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 No.762858[View All]

"Are we supposing there's a little teapot somewhere in this valley we gotta find?" Hurricanrana says, tilting his head. "Is it perhaps short and stout?"

"No more singing, please," Desert sighs.

"Actually…" Mudi says. "In Tartarus, the will is supreme… It's even true at an Anchor. You saw how people suffered when they used techniques to move great distances without being seen, like the Ecclesian flash step. Oh! And we all had to agree on what we saw before we could even enter the anchor!"

"Oh no…" Desert groans.

"The singing probably helped us get this far!" Mudi extrapolates.

"No, no, no–!" Vizsla complains.

"We gotta sing to find the tea ingredient!!!" Mudi declares.

The Paper Trail shrugs.

"R-right?" Mudi asks, losing all her momentary bravado.


As a unit, with paces in sync despite the disparities in height and length, the Ecclesians move out, following behind the Paper Trail.


"Take it from someone who has spent more time down here than you–" the Witch says. "Anything you hear claim to belong to or be from 'God' is not to be believed. Best not to overuse that word. An Anchor may be safe enough, but in the Abyss – tantamount to suicide. What you encountered was most likely an Umbral who became overmuch obsessed with that thing, and began to hallucinate a theosis."

>Shei and Flaming

"Cursed?" the Witch repeats. "Is that what they're saying?"

She scoffs, then full-on laughs, like it's the only funny thing she's heard all day. She shakes a ratchet at you. "My Craft is in the mechanical arts. I put no curse on any one of them.


"People like them… don't need any curse from anyone. They are curses unto themselves. Curses unto one another… you get me?"

The others ponder this in silence.

She looks at Flow. "But, it is true I got into a dispute with the royals. Must be the genesis of this rumor. Why do you ask?"
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Before you know it, Anzu's set up the board and pieces on one of the picnic benches. Monkey and Lion attempt to sneak away, but Anzu catches them by the collar, forcibly conscripting them into the tutorial game.

Galton seems to have a reply ready for Shorthorned's sentiments, but remembers herself. The Ecclesians are accustomed to brutality and the suppression of the self… but some, such as Galton, are not completely without compassion for those unlike themselves. With a gentle word of respect, Galton leaves the two of you in peace to deal with your emotions as you will.

>timeskip available



Amy enjoys definitely learning how to play Mah Jong (she doesn't learn a thing) and loses track of time as she does so.



>Ready for timeskip
Shorthorns spends her time in a rare hobby - meditation. Not something those of her clan oft practice, being more action/fighting oriented, but Shorthorns takes her time to pray and to focus her mind, thinking of all she's lost and all she's gained through this party's events.

She weeps for Shei a little more still - tears that she isn't convinced will ever stop in their entirety - but more at peace than she was thanks to Amy's soft words. And she prays for the Vestal, respecting her mission above all else. Shorthorns can hardly remember a time when she was younger where she was not at lease a little preoccupied with violence to some degree. It was etched into her warrior clan's upbringing and culture, was the constant stampede and struggle against nature and beast and foreigners and change. But now, after years of suffering under the demons running rampant above, after all she's lost to violence however justified, Shorthorns can't help but feel herself wishing more and more for what the Vestal wanted - peace.


The metaphysical chain given to you by the God of Bastards and kids rattles as you pray at his shrine. When you pray for peace you feel it rattle with an urge to be used.


"…So if you and another opponent declare 'Pon' and 'Chi' at the same time, Pon beats Chi, but honestly I'd just be more amazed at the crazy coincidence than anything," Anzu says. "But anyway that brings us to Kan if you like to live dangerously, and Ron if you want to be a little bitch…"

Thus begins a cycle of simulated "days" at this Anchor of the Vestal's. Your companions settle into a pattern of following the bell-chimes of the town below the Vestal's garden, for lack of sun and moon to tell the time. You ration your food and water as ever, despite your lack of need in Tartarus. The normalcy helps stave off tedium and boredom. There is a little anxiety among the others as they wait for the Paper Trails to return… both the Ecclesians and the Witches keep a culture of paranoia, and they cannot but suspect treachery… But Umbrals are Umbrals– they are bound by the Contract, and must inevitably return.

Should you venture into the town below, you will find that life continues somewhat… normally. All things considered, they did not pay the Vestal very much mind while she was awake. The Vestal seemed to be to them how a surface town would regard a local deity– something kept in the background, paid some reverence, perhaps taken for granted. Although some are troubled at the idea that she will not consciously watch over LIMBO, those who are more faithful remain convinced that they are safer near her than they would be elsewhere.

