>>252431It's the big day, the day of the party!
You scramble about your room and gather the gifts, wedging all the boxes and wrapped objects in very carefully.
The saddlebags bulge and take on a blocky appearance, but it'll hold.
You eat a quick breakfast, trying to contain your nervous energy as your mother hands you a plate of pancakes with multicolored sprinkles inside.
You douse them in syrup as your father takes a seat next to you, your mother putting a bowl of hot oats in front of him before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"So, you think anymore about what we talked about, champ?" He asks you softly.
You think back to the conversation you had with your father last night, while you were wrapping gifts.
You told him you were nervous. You like the girls, all of them, but they're starting to act a little weird and your chest beats harder when they're around now.
He laughed, loud and for quite some time. When he finally calmed down and wiped the tears from his eyes, he grabbed you and ruffled your mane roughly, leaving you a little confused.
"My little Puff is growin up, huh? Little filly slayer like his old man, even."
He told you it was natural for these things to happen, you're growing older, getting past that stage of thinking girls have cooties or whatever.
"You're still kids though, so don't stress too much about any of that. Just pick the one that you like to make the happiest, who also makes you happy when you're together. At your age I think that's all you need to worry about."
"But I like all of them, and want to make them all happy!"
"What, you don't want one of them to be your special somepony?"
The question made your cheeks burn, and you struggled to decide if you could really pick one. What does being someone's special somepony even mean?
He only laughed again, saying as he left you to your wrapping, "Don't think so hard about it. You're still a kid, you've got a while before you have to worry about that. Just pick the one you want to spend the most time with. Anything that follows will follow."