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File: 1494666607579.png (68.06 KB, 640x563, teeny weeny.png)

 No.16668[Last 50 Posts]

Well looks like we hit the bump limit on the old thread, and it was getting unstable so I guess this thing.

Same format with the old thread. Whatever.


Is there any chance we could bulk-download the images from the old thread?



Teeny weeny pony


apul should kick him in the "trees" (shins)


She should aim for his acorns instead.


File: 1495239626536.png (319.91 KB, 920x1005, well I guess staying in mo….png)

Didn't manage to finish the bigger one. This will have to do in the mean time.

You're more than welcome to use a crawler, dude.


been a while since you've done any l00ds man. shame really, you draw really great scenarios.


File: 1495459764951-0.png (46.46 KB, 670x468, a rar.png)

File: 1495459764951-1.png (221.71 KB, 1335x955, right tired now.png)

Just some garbage I sketched last night.

No I know. Problem with working on something big like lewd scenarios is that they get boring to work on really fast, and by the time I'm even half way through drawing it I have a better idea and want to draw that instead.

Vicious cycle.



>That carp Derpy



That nice Twilight Pudge


File: 1496439655926-0.png (1.26 MB, 1031x2121, 01.png)

File: 1496439655926-1.png (1.44 MB, 1031x2072, 02.png)

File: 1496439655926-2.png (1.1 MB, 1031x1819, 03.png)

File: 1496439655926-3.png (988.09 KB, 1031x1827, 04.png)

File: 1496439655926-4.png (1.32 MB, 1031x2197, 05.png)

boy this took a while


Those are really good.


Wow. All that just to say "Happy Friday Night"? So we're not gonna see you for two months? :P


hey shout, why did you deactivate your dA page?



Love it


Have you ever drawn somepony getting a spanking?


Or maybe "someone" you fucking faggot


I get back on the road for one month and come back to find a whole new thread… Thank Celestia, yo. Glad to see you still at it Shout!!


I know you just said drawing lewds gets boring, but i was wondering if you'd draw some legit incest of cadance and teen flurryheart pls?


Almost want this to turn out as a "response" to Flurry's nightmare.


Or legit anon/teen Flurry.


File: 1498857395665.png (827.33 KB, 900x2476, something I guess.png)

Slightly earlier than that but pretty much lol

I wasn't using it, it had terrible old stuff, and I really disliked most things about it. I took so long to deactivate it because I had forgotten the login creds. It's about time, really.

I don't know at the moment. Might be appropriate in the future, might not. Depends on a myriad of things. Mostly me getting a good idea and thinking "yeah that'd work!".

Oh btw if anyone cares (which I'm sure you don't):


File: 1499071952028.jpg (59.09 KB, 807x960, FB_IMG_1499071819946.jpg)

Speaking of milfs, we now have all the mothers of the mane six. What's your thoughts, sir?


File: 1501274815652.png (200.65 KB, 762x664, breadknife.png)

all in due course


File: 1502487016682-0.png (740.34 KB, 962x2076, God, they're pathetic.png)

File: 1502487016682-1.png (79.67 KB, 855x519, bonus material.png)

i did these in a surprisingly short amount of time
just as well, my time will be be precisely zero very soon



Order pineapple


Dancer's face is quite adorable in the last panel


File: 1502692078021.png (154.81 KB, 855x519, 1502689079150.png)

mlp draw thread


I've never really wanted to fuck Dancer, but I do now.


pls shouting, more moondancer


shout is easily the best thing ever. I love how expressive his art is!


Draw Pharynx!! >:-D


Dyou have anywhere where you post other than here? Like a twitter? I know you have a tumblr but that shits dead.


Actually he just posted an update on the Tumblr. He's got two foals now, you know.


He should stop breeding and start drawing more cheeselegs.


What the fuck are foals meant to mean? Characters? I sincerely hope you mean characters.


Nah he's got two kids now


Perhaps you shouldn't call human children "foals", m8. Even as a joke.


Geez, brony much?


File: 1505507394312.png (583.36 KB, 1200x1350, happy friday night.png)

Shit, whoever did this is great.

Twitter's a terrible platform for posting art. It's literally here and tumblr. Assume I'm doing something important if I don't art for a while.

I call them goblins because they're horrible and they make weird noises.