Still, you hear also of outbursts of violence on this Anchor. Disputes now allowed to escalate… Vengeances, unsatisfied with lip-service "forgiveness," now quenched with knives in the dark, glass bottles smashed over heads… your companions, for their part, maintain a cautious distance. But, the worst and most unjustified of the offending Umbrals had a certain tendency to vanish without explanation after their outbursts…

So it goes.



After quite some time encamping near Shei's shrine, the ever-present breeze has cleared away the stale air surrounding the TREES. And, just as the wind takes away, so too does it give. Gegenschein, having taken the night watch, whistles for the camp to hear. You have guests… the Paper Trails can be seen at the gate of the wall which surrounds the Vestal's garden.


As she prays and feels Shei's remaining chain start to rattle, she jumps with a start, looking down at the small chain link in her possession as it shakes. Knowing a sign when she sees one, Shorthorns feels out the chain, trying to remember how Shei made use of them…
[1d10] Analyzing the chain, can it be used for a catalyst

Shorthorns takes her days slowly. She is still recovering from the loss of Shei, but moves on, knowing he of all goats wouldn't want her to linger over his death. She still visits his memorial daily, as does she with the Vestal, contemplating the very nature of what it is to bring peace and how, exactly, the Vestal failed where she could succeed. She does not entirely cut herself off from the others, engaging with them as they are her friends and comrades, but they notice she's a little less rambunctious and outgoing than before. Especially when she hears the rise of aggression around her, already noting the loss of the Vestal and how it's affecting all of LIMBO.

Finally, one night as Gegenschein keeps watch, she is awoken by the alarming whistles. Notification that MISTER MOOLAH's paper trails have returned. Shorthorns rises, ready to meet them with the others, as she stifles a yawn from being awoken at this hour…

Roll #1 6 = 6


You notice the single visible chain connects metaphysically to a longer link of chains. Likely connecting all the way back to Shei-Sher. If you apply magic to it like a catalyst, the chain visibly duplicates chain links, extending out the physical chain.



Amy spends much of her time learning games taught to her by the Ecclesians. She also does her best to get as many of the witches as she can involved in the game playing as well - especially Mudi.

At first, she was upset and disturbed by being forced to try to live a normal life in Tartarus. But, she was even more disturbed by how easily she fell back into the groove. Perhaps it was due to the relative calmness of this Anchor, but then it still was never quite right even here. The lingering desperate weirdness of Tartarus always plays with the mind. But, Amy got used to it - arguably the first sign of losing sanity.

When the Paper Trail returns, Amy is more than ready to get up and get out of here. "FINALLY," she declares as she goes out to greet the living paper. "What took them so long!?" she asks as if she doesn't already know how little sense Tartarus makes.


"YOU have my DEEPEST no-pologies," declares a voice greasy enough for palms and the gears of industry alike. As the Paper Trails open the gate, a towering figure walks through. It's hard to tell whether being outdoors makes him look bigger or smaller, but you once again see the zoot-suited corporate magnate of Belphecorp: MISTER MOOLAH himself.

"We had to go on a bit of a COFFEE run," MOOLAH says, gesturing with a broad arm. Through the gate, flanked by paper trails, a vast and familiar entourage follows: Buiwong, and his Spiders. The mercenaries of the Light Brigade. And, those Saviors who accompanied you into Tartarus… out of the last number, Gadriel pushes his way through the crowd. Although most of them wear solemn expressions, Gadriel's is twisted with grief as he sprints up the hill. The Ecclesians and the Witches offer chilly greetings to the others who follow, as they let Gadriel up.


Shorthorns looks up to Mistah Moolah as he arrives, flanked by none other than Buiwong and the rest of the Saviors. She means to address Moolah right away, but is taken by surprise as Gadriel - Shei's constructed brethren - immediately pushes through, his face twisted with grief as he makes way to Shei's memorial.

Her face furrows in sorrow, wanting to offer Gadriel solace for his loss, as they all had felt, but feels at this moment he is best left to grieve for his brother alone, in peace. Instead, she refocuses her attention on MOOLAH, moving forward to approach him.

"As I'm sure you can tell by now, it's done. The Vestal is asleep, forever. We accomplished our end of the deal, at tremendous sacrifice I might add."


"NO great act of progress was EVER accomplished without tears, sweat and a whole LOT of BLOOD," MOOLAH retorts. "But I can assure you this NOBLE sacrifice will NOT be forgotten. Once we have Shei's likeness copyrighted, we'll begin printing COMMEMORATIVE MERCHANDISE right away."

Great Voyage furrows his brow. "Do we get free samp– I mean, you're not doing that to our friend."

"I wouldn't be too quick to write off the idea," Buiwong says. "The attention economy's a fitting means of feeding a god, and a growing one like him's gonna have a mighty big appetite."

