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File: 1517668958830.png (2.49 MB, 1429x4035, big text2.png)


For the past few months I've been working on a game with FaclessJr as well as Aspirant. I figured it'd be fun to put up a thread for it here to document things.
Here's the links to the current version of the game. I hope you guys enjoy it. Feedback is always welcome.

Download to version v.0.01.1 SFW (127.0 MB)

Download to version v.0.01.1 NSFW (141.3 MB)


Looks like a promising start.
Hope Seth doesn't ruin it for everyone due his to blogging about it.


File: 1517764558878.png (392.96 KB, 1600x700, QmmKPhX-wzfnrjoO9MW_mhBrJs….png)

Versions for Mac and Linux released.

Download to version v.0.01.1 SFW (Mac, 112.2 MB)
Download to version v.0.01.1 NSFW (Mac, 126.6 MB)

Download to version v.0.01.1 SFW (Linux, 116.1 MB)
Download to version v.0.01.1 NSFW (Linux, 126.6 MB)

With a project like this you do want good word of mouth, but if something happens we have a few back up plans to make it more OC.


Good to know. Hopefully it doesn't come to that.


Just shut it down prematurely if it ever reaches any of the active outlets. Then keep up development under wraps before re-emerging under a different name.
Otherwise, looks surprisingly incredible for something three random faggots put together.


Fancy opensourcing it?


lol it got C&D and is kill



Another one?

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