Flutterrape's really gonna like this one.



She's wide. Very wide.


Goblins it is then. Got my point across though XD


Gonna stop by this Friday?


Nevermind, just hopped over to the Tumblr.


File: 1507451370640.png (359.62 KB, 1150x700, beach.png)

I drew a thing for the MLPGDiscord Art Jamme. The theme was beach/fashion, and I didn't have a huge amount of time to do what I wanted to do, so I threw this up in an evening.

I'll work on the much larger comic idea I had originally later, when I don't have another 41 page comic to complete.


Good luck with your other responsibilities.



Goblins are fer stompin m8


I'm ashamed I've seen this all over Facebook and didn't recognize it was yours. Lovely job though, praise the Queen!


Yeah he's right, I stomped one with my penis just yesterday.


So have you seen the new movie, Shout? And any comment on the planned release of a full web series for EQG?


How many moneys do you need to get the full set of anon hitting on the mane 6 mothers while the daughter is there?


I think he just needs the free time kek


New action on the Tumblr!


File: 1510958020514.png (303.72 KB, 889x593, buttwarm.png)

Heckin' cold my ice buddies. Keep toastie this winter!

Ehhhh the movie didn't do anything for me. Numerous complains, including the weird style choice for horsefolk, awkward lipsync, and flat and predictable main cast.

It is literally a case of time and creative energy to throw something up. I know exactly what to do for two more moms, just got one more to think of.


File: 1511384176067.png (93.31 KB, 579x449, hi flutterrape.png)



Nothing quite as nice as an nervously aroused fluttershy. Happy Thanksgiving Shout!


We really did appreciate you stopping by Flutterrape Shout.


File: 1511733344097-0.png (56.01 KB, 567x427, ble.png)

File: 1511733344097-1.png (21.51 KB, 1371x946, black friday night.png)

Black Friday Night and the super secret

I'm very glad to hear, I might do so again in the future.


File: 1513509774043.png (355.09 KB, 1182x1177, warmup.png)

warmup session
apparently today included drawing fluttershy over and over again


>next dimension
Heard about the leaks, have you?


You draw Flutterbutt so cute.



You ok there?


File: 1514761809790.png (1.74 MB, 1648x3115, suitable filename.png)

yeah man what's going on


Happy New Year Shout! Heres to the best for 2018 <3


Happy New Year man.


Clever XD


It was such an honest moment, too


File: 1516556678831-0.png (68.97 KB, 337x439, yellow-flavoured waifu.png)

File: 1516556678831-1.png (146.6 KB, 846x647, notrape.png)

couple of fluts to fill the space


Nice seeing you, Shout. them's some nice fluts.


rainbow dashes mom is pretty hot

yea this


File: 1518822871442-0.png (3.56 MB, 2000x3890, MILF Resort.png)

File: 1518822871442-1.png (80.07 KB, 557x473, Fucking REVERSE GENDER ROL….png)

File: 1518822871442-2.png (476.27 KB, 934x679, fucking murder me.png)

haven't died lol


File: 1518827249663.png (68.79 KB, 325x387, What are those things.png)

Glad you haven't.
That Windy is adorable.


>wont draw pony lewds
>draws pokemon lewds all the fuckin' time.


What's got flutters freaking out??


I really hope you liked that story if you actually got a chance to read the whole thing.


I can't unsee Anon's mustache as his eyes.


File: 1519166436279.png (138.51 KB, 1195x490, fuck off.png)

Only some, there's a *lot*.


File: 1519428756477.png (Spoiler Image, 1.49 MB, 3088x1840, megasketch.png)

Sorry just dumping this thing here so I can link to it on tumblr, what a dreadful site.


It happens.
OL Charizard a cute.



This is really dam good, that Miltank and Banette are really adorable
The Charizard needs some comfort, poor gall


File: 1520640230237.png (158.42 KB, 800x550, working late.png)



She dealing with all the complaints about Harshbutt?


I still miss Flurry's comics.


You French?


Faguette with a baguette


What does that even mean?


He's more interested in Pokemon comics now.


It wouldn't even have to be comics really, just a few sketches would make my day.


Ask me when you're older


Starting to get real worried about Shout. Any one know what's going on?