"So, he's escaped, right?" the Dragon asks. "Not trapped down here in– hmm, what Layer would he be? LUST? GLUTTONY?"

"Wouldn't say, 'escaped' precisely," Buiwong says. "But nothin' to worry about nonetheless."



Shorthorns grumbles, "To be honest, I'm not sure I could put it past Shei for that to NOT be what he would have wanted…" he says, still finding MOOLAH's quick attempt to capitalize on their friends death more than a little distasteful.

"In either case, you will hold on those plans for now. Right now we have our mission ahead of us. Shei gave his life to see it done, so let's get to it."



"I agree that it's important to get Shei some attention," Amy nods at Buiwong.

"Which is exactly why I don't want him to have anything to do with it," she adds, pointing to MISTER MOOLAH. "I don't get what a copyright is, but I do know that he's in charge of Shei's popularity, it won't be what's best for Shei."


MOOLAH shrugs. "You can kiss goodbye to your share of the royalties then."

"Hmm?" Mocha asks. "He was a prince?"

"But OF COURSE!" MISTER MOOLAH affirms to Shorthorned's objection. He checks three watches upon his many right arms. "Right on time too – time to get DOWN to BUSINESS and fulfill our CONTRACT."

Buiwong rolls his eyes. "Might wanna siddown for this part, kiddo…"

"As promised, BELPHECORP LLC, LTD, PhD… etc, etc, as payment for services rendered, will escort [ENTER SIGNATORY NAMES HERE] to the agreed-upon designation: The Momentary Lake. There is, as [SIGNATORIES] will understand – IF THEY KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR THEM – is that there is a bit of a… PROCESS involved in securing the aforementioned transit."

Flow glowers with distrust.

"Indulge me in a LITTLE context," MOOLAH continues. "LIMBO, of all the Ten Layers of Tartarus, is quite the desirable real estate for those Umbrals who harbor aims of one day returning to the surface world for their own PETTY AMBITIONS. This is one of the reasons why LIMBO is home to Umbrals who hail from several other Layers of Tartarus – like the Vestal, who hails from VIOLENCE.

"Additionally, there are many Anchors within LIMBO which are particularly desirable, not just for the sake of acquiring territory, but for the wonders contained within. And as you've no doubt experienced, heroes from the surface world, one's force of will is the key by which one may travel to and from Anchors within Tartarus… But what happens when someone of an exceptionally powerful will – and who has subsumed the wills of innumerable other beings beneath their own – desires to keep others AWAY from an Anchor, to hoard it all to themselves like a LIMITED EDITION COLLECTOR'S ITEM?"

Great Voyage's eyes widen with sudden understanding.


Surprisingly insightful of her, Shorthorns seems to pick up on the same hints Voyage is, and she asks Mister Moolah

"You're saying that someone or something is blocking passage from here to the Momentary Lake? The same way we will ourselves from one anchor to another, someone can use their will to STOP people from going there?!"



"I don't know what that means, but you can be sure that I'm not going to stop talking about and showing off Shei wherever I want however I want."


None of this is really news to Amy. She's already tragically aware of how Tartarus works. What she's more interested in is the fact that Moolah is explaining this at all like it's solvable.

"Do you have a way to fix it?" Amy asks with interest.


"Introducing the contest of the LORDS OF LIMBO," MOOLAH says. "Something of a war-game to its contenders, but for LITTLE, ITTY-BITTY guys like you, it's just war; blood and guts, shattered bones and septic shock included. Fortunately for you, BELPHECORP has amassed its power and influence to stand as the newest contestant for the throne of TRUE LORD. With the Vestal – the last stop-gap against the contest of LORDS – FINALLY out of the picture, we can get on with what we'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!

"You won't need to assure BELPHECORP'S total victory – that wasn't in your Contract – but in order for BELPHECORP to deliver you unto the Momentary Lake, you will have to help us capture the Lake in the first place, after which you may use it as you please. Hell, take it with you on the way out, a LITTLE SOUVENIR!"

Buiwong nods. "While you've dealt with the Vestal, the rest of us've been beefing up Belphecorp's power – and scouting out their competition."

"Our strategy is going to be one of MATCHMAKER – pitting the other LORDS against one another, to let them do the heavy lifting for us. The contenders this time around," MOOLAH says, "Include – but are not limited to…


THE STORM KING, who traveled here from GLUTTONY.

BELPHECORP LLC, LTD, PhD, ETC. – would you guess we're from AVARICE?

LORD GROGAR, who fought his way out from the Layer of WRATH.

LORD TIRAC, once imprisoned within VIOLENCE, but following his most recent escape from Tartarus, he was put back within a special Anchor of LIMBO.

