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 No.740659[Last 50 Posts]

Last time, on Anno Castra…

The party set out from Ironcastle with their deliveries in tow, and bore witness to the awesome destruction of the land caused by the stampede of the Dreaded Ones. All the badlands to the north, east and west had been trampled and reshaped by the passage of the Dreaded Ones who were whipped into a frenzy by the Siren Singer's call. Crags and hills had been stamped flat, low valleys uprooted and shaped again into steep crags. Heaps of rubble and corpses of trampled Dreaded Ones lay underfoot. At least now this meant a somewhat easier passage from Ironcastle to their first stop.

They headed north over the trampled badlands, and found that the Old World town had been little affected by the stampedes, even though the land surrounding it had clearly been trampled. Why the town and the fortress was spared was unknown. It was getting late in the Cycle, so they decided to stop and rest here.

By the lakeside just south of the Abandoned Fortress, they saw a Helping Hoof, an Old World tankpony robot, designed for household cleaning and defense. It had just slain a pair of Sightseers, and took up residence in the Fortress. After some deliberation, the party went to the Fortress to investigate. There, the robot ambushed Zamrud, but seemed to be asking him for directions in Old Equish. It sought to know where it was in relation to a place called "Canterlot," a term unknown to the party. They discovered that the robot had a function for learning new languages and regional dialects, and so they spent the rest of this Cycle teaching it modern Equish by providing audio samples.

Good decided to give it a "Spicy Señorita" accent. Its ultimate accent would be determined by the aggregate of the audio samples provided, so other party members still have a chance to influence it in that regard, if desired.


Your alarms beep for 0600 hours. Your rest was peaceful and uneventful, overall. Good, who took the first shift, saw nothing of note out on the horizon, and in general it seemed that this stretch of the badlands lay almost totally abandoned since the passage of the Siren Singer.

The second watch, overseen by Zamrud, was similarly without note. The only real issue was the number of bugs that needed to be chased away from the campsite, as they had been attracted by the crumbs following the mishap that was the grilled cheese and bisque. At least the bugs seemed to like it.

As you rise and collect yourselves, you see the Helping Hoof rolling around the perimeter of the Abandoned Fortress, having apparently begun a shift of guard duty on its own initiative.


Likely if Grutar had any audio samples, it was clips of dogs like him getting into scuffles or getting into not really fatal but still relatively painful AND comedic accidents. The whole time Grutar laughing at the videos while he told the machine of different similar incidents he has had or his friends have had.


Such programs were surprisingly popular between 20 and 30 years ago, and as such, there are ample archives of footage, highlight reels, "Best of" compilations, and the like, along with amateur submissions that never made the final cut for these programs. The Helping Hoof watched with silent rapt the previous night as it studied your samples.


Good had done his best over the course of his shift to put on an effeminate sounding voice and an accent to try and help the robot learn while he kept watch. While the first task was easy due to his normally soft spoken and slightly high pitched voice, his accent skills needed a bit of work.

He stirred and popped some water from his canteen to wash the nasty taste of morning breath and what remained of the previous nights less than decent meal.


>If the accent was wanted, the griffon could've been convinced to offer up some of his voice as a sample for something more fitting to what the party was looking for.

The griffon arises rather early, as he always does. He's ready to go whenever the party decides.


Trajan hops out of his little sleeping-place, rising along with the others. He looks up at you and clicks his claws as a manner of greeting.


Good smiled and reached into his pouch and pulled some rations out to split with his little buddy for a quick meal.


Qhapaq looks down at the scorpion and clacks his talons together in response.


When Grutar manages to wake up, he would go through a usual routine of taking his rations and then making sure all of his equipment is on him at the ready.


Little ol Billy waves his hand at the group while rubbing at his eyes with his other claw as he lifts himself from the world of dreams. "Goodmorning." He states out loud in a yawn.


The next morning, after Zamrud begrudgingly cleans up after his somewhat disappointing show of a dinner last night, he rises bright and early to see over the others, stretching his limbs and trying to whip together some simple eggs and hash-browns for a quick to-go breakfast as he looks about their campgrounds within the Fortress.

"Hope you all slept well last evening. We have another long day ahead of us."
After he finishes cooking, he goes and looks for the Helping Hoof, curious how its compilation came along last evening following his Equish lessons and the others' attempt at providing it with an exotic accent.


After checking that your equipment and deliveries are intact, not robbed, and ready to go, you set out for the Fortress's front entrance once more, and once you are there, the Helping Hoof comes around the corner, its one eye lighting up a friendly shade of blue.

"Buenos días, señores," it says in a somewhat ambiguous voice, neither male nor female. "I seem to be having trouble locating the coffee maker. Please present your coffee maker in front of the retinal scanner now so that I can whip up a fresh pot this morning."

These terms – días and morning – hold no meaning for you, strange words that you can't recall ever having taught it.

>when ready to depart, Zamrud roll 1d100


Upon hearing the notion of coffee, Grutar starts to look around to the others. "Wha-… Coffee? Did one of you bring a coffee maker with you and didn't tell me?!" He seemed annoyed at the idea of someone hiding all the coffee for themselves, especially in the morning.


Billy decides to wave at the machine amused, announcing his own feelings with a giggle. "Well ain't that something new, did any of you do that?" He asked pointing to the bot before them.


"Perhaps it simply remembers things from… whatever its original purpose was intended to be. I, for one, do not have a coffee maker."


Well I assume its trying to learn." he went looking on his magicomp for videos that might have the accent needed to match the words. He assumed those were words associated with the accent on context.


"Can robots remember things? They don't strike me as the type to do so?" Billy can't help but think out loud in a question.


As he meets up with the Helping Hoof, Zamrud rubs his chin, intrigued by the odd vernacular. "Odd… I do not think we covered those in our lessons. But, regardless," he smiles, "It is a pleasure to be able to hold a conversation with you in a modern language. I have a few items I use to brew coffee in the morning, if you'd care to use them."

"Now, we have to be getting on fairly soon, but unless you have anywhere more important to be, would you care to travel with us? Considering how you handled the Dreaded Ones in this area, I think your company would make us all feel a good bit safer."

[1d100] When ready, here's the roll

Always prepared, Zamrud shows off a few items from his camping kit: a simple bean-grinder, a can of 'Ebirony' beans, and the camping stove he uses to heat the water. "Doesn't beat the sort I tend to brew in the kitchen, but when on the road, I find it pulls through in a pinch."

Roll #1 100 = 100


[1d100] Non rigged

Roll #1 8 = 8


[100] test


Good references again and again the archives of text, audio and video media stored upon his comp. Every comp assigned to those with clearance to explore the Outlands receives a veritable library of such content, a few terabytes in size, to help them interpret any comparable Old World fixtures they come across – signs, machines, and the like.

However, Good searches for every possible spelling of 'dias' and 'morning,' but turns up only a small collection of hits each time. Said hits exclusively consist of declassified records of mythology relating to supposed technological feats of the ancients, known as "The Moon" and "The Sun." Strange devices they supposedly were, Lamps much like those each of you now carries. Artist renderings depict them as rectangular or cylindrical devices, propped on high mountains by miles and miles of sprawling black wires.

As Zamrud offers his coffee-making technology, the machine's eyes blink. "Please present your coffee maker in front of the retinal scanner now so that I can whip up a fresh pot this morning."


He huffed and frowned and began to look up Senorita since that was a word he knew and others knew. That might get some audio logs worth looking for. He'd query the bot later about the meaning of those other words when it didn't sound quite so creepy.


"I…" he says in confusion, looking at the tools he provided. "If you mean a proper coffee machine, I'm afraid it's rather difficult to carry one on our excursions. We wouldn't even have an outlet, most of the time."

"If these items won't do, then you do not need to worry about it. If you don't mind my asking, I was curious about the conversation we were holding yesterday: you mentioned you were 'lost'?"


"Did you manage to rest well." Billy asks good heading toward him at a slow wobbly pace.


Qhapaq nods a little bit when Zamrud speaks up about being 'lost', waiting patiently to hear about what exactly's up.


Grutar grins widely when he catches sight of the chance at some morning coffee. "Now that's what I like to see!" He says, before offering to get some beans grinded up and some water boiled for a nice brew before they had to go.

Grutar leans in and whispers quite loudly. "Do you think it's trying to make a joke?"


Zamrud smiles as he goes at the grinder, "I honestly do not think I would survive the Outlands without it."

As he whispers to him about the Helping Hoof, he whispers back, "I hazard a guess that this machine was not programmed for sarcasm."


He looked up and beamed at Billy "About as well as I could my friend."


Billy returns the smile. "Happy to hear my friend." He nods.


Your search returns many results from Bronzecastle, where it seems that much of the media you "studied" when placed before your home computer originated, brought over by traveling import merchants. Bronzecastle's citizens speak mostly Horspanol, and where ponies maintain a slight racial majority in Ironcastle, donkeys and Vola maintain a majority in Bronzecastle. They are known for being industrious, playing the accordion, and having livers of steel – or bronze, as it were.

"I am assigned to–"

The robot's voice catches slightly, and pauses. "FETCHING DATABASE RECORDS…"

A few seconds pass. Perhaps its internal circuitry requires repairs. "The Grand and Holy Patriarchate of the Fourth Boreal Empire of Canterlot. My GPS shows that I am… ERROR: UNDEFINED… kilometers from my assigned domicile. Do you think you could help point me in the right direction?"

'GPS' – another strange term. Perhaps it could be related to DPS, or Diskos Positioning System, which your comps use to map out your current position.

Once that discussion ends, you set out for the northeast.

As you travel along, the Helping Hoof follows along with you. It does not chime in on your conversations, generally speaking only when spoken to. Even then, it seems capable of only offering canned responses, no more advanced than a chatbot. It periodically stops and scans things in the environment, and an automated message plays, indicating its attempts at re-calibrating its GPS, only to fail.

About four Cycles pass in naught but slow and steady travel. After about the middle of the third Cycle, the stony and rough hills of the badlands gives way to lower, more even land. The earth underhoof becomes soft, and all is permeated by a cool moisture that defies the natural geothermic warmth of the luminescence that the earth usually produces. Near the end of the third Cycle, you notice clumps of mushrooms growing from the earth, in small gathered patches. Upon the horizon loom higher silhouettes, outlined by your armorsuits' visibility filters.


At around 0800 hours, on the fifth Cycle since your departure from Ironcastle, you reach the boundary of a most unusual forest, made entirely of mushrooms, some of which stretch to the size of the sequoias grown in Ironcastle's Orchards. Even higher above the caps of the mushrooms, comes a mist-like vapor, which hangs in the air, coloring all with a faint, ghostly blue light.

There is no semblance of a clear path anywhere about you, but on a hill high above, you can see the outline of a rough and small shed. You cannot see an easy way to get up to it.
At about 0800 hours on the fifth Cycle,


Good had spent a good chunk of the trip finding those voices which spoke the tongue to which he was more accustomed to in the Bronzecastle accent and played the audio to the Robot from time to time as he found decent ones.

Upon reaching the fungi forest though he was a bit stumped "Would some aerial views maybe help us forward?"


Grutar starts to ponder more about the mushrooms, wondering if he has ever seen this in his ventures before and observes it longer to figure out what they may be. Possibly if they can eat them too.

>Figure out uses for mushrooms?


Roll #1 4 = 4


"Hrm… from what I can imagine, the robot may be attempting to use something that simply isn't avialable anymore. Perhaps, if we have the time, we could let it see the 'DPS' we have? Maybe it will recognize the terrain or landscape of where it is, if nothing else- this could help it find this 'Canterlot'." he suggests, humming a little in thought.

"Hrm… if needbe, I could get airborne and try to get a better view." the griffon says, flapping his wings a couple of times. "Though, that mist…"
>[1d10] Knowledge roll

Roll #1 9 = 9


Billy points to the mushroom. "Do you think these mushrooms would be safe to eat? I do have a strong stomach for these things."


"The Fourth Boreal Empire of Canterlot… fascinating." Zamrud does not recognize the name immediately, but is nevertheless made infinitely curious about this lost country.

"Well, I am afraid you are indeed a far way from your home: I do not know how to direct you towards it. Might I recommend traveling with us, and perhaps we can piece together some clues on to where that may be."

After a long four days of travel through the Outlands, Zamrud perseveres, keeping to the safest routes along their journey towards the destination for their package as he keeps a constant eye out for trouble, following his instincts for spotting out danger.

Upon the fifth Cycle when they reach the edge of the forest, Zamrud looks up in curiosity at the tree-tall Mushrooms, turning his head in curiosity. "Fascinating… what could be making this fungi grow to such a size?" Curious, he tries to pull off a small piece of one of the stalks to study for later.

"It might, Good, but I agree with Qhapaq. I do not like the looks of that mist coming off of the caps, it might be some sort of toxic spore they release."

"You read my mind, Billy. Imagine the flavor of a gigantic stuffed mushroom using one of these specimens…"


"Muchas gracias for your assistance," the Helping Hoof says. It patiently studies Good's archival footage of raucous, spirited Bronzecastle mariachi.

It strikes you that you have not yet named this robot, or if it has given you its name.

Qhapaq recognizes the larger mushrooms above, and the mist they produce. But first, some backtracking. It is more than likely that this forest you are in is not made of mushrooms, but a mushroom. What appear to be multiple organisms are in fact one single organism, bound and fed by the same tangle of roots underneath – a single composite mushroom that paradoxically can even contain multiple species of mushroom.

To get to the point, the mushrooms above are Proavus Cathedra, and produce a mist that is hallucinogenic if inhaled in large quantities. Grutar recognizes the mushrooms below, distinguished by their flatter and more colorful caps, as Progenies Cathdra, which are generally safe to eat but not very tasty.


"Well, if anyone needs more rations, we can always collect some of the mushrooms there. Taste may not be the best but hey, neither is some of the strongest drinks!" Grutar says, ready to pluck a few of the more edible mushrooms he finds should the party decide to head that way.


"Hey hey, taste isn't everything. The texture might be nice. I have had a few foods like that before. So I think they would be worth grabbing." He sticks his tongue out from the side of his mouth.


"Ah." the griffon says, blinking. "This is a single mushroom, in a way- they are all connected, in spite of the different types." the griffon says, pointing to the ground. "As for scouting above… I do not think it would be wise. The mist is being produced by the very large mushrooms, and in large amounts it can be a potent hallucinogenic. The mist is sometimes used for various practices among the Aya, though we should limit our exposure.


He made a note of this but figured it'd be better to let someone else name the robot as he had already named the scorpion he considered his friend and battle brother.

That is true, I suppose caution would be good. Also do you have any idea what we should call our mechanical friend here?"


"Right…" he says, not quite sure what 'muchas gracias' itself means but assuming by the tone it's appreciative.

"Out of curiosity, what do we call you? I know you are a 'Helping Hoof' but, do you have a designation? A moniker?"

"Agreed. Few ingredients taste good when eaten raw, given the right spices and amount of heat I would think these could make a delicious treat." He says, grabbing at a few of the 'Proavus' as well.

"These are all connected to the same mushroom? What an organism, I can barely imagine the mass."

"Good call on the mist, Qhapaq. I agree: let's make due on foot best we can, if we find ourselves in more dire straights we can chance an aerial scout later. You said it is only in large amounts? Suppose holding your breath while going through it should be safe enough then?"


"You may call me… ERROR: FILE CORRUPT… what can I call you?" the robot answers.


"You may call me Zamrud. As to your name… I am afraid that is somewhat difficult for me to pronounce. Would you accept a new one?"


"Holding our breath would indeed help, yes. It would likely be best to avoid doing it until necessary, since we do not know where else within this tangled mass the mist may lie. I am quite hardy, so if it is for the best, I will scout."


"To add a new nickname, please say 'Nickname Entry Protocol,' followed by my new nickname. Please note that it may take up to 15 minutes for me to recognize my new nickname."


"Fair enough…" he pauses, looking to Good. "Well, it would appear it's in need of one. Any suggestions, young Lord?"

"Right, but as you said: avoid doing it until necessary. We just entered the woods, let's not count ourselves out just yet."


I surrender to you my friend. It would be selfish to name all of our companions myself."

Ah I see. I would be remiss if you were hurt because I asked you to fly there. I suppose we should search for a path to that shed by foot."


"I am ok with not giving a nickname, I doubt I can come up with anything better than you guys can." Billy mentioned out to the group.


You proceed on hoof to the cabin, somewhat tricky business now, for the ground underneath is not only hilly and raised, but covered with clusters of mushrooms now. Your robot follows along, crushing the mushrooms underneath with its treads.

The cabin lacks a front door, and several of its panels are missing as well. It seems to have been empty for quite a while. Inside is the remnant of a bed, devoid of all but a mattress, and across from it is a typewriter, two standing combination lockers, and a small cloth bag. While everything in the cabin appears immeasurably old, covered with a patina of rust and dust, the cloth bag looks relatively new.


"Hrm. Perhaps someone else is passing through here- this bag is very much so not like its surroundings." the griffon notes, looking around for anything else, inside or outside of the cabin, that might look recent.
>Perception [1d10]

Roll #1 1 = 1


While Grutar searches for as much as he can grab, he keeps a watchful eye out for any dangers or treasures that he may find along the way.

>Plucking Edible Mushrooms while looking around


Roll #1 8 = 8


Good looked around and decided to try his luck and opening the lockers by means of brute force or even some of his magic to help achieve the feat.


Roll #1 1 = 1



Following the example of his friend he decides to try and pry open the metal boxes. Kinda like a treasure chest that lacks decor.


Roll #1 1 = 1


"Really? Me?" Zamrud says, rubbing his chin as he thinks of this development. "Hmmm… well, I could give it a shot."

He turns towards the Helping Hoof, "Nickname Entry Protocol," he says, before taking a few moments to consider a name.
>still thinking of a name, will post separate so as not to hold up the game

As they spot out a cabin ahead, Zamrud follows the group over the rough terrain, looking ahead with curiosity at what it is doing here. "Hmmm… I wonder how long this cozy little hovel has been standing here?"

[1d10+1] Perception
[1d10] Alleycat

Roll #1 9 + 1 = 10 / Roll #2 4 = 4


As the party members gather around the lockers, there is a sudden and loud crashing from above, and a heavy, nail-filled board snaps and falls from the ceiling, cracking down onto Billy, Good and Qhapaq. Each of them lose 1 Wound. After the board falls, you hear a rapid skittering and a babbling, clicking sound. Some hideous, deformed little creature, probably a Dreaded One, barely larger than a mushroom, runs out from the cabin into the misty forest.

It's as you follow the trajectory of this small Dreaded One out the door that you see another small figure, a pony wearing a hood, standing at the threshold. She appears to be a filly, judging by her stature, but most strangely, she isn't wearing an armorsuit. It's as you look at her arm, which is aloft and holding mushrooms in the crook, that you can see she is naught but bone – a skeleton. She looks at you briefly, and from beneath her hood, there is a brief telekinetic glow.

An old-world shotgun floats out from the side of her cloak, and points at each of you. She clatters her teeth in a mimicry of speech, but you cannot understand what she is saying, if anything.


Good let out a cry of pain as he was suddenly impaled by nails and partially crushed, Though he quickly moved to stand between the skeleton and his friends

"Oh uh, hello there. I'm sorry we didn't know this was your home, we thought it was abandoned." he said trying to fill the door enough to take any kind of shot head on.


>Have an idea on the name but will introduce it after this scene

As the board falls away and lands on Good, Bily, and Qhapaq, Zam's eyes light up with alarm, as he reaches for his sachsum. "Dreaded One! Everyone keep sharp."

He follows the creature outside, looking to see where it goes before his attention is drawn to the filly standing not too far away. This disarms Zamrud at first as he cautiously approaches, only for him to double-back with shock as he sees the filly is naught but a skeleton.

As she prepares the shot-gun, Zamrud raises his knife to bear, but keeps the other hand out. "Hold your fire, miss. We did not come here to start a fight."


"Ouch!" Billy loudly exclaims as he was attacked by the building. As he gets back up and spots the skeleton filly he makes another exclamation. "Huh, who is this?"


Qhapaq says something- likely a curse, though not in a language that's understood- as the board bonks him on the head. He hisses softly and touches the wound softly, as if to check the severity. Within seconds, though, the wound seals itself shut. It's like he never got hit in the first place.
>Accelerated Healing: As an Automatic action (Recharge 3), you may further accelerate your body's regeneration, restoring full hits or a single wound if already at full hits.

When Qhapaq looks back to what was going on, he looks at the shotgun with a mild amount of concern. Since she has yet to say anything, or can't say anything at all, the masked griffon simply dips his head in apologies, before holding a hand up cautiously.


Qhapaq will gently step in front of Good Intentions, trying to remain as nonthreatening as possible.


The filly backs away a few paces, but continues to jaw away, the movements of her mouth becoming more pronounced and seemingly agitated. And then, to make matters worse, the blue eye of the Helping Hoof turns red, and it turns its head toward the filly…

[1d10+2] Mystery roll, wait for result

Roll #1 8 + 2 = 10


Grutar returns from his mushroom hunting venture and spots the skeleton, he's about ready to smack that gun right away seeing it being pointed at each of Grutar's friends. But he takes a quick moment to try and figure out what exactly this thing is in the first place.
>Knowledge Roll

Roll #1 4 = 4


All in all, she looks like she could be a real threat. You can't see much of her, for her hood and cloak are rather oversized.

Each of you receives a ping on your magicomps, and the screen indicates that it's sent by the Helping Hoof, judging by the serial number displayed as the sender of the message. It forcibly downloads an attachment, sending your virus scanners into a frenzy. Suddenly, a voice plays from your comps.

"…y'all varmints gonna git it if you can't lissin t' some basi' direct'shns and quit snoopin' in my claim!"

A synthesized voice, but one of a filly. The filly leans in to get a better look at your comps. "What inna… you recordin' this? Ain't gonna stop me from givin' you a few extra eyes if you mean trouble."


"Oh no we assure you mam we mean you no harm. We just didn't understand you until our friend there helped us. We will happily leave your home." he said putting on his polite voice and doing his best to try and come across friendly despite the pain he was in.


"Ah! I suppose the Helping Hoof can translate." the griffon says, smiling a little. He turns back to the skeletal mare, before cocking his head to the side. "We have difficulty understanding you, without the robot's help. We did not mean to intrude, and would be fine leaving."


Grutar is like any other dog from Zinccastle, they don't take kindly to threats and especially ones that are made when in the outlands. "If you don't stop wavin' that thing around, I'm going to break it before it even hits the ground!" He barks at her, letting the creature know he's about ready to bite back if they keep waving their weapon around at his allies.


Billy scrunches his face at the lingo not quite understanding the meaning behind it but understanding the intent. "Well I didn't expect this, but I honestly was expecting to find the unexpected. Does that count?" He taps his chin.


Grutar I understand your anger but let's try to make friends here. She might be able to help us."


As the Helping Hoof's eyes turn read, and it makes ready to look like it's charging the skeleton, Zamrud looks to it with alarm, "Hold on! Do NOT engage, I-"

He is interrupted by the ping on his magicomp, suddenly listening to the rather 'colorful' southern tongue coming through on their computers.
He smiles widely, looking to Qhapaq. "I do think you're correct, Qhapaq. Well done!" He says to the Helping Hoof, before stating out its new name. "Señorita."

He turns to look towards the skeleton filly after hearing her translation, shaking his head. "Not a recording, a translation. I apologize if we stepped onto your property, we had no idea it was already claimed. Though…" he looks her up and down, "I must say if we did, we did not imagine its owner would look quite like you. You are a skeleton?"


"I don't make friends easily with someone threatenin' me or my pals."


I Understand Grutar, but we did invade her home. She has a right to be a bit peeved."


Grutar grumbles a bit before he speaks back up. "Well if she goes peppering you with a round, don't say I didn't warn you!"


"Threaten me again and I'll pop you and let that tool of yers rust in the garden shed," the filly retorts, undaunted.

The filly looks at you, then at the delivery packages that you carry, for the packages themselves are about her own size as well. She then focuses on Zamrud. "And y'all couriers are in the wrong neck of town. This here's th' Ghostroot Forest. That stampede from a few weeks back is still bein' felt around these parts. Dreaded One territories have been thrown all out of whack lately, got a lot more roamers around here, lookin' to stake a claim. That varmint dropped from the ceiling's probably one of 'em. And that's not even to mention those bandit sightings."

After a bit more hesitation, she lowers the shotgun, but makes sure it remains visible at her side. "How much you folks willin' to pay to ensure your goods get to their destination on time?"


Er I assume you are asking for a toll to pass through your lands safely? I assume you are one of these Death Knights or Necromancers we have been informed live in this area?" he asked as he moved closer and took a seat on the ground.


"Ah- yes, we barely missed being caught in the stampede ourselves. Were you, uhm… caught in it?" he asks, before humming a tad. "As for the other part, I believe I will leave that to my friend, Zamrud."


"Do we really need to pay, I think we have been getting along well as we are now with a few hiccups here and there, but nothing impossible so far. Though the guarantee does sound good." Billy sits on his thoughts for a while.


"HAH! JOKES ON YOU, THIS TOOL IS MY ARM!" Grutar says with a guffaw.


"The Ghostroot Forest." He says, looking about the many towering mushrooms. "An appropriate name. I can certainly understand how such a tumultuous event such as the stampede could shake things up around here, I am particularly curious as to what 'bandits' you are referring to."

As Qhapaq asks him how much he's willing to pay to see their goods get through on time, he turns a brow up at the filly. "It depends. How much difficulty would we have to deal with were we not to pay anything?"
[1d10] Alleycat to detect danger

Roll #1 7 = 7


"Nah, Granpaw's egg-ray-gores done a fairly good job of keepin' 'em at bay. Every now and again one of 'em might slip through the cracks, though we are on th' edge of th' territory. Bound to have a few here and ther'."

"Y' got my condolences, then, stranger."

Zamrud's getting some bad vibes from this whole situation, and in fact this entire region. A lack of paths indicates that it's rarely traveled, but as they've heard and seen, the dangers of the Outlands are not limited to the tangible and the visible. Getting through on their own would be significantly more dangerous without a guide than with, in any case.

"It'll be a real pain gettin' through without a guide. Fer a smaller fee, I can tell the guards that you're to be let through, but they won't offer you any more help than that. But if yer lookin' to get past all the bandits on the other end of the territory, you'll want an escort. If yer interested, I can put you through to Granpaw hisself."



I suppose this Granpaw would be worth meeting if only to have an ally in this land. What do the rest of you think?" he turned to look at the rest "It may be a risk but I think it'd be better than braving a potential Dreaded one herd."


"I don't like any of this, Lads. And I don't exactly wanna buy what they're sellin'. They'll probably be just as likely to wave their weapons in our faces."



"Huh, that does sound quite nice. Do they use a different type of currency out here. I can't quite remember though." He looks to good.


They might be willing to accept ours, I do believe that I have some left over."


"Right. I thought these woods might be difficult to navigate, particularly with the mist above making aerial scouting troublesome. And what's more, beyond simply getting lost, AND the potential of dealing with bandits, there are more of your people out there running tolls that will prevent us from passing through should we not pay." He says, very wary of the whole affair.

"Out of curiosity, what are your rates? The smallest for simply passing by your people, and the full sum for hiring your personal services as an escort?"

"Personally, the whole deal feels like an extortion racket. I'm not only skeptical of their claim to this land, she doesn't immediately strike me as the most trustworthy either. Though, as the young Lord pointed out, it might do us better to be courteous with locals, particular given we're transporting valuables. Let's at least see what her rates are before we make any hasty decisions."


"If you all think a guide would be wise, I will not object. Shady or no, better knowledge of the Outland is vital."


"You Castle folk use Schillings, right?" the filly asks. "We've taken those before. Ain't a whole lot of trouble, that. But I can't answer on th' rates. Depends who you are and what you're carryin and how far you're goin'. On th' whole, Granpaw will take care of that. In the end, it's his call anyway whether you'll even get some help. But, I ain't seen him turn a soul down yet. If you come up short, maybe there's some work he needs doin'."


I see, well then I suppose it would be best to meet this Granpaw so we may can figure out how much we might owe him."


"As long as the side job doesn't take too long for us to finish our quest I don't mind doing it. What does gunpaw usually ask of creatures?" He pipes up with a question.


"Well… I'm with you lads with whatever choices you end up going with. Even if I might not like it." Grutar says, assuring he'll be cooperative and prepared to do almost whatever it takes to support the group.


Zamrud nods contemplatively to Qhapaq, before turning to look at the filly again. "We do indeed use schillings. At any rate, it sounds as though we need to conduct our business directly with this 'Granpaw' gentlemen? In which case, would you be so kind as to lead us to him so we may discuss it in person?" He says, being careful not to mention exactly what it is they carry.

"If it is any consolation, Grutar, I am not a particularly big fan of it either. But the best path to take is usually the one of least resistance."


Qhapaq nods a little in agreement, staying silent for now.


"Farmin'. Cleanin'. Reattunin' the egg-ray-gores. Always somethin' needs doin' around here, and only so much he trusts others to do. Most of it he wants done himself. Ain't much of a Necromancer."

The filly nods as you agree to go see this 'Granpaw' she mentioned. "Go on and step aside and let me get my bag, and I'll take you right over. Oh, and the stuff in the lockers ain't mine. We don't really consider this part of our territory. You can go ahead and take it if you want."

>you can make two attempts to break into the lockers, or take another look around the cabin for anything else of note.

Once your business in the cabin concludes, the filly turns and directs you to follow her. She digs in her cloak, and produces a wand, of sorts. It's more like a chunk of mushroom stalk, and is nearly as thick as her very arm. She points it at the mushrooms before her, and they recede into the earth, allowing her and you to pass over them without difficulty. They rise again once you're past.

After about a two hours' walk through the mushroom forest, you come to a chainlink fence that runs through the forest. Behind it sits a tall donkey skeleton wearing heavy armor. He nods as you approach, and opens the gate for your entrance. Beyond the fence lies a vast yard, and a series of connected farmhouses that comprise a somewhat homely and humble estate. Farmworker skeletons of various races work the fields, growing special clusters of moss, roots and mushrooms for produce. Certain skeletons work with the aid of giant snails, about Qhapaq's size, who lug around carts and the like as beasts of burden.

"Granpaw!" the filly hollers as you approach the doublewide doors of the central farmhouse. She tilts her head. "Prob'ly in the back. Granpaw!"

After a moment, the doors creak open, an unexpected figure slides from the darkness. Out steps a buffalo skeleton, all shrouded in black, save for his prominent horns, and his magnificent ivory skull. The air chills as he approaches, and your bodies instinctively tense, with every one of your hairs standing up on end at the sight of him.

'Granpaw,' as he's called, says nothing to you, sizing you up at first, but especially la Senorita. Granpaw is about eye level with Grutar, but if you count his back, he's about as tall as Qhapaq.


"Right, let us take a look around for anything of use, then we may be on our way. Also, I do not think you gave us your name, Miss-?"

[1d10+1] Looking around the cabin for anything else of note

They follow the filly as she lowers the mushroom stalks in front of them, causing him to look behind with awe. "Interesting…"

When they reach the village, he looks around at all the various skeletons hard at work, a small, surprised smile appearing on his face. "They're ALL skeletons. Incredible, what sort of sorcery is at work here?"

When the filly calls ahead to the central farm house, he turns his head to look at the buffalo skeleton, eyes widening as he feels all the hairs on his tail stand up at once. Urging himself to be calm, he is the first to break the silence, offering a courteous bow. "Hello. I take it you might be Granpaw?"

Roll #1 8 + 1 = 9


[1d10] Locker break in attempts

He froze a bit as he looked at the skeleton "Well… it's a pleasure to meet you sir, my names Good Intentions, I heard you might be able to help us cross these lands and deliver a package." he said holding out a hoof to shake.

Roll #1 5 = 5 / Roll #2 1 = 1


Locker attempts

Roll #1 6 = 6 / Roll #2 5 = 5


Grutar goes ahead and revs up his drill, getting ready to break through the locks to pop open the lockers. "Well, at least this will help keep my mind off things."

>Open lockers Attempt #1

>Open lockers Attempt #2

Roll #1 4 = 4 / Roll #2 7 = 7



Billy just gives a nervous wave from the back of his group quite unsure what to say in this predicament to make a good first impression.


"Is everyone else okay? That wooden plank sounded like it hit more than just me." the griffon says, ruffling his wings a little bit.

After being told it's okay, the griffon will try each of the lockers.
>Attempt 1 [1d10+1]
>Attempt 2 [1d10+1]

The trip through the estate is… interesting, to say the least. Qhapaq gives the giant snails a curious look before moving on, trying to keep from falling behind. His wings are more ruffled out than usual, but his expression is unreadable through his mask. He doesn't say anything upon seeing the buffalo skeleton, but does dip his head in greeting.

Roll #1 10 + 1 = 11 / Roll #2 7 + 1 = 8


"Rind," the filly answers.

Zamrud gets the first locker open, and Grutar manages to get the second one open. The first locker contains a bag of gemstones of various kinds, jewelry, and golden coins – 30 coins in total. This looks like the result of some kind of small-time Old World robbery.

In the second locker, Grutar finds two crates, each about 3x3 feet in size. Inside, the crates are packed with an alarming amount of blasting sticks. They're old and inert now, but with a little chemical treatment, they could be armed once more. Even in this state, they're worth a shiny Schilling indeed.

As for Qhapaq, since the others have already excavated the lockers, he looks about in the rest of the cabin, and sees the glint of something under the floorboards below the sparse bed. It's an easy thing to pry the termite-chewed boards apart, and it's there, submerged in dirt, that he finds a lockbox about 1 foot wide and long.


After sizing each of you up, Granpaw's mouth lowers itself, but he speaks without moving it further. His voice pours from it like a current of oil.

"Yer a long way from yer shelter, couriers of Ironcastle," he begins. "Goin' to trade with the Mutants, ain'tcha."

He looks down at Good, then at the packages you carry. "Set 'em down afore me."


Good paused and decided to oblige him as he felt a bit of a chill but he decided it would be best to go along with him and cooperate.

"Well the Aya but yes sir."

Good turned and looked back to his friend as he could see that he had some tension visibly radiating off his form.


After opening up the locker, Zamrud takes a look at all the jewels and coins hidden away, counting them up before putting them away, intending to split them for later among the group since finding them in the locker was a group effort.

Zamrud takes note of the ruffled state of his friend, moving to his side to check in. "Is everything alright, Qhapaq? You seem nervous."

Zamrud's hairs continue to itch, but he forces a smile. "You're quite observant, Granpaw. We are indeed from Ironcastle, and heading for the tribelands for such a purpose."

As he asks him to put down the packages they carry, Zamrud holds up a paw in front of Good, dissuading him from doing so. "Thank you for having us in your village. I am Zamrud Permata Bahasa. Miss Rind was kind enough to explain that you were willing to offer us passage through your territory, and possibly provide escort, for a nominal fee. Would you be willing to discuss such a matter?"


Good paused and gulped as he decided to let Zam take the lead for now.


Grutar grins at his find, making sure he has to keep these safe, he pops open Safey and decides to store the blasting sticks inside.


"Quite lucky we finally managed to get these things open, surprised by the amount of trouble the chest gave us." he laughs a bit at himself.


Qhapaq tucks the lockbox away into his saddlebag after brushing it off.

Qhapaq bristles slightly, but otherwise doesn't react. He sets his pack down, but his large talons don't leave it.

"Later." he says, taking a moment to tuck his wings back in.


Zamrud is able to distribute 4 gemstones and 6 golden coins per party member, minus la Senorita.

Granpaw's skull turns toward Zamrud, who can feel the temperature subtly drop around him. "Depends what you're carryin', son. Get tribe bandits in disguise comin' round here, 'gain and again. Moving drugs. Weapons. People. Bad news for the ranch, t' get tangled up in business like that."


Qhapaq stays quiet, as before. Whether or not they show the supplies is up to the others, but he bristles a little bit more.


Last time, on Anno Castra…

The party learned that their new robot companion, La Senorita, was from a placed called he Grand and Holy Patriarchate of the Fourth Boreal Empire of Canterlot – perhaps best abbreviated as Canterlot. Not one of the party had heard of such a land, nor did their Magicomps have any information upon the topic. It also spoke using strange terms – dias and morning – that none in the party had taught it. Their Magicomps contained reference to those terms in their database of mythologies; the terms seemed to be associated with the mythical 'Moon' and 'Sun' spoken of in Mendicant Rudolph's manifesto, but their exact meaning was unknown.

La Senorita was a long way from home, so much so that its pathfinding system could not calculate the distance back to this "Canterlot." In any case, it seemed amenable to an alliance, and so it joined the party.

From there, they set out from the Abandoned Fortress, traveling for four more Cycles, until they at last reached the Ghostroot Forest, a sort of halfway point to their destination. As they explored an empty shack on the forest's boundary, they met a skeleton filly by the name of Rind, who accosted them with an Old World shotgun. They managed to talk her down, however, and learned that she lived at a farm with her Granpaw not too far from here. She floated the idea that he may be able to offer them some form of protection in the form of an escort through the forest. The party decided to investigate, and went with Rind to meet this Granpaw.

Oh, and as it turned out, Granpaw – a massive buffalo skeleton wreathed in deep black robes – was a Necromancer.


Zamrud is able to distribute 4 gemstones and 6 golden coins per party member, minus la Senorita.

Granpaw's skull turns toward Zamrud, who can feel the temperature subtly drop around him. "Depends what you're carryin', son. Get tribe bandits in disguise comin' round here, 'gain and again. Moving drugs. Weapons. People. Bad news for the ranch, t' get tangled up in business like that."


Huh, well that is something new. Only have seen dreaded ones out here so far. Billy dislikes the idea of fighting against his fellow-creatures. Is there any known creature gangs out here? He tries to recall.


Zamrud takes note of Qhapaq's timid demeanor, but nods his head in response to his wishes. "Very well."

"I understand." Zamrud says in response. "I shall give you the most honest answer I am capable of: none of us have a clue. Our client specifically tasked us with delivering the contents without divulging it to us, as a form of protection for both ourselves and their company. That is the whole truth of it."

"I am willing to assume it is the most expensive of whatever it is you would charge us for allowing passage. What would that come out to?" Zamrud says, contemplating whether to use his Mutation to see inside of the package or not yet.


[1d10] knowledge roll

Roll #1 4 = 4


>Qhapaq waits quietly, as said before.


"Money ain't really the issue, at the bottom line, son," Granpaw says, giving another glance over the party. "Castle folk… be a hundred Schillings each if I don't know what's in it. Seventy-five if you drop 'em down before me, like I asked."

You know that, in addition to the Aya, there are other clans of Mutants that eke out small existences in the Outlands, although you aren't familiar with them in depth. Some of the more compassionate factions of the Castles – especially the Charismatics of Ironcastle – have sought to bring these tribes into the Castles for their protection, but they are thoroughly in the majority; most of the Castles bear no ill-will toward these Mutants, so long as they stay far off in the darkness, while a few disparage them as being no more than Dreaded Ones in disguise, tainted beyond hope of salvation.


"What are these bandits that come by out here? Do they go by a name around here?" Billy asks out loud a bit worried that these might be a danger he hasn't heard of before. Something more than mutant tribes he knows of.


"Do we pay, or open?"


As he lays out the pricing, Zamrud looks in his coffers: 100 Shillings isn't exactly cheap, but well within his affordable range, even able to cover everyone himself if need be. He nods his head, turning to look at Granpaw. "I understand. I'm afraid we must keep the contents of the package undisclosed if at all possible. We would not be upholding our responsibility as couriers if we did not. But let me discuss it with my comrades briefly, if we may have a moment."

"A hundred shillings should be well within all our price range after the previous job, correct? Would any of you be opposed to simply paying their toll?"

As Qhapaq suggests opening, he shakes his head. "I don't think that would be wise. More than likely there is some means our clients placed upon the package to deter its being opened by anyone other than its intended recipient. However," he taps the side of his head. "If we were really curious enough to know, I could take a small peek."


"I ain't usually stop to talk to 'em… nor do they ever come close enough to trade words," Granpaw says. "…But now and then I'll get somethin' out of the Egregores. Call themselves the Skinners, these ones."

La Senorita waits patiently, having no stake in the matter.


"Very well. Payment it is."


"I am well and fine with paying. Well worth it for the journey in itself in my opinion." Billy nods his head.


Zamrud looks between his compatriots as he confirms their collective decision, and he turns back around to face Granpaw. "After some consideration, we're willing to take you up on your offer for 100 Shillings a person. 500 will do then, to receive safe passage through your lands?"


Granpaw nods, then looks back at La Senorita. "…Four hundred will do. This one ain't more than a tool."

La Senorita offers no retort to the insult, simply standing guard at your side, her eyes on the Death Knights waiting at the farm's perimeter.

Granpaw collects the money from Zamrud, then walks off the porch, heading for the farm's gate. "You're a mite different from the other Castle folk we get around here, you know."


Ignore the remark about La Senorita.


As he offers the money to Granpaw, Zamrud smiles, happy to see a good deal go fulfilled with no complications (for once). As Granpaw makes his comment, he turns up a brow. "I could certainly think of a few reasons why you might say so. Which one in particular?"


Qhapaq pulls his pack on and sits up, before following after Granpaw and Zamrud.


"Fer starters, yer talkin' to me, not swingin' at me or sneakin' around," Granpaw says. "Most yer folk would tend to stick to the third, up until they saw all this, at which point they'd switch to the second."

As he speaks, he follows the edge of the fence Eastward, trudging through a thicket of dead trees separated by a narrow path between them. He's bulky enough that his body would, normally, collide with the trees on either side, being too wide to pass… but when he comes to them, his frame simply passes through the trees, as if either he, or they, were simply non-existent. Judging by the trouble that Qhapaq has with passing through the trees, getting covered with minor bumps and scratches along the way, it seems to be the former.

Granpaw eventually comes to a wider stretch of clearance amid the trees; a rounded space, where in the center there is a stone fountain, from which murky, luminescent water bubbles up. Tied around the fountain is a great black chain, which rises up and up, until at its top, you see something like a candle-holder. Atop it is a large and white spherical shape, resting atop the holder. Although it seems to be something of a gas, it retains its rough form without dispersing.

Granpaw busies himself with undoing the chain from the lantern. He begins to whistle, and just as you might start to wonder how, you can hear wind being pulled through every gap in his bones.


As the group makes their way towards the outer gates, Zamrud turns to look at Qhapaq, whispering, "Would now be a good time to talk, or would you prefer until we're out of the village entirely?"

"Ah. Well, I certainly can't deny there's many in Ironcastle who'd swiftly jump to either of those options. The Outlands are a dangerous place, after all. However," he smirks, "I've come to learn that just because the Outlands are dangerous doesn't necessarily mean everything in it 'is'. And I've also learned many problems one could solve with violence can be more efficiently remedied by diplomacy."

As they move through the mushroom woods, up to the stone fountain, and as the gas bubble comes up from below the water's surface, he turns to look at it with curiosity. His observations are interupted by the whistling bones of the buffalo skeleton besides him, prompting him to ask. "Some sort of ritual, I presume?"


"Man, what a turn of life we find this place. I think it is pretty luck don't you think?" Billy turns his head.


Qhapaq narrows his eyes a little, though remains quiet. Now that they're on the move, he seems to calm down. The brambles and trees give him trouble, and after enough time of trying to squirm through them he simply resolves to take the nicks and scratches- they likely won't be there for long.

"Let us wait until we leave the village. I do not care for blasphemers, but I will be as respectful as I can stomach while we are within their village." he says, his voice low.


"Blasphemers?" Zamrud repeats, his interest now very piqued by his friend's peculiar behavior. He shrugs. "Hmm. Very well. Soon as we're out of ear-shot. Forgive me, I did not know this would be difficult for you, I appreciate your patience."


Good who had hither to been more on the silent side for now gave a small noise of surprise at the sight before him as he for the most part clung a bit closer to Grutar as he felt he would probably be on the safer side there.


"Just a bit of a tune," Granpaw says as he finally finishes undoing the lock on the chain. The thing, whatever it might be, floats a bit like a balloon, despite the great weight of the chain and the candle-holder-like apparatus at the top. He holds out the chain for someone to take hold of.

"This here Egregore, yer gonna wanna to hold onto tight until there's an emergency," Granpaw says. "Take the lock as well, chain it up when you make camp. Best hope you won't have to let it go. I'll fix you up with one of my Knights now."

He starts to head back to the main gate once someone's taken ahold of the mysterious floating chain.


As the little ghostly orb floats with the chain, Zamrud takes responsibility and grabs hold of it, looking at the peculiar thing, studying it. "Must be buoyant, to float with this heavy chain attached to it. What is Egregore, exactly? Not some sort of Dreaded One, I hope?"


"I am bit worried what emergency would be needed to let go of this Egregore here. Is there anything we should be particularly worried about?" Billy tilts his head.


Qhapaq looks the Egregore over with a frown, nodding idly in response to the buffalo's comment.

Roll #1 3 = 3


Good shuffled a bit nervously at the orb moving but otherwise tried to put on the visage of being brave about the whole thing.


"Thoughtform," Granpaw answers. "If you've ever seen folks get all caught up by an idea, that's the beginnings of one. That one right there," he says, motioning to the spherical wisps atop the candle-holder. "Is the result of a bunch of folks putting their heads together for a common cause… namely, keepin' things peaceful 'round here."

You can't tell for certain, but you do not feel any of what the shamans of the Aya describe as signs that one is in the presence of a Soul. No warmth, no vibrations, just a hollow coldness. If you had to bet, it'd be a safe bet that this one is Constructed, not Ascendant.

"Shade-Drinkers," Granpaw says. "See a dark cloud driftin' along the way, a mist that never quite spreads out, has a penchant for goin' right up to unsuspectin' travelers… that's when you leggo the chain and leg it. Most other things in this Forest, you should be fine, if'n you stick close with the Knight, don't get split up."

As you get back to the main gate, Granpaw walks a little back toward the house, whistling through his skull. In the distance further into the farmlands, you hear the far-off sounds of armored hoofsteps making their way toward you.

