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/art/ - Art

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File: 1532851948204.png (155.61 KB, 1000x1000, flutt1.png)


Feel so fucking stupid fucking around for 7 years instead of drawing. now that i finally got """ok""" shits going to be over in a year or 2 years. oh well, theres still time to draw all the shit I wanted to right /mlpg/? FUCK LOL

I mean it's funny, I tried to draw fluttershys hair and I realized I screwed it up so I just went with this hairstyle. Also the ears are fucked and the pose is stiff. I have to post this now because my internet is going off for a month so rip. at least when I come back Ill (hopefully) get better at pones and have more to post


You're farther along than I ever got. While improving, try not to beat yourself up too badly. Make silly doodles to keep light-hearted and practice shapes.
Youve got a nice handle on at least parts of it, and an eye for where you've gone wrong.


Yeah I guess you're right, I'm always hard on my art because of /ic/ lol. See ya in a month my dude


keep at it, artfriend


File: 1533359018598.png (189.98 KB, 1000x1000, twilight.png)

Things worked out in the end so now its back on


File: 1533359060567.png (559.12 KB, 1000x1000, cringeshit-1.png)


File: 1533372093804.png (448.76 KB, 1500x1500, fuck.png)



File: 1533620623766.png (513.95 KB, 1500x1500, dash flying.png)


File: 1533879640503.png (457 KB, 1329x1413, asdfasdfasdfasdfasdf.png)


That came out pretty nice, Anon. One on the left is Rarity, right?


>One on the left is Rarity
Yeah, also it kinda funny how a animu sketch looks better than me trying to imitate the show.


well, they're simple designs, more or less, so styles that don't focus on a lot of detail still work with them.


File: 1534056548516.png (659.44 KB, 1399x1493, p.png)

I gotta stop drawing ponies sitting/lying down and humanized shit.

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