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/v/ - Vidya Games

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Holla holla get $


>still playing this game

My nigga, I can't get tired of the cute ponae.


>no rooted phone
>can't cheat for gems
>quickly approaching the point where I have to buy rarity


At least you have something to look forward to. I've finished all the quests and don't have anything left to buy except Gem-locked items.


For those of us who patched and have no access to rooting, you can still duplicate gems with the following method. This exploits a quirk in the town-generating part of the game and how it handles visiting other players' towns.

1. Wait for a Gem to spawn in your town, either from Parasprites, Derpy, or whatever. Do not tap the Gem!
2. Immediately go to the Social menu and visit Princess Celestia's town.
3. You may see your wayward Gem sitting around in her town. Do not tap it.
4. Wait for the Gem to auto-collect. You should hear the sound and maybe see the animation.
5. Return to the Social menu.
6. Repeat 2 through 5 ad nauseam or until the game crashes.

If you wait in your Social menu too long, the Gem may autocollect while in your town, and you will no longer be able to duplicate it.

For optimization, you may want to turn on Airplane Mode to prevent loading up your friends list whenever you enter the Social menu.

The method works for Gems. I have not tested it for Shards or Bits.


Doesn't work anymore thanks to the spring update.



So has anyone caved and bought Loveslut?


Hey, don't forget to drop chests regularly! Extra hearts can get you two of the new 1.02 ponies, as well as additional Balloon Pops for more potential Gems (very important now that previous hacks and exploits don't work).


I try to but I can't get into the towns sometimes, it says "an error has ocurred" or something like that.

This last update fucked up a lot of things, I hope they fix it soon.


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Someone's working on a new pricelist hack, but it requires fiddling with the router!


Could you explain how? I don't understand Roddit.


Lovestruck: 600 Gems
Featherweight: 200 Gems
Pipsqueak: 20 Gems
Total: 860 Gems, or $75 USD

Fuck this shit.


Sup, I can provide more hearts/chests for you people.

Name's ChaosDingus, add me n' shit


Can't find you nigga.


£900 general


I heard there is a new update for iOS…


holy niggers

did anyone else get the Canterlot update
now I have double pones


Shit's amazing yo, I tell you. We missed the St. Patrick's update but Gameloft gave us Canterlot, a lot of new pones and a new minigame (it's terrible though).


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>get canterlot update
>read that Fleur has wings
>go to buy her
>you have to play the balloon pop game to win her
>prepare to gamble away my gems because I used the 50/day cheat
>get her on the first try


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