But before you can see your escort, you all become acutely aware of a cold prickling at the backs of your necks. You turn – indeed, nearly out of unrepressable instinct, more than direct will – and look to the south, where you see a lone figure, wearing an armorsuit of the Castle. They stand at the edge of what's visible from the farm, and though the light is dim, you can see that they aren't wearing any armorsuit, but one with the tassels and phylacteries of an Exarch – a high-ranking member of the Abbey… a holy inquisitor and execuioner.

From here, you cannot tell who wears the armor, only that they are an equine.


aren't wearing just any armorsuit*


"You're a skeleton as well aren't you?" he inquired curiously as he seemed to be a bit expectant of this and not seeing anything that might actually be alive.


The Exarch makes no response, simply standing at a distance as they survey the farm.


Good frowned before deigning to flash the being his houses symbol to see if it might get any sort of reaction from them.


"I don't think I ever had to bout with shade drinkers. Do they do anything unique with how they fight or is there any way to combat them besides fleeing perhaps?" Billy asks, unsure if those would be worth it fighting the dreaded ones on the surface.


"A Thoughtform…" Zamrud repeats, holding on to the chain tightly as he listens to the explanation. "Remarkable. If I may hazard a guess, if the sole reason for this Thoughtform's existence the idea of maintaining peace, I assume that it will somehow keep us safe as well as we travel through the forest? Why must we keep it locked up while we sleep?"

As they approach the main gate of the village, Zamrud's hairs stand on end as a result of the cold prickling, staring at the armored invididual ahead of them. "Ah. Our Knight, I presume." He spots the tassels and the phylacteries, before raising a brow. "A member of the Abbey…?"


Qhapaq hesitates for a little, but decides that it's probably not as bad as it could be. He'll shrug, and follow along with the others.

"We will be watchful for such things, then." the griffon says, before looking to the Exarch. "I would assume so, from how he looks."


I am skeptical they remain one anymore."


"Same reason I told you to let it go when yer in trouble," Granpaw says. "Once it's let go, it'll set about on the hunt."

"If you breathe it in – and it's real good at gettin' past those little air filters yer suits got – it pulls you right outta yer body, and moves in once yer gone, takes over, with very few signs that anything's changed. Might be able to burn 'em out, considerin' they travel by the air. Weak to smoke… but you'd need to burn down just about everything nearby to make enough smoke."

The Exarch studies you for a little while longer, before turning about, and stepping back into the darkness that lies to the south.

From the north, Granpaw eventually comes back, accompanied by a bulky Death Knight, concealed head to hoof in armor. The Knight says nothing, but eventually extends his hoof to Qhapaq, with whom he stands at about eye-level.

"Sancho here will accompany you to the Forest's edge," Granpaw explains. "Just don't give him reason to turn back, and you'll be safe as houses."


:Yeah, I am unsure how I would be able to handle a fight with something like that. Dreaded ones are quite the trouble with such unnatural abilities." He grimaces at the thought of losing his own body to such an evil thing.


Good studied the being that approached trying to see if he could ID what lay under the armor.


"On the hunt? The hunt for 'what', exactly?" Zamrud asks, a bit confused about its nature. "Is it violent?"

As the Exarch disappears back into the brush, Zamrud uses his telescopic sight mutation to try and see where it goes for a while
[1d10+1] Perception

As Granpaw returns with their guardian knight, Zamrud smiles and bows his head, "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sancho. Here's to a smooth journey ahead of us."

He turns to look at Granpaw again, "Pray-tell, how deep 'is' the forest? How long will it take to traverse, will it be more than one Cycle?"

Roll #1 7 + 1 = 8


Qhapaq offers a short nod, before shaking Sancho's hoof as he offers. He looks to where the Exarch was, making note of his disappearance, before saying "Very well. I will try not to."


Good looked back to Granpaw "Any other advice before we leave?"


You zoom in and track the Exarch's movements. They head a bit south, and then west, before eventually stopping to sit atop a mushroom. They keep their eyes on the lone path heading out from the farm, and you get the sense that they're waiting for you in particular.

Granpaw just stares at you. You get the feeling that if he had eyes, they'd be rolling. "Boy. If it weren't violent, I wouldn't be sendin' it with you for protection, would I? It's mostly deterrent. You let it go if you come up against somethin' fool enough to attack when it sees you got both an Egregore and one of my Knights with you."

Sancho notices Good trying to get a better look at him, and raises the visor of his helmet. You can see that he has a donkey's skull for a head. Suddenly, two eyes roll forward from the back of his skull, settling into place in the eye-sockets… although, they're a bit off. The lack of skin and eyelids makes them look a bit more like googly eyes than anything else.

"Howdy fellas," Sancho eventually says, his voice far higher and more nasally than Granpaw's. "Let's, uh… let's stay focused out there, fight as a team, and uh… we'll all come out a-okay."

"Gonna be a few Cycles out," Granpaw says. "You get started now, you should be at the end of the Forest in two, maybe three more Cycles. Ain't go that way often. When you set your camps, keep smoke burnin'. Don't matter if it's low… just make sure there's always some smoke about."


Good found this to be both amusing and a bit horrifying as he nodded "Heh yes uh… lets be a proper team."

He looked back to the leader and nodded "Duly noted sir."


You notice Sancho's got a very strong hoofshake. It becomes clear he's trying to show off. If you wish to rise to the challenge, roll… at DC 8.


"Yep, we all got ourselves to work together. I do trust you that we can all make it through together!" He pumps his claw into the air in a show of confidence.


Keeping note of the Exarch's location, Zamrud turns his attention back towards the Egregore. "I suppose I understand. It's just, and I know appearances can be deceiving, but it is hard to believe the collective thoughts of 'keep things peaceful' could be a brutal force. Seems contradictory."

Zamrud's eyes perk up, not anticipating such a voice from their protector, but smiles and nods his head. "Well said."

As Granpaw mentions how long it'll take to go through the woods, Zamrud rubs his chin. "I see. We'd best be off as soon as possible then, to make up as much ground as we could. Does your village have a shop by any chance? We're well supplied as is but you never know when you might need more."


Grutar finally returns with a flask full of the strange alcoholic concoction he was likely tipsy from. "I take back everything I said before. This place is GREAT! They make some real weird stuff, but it has a great kick and burn to it! These guys don't seem all that bad either!" Grutar says, seeming much more joyous about this place than his previous demeanor. All because of booze.

"Hey, who's the new guy? He comin' with us?" He asks, waiting for a confirmation before he would address Sancho. "Well welcome to the group, just make sure while you're with us you watch our backs like how I'll watch yours."


[1d10+2] Hoofshake.
Qhapaq eyes the knight with a bit of suspicion, partly due to the eyes. He'll mask it, though.

Roll #1 7 + 2 = 9


My mother once said 'The things some people do for peace will shock you'." he responded

He smiled and laughed "Well said Billy. I like the enthusiasm."


Billy nods his head and smiles.


"Do you or do you not carry a weapon for yer own protection?" Granpaw asks with incredulous exasperation.

You manage to avoid having your hand crushed by Sancho's mighty hoofshake. He chuckles, then lets go.

Granpaw nods to Zamrud's second question. "Have a look 'round. If you're a bit tight for money from payin' the escort fee, you can most likely get some things in exchange for a bit of hard work, assumin' you're not in too much of a rush."

Granpaw leads you past the central farmhouse, taking you round the back to a series of smaller abodes. There are many huts, some constructed of wood, others carved into particularly large and wide mushrooms, and various skeleton workers and their families are out and about. It's a surprisingly lively commune, and despite the overall grim nature, being born from necromancy, there seems to be an atmosphere of peace and optimism among the residents.

>rather than list off what the residents have for sale, post descriptions of anything you'd want to acquire and, if such a thing is available, I'll write that or its closest equivalent


Good for the most part was impressed they were all skeletons and jut went along with the group as he was quite content with his belongings for the moment.


Qhapaq hums a little bit, checking the occasional stall. He's pretty satisfied with what he has for now though, so he doesn't look too far.


"Of course I do." He says, pointing to the empty orbs on his bandolier he uses for his burning alchemics. "And, I suppose I can see where you're coming from. If it creates peace through any means necessary, presumably the things we would need it for would not know any other means to peace than through force. Still, a Thoughtform… what a curiosity."

As they're escorted to the central farmhouse, Zamrud looks for gas masks, something that might guard against the noxious fumes above should they need to ascend above the mushrooms at anypoint. While he's at it, he looks for any particularly interesting ingredients found locally he couldn't get back at Ironcastle.


Good decided to pair up with Qhapaq for now "So Qhapaq… would you care to tell me what its like as a member of the Aya? I'm afraid I don't know very much of your people."


"I'm fine with stickin' around a bit longer to get some of those real good shrooms to help us with the trip back home."

>If others are fine, will do work in exchange for more rations/possibly water rations too.


[1d10] Bartering Roll

Roll #1 3 = 3


Billy finding the stall for the wand he was very curious about decides to barter for it with the shillings he has on him.

NonCombat Talent:[Unnerving frame]: Passive:Purposeful or not, Billy is quite intimidating in appearance that others are more likely to listen; You have +1 on all social rolls.


Roll #1 8 + 1 = 9



Roll #1 2 = 2


La Senorita stays close, her mysterious software being your only means of hearing the voices of the dead. She aids you in your negotiations with the locals.

You end up staying a few hours longer than intended so that Grutar can pick up work tilling the mossfields in exchange for some food and water – they come in the form of preserved snails and purified water. The work is hard and a bit outside his field of expertise, but they pay him for what he accomplished; he comes away with two Cycles' worth of food and water for himself. Not much, but could still be useful.

During this time, Billy manages to find a wandmaker. After a short discussion, the magician agrees to make a mushroom wand for him for 75 Schillings. It takes a few hours but once he's done, Billy receives a wand – a chunk of dried and hardened mushroom stalk with runes etched into its side. The wandmaker tells Billy that the wand can help him identify and communicate with mushrooms, and even issue simple commands to them. He can make them grow, move out of the way, tell him about what they've seen around them, and if there is anything else of note around or happening that may not be obvious.

Initially, Zamrud's search for gas masks proves fruitless, until he finds a mechanic among the workers. After a brief conversation, he learns that the mechanic's son has an aptitude for working with aetherios circuitry and modifying it. It would be against Castle regulations, but the mechanic's son can, for 75 Schillings per person, augment the air-filtering capacity of the Armorsuits, drastically improving their ability to filter out poisonous material. Foes such as the Shade-Drinker will still prove a threat, but the improved filters may at least slow the process by which the insidious monster works its dread magic.


Billy nods his head in thanks as he heads forward out to settle with good happy with his own purchase.


File: 1593235798447.png (54.72 KB, 256x256, T_Pictos_Mask_Wood_01.png)

"It is… very different from life within the Castles. People must be harder, as where we live rarely offers the safety of a structure like Ironcastle. Like Mother-Aya, we and our ancestors adapted to survive on what scraps can be found in the Outland. To be an Aya is to accept the imperfect, or the damaged, or the flawed, and to find the strengths within them. However, despite that, weakness is not tolerated. Those too weak to survive the Outland will not find the respect or the sympathy of the Aya."

The griffon stops walking long enough to tap his mask, before saying "Though, I imagine you are curious of the mask, too. The masks are a connection to our past- Aya craft their mask when they reach adulthood, with guidance from their ancestors. Because of this, some mask patterns may repeat from time to time. Parts of the mask- eyes, colors, shape, how you carve it- these things give meaning to the mask, and are colored by your own personality and life. It is for this reason that young Aya do not wear masks such as mine, but ones that are a plain, smooth, simple white- it represents the growth the Aya has yet to undergo."


After his hard work, Grutar chalks up his lack of expertise just simply on his slowly growing age. He's still thankful to get food and water in places like this at least, despite the food being very very strange.


Qhapaq watches Zamrud and Billy deal with the shopkeepers as he talks, more out of curiosity than anything else.


He nodded intently as he listened to the words from the massive griffin "I suppose my life must seem somewhat… soft." he said with a small self deprecating laugh as he let him explain "But I must say that I find your story about the mask to be very interesting. It's somewhat like a hoof or a finger print for those who have them. They may seem similar to others but they are their own unique thing." he said as he kept up with him.

"I would like to visit your home sometime, if only to repay the kindness you had in seeing mine Qhapaq." he said looking up, his smile visible through the glass faceplate of his helmet.


Zamrud contemplates the deal offered with increasing their armorsuits' natural filters to provide more protection against not only the hallucinogenic mushroom spores above, but also against enemies they're likely to face in the forest.

As Qhapaq shows off his mask to Good, he calls them over. "Qhapaq, speaking of your mask… while shopping around, I found a mechanic who will be able to modify our armorsuits' air filters to better handle the fumes from the mushrooms. I figure we should at least see that our flyers, as the ones most likely to go above the forest, should be outfitted with them. Would you be opposed to seeing if your mask could be modified with it? It is also 75 shilling apiece, but I will be willing to assist with the payment."


Good perked up "I might as well invest myself so I can be safe for the most part." he said perking up at Zam's words.


The mechanic calls over his son, who takes a moment to examine Qhapaq's mask. He cautions that it would be possible to install a filter for this mask, but that doing so would require the installation of the mask into an insulated frame, drastically adding on to the appearance of the mask, though it wouldn't detract from the overall look of the mask's face. Though they are simple farm folk, they at least know enough about the Aya to recognize their masks and their importance to the clan when they see them.


"Masks will change at times, as you grow. From what I have been told, you might make a new mask when the ancestors push you to do so, or when you feel it is the right time." the griffon says, before shrugging. "And, to be honest, I do. Even if I do respect you and the others, life in the Castle feels… strange. Unusual. But, it is nothing to feel bad about." he says, giving Good a soft pat on the head.

"So long as it can be removed from the frame once I no longer need to filter the air, I can accept that." he says, pushing the bits into Zamrud's paw with a short nod.


"I think that would be very wise. I think I intend to invest in it for myself as well. Better safe than sorry."

>Paying 75 for a Filter

As Qhapaq hands him the shillings needed for the enhancement, Zamrud nods, handing them over to the mechanics' skeletal son. "Will that be doable?" He asks him in reference to it being able to be removed


He smiled up at the big griff and gave him a playful little punch in the arm "I understand, but as I have said, my door is always open to you." he said with the usual warmness he carried for his friends,

He nodded as he went to the mechanics and handed them the money as well.

>75 bits for a filter.


The son confirms that Qhapaq will be able to remove and slot in the mask from the insulated frame, with the caveat that he might break the frame if he does so carelessly, but adds that he'll show Qhapaq how it's done.

While Grutar works and while Billy waits for his wand to be finished, the mechanic's son takes you to his workshop, and begins to work on the circuitry of your air filtering system. It's a bit uncomfortable having to sit still for so long, but around the time that Grutar finishes his work, the son at last finishes the modifications to your suits and mask. Qhapaq, Zamrud, Billy and Good all end up with an upgraded air filter system… a bit of a steep price at 75 Schillings each, but a sound investment considering what they've heard of the forest's dangers.

>Paused, make a post for next time if so desired


I decide to follow in the groups step for a filter as well.

>75 shillings for a filter


"Mmm. I will… keep it in mind, Good." the griffon says. He doesn't really feel the punch, but it's the thought that counts.

Qhapaq promises to be careful, but ultimately the griffon cares more about the mask than the frame- if the frame breaks, it breaks.


You obtain Augmented Air Filters

>Augmented Air Filter: Automatic Free Action; Regeneration 2 per Charge. Does not start Regenerating until deactivated.*

>Effect: While the Augmented Air Filter is active, you can spend any of the four Charges, listed below, as an Automatic Free Action when you are prompted to roll resistance against hazardous airborne substances.
>Charge A: You automatically succeed against the check
>Charge B: You succeed against the check on DC-4
>Charge C: You succeed against the check on DC-3
>Charge D: You succeed against the check on DC-2

*Regeneration periods differ from Recharge periods in that an item / skill with a Regeneration period can, generally, be used at any time so long as you have at least one Charge left. Some powerful items and skills might have both a Regeneration and Recharge period, but this is rare. In most cases, items and skills with Regeneration periods do not start Regenerating until they are deactivated.


Last time, on Anno Castra…

Granpaw entrusted the party with an egregore, a thought-form in the shape of a white, flame-shaped cloud sitting in a candle-holder that floated like a balloon. In the event of an emergency that could not be overcome by other means, they were to release the egregore's chain, and run as it went on the attack. In addition, he assigned one of his knights, a donkey by the name of Sancho, for more conventional dangers they might meet along the way.

While Granpaw was busy tracking down Sancho to conscript his help, the party felt themselves being watched from outside of the farm. They saw an Exarch, a high-ranking member of the Abbey, keeping an eye on them from a distance. This Exarch was alone, but seemed to be no worse off for it; typically, they handled the darker duties of the Abbey, as inquisitors and executioners, and had the power to match. The Exarch left shortly after revealing his or her presence, sinking back into the darkness outside the farm before Granpaw could see them.

After getting their escort, they picked up some augmentations to their armorsuits' air filtering systems to assist them with avoiding the powers of airborne Dreaded Ones and poisonous airborne susbtances more generally.


The son confirms that Qhapaq will be able to remove and slot in the mask from the insulated frame, with the caveat that he might break the frame if he does so carelessly, but adds that he'll show Qhapaq how it's done.

While Grutar works and while Billy waits for his wand to be finished, the mechanic's son takes you to his workshop, and begins to work on the circuitry of your air filtering system. It's a bit uncomfortable having to sit still for so long, but around the time that Grutar finishes his work, the son at last finishes the modifications to your suits and mask. Qhapaq, Zamrud, Billy and Good all end up with an upgraded air filter system… a bit of a steep price at 75 Schillings each, but a sound investment considering what they've heard of the forest's dangers.

You obtain Augmented Air Filters

>Augmented Air Filter: Automatic Free Action; Regeneration 2 per Charge. Does not start Regenerating until deactivated.*

>Effect: While the Augmented Air Filter is active, you can spend any of the four Charges, listed below, as an Automatic Free Action when you are prompted to roll resistance against hazardous airborne substances.
>Charge A: You automatically succeed against the check
>Charge B: You succeed against the check on DC-4
>Charge C: You succeed against the check on DC-3
>Charge D: You succeed against the check on DC-2

*Regeneration periods differ from Recharge periods in that an item / skill with a Regeneration period can, generally, be used at any time so long as you have at least one Charge left. Some powerful items and skills might have both a Regeneration and Recharge period, but this is rare. In most cases, items and skills with Regeneration periods do not start Regenerating until they are deactivated.


Good fiddled with it a bit before making sure everything was online and took a seat next to the other two for the moment as he let them get ready.


Can I have some help a bit. I have been stuck with this feeling of excitement and nervousness with going out here. I have been learning so many things in this larger world, but I do know there is so many dangers here that I don't know how to combat. What do you think?" Billy asks of his companion.


Sancho nods. "I hear livin' in a Castle will do that to a fella," he says to Billy. "You're just a little shocked after bein' sheltered for so long. You guys are out here wrapped in so much metal and reinforced fibres that it's a wonder how you can move or breathe. Meanwhile most of us here are doin' just fine with the clothes on our backs."

You note that Sancho is covered entirely in armor, and that the skeletons, being held together with what must be a form of magic, most likely do not share your biological concerns.


Qhapaq pulls his mask back on once it's returned to him, being as careful as he can- he'd hate to mess it up right after he got it back.


"It takes experience, and time- some problems have solutions that take work to learn. Other problems are simply avoided."



"That does sound right. I don't know anything else that could explain it. So I do thank you for that." I nods his head in a little bow. As his hoof taps against the ground as he waits.


I've learned to just buck up and go in prepared for the worst but expecting the best. It doesn't hurt but it sure does help." he said being a bit more chipper than usual.


Sancho goes to a nearby shed, and retrieves a grizzled-looking axe of metal and bone, the handle stained black with a mysterious substance. Dark gemstones are embedded into the shaft. He sets the axe over his shoulders, and after casting an appraising glance at the party, heads southward toward the gate. "Alright, any one of you fellas wanna take point, or am I up front all by myself here?"

La Senorita rolls along after Sancho.


"I don't mind joining you over here. I am pretty bulky myself here." Billy speed walks over in response to their new companion.


Good looked back to the robot and did his best to try and talk to it for now as he nodded at Sancho. He also spared a few looks at Qhapaq now and then

So is your tribe a static or a nomadic one? I would assume nomadic given how most Dreaded ones roam." he asked during one of his glances


"Nomadic, yes- it is quite normal for tribes to keep on the move. There are some that shelter in older, broken Castles, though." he says, humming in thought.

"I can, if needed."



La Senorita occasionally responds to Good during their small talk, but most of it is nothing more than canned responses, pre-recorded messages in a robotic tone. None of it is particularly noteworthy. Sancho gets the gate, letting you all out into the darkness of the Ghostroot Forest just south of the massive farm.

There's a path leading out from the farm, but it is a short one. Small mushrooms gather all around you, filling up the space between the taller ones towering overhead. "Yeah, we don't really get anything in terms of hoof traffic in these parts," Sancho says. "And almost none of it is friendly. I hear Rind pulled a gun on youse when you showed up? Well, it's to be expected. Anyway, I'm ramblin'. We'll have to make our own path here."

He takes the axe from his shoulders, ready to cut a swathe. "Any particular choice of direction, fellas?"

>roll perception for hints on what may lie around you


>Zamrud pays 150 for two, covering himself and Grutar's costs

Following their purchase and Zamrud double checking the filter's mechanisms, he looks to Sancho as he offers to take point, shaking his head. "By all means, go on ahead. If you are to be our guide, I find it most efficient if you were to take the lead."

As they leave the town, Zamrud take a look around with his telescopic vision, wondering if he may catch the Exarch again that left the village as he determines what direction might be safest.

[1d10+1] Perception

Roll #1 1 + 1 = 2


You aren't sure how or when it happened, but a distinct buzzing in your ear, followed by a small pressure on your cheek, tells you that a fly has gotten inside of your armorsuit. If you're willing to brave the cold of the Outlands, you may be rid of him by raising your visor…


Billy idly nods his head as he keeps up with the group on point. Checking left and right to keep up with his job.


Roll #1 7 = 7


>Perception: [1d10]
Qhapaq nods a little bit as he idly listens to the rambling, mostly focused on keeping an eye out for any trouble they might come across.

Roll #1 10 = 10


As the buzzing pesters Zamrud to no end, testing even his impressive patience, the cat lets out a disgruntled growl, reaching up to open his visor ever so briefly to let the miserable creature out.

As he does so, he answers Sancho's question:
"The east, preferably, is where we're headed."


"I see. Is there any place you would say your favorite place to rest has been?"

Good still kept up his attempts of trying to help the robot learn with his attempts at an accent as he scanned behind them for now.

[1d10] Perception

Roll #1 2 = 2


"We made camp by a river once- things were far calmer there than I was used to. It was nice, for the time we stayed.


A terrible and paradoxical mixture of frigid cold and sweltering humidity floods into your suit as you raise the visor. The fly, caught in the rapid change of air pressure, is flung out into the darkness, where it almost assuredly meets an instant death.

"East it is," Sancho says, trampling over the smaller mushrooms in the path. Occasionally he fells some waist-high mushrooms with a thwack of his axe. Around you, you can see stalks of older mushrooms, having been cut down long ago, half-buried in the soft, damp earth. Newer, smaller mushrooms grow over them, their roots draining the old mushrooms of nutrients in a slow sapping. The skeletal remains of unknown life-forms poke out among them; some with slagged flesh still clinging to their white bones.

At about 1300 hours, Qhapaq notices the sensation of eyes upon his neck, coming from somewhere further up. He peers up, and sees the Exarch from before sitting atop one of the Proavus Cathedra, hidden among the mists. He is the only one to notice them.

Meanwhile, Billy assists Sancho in taking the lead, his eyes peeled for any dangers. Occasionally, small, rodent-like Dreaded Ones scurry underfoot, but they are quick, and flee before you can get a good glimpse at them, darting between the smaller mushrooms upon the forest floor. They do not show any signs of aggression to you, for now.


Good for the moment seemed keen on just talking to Senorita and listening to Qhapaq as he kept on.

Did you go for a swim in the water? I like swimming back at the castle when I have the time."


Billy decides to wave to the back from the front to his companions. Being more leisurely than he would otherwise with the extra companion.


Good smiled and waved right on back to him with the same enthusiasm.


Zamrud shutters as the atmosphere tenses up every nerve in his body, but quickly replaces his mask to avoid any more danger to himself as he lets Sancho lead the way to the east. As they walk through the forest of mushrooms, Zamrud approaches Sancho as he leads the way and decides to strike up a conversation.

"Earlier, Granpaw appeared to quite literally phase through the trees. Is that something you are all able to do or only him?"

As Billy leads the way, Zamrud offers him a nod of approval in taking charge in way-finding for them.


"From time to time, yes- I always preferred flying, but… swimming could be nice." he says, thinking back.

"The Exarch follows. He is hidden within the mist." the griffon says, raking the dirt with his talons lightly.


Your suit's temperature regulators quickly purge the atmospheric disturbance, and normalize the internal temperature to a more comfortable coolness. A notification appears on your magicomp, warning you to keep your suit sealed while outside of proper shelters.

Sancho shakes his head to Zamrud's question. "Nah… he's capable of more than a few things that we aren't. Some of them are the simple conveniences that you saw earlier. Others…" he pauses, and shudders. "They're best not witnessed. We get very few travelers in this area for a reason – and neither us Knights nor the Egregores are that reason."

"The Exarch?" Sancho asks Qhapaq. He stops, readying his weapon, and looks about, but clearly cannot see where the Exarch lies hidden.

"Exarch–" La Senorita interjects. "A high-ranking– member… the Abbey."

Its voice becomes stilted, jarring. It jumps from line to line, synthesizing a sentence from various disparate audio clips, instead of using the generated voice that you brought into being with your audio samples.

"And– an – extreme danger," La Senorita adds.


"Oh yey! She's learning!" Good chimed before nodding "But she's right, it seems someone in the Abbey deemed us worthy of being watched right now. I am… unsure why. They're hard to understand even at the best of times." he said a bit distastefully.


I decide to strike up conversation with our new skeletal companion. "How often do you have to escort? Do they usually go well?" Billy asks with a tilt of his head.


"Maybe once every couple of months," Sancho says, keeping his eyes peeled on the environment. "But this is the first time I heard about any of this Exarch business – and the robot just said he's an 'extreme danger'. You know this guy? Where is he?"


"I see…" Zamrud says in response, more than a little perturbed by that skeptic description. "I suppose it is fortunate then, that he is so benevolent. I must admit, I had my concerns when we first arrived, but I see he is rather amicable." Zamrud suggests, seeing if Sancho has a different opinion.

As Qhapaq and Senorita both make notice of the Exarch tailing them, Zamrud turns to try and find the mysterious stalker himself, rubbing his chin. "How very peculiar… I suspect he must know we're on to him by now. Why does he not simply show himself?"

He turns to the others, "My first hunch is to continue onwards and let him approach first. If Stealth is his specialty, I doubt our approaching him would do anything more than scare him off. Best just to keep an eye on him for now and see what he does."

[1d10+1] Searching for him

Roll #1 2 + 1 = 3


"Ahh, that is quite spacious in time. I am unsure what the robot is going on about. My group is also trying to figure out what is with it. Quite an enigma honestly. Sorry for not being able to fully answer your question." Billy bows his head.


You cannot see the Exarch, nor any trail that might lead to them.


"Hrm… I think it would be best to wait, yes. Searching for him will not do us much. Regardless, I imagine he simply does not want to."


"Well no. All we know is that he seems to be interested in us but we had no idea he was here until earlier."


As Zamrud fails to make note of the Exarch's position, he nods in resignation, looking to Sancho to continue the journey before he looks to Senorita, his interest piqued by the change in voice clipping.

"Interesting analysis… Senorita, why is it you say Exarchs are a danger? You are aware of what the Abbey IS?"


"Perhaps – present company – prohibits interaction," La Senorita posits.

You realize that she seems to know quite a bit about the Abbey for a machine that seems to have spent quite a bit of time wandering the Outlands, and being from this mysterious and unknown country of Canterlot.

"Huh?" Sancho asks, looking over. "You think they don't wanna be around me? That's… I dunno if that's a good or a bad sign. Well… looks like we're at an impasse. I'm here to protect you, and I'll be darned if I don't. My vote is we just keep on movin' and let this shy Exarch keep on where they are. Any opposed? You wanna try somethin' else?"


"I mean I showed him my house symbol and they moved on so I think they're strictly observing for now. I think moving along would be best."


"I think Senorita here can wait with what it has to say to us. Protection can't wait. Especially after we just had to pay for it methinks. So unless everyone else who had to pay I don't think we should do something else." He shakes his head at the idea.


"Wait, wait," Sancho says. "You saw him before? When was this?"


"Shortly before we met you actually. They didn't really say anything."


"I see…" Zamrud says as Senorita answers why the Exarch may be avoiding them, taking note of the peculiarity of her even knowing of what the Abbey *IS* despite pre-dating it by millenia. He decides to ask her more on this when they stop for camp later.

He turns to Sancho, "Let us move on. If he wishes to engage us without your being here, he may do so once we've exited the forest. I agree with your assessment, particularly if Good DID already attempt to communicate and it merely wishes to observe."


"Best to ignore him for now. No need to go chasing in the mist."



"As in, this was back at the farm…?" Sancho says. "…If they didn't approach you then earlier, then maybe it really is me, and the rest of the family, that they don't want to be around."

"If you wish to go out, I will remain behind and take care of whatever chores you assign me until you call me back, or until you call to tell me to come to you," La Senorita says, switching back to her standard lines and synthesized voice. "You can reach me at any time at…"

La Senorita makes something of a dial-up tone, a sound that only the older members among you might recognize. You each receive a notification on your magicomps, on the Concord application. It tells you that you have received a request to make a connection to a third-party program, and warns you that such programs may be viruses in disguise. It gives the name of the program, but you cannot read it – it only shows up as black squares on the screen. This happens when a comp does not have the requisite font installed to display certain text. Perhaps it is the script of Canterlot.

>You can leave behind La Senorita to meet the Exarch, as Billy suggested and La Senorita offered. Regardless, if you wish to leave the Exarch behind, then Billy, roll 1d100 for navigation.


"Sancho, why don't you and Senorita hang back, then we'll use the transmission service Senorita possesses to contact you both once we're ready for you? We can't understand what it is you are saying without her translation protocols anyhow, so there's little sense in separating you two."

"The rest of us will forge on ahead slightly, and see if that draws the Exarch to come speak with us. If he makes contact, or does not meet with us after one hour, we will contact you and rendezvous back together. Does that agree with everyone?"


"I don't mind. I don't see anything wrong with the plan suggested here." Billy nods his head.


I agree with Zamrud, that seems like the best option."


"If you think it is wise, Zamrud." the griffon says, bobbing his head a little bit. "Let us make it quick, though."


Sancho sets his jaw grimly, then nods. "At the very least, keep the Egregore with you. That, I'm not willing to let you part with just yet."

You leave behind Sancho and La Senorita, and pick your way over the floor of mushrooms all about you, heading in the direction, somewhat Southeast, that Qhapaq saw the Exarch.

In the darkness ahead, you see a shadow drop from above, though it makes no sound. A figure steps forward, and at last, you see that it is the Exarch, their visor a muted gray screen lacking all reflection.

Suddenly, the visor recedes into the top plate of the helmet, and the helmet – begins to retract. Folding back as easily and swiftly as one might pull back the hood from a sweater, the helmet slips back with technology more advanced than that in your armorsuits.


At last, the Exarch reveals their face – her face. Before you is a zebra mare, slightly older than Zamrud if you had to guess. Her mane is short, and kept in a bun, and she has a jagged scar, which goes down from her left eye, where the upper and lower lids meet, down her cheek – almost like a crooked glasgow smile. She carries a left-bladed falx at her side.

"At last we meet, fellow Souls," she says in a soft voice. "My name is Godspeed. If I may, I had a question for you."




"Well now I feel sorry for thinking you were a stallion on size… Er sure, I am Good Intentions of House Titanite, I will answer any questions within my power to answer." seeing she seemed to mean no harm.


"As long as it isn't rhetorical. I am not good with any of those. I can never give anyone a satisfactory answer on those ones." He grimaces at the thought of his previous experiences.


Qhapaq widens his stance when he sees something drop from above, though he relaxes slightly when it's revealed to be the Exarch. The masked griffon eyes the Exarch for a little, before nodding. "I am Qhapaq. Ask your question, Godspeed."


As the Exarch finally makes herself known, and reveals her face in the process, he offers a light bow of his head. "A pleasure, Godspeed. Though I must insist, we're not overly fond of stalkers. If you wish to speak to us, we prefer the straight forward approach." He shrugs. "Or Concord is rather popualr."

"I am Zamrud. If you came all this way simply to ask us something, then by all means, ask away."


"The domain of the Necromancer, back there, the one that you visited earlier," Godspeed begins, pointing Westward. "Is a place whose master trafficks in souls and undead. Recently, the master defeated a Dreaded One called a shadedrinker, which had captured the souls of two of our compatriots, fellow soldiers of Zinccastle."

Indeed, you recall seeing a mission blurb bearing that description when you checked the Mission Board five Cycles ago. Nobody took that Mission, but you should still have it in your Magicomp's intranet cache, if you wish to pull it up and review it.

"When I saw that you had left his domain, I wanted to hear your appraisal of the place," Godspeed continues. "I intend to enter his domain and recover those souls. So – would anyone miss that place?"


Good frowned "I would recommend not doing this. For several reasons but most importantly for the sake of our survival." he said simply "He is the lesser of two evils when it comes to the Dreaded ones and while I am… sorry for the loss of your comrades, destroying an otherwise peaceful place would only hurt the area more." he said trying his best to be diplomatic.

"But… what if we convinced him to free the souls of his own volition so no one has to get hurt?" he said figuring a compromise could be met here.


"Yeah, I do agree with you here Good. I do prefer to not have this area to suffer from such, and there should be a compromise."


"Of Zincastle? We thought for a time you might be from Ironcastle."

As Godspeed makes her intent known, Zamrud narrows his glare, deep in thought as he cross his arms. "I see… you have my condolences for your comrades. It is not a fate anyone deserves."

"But, from what I observed: those skeletons appear mostly harmless. I am not overtly fond of their toll-keeping, but I suppose one has to get by somehow in the Outlands, and they are certainly capable of helping those who would fall prey to this forest's dangers otherwise. If have in-depth knowledge of this place, and without them any future travelers who came here would find themselves lost without their expertise and knowledge of its hazards. I cannot condone its destruction if only for the well-being of those yet to come through here who they may help."

"I would recommend speaking with their leader. He has proven, at least to me, to be a reasonable being. If you explain the circumstances of your compatriot's souls, he may yet be able to assist you."

He pauses, "Are you capable of understanding them? We are only able to do so thanks to a Helping Hoof droid we were able to program."


"Mmm. I do not like them, but I do not think it would be wise to do such a thing." the griffon says, looking to Zamrud. "The Helping Hoof robot does seem to be able to help in that aspect."


Zamrud turns to Qhapaq, "ON that subject, while we're away from our skeletal tour guide… you were very on edge while we were in the village. Would you care to talk about it now?"


Godspeed tilts her head, and smiles despite the grim subject matter. Her smile shrinks as you defend Granpaw and his farm; it becomes a small line, still curved upwards at the ends. Something about it – how it treads the line between smile and something else, creates an uneasy feeling in the backs of your heads, and in your stomach.

"Oh?" she says at the end of your appeals. "I wasn't expecting to hear such appeals from fellow Souls. Nor did I think I would have the luxury of other options available to me. Very well."

She looks to Zamrud and Qhapaq. "If I am to petition the Necromancer instead, I will need its assistance indeed. If you don't mind me borrowing it for a time, I will send it back to you once I am done."


Good was mildly peeved at the snub but considered it a win that she was willing to be diplomatic about the whole thing "I would appreciate her coming back intact mam."


"They are rather uninformed about this matter I believe. Probably should talk to them about this new matter first for this is also the first time we are learning of this exarchs issues. Yes?" Billy looks to his group.


Zamrud thinks on this for a moment,

"In general, I would take no issue with lending Senorita… that is our Helping Hoof's designaton… to you. However, in this specific instance, that would prove a problem. We need Senorita to communicate with our guide as well, you see, if she goes with you we will be unable to understand Sancho."

"Allow me to speak with her and see if her translation protocol could be routed through our communications array - if I could send Sancho's clickings to her remotely, then she sends me back a translation message, she could feasibly leave us and go with you to the village. On loan, of course. Otherwise, I must insist we go with the both of you."


"Perhaps it would be easiest if we simply return with them to the farm- it could not take too long for the issue to be talked out." the masked griffon says, shrugging.


Godspeed waves a hoof, almost apologetically. "I don't want to interrupt your goings; surely you have a mission in progress as it is, if you're outside the Castles. But if it's not possible for you to communicate with your robotic assistant remotely, I will be as swift as I can in my dealings. Shall we go see where those two await you?"


"Yeah we do have a mission, thank you for understanding. I hope things do turn out better for you as well." Billy bows his head.


Zamrud nods his head, "Of course, let us go see them. You know," he chuckles, "We could have done this much earlier had you approached us in the village. Did our walking among them unmolested not seem to suggest it was amicable enough? Or are you simply shy?" He says in a good-natured teasing manner.


She stares right at you without a word, retaining her strange not-quite-a-smile. You feel that if you remain in this position for very long, her stare will bore a hole through your head.


Qhapaq nods a little, and turns to head back towards Sancho and the Helping Hoof. His expression can't be seen, but he seems to at least look in Godspeed's direction for a while.


"Good felt his fur bristle a bit and he remembered his mothers less than favorable words about the Abbey but he deigned to give her the benefit of the doubt as he fixed his glasses after opening his helmet.

"It seems fine."


Zamrud's smile slowly subsides, coughing as he feels she did not appreciate his humor as much as he thought she might. "Ah… ahem. Right, well, let us go on and return to them." He says, trying to not let the awkwardness linger on too long.


As you go back to where Sancho and La Senorita wait, the former tenses, and you can see that he's gripping his axe tightly. Godspeed simply gives him a nod, and her helmet folds back over her head as she looks at La Senorita. The robot gives her a greeting, but not much else. "What an interesting old contraption," Godspeed concludes. "Have you found anything interesting in its memory-banks?" she asks.

Regardless of how that conversation goes, you take about another hour to head back to Granpaw's farm, during which time Godspeed explains her mission to Sancho. He says little to either support or dissuade her, and in general seems quite uneasy about her.

At last, you arrive back at the farm's gates. Godspeed looks to you once more, somewhat apologetic as before. "Since it seems that I was apparently too shy last time, would one of you mind introducing me to the master of the house?" she asks.


"A bit, but unfortunately, though they've endured spectacularly, the millenia have taken somewhat of a toll on her hard drives. Much of her memory is corrupted. We've learned of a 'Canterlot' however, possibly the name of a country from a bygone era."

As they approach and he notices Sancho gripping his axe, he nods and tries his best to keep the situation as calm as possible by stepping in when needed. As they come back to the gates, Zamrud mumbles lightly as she throws his joke back at him, but puts on a calm smile. "I would be elated to. Have faith, Godspeed, Granpaw will surely be willing to help once he understands the circumstance."


Good stepped forward "I will, I was a bit quiet before, it'd be good to try and speak up a bit this time."


As Good offers to do so, Zamrud bows and waves the way forward with his arms. "Be my guest, young Lord."


"I will wait outside, if it is all the same to everyone else. I will be close by if needed, however."


"Sadly we haven't been able to find anything. It seems to be very old though with old support and strange phrases." He grunts looking back to senorita. Quite an enigma.


"When we are both less busy, I must have one of the Abbey's technicians have a look at what may be saved from its memory," Godspeed says.

"If ya don't mind, pal, I'll stay here witcha, keep ya company," Sancho says to Qhapaq. He avoids Godspeed's gaze as it sweeps back over him. Godspeed does not remark on his reticence or fear, but simply walks into the grounds with Zamrud, Billy and Good at her side. Through one of the windows in the central farmhouse, you see Rind washing dishes. She glances up as she puts a glass aside, and her eye-less skull rises with recognition of your group.

Rind opens the door to the farmhouse, drying her hooves on her apron. "Back so soon? We don't do refunds or exchanges on bodyguards."

>Paused, reply for next time if desired


Last time, on Anno Castra…

The party left Granpaw's necromantic farm, taking with them their newly augmented air filters, a bodyguard by the name of Sancho, a skeletal donkey, and an emergency measure in the form of an egregore, a thought-form given shape by magic.

About an hour out from the farm, they encountered once more the Exarch who had been following them for some unknown amount of time. Sancho and even La Senorita seemed apprehensive about getting close to them, seeing them as, in La Senorita's words, an "extreme danger." After some debate, the party left behind Sancho and La Senorita, then drew closer to where the Exarch waited.

The Exarch revealed their face, removing their helmet altogether despite the ungodly cold and humidity of the Outlands. As it turned out, the Exarch was a scarred zebra mare by the name of Godspeed, and an envoy of Zinccastle. Her mission was to retrieve the Souls of two of her allies from Granpaw, and planned to annihilate the entire farm to get them. The party appealed against that idea, and Godspeed was surprisingly quick to consider their view. Though she did not want to impose or interrupt their journey, the party offered to escort her back to the farm and help her make a case for the release of those Souls.


>Billy, Zamrud

"When we are both less busy, I must have one of the Abbey's technicians have a look at what may be saved from its memory," Godspeed says.


"If ya don't mind, pal, I'll stay here witcha, keep ya company," Sancho says to Qhapaq. He avoids Godspeed's gaze as it sweeps back over him. Godspeed does not remark on his reticence or fear, but simply walks into the grounds with Zamrud, Billy and Good at her side. Through one of the windows in the central farmhouse, you see Rind washing dishes. She glances up as she puts a glass aside, and her eye-less skull rises with recognition of your group.

Rind opens the door to the farmhouse, drying her hooves on her apron. "Back so soon? We don't do refunds or exchanges on bodyguards."


Zamrud nods in agreement with Godspeed. "Indeed. If you would care to, you would be welcome to Ironcastle anytime for its investigation."

As they return to the farmhouse, Zamrud gives a small bow to Rind. "No returns or exchanges here, Miss Rind. A small errand popped up we thought best to see to before making our way out of the forest, is all. Might we speak with Grandpaw once more?"


"We have come with a guest who wishes to speak to Grandpaw and make a request of him. We hope to make it a pleasant and diplomatic exchange if possible."


Billy comes in waving his claw. "There is no need for refunds at the moment. Just a separate issue has come unexpectedly here." Billy announced.


Qhapaq waits by Sancho, trying to keep as much of an eye on Godspeed as he can.


"Wanna smoke?" Sancho offers, holding up a small leather case.

Rind notices Godspeed and looks her up and down… and ultimately stands resolute before her, showing none of the fear that Sancho expressed.

Godspeed nods to Rind. "It is as they say. May we come in and speak with him?"

"Lemme check. You park yerselves right there," Rind says, then turns about, heading deeper into the farmhouse's front hall. "Granpaw! Those folks come back a'knockin'. Anything gonna explode if they step over the threshold?"


A few moments pass, before Granpaw's form slides silently into view at the end of the hall. He and Godspeed immediately lock into eye contact, and a current electrifies the air. Granpaw straightens and makes sturdy his stance, and though his face is naught but bone, you can tell that he's regarding her with a different kind of respect than what he showed you. Where he looked upon you with a certain distance, he regards her with caution, and a respect that one shows for danger – such as when a warrior meets another whose power rivals, or even outstrips, his own.

"Who might you be, miss?" Granpaw asks.

"Heart-borne Godspeed," she answers, giving a very particular title awarded to distinguished Abbeans. "Exarch of the Abbey. You have in your possession the Souls of two of my allies, which you wrested from the Shadedrinker you slew not long ago. I have come to retrieve them, and inter them to their rightful rest."

"A mighty bold thing, to claim what's been taken by battle," Granpaw says. "I trust y'all brought back these folks with you to help make your case."

"I did not want to bother them, but they offered," Godspeed says.

Granpaw does not take his eyes off of Godspeed. "Well then, what'd y'all have to say about all this?" he asks you.


Zamrud's hairs stand up on end as he witnesses the two forces confronting each other, unprepared for such an intense greeting. He ponders if these two have more of a history than he's been led to believe…

Resolving to let the young Lord try his hand at peacemaking first-hoof, nods his head towards the colt, then towards the electrified stand-off between Granpaw and Godspeed


"I believe we could maybe make a deal if it is possible. Perhaps render a service that allows us to earn the souls for Godspeed here so everyone goes home happy?" the young noble said as he stepped forward and tried his best to emulate his fathers stern flat tone.

"I'm sure there's something you might be willing to want that's worth the souls of her compatriots." He added trying his best to remain calm and strong.


"Yeah, I would like this all to resolve peacefully as well. So we can all be happy and the like." Billy nods his head.


Qhapaq tilts his head to the side and looks over the case presented to him, before asking "What is it?" He flicks one of his ears and looks back to the farmhouse occasionally, just in case he hears anything more than some normal conversation.


"Tellin' me you never seen one of these?" Sancho asks, then pops open the case, revealing a velvet interior. Inside is a pouch, some small sheafs of paper, and a set of matches. He pours some of the pouch's contents, an herb of some kind, into the paper, rolls it, and offers it to you.

"Souls aren't easy to come by," Granpaw says. "You Castle folk have the right idea, stayin' in your burrows like y'are. Those who can't live out here shouldn't try much else. It's a disaster when they do – and y'all should understand that."

"If we're going to talk about power and the rule of might, this conversation may head in a dangerous direction," Godspeed says. "As I am sure that someone as strong as yourself must understand."

"Course," Granpaw scoffs. "If'n you want these Souls that I have taken from that Shadedrinker, I wanna see that you could've done it yourselves. Lucky for you – one of them got away. Headed northeast. Mighta gone as far as Oath, by how fast it was goin'. Take it out, bring it back here, and I'll release the Souls."