File: 1522880784498.png (48.49 KB, 379x352, Oh no I'm made of chocolat….png)

I had assumed life stuff was going on.
He did stop by during the 4chan April Fools thing, though.


Missed that. Was at BABSCon XD


>that new pokymanz comic
My heart.
My dick.


File: 1524256877962.png (1.62 MB, 1192x3119, FlutVibes.png)

I haven't died yet, again




Fluts>Bug butt


Oh, Anon. As oblivious as ever. Also, yes, more Queenie please, but only when you have the time because I know it’s a hefty undertaking.

But it does give me an idea for Queenie and Fluttershy competing for Anon’s attention…


Dear god let the mare cum at least! Ah well Friday nights still an option.


shout I love you forever and you're a treasure to society


Oh he knows… It's just anon being anon.


File: 1524365446343-0.png (1.41 MB, 1600x1200, 836578.png)

Aaah casual lewdity stop!


Oh hey! Nioce! See the schedule-thing is working out for ya! Gratz!


File: 1524572852118.jpg (565.3 KB, 1080x2220, 20180424_072714.jpg)

I feel the need to write a fic on a Greasy Slut waitress. Are you ok with that, Shout?


if you do it, post it here!


This one's great, thanks for reposting it in FR everyone seemed to love it.



oooh that's cute, is there a sauce?


File: 1526638772224.png (434.57 KB, 1165x1406, ha ha this has nothing to ….png)

there was a draw prompt and I couldn't think of anything to do with the appropriate subject so I decided to be a stupid person


Still quite a good picture though.


TwInkie/PinkLight forever tho


when IRL shitposting backfires


damn, nothing more for months and months.


have hope, and persevere.
We will receive a boon sooner or later.


He's busy working on pokemon comics, they're all up on his tumblr page.


So this is where Shout has been posting all his pony art. It was absent from tumblr and couldn't really find any other sources

Love your work, Shout!


In case you haven't seen the previous thread



I'm assuming all of that is already on derpibooru, thought?




File: 1544825093172.png (2.06 MB, 1202x2565, teleports behind u.png)

been a while


It sure has! Glad to see you again, and damn, this is a high quality comic, even for you


Good to see you again.


Fluttershy: That’s for the buzzer incident, you mother fucker!


P-Part two? Please?


God I hope so.


File: 1545941463602.png (739.81 KB, 680x3174, christmas_colt_prompt.png)

i finished this back in mid december
one of the dumbest things i've ever done


I forget, what's the dumbest?


Is this place ded? Pls dont ded.


No, pretty sure Shout's just really busy.


ye he's working on a book-length comic while raising 3 kids, but I miss friday night horse art too



I want to see his kids faces when they discover dad's hobby :^)


It'll come back eventually.


File: 1552084013193-0.png (1.32 MB, 935x2886, HAPPY FRIDAY NIGHTver1.png)

File: 1552084013193-1.png (1.23 MB, 935x2886, HAPPY FRIDAY NIGHTver2.png)

Took me fucking long enough, right?


Better late than never!


You're a busy man, it's understandable.


Work faster, slave! And post to a site that isn't deader than ponychan.

Nah you're fine lad, take yer time


he does have twitter if that helps


File: 1552226966850.png (158.64 KB, 816x397, yes i was remarkably lazy ….png)

I've been meaning to get back into horse for a while now, and as we all know that their end will start in April, there are a few projects I want to complete before the end.

There are 3 more moms left, after all.


do not exhume the Pear


File: 1552682049601.png (606.92 KB, 1386x890, gamer pose.png)

can't get 100% completion without the pear


Jesus, I love this. Man is Fluttershy pissed…




Need more Greasy Slut pones!


File: 1554503688144.png (3.26 MB, 1000x7016, just two more to go.png)

hope the new season kicks off to a good start, and it doesn't make me unreasonably depressed

soon, i hope


>having a list
good art as always, though


i'm so happy to see you posting horse again shout.


some good ol' Applejack x Mac lewds when?


and worse


princest is wincest


Is Anon ever going to fuck anything? Cause all this teasing is unbearable…


well we already have some shout material with some close mother/daughter encounters so…

but then again I can bargain for any material with the main 6 moms actually getting some

like seriously I cant just fap to the same shinodage pics forever as much as I like those


speaking of shino, did he just abandon magic hands part 3 or what?


