>not starting with the sideways pony
>>41You can post it spoilered here.
Any other guides to horse cocks?
I suppose I should be one to post something like this.
BREASTS! Note that these guidelines and helpful details apply to boobs of all sizes, but are more noticeable on larger tits. Refer to LK's chubby guide above.
>>370I'll try to find guides to cover breasts of varying firmness, size, and in different types of clothing.
>inb4 bags of sand No.809
I think I just found nirvana…
>>136>>128>>127>>126>>125With all these size scales, how do they compare to a real life Horse?
Would it be like this?
Also, what size is the Ursa mother family in the Everfree to everyone?
In that case this belongs here too.
Spoilered for horse-penii
>>1768>dithered pngOH SHIT NIGGER WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING the PDFs here to get the full glorious colors.
Also, if you already have some, there might be some you haven't read yet, maybe No.3632
>>3583Got a torrent for all these?
>>3632I can't into torrent
but you should be able to download the entire folder
>>4506>Fluttershy with pinkie-shaped eyes.Cuuuuute.
any guides for drawing fillies/young colts?
every art, perspective, anatomy, or animal anatomy video/book torrent can be found here No.7043
>>7036I have yet to see you draw a penis.
It's like, the opposite of what you do.
Unless there is a stash. No.7295
A bunch of "how to pony" stuff as presented by a fuckugly red & black OC: No.7721
Ok, the big problem is:
You can lern all techniques, but you need 2 more things:
Alot of patience and a good ''draw hand''.
Criticizing criticism is impolite, especially when someone hasn't asked for it. The correct way to go about it is to add on to what they have said and correct what they've said in a constructive manner. If they want someone to give them pointers and tell them how they did, they can ask at the end of their post.
I can, however, point you to things that will teach you to do it. There's even a simple formula you can go by, called a critique sandwich. Start with things you like or that they did well, then tell them what they did wrong and how to fix it - it's important that you always tell them how to fix it. End it with a few more things you liked or that they did well.
For critiquing: people aren't used to getting critique. If you find yourself taking it personally, just remember that though someone may be picking apart something you put hours into, they're just trying to help you be a better artist.
For getting critique:
-see the moonlightspectre link above
This is a good exercise to do if you feel too attached to your art: No.7724
>>7723>and correct what they've said in a constructive manner.This is only for when they are pulling something out of their ass, or when they are trying to teach something to someone when they barely understand it themselves. There is nothing wrong with teaching others, in fact it's theorized that it's one of the best ways to learn something yourself. So you don't want to tell them to just stop helping others - instead, guide them both to where they need to be so that one is not passing their mistakes on to another.
However, you can't just tell someone that they're wrong and leave it at that. A good rule of thumb is that if you can't back it up with facts right then and there, you probably shouldn't post it. So always think about what they did wrong and how they can correct it. Giving them resources is even better.
>>7728don't post reposts :|
>>780 No.7830
The thing with stylizing something is that you need to understand what you're drawing first. With stylizing humans, it's human anatomy. With mlp, it's show style and real horse anatomy. When you know what you're doing you can do what ever you want and it will hold up to critique - even if it's different, it won't be strange or bad.
What do you expect people to help you with if every critique is going to be answered with "It's my style/It's on purpose"? And what about inconsistent anatomy, broken bones, and wonky perspective? Nothing about this tells people that you knew what you're doing. This tells them you need to take a good hard look at what makes up a horse or pony. And your response "it's my style" says you need to learn how to take a critique without taking it personally.
vaginas by ontadoxy
>>9272>>9273gonna need to know where you got these
File: 1419836451681.png (Spoiler Image, 618.32 KB, 500x674, how to horsecocks (braebur….png)

>>14605You'll die for this.
So many tutorials, guides, anatomy references…
I need a system to organize and categorize all the material I have on PC.
I have basic system set up, composed of the following.
1: Anatomy and Poses. (Plus a sub folder for NSFW content.)
2. Art Guide and Processes. (For general guides and covering of fundamentals.)
3: Art How To
4: Art References. (Contains image references of characters, usually organized from other depictions of characters in other folders.
5: Facial Expressions (Self Explanatory)
It suffices for the moment, but something a bit more sophisticated in organizing it all would be nice.
>>14621You should put it up as a shared folder on MEGA as is, at least you have a basic tree set up.
Iterative Drawing - The Fastest Way to Improve No.15937
>>14468seems like more of a personal/style choice.
Thanks for all the material here!
>>16931Are you alive??, this site is sooo weird, i came here from 4chan, this site is deserted.
>>16932I came from 4chan as well(the drawfag improvement thread). I do believe this site is almost dead, alongside with ponychan.
>>16950This site is, for the most part, a fallback location for when 4chan goes down. The art board is mostly used for a place artists can drop things.
The questing board is still seeing use, though the resident posters have migrated to a discord server for off-topic posting and generally shooting the shit.
The site will not be going down anytime soon, however, so there's no worry about that.
It's probably best to view this thread as an archive of tips and tricks as opposed to an active feedback thread.
>>17375Is that just a musing of the general state of things or is it aimed at MSOB?
Ten whole years.
Thanks, decade old posters, for the references and tips.
>>17649May it be there for another decade again!
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