"I assume the device you gave us would be satisfactory for helping destroy such a creature?"


Zamrud looks between the two as they lay out the terms for the Souls' retrieval, not entirely agreeing with Granpaw's philosophy that 'to the victors go the spoils'. "Northeast does also happen to be in the direction we were headed, and one less Shadedrinker running around in the Outlands is better for everyone involved. You could accompany us on our way out of the shroom forest, Godspeed, we'll slay this Shadedrinker, and then you can return to reclaim your comrades' souls as we continue on."


Huh, quite an interesting way this has turned out, Billy thought. Kind of like a test of one's might and worth. I wonder what they think about it.

[1d10] perception

Roll #1 6 = 6


>[1d10] Study!
"Hrm… I do not smoke much, so I do not think I have." the griffon says, taking the rolled paper and looking it over.

Roll #1 7 = 7


The herb is actually a particularly rare and expensive kind, one you have not encountered at all outside of the Castles, owing to the difficulty of its growing. It is called Dragonsnort, known for its strong and harsh odor, and the inordinate augmentation that it provides to one's focus. How Sancho obtained it all the way out here remains unknown.

You glance at her expression, and she has a kind of curious gleam to her eyes. As if this trial's main reward might not be the rescue of those captive Souls, but in seeing the battle with the Shadedrinker itself.

"On its own, not even the Egregore will be enough to cut down a Shadedrinker," Granpaw cautions. "When I handed it over to you, I told you that when you use it, yer supposed to cut and run. Yer sendin it to its demise when you use it like that. But, in the hypothetical, if you were to weaken the Shadedrinker enough, the Egregore could very well pull through. If you do manage to survive, the Egregore will be able to bring it back."

Godspeed looks with surprise at Zamrud. "You're agreeing to the terms?" she asks. "I have already asked much of you as it is."

"City of Oath –" La Senorita interjects, synthesizing a sentence out of audio clips from her data. "– along – the fastest available route – to your destination."

"Regardless of whether it is on your way," Godspeed says. "It is a risky task. I say again that I had intended to do this on my own for your safety."


"I think its best that we work together then to accomplish both goals then." he said looking to Godspeed. "It's best we all work to keep things in the castle safe. Living or dead." he then turned back to Grandpaw.

"Do you have any advice about how to best defeat the creature?"


"Hmm… that is a particularly rare herb to find, yes?" the griffon asks, attempting to light the roll.


"I don't see an issue if everyone agrees to to join Godspeed in this task. Though I do admit I have my own interest in this new task." Billy nods his head.


"Good Intentions put it best. I'm sure our Castles may not agree on everything, but we all have common interest in survival. Regardless of it being an immediate threat or no, eliminating this Shadedrinker can only help. Especially if Oath is in our path regardless, I see no reason not to be a kindly neighbor and assist you where we can."



Roll #1 9 = 9


You light, and take a hit of it, and though your eyes burn and water, you hold in the smoke, and eventually release it. The smoke curls in the air, taking the shape of a strange collection of serpentine dragons, criss-crossing and overlapping in curious interlaces.
"Yeah, cost me a bundle," Sancho says. "Bought it off of some travelling raiders a while back, and I like to save it for the most part. But, that mare… she's strong, can't deny that. Something about her though… it's like – you know that feeling you get when someone's sizing you up?"

"Air gives it a certain degree of invulnerability, while earth and water make it easier to strike," Granpaw says. "It's why I suspect it mighta ran as far as the old city – not much of earth or water out there. Just ol' sludge – that, and captive lightning."

"Then I am in your debt, and shall see to it that Zinccastle hears of your deeds," Godspeed answers, before looking back to Granpaw. "We shall take our leave, if these terms are agreeable to you as they are to us."

Granpaw nods. "Unless you got yerselves any more questions, Rind will show you to the gate."

Rind clicks her tongue. "First it's the trash, then the dishes, now I'm a host. I gotta do everything around here."

"I brought you into this undeath, little lady," Granpaw says. "Could take you out just as quickly."

"Yeah, yeah," Rind dismisses. "You wouldn't be able to find nothin' round here without me."


Good nodded and made a note of that as he felt his water pellets and canteen before following the others out as he quietly contemplated the threat they were preparing to deal with.


"I appreciate the kindness for listening to us Godspeed. I am sure this issue will easily be resolved with you here with us." Billy gives off a big smile.


Qhapaq blinks once or twice, looking at the smoke with a curious expression. He shakes it off, before nodding. "I do. I do not… know what to think of her. It concerns me, somewhat." he says, humming a little. "It seems as if things are going well."


Zamrud chuckles at Rind and Granpaw's exchange, offering one more bow to Granpaw as they depart before whispering to Rand as they depart, "I imagine he does not let many speak back to him in that way. You two must share quite a bond."

As Godspeed thanks them for their assistance, he waves his paw, "Really, it is little trouble. As we have said, it is on our way regardless. I would not wish the fate to have befallen your comrades on anyone, it is only natural we should want to try and reverse it."

"I'm surprised you are doing this all on your own. There are no other Exarchs who could assist you?"


"The others are his employees, but I'm his daughter," Rind says. "By adoption, of course. Ain't never knew no parents beside him, though, so I don't think of him as anythin' other than my paw."

"And I appreciate your appeal," Godspeed says to Billy. "Had I gone in there by myself, as I had intended, it would certainly have played out far differently. He's a frightening chap – I am surprised you deigned to speak with him face to face before."

She then turns to Zamrud. "Exarchs are a small rank within the Abbey. The burdens asked of us are heavy, and few can carry them. In face, I am sure the Seneschals will be none too happy to discover that I left on my own. But, I prefer to act solo – you may have surmised from how I pushed against your assistance time and again."

Rind opens up the gate for everyone, and they file out. Sancho straightens up when Godspeed approaches. "Everything's worked out, it seems?"
"Of course, thanks to your allies," Godspeed says. "Oh, and, Sancho – those travelling raiders you bought your Dragonsnort from make their business by attacking groups such as ours. I would thank you not to patronize them further."
Sancho gulps. "Wow… you've got some good hearing to catch that all the way from the farmhouse."
Godspeed smiles.
"…I won't do it again," Sancho says.
"Thank you," Godspeed says. "Now, are the rest of you ready?"

>roll navigation if so


"I am, but I would also ask you not threaten our guide and ally Godspeed. You may be a friend and an ally but I won't stand for threats against those who are helping us." the small colt said locking eyes with the larger mare, a hint of annoyance on his eyes behind his glasses.

There was a mild humor in seeing a small colt such as himself scold the larger mare.


[1d10] Navigation

Roll #1 1 = 1


"The way I see it, we already have our hands full with the Dreaded Ones. Better to try and negotiate wherever you can and save one's energy. Though honestly, we were lucky to have Senorita: I do not imagine communication would have gone so smoothly without her."

As she explains how she prefers to act solo, he nods. "And I assume you're just as effective alone as with a group. Still, there are times where it's beneficial to have others watching your back."

Zamrud waves a kind farewell to Rind, looking to Sancho as he nods in affirmation. "Indeed, we have our course. We are to travel to the Northeast, aiming for Oath." He takes hold of the chain to their Egregore, gripping it tightly as he prepares to assist with the navigation upon securing his helm.


Roll #1 2 = 2


>Navigation: [1d10]
Qhapaq puts his mask back on once the others return, making his expression once again unreadable. He nods a little, and turns to depart.

Roll #1 6 = 6


"I am ready whenever everyone else is. Happy to have everything here sorted out." Billy stretches a bit before walking a bit ahead.

[1d10] Navigation

Roll #1 5 = 5


"You have my word that I shall be on my best behavior from now on," Godspeed says.

>average of 3.5

Rind waves as you saddle up once more. It takes only about 45 minutes to get back to where you encountered Godspeed for the first time, now that you know the path and have cleared out some of the shrooms in your way. Your comps and La Senorita make use of their DPS systems to keep you on the right path. You notice, as you check the mission information, that there's a map file included with the details. The deliveries are to be made to a bunker on the far end of an abandoned city – and it turns out that the city is named Oath.

It is around 2100 hours, after quite a long trek of navigation that you are stopped by a most horrid stench; your visors do not show any notifications of noxious gas, so it is unlikely to be poison. It is as you look onward that you see the source: A vast swathe of the forest lies before you, made by the mass felling of the giant mushrooms, which lay all about in chunks, cut into pieces by something incredibly powerful. Among the mushrooms lay the remnant of some many dozens of Dreaded Ones, cut in a remarkably similar fashion, their corpses stewing in rot.

"Oh…" Godspeed says. "My apologies. I meant to steer you away from this direction."


"I assume… this is your handiwork?"


"Understandable, it is quite a foul place here." Billy can't help but scrunch up his face and cover his own nose in reaction.


Zamrud looks through the mission dossier as he discovers that Oath is the very same city they need to make their delivery at, grinning at the fortuitous nature. As they continue traveling deep into the later hours of the cycle, Zamrud seizes up as his nostrils are affronted by the stench, wondering how much worse it might be without their new filters installed as he turns to look around for a source as he notices the copious amount of nearby Dreaded One corpses.

Zamrud looks to Godspeed with confusion. "You've been through here before…? Interesting. I don't suppose you might have an idea of what happened to these Dreaded Ones, do you?" He asks, already having an idea of the answer…


Qhapaq looks over the remains of the Dreaded Ones with a soft hum, trying to avoid breathing through his nose… or, the avian equivalent. "Here before? Your work?"


"I passed through this cut of the forest on my way south from Zinccastle," Godspeed says. "Though, I got a bit lost, and paid for it when I was assailed," she says, gesturing to the corpses of the Dreaded Ones. "But, it would be inauspicious to linger here long, or to let this scent cling to us. For those without Souls, the smell of Death is a potent attractor."

"Suggestion," La Senorita says. "Navigate – against the – current – of the winds."


"So this IS your handiwork." He notes the impressive pile. "I see why you're able to work alone in these lands."

As Senorita proposes navigating upwind, Zamrad nods. "A good suggestion. What direction is the wind blowing now, will it be taking us too far out of the way if we move against the wind?"


"That sounds like a great suggestion. I honestly wouldn't have thought of it. Does it work out with where we have to go?" Billy asks of Senorita.


Good nodded at both "Good suggestion Senorita." he said letting her take the lead and lingering with Godspeed in the back.

He was giving her a wary glance, looking to see if she might have some ulterior motive. HE was willing to believe that she was very much genuine about her reasons to do this and be here… but his mother had always left him viewing the abbey and its ilk with suspicion.


"Yes, it would be smart to avoid drawing the ire of any other Dreaded Ones." he says, nodding a little bit. "Perhaps, even if going against the wind was not the right way, it would make for a decent detour."


"Calculating…" La Senorita says. "…Suggestion. Head south-southeast, then east, and loop north."

"Say, that's the direction of the old Airy Hills," Sancho says. "It's where Granpaw found those two Shadedrinkers, too. Might be able to find some clues there… just hope you lot brought yourselves some good hiking boots, else you might find yourself takin' the fast way down. It's pretty steep, that direction."

"I enjoy a good hike," Godspeed adds.


"I think I will be fine. I have a good sense of balance me thinks. Will you be fine Godspeed?" Billy tilts his head.


Good nodded and continued to watch her before finally breaking his silence after they began to move.

"What exactly do you do Godspeed?" he asked after a pause as he continued to look at her.


"A bit out of the way, but a little extra distance will be worth it to avoid a slew of Dreaded Ones in our way." As Sancho points out the Airy Hills are in that direction, he nods in agreement with Godspeed. "Indeed, we didn't come out here expecting a leisurely stroll. Might as well put some exercise in. It's getting late in the cycle as well, perhaps when we reach Airy Hills we can find a good campsite for us to bunker down and rest for tomorrow while searching for clues to our wayward Shadedrinker."


"I believe I will be fine on the way down." the griffon says, flapping his wings a couple of times. "I will remain close to others- if someone falls, I will catch them."


"Every Cycle's tasks vary," Godspeed says. "But often I am on missions such as these, those too dangerous to allow onto our Mission Boards for the Warriors and Sages to take as they please. The plan was originally for someone to fight against the Necromancer – hence, why I volunteered for the task. Hearing of it, I could not possibly allow others to go, and be slain by him. You lot have thrown those plans into disarray, however. Not that I am complaining. Defusing a situation is as effective a way of solving it as annihilating it."

"That's… one way of looking at it," Sancho says. "Certainly how Granps does it… he's more on the latter side than the former, though."

Following La Senorita's directions, you spend the next hour and a half of travel cutting and hiking your way to the south, then to the east, taking the route most distant from the stench of the rotting Dreaded. As you begin your curving path back north, the terrain noticeably becomes more rough, growing steeper at irregular intervals, and with no small quantity of rocks among the mushrooms to make things more treacherous. A few stumbles and trips are had here and there, and though there are no major injuries, you are sore before long.

At about 2245, you reach the base of a series of plateaus among the hills. The mushrooms atop the hills are generally smaller than the ones below, which are all at the height of trees. There are trails winding every which way about you, leading further up where you might find a vantage point.

"Reconfiguring movement gears," La Senorita says. "We apologize for the inconvenience."


"Dreaded ones sure do seem more straightforward in handling rather than other creatures. I have yet to meet one who would even say hi! Quite ride of them all." Billy chuckles to himself.


He was silent for a moment as he mulled over her words "I have always heard that the Abbey was far more likely to resort to the quick and violent path to achieve it's goals."

As they reached the area he spoke up "Perhaps we should look for somewhere to rest. We're drawing close to the turn over point and we've been hiking for a bit." he said rolling his legs a bit as he


"If you don't mind my saying so, Sancho, Grandpaw could learn a lot from the former. I can certainly speak to the benefits of negotiation. Though, I understand it is difficult without an easy means of communication. If I could, I would offer some sort of replica of Senorita's translation protocols."

As it gets on late in the evening, Zamrud feels the latness of the day start to take hold of him, slowing his pacing somewhat but pushing on to keep up with the others, especially as the incline starts to build. He assists others where he can and looks around the growing hills, noting in particular the shrinking height of the mushrooms. He grows concerned, looking up above. "I can't help but notice the mushrooms are getting smaller. Most likely due to the higher altitude, but does that mean the noxious fumes above are closer to us now?"

As they reach the base of the plateaus, he pauses, "Shame the darkness out here is so thick. I imagine we might have quite the view otherwise. Sancho, where did Granpaw fight these Dreaded Ones, near the peak? I'm contemplating how far we should go before resting."


Qhapaq keeps his wings a little pushed out, just in case someone falls off the edge. He wants to be ready! "If there is no other way, I can attempt to carry you up, one at a time- to be safe, yes?"


"It is for the best that you have not yet met one that can speak – you should pray that you never do," Godspeed cautions. "To be able to speak is to be able to deceive. And that is a far more valuable and far more potent weapon than anything that souls such as we have ever produced."

"So many adherents of Blod would readily agree with you," Godspeed says. "Perhaps out of all of us, they are the ones who grow the most drunk on their intoxicating vitality, and zeal for life. This inspires them to strike first, and to strike with the aim of complete annihilation of our foes… But Blod is not my patron. I am no stranger to violence, but if there are other solutions, I am not one to turn them away out of hoof."

"Oh, trust me, guy, he doesn't need 'em," Sancho says. "Guy talks with mushrooms and rocks just fine."

"The fumes from the shrooms will only reach dangerous levels of concentration at the peak of these Hills," Sancho says. "I'd say as long as we don't get too close to the highest plateaus, we'll be alright."
"Calibration complete," La Senorita says.
"Your suits will automatically engage the air filter systems if you stray too far," Godspeed says. "Worry not."
As for Zamrud's second question, Sancho shrugs. "He's not a talkative guy. Didn't get into the details on how he fought it, only that he got one and the other got away. See if you can find concentrated globs of astral matter anywhere."


"True, which is why I do prefer fighting dreaded ones over any other creature so far. So much more straightforward. Thank you for the warning, the way you do put it makes it sound quite scary honestly." Billy nods his head.


He looks down at his magicomp, "Well, it's near on 2300. I'm sure we're all feeling pretty tired, but why not search for clues while looking for a suitable campsite. Surely 'astral matter' isn't something too easily missed."

Zamrud starts scanning the hills with his mutated eyes, looking around for either a solid, defensible positon they can safely camp or some evidence in the Hills of the Shadedrinkers


Roll #1 9 + 1 = 10


Good was silent for a bit "Then who do you follow?" he asked simply as he wanted to probe her a bit more.


"Good thinking- perhaps, a campsite first? Having a place to settle our things and lighten our burden would be good."


"Fyr is my patroness, and it was in her fires that I was baptized when I ascended to Exarch," Godspeed says. "It was through her aid that I attained the title of Heart-borne, by the way. What about yourself?"

Whatever "astral matter" seems to look like, you cannot detect any nearby, but Zamrud does find a curved cluster of rocks and earth which provide a form of natural shelter. Sancho comes over, sets down his pack, and begins to roll over a few more stones to make another wall. "Qhapaq, Billy, Good, see if youse can dig up some clay we can pack these gaps with. Fortify this a bit and we'll have a proper little secret base."
"You would need more than stone and clay to fortify that against Dreaded Ones of any serious magnitude," Godspeed says.
Sancho rolls hie eyes through the visor. "Just a joke, lady…" he mutters, before wincing, recalling Godspeed's incredible hearing.
Godspeed doesn't seem to get it.



Last time, on Anno Castra…

The negotiations with Granpaw over the Souls of Heart-bound Exarch Godspeed's two companions was a tense one. Granpaw showed none of the fear that Sancho had expressed in the Exarch's presence, but he was very clearly preparing for some form of conflict if things broke down – a conflict that, at least in Granpaw's view, could have gone either way. Granpaw believed strongly in the right of conquest, and agreed to release the Souls only on the condition that the party prove they could have rescued those Souls themselves; they would need to defeat a Shadedrinker, and recover its remains – in the form of leftover astral matter. The egregore would be able to take care of that final task, if it should survive the battle, and so there was little need for an additional weapon or tool for its recovery.

The party agreed to those terms, and despite some initial protests from Godspeed, she was amenable to them as well. Billy, in particular, noticed her eyes glimmering with intense interest during her protests, suggesting those protests may not have been what they seemed.

They set out from the farm once more, journeying northeast. Later on, they came to the sites of a calamitous battle, resulting in dozens of mangled and vivisected Dreaded Ones, and a great portion of the Ghostroot Forest being cut to pieces in a similar fashion. Godspeed took credit for the violence, but was regretful that the party saw her handiwork. More dangerous, however, was that the scent of death and carnage would eventually attract more Dreaded Ones to their position if they stayed overlong and let the scent cling to them. They decided to proceed downwind to the southeast, then loop back north. Such a route took them within the range of the Airy Hills. According to Sancho, Granpaw's battles with the two Shadedrinkers took place around that area, and they may be able to find some trace of it if they looked diligently.

By the time they arrived in the hills, it was nearing the Dark Hours, and so some rest was in order. They set about making a camp as they searched for signs of the battle.


"Fyr is my patroness, and it was in her fires that I was baptized when I ascended to Exarch," Godspeed says. "It was through her aid that I attained the title of Heart-borne, by the way. What about yourself?"


Whatever "astral matter" seems to look like, you cannot detect any nearby, but Zamrud does find a curved cluster of rocks and earth which provide a form of natural shelter. Sancho comes over, sets down his pack, and begins to roll over a few more stones to make another wall. "Qhapaq, Billy, Good, see if youse can dig up some clay we can pack these gaps with. Fortify this a bit and we'll have a proper little secret base."
"You would need more than stone and clay to fortify that against Dreaded Ones of any serious magnitude," Godspeed says.
Sancho rolls hie eyes through the visor. "Just a joke, lady…" he mutters, before wincing, recalling Godspeed's incredible hearing.
Godspeed doesn't seem to get it.


Zamrud nods in agreement, looking for a campsite as they also prepare to look for the Astral Matter, and as they search he spots out the cluster of rocks they could use for shelter. He sets down his bag alongside Sancho, noting as he asks the others to start digging up clay to pack the gaps in. He offers a very, VERY light chuckle, and turns to Godspeed who looks on with a serious look.

"He was being sarcastic." He tries to explain simply, before taking another look around with his enhanced vision for astral matter before deciding on what to make for dinner. "Sancho, silly question but, do you eat at all?"

Roll #1 2 + 1 = 3


"Have you managed to do well over this Journey? Certainly a lot of exciting things have occurred over our journey." He shares a smile with zamrud. "have had my own trouble traveling and excitement."


"Only if it tastes good!" Sancho says. "Granpaw can cook a mean snail back at the farm."

You find nothing of note around the campsite.

"On a scale of one to–" La Senorita splices. "I – rate it – 'very enjoyable.'"


"My beliefs towards the pantheon of the Abbey are… hard to put into words. My mother has painted a most unplesant picture of those whose beliefs fall into what one might dub zealotry. While My father is observant he has never been one to stress following their words."

He paused "Frankly I know not whether I truly believe in them or reject them. I feel like I cannot make a decision based on my own experiences." he said with some trepidation.


"Do you mean in general or this one in paricular? So far, I'd say it hasn't been so bad, save for the money we've dropped so far. Rather, we've been fortunate in not needing to fight any Dreaded Ones, and made quite the discovery in Senorita."

"Overall, these last few trips into the Outlands have been among my favorite. You're all quite capable companions. Last time was your first time being to the Outlands, Billy?"

"Ah, escargot." Zamrud says in intrigue, "Certainly an exotic dish, I have not had much chance to partake myself. Are there snails around here, I did bring some garlic spice and a bit of butter."


"Indeed it was. Quite many new things were found out and about here. So many creatures I haven't met before. It has been very exciting. If I am to be honest." Billy nods his head.


"There was a time when I would have chastised such a lack of solid faith," Godspeed says. "But I have come to think that the gods are not so inflexibly stringent. Is it better to be sincere in unbelief, or to have a false professed belief? I cannot answer that, but I think your honesty is laudable."

"There are some wild snail packs that roam around here," Sancho says. "But they spook easy, and they might stampede if they smell some Dreaded Ones nearby. If you can find one, I can show you a recipe or two."


"Well, I am glad you are so enthusiastic about the Outlands, Billy. I must agree, while it is a most hostile place, there are many things you would never see inside the Castle either. Keep that curiosity and excitement, but do not let it become overwhelming. You MUST keep your wits about you out here, remember."

"Well, while we're searching anyhow, I will see if I can procure a few snails…"

HE pauses. "Stampede? They are 'snails', are they not? I think we could either runaway or catch up to them at our whim."
[1d10+1] Also looking for Snails to cook up

Roll #1 7 + 1 = 8


Good was pensive as he mulled over the words of the Abbean "It is… nice to hear someone say as much." he finally said "Perhaps I have a bit biased due to my mothers views on the Abbey. Not that she has viewed them as exclusively negative, but she has made it clear she views them as ones to stop potential progress."


Qhapaq hums a little bit in response, turning to begin digging around for any clay he could find.
>[1d10+1] Digging!

Roll #1 1 + 1 = 2


Sancho leans forward at you in complete disbelief, then shrugs. "Forgot y'all are a bunch of Castle folk. You've never seen an Outlander snail stampede. It has nothing to do with how fast or slow they go… it's how nothing can endure that stands in their way."

"It is unfortunate, but I would agree with her," Godspeed says. "Too much of their zealotry leads them to retreat into obstinate simplicity, casting aside the wonders of our world in favor of more of the same. I find that those who remain inside the Castle their whole lives are the ones who delve into such… fetishism, insisting that there's nothing that anyone needs more than to toil and sweat and have a family – nothing wrong with that, but there is more to the world than any of us yet know. Those who wander into the Outlands seem to be the only ones who get that."

As you make your preparations for the Dark Hours, Zamrud and Qhapaq discover some snails living in some low-lying brush, during Qhapaq's dig for clay. One of Qhapaq's fingers strays too close to a snail, and it suddenly darts forward, biting the tip of his finger, leaving a deep welt that turns an alarming shade of blue soon after the damage is done. Zamrud, however, is able to harvest them by snatching them from behind.

At the same time, Sancho and Godspeed set up a cairn of rocks about your campsite, with Godspeed leisurely pushing about rocks that Sancho cannot so much as budge without straining and grunting. The rest of you are able to help insulate and secure it by packing in dug-up clay. After about an hour, the shelter is ready.

"Standing guard," Senorita says, rolling up beside the shelter with her gunbarrel on the horizon.


He nodded for a moment "I see. My mind has admittedly slipped on this Godspeed, but do you hail from Ironcastle or are you from another?"

Good yawned a bit loudly and went into his rations and began to prepare some dehydrated veggies to go along with their Snail meal.


Roll #1 5 = 5


Qhapaq ignores the bite, despite the rather concerning color it turns- it'll heal on its own in time, most likely. He'll focus instead on helping secure the campsite with clay, and settles in once they've finished.
"Should someone watch with the robot? Or just rest, for now?"


"Zinccastle," Godspeed says. "How interesting it is that such similarities exist between the Castles, despite their vast distances. I hear that Gold and Silvercastle complain of the same problems we've discussed as well."


Grutar had been trudging back to keep an eye out for any flanking creatures that wanted to sneak up behind, but seeing as the group travels more he manages to pick up the pace to reunite with everyone.
"I didn't find any Dreaded Ones on my scouting trip, so if there's any around then they're being real sneaky-like." He says, before finally going over to sit with the others and enjoy a few of his rations finally.


Zamrud raises a brow at Sancho's statement. "I've never looked at snails with such an intimidating outlook before."

As Zamrud and Qhapaq dig for snails, Zamrud is relieved to be able to grab a few of them from behind, but as he turns to see one dart forward and bite Qhapaq, his eyes open wide at the odd color it turns.
"These are no ordinary snails. I know your healing factor will likely take care of it but, I am pretty sure that isn't the color you want to see when something bites you."

As they finish setting up their mini-fortress by packing in the holes with clay, Zamrud looks at their improvised structure with pride, setting aside the snails he caught inside to take one last look around the area for Astral Matter with his mutant eyes before setting out on foot.
"I imagine Senorita is armed enough to take care of herself: we found her treading over the corpses of several large Dreaded Ones, remember? Besides, they shouldn't be drawn to our campsite if no one is there."

Roll #1 2 + 1 = 3


He nodded "Well… If you ever find yourself in Ironcastle." he rummaged through his pack for a moment before presenting her with a copy of his house crest. "I would be more than willing to have my house give you the gift of Hospitality." he said with a soft smile "It'd be nice to have an outsider to our own Abbey around to speak with in a more pleasant location. And perhaps you and my mother could have a friendly debate or otherwise pleasant conversation with one another."


Billy happily takes a relaxed pose leaning back on his own arms behind his head. "I am quite thankful for what we have here." He says to himself looking around.


She examines the crest, and suddenly beams. "Oh, so that's why it looked familiar…" she says, more under her breath than a friendly word should be. She seems lost for a moment, then looks back up. "If I am ever in the area, perchance I may stop there for a visit."

Qhapaq notices that the blue discoloration of the wound lasts for a few minutes after the wound itself finishes healing. It fades eventually, but a higher dosage bite may prove far more dangerous. A snail stampede just might be as deadly as Sancho says…

Good prepares a decent spread with his vegetables, and Sancho prepares the snails, flavoring them with garlic and butter from Zamrud and some stuffing from his own provisions. "Alright… country surprise snails, all ready to go. I think I left my dinner bell in my other suit of armor, but it wouldn't be smart to ring it anyway, huh?"

Godspeed sniffs the snails, then looks back out at the darkness. "I'm going to have another look around outside, if anyone wishes to join me. I shan't be long; I prefer not to stay up too late."

>timeskip to next Cycle ready whenever


Billy indulges in his item which spawns food for him before considering in going into the food from his team. Waiting for them to finish before him.

>ready for timeskip


He nodded and made sure she had the crest before he turned to eat his meal, taking Trajan out and letting him enjoy some of their shared meal as he prepared to rest for the night. He was a bit tired of volunteering for the night watch.


Grutar gets himself set up to rest for the night, once again using his drill as a way to rest his head even if uncomfortable looking he's quite used to it.

>Ready to timeskip


"Ah- I will be careful then, yes." the griffon says, shaking his hand a little. He'll make sure to avoid being bitten more.

Qhapaq happily eats the snails and veggies- he's very clearly not picky. He flicks his ears and looks to Godspeed, before shrugging a little.
>Ready to Timeskip!
"Good food, as always."


As Sancho prepares the snails, Zamrud keeps a very close eye over him to see how he prepares the snails so he may recreate the recipe. "They smell delicious. I can't help but ask though, assuming that blue coloring on Qhapaq's bite is poisonous, are they really safe to digest?"

He takes out some mushrooms he'd gathered from earlier, cutting out the stems so that the round pods serve as the perfect container for the butter/garlic drenched snails to eat, while he cuts up the stems into a side dish, a warm flavorful mushroom soup.
[1d10] Cooking

As Godspeed says she's going to take another look outside, Zamrud says, "I'll accompany you, if you don't mind. But stay for dinner, you won't want to miss this.
[1d10+1] one last perception check if you need it for going outside and looking
>Ready for next Cycle after food / search with Godspeed

Roll #1 9 = 9 / Roll #2 9 + 1 = 10


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Pic Related


Trajan in particular seems to have quite a taste for snail, because he polishes off his portion in short order. Once he chases it down with your vegetable spread, he rolls over onto his back, clearly stuffed.

Sancho laughs. "That's the secret ingredient! A mark of true mastery in the art of snail-cookin' is sizzlin' the poison just long enough at the right temperature. Too much, and it loses that zest. Too little, and it'll kill ya."

Godspeed stops at Zamrud's urging, her nose twitching as she smells all the dishes prepared. "Oh… fine. Not like it's getting any darker out there."

Although Good's vegetable platter is respectable, and Sancho's garlic mushroom snails have a nostalgic, old country flavor that makes you feel at home, it's Zamrud's hearty mushroom soup that is the highlight of the meal.

After the meal is done, the group prepares their sleeping arrangements, while Zamrud and Godspeed scout north of the camp to look again for traces of the battle. After they climb a few rocks, and get a view of the Ghostroot Forest, they spy a loose and wavering trail of some kind of mysterious pale green substance along the tops of the mushrooms below them. It is not quite solid, nor liquid, but seems to be some kind of semi-tangible ethereal gas. Somewhat transparent, it radiates a faint energy that ripples through the air as if it were the surface of water. The trail heads further northeast, and in the faint light upon the horizon, you can see the silhouette of some kind of city.

"Let's retire for now," Godspeed says. "We'll want the others at their strongest before we head on to face such a creature."


At about 0500 hours, your alarms ring, and you wake up in your campsite. None of your possessions are missing, nor any of your members. The worst you can say is that you're a bit cold and thirsty – an uneventful rest, but a welcome one.

Godspeed, already awake, sits outside with a pot of coffee at her side, studying the Outlands sky.


Goods face crinkled at the sight of the black liquid as he moved to have some water for now. He hated coffee so he was going to take a hard pass on it.

"That was the best meal I've had on one of my trips out of the castle." he said speaking on the previous night.


Grutar yawns as the alarms blare, his free hand lazily reaching for his own to stop before he finally gets up. He approaches Godspeed and brings out a small mess kit cup. "Mind sparin' any coffee? Could help wake up these old bones."


"Happy to hear there. Are you feeling ready to get going out there?" Billy stretches out while he gets up from his rest in the base.


Qhapaq is up about as early as he always is, and takes some time to stretch out and get ready for the trip to come. He'll abstain from coffee, but offers a nod in greeting regardless before slipping his mask back on.


As they awake, Zamrud lets out a small yawn, quickly making for his instant-coffee packs and boiling a fresh pot to get started on the day as he reflects on the decadent meal they had last evening. "I'm rather proud of my creme of mushroom, but Sancho you were dead on about those snails, they were delicious. I was nervous when you first mentioned the poison, but I suppose it's no different than boiling certain shellfish. They certainly did have the right amount of spice."

As he brews his coffee, he offers some to Grutar to help him awake, before turning to Good and nodding in agreement. "Soon as we've packed up camp we'll be on our way. Godspeed and I found some astral matter strewn about before we retired, we have a trail to follow."


"Sounds like a plan. Thank you for that. I doubt I would be able to find it myself." He nods his head.


Grutar smiles and takes the offer, raising his cup in a cheer. "Thanks, Techie." He says before sipping away at his cup.


"That I am. How are you Billy my friend?"


"I am doing alright, thanks for asking. How do you think our journeys will go from out here?" He scratches at his chin in thought.


I am hopeful of our chances."


You see that Godspeed may not be so different. Her coffee is nearly white, and you could swear that you spy a solid mountain of sugar peeking up over the surface of the drink.

"That's the handy thing about being dead," Sancho says. "I don't have to worry while I practice. I'm not so handy with those little portable stoves you guys use, so I was a little worried toward the end there. But, if you did croak, Granpaw could fix that up nicely."

Godspeed holds up the pot to answer Grutar's request, but when she sees that Zamrud's making his own, and beats her to the offer, she just sits there for awhile, leaning forward and staring at the coffee that Zamrud's poured. She sets the pot back down. "Cream and sugar are off to the side there," she says, gesturing with her spoon.

Sancho reaches into his pouch, producing a tray of small honey cookies, which he places near the coffee pot. When Godspeed dips one into her coffee, eats it, and nods with approval, Sancho grins a bit.

"Now then," Godspeed says. "As Zamrud mentioned, our trail leads to the northeast, in the direction of Oath. The Shadedrinker fled some time ago, and I doubt that, after a confrontation with someone like your Granpaw, it's going to stick around the Ghostroot Forest. Be prepared for urban or forest combat situations."

"Fetching combat subroutines," La Senorita says.

>Billy, roll 1d100 when ready for departure


"Happy to hear that everyone is feeling ready and that you are all rested. I haven't heard anyone speak of any troubles so far." Billy nods his head as he readies to head out with everyone.


Roll #1 29 = 29


"Always prepared, yes. Let us be off." the griffon says, wiggling his talons and stepping out.


"Oh, please, I'm not *that* technical."

To Sancho's offer of Granpaw's 'help', Zamrud sputters a bit. "Ah… well, probably best we avoid that. Would not want to be a bother."

As Zamrud notices Godspeed's offered cup, he looks on with shock, his nostrils only having recently picked up the delicious scent of OTHER freshly brewed coffee. He looks at his own, feeling quite embarrassed at having not noticed, and goes for an empty mug. "You know, mine might be a little off, I'm not certain I brewed it right. Could I trouble you for some of yours, Godspeed? I prefer it dark."

After partaking of Sancho's honey cookies and 'hopefully' some of Godspeed's coffee, he takes a bite, looking to her as she explains the situation. "We'll follow its trail until we've located its hiding spot. Then, perhaps we can split to take it from either side, in case it tries to flee."


"You helped me with my tech, so that makes you the techie." Grutar states with a chuckle, before taking at least one spoonful of sugar for his coffee with a nod and thank you towards Godspeed.

After he is finished with his cup however is when he'll move back to his sleeping space to gather and equip his proper belongings.


Good approved of her complete and total adulteration of the nasty bean juice into something drinkable.

For now though he grabbed a cookie and went to join Senorita in her move to be the combat bot they needed."


Godspeed pours you some. When you go to taste it, your tongue nearly curls up from how powerful it is. There is little wonder as to why she has diluted it with cream and sugar so much.

With your possessions gathered and your bodies fed, you head out from your campsite, following the trail that your quarry has left for you.

This region of the forest is darker, lower and more dense than the western end, through which you entered and eventually met Granpaw. The Cathedra are shorter, more tightly packed together, and the ground below you is rarely even, rolling in dips and waves and crests, almost as if it were an ocean stopped in motion… at times, the augmented air filters in your suits automatically activate, warning notifications flashing in the corners of your visors. It is never hard to find alternative routes from where the poisonous spores of the Cathedra fall, however.

As you wander, you encounter surprisingly little in the way of Dreaded Ones. Ample tracks in the ground suggest that many of the local ones have headed west in a hurry. What few you do encounter are relatively small bottom-feeder types, and run away with nary but a look from your fighters.

Despite the relatively easy going, however, Qhapaq cannot shake a very peculiar feeling that rests upon him. Rather than the ominous weight of being watched, it is more of… a presence, standing always in close proximity to him. But when he looks about, it is only his allies by his side. The feeling comes and goes in waves, sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker…

In this way, four Cycles of travel pass.


At 1145 hours, on the tenth Cycle since your departure from Ironcastle, the soft and marshy earth of the Ghostroot Forest gives way to harsh and chipped asphalt. Your hooves touch down onto what appears to be some manner of old road. The road trails from the Forest, out through a barren badlands, and just beyond that, you see an Old World industrial zone. High fences topped with barbed wire surround dilapidated warehouses and silos, laying amidst a sea of concrete and asphalt like the bones of giants.


Qhapaq flicks his ears and looks around from time to time, as if looking for something. Nothing ever seems to show itself, so the griffon puts off the most of it… though, the feeling can't be shaken off quite so easily. He doesn't seem to notice much of anything else, instead focusing on the odd, unsettling feeling.


"Ah- we seem to be close to our destination, yes? Getting there, at least."


As always on a trip when he's not focused on digging, Grutar focuses entirely on keeping an eye out for any dangers on their travels. When they pass by the different warehouses, he can't help but keep more of an eye on the structures thinking any one of those could be a hive of those Dreaded Ones.

>Perception for any potential dangers.


Roll #1 10 = 10


Billy shivers from the strange feeling. Looking towards his team he calls out. "Are you feeling ok? Something is feeling quite strange don't you think?" He tilts his head.


"True, but even if I am the most technical among us, I'm not sure I'm suited to the nickname. It's misleading. Why not something drawing attention to my other skills like, 'Professor' or 'Gourmand'?"

Zamrud's tongue seizes up as he tastes the impossibly strong drink, looking down at it with shock. "Agh… uh, that's good. Strong, but good. But, I think I *will* take some cream and sugar after all." He says, putting in a bit of sugar and creme until it's palpable.

Zamrud keeps his wits about him as he traverses the thickening forest, keeping eyes on his respirator as they chime in to let him know of noxious spores becoming too prevalent. He notices the tracks in the ground indicating Dreaded Ones, but is thankful to find they are of a negligible size.

As the days pass on and on towards their drop point and the trail of their Shadedrinker, Zamrud having made sure to procure as many snails and mushrooms as he could to bring back with him to IronCastle, he looks across at the heavily industrialized area before them, putting a paw on solid concrete as he looks around at the fallen metropolis.

"Senorita, do you have any information on our current location?" He asks, curious if she knew anything of this part of the Old World.

[1d10] Alleycat

"Very close, this should be near where we were tasked to drop off our package."

Roll #1 7 = 7


"This place is… much nastier than the previous ruins we entered." he said warily as he remained close to Senorita for now.


"Mmm. There is… something, I think. A presence. It is not the feeling of being watched, but something feels close all the same."


Grutar would have scratched his head with an expression of genuine confusion. "Isn't a Professor the same as a Techie? I thought they worked with that sorta stuff."


"It looks like an industrial area. The last ruins we visited seemed like businesses or homes, this seems more like cold, hard manufacturing took place."

>assume response retroactive four days ago?
"Well, I suppose so, but I refer to Professor in the specific sense of a teacher."


"So what like… Profie?"



Old oil, chemical spills, and untold centuries of smog fill the air as you proceed deeper into the remnants of Oath. The closer you get, the more you can see the remnants of the city beyond. Twisting metal of collapsed building frames, heaps of bricks fallen from their stations, great swathes of streets overturned and uprooted, leaving behind deep craters in their wake. Huge sprawls of freeway ramps surround and weave through the city outskirts, etching their way through the sky.

"Oath –" La Senorita says. "Named after – missing record – in – missing record – once the commercial hub for neighboring communities through its proximity to – and… but at the cost of overall resident health, and the greatest wealth disparity within the country."

After you get past the warehouses on the city's outskirts, you see one of the first signs of life you've come across in a while. A merchant caravan lays overturned in the middle of the road ahead. By its construction, it appears to have belonged to a mutant group, as it is made through basically jury-rigging multiple Old World carts together, with a wagon at their center. Countless boxes, crates, bags and satchels lay scattered about, their contents variously ransacked.

Both Grutar and Zamrud can sense that they are not the only ones with their eyes on the caravan. Further up the road, in the windows of what appears to have been a hospital, Zamrud sees shadows moving about in the low ambient light.


"That creature right there seems to be in a very unfortunate position. Being out here and have gone through quite a lot. From what I see at least." Billy grimaces.


As they get a better look at the decrepit city, and Senorita explains how even when it was alive it was far from healthy, Zamrud gives a sad sigh. "It appears even the Old World had its problems. Seems this city was short of a few ethics."

As they spot the over-turned merchant caravan, Zamrud's ears droop, "That caravan is new however… looks like it was recently raided. One of the mutant tribes…?" He furrows his brow. "I certainly hope not belonging to the Aya."

As he catches the glimmer of shadows moving in the distant hospital, the hairs on Zamrud's tail stand up, and he gets the urge to check it out with his telescopic mutation.
[1d10+1] Observe the movement in the window

Roll #1 7 + 1 = 8


Good slowly approached the the Caravan "Perhaps we should loot it? Or otherwise scout the remains?"


"I don't feel right about this place, Lads… I swear, one of these buildin's is gonna contain some sort of nest inside it, I just know it." Grutar continues on, when his eyes have settled on the hospital he gives the whole thing a once over to see if it might be safe or dangerous, shelter or a trap.

>Determine safety of building


Roll #1 7 = 7


Zamrud holds up a paw to hold up the group, pointing towards the hospital. "Don't go near it yet, Good. We're not the only ones here."


"Hrm… this is not an Aya caravan, I think." the griffon says, trying to get a better look at the ransacked carts.
>[1d10] Perception

Roll #1 2 = 2


He nodded and paused as he turned his own gaze to the hospital scanning it.


Roll #1 3 = 3


Zamrud and Grutar, from their examinations, can confirm that there's a group of shadows in the hospital's windows. A group of raiders, it looks like, from the shape of their bodies and of their ramshackle armor in particular. The windows are dark, and so it's hard to make out precise detail, but from whenever one or two get too close to a window, you can see them going over what appears to be quite a bit of loot, varied in nature, as well as no small amount of currency, both physical Schillings (which are rendered as silver coins with the icon of the Abbey in their center) and a kind of flat, cylindrical brass coin – the currency of various Mutant tribes, as Qhapaq knows.

"Can you see how many there are?" Godspeed says.

You aren't – many of the hospital's windows are boarded up, leaving you only a few glimpses through which to see within. At minimum, there seems to be seven bandits within.

There don't seem to be any bodies about, and you can't tell how much of the cart's contents are left. However, it does seem that many bags were left behind, and some crates have not been cracked open. You can't see what's within, so it's hard to tell why they were left behind.

>roll knowledge / tactics


Qhapaq frowns as he looks over the cart's contents. Something about it doesn't seem right, though…
>Knowledge/Tactics [1d10]

Roll #1 8 = 8


Billy leans forward along with Qhapaq trying to scope out and follow what his teammate is seeing. Maybe he can help.


Roll #1 9 = 9


Zamrud looks to Godspeed, "Not yet. Give me a moment," he says, deciding this would be a proper use of his mutation's special properties to see through the walls and get the full picture of what it is they're up against.

>[1d10+1] Using Mutation's higher tiered ability to see through solid objects, will suffer -1 penalties to Perception after this

Roll #1 10 + 1 = 11


Good decided to sit back and let the others decide for now as he focused on potentially tapping into his mutation.


Grutar looks around for good tactical spots that they could possibly use against these folk if things get rough, after all he doesn't know if every person out here is friendly or hostile.

>Look for vantage points/good cover


Roll #1 6 = 6


It's very classic bait, you ascertain: leaving out some of the remaining loot to attract others eager to pick away at the scraps. They most likely have lookouts ready to sound the signal, that way they can mobilize in a moment to attack the scavengers that their bait allures.

And this, you confirm. Zamrud can see, through the walls of the hospital, that there are about twenty living Souls inside. About twelve of them are fighting-age Mutants of various races, each one distinguished more by the strange deformities and curious Mutations they sport, making them less than mortal in the eyes of any pure-blooded Castle dweller. Three of them appear to be younglings, probably just now turning old enough to be brought along on their first hunts. The remaining four appear to be mutants of a different sort than the main group, bound and gagged. Hostages to be held for ransom, it seems. The older ones are concentrated on the second floor of the hospital, sorting the stolen goods. The younglings keep watch over the hostages on the first floor, behind a fortified barricade.

Grutar then spies, atop the hospital, several covered shelters for lookouts. He can see two more mutant raiders atop the roof, keeping an eye on the road for travelers from the east, and the west. Currently, the party is gathered behind the wall of a nearby warehouse, just out of their sight.


"I'm not much of a long range dog… so if we're goin' in there at all then I think we should go in from underneath. I don't have this drill for nothin'."


"So what how would everyone like to proceed through this?" billy looks over to his group unsure how to handle this himself.


"Ah- this is a trap, for sure. I think they might be waiting for us to take the cargo left behind as bait…"


"Should we try to avoid them altogether or confront them? I worry about fighting these thinking creatures." Billy grimaces to himself.


As Zamrud's eyes light up bright green and he gets a full picture of what lies in side, he groans, closing them as the strain gets to him. "There's about sixteen raiders inside that building, four of them younglings. In addition, there are four hostages tied on the first floor, most likely taken from the caravan down there. The younglings are guarding them while the adults are all situated on the second floor, sorting their appropriated goods from the caravan."

"So, it is unquestioningly a trap, but it would appear we've a situation in the hostages they've taken. Which, I suppose brings us to the question: do we wish to involve ourselves?"


"I could try hitting it with a singularity but its not exactly something that differentiates between target's."