It's dead Jim.


thanks jim


adorable horses? fantastic!


File: 1560547118705.png (5.99 MB, 1074x9380, 5 outa 6.png)

bout time
just one more to go I guess


Love you Shout, full homo.



now IT IS happy friday night.

tnx dude, u r awesome


This is crazy good, I never thought someone could make Pinkie Pie's mom hot


The backgrounds… they look like they came straight from the show


Anon will never get laid. In the MLP world, in the Pokemon world, or any world.


Damn, much respect for her standing firm.
Ponk seems pretty dtf, or at least casual about his attempts to woo every milf.


This is incredible Shout.


guess that just leaves applejack's…mom…
uh… hmm…
is anon into GILFs?


there's always time travel, necromancy or necrophilia


watching anon go after these milfs instead of her might turn Fluttershy into an incel at this rate



hey I saw the comic of anon getting shout down by pinkie pie mom, an it got me think on a comic Idea you could to next. It starts with anon rejection from pinkie pie mom then him meeting up with a friend who would not just help him with pinkie pie mom but all six of the main ponies parents except for apple jack, which would require 4 wall break, which the friend does an teaches anon. From there the friend as anon for his and spike help to get the main six for them self. After anon help the friend the friend gives him item that will help even the most stubborn of ponies he all create the house in which anon will use to trap them in. Which will have no windows 1 door for escape an key which anon will have an either hid it or swallow it, there will also be ventilation, a bed and a fridge stock full of food for a 3 months then the rest is what you decide.


File: 1565210594036.png (77.46 KB, 339x290, sounds awful.png)



>taking no for an answer


Now I have to spend all day trying to find what this was cropped from.


an idw comic maybe?


what do you find wrong with this Idea and how can I fix it >>17179


it's creepily specific and it's not the coolest move to ask for free commissions from an artist in the first place


Why should he do it? It's a shitty cringey scenario that nobody besides you wants to see, let alone waste time/effort making.
Either pay someone else to draw it for you or learn to draw so you can do it yourself.
And learn some basic goddamn manners FFS.


File: 1566473487545.png (49.37 KB, 294x169, what the fuck.png)

Just to set things straight, I have no problem with people coming to me with ideas. Sometimes they can fester in my head and turn into something I actually want to draw. This has happened dozens of times in the past, and has lead to the greasy slut, teenage flurry, and many others.

Other than your idea being totally lacking in any creativity, I think the thing that offends me most is that you structure your sentences like a toddler. Leave.


File: 1566490450130.jpg (46.45 KB, 300x300, 1497882530882.jpg)

damn shout, let em know


interesting to hear about the origins of the greasy slut etc, I didn't know about that


There are two possibilities here gentlemen;
This newcomer is just a little kid or he's some full-grown manlet.
Both are horrifying concepts for their own reasons.


So anybody here see the leaks?


I'm guessing it's gen 5 leaks?


No the whole rest of the season had leaked, I would reccomend watching where you go if you want to avoid spoilers.


File: 1567446257319.jpg (29.83 KB, 710x552, 20190608_234351.jpg)

Stop digging deeper hole for your self


I don't know how he didn't get banned here, but got banned in the other thread.


by my reckoning it's because anyone who has the authority to ban him doesn't stop by often.


>He doesn't mind if people submit ideas

Applejack's Parents show up in her life again, and the answer to where they've been all this time is "never ask a crosseyed pegasus for directions."


File: 1570826360040-0.png (570.38 KB, 800x1200, 01.png)

File: 1570826360040-1.png (580.3 KB, 800x1200, 02.png)

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File: 1570826696248-0.png (663.88 KB, 800x1200, 11.png)

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File: 1570827199753-1.png (958.32 KB, 800x1200, 22.png)

File: 1570827199754-2.png (992.16 KB, 800x1200, 23.png)


File: 1570827398593-0.png (Spoiler Image, 563.55 KB, 800x1200, happyfridaynight.png)

the end


God bless you Shout, and thanks for sticking with us to the end of the ride.


Damn nigga what the fuck I thought you were taking time off or something, this is IDW-comic quality


That was amazing, thanks for what you do.


Don't damn him with faint praise, now. IDW's pony comics are a sea of mediocrity.


