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File: 1365807576096.png (534.21 KB, 1920x1080, nightmarity_by_saranr-d61d….png)


Now that 4chan is down, this gives me a perfect excuse to start a thread on the sub.


File: 1365808125840.png (808.15 KB, 1256x780, 286674__UNOPT__.png)


File: 1365808150759.png (490.01 KB, 1920x1170, 288490__UNOPT.png)


File: 1365808166130.png (318.31 KB, 1257x1073, mlp_studysheet_by_saranr-d….png)


File: 1365808180567.png (159.4 KB, 1306x940, winona_by_saranr-d603jlf.png)


File: 1365808468473.png (165.13 KB, 1106x850, tumblr_mjyu6wYQjx1rzs70uo2….png)


File: 1365808483584.png (361.76 KB, 1039x975, tumblr_mjyu6wYQjx1rzs70uo1….png)


File: 1365808498796.png (292.46 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_mjz3vv4Vrn1rzs70uo1….png)




>tfw Saran would never draw the other pony that isn't AB


File: 1365976290975.png (139.32 KB, 800x930, bonnet.png)

I can't keep you hanging like that, can I?


Nope, also, thanks for that cute pony. Both of them.


File: 1366423777974.png (97.01 KB, 833x774, studysheet2.png)


File: 1366663865161.png (94.52 KB, 601x834, flutterjacket.png)



File: 1368481336187.png (85.49 KB, 586x721, Untitled (5).png)


File: 1368481350058.png (104.7 KB, 713x630, Untitled (2).png)


File: 1368481361141.png (82.88 KB, 643x562, New Canvas (3).png)


File: 1368481385638.png (98.5 KB, 503x712, Untitled (4).png)


Good ole' horse dicks.


Values added.


Zeh-brah butt.


File: 1372692093217.png (1.26 MB, 2695x1306, pony wall.png)


File: 1373063399682.png (365.36 KB, 997x953, Untitled.png)


File: 1376687357080.png (139.78 KB, 718x965, Untitled.png)

Long time, no draw.


File: 1376687419824.png (307.89 KB, 689x903, minerva_colored.png)


File: 1376944151975.png (69.33 KB, 763x659, untitled.png)


File: 1377060419459.png (153.93 KB, 1158x1076, fifi.png)


File: 1378180534731.png (217.56 KB, 831x839, Untitled.png)


You are getting very good with handling that line weight.


Wow man, thanks!
I love your art, in fact, I count you among the few people I look up to. Getting that compliment has made me the happiest I've been in a while.


File: 1384314035636.jpg (67.32 KB, 603x966, 1.jpg)


File: 1388473278665.png (108.54 KB, 499x603, gadget.png)




File: 1389598973165.png (95.23 KB, 487x742, 1.png)


File: 1390856766634.png (264.7 KB, 489x1046, sodypop1.png)

I do enjoy some John K.


File: 1553304231703.jpg (73.78 KB, 1011x916, hors.jpg)


>After five years
They all come back eventually
Good to see you again, I always liked your style. Where else do you post?


Good to be back. If it weren't for mlpg, I wouldn't have started drawing.


File: 1553370040377.png (505.1 KB, 1500x850, Local fox makes face.png)

>you're the guy who did the Pepper on glass image
Oh what a surprise.
She's still a thot though.

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