"Does it really have anything to do with your delivery?" Sancho asks.
"Wasting an opportunity…?" Godspeed notes.
"Look," Sancho says. "Even setting aside the farm's defenses, and Granpaw's power, we didn't last this long in the Outlands by picking fights what aren't ours."
"A fair point," Godspeed says. "But in this case, we're going to be in Oath for quite some time as we track down the Shadedrinker. 'Twould be prudent to at least ascertain where we stand in relation to the locals. Free the hostages, and gain some loyalty with their tribe. Bargain with the raiders, and we may purchase easy passage through the city. Stay out of it, and we gain little, but keep our presence hidden, at the very least."
"Could we really take sixteen full-grown raiders, though?" Sancho asks.


"Well if we can separate the hostages, I could just bring the building down on top of them maybe."


"It would take a lot of luck in a direct confrontation. We do need to do something sneaky if we involve ourselves. Such as isolating the raiders in smaller groups don't you think? Though I don't know how. to be honest."


"Sancho is right- we risk much by picking a fight. We may be able to handle them, but there could be more danger nearby. Though… I would not say no to attempting to intervene."


"Twelve full-grown raiders. Four of them are barely older than Good, if that. Whatever our course of action, we should try to leave them be."

"I agree with Godspeed. Deal with the raiders or help the hostages, if we are going to be in Oath for some time we should endear ourselves to one side or another. Leaving them alone, we merely set ourselves up to be their next target."

"Considering what all we have at our disposal, twelve Raiders shouldn't be too much of a problem for us. Though as before, I am always a fan of trying to reason before battle. What if we reversed the Raiders' trap upon them?" He looks at the hospital, "If we could find a way up on to the roof, perhaps trap them from both sides, we could give them the ultimatum to surrender rather than jumping right to killing."


"If there's hostages in there, then I'll want to help them out. Delivery or no delivery, it's the right thing to do, we can't let possibly good people die when the rest of the place is dyin' around us." Grutar states, fully intent to help but waiting to hear the rest of the potential plans.


"I do like the sound of that. I do feel satisfied in committing to that plan." Billy nods.


Godspeed hums as she mulls over the suggestions.
"We've always got an ace in the hole," Sancho says, tapping the chain of the egregore.
"Under no conditions will we allow Granpaw's creation to run rampant in a fight with our fellow souls," Godspeed says flatly, her gaze piercing into Sancho. "…I have a thought. I doubt these raiders would be using such bait tactics if they were in control of much of the city, or even of this local area. The fact that they have traps and lookout towers suggests ongoing hostilities either with passing travelers, or with other local gangs. Perhaps their hostages have other members nearby who may be rallied to the cause. Or, perhaps there is another faction entirely that we might recruit to attack this one. Or…"

She leans forward, with a bit of a smile. "What say we have these raiders provide some… unorthodox help in the hunting of our quarry?"
Sancho steps back with shock, his jaw hanging down, aghast.


As in using them like cannon fodder?"


"They are using bait as well, it's only fair," Godspeed says.


"I suppose if we could ensure that the others are safe."


Grutar scratches his beard. "I'm not so sure about that… But it might work, the chaos would definitely stir things up enough to get the jump on both of them."


"You suggest using the Shadedrinker itself to attack them…?"
He pauses, contemplating the suggestion. "That is fiendishly clever. But I can't say I approve. Dreaded Ones are monsters the likes of which I wouldn't wish upon anyone, even bandits. Plus, I'm not a fan of introducing any element into a plan that we do not have any control over."
"We could go looking for the hostages' fellow tribesman, but who knows how long that will take or if this group will still be here when we return. If we are to act, we should act now."

"I came up with another idea just now, though. Rather than fighting them in the hospital, we drag them out of it: two or three of us take the bait, drawing the bulk of their forces out from the hospital. The rest of our group lies in wait for them to come claim their prize, and then we jump them and turn the tables, forcing them to surrender."

"If they try to use the hostages against us, perhaps we should have a third team to infiltrate the hospital at the same time to free them. Three colts shouldn't be too much trouble for any one of us, I imagine."


"That is quite the unique idea and quite miscievious as well. I am quite interested in how you would pull it off, and if you are willing to listen to any concerns we may have with the plan." Billy takes a sitting position before his group.


"I am not good at infiltration, but I may make good bait- it will take a concentrated effort to wound me in any way I would not shrug off in short time." the griffon suggests, before frowning. "It is hard to say where their fellow tribesman are, so it might take too long to find help for the hostages."


"Twelve grown bandits, two lookouts, three squirts and four hostages…" Sancho says. "Steep odds."
"Numbers matter little to those who know how to fight," Godspeed says. "I wouldn't wager that your Granpaw would surrender if one hundred raiders came knocking at his front door."
"No, but he's a different case than squishy people like us," Sancho says. "Well, crunchy in my case."
La Senorita perks up. "I have a strong craving for – violence."
"Coming right up," Godspeed says. "Zamrud, since the majority seems to favor your plan, I'll let you have the lead. Divide the groups as you see fit."



Last time, on Anno Castra…

Our explorers broke camp at 0500 hours, following the trail of astral matter left behind by the wounded Shadedrinker to the northeast. After four Cycles of tracking, they reached the outskirts of the city of Oath. They soon learned that the ruined city was home to at least one band of hostile mutants, and possibly more. A partly looted caravan lay overturned in the road before them, in the middle of an intersection. It was intended as bait, left there by the bandits who had raided it, in order to attract more scavengers.

In a nearby hospital, a group of seventeen bandits had made their base. Two stood watch on the roof, twelve adults counted the loot on the upper level, and three younglings kept watch over a group of four hostages. The hostages belonged to a different mutant tribe than the bandits, and were most likely the original owners of the overturned caravan. The party weighed their options for approaching this situation. Sancho seemed to want little to do with it, while Godspeed, still focused on their quarry, proposed the grisly solution of using the bandits as bait for the Shadedrinker.

In the end, Godspeed and Sancho deferred to Zamrud's leadership, agreeing to take his orders for this operation. Oath was, after all, a large city, and making connections with the local groups would likely help them find their delivery location.


"Twelve grown bandits, two lookouts, three squirts and four hostages…" Sancho says. "Steep odds."
"Numbers matter little to those who know how to fight," Godspeed says. "I wouldn't wager that your Granpaw would surrender if one hundred raiders came knocking at his front door."
"No, but he's a different case than squishy people like us," Sancho says. "Well, crunchy in my case."
La Senorita perks up. "I have a strong craving for – violence."
"Coming right up," Godspeed says. "Zamrud, since the majority seems to favor your plan, I'll let you have the lead. Divide the groups as you see fit."


"I can dig a tunnel straight to where they are and we can ambush them from behind!" Grutar gives his suggestion to Zamrud and the others, revving up his drill arm for a brief moment. "Or you can just point me in the right direction, whatever works best!"


"I am more than willing to trust your judgement, Zamrud. Put me where you wish."


"Should I be needed for anything in specific?" Billy tilts his head looking up towards his group.


"If it makes anything easier," Godspeed offers. "I can go alone, and dispatch the younglings keeping watch over the hostages."
"'Dispatch'?" Sancho asks, tilting his head.
"Dispatch, deal with, defeat, take whichever synonym you prefer," Godspeed says.



I would prefer if we didn't kill any kids if need be. THey can still be turned onto a better path."


"I don't like killin' anyone who doesn't really deserve it. There's enough Dreaded Ones dwindilin' our numbers that we don't need to be cuttin' down lives these days."


"We are in agreement," Godspeed notes, with her trademark small smile. "I have no intention of killing anyone, if you do not wish it."


"If you believe you can manage it, then yes. That might ease things up on our planning."


"It seems like everyone else disagrees with the idea. Though I don't mind helping you with these plans. I rather not cause discord between everyone by doing anything disagreeable." Billy frowns a bit in thought.


"I would rather Godspeed stick with us: twelve on one, I think you would be most necessary with the largest group that will confront us. However," he points at Grutar, "An excellent point regarding your ability to dig tunnels: that gives mobility our enemy does not have."

"Alright, here is what I am thinking," Zamrud gets down low, drawing a small map into the ground with his pointed claw

"Team 1 will consist of Senorita and Qhapaq, who should be durable enough to serve as our 'bait', if you don't mind the term. They will investigate the ruins of the caravan and draw out our would-be captors."

"Team 2 will consist of myself, Grutar, and Godspeed. We'll be hiding in Grutars tunnels and will jump out after Qhapaq signals how many are coming for him and Senorita on our magicomps. We'll jump out and trap the bandits between us and Team 1, and convince them to surrender with them ensnared in our trap."

"Team 3 will consist of Billy, Good, and Sancho: you will infiltrate the hospital where the hostages are tied up and the younglings are guarding them, dispatching the latter and freeing the former to reduce any leverage the bandits have, as well as dealing with their look outs on the roof. Then, after you're done there, you can come to meet act as our back-up in case the bandits try to force a confrontation."

He dusts off his paws as he looks at the plan. "Well, that's what I have, anyways. Any questions?"


"I do not mind the term, no." the griffon says, shaking his head. "What sort of signal do I give, Zamrud?"


"I am fine with this plan."


"A quick message on your magicomp should suffice. Failing that, we may want to come up with something else, preferably a phrase that can inform us of how many are coming after you." He taps his chin, "If the magicomp doesn't work, call out a sentence with EXACTLY as many words as bandits coming to take you in, assuming we can't get them to send all twelve."


"Very well- I will send a message, then." he says, bowing his head a little before slowly reaching over and patting Zamrud's head. "I will be more careful than before. Good luck to you."


"Just tell me where to start diggin' and how far, I'll do the rest!" Grutar says, saluting as he does to show that he is pumped and ready.


Godspeed's smile fades when she's told to come along with the rest of the group. She, however, raises no objections to the plan. "I trust that you will be able to handle the negotiations with the bandits. As you have seen, I am a bit shy with new faces."
Sancho nods. "Hey, maybe my mug will be enough to spook them kids into cooperating! Heh heh," he says, trying to raise Godspeed's mood.
She totally sandbags him.
"Whenever you are ready," La Senorita splices. "Which – I hope – will be soon."
Godspeed raises her eyebrow. "An AI with sass…"


As you pat Zamrud's head, the cat-man closes his eyes, feeling somewhat demeaned by the affectionate gesture, but nonetheless offers a smile to Qhapaq, "I appreciate you taking my earlier comments to heart, my friend."

"Start with digging a tunnel from here to the hospital so that Team 3 can get there easily, then for Team 2 to jump out from…." he looks over towards the caravan, trying to find a good 'ambush point' for Grutar to dig a tunnel to for them to trap the bandits
[1d10-1] Perception

Zamrud takes note of Godspeed's fading smile, rubbing his chin. "Certainly, negotiations are well within my ability to handle. Though Godspeed, out of curiosity: are you good with children?"

He turns to look at Senorita, "One moment, Senorita, Ironcastle was not built in a day."

Roll #1 10 - 1 = 9



"I don't mind my role. I only worry I am not a sneaky face. Though that is probably my benefit out here. I will do my best." Billy nods to himself.


Grutar starts to eye around for a spot to begin digging, talking with the rest of the group to ensure that they're ready before he would begin digging.

Grutar salutes to Zamrud as he begins the tunnel for Team 3, giving pauses for when Zamrud needs to help direct him. Wanting to make sure he doesn't mess this up, he starts to overheat his weapon for this.

>Overheating, pick the higher of the two.


Roll #1 3 = 3 / Roll #2 3 = 3


"I'm afraid I don't think stealth is really any of our forte, Billy, but I would like you to accompany Good and would like SOMEONE else to accompany the both of you to deal with the hostages. Not only do greater numbers ensure you'll take down their adolescent jailors with minimal casualty to either side, but just in case some of the bandits hang back you'll need at least a few extra hands."


"In that case, I think it is best to start now, Senorita and I can get started with ours." the griffon says, making towards the caravan for the 'bait'.


"I am sure I can take care of them. As long as things go to plan of course. Would be troublesome if my luck were to curse me suddenly." Billy frowns at his own thoughts. "Bleh, hope I haven't cursed myself."


"Not particularly," Godspeed says. "But my most notable accomplishments, prior to my ascension to Exarch, were in my handling of hostage crises during the Monger's Row Riots, back in Zinccastle."

There are a few options as far as ambushing via a tunnel.

The caravan is in the middle of a three-way intersection, with the three ways being West, North and East. The sidewalk entrance to the hospital is on the South end, and there is no road there. You are on the West road, and the lookouts currently face to the North and to the East.

A pitfall could be handily dug between the caravan and the hospital's sidewalk entrance. It would take some time, and cause some noise, but there's enough room to create a pit deep enough to trap most of the bandits.

However… because of the way the caravan is laid out, it is likely that the bandits would not leave from the front entrance. Doing so would alert their prey to their approach, leaving them all three streets as escape routes. They would most likely go out the side entrances, located further back along the hospital's exterior, and trap their prey in a pincer formation. As such, pitfalls on the West or East streets would be of better use, either for pitfall traps or for tunneling behind the enemy.



Good turned to Billy and Sancho "Shall we move to try and slip in the back entrance then?"


"You don't say?" He says in response to Godspeed remarking on her earlier hostage situation handling. "Well then, in that case, Billy, Good," he turns to them, "Why don't we switch out Godspeed on Team 3 to go with you. Sancho, will you be alright working with Grutar and myself?"

He nods as he contemplates the various directions the bandits may come from, contemplating the 'obvious' route from the South as unlikely given the possibility they'd see them coming. He turns to Grutar,

"Alright: we are on the West Road. I imagine our enemy will come from either the West or East as well, avoiding a direct approach from the South due to it being too obvious. Dig a tunnel leading to either the West or East side, as well as a third exit going behind the hospital for Team 3 to use. That's three entrances total. Then, built a pit-fall on the East and West side ahead of where we'll jump out to trap them, if that's not too much to ask: if they fall into a pit-trap, it'll make our cornering them on either side that much more effective in making them surrender."


"Up and ready whenever everyone else is. So yes." Billy nods his head to good.


Good shoots him a grin and looks to Sancho.


Grutar gives another salute as he has taken a bit of rest from his first digging to cool off lightly, but then continues on to make the West tunnel before he would move on to attempt the backdoor exit tunnel.


Roll #1 7 = 7


"Alright- that sounds good, then. Once we handle the ones that have not fallen into a pitfall, should we meet up with you and the others?"


Sancho grumbles slightly. "Here I was lookin' forward to givin' 'em a good scare… though maybe Mutants see way scarier things than a skeleton out here."

Sancho switches out for Godspeed, as Zamrud says. She smiles to Good and Billy. "I may be the more experienced one, but I will have need of younger folk such as yourselves. I'm too old and grouchy to deal with kids."

You two and Sancho head back further up the West road to avoid the risk of the sound carrying, and Grutar begins to work on the tunnel. The asphalt and concrete give way with ease, weakened by millenia without upkeep, but the ground below is hard and compacted. The work takes some time, but soon enough, Grutar has made an underground tunnel on the West side, and loosens a chunk of the western end of the intersection to serve as the pitfall trap.

La Senorita turns to you. "Would you care for a game?" she splices.


"A… game? I suppose, yes." the griffon says, cocking his head to the side. "What sort of game is it?"


A panel slides open on La Senorita's front chassis, revealing a screen. She scrolls through several menus, but you cannot read their contents – all of it is written in what is presumably Old Equish. "I have many games," she boasts, but you'll just have to take her word for it.


"No worries sancho, you can always come and spook me anytime. I don't mind." Billy gives him a smile.


"Yes, once we deal with our bandits, we should mop up any left over who stood behind in the Hospital. Good luck out there my friend, stay safe."

To Sancho, he puts his paw on his shoulder, "I'm certain your ability to inspire fear will be put to perfectly good use against the bandits that will be coming out way." He nods to Godspeed, "Good luck. I'm entrusting you with the young lord and young Billy, so bring them back unharmed."

As he follows Grutar and Sancho, Zamrud nods in approval as he easily tears through the concrete and solid earth, looking out towards the hospital to make sure they are not caught through too much noise on their part
[1d10-1] Making sure we're not spotted by keeping watch out for Grutar.

"Soon as those tunnels are in, we hop in, then jump out when Qhapaq alerts us the bandits have fallen into the pitfall."

Roll #1 6 - 1 = 5


He blinked and shrugged as he was fine with Godspeed joining them instead "This is fine too." he said with a chuckle.

"You don't look that old Godspeed." he added.


"Just one more tunnel then!" Grutar says, a wide grin on his face as he's really working that drill of his digging away.


Roll #1 7 = 7


"I feel old," Godspeed says, with a rare and dry laugh. "Time is not what you think it is. A week may take a decade to pass, and a decade may take place within a week."

One of the lookouts on the roof, the one responsible for keeping an eye on the North road, seems to have vanished. You can't tell where, or what he's up to, only that he is now gone."
"We might want to step on the gas here…" Sancho mutters.

Deep down underground, Grutar succeeds in the construction of the East tunnel and pitfall. Perhaps more would increase your options, but with that lookout gone, it's impossible to tell just how much time you have left.


"Yeah, we should hurry for the chance we can get. Is Good ready?" Billy looks for his teamatte.


He nodded and motioned for them to moved, heading down one of the side streets to try and get in behind the hospital.


[1d10] Perception

Roll #1 10 = 10


Zamrud nods to Sancho, "Indeed. One of their lookouts are gone. I can only hope to take a break rather than reporting on what he's seen. The tunnels should be good as they are, we're out of time. I'll send an alert on the magicomp to the others to be aware, if no-one takes Qhapaq or Senorita's bait, Team 3 will be in trouble."

With that, he sends a quick message out on the magicomp
>"One lookout gone, keep alert."
Brief and to the point as he dives into the completed tunnels with Sancho and Grutar, ready to spring a trap on the bandits coming after Team 1.



Roll #1 4 = 4


With not much time left for him, Grutar tries his best to get the last bit of the tunnels set up for everything to work.


Roll #1 3 = 3


Qhapaq looks over the illegible options on the screen, before nodding a little bit. "You pick."

Qhapaq's expression can't be seen under the mask, but Zamrud can guess he looks happy.


Trying to act natural, the griffon will begin to head for the caravan and root around- he's likely done it before, anyways.

Roll #1 7 = 7



Followed by Godspeed, you enter the campus of the hospital by cutting around the far end of one of the nearby warehouse offices, braving back-alleys and parking lots full of debris, clutter, grime, and the occasional unidentified bones or flesh-heaps festering in gutters. Once you reach the back of the hospital grounds, and approach the hospital proper, Good notices two doorways available to them – on the West end of the hospital is a fairly ordinary-looking door. On the South end, is another door, but this one appears to be locked. Through its translucent glass, he can see the shadow of some kind of object near the base of the door as well – a trap, perhaps?

It is not hard to surmise that the West door is the one the bandits prefer to use. The South door will be harder to get through, but less likely to lead into the path of a bandit.

Your drill starts to get uncomfortably warm as you attempt to tunnel South. A sudden resistance as your drill meets a harder object. A bone-rattling screeching, followed by a deafening shrillness, fills the air, leaving you in a daze. You see that you've drilled into some kind of old pipe running beneath the street level. It's thick enough to have stopped your progress.

La Senorita queues up a quick game of Pong, but it must regrettably be cut short once the plan goes into motion.

The ringing of the pipe that Grutar hit can be heard all about the hospital, muffled as it is. The other lookout turns his attention toward the caravan, where Qhapaq and La Senorita rifle through its contents. Much of what has been left behind appears to be various grades of assorted junk, broken weapons and a mishmash of wild mosses and grubs that grow in the Outlands, probably whatever the caravaneers had rustled up for a trail meal.

Among the wreckage, however, Qhapaq finds two things of note, in the central car of the caravan. The first, appears at first to be some kind of armorsuit, but on closer inspection appears to be a robot, in the form of a pony, but at the size of a buffalo. It is primarily black with gunmetal gray highlighting on the joints or not as heavily armored areas. There are painted flames that start at the hooves and rise up about half way; they start as a honey color before transitioning to pink along the outer areas. Its visor is red, and beneath the smashed glass, one can see a system for a laser firing.

Laying over the robot is a tattered, faded scrap of cloth, little more than a rag now. It appears at first to be a blanket, but its shape implies it was to be worn as a tunic. It is quite small, befitting a youngling. It is deep brown and warm red, and covered with intricate patterns, evocative of eyes.

Qhapaq notices, out of the corner of his eye, the other lookout disappearing from the roof.


"Ah. They certainly were thorough, it seems." he remarks, inspecting the tunic and setting it aside where he can find it later. He looks over the robot with a curious hum, poking at it a couple of times before frowning "And… automated guard, perhaps. Curious."
>Perception: [1d10]
Qhapaq tries to keep an eye out- all things considered, it's a pretty normal reaction.

Roll #1 9 = 9


As Grutar's drill hits a pipe, Zamrud's sensitive ears clap down, holding up his paws as he hisses, "Stop the drilling, stop the drilling…!", looking above the solid earth as he tries to listen for any noise.

"Hopefully they don't think more of that than a decaying city falling apart naturally. That pipe's going to cause a few issues, we don't want to risk making too much noise and drawing them to the tunnels. If you think you can get around it, let me know, but otherwise we'll have to hope the traps we've set up so far will be enough. Qhapaq and Senorita should be in position now, we just need to wait for him to signal the bandits' coming over the magicomp, or hearing them fall into one of the pitfalls you dug."



"The South Door might be trapped but its more than likely going to have no bandits around it." he said noting the glow "I would say the unorthodox play might be the best here if we want to keep our presence hidden til we can get the drop on them."


"Bah! Sorry lads, these sorts of things happen when you dig in old ruins like this. I gotta dig around, we're gonna have a bit of a delay!" Grutar warns out, however this doesn't stop him from trying to make an alternate route.


Roll #1 10 = 10


"That does make sense. Do you have any idea what kind of trap it is, or where it is down there?" Billy tilts his head. "A big worry of mine is it being an alarm where it goes against your plan here of avoiding a bandit."


"From what I can see it's something glowing but other than that… no." he said as he moved trying to peak into the glass.


[1d10] Perception

Roll #1 5 = 5


"Maybe it is a bomb then? Should I go ahead to test it out and see a way around before anyone else? I think I am more durable than others here."


The robot is so badly damaged as to be non-functioning, you soon notice. The limbs of the robot, and indeed much of its torso, are all broken off from the main body, and delicately organized in a heap. The tunic probably lay over it to keep it all in place.
"He is – somewhat – cute," La Senorita says.

Behind one of the darkened windows of the hospital, you notice the shapes from before mobilizing. The lookout must have passed along word of your arrival.

As you speak, Godspeed tugs you back around the corner of the auxiliary building, out of sight of the hospital. From the West door, four bandits pour out, taking another side-street to loop around to the West road. You hear a squeaky door open from the East side as well. It's safe to assume they're using similar tactics on that end – limited forces, if only because Qhapaq and La Senorita, as dangerous as they look, are still only two targets.

Once the bandits are on the move, you get closer to the South door. Through the blurry glass, you can see some kind of crude bomb; a stake in the floor across from the bomb reveals its triggering mechanism as a tripwire, not a laser. Low-tech, easy enough to disable.

The ground above you subtly vibrates with many footsteps – the bandits must be on the move, you surmise. Grutar, pushing the drill to its limits, manages to make another tunnel to the South, reaching behind the hospital, where Good and Billy are with Godspeed. The caravan is also flanked on the West, South and East sides with pitfalls. Only the North side, where Qhapaq and Senorita are, is safe to walk.


"Thank you kindly, Godspeed for helping us when we were distracting ourselves. It is much appreciated when you did take action. So shall we attempt to disarm this, or go around it?" Billy asks of his nearby teammates.


Qhapaq hums a little, and shakes his head "I suppose they did not care to use its scrap, even- how wasteful." The flames are an… interesting touch, though. Quite stylistic."
He'll try and see if he can get an idea of how many shapes he'd seen moving; [1d10]

Roll #1 4 = 4


"Indeed it is a bomb. I might be able to manipulate Gravity with a shot through the window to undo it… unless either of you are capable of a sneakier attack?"


As Grutar swiftly digs a final tunnel to the South, Zamrud clenches his paws, "My goodness… well done Zamrud, that was in record time."

As the earth shakes above them, Zamrud nods, "And none too soon, the bandits are on the move. Let's move back, they'll be coming from either the East or West roads, we'll want to be ready to flank whichever trap they fall into." He pauses, "Or possibly even both, I am only now realizing they have the numbers to come at him from either side. Qhapaq should be sending us a notice on the magicomp soon, if they split their forces I shall take one side while you two take the other. Hopefully, they're less than clever and strictly stick to one."


"I think that is good enough. My idea was just to pull out the wall it was attached to honestly." Billy glares at the trap still wondering if it is feasible.


"Toldja I'm the best at diggin'! Want me to do anythin' special or just backup Qhapaq when he is goin' in?"


"No, this will have to do for now: the bandits are literally above us as we speak, any more digging now will alert them. You've done more than enough my friend, now we just have to pray it pays off."


"Suggestion," La Senorita splices. "Neatly organized – useless – tunic, an article of clothing – laying across. Sentimental – or – religious value."

Before you can get a good count on how many bandits are approaching, you can see for yourself: From the East, and the West, come two groups of four Mutants each, a grubby lot, wearing whatever was at hand. You see everything from dented pieces of stolen armorsuits, to trash bags, to handmade spiked leather garb. Their weapons are in similar condition, but far stranger. Simple spears and swords have as their neighbors strange hand-cannons and particle weapons, cobbled together from funnels, cardboard, plastic and bone. And pipes, you see a lot of pipes.

The eight bandits look you over without a word, frisking you and La Senorita with their gazes. Those few who make eye contact seem to be appraising your eyes for their market worth more than anything else. They're both currently keeping their distance from you, not close enough to fall into the pitfall traps.

You get into your positions, awaiting Qhapaq's signal.


Qhapaq hums a little bit in response to Senorita, and shrugs a little bit. He goes to say something, but stops as he hears the mutants approach.

The griffon stands up to his full height, looking back at the group. His mask hides any expression he's making, but it doesn't muffle his voice. "You are not of the Aya, are you?" His voice carries well enough, given his size.


Zamrud holds up his paw, signalling a moment to hold until he hears some sort of signal from above from Qhapaq.

"The footsteps have stopped, but none of the pitfalls have gone off. What could be going on up there?" He says, opening up his ears to try and hear the movements of the bandits above.


"So good, do you think you can manage your plan in disabling the bomb?" Billy tilts his head.


Good prepared his magic but held until he heard something that seemed like a signal.


[1d10] Perception (listening)

Roll #1 1 = 1



Roll #1 5 = 5


One of the bandits, chewing a strange and yellow-looking bit of gum with as wide a mouth as he can manage, smiles at you. "We're just the local folks, friend. We like to keep track of who's coming in and out of our neighborhood. As you can see, the old town's in a spot of bother. We'd rightly appreciate a donation or three, if you can manage to spare anything."

The bandits show off their weaponry in a fashion like out of an old flick. You get the feeling at least one of them is a film buff. In any case, it's clear that they want a lot more than one or three "donations."

La Senorita remains silent.

It's muffled, but you hear Qhapaq's voice, just barely. Eight sounds come from him… must mean eight bandits, as you discussed before.

You lose track of the conversation as your eyes start to burn, first from their over-exertion by your mutation, then from all the dust that fills the tunnel air.

You hear Qhapaq's signal – eight words, confirming what you heard from all the footsteps leaving the hospital. That leaves six adult bandits, three younglings, and four hostages inside.


Good nodded and adjusted to aim a spell at the base of the door trying to hit the crack and thus raise it up using his mutation.

[2d10] Magic Bolt

>Mutation: Repulsive Force

Roll #1 4, 10 = 14


Billy tries to follow the shot with his eyes as he stands beside good ready to head along with him.


>Assuming Grutar passes along word that Qhapaq spoke eight words
"Eight words, so eight bandits. The rest must be inside, hopefully the others can handle them. I still don't hear any of them having fallen into the pit-traps yet, I wonder if we can get them to step into it before we jump them…"

He turns to Sancho and Grutar, "You two take the East Tunnel, I'll take the west. Don't engage them outright just yet, make a big entrance that may coerce them to rush forward into our traps. Then we'll take them from either side."

Zamrud moves towards the West tunnel entrance and peeks outside to get a look at the bandits, readying an explosive napalm sphere to give them that last push needed into their well laid traps.
[1d10+1] Appraise on the first Bandit he sees
[1d10] Distill Life in preparation for the upcoming fight

Roll #1 5 + 1 = 6 / Roll #2 9 = 9


"I am afraid I have nothing to spare." the griffon says, shaking his head and looking to Senorita. "I do not have anything on me of value, anyways. And, the robot is not a thing upon which a price can be placed."


Seeing everyone go in and hearing the command of Zamrud, he makes a quick nod before charging down the East Tunnel to run into any bandit he sees to knock them out with his big drill arm.

>Martial Slam: Crit on 8


Roll #1 2 = 2


Door and bomb both begin to float away from the impact of Good's mutation; the door's hinges break away easily, owing to its poor maintenance; as for the bomb, the newfound slack on the tripwire keeps it from detonating, effectively rendering it dead.

With the door and the bomb set aside, Godspeed takes the lead, silently gliding into the room despite the weight and heft of her armor. She leads the way down a long hall, checking each empty room and exposed corner you encounter. Most of the rooms on the ground level are totally desolate; overturned shelves and rotted chairs are all that you find of note.

It is as you reach the end of the hall that things become complicated. In the middle of what was once a lobby and waiting area, is a ring of barbed wire and other debris, a kind of makeshift cage. In the middle of it lies the four hostages, bound and gagged. Surrounding them are the three younglings. Each of them is no older than Good, and armed just as poorly and haphazardly as the adult bandits.

The three of them aren't paying attention in the slightest, and are instead looking out the hospital's front windows to where Qhapaq is surrounded by the adult bandits. While they're distracted, you notice that one of the hostages is trying to file through his rope bonds.

>Bandit of Feoh
>A weak bandit of the Feoh clan, one of the lesser Mutant clans of the Outlands, often the subject of raids by the other clans, who regularly take their plunder and even their young and fit for slave-trading.
>HP: 25
>Weak: None
>Resist: None
>Null: None
>Absorb: None
>Repel: None

You ready your healing potions in case the negotiations don't go as smoothly as hoped.

"Oh don't worry," one of the Feoh-bandits says to Qhapaq. "We're quite learned with all this money business. We'll be able to put a right proper price on both of you."


He flicks out his knife and spits out his gum. "Let's get 'em, boys!"

As the eight bandits rush forward to attack Qhapaq, the ground erupts beneath all of them, as the pitfalls open up in the earth. Grutar, who happened to be running toward the East tunnel exit at the time, gets buried along with them.

>Grutar 1/5


>Paused, but make reply posts


"So shall we handle them quickly by grabbing one each and restraining them while they don't see?" Billy looks to his comrades. "Or would any one of you have a better approach here?"


Grutar digs himself out of the rubble and starts to assess what is going on around him, before looking to see if any bandit is still awake to bop them.

>Give them a bop


Roll #1 3 = 3


Good inhaled and scanned the room as he prepared to possibly raise a singularity, but he pulled out his Falx and creeped over to the cage to help them, figuring that Godspeed might be able to handle them all with Billy's help.

"I think it'd be best for you to help God while I free the captives."


Qhapaq chuckles deeply, before shaking his head and letting out a sigh. "Feoh. I suppose I should expect no less." the griffon remarks, before looking down into the pit to see the state of the various bandits.


As he analyzes the bandits' formidableness, Zamrud grins as they suddenly sound the charge, watching them fall right into their trap. While he winces at Grutar falling into theirs on the opposite side, he lets out a sigh, hopeful that he'll be able to fight them off or at least dig his way out, more so with Sancho still above ground. He comes out of hiding, approaching the pit-fall where the four bandits on the West side fell in.

"Well, curious you should mention putting prices on others." He says aloud upon approach, pulling out a few of his flammable concoctions to put into his spheres. "While we're on the subject, I feel compelled to ask how much you believe YOURS are worth." He says peeking over the edge into the pitfall, holding up the flammable sphere above it.

"I wouldn't recommend any more unnecessary action on your part: the fire from this chemical reaction spreads quite quickly and evenly in such a small space. However, I see no need for such barbarism. Not yet, at least. What say we re-open negotiations, gentlemen?"
[1d10] Intimidation / persuasion

Roll #1 4 = 4


Without a word, Godspeed steps forward, her hooves as silent as ever even on the cold and trash-covered tile floor. She stops and waits in the middle of the lobby, but does nothing to either rescue the hostages, or to open negotiations. The hostages look over at her, desperation written on their faces, but as they begin struggling, Godspeed raises her hoof to her lips for silence.

The bandits in the east pit groan and struggle to get free, dazed and confused by the explosion. They gasp with a start when you emerge from the rubble, and raise your arm to strike. One of the bandits more alert than the others grabs a hunk of rebar and flings it at your head, knocking you back with a dent in your helmet and a ringing headache.

>Grutar 0/4

You see La Senorita looking down over the edge of the pit, her barrel trained upon the bandits. "Arms outstretched," she commands.

[1d10+1] Intimidation

The bandits in the west pit bear various injuries, ranging from simple cuts, scrapes and bruises to sprains and trapped limbs. Out of a combination of shock and pain they struggle to get free, but the leader drops his knife and raises his hand when he sees Zamrud's bomb. "Hold it, hold it, hold it!" he hollers in as loud a voice as he can manage. It's not a stretch to imagine he's calling to those still inside as well. "Let's not be hasty. The negotiations never ended, we're just keen on more… assertive tactics than your ordinary chap. The same, I see, applies to you lot."

The bandits lay down their arms, but quite close to where they lay, you notice.

Roll #1 2 + 1 = 3


Last time, on Anno Castra…

Our explorers set their plan into motion. Zamrud, Sancho and Grutar oversaw the construction of tunnels along the West, East and South, along with a trio of pitfalls in the areas immediately surrounding the overturned caravan. With that in place, Qhapaq and La Senorita went out to the caravan, which lured out eight of the twelve adult bandits. With the hospital clearing out, Good, Billy and Godspeed infiltrated the first floor, sneaking up on the inexperienced younglings who had stopped watching the hostages in favor of watching the confrontation outside.

The eight bandits fell for it, dropping into the pitfall trap as expected. They still held the advantage in numbers, and their unofficial leader seemed intent on signaling their distress to those still inside. Especially with the unfolding hostage situation, the situation was not yet won…


>Good, Billy
Without a word, Godspeed steps forward, her hooves as silent as ever even on the cold and trash-covered tile floor. She stops and waits in the middle of the lobby, but does nothing to either rescue the hostages, or to open negotiations. The hostages look over at her, desperation written on their faces, but as they begin struggling, Godspeed raises her hoof to her lips for silence.


The bandits in the east pit groan and struggle to get free, dazed and confused by the explosion. They gasp with a start when you emerge from the rubble, and raise your arm to strike. One of the bandits more alert than the others grabs a hunk of rebar and flings it at your head, knocking you back with a dent in your helmet and a ringing headache.

>Grutar 0/4

You see La Senorita looking down over the edge of the pit, her barrel trained upon the bandits. "Arms outstretched," she commands.

[1d10+1: 3] Intimidation

>Zamrud, Qhapaq

The bandits in the west pit bear various injuries, ranging from simple cuts, scrapes and bruises to sprains and trapped limbs. Out of a combination of shock and pain they struggle to get free, but the leader drops his knife and raises his hand when he sees Zamrud's bomb. "Hold it, hold it, hold it!" he hollers in as loud a voice as he can manage. It's not a stretch to imagine he's calling to those still inside as well. "Let's not be hasty. The negotiations never ended, we're just keen on more… assertive tactics than your ordinary chap. The same, I see, applies to you lot."

The bandits lay down their arms, but quite close to where they lay, you notice.


Good for the moment focused on very slowly creeping over to the captives to help free them. He was prepared to use his blade to start undoing the bindings.


[1d10] for sneaky sneaky.

Roll #1 9 = 9



As the bandits put down their arms, Zamrud smiles, though he makes sure to keep a sharp ear out for any more risky business coming their way in case this is another trick.
[1d10] Alley Cat (DC 4)

"Less assertive on our part, the word I'd use is 'opportunistic'." He says as he lowers his bomb, but keeps it gripped tightly in his paw. "I suppose we should start with introductions. My name is Zamrud Permata Bahasa. My associates and I were passing through when we noticed a caravan in distress, so we thought we'd do our civic duty and investigate. What might your name be, sir?"

Roll #1 10 = 10


Grutar sits up and rubs his head in the daze as he's trying to stand up, unsure if he needs a moment to recover from the bashing. "Augh… Not as bad as havin' a fist shaped rock fall on your head but that one is gonna need a drink…"

>Attempt self recover


Roll #1 3 = 3


Billy follows goods lead with his claws in place of using a knife to work on the prisoners bindings. Feeling confident in his dragon nature to cut through it.



Roll #1 2 = 2


Qhapaq digs his talons into the edge of the whole as he watches patiently- he's not one for making deals, but the griffon remains on guard in case anything's tried.
>Perception: [1d10]

Roll #1 4 = 4


The fur on the back of your neck stands up on end. Without even needing to look at the hospital, you can tell that the remaining bandits are mobilizing, heedless of how well these negotiations might or might not be going. But you can tell that they're not coming out, even though they could have by now.

"Vitki, good sir," the Mutant replies. You can see, under his half-armor, half-garbage garb, that he is a very grubby mustelos, a badger of some sort. "And your neighborly spirit is quite admirable, but we have the situation wrapped up quite nicely. We were just in the middle of a little break when you came a'knocking. We're set up right over yonder, and we'd love to invite you in for a spot of Outland Tea, if you care for some."

He grins, showing off a mouth halfway full of teeth.

You sense something is amiss with Grutar, overhearing La Senorita (see below).

As you rise to your hooves, one of the mutant bandits, a grubby minotaur with dark and leprous skin, runs forward, shoving you with an elbow to the neck against the back wall of the pit. Two other mutants join him, jamming your drill-arm back into the rock wall to keep it from shredding either of them.

A laser-blast fries the earth right above the minotaur's head. The barrel of La Senorita's gun glows with deep red light. "Cease and desist," she demands.

[1d10+1] Intimidation

Sancho walks along the perimeter of the pit, silently brandishing his axe as he approaches the bandits.

[1d10+1] Intimidation

Carefully, you cut a gap in the barbed wire surrounding the four hostages, and creep in. Good manages to get one hostage free, but just as Billy cuts the ropes binding the second hostage, said hostage, a younger mutant mare, falls backward onto the floor, unable to retain her sitting position. You see discoloration in her hooves from the ropes strangling her circulation.

She lets out a yelp as she falls backward onto the broken glass, and the three younglings leap with shock. As they turn about and spot you, they raise their guns, but Godspeed slides in front of the both of you.

"Hello," Godspeed says simply, not looking particularly concerned about their weaponry. "I'm going to have to ask you to put down the weapons and let us escort these fine folks home."

"D-don't move!" the lead youngling stammers, keeping his gun aloft. "Drop your weapons!"

Godspeed smirks. "That doesn't really address my request. I'll ask you a second time: Lower your weapons and let us leave with these hostages of yours."

"Shut up!" the youngling says, then looks at the two of you. "You two, stay where you are! You're outnumbered!"

Roll #1 3 + 1 = 4 / Roll #2 10 + 1 = 11


Despite being shoved around and having his drill moved around, Grutar just mumbles "I'll get that out." as he continues trying to rise to his little doggy paws.



Roll #1 1 = 1


Good got his shield up and paused before looking back to the group and moving to cut the rest free, using his shield and his body to block as he did so. He figured Billy and God had the rest covered for now.


Billy doesn't mind the yougling as he tries to handle the hostages in front of him.


Zamrud, feeling his instinct screaming of danger, makes sure to keep half an eye on the hospital, but puts his hopes in Good, Billy, and Godspeed to be able to handle things there.

"A pleasure, Vitki. Your hospitality and offer of tea is very generous, but at least for the moment I hope you might understand why I am more comfortable where I am. Especially considering there's a great many of you and only four of us." He makes a point of hiding the existence of the others in the hospital. "I admire your professionalism: unless my eyes deceive me, this caravan was just taken very recently, and there isn't a body to be found anywhere which suggests a clean operation." He nods towards the hospital, "We happened to have enough time to notice you had a few 'guests' in your camp already."

Zam waves his paw about in the air. "Now, I understand everyone has to make ends meet one way or another in the harshness of the Outlands. But surely, the same goes for those unfortunate fellows who previously owned this caravan, don't you agree? What we propose shouldn't come as too unreasonable I hope, Vitki. We ask that you release the individuals you've appropriated, along with at least *some* of their goods so they might land on their feet. Oh, and let us go on about our own business as well, of course."
[1d10] Bluff / persuasion

Roll #1 1 = 1


Qhapaq flicks his ears and looks over to Senorita, before looking back to the bandits and frowning.


The minotaur glowers at you, digging the bone of his elbow deeper into his throat, but a shadow passes overhead, and he looks up, then stumbles back, his face frozen in a grimace of fear – so too do the other bandits back off, freeing you. A cold presence radiates from the shadow, but it diminishes once the bandits crawl away across the broken earth. Sancho reaches down and helps you onto the asphalt above the pit, dusting you off.

The two quiet younglings look at one another with fear and indecision as you cut the last two hostages free. Their leader steels himself after a moment of indecision, raising his gun for Billy's head. You see his hoof tighten about the trigger, when–

"I'll ask you a third time," Godspeed says. "Lower your weapon, and let us all leave. If you don't stop playing with that gun, you're going to shoot your eye out. Your left eye, in fact."


That specification causes the three younglings to turn pale. When you look back at Godspeed, something's different about her. Though you cannot see her face, and though her appearance has not changed… it is almost as if she has grown larger, standing over all in the room. Even the four hostages look as though a quiet and cold fear had taken a death grip over their stomachs.

"A feel-good proposition, sirrah," Vitki says. "It would make for a wonderful fairy-story. But alas, a warm heart does not make for a fat wallet… unless you've trotted up to the organ-shop, that is!" he laughs. Sorry mate, but me and mine come first, and if that means some Aya raiders go a little hungry or have to do a little hard labor on the slave-market, then so be it. But you sound like a chap who has respect for hard work. How about you help us all out of his hole, and I'll make sure you get set up with a kind slave-driver. Extra water breaks and all!"

As the rest of the mutants pick themselves up, they guffaw at the proposition.


"Thanks, Sancho." Grutar says with a nod of appreciation as he's shaking off the debris from his beard.
"Now, what other lads to mess with." Grutar says as he's already eyeing the area around.
>Perception to assess the area

Roll #1 3 = 3


You see, over on the west side, that some of the mutants near the back of the pit are getting awfully close to their dropped weapons…


As Vitki makes his counter offer, Zamrud offers a kind-hearted chuckle as he squelches the disgust in his stomach at the mention of organ-harvesting or slavery. "Really, you would do that for us? Your generosity truly is inspiring, my friend."

He holds the orb in his paw aloft, "Though, I might remind you I have a bit of leverage in my negotiations. I understand you have little reason to let these - Aya, you called them? - these Aya go out of the goodness of your hearts, but surely you have an interest in those hearts still *beating* as well?" He gives an extra toothy grin at that last line.

He pauses, his ear flicking. "Hmm… what if I told you I could get you an even better prize than a few measly workers? The reason my associates and I are passing through these parts is we are hunting a particular Dreaded One you see. A Shadedrinker. Perhaps that might be of interest to you?"

[1d10] Intimidation / bargaining

Roll #1 8 = 8


Grutar is going to make a mad dog dash over to the mutants, wanting to show them who's boss and try continuing the intimidation tactics by smashing his drill down onto the dropped weapons in attempt to disarm them for good.

>Smash it with a drill!


Roll #1 4 = 4


Good inhaled gently and slowly moved beside Godspeed "I would recommend… that you apologize and make it up to these folks for holding them hostage."


[1d10] to use them purdy words.

Roll #1 7 = 7


The griffon ruffles his wings up and growls a little as the bandit mentions the captives being Aya, and digs at the ground with more hostility. For now, he leaves it to Zamrud to continue talking- while he has his mask on, his emotions are plain to see in the rest of his body.
>Intimidate [1d10]

Roll #1 10 = 10


"Thank you guys." Billy smiles to himself as he continues at his work.


Grutar suddenly drops into the west pit, smashing to pieces a jury-rigged laser gun that a bandit was gradually inching towards. Between his show of power, Qhapaq's silent malevolence, and Zamrud's cruel, calculating coldness, the eight Feoh bandits lowe the bravado that their pure numbers had afforded them.

Vitki gulps, but tries not to show it. "A quarry like that would certainly pay for the emotional distress we've suffered here, the damages to the roads, and the time we've spent in these pits! But, I'll need to run it by our leader, Galdrar. If you would be so kind as to offer me a claw up, brother…?"

With pale faces, and shrunken eyes, all three younglings drop their laser weapons. They mutter some words, but their voices are low, and their eyes even lower, unable to face any of you. Gradually, the strange sensations surrounding Godspeed subside, until she seems to be naught more than a zebra mare (somewhat on the short side). She looks back your way as Billy helps up the four hostage mutants.

"Your orders for me?" she asks.


Grutar stays on his toes as he's eyeing all of the bandits, he just simply keeps an eye on them all as he waits for his allies to deal with this lot.


"Great job Godspeed. you handled this outstandingly billy gives off a big smile for his newer comrade. "How did you learn such a good skill for out here?"


"Er… I guess make sure everyone outside is fine?" he said as he collected the weapons and took a look at the hostages and their former captors, taking a head count of things. Perhaps he could work things out better since unlike the adults, these guys seemed to have a path to a better life still ahead of them.


Zamrud grins in satisfaction as Grutar steps in to smash one of the bandits laser pistols. "As I said before, I would recommend ceasing any more hostile tendencies for the moment, gentlemen."

