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File: 1381589389470.jpg (501.34 KB, 833x762, Pokemon-X-Pokemon-Y-Get-Co….jpg)


Pokemon X playthrough thread

The story until now:
Anon bought POKEMAN X
Picked Froakie
Caught a Scatterbug(named Dix)

And I just caught a Weedle




No, it doesn't let you use curses, and I'm not naming multiple pokemon different terms for genitals




Too long, WaffleMcSwag it is


>doesn't allow you to write Dicks
>yet it allows to write Swag


File: 1381589859254.jpg (100.14 KB, 530x318, bunnelby_battle_1[1].jpg)

Going to be grinding levels, but what the hell is this?


It's a Bunnelby obviously.


Alright, leveled up a bit.

>enter the typical early game forest

>expect bugs

What do I name my Pansear?




File: 1381594448994.jpg (10.04 KB, 400x240, VS._Lass_Pokemon_X_&_Y[1].jpg)



WaffleMcSwag is evolving!


>WaffleMcSwag hardned up after seeing Lass Anna


>wild female Pikachu

Oh yes, I'll need a name for her


Are you guys giving nicknames to all the pokemon you catch? I just let them keep their names


File: 1381596406207.png (228.94 KB, 530x318, preschooler-ella[1].png)

Yeah, it's probably better to leave them




All hail WaffleMcSwag the Beedrill


It's crazy how fast bug pokemon evolve


Bug Badge acquired!
So is infestation just a bug version of leach seed minus the heal?


Looked like it to me.

The bug gym was a bit too easy imo.
But maybe that was just because I already had two pretty high flying pokemon


Ah, it also locks the enemy into battle, might be really useful.


Oh shit



I picked Charmander because I really like Y-Mega-Charizard.

But all of them are pretty cool, it's a shame that you can only get one.


Anyone want some pokemon?
I've got a bunch of breeding leftovers I was planning on giving away to /vp/ at some point, so I figure I'd ask around here to see if anyone wanted first picks

Huge Power Marills
Gale Wings Fletchlings
Harvest Tropiuses
Scrappy Kangaskhans
Ice Punch/Fake out Sneasels
and Compound Eyes Voltics
all with appropriate natures and 4-5 IVs

I don't really need anything in return but more high-IV breeding stock would be appreciated

Bug me on skype or let me know here and I'll set whatever aside for you

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