So damn wholesome. To an extent Anon hasn’t really earned Fluttershy’s forgiveness despite his comeuppance, but she’s the type to let a lot go. Great comic, I love Zecora’s role and her rhymes.

This. This comic is way above IDW quality.


File: 1570856418486.jpg (12.74 KB, 450x349, 15781294_1294361377294277_….jpg)

holy fuck shout you're a god



F for G4



I blame >>17171 for this


you're welcome… but I highly doubt he got the idea from me :3


This didnt age well.


It was a warning.


File: 1573671762163.webm (Spoiler Image, 401.88 KB, 500x281, Die 1000 Deaths.webm)

At least Shout got out before the true death.


I don't know, he could probably make a pretty good shitpost out of it.


holy shit I guess I'm out of the loop, this shit ain't official is it?


Regrettably so.


I'm gonna at least see how bad/bland it is.

A whole new show in fact. I think it's just to bridge the gap to the movie and it's just going to be for a year or two but you never know. It's interesting how leaky the show was that we really didn't much of a warning for all about this. You'd think, even if handled by a second team, that would've least mentioned it. Unless it was literally put together that fast.


File: 1574135657371.png (78.45 KB, 320x421, 5e94740d134edc2b1b248ad2fa….png)

oh god.
it's just teen titans go but for mlp.


Lmao never heard that analogy but it's fucking perfect


And after 9 seasons they never changed that god-damned theme song.


that's true for a few things, friends comes to mind


Here is a story nobody asked me:
>be me 20s year-old
>not watching mlp since the crystal baby princess was born
>today i remembered a comic about fluttershy at anons place
>looked it up
>found it at derpibooru
>derpibooru is a gift from above
>filtered by artist tag
>suddenly my screen is filled with specifically THE comics that put my sides in orbit during the golden brony age
>read them all in chronological order
>my sides are in orbit once again
>i feel sad looking at the posting dates
>suddenly posting dates dont exceed 2 years
>i start looking for source links
>instantly find one
>read mlpg.co and thought wtf was that where is 4chan
>thought i was going to find a 404 or a dead desu.archive mirror of kinds
>it led to this thread
>shoutingisfun is alive
>half an year ago on this very thread he mercilessly puked his opinions on an anon suggestion for him
>4 months ago he published the longest comic from him i've ever seen
>holy shit
>this shit is still alive
>i fucking love this fandom

Thanks for all the keks, shout.
Thanks for you people who kept lurking and feeding him so I could still read new things from him today.
After that "je m'appelle faguette" I'm afraid my sides will never come back so I write this with whatever time I got left before I bleed to death.






Check out the non-horse thread for more content my dude


I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about. Didn't see any non-horse Shout thread here.


seriously? Sheesh, do you have a lot of catching up to do.


Thanks man. Really appreciate it :D
A pity I'm not into pokemon. Still enjoyable.


So is this done? It's been a long while since anyone posted sadly


Shout's been posting elsewhere, but if he had pone to post he'd probably post it here.
This board itself is mostly quest traffic, and people using this as an art backup have stopped for whatever reason. Low audience exposure is the most likely.


File: 1685144661213.png (4.67 MB, 1289x5232, crackship.png)



oh hi shout


He's back.

Shout, I request more yellow quiet doodles!


I was starting to think that shouting was no longer fun. Thank god, man.


God damn. Lurked this thread and the main thread for years, and now i come back to see that it's dead. Shame. Fun while it lasted, though.

If the discord is still around, I'd appreciate a link. I understand if it's gone more private, though.


there is very little horse in it and Shout doesn't even usually post in it. It's gone the route of most artist discords they create to contain their adoring public (it's a tard cage while they go off to be in some other artist's discord instead)


File: 1698838716121-0.png (350.32 KB, 856x623, spookyhorses.png)

File: 1698838716121-1.png (77.5 KB, 477x304, pissoned.png)

they're still to fun to *not* draw together


they do play off each other very well.


File: 1713368687161.png (1.36 MB, 1556x2372, horse_shitpost_9999.png)



good twinkie
and she's right, there should be a book there.


I was afraid shouting was no longer fun. You have made my day.


Good to see you're still around shout. I entered this fandom from the fandom side and your art was some of the first pony content I enjoyed, before I even watched the show

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