As Vitki acknowledges the deal would be worthwhile, Zamrud smiles. "Then, I believe we have the makings of a deal then. I would be more than pleaesd to run it by your boss, but I have the distinct feeling it would be unwise of me to step into that hospital alone with you. Would you mind calling him out here so we can speak in person?" He rolls the orb in his paw. "Before my hand gets tired, preferably."

[1d10] Persuasion

Roll #1 3 = 3


Qhapaq extends his large, razor-sharp claws and frowns from behind his mask. "You will get your 'claw up', but ask your leader out first. I do not trust you, Feoh."
>Intimidate: [1d10]

Roll #1 6 = 6


Godspeed does not answer Billy, and instead heads back outside. She shows no reaction when many sets of hooves comes trampling down a set of stairs from above – the four remaining adult bandits, it sounds like. One set in particular sounds significantly larger than any of the others.

The younglings are still too shaken by Godspeed's terrifying presence to react, but the four hostages almost immediately fall into quiet distress. They start trying to get up to flee, but like the mare who fell earlier, their limbs are bruised and discolored from their bindings, and unable to move much.

"I don't think I'm going to have to, on second thought," Vitki says. "I think I can hear him coming already."

Indeed, from the hospital comes a muffled sound of deep and heavy footsteps. The remaining glass in the building rattles with each step. La Senorita rolls over to you. "Suggestion: Restrain hostile elements."

Sancho heads over as well. "Yeah I'm gettin' a bad vibe off this one. Flex, boys, we'd better look a lot tougher than we are for when this guy gets out here."


"I know how to get them worried." Grutar says as his drill starts to rev up and make the usual sound of grinding bone when it is on passively. "They try anything then I'll boil every bit of my blood to make them know not to mess with us."


Good looked to the captors as he sighed "Bar the door Billy, We're better off holing up in here and waiting." he said as he looked back to the younglings "You must know this isn't a good way to live right? Hurting others for the sake of maybe a caravan worth of goods?"


"Well this is unfortunate, I was hoping things would be cleaner in getting hostages out. Shall we run out or confront them everyone?" Billy tilts his head looking to his group.


"Not wise, they're not in any shape to fight and they could get hurt."


As the building starts to shake with the sounds of heavy steps, Zamrud takes his eyes off of Vitki to take a look at the hospital, his ears folding back and his eyes narrowing as he senses the massive threat approaching.

"Punctual, I see. And I agree, Sancho. Keep an eye on those holes, don't let our new friends out of your sight for even a moment. Time to stand up straight for their illustrious boss." He says, ready to do the talking of a life time to try and buy everyone a ticket out of this mess.


Billy nods his head. " I will try to make sure everyone does keep up with our group." Billy falls a bit behind the ex hostages making sure they are able to folow and checking behind himself.


Qhapaq hums a little bit, and turns and takes a step back to keep both the hole and the building in sight. While he does, he kicks a bit of dirt into the hole, on to Vitki's face. By accident, clearly.


Before the younglings can answer, four shapes hurtle down the staircase near the northern side of the lobby. Three of them, relatively ordinary mutant bandits by the looks of them, do not take notice of you as they make for the western exit.

Then, with a heavy thud, the last figure leaps down from nearly the midpoint of the staircase, cracking the lobby tile where he lands. He is a massive, gray-furred bear, covered at various points by a suit of leather and bone and metal – judging from the spikes running along his back, and on the shoulder pads, he's the leader.

He pauses, and takes one look at the younglings cowering before you. His gaze does not leave them, and they seize up with terror, even moreso than when Godspeed made her threat. Trembling, the lead youngling picks his gun back up, and points it at you, but his gaze doesn't leave the massive gray bear as he awaits approval.

At last, the bear leaves the lobby, having not said a word nor even changed his expression. The other two younglings pick up their guns in turn, leaving you right back where you started.

Vitki makes an esoteric gesture as he spits up dirt. Roll to identify.

Ahead of the heavy stomping, Godspeed emerges from the east side of the hospital, moving with a singular purpose up to where the group stands. "Are you all alright?" she asks your group.


But before you can answer, the source of the heavy stomping emerges from the western sidewalk near the hospital. Flanked by an entourage of three guards, you see the leader – a massive gray bear, about as tall as Good's father, decked out in leather armor augmented by spikes and bone, not a bit of trash upon him, unlike his crew.

The bear, Galdrar, looks down at you with a silent gaze. Sancho gulps, and La Senorita backs up a bit behind Qhapaq.


Grutar still hasn't backed down his stance as he stands with the rest of his crew.


>Identify: [1d10]

Qhapaq stands his ground and glares at the bear, flicking his tail a little when Senorita slips behind him.

Roll #1 3 = 3


If nothing else, it was an insult.


Good ighed and took a risk, gently placing his hoof on the gun and shaking his head quietly. He just gave the youngling a small smile hoping maybe he would relax at seeing someone who didn't want to fight as he tried to push the gun down.


As Godspeed approaches them, he turns to look at her, nodding. "Quite so. The traps went off with nary a hitch, managed to grab eight of them. How went things inside the hospital?" He asks her, in a quiet voice so as not to alert the other bandits that their hostages are gone.

As Galdrar comes stomping out, Zamrud's ears fold sharply back, a grim smile plastered on his face as he stares up at the exceedingly large, well decked individual. Cats can't sweat, but Zamrud certainly started feeling like it as the monster approached.

Nonetheless, he steels his nerve, and takes a confident step towards Galdrar, keeping his chin up and analyzing their enemy.
[1d10+1] Appraise

"Glad we could make your acquaintance. I dare to presume you are Galdrar, the leader of this band? I am Zamrud, and I would like to make a proposal if you're willing to hear it."

Roll #1 8 + 1 = 9


He sighed "Please, we don't need to fight, nobody needs to be hurt." he said hoping his words might be the final push needed.

[1d10] to use those kind words.

Roll #1 4 = 4


Billy stands guard beside the hostages attempting to protect them from any upcoming harm. "Would you kindly not point those weapons to my companion." Billy calls out ahead to the younglings.

NonCombat Talent:[Unnerving frame]: Passive:Purposeful or not, Billy is quite intimidating in appearance that others are more likely to listen; You have +1 on all social rolls.


Roll #1 1 + 1 = 2


>Galdrar the Shattering Tongue
>One of the few members of the disgraced Feoh mutant clan who inspires fear and respect among the other clans. His roar is said to summon earthquakes, and even his whispers may rumble the earth.
>10/10 H/W
>Weak: Gun
>Resist: Slash, Pierce, Dark, Eldritch, Nuclear
>Null: None
>Repel: None
>Absorb: None

Galdrar nods, surveying your group. Sancho tenses up, and La Senorita scoots further behind Qhapaq.

"I hope this proposal may be worth more than the value of my merchandise your people are attempting to steal," Galdrar says. Though his voice is a low whisper, the words rumble through your bones, shaking up everything inside on their way passing through you.

The lead youngling starts to hyperventilate as he weighs his options. "Look– look… I… if he sees you with the captives again…"

After pacing a bit, and shaking his head with anxiety, he grimaces, and points the gun at Billy's forearm. "I'm sorry, but…!"


As he squeezes the trigger, the gun explodes, badly burning his forehoof. The explosion is near the base of the gun, and directed upward. The colt turns his face away, but the damage is done… and strange.

A chunk of his right cheek has been burned, but so too has been his left eye – a burn covers it entirely now. Nowhere else on the left side of his face been damaged, besides his eye.

You recall Godspeed's mysterious words…

The youngling stands there, frozen in shock, as the hostages yelp with horror. The mare who fell turns to you. "Upstairs– they took our healing mosses upstairs!"


He paused and looked to Billy "Billy go get the mosses! I'll stay with him." he said dropping down and using his canteen to try and get the burning metal to cool rapidly as he worked, pausing only for a moment to produce Trajan "Little buddy… I want you to head outside, and if you think you can help them… try and help. I trust your judgment right now… but more than anything else… please be careful." he said to his little friend.


Billy cringes at the scene seeing the youngling hurt himself with the gun he pointed. Feeling uncomfortable with the young being dying or being incapacitated.


Grutar remains stoic as he's ready to leap into action when it's needed.


"Billy! Go get the mosses!" Good barked now.



Roll #1 4 = 4


Zamrud grins, though his tongue clicks nervously at him admitting to realizing Team 3 was acting in the hospital. "I fear you misunderstand us, my friend. We are less interested in the merchandise than its previous owners." He knows, deep down, *exactly* what Galdrar meant, but thought to try and make the distinction known.

"And, at any rate, I'm certain you'll find it is. My team and I are currently hunting a dangerous and powerful Dreaded One known as a Shadedrinker. However, we only require one specific component, and I feel it'd be a waste to let the rest of it rot. I understand the bodies of Dreaded Ones have a number of useful purposes, do they not? Trading, medicinal, poison, hallucinogenics, trophies, just to name a few."

"My proposal is thus: you allow your appropriated guests to walk, along with at least some of their goods, as well as allow us to pass through your territory. In exchange, in addition to releasing your compatriots currently exploring the bottom of these holes, we shall deliver onto you the corpse of this Shadedrinker to use as you see fit. What do you think?"
[1d10] Proposal

He turns to Godspeed, whispering, "I hope I am not overstepping my boundaries: the ONLY thing we need of the Shadedrinker is the souls it devoured, correct? You need no other part of it?"

Roll #1 10 = 10


Billy nods his head and goes to rush ahead to grab the mosses as instructed. As he goes forward he calls out to good. "Please be safe while I do!"


Qhapaq remains silent for now- he's not the best talker, and he's probably got little to say right now. Regardless, he recognizes Galdrar well enough to hold his tongue for now.


Trajan is already on the way, skittering across the floor to the western exit, heedless of keeping a low profile with this colt's eye on the line.

The youngling stumbles to the ground, his shock giving way to pain and confusion. "Wh– what did I do wrong…?" he asks.

Billy heads upstairs, finding boxes and boxes of looted merchandise scattered haphazardly in the halls and empty rooms of the hospital. Fortuitously, the caravaneers' possessions lay close at hand, and it is not long before Billy finds a pouch full of strange mosses of gray and blue, and mushrooms, and many more strange harvested organisms in vials and bulbs.

When he gets back downstairs, the mare clumsily takes the pouch from him, her movements still unsteady as blood gets back to her limbs. She dabs at the burns with swathes of the mosses to treat the injuries.


"Granpaw requires proof of the hunt, sealed away in the egregore," Godspeed whispers back. "Twill be hard to pay off Galdrar if it devours too much of the quarry."

Galdrar thinks over your proposition, the only sound in the air being that of his heavy breath. "Very well… not many would bargain with such a suicidal task. I will give you one Cycle to complete this. Any longer, and I will come and find you, and we shall find an alternative means of payment.

Grutar notices Trajan, Good's little buddy, running out of the hospital, his claws clicking and tail flailing to try to get everyone's attention. Something obviously has him upset.

Roll #1 2 - 1 = 1


Good shook his head and did his best to assist the mare. He was no medic but he could figure out what she was doing.


Roll #1 3 = 3


Billy attempts to aid in the help of the youngling in looking for the mosses. getting down.


Roll #1 8 = 8


"Hmm… had not accounted for that." He mentions to Godspeed. "I don't suppose we'd be fortunate enough that he'd be satisfied with a picture taken from our magicomps? Or Sancho's testimony?"

As Galdrar agrees to the proposal, Zamrud can't help but let out a slight slight of relief. "One Cycle will be all we need. Shall we shake on-"

He pauses, noticing Good's little scorpion coming out with its armored claws waving frantically. Fear for the young noble taking over his mind, he thinks of an excuse to let him in the hospital.

"If you don't mind, I would like to guarantee the well-being of the caravaners before we set out. Would you mind if I took a look while you see to your men out here? I'm certain the guards you have looking after them will be more than enough to deter any untoward actions on my part."

[1d10] Persuasion to go check on the hospital

Roll #1 7 = 7


"Hrm." the griffon looks to the frantic little scorpion, and then glances up to the hospital.

"Would you prefer to go alone?"


Zamrud looks up towards Qhapaq, contemplating the idea of taking too many of their own member with them and leaving them vulnerable to the bandits pulling something while they're out here….
"Actually, I would care for the company. I imagine you might have some interest in these hostages as well, after all…." he says without directly saying out loud to the bandits of there being another Aya present.


Seeing that both Zamrud & Galdar are handling negotiations right now, Grutar decides to waltz over and check out on what Trajan is getting all upset about, allowing him to ride on Safey. "Wot is it, why you clickin' so much?" Grutar says as he peers around outside the hospital.

Roll #1 8 = 8


The youngling cries out in pain as the mare, her body still weak from imprisonment, spills some kind of tincture over his arm wounds. Before she can lose herself, Billy steps in, intuitively grabbing the proper sheafs of moss to clean and disinfect his wounds. Good manages to put moss over the youngling's burned eye, in the fashion of an eyepatch.

Still weak, the mare manages to fumble a handful of mushroom caps into the colt's mouth. "Chew, not too fast," she instructs. The youngling nods, holding back tears. His two friends stand at the sides, paralyzed at all that's going on.

"A necromancer as powerful as he would have little trouble fashioning a towering laboratory of stone and metal and crystal, with technology to rival ours. Yet he chooses to live on an isolated snail farm. I doubt a selfie would satisfy him," Godspeed says.

"Go," Galdrar says. "Even if you were to deceive me, you would not get far."

Trajan turns about when he sees that he's gotten your notice, and heads back to the hospital. Through the window, Grutar can see the incident unfolding with Billy, Good and the injured youngling (see top post).


"Well, that was a pretty messy start. I hope you don't plan to mess around with guns anymore without the know-how." Billy frowns a bit. " Are you doing well over there Good?"


Grutar decides to head outside seeing there are more allies in need of help. He jogs over and looks around at everyone to figure out what is going on. "You guys need any help?! I got a couple of med kits if someone's hurt!"


Good nodded softly as he sat back.

Good cleared his throat and spoke so the three could hear them "I hope… this convinces you of the folly of your ways." he said simply "That attacking others is not a good path." he said as he turned to the mare and suddenly helped stabilize her with his form, acting like a crutch for her.


"A… selfie?" he asks, cocking his head to the side.

Qhapaq nods a little bit and heads off towards the hospital, after Zamrud and Trajan.


Zamrud winces at Godspeed's rather blunt criticism. "Well, now, a 'selfie' wasn't exactly how I was going to describe it… but, point taken. Hopefully we can take enough to satisfy both parties. Appealing to their 'better nature' went as well as one might expected, so I thought to offer a different bargain."

"It's when you take a picture of yourself in certain locations or events to share on the network."

Getting leave from the big bear himself, Zamrud follows Trajan quickly to the hospital, turning inside to see the messy situation with the young colt guard of the bandits bleeding out of his eye while Good, Billy, and one of the mare hostages tend to him. "By the Abbey, young lord, Billy! What's going on?" He says, noting the wound first and foremost.

He looks to the healing spheres he concocted earlier, offering them up to the mare. "These healing salves are meant for less critical wounds, but might they help?"


"His weapon detonated and took his eye out." Good said flatly as he was honestly doing his best to remain calm now but part of him was genuinely seething at that bear outside for making the youngling do this.


As everyone gathers in the hospital, they see the situation. The four hostages, Qhapaq recognizes as Aya – not in a strict, interpersonal sense, but by an intangible, subconscious recognition of kinship that Outlands Mutant clans share, for which there is no word in Equish. The two younglings who weren't injured gather around the one who was. You can see the odd nature of his injuries, how his right cheek and hoof were burned, the left eye, not the right, seems to be badly injured.

The youngling looks up at you in a daze, entering a sort of muted stupor, probably from the mushrooms. He shows little reaction until he sees Godspeed, at which point, he lowers his head with fear.

The hostages look toward you, and you can see that they are in little condition to move, for their limbs are weak from choked-off circulation. The mare who attempted to treat the youngling looks up. "These two saved the child's eye," she says, gesturing to Good and Billy. "You have warriors quick of mind and bountiful of heart in your company."

"My – agreement," La Senorita says. "Employees of the month for the month of – record not found."


Good sighed and looked to God with a curious look "You… you did something that lead to this situation didn't you?" he asked, not so much accusatory as curiosity.


>forgot to respond to last part

The mare nods, taking the spheres. "We will follow up with these in a moment, let the first medicine run its course."


Forgot to link.))


Billy lightly giggles from senoritas comments. "I do wonder what the robot goes on about at times." Billy sighs as he looks around himself at his group.


"Ah- I see. Castle phrases are strange…"

Qhapaq looks to the younglings and frowns a tad- it doesn't look like much of anything good happened, but none of them seem dead. When he turns to look at the hostages he folds his ears back and removes his mask, taking a moment to tuck it away in his saddlebags before setting a large, heavy hand on her shoulder as lightly as he can. "I am glad we arrived when we did- you do not look well, fellow bone. We have more yet to do until we free you, but we will work as quick as we can."


"About as strange at the phenomena itself. I personally don't understand the appeal, at least to the degree it has in our culture. Kids these days feel the need to take them everywhere."

Zamrud looks over the mysterious injuries of the boy, but sees that all that could be done for him between the mosses, the mushrooms, and Good's healing is already taken affect. He looks to the mare as she gestures to Billy and Good, smiling. "I'm in full agreement at that, miss. Billy and Good are both fine young men. They do us all proud."

He looks around at the situation, then to the immobilized Aya. "I apologize. I'm certain this is all coming at you too quickly, but I feel it best to update you on the situation. We're travelers who happened upon your caravan and these bandits, and sought to stage a rescue. Originally our plan was to trap the bandits and coerce them to let you go in exchange for keeping your goods, or at the very least their own lives." He sighs. "Unfortunately, appealing to their conscience went about as well as to be expected, and if Vitki himself wasn't enough, Galdrar has me convinced they might have willingly sacrificed those in the trap to avoid giving you up. I was trying to find the path of least resistance, and perhaps made a poor deal in the making. Nonetheless, all that's left is to follow through."

He looks to Billy and Good, "The Shadedrinker we're hunting is a wealth of resources far more valuable than anything in the caravan. They've agreed to trade it for the freedom of everyone here. We shall hunt it down as we originally planned, take as much as we need to satisfy Granpaw, and then allow them the rest and escape with all of you."


"Well good on you two!" Grutar says with a wide smile as he pats the both of them each with his good paw. "We have the best on the spot medics!"


"I'd have rather gotten rid of that nasty bear." he muttered.


Zamrud looks to the young Good, closing his eyes and nodding. "Perhaps this place would be better if we did. But, as hard as it might be to believe, it may also be worse off. Remember this, young lord: no matter how well intended, our actions will always have farther reaching consequences."


"I fail to see how the world would be worse off with someone like him gone. Those who rule by fear are no better than any dreaded one." he grumbled.


"Along with my simple request to free the hostages, I gave him practical advice about playing with guns," Godspeed says. "He is the one who refused my request, and refused to heed my advice."

The four hostages listen with growing frustration as they learn that they must remain here for a while until the deal with Galdrar can go through. But the mare who tried to heal the youngling nods, muttering a few words in the Aya tongue to her companions.

"Very well," she says. "We shall wait for your victory. It is assured, for you have one of our bones with you."

"Suggestion," La Senorita says, popping the trunk slightly, to reveal the delivery crates carried within. "Can you tell me where the post office is?"

The mare looks inside the trunk. "Oh, I recognize that mark. I did not think you were delivery runners; you are not in the uniform. Go upstairs and get my tablet. I will pass along directions to your computers."


Good gave the large mare a wary glance but let it go for now with a sigh. He found her annoyingly confusing.


"Yeah, I don't see you doing anything wrong Godspeed. We just got to learn how to fix mistakes, even ones that are not our own." Billy looks down at the youngling.


Grutar brushes his beard as he gets lost in thought, now finally wondering if making a deal with bandits is a good idea.


"The fact that we could strike a deal with him proves he's better than any Dreaded One." Zamrud counters. "I dare say, while I abhor the plans he had for them, he at least left these poor souls 'alive' as well. It's less than ideal, but in a land as merciless as this, we have to consider who is the lesser of two evils."

As the Aya mare confirms their connection with Qhapaq, he turns to look between them. "So you are his people. I was worried when one of the bandits mentioned your name. You have my word on my castle and King, you will be returned to your tribe shortly."

As La Senorita brings out the delivery crates, he turns to look at her and then the mare once again. "A moment, are you also who we were meant to deliver this to? Even when I heard you were Aya, I assumed you were broken off from the main group and we would need to find the full tribe to make this delivery."
>He goes up and gets the tablet as requested after she answers the above


"I apologize we cannot act faster- I will ensure your safe return to home, once this is done." the griffon remarks, setting his talons on each of the captives' heads, one at a time.


He was silent for a while as he let things simmer but in general he would have just preferred taking the monster out and making the world a better place on the whole.


[1d10-1] Rolling perception

Roll #1 3 - 1 = 2


>Perception [1d10]

Roll #1 6 = 6


Godspeed pats your head. "I am happy to have your confidence," she says.

"We dwell in many tents," the mare says, wiggling her head affectionately at Qhapaq's touch. "The place you deliver to is not our home, but the home of our blood. You help them, you help us. You help us, you help them."

The mare fiddles with the tablet for a while. Qhapaq can see that she's scrolling through screen after screen of icons. Mostly gacha games and fairly useful applications – no viruses ("evil spirits"), unlike the tablets of the older Aya. Eventually, Zamrud receives a data transfer request from a user by the name of Nina, and the mare identifies herself as such. The transfer consists of some coordinates to the delivery site, a bunker some blocks to the northeast.

"Head north on Willow Wisp Street for one mile," La Senorita says once she's been given the directions.

"Indeed," Nina says. "Thank you, and good hunting,"


Billy lets out a smile from the pat. "That did turn out less horrible than I imagined honestly. None of this could have been done without all of you guys." Billy states to his group.


Good who had been stewing at this point looked to the Younglings "Never let fear rule you." he said simply before moving off. He collected his Scorpion comrade and moved with him in silence now. The distaste over the situation was palpable on the little noble.


Grutar nods in agreement with Billy. "Aye, I second that."


Zamrud contemplates the mare's meaning. "If I am understanding you correctly, you all trust one another to handle such a delivery?" He shakes his head. "I do not think that attitude would go far in Ironcastle. Too many self-interests, even among the nobility."

After looking over her shoulder towards all the icons, and seeing their delivery is so close, he rubs his chin. "A mile is hardly any distance at all. Godspeed, did you happen to see which direction the Shadedrinker's trail was leading in? Perhaps we may do so on the way."

As Good makes a passing word to the Younglings, the colts catch Zamrud's attention. "Pardon me for asking: what are three young men like yourselves doing with an disreputable company like this?"


"Mmm, yes. We will help greatly, I hope. Be well until our return." Qhapaq says, getting up from the group of captives and getting ready to leave with the others.

"If needbe, Godspeed and I could pursue the Shadedrinker. I would not feel comfortable leaving them here any longer than I would want."


"Pursue, but NOT engage. This thing is dangerous, we should try and take it as a unit."


As he looks over the tablet, his eyes perk up upon noticing a few familiar applications on her device.
"Mysticreatures Out?" He asks, looking to her, "And Furious Avians? You… have games on here?"


The three nod, offering mumbled farewells and the like. The injured one has drifted off to sleep so that he can heal. Trajan, sensing your darkened mood, sticks close and rests his claws on your shoulder.

The two younglings who are still awake exchange a few words in the Feoh language. It bears some passing similarity to what you have heard of Qhapaq speaking the language of the Aya – but these are only about as similar as, for example, Horspañol and Itailian are in Ironcastle. "This is our clan," one answers. "We are of age, and must hunt. This is just what we know. What do you mean, disreputable?"

"Yes," Nina says. "But they took some reprogramming before they could be usable without intranet access. It is tricky having to trade Mysticreatures over infrared instead of intranet, but it is a good way to pass time on the open road."

"The last trace of the Shadedrinker was an east-northeast one," Godspeed says, saddling up her bags. "Somewhat off of your delivery route, but not by far. If there are living souls in this city, it will not leave before it can feed and regain its strength."

Nina shudders. "For your health, I hope you do not find it during a meal."

>roll tracking



Good found his attempts at comfort nice as he moved away from the group. Part of him genuinely debated having a good shout at the bear but he was silent for now as he left the building by himself, trying to find the path on his own for now.

The little noble did not have the best handling of his darker emotions.

[1d10] Tracking

Roll #1 1 = 1


"Yeah, I do hope so too." Billy mumbles letting his imagination get ahead of him on their target eating.


Roll #1 3 = 3


Qhapaq snorts a little bit, before shaking his head. "What you know is weakness." he says, pulling his mask back on and turning to leave.

"Very well. I… will hold, then."
>Tracking: [1d10]

Roll #1 10 = 10


Zamrud nods. "I see. They are your family. I suspected, but I wanted to make sure for myself." As they ask what he means by 'disreputable', he shakes his head. "All you need to know what I mean is, consider heed the young colt who helped save your friend's eye. That is it." He nods to the resting boy. "I wish him a speedy recovery."

"I suppose I'm just surprised. Firstly, that you have time to play video games while surviving out here. And secondly… well perhaps it was a bit prejudiced but, the only Aya I know personally did not even know of a 'selfie' until today, much less Mysticreatures." He says with a slight blush.

"If it is not too far out of the way, I say we should see to the delivery first. We have not yet had to engage in combat while also defending our package, I would like to see that continue up to its final destination. It should not take us long at all to diverge course slightly."
[1d10] Tracking

Roll #1 2 = 2


"Qhapaq," He asks on their way out. "What is considered 'of age' for the Aya? How old do you consider for warriors? 16, 18?"


"Of age? It would be 18, I believe. The Feoh are a weak tribe- weak mind, weak body. They likely do such things of desperation."


"Just as it is in your Castles, technological skill varies among our people," Nina explains. "All of us bones and flesh and blood may be one Corpse, but we are not all so similar as to be all of one mind. Mother Aya imparted many diverse kens to us."

The bandits give you a wide berth as you leave the hospital, with Galdrar simply watching you in silence as you go. Qhapaq can sense the great bear's eyes resting on the back of his skull, not moving for a minute until you are out of eyeshot.

You follow along with La Senorita's directions as best you can, walking along the lonesome roads as they wind through a city choked by its own industry. No street is straight, no path is clear. Everywhere you go, the streets are congested, both by the cramped architecture, the factories, the warehouses, the sky-scraping apartments more dense than the poorest warrens of the Commons, and by these strange vehicles that lie all about. They resemble something between the communal, light-powered trolley-cars of the Castle, and the more traditional wooden carts used by families in the Castles. They lay about, crashed into buildings, run up into sidewalks, strewn about in great heaps all about the road, sometimes necessitating that you climb over them or go around.

They're motor vehicles.

After about an hour, you find yourselves approaching another intersection. A thick fog settles over all that is ahead of you, dense and white.

"Turn right onto Frostclaw Lane," La Senorita says. "…Danger. Be aware of hazardous conditions."

>Paused, reply for next session


Good remained silent for a while as she watched the others. He had made a choice regarding the others plan. He was going to accompany Qhapaq and Godspeed on their scouting journey.

One might deem his choice the lesser of two evils in his current feelings.


"Hmm. You know more of them than I did. Had we recognized them for what they were, I might have reconsidered making that deal with them, but I did not feel like making any orphans out there today on the chance the young ones were related. Though, I am in agreement with you: between their thievery, hostages, planning to sell to slavers, and forcing young and unprepared colts into positions they are not ready for, I must say I am less than impressed."

He turns back to look at the bear as they walk out. "Galdrar is the exception, however. He's strong as any four of us put together, at least. I got a good sense of his strength earlier. Hopefully this deal goes well for all parties involved, but if we do need to confront them, we should take him together."

"Right. I imagine there are many in Ironcastle who don't even know how to work Accord either. My apologies for my assumptions, Nina, that was unbecoming of me. I doubt it would be of much good to you all the way out here but, one of the Princes loves the game as well and might wish to trade."

As they head out into the sickly, industrial city, Zamrud keeps his wits about him as they look for both their bunker and for any signs of trouble in the highly packed, susceptible to ambush surroundings. As they come across the thick fog up ahead, Zamrud raises his brow, feeling a sense of dread coming from the fog
[1d10] Alleycat

"Senorita, could you elaborate a bit on those 'hazardous conditions'?"

Roll #1 3 = 3


"Hrm. The bear was watching me, as we left. I imagine our distaste is mutual." he remarks, shaking his head.

The griffon chooses to fly over any wreckage, keeping his eyes peeled for any signs of danger.
>Perception: [1d10]

"Mmm. Regardless of the state of the other Feoh, Galdrar is a considerable strength on his own. Were we to cross him, we would need to be prepared."

Roll #1 3 = 3


"Do you think we will ever have to meet them again?I hope to not have to clash with them if we do." Billy frowns at the thought.


"I doubt your Castle's intranet would allow the connection, but I will send you my friend code just in case."

She sends you her code via Concord. Of course, you could add her yourself. For an Outlander, she is actually quite cute.

"Let's prepare for that eventuality," Godspeed says to Billy. "He strikes me as quite an aggressive deal-maker. He may think to make merchandise out of us once we're worn out from fighting the Shadedrinker."

"Low visibility – air pollution at one hundred percent – fog advisory warning –" La Senorita splices together from her audio samples. "Your destination is just ahead – your destination is on the left – your destination – calculating new route… Advisory warning – turn back."

The moment that you get within about fifteen feet of the fog, a warning appears in the HUD of each of your visors, warning you of toxic materials in the air. Your air filtering systems automatically kick into high gear, and the manual control for the high-quality filtering augmentations appears.

Neither Zamrud nor Qhapaq can see through the fog, but Qhapaq can see that it covers about one block to the west, the block ahead of you, and two blocks to the east, for a total of four.


"Yeah, it is just a small hope of mine to not. Though I understand that we must be prepared for anything and I do feel confident in doing so with you at our side." billy nods to himself from his own words to cheer himself up.


Good was silent but edging closer to Qhapaq as he waited to suddenly break away from the rest of the group. He wanted to get away from Zam and the others for a bit as his mind still felt distaste with this all.


"Mmm. Trying such a thing would be a grave error- he has already taken my bones. If he tries anything else, I will have his blood." the griffon remarks, ruffling his wings.

Qhapaq frowns a little as they come across the fog, before shaking his head. "Four blocks. Toxic, it seems like. Perhaps we should go around."
>Any knowledge about fogs like this, or something that might make them? [1d10]

Qhapaq tilts his head to the side, gently setting a claw on Good's shoulder to try and comfort him.

Roll #1 10 = 10


He froze for a moment before giving an appreciative nod at the show of comfort as he leaned into the large griffin silently.


Aya tales come to mind – those of the phuyu, the fog that brings an early death, before a warrior is ready to rejoin the First Corpse. This fog: Dense, unwilling to spread, stubborn and sallow, is surely that kind. It requires a fool to overcome, for only a fool can make fear die, and cleverness rise from fear's corpse. The few fools able to overcome the phuyu do so by thinning it out, or by undoing the small storm from whence the fog comes.


"Hrm. If we can undo the storm it comes from, or thin the fog, we can pass safely. Otherwise, I would not recommend passing through this. This is the phuyu- very deadly."

Qhapaq nods a little bit, but says nothing.


As she offers her friend code, Zamrud courteously accepts, adding her to his growing list of friends on the network as he nods towards her. "Please, just hang in there for us a little while longer… and if they do anything untoward, don't hesitate to message us when it's safe."

"I'm inclined to at least consider that possibility. I will see if I can think of something prior, just in case our transaction turns sour."

As Senorita clarifies the sort of conditions they face up ahead, Zamrud nods in acknowledgement. "It is a good thing we upgraded our filters back at the village. We should be able to push on through a bit of pollution, but watch toxicity levels. They'll have their limits."

As they approach the gas, Zamrud peers through the thick fog to no avail before Qhapaq offers insight into its nature. "In which case, we will not risk it. You said this comes from a storm that we may 'undo'? How exactly do you mean, is something producing this 'phuyu'?"


Good decided to once again turn his gaze to Godspeed while he waited. He wasn't sure why but he decided to send her a friend request. Maybe he just felt like showing some sign of friendliness despite the mild apprehension he felt over the lost limb incident.


Seeing good act in sending his request. Billy is reminded of his own device and makes an effort to do so after seeing goods example.


Wordlessly, she accepts.


Good raised a brow and looked to Billy with a curious glance.


"The Shadedrinker, most likely."


Billy gives a smile from having a new fried.

"Oh don't mind me here." Billy looks a bit embarassed.


He paused and sent her a small smiling emoticon with glasses.

He felt himself smile due to Billy's naive innocence.


She sends you both the 100 emoji.


Confused Billy tilts his head and clicks a random emoji in return.


He paused and tried to recall what his sister had tried to teach him about this. He seemed to remember her saying the eggplant was always a good one to send.


Good immediately notices Godspeed disappear from his friends list. Billy receives a hoofshake emoji.

You notice Good, Godspeed and Billy quite distracted, looking at their Magicomps.


Billy smiles and decides to send an emoji that looks happy. I think I am getting a hang of this.


That… hurt a lot more than it should have. He slowly put his comp down and looked a bit upset wondering what he had done wrong.


Qhapaq tilts his head to the side, before stamping the ground lightly "Do you not listen? The Shadedrinker is likely very near- the source of this toxic fog."


Perhaps she simply does not like the taste of eggplant.

"I have heard everything discussed," Godspeed says. "I was simply in the middle of testing secure communications with our young fellows here," she adds, gesturing to Good and Billy. "All is well on that front, except for the clarity of our communications. It would be best to make sure that we are all on the same page before acting, lest we make foolish decisions."

She looks meaningfully at Good.



He just looked confused by that "What do you mean? The image quality seemed fine on the pictures." he said as he looked to Qhapaq.

"And I heard as well, I am prepared to fight it to the best of my abilities."


"Well then, doesn't that pose a problem? What Senorita is suggesting is that the Shadedrinker is 'within' this noxious cloud, and we cannot remove the cloud without dealing with the Shadedrinker?"

As he notices Good, Billy, and Godspeed playing with their Magicomps, Zamrud lets out a small snort from his nostrils. "Eyes up everyone, 'testing communications' will have to wait for later."

He taps his chin, "Hmm… Senoria, this gas: is it flammable? Is there any common chemical that can counteract it to some degree, at least enough to allow our breathers to handle it."


"Hmm. Very well. As Zamrud has said, we need to find a way to clear the fog away- perhaps with wind, or with fire?"


"I could try making a gravity well that pulls the gas up."


"Flammability – chances – unknown. Use caution when testing," La Senorita says.


"If it 'is' flammable, then the ensuing explosion that occurs might be very useful in dealing with the Shadedrinker itself. But, we would of course need to make sure we're well and out of range."

As Good makes his suggestion, he nods, "Creating a field of gravity to pull it out of the way would be safer. Let's begin with that approach. How long can you maintain this gravity well?"


I am uncertain but I suppose if I focus I can do so for a while, though I will be unable to make any more of my singularities while it's up."


"Makes sense. I am quite unfamiliar with these devices." Billy nods to the advice.


Forgot to link


"We'll be able to cover for you so long as you're able to move the gas out of the way. Let's try it, risking the flammability of the gas will prove dangerous, if anything at all."


Sancho taps you on the shoulder.


Good blinked and looked back at Sancho curiously


"Listen kid," he begins, leaning in with a conspiratorial air. "I, uh… I'm not really tech literate, or nothin', but I know how to read a room and decipher esoteric symbolism. Skills I picked up from Granpaw. That little thingamajig you sent her? Looked like a dick – and she just turned down the offer she thought you were makin'. Take your pick of which is more embarrassing."


Good paused and pondered upon that for a bit before he just used the tint setting on his visor to completely hide his face as he just sat down in shame for a few moments silently.


Sancho pats the top of your head in an emotionally distant attempt at comforting you.


"I'm gonna kill my sister." was the only response as he couldn't even bring himself to look at Godspeed at the moment.


Sancho's skull rattles uncontrollably in his helmet. You sense him trying to restrain himself, but the idea of being undone in such a way apparently tickles him to no end. Godspeed glances your way… and after a moment, you receive a friend request from her.

"Suggestion," La Senorita says. "Let's play – Follow the Leader. Please repeat after me."

La Senorita wheels herself about, facing toward the fog. She seems to be awaiting your approval or denial before she enters the deadly mists.


Good was legitimately terrified of accepting it as he had no idea how he might further offend their ally or otherwise embarrass himself.


Unsure what is going on. Billy approaches his friend good. "Is there anything wrong here?" Billy tilted his head.


"Hmm. I suppose Senorita wants us to follow- a safe route through the mist, perhaps?"


"Great, more hazards. Nothin' me and my drill won't get around." Grutar says, mostly trying to get himself motivated as he keeps his old eye out for possible dangers in or outside the fog.

Roll #1 6 = 6


>Ignore this post, forgot about the refreshing and came in to add a post and can't delete it for some reason.


"That doesn't sound half bad, Seenoreeta!" Grutar exclaims, moving closely to where Senorita is. "We all stick close to you, your I can always hear those wheels movin' about compared to our own steps."


"Affirmative," La Senorita says. "Please remember to check both ways for traffic."


La Senorita rolls forward into the fog, and you follow close behind her, with Qhapaq floating just above the low-clinging fog. Your standard air filtering systems seem to be sufficient for now, despite La Senorita's warning about air pollution. La Senorita's pace is slow and deliberate as she proceeds, and her updates about your destination have moved exclusively to Concord's text-based communications.

As you walk along, gradually your eyes acclimate to picking up what barest outlines of shapes and colors you can make out through the fog. Grutar proves especially adept at clearing out hazardous debris that would make your steps more treacherous.

In time, La Senorita grinds to a halt at the next intersection. Grutar, sharp-eyed as ever, can make out that a fallen building lies ahead, blocking the entire road… but the juncture to the right has its own issue: The fog there is utterly impenetrable, completely obtuse even against his eyes. As for the left road, it leads to a lightless freeway underpass.

>"Your destination is on the right," La Senorita transmits via Concord. "Your destination is on the right."

>"It seems to be picking up on two 'destinations,'" Godspeed writes in the group chat. "Both to the east. Probably our quarry and our delivery point."


"I can't make heads or tails of what could be beyond here." Billy squitns trying to look past the fog. "Is anyone having better luck?"


"I'm hazarding a guess… that our enemy will be what we reach before our destination."


"Just be careful not to get caught by the damn thing in the middle of this fog. Who wants to bet a drink back home that it can see through this stuff far better than the rest of us?" Grutar swings his drill arm around a little in the mist in a poor attempt to clear it.


"Likely, yes- it might be in the thickest part of the fog, which is worrying." the griffon remarks, stroking his beak in thought.


As La Senorita offers her suggestion to play 'follow the leader', Zamrud rubs his chin. "Wait, she might be on to something. She's a machine, she's far less likely to be affected by this gas than we are. She makes a good point-mare in case something should go awry."

He nods to Senorita. "Alright, 'follow the leader' it is."

"Will do." Zamrud says to humor Senorita's instructions.

As they roll into the fog, he checks their air-filters, glad to see they are holding up fine at least for the moment. "Nothing getting through the filters yet. Let's hope it stays that way."

Peering through the fog as she starts detailing her instructions to the right, he nods in agreement with Godspeed. "Right. Which is both convenient, and troublesome. I don't like imagining that something has happened to our drop-off point if this thing went near it."

As Grutar mentions this thing being able to see better than them, Zamrud shakes his head. "Better than most of you, perhaps. But not me." He says as his eyes glow green, slightly strained due to his earlier use but still allowing him to pick up on thermal signatures like a scope.

[1d10-1] Perception

>If this does not pick up anything, but using the mutation's heightened abilities at the cost of another -1 perception would, I would like to say I use that so as to avoid needing to wait for another round

Roll #1 2 - 1 = 1


Zamrud feels another headache coming on as he strains his eyes further, and gets nowhere.

>"Your destination is on the left– your destination – you have passed your destination. Make a U-turn. Warning. Make a U-turn."

Godspeed and Sancho tense in anticipation, looking back behind them, but to no avail… all you can see is the densest of fog.


Good at this point decides to try and step in and tries to fire a singularity above to pull in as much of the fog as possible.

[1d10] Singularity shot.

Roll #1 10 = 10


"Is senorita working properly?" Billy can't help but turn his head at the strange directions of the machine.


Grutar readies his flamethrower, prepared to let out a spurt of flame if there's anything dangerous that would attempt to leap out at them while Good clears out the fog.

>Backup Good's shot by flaming any danger that leaps out


Roll #1 10 = 10


Qhapaq ruffles his wings up a little, and gets ready for any incoming threats.
>Perception [1d10]

Roll #1 5 = 5


Zamrud grunts as he strains his eyes further, trying and failing to pick up anything through the thick fog. "I'm sorry, everyone: the strain I put on my eyes from earlier is proving difficult to deal with."

As Senorita mentions a 'u-turn', his ears perk up, turning around to try and look through the fog.

"I highly doubt our drop-off point would suddenly shift behind us. Everyone, be ready. It's circling us."

[1d10] DC 4, Alleycat
[1d10-1] Perception to see the Shadedrinker

Roll #1 10 = 10 / Roll #2 8 - 1 = 7


You wheel about, just as the most dense and impenetrable curtains of fog fall upon you. An alarm rings out in your armorsuits, advising you to activate the augmented filters. A fine layer of frost crystallizes within your suits, blurring your visors and digging into your skin.

But before the affliction can grow worse, Good conjures a mighty well of gravity far ahead of you, sucking up the fog that threatens to consume you. As the gravity well clears the area immediately before you, some of the fog remains - and you see that it is not mere fog, bit something of a tangible, yet ever-shifting shape. You get but a glimpse of it through the receding fog: it appears as a long and writhing thing, a body made of intertwining tubes: some thin and surgical like syringes, others kinked and bulbous like an engorged mosquito. Its body is indeterminate, but all leads to a kind of enlarged skull-shape…

But before you can make out much more, the Shadedrinker lunges forward, a coil of tubes rising up to inject into you. Grutar shoves back the others, and looses a torrent of flames at the Dreaded One. It vanishes under the heat, but Zamrud feels a terrible prickling at the side of his neck - an anticipation of an attack. It's somewhere to the West now, in the freeway underpass, having moved without a trace or even a direct path.

"Let's let the egregore loose and run for it!" Sancho hisses, axe raised at the ready.

Godspeed and La Senorita remain silent and focused.


As the gravity well sucks up the fog, Zamrud looks over to Good, offering a 'thumbs up' gesture with his paw as they get a bit of clearance from the toxic gas. When the Shadedrinker finally makes its appearance, Zamrud's ears fold back, staring at the multi-sectioned, grotesque abomination with contempt before it lunges forward, saved only by Grutar's quick thinking.

As he moves backwards, he looks through the fog, having tracked its movements as he points out in its direction. "It went to the West of us! It's fast…."

As Sancho suggests letting the egregore loose, Zamrud holds on tightly to its chain. "Not yet! This thing isn't just strong, it's lightning quick. I don't want to risk using our ace only to see the Shadedrinker manage to survive it, or even clear the blast zone. We should try to weaken it first before releasing it, if it is properly softened up and loses speed the Egregor will kill it for certain."

[1d10+1] Appraise on the Shadedrinker to scan for weaknesses
[1d10] Distill Life

Roll #1 4 + 1 = 5 / Roll #2 3 = 3


"Mmm." The griffon nods in agreement with Zamrud, trying to spot the Shadedrinker out in the fog. "If we can pin it down, or slow it down, we should do so, first.
>Perception [1d10]
>Do I know anything about Shadedrinkers that might help? [1d10]

Roll #1 4 = 4 / Roll #2 3 = 3


Sighing feeling nervous on how to approach the sudden enemy in front of him and his teammates disagreeing on how to handle the enemy in front of them. Billy tries to take a middle ground in pinning the enemy.

animal husbandry (Bear Hug): passive; Bear hugs are the strongest grip known to ponykind. Your arms are like a vice-grip, anything you grab, unless it’s bigger than you, has no chance of escaping. You also lift, carry and move heavier objects than most other races.

Grappler: passive; Trained in melee and close quarters combat, you overpower foes easily in such situations. You have +1 to all rolls when making non-combat actions to grapple, subdue, restrain, or in any way preventing a target from moving with your own body. You can apply this bonus in combat to remove an enemy from combat without killing them, but only when they’re the only enemy in their zone and helpless, or on very low health.

Sentry: passive, recharge 4; You can declare one action you make to be Automatic instead of rolling.


Good wheeled around ready to fight as he tried to find where exactly the creature was hiding.

[1d10] Perception

Roll #1 9 = 9


Remaining a bastion between his friends and his enemies, Grutar continues to keep his flame spewer ready to let out another jet of flame against the Shadedrinker if it comes charging at anyone. "Keep your eyes on the lookout, this thing could pop up anywhere!"



Roll #1 10 = 10


Something wavers in the shadows near the overpass – Good barely has enough time to raise his hoof and point before a wave of tubes, all ending in needles sharp, serrated and filthy, lunge from the fog and flood toward each of you. Billy and Grutar, animated by a terrible speed themselves, rush forward. Billy weaves under the tubes and clamps down upon them, halting their advance. Sickly, coagulating dark blue fluid drips from between his fingers, stinking and foul as it splatters in chunks upon the ground. Just as the tubes turn about to jab into Billy from behind, Grutar unleashes another jet of flame from his weapon, immolating the tubes before they can sink into Billy.

From deep within the fog, that mysterious wavering shimmers once more, a shape much like a jaw unhinging and spreading into a horrid void. A deep blaring calls forth – a dark and tortured foghorn, distorted and oscillating. Your visors rattle, and the internal alarms shriek, warning you to activate your high-grade filters, before the visors begin frosting over from within.

>spend 1 charge of the high-grade filters or suffer two wounds; -3 to all visual perception until fog dispelled

Though frost covers your visors, you can feel and see plain that the fog has turned dreadfully cold. The fog thickens, gaining weight and heft. in but a moment it feels that you are walking in knee deep water.

