
>>6782Unf that SS ▶ No.6795>>6796
>>6794I think that's the pinkie because it's her left hand. Run your hand through your hair and imitate the pose.
▶ No.6796
>>6795I thought she was brushing a streak back
▶ No.6899>>6913>>6986
▶ No.6929
>>6924>follow the uber boober Fluttershy linkHow horrid.
▶ No.6993>>6995
Spoilered for Fuckinghugeknockersshy
▶ No.6998
>>6995Throwback to ponibooru tags. Some of Weaver's gifs involving Fluttershy and a mysteriously phallic silhouette were tagged with such.
▶ No.7004
>>6986I think I got linked this a lot and I loved it so much I set it as my skype icon for a bit but I love this a lot! Your OC is super cute and I love how you made human Red look! thank you so much!
▶ No.7005
>>6984>Luna as KirikaI need it.
▶ No.7010
Photoshop recolor of a Nagase Haruhito piece
▶ No.7120>>7122
Nice to see your faces suddenly getting better. Kudos.
▶ No.7121>>7122
>>7086Gonna answer some questions? Are ya?
▶ No.7122
>>7120I honestly don't know what that all is about. The only major change I've made recently is a slight tweak to noses.
I think the only other major complaint people have with my faces is my tendency to go for strong jawlines, and that hasn't changed.
>>7121In my own way, in my own time.
▶ No.7176
>>7173Shame. Photo Finish is a qt.
▶ No.7199
Hey MSOB, who's your favorite pony?
▶ No.7206
It's time.
▶ No.7270
>>7269Hard to tell without any examples. For example, does complex drawing include colors or not? It sounds like it should but on the other hand colors are listed separately.
Doesn't sound like the prices would be way off though.
▶ No.7271
Samples are phase 2, I guess.
▶ No.7272>>7273
>>7269I'd pay 14$ for clean lines and 20$ for a "complex drawing" if I were ever to commission an artist with a "random pool".
▶ No.7273
>>7272Minimum wage is 7 to 8 USD for an hour's work, yeah. Of course, I'd rather highball it, the idea being that I can push out a piece in 1-4 hours' time.
The pool eliminates the "first come, first served" mentality of typical slot queues, by allowing people of disparate time zones to submit requests at their leisure. I won't take payment until at least work begins. It also allows me to work in a more "Agile" manner instead of being strung to a single project or sequence of projects at a time.
▶ No.7276>>7277
Let's see those projects!
▶ No.7277>>7279
>>7276Well, first thing to mention, I guess, is Major Miners. Most recent "creation" and, admittedly, started as a fanwork
as most of my things do. Right now I'm working on redesigning the characters and their color schemes to move them away from MLP and make it into its own thing. Considering I intend it to be a 2D Metroidvania starring Pinkamena and her sisters, it was already pretty far removed from the original property.
Seen here is a snapshot of a color palette rework in progress. I start with the base colors and make each section on its own layer so I can swap in color swatches piecemeal and see what works. Mena herself is likely going to stay in the red/pink range, but get more red in her colors to indicate her fiery and explosive gameplay. (Not pictured: her hand cannon)
▶ No.7278
In fact, you can see some of the redesigns posted earlier this year:
>>4449>>4450>>4451>>4452This here is the pic that started it all. You can see how I was going hard into the chibi style to have a feel for what the in-game aesthetic might be like, but as I developed the anatomy and silhouettes for each character, I started to give them longer, more stylized bodies that would play up their different personalities (and bust sizes, yes).
▶ No.7279>>7280
>>7277>2d metroidvaniaAh, I'd seen you talking about it before but wasn't quite sure what sort of thing you were going for.
How are you planning to include the digging elements, since that seems kind of inherent in something with "miners" in the name, and what sort of setting are you thinking of?
▶ No.7280
This was the second drawing. You can see how I changed the proportions already to give them more distinct profiles and more color space to work with.
>>7279Well, obviously each sister has their own method of getting around, which means it's necessary to swap between each one to unlock hidden areas (much like Jet Force Gemini and other old Rare adventure games). Bianca can lift heavy boulders and drill through earth, while Mena uses her bombs to rearrange the landscape (timing-based puzzles?), and Ingrid's tools allow her to scale walls and grapple onto ceilings.
The setting is a sort of generic anime fantasy, with magic present at a low-mid level alongside technology (Bianca has a fucking drill for crying out loud). The sisters themselves don't use a lot of advanced magic or spells, though they each one has a magical skill tree.
▶ No.7281
Compilation of those redesigns from earlier. They're still in the homage stage, but I hope to move them further out so they can inhabit their own character. "Dizzy" was a step in the right direction, I think.
Characters like the Phasm Queen
>>3665 would show up as rival treasure hunters and recurring boss encounters. PQ would be unique in that she controls the Phasmid insects, mimicking the abilities of other characters, and inhabits her own level in the Phasm Hive, as opposed to the other adventurers who just wander the map.
A lot of characters were planned to make appearances, including the Flim Flam brothers, Time Turner/Doctor Whooves, the Spa Twins… It'll be difficult revamping each of them, but they each already have solid enough core concepts that I can probably whip up something new with each one.
▶ No.7282>>7283
Have anything for the mechanics?
▶ No.7309
Sunny eating dick. I guess it had to happen some time.
▶ No.7381>>7401
▶ No.7404
>>7403Hope you've been saving up,
you know how much Flitter enjoys being filled ▶ No.7429
>>7428But not her mother's boobs.
▶ No.7434>>7435
>>7428That woman should be illegal
▶ No.7435>>7436
>>7434Even better,
she's Mexican ▶ No.7436>>7438
>>7435Who's the mother?
And I guess I should have seen that one coming. ▶ No.7438
>>7436I really haven't drawn any of the satyrs alongside their parents, usually because drawing them next to (fem)Anon kind of ruins the cipher, even though the child's human features should clearly imply their heritage. Hmm.
▶ No.7448
Okay, so, BABScon.
http://www.babscon.com/I'm going to register a table.
▶ No.7450
I missed that picture of Twist eating one of those absurdly large lollipops. Can I have it?
▶ No.7489
>>7451She shouldn't be this adorble.
▶ No.7536
>>7511Oh god she is just the cutest little thi-
I-IS THAT A CAMISOLE ▶ No.7539>>7540
>>7537It's more acceptable to put as my background as last years.
▶ No.7540
>>7539Than last years even
▶ No.7544
Holy shit, it's been a year? New thread time!
>>7543>>7543>>7543>>7543 [Last 50 Posts]