Godspeed stands firm, and draws her falx. She slashes multiple times at the open air, as if trying to cut away the fog itself.


Sancho jumps forward at where Billy holds the tendrils fast, and brings his axe down upon the void just beyond where Billy stands.


La Senorita blasts the fog with her laser eyes.


Roll #1 9 + 2 = 11 / Roll #2 9 + 2 = 11



Roll #1 1 + 4 = 5


>Spending a charge
Qhapaq lets out a wary squawk, before reaching for the first piece of rubble he can find and flinging it at the shape!
>Fling: [1d10] (+1 if special talent applies)

Roll #1 9 = 9


While already being close to the terror before him. Billy decides the only way to make the best of the situation is to strike while others are. Thankful for those protecting his back.
>Spend charge

-Cavalier (Lone Knight):You fight by yourself. You have a Bonus Action every turn for basic attacks only. You have +2 Max Hits and +1 Max Wounds. All Doctrines from Cavalier apply to you.



Roll #1 5 = 5 / Roll #2 9 = 9


Good snorted and worked to keep the beast in place and pin it down further.

Magic Bolt: Gravity

Roll #1 1, 4 = 5


>Spend charge as well.


Grutar begins to cough heavily through all the thick chocking fog. Despite all this, he continues to rely entirely on his trusty fire spitter.



Roll #1 10 = 10


>1 Charge spent
As the creature makes itself known through the fog, and watching Billy and Grutar charged the tube-covered creature, Zamrud lets out a gasp as he dives for cover as the jets of flame shoot out at the creature.

"Ah… well, least we know this gas isn't flammable after all." When the creature roars out, the foghorn-like sound bursting his ears and watching the frost start forming over his visor. Quickly, Zamrud activates his filter to make sure the gas doesn't get through, eyes keen on the creature as he watches its movement, his soft and warm fur-coat doing well to keep him insulated as the temperature drops suddenly.

As the others engage the monster, Zamrud tries to study it, discerning a weakness as he readies one of his chemical-holding orbs, creating a violent and flammable reaction as he throws the fiery cocktail at the creature's mouth.
"Bit chilly in here. Fortunately Grutar and I seem to have the same idea."
[1d10] Alchemist Fire: recharge 1, ranged; Concoct a flame that produces virulent smoke and can latch onto anything, even water. Deals damage and gives +1 to all skills against that target next turn. On Crit this has the Fire Elementalist effect.
[1d10+1] Appraise

Roll #1 6 = 6 / Roll #2 9 + 1 = 10


As Godspeed slashes at the air, gaps in the fog persist, forming a pattern with each successive swipe. It appears to be the beginnings of some kind of deliberate design, like an intricate character in some pictographic language. But before she can complete it, arrays of tubes lunge forth from the depths of the fog, hurtling toward Good. In a blur, Godspeed darts in front of him, and is stabbed by the vast majority of the tubes, with only one jabbing into Good's leg. Immediately, that leg goes numb and frigid.

>Good loses 3 Hits

The impact wrenches Godspeed's arm in a crooked direction, twisting her falx up into the air, and she grits her teeth as she struggles to get it free. In that moment, Sancho and Billy rush in, striking at the Shadedrinker's misty, unseen body. Their blows land against something that feels solid, but offers little impact, nor even sound. The same happens when Qhapaq throws a fallen chunk of steel beam through the fog – it stops dead against something, but no sound is made, except when the beam clatters against the pavement.

From the impenetrable fog, lines of blue liquid dart forth – and only when it's almost too late does it become clear that it's traveling through the tubes bound for Godspeed and Good. But before the poisonous dose can reach its targets, La Senorita, Zamrud and Grutar assail the fog. La Senorita's laser eyes cut the tubes, while the flames of Zamrud and Grutar land and begin to burn an outline in the fog. Surrounded by flames, something of an elongated, bumpy, ridge-lined skull hovers before you, coils of tubes dangling from the lower half of its maw. The barest outlines of a bulbous, misshapen frame extends beyond it, riddled with hideous pustules…


But in an instant, it vanishes, and Godspeed and Good drop to the ground, their wounds quickly covering with bloody frost crystals.

Sancho and La Senorita wheel about, but no further attacks come. Your suits' alarms persist, as the fog remains thick in the underpass. Only the area that Good cleared earlier is free of fog.


Good shook quietly as he felt his leg go numb though he quickly moved to Godspeed and began to cast a spell to help her, quietly hoping it wouldn't go bad this time.

[1d10] Inure.

Roll #1 9 = 9


"There it is!" Grutar announces as he swings his flamethrower around to aim for the maw of the creature. "EAT THIS!" He yells out before letting out a long stream of flame into it.

>Trusty Flamethrower


Roll #1 9 = 9


Qhapaq huffs a little bit and unfurls his wings, using them to kick up a gust of wind strong enough to clear more of the fog away!
>Sentry: Automatic




Zamrud looks on in alarm as the tubes shoot out and impale Godspeed and Good, aiming his sphere directly at the tube connecting them so that it burns it off before any lethal injection could be administered. While Grutar continues to lay down a covering fire, Zamrud moves in to put himself between Good, Godspeed, and where they last saw the Shadedrinker disappear into. "Keep up the pressure, Grutar!"

Zamrud peers through the fog, trying to spot the creature despite his failing vision, as he prepares another sphere, THIS one loaded with a more corrosive, acid like substance than the flammable ones he usually uses, intent on aiming it for the skull-like maw of the monster when it next appears to soften it up. "Need to significantly warm this place up. GODSPEED, are you alright?"

>Fault Point: recharge 3, weapon; You can notice the imperfections in anything from your years of crafting. Strike at a foes gear, either their weapon or armor, abusing these faults to weaken them and applying a stack of Faulty. Each stack lowers the quality of a weapon by 1 or lowers the damage reduction a foe has by 1 on armor. Once the gear reaches 3 stacks it will be destroyed. On Crit, or when the gear is broken, this will deal damage (Damage on break will be based on the roll that applied the 3rd stack). Can be used out of combat to break most average materials.

>Aiming to corrode 'Armor'
>+2 from successful Alchemist's Fire and Appraise
[1d10+2] Fault Point

Roll #1 7 + 2 = 9


>Inure: recharge 1, spell; Shield an ally with protective magic, blocking 5 hits worth of damage. An ally can only have one Inure on them at a time. On Crit the shield slows an enemy when they strike it, allowing the Inured ally to retaliate with a Bonus Action of a basic attack that turn against that enemy only.


Billy tries to follow along with his parties strikes by taking a few swings in the same direction lacking in tools to handle the fog itself.

-Cavalier (Lone Knight):You fight by yourself. You have a Bonus Action every turn for basic attacks only. You have +2 Max Hits and +1 Max Wounds. All Doctrines from Cavalier apply to you.



Roll #1 7 = 7 / Roll #2 1 = 1


Good moved back to the open area he made as he scanned trying to detect the beast.

[1d10] Perception

Roll #1 4 = 4


[1d10] Perception

Roll #1 10 = 10


>Perception, gonna use flames to help too.

Roll #1 8 = 8


Seemingly of their own accord, Godspeed's wounds begin to seal and shrink, muscle and bone knitting themselves together in a matter of seconds. Raw, hairless skin spirals from the nearby flesh over the sealing wound. Godspeed grits her teeth, one eye twitching, looking off to the side, as her body regenerates. You notice that her other eye remains fixated forward, devoid of emotion.

You manifest a golden shell about Godspeed, to which she only stiffly nods.

Gathering together, you huddle in the fog, Grutar's flamethrower providing only small warmth against the unbearable frigidity.

A current stirs, spun by a deadly-sharp point – and before another attack comes, Billy is the first to see and point it out, then Qhapaq blasts back the fog with his wings, revealing the glistening needle hurtling forward toward his throat. Grutar spews forth more fire from his flamethrower, which melts the needle before the weapon finds its mark. Zamrud flings an acid bomb into the fog beyond, and as it shatters upon the fog, the shape you saw just now comes back into view, dragged into visibility by the lingering liquid. Billy swings upon the shape, his attack landing upon something brittle and cold – some chunk of the beast breaks away and lands with a metallic shriek.

With another groaning shudder of its deep horn, the hideous Shadedrinker retaliates – tubes come from the dense fog, and wrap themselves around Billy, fastening and clenching tight around him in a vice that threatens to snap his arms and ribs and they squeeze tight.

>Billy loses 1 Wound and 3 Hits, must roll to break free

Godspeed and Sancho twitch with alarm as they witness what follows – the Shadedrinker, in a sudden frenzy of speed, squirms and flings itself to the ground, slamming its head against the pavement before you as if in an act of self-abuse.


Sancho wavers, unsure of what to do – but he swings his axe at the tubes that bind Billy.


La Senorita shoots her lasers from a safe distance.


Godspeed cuts at the air, forming a strange pictogram with her swings.


>The Shadedrinker
>Weak: Wind
>Resist: None
>Null: Ammo, Poison
>Absorb: Water, Ice, Spirit
>Repel: Mind
>236/300 HP

Roll #1 3 + 5 = 8 / Roll #2 5 + 2 = 7 / Roll #3 4 + 2 = 6 / Roll #4 5 + 4 = 9


Qhapaq lets out a fierce-sounding screech and ducks the needle, before lunging for the Shadedrinker and trying to grab at the creature's neck- or, whatever is closest- and squeeze it in his talons.
>Suppress: [1d10+1]

Roll #1 2 + 1 = 3


Good goes wide eyed and prepares more magic to try and hold the beast in place.

[2d10] Magic Bolt: Gravity

Roll #1 7, 9 = 16


Zamrud peers at the horrific creature as it makes itself more visible through the fog, trying desperately not to loose track of it as he burns however many charges on his filter are necessary to keep the fog from seeping through his mask. He moves to the hole Good cleared earlier, readying another flame-sphere concoction from the chemicals in his pouch as he watches the tubes wrap around Billy. "Cut the tubes, don't let it ensnare him!"

"It's vulnerable to wind-based attacks, it'll blow the fog away and weaken it! If anyone has such, now's the time to use it. I don't think it's quite damaged enough yet to break out the Egregor, keep it up for a bit longer and we'll make sure it finishes the job." As it starts beating itself, he stares in bewilderment as he throws his flame-sphere at it.
"Well, that's irregular. Something tells me it's not doing that to help our cause…"

>Alchemist Fire: recharge 1, ranged; Concoct a flame that produces virulent smoke and can latch onto anything, even water. Deals damage and gives +1 to all skills against that target next turn. On Crit this has the Fire Elementalist effect.

Roll #1 4 + 1 = 5


Billy gasps from the creature's sudden grab. Billy reaches with his own arm to try and grab and push away the creature to escape its grasp.


Roll #1 4 = 4


Wanting to keep next to Qhapaq in case he is attacked again by the Shadedrinker, Grutar charges in next to him with a boisterous war cry as his drill picks up overheating speeds.

>Martial Overdrill Slam [Take higher roll as result, crits on 8+]


"I ain't got wings, but I'll make sure Qhapaq does the job right! LET'S GET EM, LADS!!! FOR ZINC AND IRON!!!"

Roll #1 10 = 10 / Roll #2 10 = 10


You reach for a tangle of long tubes, but they writhe and shrink down to the size of mere threads; your forearms pass between them, when suddenly they distend, catching your forearms in their midst. Your muscles, bones and veins all cry out as pain erupts from your trapped limbs. The skin on your biceps swells, the veins bulging as blood is crushed out of your forearms and sent flying back into your upper arms, and into your hands.

>Qhapaq loses 3 Hits and 1 Wound, must roll to break free

Like Qhapaq, you are held fast, despite your struggles against the mass of tendrils that bind you. Blood leaks from between your lips, but before the damage can get any worse, Sancho crushes the tendrils with his axe – they remain intact, demonstrating a strength akin to steel, but they slacken, allowing you to squirm free onto the frigid asphalt.

>You lose 2 Hits, but are now able to act freely

A gap in the fog opens, and your bomb passes through, shattering somewhere in the unseen beyond.

The Shadedrinker thrashes and spasms, throwing itself against vehicles and buildings alike, and dark liquid spews from its body – you can see the pustules along its back and shoulders breaking off, still surrounded by flecks of skin; they float away some distance, before vanishing into the fog.

Good's magic bolt explodes upon the Shadedrinker, and it struggles to get free of the ensuing gravity well. La Senorita's laser eyes wear against its injuries, but fail to crack it. With a crunch, a pictogram dents itself into the Shadedrinker's face – in the exact shape that Godspeed cut through the air. The pictogram burns with fiery light.

It is at that moment that, with a drilling that splits even the fog surrounding, Grutar runs forward, driving the drill through the dent that Godspeed made. The drill spirals through steel and glass, breaking through to vulnerable, white-blue flesh, which spews out in a torrent of gore. Grutar's visor flashes an alarm, warning him of contaminants staining his armorsuit.

The Shadedrinker falls motionless, floating there in Good's gravity well. Sancho raises his axe. "We've got it! Press the attack!" he shouts, before running forward.

Godspeed twitches, then runs forward as well… to grab Sancho.


But – it's too late.

As Sancho gets within fifteen meters of the Shadedrinker, three small shapes come into view – the vaguely round pustules that spewed off from its back during its rampage. They look like skulls that once belonged to young souls.

The skulls bite down upon Sancho's arms and axe – and explode. Ice and slush erupt from the blast, coating everything in white… when enough of it dissipates– all you see standing of Sancho is his hind legs, before they drop to the ground, along with his ruined armor. His shattered axe, ribs, and one of his arms lay scattered about the street.

>DC to attack the Shadedrinker has risen to 10

The Shadedrinker does nothing… nor does Godspeed, nor La Senorita.


"I know, lass! Just keep me covered and we'll make this through soon!" Grutar says to his suit of armor as it flashes the warnings at him, blinded by the gore so much he hasn't noticed anyone around him getting hurt.

Grutar does not remove himself or back away once he has found his digging mark, his drill continues to dig away into the flesh as he puts his focus into the mutation to sharpen it's blades further just so he can lodge himself further in.

>Sharpen: Give a +1 to weapon for rest of combat. Gives +2 on a crit.


Roll #1 8 = 8


>Accelerated Healing: +1 Hit
Qhapaq lets out a pained screech, trying to wrench himself free! Doubly so, once Sancho's blown to pieces.
>Break Free: [1d10+1]

Roll #1 3 + 1 = 4


Good went wide eyed as his magic flared to help protect Qhapaq.

>Spell Resonance: Instant Automatic recharge 3, spell; The next spell you cast is automatic, provided you have used it earlier in this combat.

>Inure: recharge 1, spell; Shield an ally with protective magic, blocking 5 hits worth of damage. An ally can only have one Inure on them at a time. On Crit the shield slows an enemy when they strike it, allowing the Inured ally to retaliate with a Bonus Action of a basic attack that turn against that enemy only.



Billy is shocked still. Unsure how to proceed with the situation lacking in a way to approach the creature in front of to not suffer the same fate as Sancho. So Billy attempts to ready himself for a possible opening by standing as a vanguard in front of Good and Grutar.


Zamrud nods in approval to Grutar's call. "For Zinc and Iron!"

As everyone's attacks start to form cracks in the monster's carapace, Zamrud shields his eyes from the bright flash of Grutar's drill breaking through the dent, then up in shock as gore starts spill all over the dog. As it floats up in mid-air, awaiting an all-out attack, before noticing the skulls latching on to Sancho.

He cries before the skulls explode, spreading pieces of his bones everywhere as his eyes open in disbelief.

He grits his teeth, staring down the Shadedrinker with cold, icy thirst for blood as he reaches towards another fire-bomb, intending to soften its shell again as he over-heats his chemicals to produce another flame orb
>Using Flux Capacitor, sacrificing 1 hit to use Alchemist's Fire once again
>Alchemist's Fire

Roll #1 1 + 1 = 2


>Activating 'Dexterity'
>Dexterity: Passive; Because of your opposable thumbs, you have fine control with your hands. Pick a single, specific, non-combat action that requires fine movement, such as lockpicking, coin tricks, repairing things, and so on. Once per session, you can reroll a failed attempt at that action. (Cooking / chemistry)

Roll #1 1 + 1 = 2


File: 1601932693554.jpg (12.9 KB, 312x245, tom.jpg)

>1, 1


[1d10] Perception

Roll #1 1 = 1


[1d10] Perception

Roll #1 4 = 4



Roll #1 2 = 2


[1d10] Perception

Roll #1 4 = 4



Roll #1 5 - 1 = 4



Just as Zamrud wrenches the orb from his bandoleer, he sees Godspeed darting toward him, from out of the corner of his eye. But before he can discern her purpose, he feels a small, innocent pressure upon his elbow–

A bite.

Good barely finishes his protective barrier about Qhapaq before the skull explodes, sending Zamrud and all else except Grutar flying backward from the radius. Snow, ice and slush coat the battlefield, as well as steam from the chemicals that once filled Zamrud's now-destroyed bomb. A deafening ringing first fills your ears, then a powerful soreness, from having been tossed away against asphalt, concrete and metal.

>Billy and Good lose 5 Hits each; Qhapaq and Godspeed's damage was absorbed by Inure; Qhapaq is now freed;

>Zamrud is now at 0/3

As for Zamrud, you see neither hide nor hair of him, only a mound of snow and ice where he once stood.

You hear metal hurtling through the air, followed by a dent into asphalt, and the rattling of a chain, and a hungry, almost demonic grumbling. You see the source: It is Egregore, floating near the ground; a piece of bent rebar has pinned the Egregore's chain to the street, preventing it from floating away. Godspeed lays against a vehicle, in the middle of a perfectly spherical dent made by Good's shielding. Her hoof is raised, having apparently been the one to throw the rebar.

"Suggestion," La Senorita splices. "A change of – tactics – emergency vote – while there's still time."
"They're all around us, hidden in fog," Godspeed says with an apologetic grimace. "But I noticed them too late. I think they can turn translucent. Can you see any?"

You look, but alas – you cannot.

Grutar feels his drill revving, magnifying its deadly power. However, the Shadedrinker, still held by the gravity well, shows no reaction whatsoever.

You feel absolutely nothing.

>Zamrud unable to act this round


Zamrud feels the pressure latching on upon his elbow, looking down in wide-eyed shock as he sees the skull appear, biting down on his arm.

As the skull explodes, Zamrud is knocked far away from the others as he rolls about in the freezing fog, entire body rocked by the explosion, pain aching out of every single joint in his body, struggling to maintain consciousness as he battles the agony and internal bleeding. He struggles to pull himself up, but can barely find the strength to keep his eye lids open, all sensation slowly fading away from his body as numbness overtakes everything. Whether from the blood loss or the cold, who's to say…

>Holding off this round due to damage


"Alright, let's show them what we were made for!!" Grutar shouts out through his helm, right before revving up his drill again to dig even deeper into the Shadedrinker. "SIP ON THIS!!"

>Mutation Proc: Sharpened Martial Overheat Overdrill Slam Hit (AKA S.M.O.O.S.H.

>Pick highest roll & Grutar takes 4 hits of damage. Slam crits on 8+

Roll #1 5 + 1 = 6 / Roll #2 5 + 1 = 6


"Do you think perhaps we should use the orb? They might be linked to it and destabalizing that with a mental bout of confusion would make them vulnerable or maybe remove them entirely."

Good hoped aloud as he climbed up.

[1d10] Rise from helplessness.

Roll #1 3 = 3


Qhapaq turns to yank Zamrud back up on to his feet, settling him on to the griffon's own back. "No, my friend!"
>Recovery Assist: [1d10]

Roll #1 10 = 10


Billy a bit panicked tries to raise himself up from the ground. To hopefully use his strength against the creature once more.


Roll #1 6 = 6


You rise, though your muscles are still quite sore, and the metal about your arms and ribs dented and crushed.

You continue to lie prone from the pain, and La Senorita, turning slowly, aims her barrel at you and fires a black laser.


Qhapaq ducks as low as he can, digging through the snow and the ice until at last his talons clamp down onto burnt, twisted metal, and he tugs back the figure laying within – Zamrud.

His armorsuit is battered and torn, chemically burnt in some places, punctured by glass in others, and still other sections are frozen solid, particularly the upper right side of his body, from his hip all the way to his neck. Through the cracked visor, you can see that he is badly bruised within, with a swollen eye and bloodied face – but at least the suit took the worst of it.

Zamrud's entire body wails with pain as Qhapaq drags him back to consciousness – ears ringing, eyes pounding, heart racing, bones groaning… but the heat of battle warms him, and the cold of his unslaked bloodlust braces him.

Grutar continues to drill, but the bloodied spot at which he drills almost instantaneously freezes over, catching the drill bit in place. Still it attempts to spin, but the ice holds fast, and the resulting friction burns and twists Grutar's muscles, but he's able to stop it before the damage gets worse.

>Grutar loses 4 Hits

The Shadedrinker floats there in the gravity well… but Good can sense that his magic is weakening, and it will be free in short time.

Godspeed looks to the imprisoned Egregore at Good's suggestion. "…Sancho seemed to think it was the best course of action, even before the battle began. But I've lost sight of its traps – who knows if they may undo the Egregore."

Roll #1 6 + 2 = 8


Good shuddered as pain kept him down for now as he tried to get up again "I would still try!" he barked back at Godspeed, "I can feel my magic starting to weaken and I would rather we keep it down before it can move again."


Roll #1 6 = 6


As Qhapaq digs him out of the cold, Zamrud lets out a gasp as he is greeted with the slightest bit of warmth, his frozen and aching body crying out in agony as he struggles to bring himself back to bare in the wake of the explosion.

"Aagh!! Ah… ha… *cough* *cough*… ah… alive… ah.. that's good.." he grunts, putting one arm over his other, mangled one, his one bruised eye wincing as he looks through his visor. "Thank you, Qha… that was unacceptably sloppy of me."

As Godspeed points out the Egregor, but notes the possibility of more skulls being hidden amidst the fog, Zamrud struggles to stand up, leaning onto Qhapaq for support.
"Well… I only have one good eye left, but…" he grunts, straining it as much as he can as it glows a bright vibrant green. "As long as I have sight in it, I won't let it go to waste…"

>Activating mutation for the second time today to gain enhanced sight, looking through the fog to find the invisible traps within

[1d10-1] Perception

Roll #1 1 - 1 = 0


Grutar, still being blinded by the gore on his visor, just shouts out in pain and anger. "A bit of ice isn't gonna stop me!!" Grutar shouts out to try and keep himself encouraged while he distracts the creature to focus on him.

>Keep on drillin'


Roll #1 2 + 1 = 3


>Accelerated Healing from this turn and last turn: +2 Hits
"Perhaps we should let go of it, regardless." He says.

He nods a little to Zamrud, trying to keep him propped up against the griffon's sturdy frame. When he sees the Puros trying to look through the fog, he unfurls his wings and lets out another powerful flap, kicking up a gust to push it back further.
>Sentry (Automatic): push the fog back



Billy moves forward, he recalls what was granted to him at the start of his adventure. With the sister Roots blessing, he goes and cast protect on Zamrud.



You manage to get back up.

Jagged, cold pain scrawls down the front of your face as you try to focus. In your visor, you can see a reflection of your face – and the line of spiked ice that has frozen down the right side from your forehead to your chin, sealing your eye open.

But almost as quickly as the pain manifests, it dissipates. Zamrud's eye is still frozen open, as is his face, but it does not hurt, not in the slightest. Only the bodily discomfort from the idea of a frozen eye lingers.

>1 Wound and the loss of the right eye avoided due to Protect

Good's gravity well at last dissipates, as his magic's duration finally ends – and the moment it does, Grutar stumbles forward, as his drill stabs through open air…

The Shadedrinker has vanished.

As quickly as he can, Qhapaq blasts his wings, clearing a small gap of clear air in the vicinity… but this gap is smaller than the other ones that he's cleared before. The fog seems nearly solid at this point, and chills this open gap of clear air.

"Its movements are not limitless," Godspeed says. "And I doubt it can move beyond the fog, as well…"

"Forecast update," La Senorita splices. "Inclement weather inbound. Suggestion – seek immediate shelter – and dress warmly."


"We have little time- I cannot keep the air clear forever." the griffon says, glancing around cautiously. As he does so, the freezer-burned portions of his forelegs begin to mend.
Perception: [1d10]
>Accelerated Healing (Automatic): +1 Wound. The Passive portion of Accelerated Healing is disabled for three rounds.

Roll #1 5 = 5


Good stood and shuddered as he summoned his magic and focused on trying to clear as much fog around them as possible while also helping Zamrud.

>Magic Boon: instant automatic, recharge 3, spell; Enhance the magic of either yourself or an ally. Their next successful spell will also restores either 3 hits or 1 wound on them, chosen when you cast Magic Boon

>Singularity Shot: Recharge 4, Spell, Good's possesses a natural ability to magnify his gravitational prowess into an attack that creates singularities that he can hurl as a projectile that will pull everything around them towards them. On crit the attack can actually be stuck inside of a target making them the center of the Singularity.

Repulsive Force:Recharge 2, Instant Automatic, This mutation allows Good to turn his gravitational attacks into reverse, repelling foes instead of attracting them, and inflicting them with the force of their body being hurled back or potentially an attack being hurled back at them. This may also be used in conjunction with his Singularity Shot for various effects.
Burden: Altering the very nature of gravity has serious repercussions on the body of Good, causing it to respond by rubberbanding and crushing him for as long as he forced it to go against its nature, dealing 1 unblockable hit for each turn the effects are used as soon as he ceases combat. This can render him helpless and upon so begins dealing one wound every two turns unless he is brought back to his standing position.

[1d10] Singularity shot in front of good to repel the mist.

Roll #1 2 = 2


With the shade drinker gone once again. Billy attempts to spot its stealthy form while being vigilant in case of a sudden attack on his person or his companions.

[1d10] Perception

Roll #1 2 = 2


In a panicked state, grutar frantically looks about as he wipes away at his visor to try and look past all the gunk he got on him. "How is everyone?! Do we need to retreat or do you lads think you still got this?!" Grutar checks with everyone to reassure himself from his disorientation.

>Perception/Wiping off gunk


Roll #1 9 = 9


Zamrud struggles to keep his focus as he strains his mutation to see the Shadedrinker among the thick, frozen smog, but can only heave in exhaustion as he looks at his own reflection in the visor, and the unsettling look of his own eye frozen open.

He coughs up blood as Godspeed holds him up, grunting as he holds at his wounds with his one good arm. "Ach… agh… a-apologies. My injuries are… more severe than I gave them credit for. I cannot see anything."

He looks around the fog, and in this brief reprieve, decides to do what he can to prepare for the next coming charge of the monster
>Distill Life

"I've… certainly felt better…" the injured cat sounds out. "And we're down a man already. But we've surely injured it. But before we pursue, we should make sure we're not going to be done in by this fog, either." He coughs, looking around. "See if you can see where it went. If it can't be found, we make for the edge of the fog. At the very least, so long as we know where this fog is, we know where to find it as well."

Roll #1 6 = 6


You manage to prepare some immediate first-aid, even while trying to hold your body together with a single arm.

Before you or the others can confirm the Shadedrinker's location, there comes a deep wailing of the abomination's foghorn cry. Billows of fog blow in from behind, colder than that which afflicted you before. Your suits sound the alarm and recommend the immediate activation of your high-quality filters – but this time, there comes also a warning of a spike in airborne pathogens and toxicity, on top of the threat the frigid air posed to your internal organs.

Zamrud and Good, their suits punctured as they are, feel a keen and horrid putrefying gurgling upon their open wounds, as if their exposed flesh and blood were being stirred with some utensil. Godspeed squirms – though her body has regenerated from its past injuries, she has exposed skin from her suit's puncturing. Qhapaq soon understands why – his exposed flesh feels as though it were now being prodded and stirred, as if by trembling needles.

Just then – Grutar sees a flash in the fog to the east, and upon instinct, his body dives for the asphalt. You too follow after his example, ducking and covering as waves of thin beams of dark red light stab through the fog like gunfire, though they make no sound, unlike the hardlight weapons of the Castles. Glass shatters behind you, and flashes of light follow, like fireworks. Qhapaq recognizes this weaponry, and this near-silent fighting style: That of the Aya.


Good slapped his filter on as he did his best to cover his wounds in an attempt to make the alien situation stop right now as he shivered the entire time.


Grutar ducks down for the moment beams start going through the fog. His mind in full panic mode still as he looks around for the Shadedrinker, continuing to think it's the source of these attacks.

>Staying on Alert and swinging at what could be the Shadedrinker to fend it away from his allies.


Roll #1 2 = 2


Zamrud lets out a sigh of relief as his healing orbs thankfully manage to generate without too much issue, quickly stashing them for later use as he holds his frozen, useless arm with the one functional one, looking around for sign of the monster before the wailing reverberates throughout the area, looking on as his filter auto-activates to keep the deadly fog out.

At least, as best they can with the holes in their suit, and Zamrud already bites back his lip at the tingling, stinging 'needle' sensation coursing through his suit. "Not good-!"
As the flashes of light start shooting through the fog, Zamrud ducks down, looking for the source.

"What…? There are others out here! Everyone, keep your heads down, they can't see what they're shooting in this fog. Get behind Senorita!"
[1d10] Going for cover from any stray laser bolts

Roll #1 7 = 7



Qhapaq blinks once or twice, his mask concealing a relieved smile. "More of my blood, it seems. Provided we do not get caught in the crossfire, we are in a good spot." he says, ducking himself. He tries to avoid the prickling sensation, for now.
>Cover: [1d10]

Roll #1 9 = 9


Billy feeling bothered, but unable to heal his teammates having used his earlier blessing moves to try and spot the shade drinker to attempt to prevent it from doing further damage and hoping to analyze the source of the red lasers.


Roll #1 6 = 6


The prickling reaches a nauseating fever pitch for Zamrud, and Qhapaq is not far behind. Their vision shrinks, eyes screwing up involuntarily as the feeling of prickling turns to the feeling of injection, of some foreign substrate spewing forth through the open wounds and exposed skin into the muscles and veins…

Grutar sees a shape dart in silence toward him from the east, and swings, only for his arm to be caught and held fast. More shapes follow – in the brief flashes of light coming from the west, you get glimpses of dark leather garb, fitted with spikes and fragments of glass, twists of barbed wire, and, most peculiarly, running shoes of an Old World style.

Two of these strange-clothed figures grab onto Zamrud, and make a run for it to the east, dragging him into an involuntary carry. Godspeed raises her sword at them, but lowers it once Qhapaq identifies the rescuers.

Billy looks to the west, where he can see the source of the light flashes – small cluster explosives of a sort, which make not kinetic blasts, but strobe lights, a kind of silent anti-Dreaded One weaponry. The Shadedrinker flinches back from the light each time that the light touches it, but Billy can see that its filthy, pustule-ridden back is now shuddering. Pustules break off from it, and start lobbing toward your location.

One of Zamrud's abductors makes a quick and high-pitched whistle – and more red bolts flash through the air to the east.

You are caught in the crossfire.

>Roll dodge, Instant; Billy and Qhapaq gain +1 each from seeing the Shadedrinker's location and knowing Aya tactics, respectively.


Seeing the sudden pustules coming at him from the sudden 3rd party entering the battle. Billy aims to make quick work in saving himself and trying to respond in kind.

[1d10+1] Dodge

Slam: recharge 1; Crush an enemy with your body, dealing damage. Crits on 9+.

-Martial Defender: passive; You gain 3 Max Hits, and Slam Crits on 8+.

[1d10] Slam

Roll #1 4 + 1 = 5 / Roll #2 7 = 7


Qhapaq growls, reaching for where he feels the injection and trying to squeeze or yank out whatever's causing it.
>grab? [1d10+1] (If there's nothing to grab, maybe hurl something at the Shadedrinker.
>Dodge: [1d10+1]

Roll #1 7 + 1 = 8 / Roll #2 8 + 1 = 9


Good moved to dodge the fire as he also moved to remove more of the fog with another singularity.

[1d10] dodge

[1d10] Singularity Shot.

Roll #1 5 = 5 / Roll #2 6 = 6


"They are the Aya?" Zamrud shouts as he tries to dive into cover, "Do you think they're out here looking for the captives the bandits took?"

As the prickling reaches a fever pitch, Zamrud winces in pain as his eyes skew, the prickling suddenly flowing throughout his entire body as though he'd just been ingested with some kind of poison. "Agh… agh… well… that… isn't… ideal…"

As the robed figures grab him, Zamrud grunts, feeling all energy leaving his body due to a combination of his injury and whatever foreign substance is coursing through him right now, not struggling in the slightest, seeing the futility in it early on.

As they carry him, he looks down to his kidnapper, and tries simply speaking. "Hope I'm… *cough* not interrupting anything important, but could I convince you to cease with what you're doing? I have to stay with my companions…"


You grasp only the open air, heavy with fog, but as your hand passes through it, the feeling only grows worse, and numbness spreads through your digits. Before the numbness spreads further, you grab a chunk of a twisted fender from an Old World vehicle, and hurl it through the fog, further breaking off the chunks of glass and metal from its face.

Good and Billy remain steadfast despite Zamrud's abduction, charging forward to meet their attacker. Billy slams into the Shadedrinker's opened head, and Good pulls away much of its cover with his singularity shots, the fog receding into the gravity wells. The Shadedrinker retreats deeper into the fog, and Billy and Good are both caught as a pustule lands upon the ground, spewing out some kind of frozen viscera and bone-like shrapnel, piercing into their suits and sealing the damage shut with quick-freezing chemicals.

>Billy and Good both lose 3 Hits

Zamrud's abductors slow, but by barely anything, and to Zamrud, it is apparent: His nausea and sickness only seem to grow worse the longer he's exposed to this fog. Qhapaq feels similarly, his regeneration being unable to keep up with the bodily exposure to this foul fog.

>Zamrud and Qhapaq both lose 1 Wound

Qhapaq's mind falls into a slow daze, but he can manage to make out one of Zamrud's captors hissing a single-syllable word in the Aya tongue:


Godspeed, apparently understanding the gist of things, or perhaps to retrieve Zamrud, runs after his abductors. La Senorita turns toward Good and Billy, ready to guard her charges.

The Shadedrinker, receding back into deeper fog, begins stabbing its tendrils into the asphalt below it.


Roll #1 1 + 3 = 4


Billy attempts to rebound forward after the shade drinker. Seeing it as an immediate threat over the pustules interfering in the fight.

Cavalier (Lone Knight):You fight by yourself. You have a Bonus Action every turn for basic attacks only. You have +2 Max Hits and +1 Max Wounds. All Doctrines from Cavalier apply to you.

[1d10] attack

[1d10] attack

Roll #1 5 = 5 / Roll #2 2 = 2


As he feels the sickness taking over him, and all energy surely leaving him, Zamrud limps over the back of his captor, fighting the urge to spew the contents of his stomach through his filter and maintaining consciousness as his head pounds.

He raises his head with what remains of his strength, shouting as loudly as he can to all of his companions:
"Everyone… do not worry about me… I will be fine! Get yourselves… to safety!"

With that, he tosses his three 'Distill Life' chemical healing orbs with his one good arm to Qhapaq, hoping they can put it to more good use than he can.

[1d10] Give the three healing orbs to Qhapaq

Roll #1 7 = 7


>Last turn of Accelerated Healing's Cooldown
"I cannot be certain why they are here. They have told us to flee, and for now, it is likely for the best. We should regroup, and re-think." the griffon says, staggering on all fours before righting himself and shaking off most of the haze.

"Retreat. We need to re-think things, and regroup." he says, hurrying after the other Aya.


Good yelped and growled as he decided to keep fighting to keep the beast pinned/

>Magic Boon: instant automatic, recharge 3, spell; Enhance the magic of either yourself or an ally. Their next successful spell will also restores either 3 hits or 1 wound on them, chosen when you cast Magic Boon.

>Magic Bolt (Gravity) [2d10]

Roll #1 9, 9 = 18


Zamrud passes the potions on to Qhapaq as the two make a break for the east, but they hear rumbling and shuddering in the asphalt behind him – long cracks scrawl their way through the asphalt, chasing after them in relentless beelines. Weighed down by Zamrud as they are, the Aya are no match – they'll be caught next round if nothing is done.

Billy, preferring to stay, lands another solid hit against the Shadedrinker, but suddenly, some of the lines in the asphalt stop, as the force creating them retreats – back to directly beneath him. From below, several of the Shadedrinker's tendrils shoot up and stab into Billy's arms and legs, entanglng themselves into his flesh as they pierce straight through.

>Billy 0/3

The needles at the end of the tendrils turn about and aim to stab into Billy once more, but Good casts another gravity well somewhere behind the Shadedrinker, and the force yanks the Dreaded One backwards, pulling the tendrils out of Billy's body. He falls to the ground, slamming against a parked car from the momentum of the gravity well, leaving a smear of blood upon the asphalt.

La Senorita and Godspeed run to Billy's side, and Godspeed attempts to roll Billy onto La Senorita's back. She looks to Good to see if he intends to stay.

>[1d10+2] Helplessness Recovery

Roll #1 2 + 2 = 4


Zamrud struggles to maintain his focus, looking on as Qhapaq joins him in the retreat… but watches in horror as Billy stays behind to fight. "N-no…. damn it all…!"

He grunts, struggling now for the first time against his captors. "Let… me… go… get him instead! Please…" He says, trying to make the Aya drop him so they can go grab Billy.

Roll #1 3 = 3


Qhapaq lets out an annoyed huff, turning back to pick up both Billy and Good Intentions. He hoists them on to his back, before scooting after the other Aya.
>Pickup: [1d10+2]

Roll #1 9 + 2 = 11


Gasping from the attack. Billy tries to help himself up from the situation. So that he may do what may be required of him to handle what is needed of him.


Roll #1 7 = 7


Good sighed and began to look for Zam and the rest.

[1d10] Perception

Roll #1 5 = 5


Grutar starts to notice the tendrils starting to grow out of the ground, he shifts his attention from the sudden appearing outlanders and instead focuses on buying everyone time. "Time to kick this up a notch!" He says, looking for the shadedrinker once more and revving his drill up furiously to slam right into the body again.

>Overdrill Martial Slam!


Roll #1 8 + 1 = 9 / Roll #2 8 + 1 = 9


As Qhapaq grabs the others, only two remain behind: Grutar, and La Senorita. While the others make a run for it, regrouping with the two Aya who appeared to grab Zamrud, Grutar rushes toward where the Shadedrinker is held fast by the gravity well, nearly getting drawn in off his feet as well. But he keeps his control, and uses the momentum to accelerate his charge, and stabs the screaming drill into the wound he's carved out. Fresh viscera pours from the wound, and he is rewarded by the wounded abomination's defeaning foghorn roar.

From below the others, the tendrils that the Shadedrinker stabbed into the ground erupt from the asphalt, trying to stab upwards into them, just as they did to Billy – but Grutar, seeing this, looses his free hand, and grabs just below where the Shadedrinker floats. He manages to grab onto the tendrils at the source, pinching them shut with a crushing grip. Over where the others are, to the east, the tendrils stab up at the open air, forcing them to scatter, but are unable to reach them.

La Senorita tries to deliver a deadly blast to the abomination's gaping wounds.


The Shadedrinker floats there, as if in shock from the last attack…

>Grutar roll perception

Roll #1 9 + 2 = 11



Roll #1 1 = 1


Good decided to fire one last blow at the beast as they moved to spite it while activating his mutation and aiming at the beasts wound.

>Spell Resonance: instant automatic, recharge 3, spell; The next spell you cast is automatic, provided you have used it earlier in this combat.

>Singularity Shot: Recharge 4, Spell, Good's possesses a natural ability to magnify his gravitational prowess into an attack that creates singularities that he can hurl as a projectile that will pull everything around them towards them. On crit the attack can actually be stuck inside of a target making them the center of the Singularity.

>Repulsive Force:Recharge 2, Instant Automatic, This mutation allows Good to turn his gravitational attacks into reverse, repelling foes instead of attracting them, and inflicting them with the force of their body being hurled back or potentially an attack being hurled back at them. This may also be used in conjunction with his Singularity Shot for various effects.

Burden: Altering the very nature of gravity has serious repercussions on the body of Good, causing it to respond by rubberbanding and crushing him for as long as he forced it to go against its nature, dealing 1 unblockable hit for each turn the effects are used as soon as he ceases combat. This can render him helpless and upon so begins dealing one wound every two turns unless he is brought back to his standing position.


Qhapaq stops for a moment, trying to focus on his fog-poisoned body. With the open air, his body has time to catch up to the damage done to it.
>Accelerated Healing (Automatic): Regenerate 1 Wound.


Grutar gives the Shadedrinker one last strike by attempting to rip through it's body as he yanks out his drill. Afterwards, he turns to look at La Senorita and shouts. "Alright, everyone looks like they got out! Let's get out of here!" He says hopping down to now follow LS outta here, though he doesn't plan to let her fall behind.

>Eviscerate & Dash


Roll #1 1 + 1 = 2


Billy tries to follow up with Grutar to strike the shade drinker with two follow up attacks of his own.

-Cavalier (Lone Knight):You fight by yourself. You have a Bonus Action every turn for basic attacks only. You have +2 Max Hits and +1 Max Wounds. All Doctrines from Cavalier apply to you.



Roll #1 1 = 1 / Roll #2 1 = 1


Zamrud looks on as Grutar fights the Shadedrinker head on, alone with Senorita as they continue to launch blow after blow to the struggling creature.

"Grrgh… well, if you two insist on keeping this up… that last shot may have just done the trick. Where is the Eggregor, if we can pin it down for certain we'll unleash it and finish the monster off."
As he speaks, he prepares a vial of flammable liquid, intent on throwing it as far in an arc as he can to land on top of the creature and give Senorita and Grugar as much of an edge as he can provide in his deprecated state.
[1d10+1] Alchemist's Fire
[1d10+1] Trying to see how damaged the Shadedrinker is with Appraise (instant)

Roll #1 8 + 1 = 9 / Roll #2 4 + 1 = 5


As Good, Zamrud's captors, Qhapaq and Godspeed make a break for it, they can hear that the asphalt behind them is no longer being dug up by the approach of tendrils – instead, the sound heads back west, right toward where Grutar and Billy are fighting off the Shadedrinker.

As Billy and Grutar ready to bring their strikes down on the wounded Dreaded One's exposed skull, the street below them starts to rumble and stir, and suddenly bubbles up–!

And then – it erupts.

>visual ref


Grutar and Billy are flung into the sky, as the Shadedrinker's tendrils burst forth from below, stabbing and thrashing through their weary, dented armor-suits. They start to plummet, and the ends of the Shadedrinker's tendrils point upward, ready to impale them on a bed of spikes, before La Senorita blasts the Shadedrinker's open forehead with a bright laser beam. The tendrils flail about as the beast recoils, and Zamrud arcs his firebomb into its gaping forehead, winning a pained bellow of its foghorn as the virulent flames spew forth in every direction. Good deals a third blow, and his repulsive shot launches the Shadedrinker back into the fog, where you then hear a crunch of concrete, as it collides with something far-off.

Billy and Grutar land onto the hard and jagged asphalt, badly bleeding as consciousness fades in and out.

>Grutar 0/2

>Billy 0/1

"Assistance requested," La Senorita splices, as she lowers the barrel of her turret to scoop up Billy. "Assistance – desperate – requested."
"I've got them," Godspeed hisses, pivoting on a single hoof to run back to where Grutar and Billy lay. Zamrud's captors continue to run, hissing something in the Aya tongue, smacking of displeasure and fear.


Good shuffled and squirmed as he moved to help, trying to fight his way out of the grips of the others so he could help Billy and Grutar.

[1d10] Break Free and run back

Roll #1 4 = 4


Grutar mumbles incoherently in pain as he tries to push himself back up, not feeling like he's done yet.

>Self Recover


Roll #1 8 = 8


Billy with not much left to do besides thinking about how miserable he is tries to help himself back up assisted by godspeed and senorita.


Roll #1 2 = 2


Zamrud growls, pulling himself up to his feet as he holds his useless arm with the good one, grunting as he watches the explosion unfold that sends them all scattering around the asphalt, but drawing some relief from watching the creature flee. "It's running… hopefully for good. We've wounded it, we can finish it off after we've recovered." He stands back up, falling down slightly as he looks on towards Grutar and Billy, realizing he's in no state to help them.

"Qhapaq… grrgh… I really hate to impose, but I'm useless with my arm like this. Could you go help Godspeed get them? The Shadedrinker is injured, but so few of us are in a position to finish it off, even with the Egregor I feel it's too risky. I do not think it is capable of healing itself, once our immediately injuries have been dealt with, we can send a party to chase after it."

He strains his eyes again to see through the fog, and maybe see where it is going with his enhanced vision (not the upgraded mutation, however)
[1d10-2] Perception

Roll #1 3 - 2 = 1


>Two Turns remaining on Accelerated Healing

Qhapaq ducks out of the explosion, turning to look for whether or not his friends made it out. He almost goes to pick them up as well, before leaving it to Godspeed and Seniorita.

Qhapaq's vice-like grip keeps the stallion held tightly, and he shakes his head a little bit. "Danger. Still."

"Of course. I'll see them to safety, and return to finish the beast." he says, making sure he can help Godspeed and Senorita in recovering the severly-injured duo.
>Help? [1d10]

Roll #1 6 = 6


No more sound comes from the Shadedrinker's approximate location – obscured by the fog surrounding the freeway overpass – as Godspeed and Good make it back to where Grutar and Billy lay. The two aid in loading up Billy onto La Senorita's hind chassis, but Grutar, bleeding and bruised though he is, is still able to get back up onto his own two feet. No more lasers from the Aya lightguns follow, but neither does any attack from the Shadedrinker; Zamrud's analysis seems to be right, and the fight has come to a stalemate at present.

To the east, Qhapaq can hear hissing in the Aya tongue, urging him and the others to get a move on while there's time. Godspeed silently sizes up where Sancho last stood, with nary but a scorch mark remaining.

At last, Zamrud's abductors get far enough away from the scene of the battle that the fog gradually fades the further they go. Their pace at last slows, allowing his battered body some respite as their pace loses its bounce. As he lays there, he can see them proceeding in a zig-zag fashion through dense and narrow streets, packed high with the ancient facades of apartment complexes, dingy, standing-room only venues, bars, hostels, brothels, backalley clinics – all now faded and decaying, marked only by signs in a variety of ancient and unintelligible tongues.

The abductors descend down one such alleyway, entering a labyrinthine network of underpasses. Zamrud smells old, stale chemicals, oil, long-since rotted food that has now become but smears on the concrete.


Good groaned and aimed in the direction of the shadedrinker aiming to try and bring it up into view so they can finish it off while it was weak.

[2d10] Magic Bolt

>Magic Bolt: recharge 2, spell; Fire a volatile bolt of magic to deal damage. Roll two dice and use the higher roll for results and ignoring the other completely. If one roll Crits, you may save the other roll to be used as part of your next Magic Bolt. If you use a saved Crit for Magic Bolt, it does not proc this effect.

Roll #1 6, 9 = 15


Seeing Good still go after the Shadedrinker, Grutar feels a surge of inspiration to push it just a bit more.

"For Zinc and Iron!!!" Grutar barks out before rushing in the direction of Good's shot to follow up on it.

>Martial Slam! (Crits on 8)


Roll #1 5 + 1 = 6


>One Turn remaining on Accelerated Healing

With the party picked up, the griffon turns to head after the Aya, motioning for the others to follow behind him. Despite the headstart, the griffon's able to keep pace well enough thanks to their callouts.


Billy attempts to pull himself up once more in hopes of joining Grutar. Worried about his own failure to combat the shade drinker.



Roll #1 6 = 6


"You still wish to fight?" Godspeed whispers, half in thought, half in shock, as she sees you turn and run toward where you last heard of the wounded Dreaded One. After a moment more of standing still, she trots after you, drawing her falx once more. She carries the Egregore on its chain as she follows. "If you should falter, and desire me to save your life, you need but give the order."

You run forward, and see the Shadedrinker pinned against the concrete side of the underpass, an inverted gravity well pressed against its face, which is beginning to crumble, metal glass and ice breaking into shards as the gravity shoves the Dreaded One further against the concrete. Good, standing at a distance, continues to blast it with magical explosions, while Grutar digs his drill into the site of the worst wounds, shredding blood and viscera all about as more and more of the creature's dread armor is ripped away.

You notice that you and the Aya are the only ones leaving. La Senorita remains where she was, desperately looking back and forth between east and west.

"Follow… follow… following procedures not responding…" she splices.


The Shadedrinker, pinned to the concrete as it is, does nothing, its compound eyes glimmering in the light of its own brutal crushing. Godspeed, the Egregore's chain wrapped about her shoulder, carves a shape into the fog with her falx.


Roll #1 7 + 4 = 11


"Eat this!" Grutar shouts as he winds up his drill arm before trying to drill into one of the Shadedrinker's eyes.

>Drill Strike


Roll #1 5 = 5


Good quickly threw his magic up to protect Grutar so they could keep going, though he also sent some magic to try and heal Billy too.

>Magic Boon: instant automatic, recharge 3, spell; Enhance the magic of either yourself or an ally. Their next successful spell will also restores either 3 hits or 1 wound on them, chosen when you cast Magic Boon.

[1d10] Inure on Grutar

>Inure: recharge 1, spell; Shield an ally with protective magic, blocking 5 hits worth of damage. An ally can only have one Inure on them at a time. On Crit the shield slows an enemy when they strike it, allowing the Inured ally to retaliate with a Bonus Action of a basic attack that turn against that enemy only.

Roll #1 1 = 1


Zamrud looks on towards where the Shadedrinker fled, trying to keep note of it's last known location as he picks himself up, looking at the others moving in from where he picks up the downed Grutar and Billy.

He turns his attention towards his temporary abductors as they move further and further away from the fog. He is about to give chase towards the buildings and apartment complexes they head into, but his attention is distracted as he sees Good and Grutar push the attack.

"What?! Damn it all…"

HE rushes in, grabbing at another orb of chemicals and ignoring the Aya fleeing as he shouts at Grutar and Good, "GRUTAR! Young lord! Leave it, we have injured! We can pick up the trail and finish it off, but we're in no state to continue this fight! Let us retreat!"

He shouts as he throws one alchemical ball of acid to further weaken its defenses, but pleading with the others to pull back.
[1d10+1] Fault Point: recharge 3, weapon; You can notice the imperfections in anything from your years of crafting. Strike at a foes gear, either their weapon or armor, abusing these faults to weaken them and applying a stack of Faulty. Each stack lowers the quality of a weapon by 1 or lowers the damage reduction a foe has by 1 on armor. Once the gear reaches 3 stacks it will be destroyed. On Crit, or when the gear is broken, this will deal damage (Damage on break will be based on the roll that applied the 3rd stack). Can be used out of combat to break most average materials.
(lowerng its armor rating, +1 from successful Alchemist's Fire)

Roll #1 4 + 1 = 5


Qhapaq huffs a little bit, reaching over and grabbing Grutar by his scruff to yank him back.
"Please. Let us re-group, and come back at this after. Billy is near-death. Zamrud is as well, as are you."

Roll #1 7 + 1 = 8


*please replace with
Zamrud looks on towards where the Shadedrinker fled, trying to keep note of it's last known location as he picks himself up, looking at the others moving in from where they gather Billy/Grutar.

He turns his attention towards his abductors as they move further and further away from the fog. He is about to relax as they head towards the buildings and apartment complexes, but his attention is distracted as he sees Good and Grutar push the attack.

"What?! Damn it all…"
HE barely struggles against the Aya taking him away, too weak to pull out as he uses his one good arm to cup his mouth, and shout: "GRUTAR! Young lord! Leave it, we have injured! We can pick up the trail and finish it off, but we're in no state to continue this fight! Let us retreat!"

He looks down towards the Aya as they flee, his nose picking up the scent of chemicals in the air as he tugs on them, "If you want us to go with you, we will, but please, get my companions out of there, I'm not in a state to be going anywhere!"



Feeling the yank after striking the shadedrinker again, Grutar looks and almost swings out in a panic before halting his attack. "Sorry about that, lad. Got a bit tunnel visioned there by anger. Hate these blasted things." Grutar says as he kicks at the mangled monster. "Where are the other lads regrouping at?" he asks, ready to follow Qhapaq now that he's snapped out of it.


The griffon gives Grutar a look, before gently setting him back on his feet. "Follow. Retreated to the city."


Billy conflicted about fighting any longer with the shadedrinker goes forward to see what is going around with Zamrud and attempts to see the issue.

[1d10] Perception

Roll #1 3 = 3


Good grunted but bowed his head as he decided perhaps he was losing sight of just how badly wounded the others were.


Frigid glass shards fly through the air as Grutar brutally digs the tip of his drill deeper into the wounded Dreaded One's face, deep blue blood spattering the walls and nearby vehicles in spiral patterns. The character that Godspeed draws in the fog then appears upon the surface Shadedrinker's face, and then, with a pulse of force, indents about a foot deep into it, leaving its mark in a deep dent.

Qhapaq pulls Grutar back some distance – as you soon see, without a moment to spare.

The Shadedrinker's head, lazily cast at an angle, swivels toward where Good stands. Its tendrils part near its jaw, revealing a single long and misshapen proboscis where a gods-shaped creature might have a nose. With a stomach-turning wheeze, somewhere between a dying gasp and a sigh, it exudes some kind of thin mist from the tip. It is obviously thinner, and of a lighter shade of gray-blue, than the rest of the fog… but as it reaches Good's body, it reveals a different nature. Good suddenly feels as though he were wading within neck-deep rushing water, the weight of it threatening to cast him off his hooves into the oblivion of some rushing rapids, or perhaps even the ocean…

…And as the others behold him, they can see strange smears exuding from him into the air, resembling wet paint diluted by water. Dark, near-black blue, as well as a lighter shade of blue, fill the air about him, forming many vague, colored silhouettes of his body. The Shadedrinker's tendrils extend toward him, but rather than stab into his body, the needles at the tips of each tendril widen, and start to suck up that strange silhouette that has formed about Good.

>Good loses 1 Wound, all skills put on Recharge

Godspeed gasps, and tries to cut through the Shadedrinker's tendrils.


La Senorita fires her lasers again.


The Aya, by this point, are gone.

They make some kind of retort, but do not offer any response you can understand without Qhapaq's translations.

>roll memory to see if Zamrud has had enough dealings to understand their words

Eventually, after taking you through enough winding paths of the underground, they stop partway down a hall, and tap at a section of the wall. The wall slides back, then into the sides, revealing a secret corridor, at the end of which, waits a heavy, metal reinforced door. One of the Aya inserts a token into a small slot at the door's keyhole, then punches in a combination of code upon the keypad. Metal components chunk and grind behind the door, as the mechanisms unlock.

Roll #1 9 + 3 = 12 / Roll #2 5 + 2 = 7


Good gasped and shuddered as he felt a coldness emanated over his entire body. Fear began to set it but he made the decision then and there to try and get away from it and to safety, more for the others than his own sake.


Grutar continues to retreat with the others, swearing under his helmet as he peers around for the others and potential dangers the shadedrinker is producing.



Roll #1 1 = 1


Zamrud struggles to keep conscious as he tries to use what he remembers to decipher his captors' words, looking around at the foul-smelling complex as they take him away.

When they finally come to a stop, he looks at the combination code they put in on the sliding door. "Ingenious…" he compliments them, but tries to use his deprecated eyes to see (and memorize) the code
[1d10-2] See / memorize code as they put it in

Roll #1 2 = 2 / Roll #2 1 - 2 = -1


[1d10] to Escape

Roll #1 5 = 5


Qhapaq reaches for the first thing he can find and hurls it at the Shadedriker's head. "Back! Away!" he shouts, hissing angrily.
>Sentry for an Automatic Slam Attack


Billy decides to fall back with his group. Following the actions, he is seeing with others.


A headache reminds you of the overuse of your mutation in recent time, and the world about you swims in an overwhelming haze of bright light, overlapping sounds, and grotesque smells…

…After some time, your mind starts to settle once again, and you can hear someone mixing something hard-sounding in some kind of ceramic dish. You find yourself laying upon your back upon a soft surface, but you can feel that you are tied down about your chest and waist.

Above you, the face of your captor emerges, as they look at you upside-down. Facing you is a lanky pony, of indeterminate gender. A long and deep purple mane obscures their face, but what features you can see are androgynous.

"Howdy," the pony says, their voice as androgynous as the rest of them. "Are you dead?"

Good wavers, his legs unable to heed his commands, even as a dim spike of adrenaline tries to spur him into action – but as Godspeed hacks through the Shadedrinker's tendrils, and as Qhapaq and La Senorita hammer the Shadedrinker's broken head, the mist starts to dissipate, and the smearing colors vanish from about Good, allowing him to stumble away.

The Shadedrinker vanishes, at last freed of the gravity well, allowing you a chance to run to the east – where the two Aya, holding their lightguns at the ready, await, crouching behind some heaps of rubble. Seeing you, and not the Shadedrinker, they turn, gesturing for you to follow them deeper into the densest parts of the city's ghettos.


Good moved rather slowly, swaying every few ones as he managed to vaguely keep pace. As is though he was a bit thrown by… well he was pretty sure it was trying to eat his soul.


Billy willingly follows along with the Aya. Seeing his bout with the shade drinker as a failure on his part, but happy to live another day despite his own hubris.


Grutar pants heavily as he runs with his little legs as best he can. "Thing did a real number on us! I have a few medical kits on me still!"


Zamrud blinks his eyes as he comes back into consciousness, his mind fuzzy and his limbs numb as he tests his restraints, and discovers he is, indeed, strapped down

He hisses as the face suddenly emerges, looking down on him as she observes him on the table. When she asks if he is dead, Zamrud calms himself, steadying his breathing.
"I can't be sure. This certainly doesn't look like paradise, though…" he grunts, and affords a small laugh. "I doubt I'd be let go that easily. I hate to ask after you went through all the trouble, but I would appreciate being unstrapped from this table."


"Come. The Aya will keep us safe." he says, following after the others.


The Aya grumble among themselves in low voices as they lead you through the congested city ghettoes, not relaxing until the fog that chokes so much of the southern city finally starts to fade about them. Godspeed looks over to Grutar, Good and Billy, her facial expression unreadably blank. "…What possessed you to continue onward?" she asks, genuine curiosity in her voice.

The Aya continue to lead you through the city, quiet even to their blood, Qhapaq. You take a set of stairs downward, leading to an underground shopping district of some kind, labyrinthine after endless expansions, the halls filled with no small number of ruined, broken doors, leading to what is now only a graveyard. Putrid smells of stale chemicals and rotted food burn your noses, even with the aid of your air filters.

At last you reach a long and nondescript hall, and one of the Aya taps a section of the wall, which slides back, revealing an armored door. One of them inserts a token into the door's keyhole, and blocks your view with his bulky body as he punches in a code on the keypad.

>The other Aya turns to Qhapaq. "Blood. Tell them to keep their weapons sheathed and their magic in their heads. Mutations are fine to use, so long as they aren't fools about it."

"Sorry," the pony says. "But they told me you're like to get right up and run back into battle if I do that. Same goes for the rest of your friends. But I can put on a movie if you like. You like movies? I hear they call them 'Flicks' in the Castles."

Whoever they are, they seem to be well-informed, for a Mutant: that's indeed what they're called.

"Oh, by the way," they continue, as you feel them taking hold of your good arm. "Hold still. Ha-ha. Kidding. You don't have a choice."

Something stabs into the vein of your good arm, and much of your body surrounding it goes numb. It's all you can do to remain conscious, though it doesn't seem whatever drug they used was intended to put you under.


Qhapaq nods a little bit, before looking to the others. "No weapons out, no needless magic. Mutations are okay, just do not be foolish."

"Thank you for the help, blood."


Grutar shrugs to Godspeed. "When I see me lads still goin' for the attack, I can't help but keep goin'."

"Anyone here need a medkit?" Grutar offers, waiting for the door to open up as he checks the rest of the team for their injuries.


"I am probably dumb for saying this. I honestly thought we could have been able to conquer the shadedrinker. I apologize for my hubris out there." Billy bows his head down.


"I assure you, we were in the middle of a retreat before your catnappers appeared. The creature is injured, we can finish it off after we've treated our own injuries. Being strapped down can give a puros the wrong idea: like he's a captive more than a patient." He raises his brow at the 'doctor' as they observe him. "And you're correct. I may have one on my magicomp, in fact."

As she holds up his arm, his fur stands up on end as they inject him with something, causing him to struggle as he fights to remain conscious, "Urrrggh… what… did you inject me with?" He asks as calmly as he can, ready to try and fight his way out if something seems awrr…
[1d10] Maintain consciousness

Roll #1 1 = 1


"I saw a chance to end the threat then and there, and was blinded to the needs of Billy and Grutar in my haste to get rid of the monster." he said quietly as he continued to walk a bit off as he made his way along.


"I see," Godspeed repeats, after hearing your reasons for fighting on. "…apologize not for foolhardy bravery. It is true that they train us to avoid contact with the Dreaded Ones, or else to assassinate them in silence, with duplicitous and safe tactics… but bravery is something this world lacks. Think now only on how we shall exterminate it in its proper time."

You enter a long chamber, at the end of which stands a pair of Aya guards, dressed similarly to the ones who escorted you here. Between them is another armored door, similar to what which you passed through earlier. Seeing you with their kinfolk, they barely give you more than a glance before they unlock it, and wave you through.


That door opens to the vast central commons area of a bunker. Many Mutants of the Aya clan mill about, talking and going about their business. There seems to be no common thread linking the Aya – there is no majority race among them, and every age, from the newborn, to the elderly, are present. Some even seem to affect the manners of civilized Castle folk. The only commonality among them is the fact that most are Mutants of some visible kind, others more apparent than others, bearing anything from an extra set of limbs to something as minute as oddities in their teeth or hairline.

A colossal air conditioning system runs at full blast, mercifully ushering in cool and clean-smelling air. The guards who escorted you in take you toward the back of the common area, where a half-broken sign bears Y-shaped cross – a gabelkreuz – in purple, white and black: the universal sign for doctors.

When you enter the medical wing, you see several rooms branching off from the main office, covered by blurry plastic curtains. Behind one, you can hear Zamrud slurring strange words, punctuated by the grainy sounds of combat – but they come from some grainy speaker system, and not from the real world.


"I appreciate your wise words. I shall endeavor to do better not only in tactics but in keeping my bravery as well." Billy gives off a smile.


Grutar now lets out a groan of pain as he rubs his back with his good paw. "My back is sayin' it was a bad idea all around. Lost n' boiled a lotta blood back there too. Wait… I think I hear techie talkin'!" Grutar says, looking around for the source of Zamrud's voice.


Good was silent before coughing a bit as the arrow markings on his body begin to start constricting his form, having to remove his mask as he needed to start coughing some blood as he took in the after effects of his mutation.

>1 hit lost to mutation drawback


Qhapaq lets out a sigh of relief as he enters the settlement proper, feeling relaxed around his own. First things first, though- he takes the others to the medical wing.

"Please, rest well. If you need anything, ask them for me. I will come and help."


As he fades from the waking world, and the drug takes over his body, Zamrud loses all ability to think coherently as he starts mumbling very loudly over the loud-speaker (not to his knowledge he's aware of), and starts groaning and slurring his words.

"Agggh…now, you sheee heree you… gughg, oh… m-my lady, you're far too kind… I couldn't possibly drink another… well, bpgglugh… if YOU were pouring it for me, I'd gladly drink it, dear. Uggh… and, perhaps, if coublve share your company… Gooodsheed, doon't be so shy, pleash, join ush, there's…. ugh… plenty of Lady Path's cooking here… oh, another helpghshing…"
He drolls on and on, a weary state of exhaustion and fantasy as he loses all sense of where he is


As you enter the room through which you hear Zamrud's drunken crooning, you see an androgynous, lanky pony tending to him. His armorsuit lies crumpled in the corner, barely more than scrap after that horrid explosion, and his wounds are plain to see: Bad scrapes, deep cuts, and no end of bruising, burns and frostbite over all that is visible (his underclothes, tattered though they are, have been left on). The pony is in the middle of treating his wounds, while in the corner, a martial arts film plays on a small CRT television. It seems to be starring the very pony who's treating Zamrud at this moment. Curiously, they also seem to be playing a few extras as well.

The pony turns your way, but doesn't stop treating Zamrud's wounds. "Dajia hao. My name's Tay. I'm the diviner here. You're getting your germs all over the place. Especially you, Mister I'm-Gonna-Cough-Blood-in-a-Surgeon's-Room.

The pony gestures with their scalpel, quite red with blood, to Zamrud. "You know this guy?"

Godspeed can only blink, baffled, at the situation.


"S-sorry… My mutation has… decided now is the time to kick back." he said as he moved to a waste basket and tried to focus on that as the squeezing grew even harsher and he began to cough up even more blood.

>-1 hit from mutation.


"Zamrud! You mad lad made it alive!! I knew you had it in ya, I owe you one MASSIVE DRINK when we get back to the castle!" Grutar exclaims jovially, simply happy to see Zamrud is alive despite his wounds.

"Thanks for takin' care of our buddy there, lass." Grutar gives a salute to Tay.


Billy decides to rest against the wall with the situation settling with him. Closing his eyes and breathing lightly.


"Dude!" Tay protests, gesturing with frustration with the bloody scalpel once more. "At LEAST cough it up into the biohazard box!"

They gesture to the wall, and designate the biohazard box, hanging from the wall, when they flick a bit of blood onto it from the scalpel, just in case there was any doubt as to its purpose.


Good apologized and slowly walked to the box, shaking in visible pain and one could see his armor was a bit looser as his body was forced to crush itself.


Zamrud, drunk with anesthesia, looks up to Grutar as he comes over to congratulate him "Gruutshar…. kind ofsh crowded here, my friensh…. can I reschomend getting more foosh at the buffesh…"

He turns up to look towards Tay as they continue to operate, grunting as he sees the scalpel, "Pleashe, gentlemens… no weaponsh at the partysh…."


"Ah! Hello, Tay- yes, this is a very good friend of mine. Thank you for tending to his injuries. I was very worried for him, but I could not stay by his side."

Qhapaq frowns a little, stopping himself from setting a massive set of talons on the Puros. "Please, quiet. Let him work."


Tay double-takes at Qhapaq. "Oh, blood. No wonder they let you in without confiscating your belongings. I wonder why the lots didn't inform me one of our Corpse was entangled in the battle… well, in any case, I'd say the rescue went pretty well. Looks like they got to you before anyone could perish."

Godspeed raises her eyebrow, but says nothing. La Senorita keeps her barrel trained on Tay's every movements, but they don't seem to mind.

"Each of you," Tay continues. "Go ahead and find an empty room. I'll get my assistants in there to patch you up as soon as you're ready. Oh, and do you like movies?"


apprentices, not assistants


Good just remained at the box for now and simply responded with another cough of blood as he felt the pain raise higher still.

>-1 hit from mutation.

"f-f-f-fuck me." was the quiet murmer from the thoroughly unhappy noble. He hoped no one heard it.


Billy moves up to go and look for a room, feeling tired himself. he goes forward to take a look around for one and anything of interest along the way.

[1d10] Perception

Roll #1 10 = 10


Zamrud slowly, wearily shakes his head at Qhapaq. "Oooffs… fine, but you havsh to introdush me to that Aya wesh met earliersh…"

Zamrud lays back on the table, his eyes slowly listing off to sleep as the drugs take full hold of his consciousness, allowing Tay to do his job in fixing him and his arm up.


"You bet I do!" Grutar says in response to Tay as he starts to head off to find an empty room as instructed, for once looking forward to getting some medical work done as he finds a sudden chance to have a decent break from a battle nearly everyone got out alive from, better than staying dour after the escape.

>Recall movie knowledge


Roll #1 6 = 6



"Hmm? Yes, of course- I will fo so later, friend."

"Of course- none perished, saved for Sancho. I am glad there was blood in the area, or we may have not made it out. And… I do watch movies sometimes, yes. Why? Is that you?"


"That's not an answer to my question," Tay retorts. "And don't cuss."
"Perhaps this may ease your mood," Godspeed says. "That pony said that nobody died. Have you taken their meaning?"

Tay shakes their head. "Nope, the lots didn't say anything about anyone perishing."

But, when the topic turns to movies, Tay seems almost to forget the previous conversation. "Yep, my third one," they say, turning to the TV. They seem to be a martial artist mutant, fighting off waves of other mutants all dressed in red footballer gear, as they penetrate through what is clearly an Aya camp, in pursuit of a massive yak, wearing the tracksuit and cap of a football coach.

"My critics say I really didn't hit my stride until my fourth film, but I think there's value in revisiting old projects to learn from your failures," Tay continues. "What kinda stuff you into?"

As you walk about, you notice that just about everything in the medical ward has the same insignia that Nina had on the back of her tablet computer. Desktops, lamps, most of the storage containers too… but not everything. Some of the supplies there are left without any kind of marking at all. You identify several such containers that are unmarked; they look like they contain medical supplies of various kinds.

You've seen quite a few flicks in your time; some of the more popular ones come to mind when Tay brings up the subject: "Die Horse," "50 First Trots," "Sicantero," and so forth.

Once you head into each examination room, a number of Tay's apprentices, again a group of mutants of diverse types, enter to tend to your wounds. It's somewhat difficult, as they speak only limited Equish, but they manage to discern what ails you and the proper methods of treatment.

>timeskip to the end of treatment available


>Knowledge Roll: [1d10]

Roll #1 10 = 10


I point to the unmarked medical supplies and call out to Nina. "What are these over here?"


Though the Aya are known more for their conquest and captive-taking raids upon other clans, they have themselves quite a booming trade caravan business. Typically they deal in weapons specialized for dealing with Dreaded Ones, especially silent and light-based weaponry that are suitable for targeted assassinations of Dreaded Ones too dangerous to take on in direct combat.


Despite having to get patched up the whole time, Grutar makes conversation with the apprentices to try and figure out what things are like around this place.

>Chat it up & get some knowledge during timeskip


Roll #1 6 = 6


"Good man…" Zamrud says plainly to Qhapaq, before falling back on his head, his wide green eyes slowly closing as he dreams of happier times while waiting for his injuries to be dealt with by the mysterious physician they're in contact with.
>Ready to timeskip


Good had ended up with one of his ribs very audibly breaking as they examined him as his mutation finished which would obviously cause a great deal of worry for the poor apprentice but they had managed to undo the damage and clean the dried blood and other detriments from his coat before sending him off.

Good for the most part blew any attempt at interacting with Tay off for a chance to go exploring. As is he found him to be a bit of… well the term started with d and ended with ouche and he really had no desire to deal with him if he didn't have to.

He also took the moment to pull Trajan from his pack to check on his companion hoping he had come through unscathed.


>Timeskip if everyone else wants!

Qhapaq hums a little, and says "Martial arts, mostly. It has been an interest from a young age, if you could not guess." the griffon says, nodding a little bit.

Qhapaq hums to himself a little as he looks over the group, before saying "Perhaps they would be willing to sell some of their light weaponry."


"Something light and silent would be nice to compliment me. I am not one for up close and personal combat, and my turret is a bit limited."


"Stuff that hasn't been claimed yet," Tay says. "You can go ahead and take or investigate anything that doesn't have our little clan tag on it. But anything that's marked, don't touch it without permission, or the owner's liable to have you thrown back out."

Trajan is okay, if agitated. Though he is unharmed, he remains tense, taking a defensive stance around Tay and their apprentices, as he keeps an eye out for hostile forces.

"Oh-ho-ho, bud," Tay says with a grin. They open a nearby bag, revealing several strange, blocky recording discs… you recognize this ancient technology, known as the VCR, a privilege only of the Diviners and other members of the Aya clan who hold rank and status above their kin. Each one is carefully stored in a cardboard case, lovingly hand-illustrated. "You'll like my body of work, then."

Tay and their apprentices answer some of Grutar's questions while they treat your wounds. As it turns out, although the Aya here look quite comfortable with the bunker, they know little about it, having spent little more than four weeks there – that's barely longer than your journey from Ironcastle to the City of Oath. The primary reason for their comfort is their nomadic nature, rather than their familiarity with the place.

"Yeah," Tay continues. "I've consulted the oracle lots again and again, but each time I do, they tell me that there's still more to explore in this bunker we've found. Where exactly, I don't really know. Whoever built this place seemed to have a penchant for hidden walls. The rooms we're now using as a recreation center used to be concealed behind a hidden wall, in fact."
"Is that why everything's marked?" Godspeed guesses.
Tay nods. "Yup. Helps us keep track of what we have and haven't uncovered yet. Like I said, since you're a friend of our Blood, you're welcome to poke around, as long as you don't take anything marked."


Billy makes a noise of understanding and decides to follow through with the suggestion to sate his curiosity of looking through the unmarked boxes.


[1d10] loot roll

Roll #1 3 = 3


You find one medical kit amid heaps of arcane paperwork.

But… the very fact you found either of those is quite fishy. The medical kit has not expired, and the paperwork seems to be written in Castle Equish.

Wherever this bunker came from, it wasn't the Old World. It is of more recent construction.


known as the VHS tape.*


Billy decides to share his find with his group. bringing it up to good.

"I believe they said it is okay to take these. Mind if I leave them with you?" Billy asks of good.


Good decided to search as well, petting the poor insect a bit and sliding some of his rations onto his shoulder so he could eat while he searched.

Other than that he barely even looked in the doctors direction.
[1d10] Loot

Roll #1 6 = 6


"Of course, my pack is open to you my friend."


As time passes and the operation continues, Zamrud slowly begins to regain his consciousness, testing his restraints as he comes back out from underneath the drug's effect to see if he's able to move again.

"Urrggh… aggh… mmm, hello?" He asks aloud, blinking his eyes awake as he looks around the room. "Is anyone there? Grutar? Qhapaq?" He asks, vaguely remember seeing them (somehow) before he passed out, but unable to remember anything clearly since before he was injected.
[1d10]Attempting to rise / test restraints if they're there.

Roll #1 9 = 9


"Thank you kindly." Billy happily bows his head as he walks off to find his room.

>ready for timeskip



"Well if you guys need my help 'digging' around then just let me know!" Grutar says while guffawing at his own pun.


"Oh- very rare indeed, Tay." the griffon says, nodding a little bit. "I think I very much would, yes. I am amazed you have made so much, though."

"So many hidden spots… curious. What all else do you expect to find?"


You are now unrestrained, and can move as you please. You see the others sitting and talking in the medical ward's main area, now that they've been treated. "Oh," Tay says, leaning over in their chair. "Can you rewind the VHS for me please?" they ask, gesturing to the room you just left.

The food calms Trajan, and he takes some time to watch some of the films that Tay put on in each room's TV… each one, starring them, of course.

With Billy investigating the supply crates, you find an unmarked computer terminal, with the password listed on a master sheet nearby. As you poke through its contents, you find a recipe for a more potent healing tonic than what's normally authorized for use, though it comes with the caveat that its potency leaves it open to backfiring and making an injury worse if it is not properly administered. It seems like Zamrud might be able to whip this up himself.

You note that whatever OS this computer's running, it seems to be a fork of what you've seen running on Ironcastle's computer systems… just like at the Abandoned Fortress, where Castle technology was left in the Outlands outside of proper procedures.

"Whatever else is in here, it's likely important enough to hide in a bunker, and behind some kind of hidden wall or trapdoor or anything else to boot. The Brain doesn't allow most of our Blood to snoop around though, given how dangerous it could be."

As all Aya know, the Clan as a whole is divided into Families, each of whom is led by a Brain. "Someone like you though, he'd probably let through no problem."

One of Tay's assistants hands each of you a nutrient solution pouch, complete with a bendy straw. Perhaps it is the shape of the pouch, but something reminds you of something quite important…
"Special delivery," La Senorita splices. "I'll just need a signature."
This must be the destination for your mission.




As you come out of the examination room, you feel Godspeed's eyes settling down onto you with intrigue.


Good yawned and hid behind his mask as he tinted his visors so he could close his eyes for a bit as he ignored Tay before perking up at Senorita and looking over "Oh right, did we have a specific person or were we just giving it to whoever we met first?"

He also calmly walked over and handed Zam the recipe before heading back to the machine and seeing if he could pull any other info from it.

[1d10] Hacking/Tech

Roll #1 5 = 5


Zamrud looks around the main area as he gets up, still bereft of his armor and feeling exposed as he looks around at everyone being treated. "Everyone's alright? That's good." he winces, reaching over to feel his arm. "It seems I am doing better as well. How long have I been out?" He looks to Tay as he asks to rewind the VHS. "Oh. Ah, certainly. But first, I don't think we've been introduced. You're the one who operated on me, yes?"

As Good comes over with the recipe, he blinks in surprise as he takes it. "What's this… seems like a new healing salve?"

He takes note of Godspeed's eyes on him, raising his ears in question. "Hmm?" He takes a moment to pull up his magicomp, taking a look at his reflection in the screen to see how he looks. "Ah. I look a mess, don't I? My apologies. I should have taken a look in a mirror before coming out."


"It sounded like you were having quite the pleasant time in there," Godspeed says. "Going by what you said, I joined you for drinks, and the cooking of Lady Offbeaten Path."


"Yes, I found it on the computer, I'm trying to see if I can find anything else of use for us."


"Joined me for drinks…?" Zamrud asks, genuinely confused as he struggles to remember exactly what occurred in his drugged state. He puts his paws on his chin, thinking carefully. "I'm… not quite sure what you're talking about. When exactly was there time for drinks?"

"This is an excellent find. I've been meaning to improve my medicinal recipe for some time. Thank you, young lord." He turns to look towards the computer, looking around the facility. "What is this place exactly? Do you know?"


"That's what I was wondering," Godspeed says. "But, while Tay operated on you, you were quite… insistent that I join you for another round."

She pauses. "I don't think anyone has spoken to me like that."


Zamrud continues to think harder. "While I was being operated on?" He closes his eyes. "Hmm… I do recall having a nice dream, I think, but I'm a bit foggy on the details now that I'm out of it."

As he thinks about it some more, he goes on, "Let's see… there was a little gathering, I remember. And-" his eyes seem to open up as he recalls more of the details, but his hair stands on end as he looks at Godspeed. "Wait. I wasn't… being 'vocal' with this dream, was I?"


"Perhaps he was thinking about another gathering at my home." he said mildly amused as he worked

"As to answer, all I can tell is its like a really old version of what we use at the castle, so perhaps whoever built this worked on making the castles systems long ago."


"Yes…" He says, thinking back more on the dream, but his hairs were standing up on end. "It was, in fact. A gathering at your estate, that is."

As Good explains the computers, he takes a look at it, "Fascinating. If it's old enough, perhaps Senorita can interface with it. Also," he takes a moment to look the young pony over. "I am glad to see you are unharmed. That was a close call."


"Yes well, no thanks to some. My mutation decided to rear its head when we got here. I am uncomfortably familiar with the taste and feeling of coughing up my own blood."

"But enough on the flaws of my powers. I am relieved to see you did not lose an eye. I feared that you had when I saw the ice on your visor."


"Very close, yes." the griffon says, chiming in. "I am glad the Aya were able to intervene on our behalf."


He nodded and sighed "I also apologize for dragging us back into the fight my friend."


"Mmm… it's alright. We made it out in the end, after all. We were just very lucky to be where we were- though, I suppose we were meant to come here anyways." he says, ruffling the stallion's mane.


He frowned "I am aware, but I still cannot help but feel as if I put us all in unnecessary risk of harm.


"Mmm, that was more of Grutar's doing. You could not have gone back if I had not gone back." he says, shrugging.


He closed his eyes and remained silent for a few moments as he searched his feelings. "I suppose we are both to blame there."


"Mhmm. It is important to know when you have made amistake, but do not heap too much blame on yourself. You are very… new, at this, yes? It takes time to grow used to the outlands."


"I can reciprocate the feeling," he says, blinking his eyes a few times. "Though I think my eyes are finally starting to heal. I strained them in that battle as well."

"And the ice was no help, either. I apologize, young lord: I should have been more careful. After what happened to Sancho, I should have kept a sharper look out for the mines, I was speced for it."

"As am I. Had they not arrived when they did, the Shadedrinker may have tried to take its chances in finishing us off. I assume, then, THIS is where our package was meant to be delivered to. Anyone hear familiar to you?"

>Rolling perception, social / visual
[1d10+1] Social
[1d10+1] Visual

Roll #1 10 + 1 = 11 / Roll #2 7 + 1 = 8


You note that Godspeed hesitates, tensing. Though her expression is stoic, slight twitches at the corners of her eyes, and at her mouth, betray an inner turmoil, of reticence and desire. Eventually, she looks you up and down… and her eye gleams.

For a microsecond, her voice catches in her throat.

"A-are we getting drinks then, or not?" she asks.


As you say that word, another familiar matter comes to mind.

It starts with a flashback of your drunken suaveness… you asked Godspeed to join you for drinks, and some of "Lady Path's" cooking.

Lady Path.

But Godspeed, just now, addressed her as Lady Offbeaten Path.

It is almost unheard of for Warriors and Sages of different Castles to encounter one another, owing to the vast distances and lack of communication between Castles… let alone for a Warrior to encounter a Noble, who has no reason to ever leave the holy protection of the Castle's light.


His eyes widen for a tense second as he looks at the subtle, nearly missable twitches in her expression. However, as she stutters out her question, Zamrud looks surprised, not entirely expecting that reaction from her, fearing a more violent reaction to his drug-induced fancies.

"Ah… well, naturally, Grutar would have words if we didn't celebrate a successful job with a drink or two. I happen to know a few cocktails myself, if you'd care to try them?"

As he asks though, he keeps in the back of his mind that one mention of 'Offbeaten Path'… and immediately his mind starts racing with how she knew that name. Before interrogating her, he thinks to ask Good if he happened to mention it to her while he was out.


Godspeed leans back, regaining her typical undaunted composure. "If you've already been drinking with a resident of Zinccastle, like Grutar, then hopefully I won't be able to drink you under the table so easily… I'll see you then."


"I do not believe so, no- we Aya live in many places, so I do not fully recognize any of the blood I have seen so far. Right. I had meant to ask… you wanted me to introduce you to someone?"


"I suppose, but I have always felt as if it is my burden to carry the world upon my shoulders much as my house sigil does." he replied.

Good gave an impercepitable flick of the eyes to the reference towards his mother but gave little notice as he kept his main focus on the computer though he did also pick up on the faint flirting between the two. He kept his mask firmly in place though so any emotions toward the situation were very much hidden.


Billy stands still listening to his group coming back. Unsure what is being talked about and looked a little lost.


Zamrud puts the concerns for how she knows of Offbeaten Path at the back of his mind, for now, and simply smiles at the zebra. "I assure you, my tolerance for alcohol is slightly more impressive than my tolerance for icy explosions and toxic gas. I'll provide the drinks."

"Understandable. I underestimate the size of your tribe sometimes, how widespread it is in the Outlands."

As he asks about introducing someone, Zamrud looks on with confusion, not remembering his hallucinations from earlier, "I asked you to introduce me to someone?


"You did, yes. One of the Aya from before, I believe. Do you… do you not remember this? he asks, setting a massive set of claws on the Puros's head in concern. "But, yes- we are very widespread."


Last time, on Anno Castra… (tagging for crtl-F purposes later)

Most other programs on the PC ask you for some kind of user password, and your attempts at bypassing it end fruitlessly.

"Couple hours," Tay says, extending their hoof. "Name's Tay. The divine lots told me that some idiots had gotten themselves into a tussle with the Shadedrinker, but that they might still live, so I sent them out to retrieve you. The guys who dragged your carcass in here said you've got some nerve – they almost couldn't get you out of the combat zone from how much you were still trying to fight it as they were pulling you away."

When Zamrud checks over the formula, he notes that most of his chemicals could, at different ratios and with different preparation methods, easily meet the requirements of this new potion.
>A Drink for the Aeons
>Recharge 2; Ranged; Spell
>Restore full Hits and 2 Wounds upon the target, or 3 Wounds on a 9+. Or, on a result of 2 or lower, you deal 1 Wound to the target, and cause them to lose their Standard action next round.
>Description: "Oath" was not the Old World name of the City of Oath, as its original name was lost during the Time Long Forgotten. The legends disagree as to how this later name came about, but in Ironcastle, it is said that a secret order of the First Ancestors swore a great oath there, and sealed it with powerful drink. It is from this tale that this alchemical formula derives its name.

Godspeed turns away, but Good notices her turning on the selfie function of her Magicomp, and she examines her face for defects in the monitor.
Tay wiggles about in their seat for a bit. "So, this is normally where I'd charge you, but since you're with our Blood, I'll give you the hookup… but we could still use quite a bit of help about here if you can offer it."
"You have arrived at your destination," La Senorita says. "I'll just need a signature."
"Oh, I forgot," Tay says. "Uh, is it anyone in particular you need? 'Cause either I or the Brain can sign for it."


Good kept his eyes on the mare before turning away not quite sure why. He shook his head a bit "I assume the brain is some kind of leader?" he asked really wanting to deal with Tay as little as possible "If so delivering to them would be safest."


Now all patched up save for his armor, Grutar speaks up at the offer to help them. "I'm up to help out a little if you need this old dog!"


"So what is this brain that you guys speak of?" Billy speaks up from his position. Curious if the subject matter relates to the job.


"I… do not think it is someone in specific, but perhaps the Brain might be the best. If you are able to sign for it though, Blood, I trust you."


As Qhapaq grabs at his head, Zamrud grunts, gently moving his massive talons off. "No, I do not… at least, not clearly. Now that you bring it up that DOES sound familiar but, I think I was feeling the effects of the anesthesia. The Aya who added me on Concord, is the one I think I was referring to…"

Zamrud looks over the formula Good passed him, nodding approvingly as he copies it into his magicomp. He turns to Tay, eyebrow raised. "I'd take offense at being called 'idiots', but given how we performed I suppose we're due a little hazing. We know we managed to injure it at least: soon as we're as we're recovered, I intend to finish it off. We owe its head to a few individuals, in fact the lives of your fellow Aya hang in the balance."

As she mentions not charging them for anything, Zamrud nods his head. "I thank you for your charity, sir, and if there is something we can do to repay you for your work in saving us, I will readily consider it. But first, yes: we did come all the way out here first and foremost to bring you this package."

As he moves to grab it from within Senorita, he pauses. "I hope you do not mind indulging a cat's curiosity: thus far we have adhered to our agreement to not look inside the package, but now that we're about to pass it along, I feel I must ask one last time: what is it we've been carrying?"


Tay nods. "That's what I was about to bring up. The lots told me as well that some of our Blood was nearby, but having some kind of 'heart trouble' – usually, a mention of a body part means a tousle with another Clan. What's happening?"


Tay hops out of their chair as Zamrud asks what's inside. "Yeah… nah, come to think of it, even if I am the Diviner, it'd be better to run things through the Brain first. I'll show you to him. Have some patience, though, he doesn't speak Equish as well as I do."

Tay dismisses their assistants, who start to clean up the medical ward and the rooms you occupied. Tay then leads you through the bunker's tight and winding halls, crossing south through the common chambers, then west, through a few junctures, until at last they reach a room dedicated solely to elevators, it seems.

Tay calls an elevator, and taps the number for B3F once it arrives.

The elevator doors slide open, and Tay leads the way once more, proceeding eastward through a cluster of far more orderly and undecorated rooms and halls, all of which you see are kept under constant guard by the bulkiest and meanest-looking of the Aya, though they look with gentle familiarity upon Qhapaq and Tay as you pass by.

At last, Tay leads you northward down a hall, at the end of which is a waiting room, with a couch, some chairs, a water cooler, and a couple of vending machines. Beyond it is another door, this one held fast by a security scanner and keypad.

Tay turns to you. "Hang tight while I bring him up to speed," they say, then proceed to the door.


"Ah. Which one would that be?" he asks, letting Zamrud go and cocking his head to the side. "I suppose I could try introducing you." he remarks, before looking back to Tay.

"Yes- we need to find the Shadedrinker and finish it off, if we are to save others. It is important."

Qhapaq ambles along after the others, bowing his head a little to the guards as they pass by. His mask is strapped on, but left to the side- he wants to be able to have his face exposed, for others to see. "We will wait, yes."


"I'd hazard he;s their chief or something." good responded as they walked before he went silent. He opened his magicomp and checked to see if he had any messages on it. It was rare but sometimes messages from home managed to find their way to those out in the field this far.


Grutar would briefly stop at the water cooler to get himself a drink. He then waits patiently by sitting down and sipping on his small cup of water. "Finally, an extended break."


"Do you think they will be very smart since they are called brain, or would it be more literal or metaphorical in another way?" Billy puts a claw to his chin as he thinks out loud.


"It is much like how we call each other blood, actually- the 'brain' is the leader. Sometimes, you have 'The Brain' and 'The Heart', as well."


"That would be your answer Billy." good said still looking at his comp."


Billy nods his head.


"A small group unfortunately ran afoul of a local bandit tribe I believe my friend referred to as the 'Feoh', led by a singularly brutish individual named Galdrar. To make a long story short, we worked out a deal for the release of their prisoners without any bloodshed. We offered the body of the Shadedrinker for Nina and the others' release.

As Tay offers to introduce them to the Brain, he follows closely behind, grabbing his over-coat and getting a bit more dressed after coming out of surgery before making their way through the bunker and to the elevator.

As they reach the waiting room, Zamrud looks to one of the vending machines, feeling his stomach grumble as he approaches them. He looks to Tay and nods. "Understood. I look forward to meeting him. Do these require coins?" He asks as he presses a couple of buttons on the vending machine.


"Nina's gotten herself into trouble again…" Tay grumbles, shaking their head. "If only she'd actually listen to my divinations when I text them to her! What else did I set up that chat for?"

Tay nods as you ask about the vending machine. "Yep. No free snacks on Apuchin's watch."

The machine's readout says something in characters you cannot read, but recognize as not being Old Equish. The Aya must have reprogrammed it, which offers some reassurance as to the freshness of the stock.

Once Tay is gone, La Senorita approaches the vending machine, and a tiny arc of electricity comes from her barrel, zapping the control panel. The machine's readout scrambles momentarily, before changing altogether. The internal light comes on – looks like you can make a selection now.

You realize, after they are gone, that Tay seems to be the only Aya around the bunker, at least of those you have met so far, who does not wear their mask in any capacity; some may opt to have their masks lowered, or tilted just so, or even to wear a partial mask that covers only the eyes or only the mouth, but Tay wears none at all, not even lowered about the neck.

It seems you do have one, from Godspeed – just above it, you can see the last message you sent her, the eggplant emoji.

Her response is but a single word: "No."

The paper cup has a radical design on it.

Soon enough, the door opens, and Tay emerges from behind it. "C'mon in," they say.

Tay leads you beyond the doorway, and you enter behind them into a very well-lit, but quite disorderly, sitting room. There are a pair of couches in one corner, and a television and radio set nearby, with a refrigerator just across from them. There are desks scattered about, replete with stacks of papers, maps, diagrams, and illustrations, and no shortage of computers, ancient, broken, barely working, to somewhat presentable. The floor is luxuriously carpeted.

As you enter, your attention is drawn to the last thing you'd want about computers or paper: Open flames. Sitting at a central desk, at a proper battlestation of monitors, is a large kirin, his body nearly all burning in fires of red and white. However, he seems quite calm, unperturbed at the fires, as he taps away at the keyboard. He does not turn about, nor show any reaction to your entry.

Tay stands at a distance, but gestures for you to go up.


During the wait and when Grutar is done with his drink, he tugs on the cord he had tied to his leg for his mobile safey to be rolled in so he can pop it open and store the paper cup into it.

When Grutar notices what could be known as "Brain" he can't help but scratch his head in confusion. "I thought he'd have a big head with a name like 'Brain'"


He frowned and sighed quietly. He still felt bad and bothered about that as he just silently moved to the browser for now as his ears visibly fell. He listened but for now he wanted to forget for a bit.


Billy scoots closer to good seeing him look down. "Are you doing ok over here?" Billy leans over towards him.


"Just… regretting choices made today."


Qhapaq steps in slowly, taking a few moments to get a good look at his surroundings. He eventually turns and offers a bow to the Kirin, before eventually speaking up with "Greetings. Apologies for disturbing, Brain."


"Ah, so you know her. She is fine, for now… obviously not kept in the best of conditions, but she could certainly be worse off. I promise, I will see her and the others returned safely."

Zamrud lets out a disappointed sigh as he reaches for his shillings, nodding in appreciation to Senoria as she zaps it and returns it to life. He selects a simple chocolatey, caramel bar (with nuts) to get his energy up post operation.

As they move into the next room, Zamrud gives a look around at the decor, before his attention is turned towards the kirin standing behind the massive battle-station. "A kirin…? Quite unexpected."

He approaches the kirin as he works, clearing his throat as he speaks up. "Pardon me, sir. You were expecting a delivery? We come on behalf of USB Delivery Systems with a package for you."


For a moment more, the kirin is unresponsive, before pausing his typing, and slowly turning about in his chair. He has a small start, before looking across all of you. "Oh, hello. How you all get in here?" he asks, in a dense accent similar to Qhapaq's.
"I just asked you if–" Tay begins…
… But the Brain seems to get his bearings. "Oh, right. Very busy lately. Many things on my mind."
He wears a blue mask with a face evocative of a burning devil – though, it seems that none of his flames set anything about him on fire – perhaps relating to his mutation.
"I am Apuchin," the Brain continues. "Warden of Many Abodes. Archivist of… what you call, 'Time Long Forgotten.' And yes, I sign for it now. Who has tablet?"


"It is good to meet you, Apuchin. I am Qhapaq." The griffon says, before looking to Zamrud.

"I believe you have the tablet, yes?"


Zamrud nods to Qhapaq, pulling forth from his bag a tablet for acquiring the Brain's signature. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Apuchin. I am Zamrud Permata Bahasa, of Ironcastle. It's certainly been a journey in reaching this place."

As he extends the tablet forward, "Forgive me for breaching into private affairs, Apuchin, but if I may ask, what is it exactly we are delivering? USB was not keen on divulging that information to us when we first accepted the assignment."


"I am sure all will be okay. Feel free to confide in your companions here. We are all working through deadly situations together." Billy gives a smile.

"Thank you for having us here, hope we aren't distracting you from what seems to make you very busy." Bill stands up a bit taller trying peeking around a bit.


He gave Billy a small smile as he looked up at him "Thanks Billy."


"Don't mind if I call you Apu for short? My name's Grutar by the way." Grutar says with a wave to Apuchin.


"No problem."


"You as well, Blood," Apuchin says. "Understand if I speak to you in Equish around Castle-Dwellers. I need keep practicing. Feel free to correct misspeakings."

Apuchin narrows his eyes. "I would prefer my full name."

Apuchin signs the tablet with a scrawl, then hands it back to Zamrud, and in exchange, you retrieve the four crates from both Qhapaq and La Senorita's spacious storage compartments. Apuchin wastes no time in inspecting the crates, nodding with approval at their relatively untouched condition, before popping each of them open–

–And a brilliant light illuminates the room, brighter even than Apuchin's flames or the glow of his many computers.

Crystal hearts.

Dozens, dozens of crystal hearts, are contained within the four storage units. Each of these long narrow gemstones contains a tremendous bounty of the Undefiled Light, from the Iron Heart itself. Normally, they may only be held and used – let alone transported en masse, like common cargo – by a member of the Papillones. Their unauthorized removal from Ironcastle carries a sentence of life imprisonment.

Contained here is enough Undefiled Light to last an entire year, or power no end of technologies during that time.

Godspeed narrows her eyes, her sword-arm tensing as she readies for confrontation… but Apuchin seems totally at ease. He looks back to you with approval. "Very well done. If you aren't in hurry, I'll put together your bonus once I am finished trying to get into this network."



Goods hair stood a bit on end at the sight of the cargo but he remained silent. He didn't like that they weren't told the nature of the cargo let alone how powerful it was. Someone either trusted the Aya greatly or were otherwise falsifying documents to get them these things.


"Ah, shit. Arlen isn't goin' to like this." Grutar can only mutter out, despite his own stump of intellect he was still keen on knowing what not to do to cost his job.

"So what are we doin' about this?" Grutar asks as he turns to the rest of his fellow lads.


"Of course, Apuchin. Equish can be very difficult to grasp."

Qhapaq bobs his head a little bit as he sees the contents- clearly, he's not particularly surprised by the Iron Hearts. He hums a little in response to Apuchin, before saying "We will likely return here after the Shadedrinker has been dealt with- hopefully with more flesh and blood in tow. Perhaps you can give us the bonus then?"


"We can carry on. We can also try calling back about the details on this job if you like. Brain here doesn't seem bothered by this." billy seems to grimace looking back at his travels.


Zamrud's hair and tail stands up on end as the crates are finally opened, and his eyes open wide as he is met with the dazzling gaze of the hearts.

"Crystal Hearts…. we were carrying Crystal Hearts?!" He says aloud, looking at them with intrigue. "By his Majesty's breath, no wonder they wouldn't tell us what they were."

"We are certainly NOT the standard, approved method of moving these outside of Ironcastle. And with our own Heart in the condition it's in, transferring what is easily a year's worth of divine light outside the Castle?"

He shakes his head. "I have no idea if USB knew about this when they gave us the package, or who called for their delivery. But unless this was approved by someone very, VERY high up in the chain of command, I fear we may have committed a grievous felony."

He turns towards Apuchin, "Apuchin, I apologize if I come off as accusatory, but I must know: who did you arrange for the delivery of these Hearts?"


"Please, friend. Relax. This is not as unusual as it might appear, though I doubt any of you would be accustomed to such things."



Roll #1 8 = 8



Roll #1 5 = 5


"Not as unusual as it might appear?" Zamrud asks Qhapaq. "Forgive me, but I fail to see how it isn't. Now more than ever, the light of the Iron Heart is all too precious a commodity. It is only to be cared for by very particular individuals, none of which we qualify as. And arranged through a common cartel mission? None of this is normal."

[1d10] Perception

Roll #1 8 = 8



[1d10] Perception

Roll #1 8 = 8


"Ah. Eh, hmm. Normally not this much, but light transfer… well, light is traded from the Castles at times."
>Perception [1d10]

Roll #1 9 = 9


Apuchin nods. "By then, it should be ready. Tay."
Tay straightens up with respect. "Yes, Brain?"
"Consult the divine lots with Qhapaq here to see how the battle may go, and what they shall bring to ensure victory."
Tay nods. "As you wish. Alright, Blood. Once you're done here, I'll be back in my studio for the divination. It's just across from the rec center, you can't miss it."
Tay turns, and heads back out.

Apuchin looks genuinely confused at the various negative reactions and outbursts following the revelation of the cases' contents. "The contact this time was tall and bulky fellow, grey and white armor. Had a dragon's wings, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to tell. Kept his visor up through our negotiations."
"…Did his armor possess any distinctive markings?" Godspeed asks.
"I have come to understand they were the marks of Ironcastle."
You all notice that Godspeed allows herself a tiny sigh of relief, though she still looks quite troubled at this development.
"Since when has this been issue?" Apuchin asks, growing apprehensive at all this negativity. "Is my money not silver?"



"Well… At least we're handin' over some light over to people who could use some of it. We all gotta help each other in these times, even if the brass doesn't agree." Grutar adds in to excuse this "job" they were given.


"We were not informed of the nature of the package and generally this material is considered forbidden to transport unless one is cleared for it. It is thus a large surprise to us to find we were transporting it."


"I am aware of light, smaller transfers being traded away to other communities. But even THOSE are handled with more care than this, and 'this' is the biggest transfer of light I've ever seen in my life."

"I am all for sharing the fortunes of our Castle with those in need, but this is massive. Especially knowing how the Heart is fading, a year's worth taken away from it that may not have been approved by the King? This is serious."

Zamrud nods as Apuchin gives his description of the one he mentioned dealing with, falling upon his memories to think if 'dragon wings' and the grey/white armor at least sounds familiar
[1d10] Memory/knowledge check

"I do not know how familiar you are with Ironcastle's customs, Apuchin, but usually the transfer of the Heart's light is handled by very specific members chosen by the Abbey and the King. It is closely monitored, guarded, and most importantly approved. This…" he says, tapping on the box. "Is the largest shipment of Crystal Hearts I have ever seen in my life, and we are most certainly NOT approved couriers. Up until now we didn't even know what we were carrying. Unless this was authorized by the right people back home, we've committed a felony. I don't suppose here you might have any means of contacting Ironcastle directly?"

Roll #1 6 = 6


"Mmm… perhaps something is amiss, here. This does not seem right."

"Ah! Please, your money is alright."


"It is a pretty unique situation for our group. "Billy mumbled to himself more than talking to the brain. Unsure what to take of the situation.


As you recall, your position in Ironcastle is not a truly unique one. The Iron King has a small handful of souls who occupy a role such as yours – personal assistants, butlers, and all manner of guardians who oversee his physical, mental and spiritual protection. Those who occupy the latter category often work anonymously, tending to wear plain clothing, or undecorated armor, as they protect the King from the shadows, and within the light. In your personal position, you have had the rare chance to see some of those quiet and uncelebrated souls, including one who matches that description. A silent fellow, as they often are – but the last you saw of him was when he personally dragged Mendicant Rudolph into a detention vehicle, following his violation of Ironcastle's Intranet security systems to disseminate his crazed manifesto.

For one of the King's personal guard to perform an arrest was an indication of a crime of the highest order. Then, for him to allegedly conduct the negotiations that led to this highly-illegal transaction…

Apuchin shakes his head to your queries, and all this talk appears to make him a bit apprehensive of the deal.

"No, even if we were capable of sending signal that far, Ironcastle Intranet would refuse connection," Apuchin says to Zamrud. "Thus, we speak through our go-betweens. He did not say when he might be back, only said the delivery would come within agreed timeframe."
"It appears you have been set up," Godspeed whispers.
"It makes little difference to me, to be, as they say in Ironcastle, frank," Apuchin says.


Grutar remains silent for the moment, rather letting his allies do the talking as he has no clue how to handle something like this. He's a digging dog, not a politics or security dog.


"So, what will you do now?" Billy asks of Godspeed and apuchin. Feeling curious about what they plan to do. Even if just to confirm or to get rid of an assumption.


"Mmm. Well… it is good to know, at least. We will need to be careful as we return."


Zamrud recollects the brief glimpse he had of the dragon-winged individual Apuchin spoke of, cataloging it away in his mind as he turns his focus back to Apuchin.

"Hmm… I fear you might be right, Godspeed. I can only imagine the repercussions of this once we return. We might be willing to cite our ignorance of what it is what we were carrying, what USB had failed to mention we would be smuggling out of the city. But I imagine the courts will not be so lenient either way… unless,"

Zamrud sighs, bringing his paw up to rub his temples. "Unless we returned WITH the Crystal Hearts."


*We might be able to cite our ignorance of what we were carrying


Good in general was less than pleased about this and he was going to have to see his father about it.

On the other hand he was finding Aya culture to be… less than he had hoped.


"As an Exarch of Zinccastle, I have no authority whatsoever in matters of Ironcastle's transactions, authorized or not," Godspeed says. "But, to offer a more personal opinion… well, 'tis best to discuss it in full at a later time. What I'll say now – you might want to just let this go through."
"Customer satisfaction is our number-one priority," La Senorita adds.
Apuchin narrows his eyes at Zamrud's suggestion, slowly drumming a flaming hoof on the armrest of his chair. "…Not these Crystal Hearts. Not when Our Corpse requires them. Not when my Flesh and my Blood are sustained by them, whilst we are trapped here in this bunker by the – I believe the name your kind uses is Shadedrinker. But perhaps, I offer you substitute, in goodwill. We have empty Crystal Hearts in our possession. You take those back as evidence: Both that you completed transaction, and that we have been honest in our dealings with your Castle, regardless of trickery and fraud, perhaps among your corpus."


"That would be adequate I suppose. Proof that if nothing else we brought our cargo to an ally of the castle or something." good said as he felt a headache coming on over this whole thing.

"I never thought fighting the Shadedrinker would seem like the least taxing thing we did today."


"It is okay Good. We got this together if you feel like you are tackling this alone." Billy pats his friend's back.


"That might work- I would not feel comfortable merely taking the Crystals away from flesh and blood. But, taking the empty crystals may be enough."


"I realize your facility and your people need the divine light of the Hearts, Apuchin. Ironcastle is not so avaricious as to be unwilling to share its bounties. But you must understand that, if this transaction was not approved, if we've committed as serious an offense as it seems we have in smuggling this many Hearts out of the city unauthorized, then consequences will had to be paid by someone."

"We could end up in prison upon our return accused for conspiring against King and Castle. They may send another detachment after you in our wake to retrieve the 'stolen' Hearts, and lead to more conflict for both sides. The substitute is appreciated, but empty Crystal Hearts will not make up for the year's worth of light we've already taken from the city."

He rubs his chin, "Though… do you have evidence of the individual you did business with? Recordings of your transaction, images? Provided we return with proof that someone high in the echelon approved this, we can perhaps arrange a deal with the authorities."


"I dunno fellas, I think maybe we should just take the empty crystals. If we do get in trouble from this, you guys can always use me as a scapedog." Grutar says with a shrug.


Zamrud holds up a paw. "I suggested this mission, and I pushed for it. Besides, as the oldest noble in the squad, the duty falls upon me to accept responsibility for this."


"If need be I am sure I can use my families name to… shield us from the worst of it, as distasteful as I find the concept."


Apuchin at last raises an eyebrow, as the negotiations seem to be getting somewhere. "The bunker's main door keeps record of all openings, and the cameras outside automatically make timestamps each time they detect a body approaching. If you shall make no effort to take these filled Crystal Hearts from Our Corpse, I shall provide signed printouts and digital copy of the receipts, video files of our contact's arrival, and the depleted Hearts. Do you accept?"
Godspeed tenses as Zamrud refuses to simply drop the issue, but makes no attempt to intervene.


Grutar offers a smile. "Thanks lads."

Grutar also awaits for the decision the group makes, he already offered his thoughts.


Good decides to make a nudge towards accepting it "I say we do accept. The crystals are here, and removing them would only cause us greater strife in the wastes and with our friend here."

He looked at the feline in particular "The damage is done as it were, we should focus on our other tasks and simply accept we have this task done."


Qhapaq shrugs a little, before saying "I am an easy enough culprit- the easiest, most likely. I don't think there is reason to worry."

"That would be agreeable, Apuchin."


"I do agree we should be moving on from here. Rather not cause any unnecessary problems than we have gone through already." Billy thinks back from the encounters with mutants and shade drinker.


Zamrud looks on straight at Apuchin's eyes as he contemplates the deal, before slowly nodding his head in approval. "I can't speak for all of us, but I accept. Truthfully, I did not intend to force you to give up the Light we delivered regardless: as the young Lord said, what's done is done, and I would not be so callous as to leave your people in dire straights. Least of all after you went through the trouble of saving my life."

"I will try to speak to the King directly if I must upon our return to see this is sorted out: he is kind, almost TOO kind at times, if it were up to him he might let you go with ten times this much light. But, Apuchin, I just want to make it clear this is NOT normally approved by our laws. I intend to see that your contact is investigated, and if he is found to be compromising our Castle's well-being you may need to find another, more reputable individual to make future arrangements with. If you would be interested, I could offer my contact information so I can work with you in achieving this upon our return."


"You are the LAST person who should take the blame, Qhapaq."

"If me or Good were found most at fault, we might be incarcerated with parole. We're well off enough, our families will cover for us one way or the other. But a tribesman being accused and found guilty of assisting in taking away the light of the Heart? They'd make a spectacle out of you. Tensions and prejudice against mutants and Aya are bad enough, I suspect."


"A leader must have a shrewd tongue and firm hand," Apuchin says approvingly to Zamrud. "Very well. If you are not afraid of our signals being seen by the Dreaded Ones, I shall, as they say in Ironcastle, add you on Emissary."

He types and clicks for a bit, then turns one of the monitors of his computer to you, displaying a magictech sigil you can enter into your Comps… but it is not for Concord. Those of you who are a bit older, or with a hobby of exploring retro technologies, may recognize it: Emissary, a discontinued software for exchanging messages, surpassed by more functional and user-friendly technology such as the various iterations of Concord. It's basically just a text box, operated by typed prompts, spartan and bare.

But what is perhaps more strange is that there should have been no way for Apuchin to come across this software, not unless he or those he knew had been snooping around in the Sages' technical archives. Emissary's last update came nearly two decades ago, after a usage period of some hundreds of years. There's no way he could have come across it without some access to Ironcastle's technologies – but even then, it's a strange relic to be using when more advanced alternatives exist.

Meanwhile, Apuchin turns on a printer, and begins preparing the proof of the transaction for file transfer.


With the deal settled, Grutar offers to start helping take the empty crystal hearts to load up for the delivery back to Ironcastle.



Good sighed and wished her had a horn or hands to pinch his brow at the moment as he has a mild headache.

"Qhapaq, while they hash out the business here, would you mind showing me some of your peoples culture or something so I can take my mind off the slowly building headache I feel."


Billy stands with the group to observe the process ongoing the recent matter.


"I will take whatever measures I can to see that our correspondence is secure." As he sees the Emissary main screen pop-up, Zamrud's eyes light up. "Emissary? My, there's a throwback there. The last time I remember seeing it, I was just barely old enough to start using a computer. Have you considered upgrading to Concord? Some of the other Aya we met are using it."

As he prints out the information / proof of the transaction, Zamrud nods in gratitude again as he adds the information to his Magicomp. "Also, SPEAKING of Dreaded Ones, you won't have to worry about the Shadedrinker for much longer at the least. Once we've recovered a bit, we intend to destroy it, we last left it in a heavily injured state."


Qhapaq shrugs a little, and says "What happens, happens. We will see."

"Mmm. I… haven't seen this system, before. Curious."

"Of course, Good. I have not been to a bunker like this one before, but I would be happy to show you around."


"Consider it the sequel to my families hospitality to you."


Apuchin scratches his chin. "Yes, I have heard of Concord as well, but I stick with Emissary. As we soon discovered after entering this bunker, all the terminals here had it installed. It has been tedious trying to break into each one, but I made it something of a hobby to check each terminal's Emissary history. The oldest message I have found so far dates back around some 300 years. Much of it is written in an older dialect of Equish than what I am familiar with – but I have found snippets that I think might shed light on why this city is named Oath."

Apuchin signs the printout of the transaction, then connects a cable to each of your Comps (except to Godspeed, who declines), and transfers the transaction's authenticated digital copy, and a timestamped video file of his Ironcastle contact entering the bunker.

"Walltay shall provide you with the depleted Crystal Hearts; make sure you stop by before you head out. As for the Shadedrinker – some of our Blood wishes to see you about that. The very ones who rushed out the door when Walltay learned of the battle through the sacred lots. They shall meet you by the bunker door."


Good nodded and gave a bow to the leader of the Aya before waiting for Qhapaq to decide where they may head first.


Grutar gives a salute to Apuchin before he heads out. "Take care, Apu!" he says, heading out before Apuchin can correct him.


Billy nods his head as goes and joins Grutar as he is leaving.


"Interesting…" Zamrud comments, checking his Magicomp to see if he had installed Emissary on it any point (or if it is even compatible). "Would you be willing to share what you've found regarding this city's history? We came here on a delivery, but I appreciate being able to bring back more than just a signature on the dotted line whenever I return from a mission. History of the Outlands is difficult to come by, and any knowledge of any place we come across will not only serve future expeditions to make their way here, but the Castles as a whole."

After connecting their comps and transferring the authenticated copy of the transaction, and a video of the contact entering the bunker, Zamrud nods in satisfaction. "Thank you again for your assistance and understanding, Apuchin, as well as conducting business with Ironcastle in the first place. Complications aside, I hope we continue to have a fruitful partnership in the future." As he mentionds the Blood that wishes to speak with them, he raises his brow. "The ones who rushed in to grab me after I was injured?"


"Hmm… very well. Things are rather rough out here, of course. That is not to say we are miserable- but, harsher things have shaped our culture. Prowess is respected- not necessarily physical strength alone, as mutants are not all physically strong as a rule. Wrestling has long-since been something done for recreation, as well as sparring and martial arts. As you might have seen, Tay was a martial artist as well." he explains, leading Good onwards.

"We will… likely not be able to see everything, though. Some of our more esoteric aspects aren't open to outsiders, even if accompanied by blood."


"I am aware, just as I would not expect to be able to get you into the most esoteric of Ironcastle's areas." he gave a small smile to the much larger bird.

"But I look forward to what you have to show me, hopefully it will be… more entertaining than the self absorbed notions of the medic. As for wrestling… well I might wish to try it, despite my size I do have some experience as you saw with my less than polite sister."


"Mhmm. I would not stop you, if you wanted to try. Your family seems very… strange, though nice."


Your Comps are compatible with Emissary, although they do warn you about the risks of accepting outdated software. Apuchin mentions that he can transfer the installer file as well if you would be interested in it – it would allow you to access message logs if Emissary happened to crop up elsewhere in your travels.

"I can't say I have found much," Apuchin continues. "On top of being written in an older dialect, they seem to have taken pains to speak obliquely, in coded phrases and lacunae. I gather that they took great pains to conceal their messages, even then. I compiled the chat logs I have discovered so far, and – as you say in Ironcastle – zipped them into an archive for easy transfer. If you should have more luck than I in deciphering them, I shall ask you to send me your findings."

"The very same," Apuchin says. "They took not too kindly to my instruction to come back once they'd retrieved the one Walltay saw was gravely wounded, and I gather they thirst for battle once more."

Once there are no more questions for Apuchin, or at least none that can be answered remotely by Emissary, he dismisses you from his overseer's room, and you retrace your steps back to the elevators, which take you back up to the hallway that leads east to the Common Area of the Aya bunker.

A makeshift directory has been set up in the Common Area, listing all the locations that the Aya have apprently discovered so far, though it seems they're still searching for more. Qhapaq provides translations for you all.

To the Northwest is the rec room, while to the East you'll find the bathrooms, sauna and male and female quarters.
To the South is the security station and exit, and to the North, you'll find the exercise room.
To the Northeast lies the infirmary, as well as the terminal lab further east from the infirmary.



Good laughed "We are a martial family at heart, as you can guess by my fathers stature, we tend to skew towards more physical pursuits. Though I tend to tow the line between those and magical ones."

He sighed "How about we investigate the rec room and see what else lay therein? I could use some recreation."


"Mmm. I think that would be for the best, yes. I'm sure we can find some there willing to let you hop in."


"Ooooh, well if you lads don't mind I'll be hittin' up that sauna once we're done packin' away our next delivery. If some dreaded ones are gonna bite me ass then I may as well enjoy the little stuff, eh?!" Grutar exclaims, sounding a bit excited at the idea of relaxing for a bit.


"That does sound pleasant. Do you mind if I join you if you don't mind company in those situations?" Billy aks of Grutar.


"The more the merrier."


"Well, as it turns out, dialect shouldn't be too much of an issue: our Helping Hoof 'Senorita' has a translator protocol installed. She's not perfect, but she should be able to help piece together the bigger picture. I have the software for her translation tools on my Comp as well, I can exchange it with you so you may be able to translate whatever you find in the future."

"They're warriors, then. Well, we could certainly use all the help we can get: even wounded the Shadedrinker is not something I would take lightly. There is a matter of reward, though: we need a very specific part of the Shadedrinker to bring back to a village on our way to Ironcastle, and the rest we promised to a group of bandits holding your people hostage. Unless they are in it for the thrill of the hunt, I can't say we can offer them much."

As they head back to the common area, Zamrud looks over his notes and the map of the area.
"The rec room sounds quite enjoyable, but first I am going to see to the Aya who were interested in helping us take down the Shadedrinker. I'll join you in there after."

He turns to Good, "Young lord, I had a quick question to ask you: we've been traveling with Godspeed for a few days. Did you ever tell her who your mother was, by chance?"


"Aye, the more the merrier! I wonder how hot the sauna can get, with how cold it has been I wanna turn up the heat on that!"


"I wish you the best in that, Zamrud."


Good paused "I… can't say I recall, but I wouldn't be too surprised to hear her reputation has reached other castles. Not many are so brazen with opposing the Abbeas as she is."


Billy smiles happily in response as he follows


"Feel it's also a good opportunity to thank them in person for pulling me out of that situation."

"Hmm. A possibility, she certainly has made a reputation for herself. Still, it's difficult for word to travel between Castles given the difficulties in communicating across the Outlands in general."
"She knew your mother's name when I spoke to her last, in full. I just found it odd."


"I believe I recall you saying part of her name, and while I know of her more recent exploits, I cannot say with absolute certainty that my mother has not traveled out of the castle to others. I assume it would explain a great deal of how she went about the world and gathered as much knowledge as she has."


"Do you recall if she ever mentioned traveling to Zinccastle? It's possible they could have met there, but then that's the other peculiar thing: it's rare enough for a warrior to meet with a Noble, much less a Noble from another Castle. Then again, your mother does strike me as one to break with tradition…"


You make your way to the sauna, finding that most of the signs that look like they were actually constructed by the original builders of this bunker are written in plain Equish. The first part of the sauna is a hall, which soon divides to the North and South for male and female locker rooms, where you are able to change, lock up your possessions, and even have a quick shower to keep the sauna clean before you enter.

You can hear and smell the rec room's activities before you get even close to it – smoke from strange herbs and lichen fill the halls, which Qhapaq recognizes as a special blend to reduce inhibitions in Aya warriors prior to a hunt, or a battle. Inside the rec room, you see that all the game tables have been pulled aside, though no small quantity of chairs are set up in a wide circle, as Aya warriors watch two mutants locked in an evenly-matched bout of wrasslin', between a Mustelos and a small Changeling mutant.

Apuchin graciously accepts the translation software, adding his thanks to La Senorita as well – "I live to serve," is her response.
Though when talk comes around of reward, Apuchin shakes his head. "To run from battle with a wounded foe is a thing of great shame, for the young Bones. Those of us who live to see many years know better… but still, wisdom comes with age. The Blood and Bones will wish to kill it just to say they did. Your talk of material rewards would only insult them."

As you all explore the bunker, Godspeed excuses herself, and makes her way back to the infirmary.



"I see. You must also remember my mother was not always a noble Zamrud, she hails from the Sages originally and is a noble by marriage into my family."


When Grutar gets his things set away and gets showered down, he finally makes his way into the sauna where he can sit for a little while and soak in the atmosphere with friends. "After gettin' stabbed and caved in, this is the kinda stuff that feels the most rewardin'."


"Ah- I was not aware of such things. I assume the groups are not very heavily separated, then, if you can intermarry?"


"Generally no, the castes exist but in general intermarriage are uncommon but not to the extent of being taboo or the like… I think. Perhaps I am biased in my views. Though I will say I have never heard of a commoner marrying a noble."


Good for his part took in the oddly pleasant smells of the area and began to watch the small interaction with a bit of curiosity.


"Mmm, I see. We do not have quite the same divisions among the Aya. There are leaders, of course, but it is more… fluid."


" I can see that from the general nature of the place."


"A fair point, though I recall her referring to Lady Path specifically AS 'Lady'. That implies she knew her as a noble, not from her days as a sage."

"It may be nothing worth fretting about, all in all, but it did strike me as something to think about."

"I see… well, with your permission Apuchin, I won't turn down any assistance we can acquire in hunting down the Shadedrinker. But should they agree to come along, you will have my assurance they will be looked after."

With that, he takes note of Godspeed moving to the infirmary, keeping note of that as he moves on to find the hunters who grabbed him earlier from the battlefield.


"Indeed. I can't pretend to say I know the inner workings of noble relations between other castles, if they exist, I haven't been brought up to that level yet as it were despite being the heir of House Titanite."


Between the rush of the battle, the fog, and the great pain that the Shadedrinker's blast left you in – not to mention the Aya masks – you never got a particularly great look at your captors/rescuers. As you try to navigate the crowded Common Area, you find yourself a bit lost amid all the Mutants.

Roll Memory, Perception or some kind of Social skill to try to figure out who they might be.


[1d10+1] Combination of memory and perception to locate them (applying +1 mutation bonus to perception)

Roll #1 2 + 1 = 3


All that you're really sure of is that at least one of them was taller, and the other one smaller, because you recall being carried at an angle, with your feet elevated and your head lowered. You also certainly felt digits upon you; thus, they're more than likely of one of the bipedal races. That narrows down your search at least somewhat, due to the racial diversity of the Aya.

However… as you stand there, you notice quite a few eyes – some Mutants having more than their fair share of eyes – gravitating toward you. You're starting to attract quite a bit of attention.

>Gained +1 to next attempt



Good for the most part kept his focus on the arena as he kept chatting with Zam and Qhapaq


"Hmm, well you're getting older. You're sure to be introduced to them soon. For the nobility, social relations are key to our power structures. Contrary to the Outlands, disputes in the upper Layers can rarely be resolved directly."

Zamrud continues to survey the Common Area, looking over the various eyes looking over him with intrigue. He does as little to draw attention to himself as he can, while he continues to scan the crowd for what he can remember of the Aya who rescued him.

[1d10+2] Still just looking, not directly engaging with social-rolls yet

Roll #1 5 + 2 = 7


Qhapaq tilts his head to the side, before asking Zamrud "Did you not catch the masks of those that rescued you? Perhaps we could ask around some."


"Indeed. Then again peer pressure is also effective. As my father put it, every great house has at one point thought about taking the throne for themselves, but they realized that the others would never go along with it. I can't say whether I can confirm it, but judging by how I see some nobles interact during the gatherings we share, it is not too farfetched,"


As the light gleams off a pair of masks, a flash comes to your memory. You sight two figures, sitting across from one another in a couple of ragged couches, riddled with bullet holes and burn marks.

The first is a willowy female Zawatil, with much of her body covered in a warm-looking collection of furs and leathers, skinned from no small assortment of Outlands critters. Her head is of a purple texture, while her mask is of a fantastical image of a serpentine demon.

The second is a shorter, stockier figure, a male Puros like yourself. He wears a sleek, nearly all-black suit, made of mostly cloth, but with some sort of strange interstitial material that doesn't appear to be any sort of clothing material that you've ever encountered. His chunky head is mostly light blue, with some lighter gold spots here and there. As for his mask, it is nearly-round, made of square plates almost like a disco ball.

The pair's masks hang off of their heads at a casual angle, as do many of the other Aya. There is, you notice, a strange universality at the angle at which the masks hang, suggesting that it is not as casual as one might appear, but a kind of deliberate state, perhaps in line with some kind of social norm or dress code.


The wrasslin' match at last concludes with the Mustelos screeching, picking up the changeling, and tossing him out of the ring. Aya scatter to avoid being bowled over by the toss. The changeling at last picks himself up out of the rubble, and heads back into the ring, where his victorious foe awaits. They share a light headbutt, tapping mask against mask, and the crowd whistle and stomp their applause, after the show of respect concludes.


"I must say that was… rather one sided, but still quite exciting."


"Mmm. Sometimes they are, yes- it's likely both enjoyed it, though." Qhapaq remarks, helping the changeling up from the ground.


The Mustelos and the changeling nod to Qhapaq in greeting, but soon vacate the center of the makeshift ring. Good and Qhapaq soon notice themselves being pushed – Qhapaq more roughly than Good – toward the center, while the surrounding Aya quickly pick up a chant, imploring Qhapaq to show this 'Castle-Folk' how wrasslin' is done. Qhapaq has a reputation among some Aya families for his skill in wrasslin' – but even among those with whom he is not directly familiar, it seems that his large size is enough to get them to demand a bout.


Zamrud shakes his head, "I'm fairly certain I did, but it was all I could do just to keep myself from passing out while they were carrying me. I didn't have the time to commit it to memory. I'm trying to recollect what I can, but it's been slow."

"It's not farfetched at all: it's historical fact. Well," he shrugs, "'historical' would imply every attempt is recorded, which is far from the truth. But make no mistake: there are more than a few among our noble caste who would gladly enjoy seeing our monarch's family off the throne. Not that I'd ever allow it to come to pass."

As the flash glares off the side of the mask, Zamrud's eyes widen as he takes note of the two Aya with their angled head-wear. The memories of their appearance flashing before his eyes as he remembers their rescue, Zamrud nods in affirmation as he takes a walk towards them, raising a paw towards them.

"Excuse me: we've met before, have we not?"


"Ah- looks like you've spotted them, then?"


You've got some grasp of the Aya language, enough to hold your own in basic conversation without Qhapaq's direct assistance, but it has its limits. Still, your greeting in a recognizable dialect is enough to get the pair's attention.

"Oho, look who's all back in one piece," the tall Zawatil says. "Guess Tay felt generous to leave everything inside."
"We're heading back out, then?" the Puros asks, double-checking a lightgun at his hip.
"Easy, Bone," the Zawatil interrupts. "At least let the guy get his armor back before we run out the door."


"It would seem so…"

He approaches the Aya, using what he knows of their language from what he's picked up in his learnings and his interactions with Qhapaq to hold his own in conversation.

At the tall Zawatil's comment, his brows perk up, and he offers a smile. "So far as I know. Should I run a scan and see if I'm missing my appendix?"
As his fellow puros already seems ready to go, he looks between the two of him, giving a slight bow of his head. "Soon, but before that I thought it only proper to thank my other saviors. My name is Zamrud Permata Bahasa. I remember you two were the ones who dragged me half-numb from the battlefield to the doctor's office. I wish to express my appreciation for that."


Qhapaq hums a little as he listens to the crowd, allowing himself to be shoved along. "I… see they wish for a demonstration. I would be willing to oblige."


The Zawatil shakes her head. "Nah, we've already got plenty of those in stock, I think you're fine. But if you wish to donate some blood, we could always use that."
It's difficult to convey in Equish, but you note that she used a different word for "blood" than the familiar term, "Blood." Other substitutions probably occur for bone and Bone, and the like.
The Puros nods. "An ally of our Blood is an ally of our whole Corpse. This one," he says, gesturing to himself. "Is called Utqay. That one is Ch'utiy."
Ch'utiy grins beneath her mask. "What is that you Castle folk always say to each other? Sahh, doo? Or something?"

Perhaps she means "Sup, dude."


Good was understandably sheepish about wrestling someone that much bigger than him, yet he decided he had give it his all if nothing else.


"Do not be worried about how things will turn out- the willingness to fight is noted as much as the success, at times."


"Very well, if nothing else I shall show them I am as eager to wrestle as them."


A rolling, raucous tune begins, made with chairs and metal plates repurposed as improvised drums, and a ragtag slew of tortured string-instruments in various states of repair. It's a far cry from anything a Castle-dweller has heard of, but it's more than enough to get the blood boiling.


"Well, if there's anything I can donate to your bunker, I will happily do so as thanks." He says in their language, trying to keep his translations simple to avoid saying something he isn't prepared to vocalize.

He nods to both of them, "Utqay, and Ch'utiy…" As she tries the 'Castle' greeting, Zamrud raises his brow. "Well… that is close to what some say, yes, but I personally am fond of a classic 'it is a pleasure to meet you.'. Both of you."

"Regarding the Shadedrinker… we aren't yet moving out, we need a bit more time to make preparations, but I had heard mention you might be interested in pursuing the hunt?"


Good rolled his shoulders as he started to bounce around on his hooves, beginning to get more and more into it.


The two nod. "I wasn't happy about running away, but Tay gave the order that we were only to get you and back down, before anyone could die."
"Weird, though," Utqay says, keeping his own sentences simple for your sake. "There was you, the small one, our Blood, the drill-arm, and the one in decorated armor. Tay said there was six in the battle, but I only saw five. Who was the sixth?"


Qhapaq elects to keep his metal claw-gauntlets off for now, but takes a moment to cover his talons in a set of wraps (if he can find any.) When done, he steps into the ring, and stares down Good with a calm, focused expression.


"For that, I appreciate you swallowing your pride and getting us out there. We 'might' have been able to slay the Shadedrinker then and there, but given the amount of casualties that would have occurred, I agree it much wiser to retreat, recover, and take it out while it's wounded to avoid further losses."

"The sixth was most likely our associated, Godspeed, who hails from a different Castle than ours but we have a collected interest in bringing down the Shadedrinker. You didn't see a lady zebra among us earlier?"


1 = roll it out
2 = RP it but if you break the kayfabe you die

Roll #1 1 = 1


"Oh!" Utqay says. "That's who I forgot. A shy one, is she? I got only a glimpse of her when the others came in – she took care to put herself at the center of your group, and hasn't been out since Tay summoned the shamans to help with the healing."


Good decided to make the first move as he was feeling it.

[1d10] time to wrassle

Roll #1 2 = 2


Qhapaq, waiting to see how Good Intentions approaches, tries to catch him in the throat and shove him to the floor.
>[1d10+1] Wrassle Time

Roll #1 9 + 1 = 10


"Yes, quite shy, though I think she's been coming out of her shell a bit since she started traveling with us…" his ears flicker as they mention her not being out since Tay summoned the shamans.

"You mean to say, she is still in the infirmary? She's very generous with her time, I must say. I'm sure plenty could use her help."


Good nearly gets flung out of the ring from that one little push, which takes out his breath and leaves him a stinging neck-pain in exchange. The ring of onlookers, still banging and playing, plop Good back onto his hooves and give him a hearty shove back toward Qhapaq, demanding to see more of the fight. Qhapaq notes that many of the supportive chants go from him, to Good – as is traditional. The Aya love a good underdog victory. Despite the brutal pain in his throat, Good feels a sudden power welling up from within, starting at his ears… seems there's far more to this tune than chaos and raucousness.

>Good gains a temporary +1 to wrasslin'!


Ch'utiy scoffs. "Heheheh. I think she's probably seeking council on secret matters, more than assisting Tay with butchering the wounded."


Good feels it hard and stamped his hoof before literally launching himself at Qhapaq in an attempt to take by surprise with a flying teenage pony hurtling at him.

[1d10+1] By god he's broken in half.

Roll #1 4 + 1 = 5


Qhapaq wiggles his talons a little after tossing the young noble, rolling his shoulders out slightly and waiting for him to rise. He notes the change in the crowd's chanting- an expected one, for sure- but he takes it in stride. By the time Good flings himself at the griffon, the griffon's lunged to meet his leap.

Roll #1 9 + 1 = 10


The crowd roars and whistles with glee and amusement as Qhapaq and Good lunge for one another, then groan as Good meets the floor once more. A steady beat arises in their stomping, as all the cheers and power transmit straight to Good, flooding through his ears, down through his throat, right into his chest and all his limbs.

>Bonus increases to +2!


"Secret matters?" Zamrud asks, his curiosity piqued. He brings his paw up to his chin. "Hmm… she did seem a bit peculiar earlier. You had a moment to see her earlier, correct? Did she mention what she was looking to learn from Tay?"


Qhapaq doesn't waste much time in this bout. He decides to keep his momentum going with a sweeping strike, punctuated with a loud cry.

Roll #1 9 + 1 = 10


Good hurt but honestly he hadn't felt more alive than this in a while. So he decided to go for something big and brash to try and pick up and slam the bird.

[1d10+2] Real Wrasslin?

Roll #1 9 + 2 = 11


Ch'utiy and Utqay share a look, as if in disbelief.
"Let's not ruin the surprise," Utqay concludes.
"You'll figure it out soon enough," Ch'utiy adds.

Qhapaq sweeps the leg, but Good clamps onto the leg and rides it through until Qhapaq can swing his leg no further – Good then climbs up his leg, circles around behind Qhapaq, grabs him about the chest, and suplexes him backwards into the ground. Qhapaq lies in a heap, with a deafening gasp from the crowd, as Good stands above him.


Good promptly hit the ground himself and just laid there for a bit. He may have been half earth pony, but by the Light of his castle was that one heavy Aya.


Qhapaq lets out a grunt as he's thrown to the floor. He rests on the floor for a moment or two, before bouncing up to all fours and flaring his wings out aggressively. After a moment or two, he relaxes, before looking to Good curiously. "You have proven more than a point to those watching- we can cease here, if you wish."


"That… sounds nice. The fact I managed to actually pick you up and slam you is something I can live with. Just nudge me out if you have to or something." he said panting and sore.


"So you DO know." Zamrud says, eyes narrowing between the two as he tries to gauge what it is they're hiding from him.

"Well… if they're private matters of Godspeed, far be it from me to pry into her personal business. But, I assume I could at least ask if it involves my company or I in anyway?"


"You're unraveling the truth before our very eyes," Utqay says.
"Just… don't overthink it," Ch'utiy says.


Good grunted and stood up "Ya know what, one last exchange, may the best of us win, deal? Would hate to leave these guys disappointed ya know?"


Qhapaq tilts his head to the side, mulling it over for a little. After a short pause, he nods, and takes a step back to ready himself. "Very well. I am ready, Good."


Good cracked his neck and let out one last cry as he went for a finishing slam to try and put Qhapaq out of the ring.

[1d10+2} Slam and Jam


[1d10+2] Lets try that again

Roll #1 10 + 2 = 12


Zamrud sighs, mumbling aloud (in Equus, not the Aya language), "Thank the Abbey Qhapaq doesn't feel the need to speak in riddles…"

Back in Aya, he says, "Well, perhaps I'll find out in time. Back on our original topic, the Shadedrinker: we would appreciate your assistance in fighting it, as well as any information you may have on it. Apuchin had mentioned it was causing you all trouble for a while, have you fought it before?"


>Wow, these dice huh?
>[1d10+1] Grappling!

Roll #1 4 + 1 = 5


"It's been pretty insistent on sticking near our hideout," Utqay says. "And it's not just fast – anywhere the fog touches, it can move. It got quite a few of us sick the last time that we opened the bunker door."
"The only reason we were able to get out is because you held its attention further east," Ch'utiy says. "It was this that Tay saw in the divination, and why we were so quick to run out. We would have launched a full assault, had your wounds not complicated things. But, we really haven't had more than a few exchanges with it prior."
"All we have to go on are the tales of it," Utqay says. "It, and its deathly mist."

Good clotheslines Qhapaq so hard that he skids to the edge of the ring, at last interrupting the chaotic music as the ring of onlookers quickly becomes a full-on mosh pit. A great ring of cheers and whistles fly up as the tiny pony defeats the massive wrassler, and many Aya run forward to lift up Good onto their shoulders in celebration, while others give him light punches on the arms and legs – not painful, but definitely bracing and shocking… probably some form of congratulations.


Good basically went limp after the hit and just sort of let them mob him as the exhaustion and pain from before caught up and now he was just pooped. He did find an odd charm in it though.


The clothesline actually keeps the griffon down for a short time- that, and not wanting to get in the way of the crowd. He hops to all fours after a moment or two, though, smiling a bit as the crowd lifts Good up.


"The mist is quite a problem. Freezing and toxic all at once, the filters help prevent us from breathing it in but the ability to leap between any point within it is frustratingly difficult to plan around. What I found most concerning however are those skull-like mines it had based all around the battlefield. It was ultimately what took one of our own and nearly costed me an arm. Do you know of any effective counter-measures to those? Some way of knowing where the mines are placed, I assume they're as cold as the Shadedrinker's fog itself so thermal visioning will not likely find them."


Good looked a bit corpsey seeing as he was letting the crowd rag doll him a bit, but the occasional laugh out of him seemed to show he was fine if tired.


The mob starts to abduct Good toward the elevator chambers, chanting and cheering all the while. Qhapaq overhears bits and snippets of a plan brewing in real-time: They plan to bring him down to the Bar on B2F of the bunker. This is bad – Good's not old enough to legally drink.

"Ah," Ch'utiy says. "I've been working on something for that. Quite simple, in fact – they're still physical objects, hidden in a fog that renders them near-invisible."

She produces something of an IED, rolled up into a little ball of scrap metal, wires, tape and Iron-knows-what-else. It smells vaguely of smoke. "It's as simple as taking away their hiding-place."


Zamrud looks at the curious contraption Ch'utiy produces, offering his paw as though to ask if he could hold it. "And that is what this device does? It disperses the fog?"


Qhapaq chuckles a bit as he watches the crowd ragdoll the crystal pony around, eventually wading in to help him down. He steps in a little more forcefully when he hears of their plan, gently setting Good on the ground and speaking up in the Aya tongue with "Please, blood- he needs to be focused for the fight ahead. Perhaps another time, though."


"Were they taking me to another place? I don't think that was the way to the sauna." he said as he leaned against the big Aya.


"They were… not, no. They were taking you for another sort of celebration, which would not be for the best right now." he explains, patting the pony's back. "You did very good, though- the Aya were impressed."


"I could tell. My legs are a bit numb from all the punching and shaking. Were they gonna take me to one of those adult clubs or something?"


"Mmm… yes. The sauna might be better, though- you could use the chance to relax." he says, before looking over the crowd for Zamrud.

"Ah, there you are. Care to join us?"


As Qhapaq and Good enter the Commons area, the young lord carried onwards by a small crowd of the Aya, Zamrud's eyes open wide, and he quickly approaches Qhapaq to assess the situation.

"Well, that would depend. What exactly is it I would be joining?"


"Heading to the sauna. It was better than allowing the crowd to take Good to the bar."


"I beat Qhapaq in a wrestling match, They really liked it."


"You beat Qhapaq in a wrestling match? You had a wrestling match?" Zamrud asks, sounding very surprised as he looks around. "I wasn't aware the game room had that sort of entertainment prepared."


Qhapaq chuckles a little, before nodding. "It's a normal form of entertainment, Zamrud. I thought I'd told you at one point or another." he says, tilting his head to the side. "But, yes. He fought quite well, once he got his bearings straight and got riled up by the crowd. The Aya appreciate an underdog."


"I am really sore and sweaty and tired. But I managed to duplex Qhapaq. So that was really cool."

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