Finally… we're hearing some rather chilling reports that the SONS OF PERDITION have made their way here… from the land of TREACHERY.

>Amy can roll knowledge twice (take better) for more info on these characters



Amy has surely heard these names before. But, whether or not she actually took the time and effort to commit them to memory is another thing entirely.

[1d10] [1d10]

Roll #1 1 = 1 / Roll #2 6 = 6


Shorthorns grumbles, "All that, everything we've done and lost, and we're still a million miles away…" she lets out a sigh, shaking her head, "Shei, God of Bastards, give me the strength to deal with this nonsense…"

She looks up to Mistah Moolah, "Who currently has control over the Momentary Lake? We should focus on them first."


By now you've heard plenty about Belphecorp… The Storm King is a new one, as well. But Grogar, and Tirac are two that nobody would want to cross paths with. Cruel, brutal, and with the power to back it up, those two are rumored to have set records for how often they've broken out of Tartarus… if even half of those rumors are legitimate, just about anything would be preferable to fighting them.

Well, with the exception of the Sons of Perdition… distorted, disordered traitors, all. They're probably the cornerstone of Belphcorp's strategy of sabotaging, dividing and conquering. Every one of them, a bringer of misfortune, snake-eyed dice, plans brought to ruin by one-in-a-million probabilities… even the thought of dealing with them is like trying to take burning coals in your bare hands to strike your opponent.

As for the Serpent, Asphodel… it's something of a misnomer to say that it's a "contender" in this war. Asphodel is an Undefiled, but may be as close as an Umbral can get to a simple animal. A colossal wyrm, Asphodel subsumes Anchors into itself, just as an honest beast will find and eat food. Those Anchors it takes, it wears upon its back, until the time that they are discarded, just as a serpent sheds its skin – thus the epithet. Asphodel is ordinarily docile, you've heard, but if attacked, is a capable fighter. You suspect it has brewed a powerful appetite, if its hunt has been disrupted by the Vestal. But you and Shorthorned are perhaps uniquely suited to coaxing Asphodel to help you.

"Per the last report," MOOLAH says. "The Lake is currently under Lord Grogar's control, although that information could be outdated at this very moment. Surely by now the Vestal's influence has waned, and experimental outbursts of bloodshed proliferate across LIMBO."

"So what are we waiting for?" Great Voyage asks.

"A little division of labor," MOOLAH answers. "Each group of ours will pick a Lord to make our target, after which we will scheme to pit them against one another, so as to pry the Lake from the grasp of Grogar – or whoever might have it right now."


"So you're suggesting we split up again, huh…" She contemplates, looking around at all those gathered. "With everyone here now, how many do we have in total? I heard at least six different Lords we have to deal with, it sounded like."



Amy listens to the names with growing apprehension. Her memories of Tartarus make her more and more uncertain as to how she's ever going to become strong enough to tame these heavy hitters.

"We could throw like half of those names at Asphodel at once, and I still think it would win. I think we could just point that thing in the direction of the other competitors and that would work just fine."

"Heck, even if it DOES die, that's just one HUGE problem taken care of. Fighting really strong guys is hard, but it's easier than fighting a really massive… thing. Even if the thing is not as strong, it's harder to hurt."

"I'm confused, though," Amy looks toward MISTER MOOLAH. "How does this get us closer to the Monumental Pond?"


MOOLAH smiles with waning patience at Amy. "The Momentary Lake offers a form of immortality altogether preferable to what comes standard issue to all Umbrals – true, godlike immortality, incorruptibility, invincibility… so I've heard. I actually LIED THROUGH MY GOLD-PLATED TEETH earlier. You can't take it with you."

"We'll only need it for a moment," Mudi interjects.

"But anyway," MOOLAH continues, totally ignoring the tiny Witch. "It is little exaggeration to say that it is one of the most desirable pieces of real estate in this neck of LIMBO. Grogar – or whoever holds it now – will not give it up lightly, not unless we can turn his focus away from holding the territory long enough for it to fall out of his control. It takes a lot of brain power to deny access to an Anchor. If we can just tip the balance out of favor for whoever currently holds it, we'll be able to swoop right in and color it like this is a damn map game! This is WAR! And you know who profits the most from war? THE INVESTORS WHO SIT BACK WITHOUT GETTING THEIR HANDS DIRTY!!! Ahem. Hence our strategy."

MOOLAH stops to consider your appraisal of Asphodel. "You're not wrong – but the same could be said of both Tirac and the Sons of Perdition. We're going to want to keep tabs on those two most of all."

The factions before you can be categorized as such: The Spiders, the Ecclesians, the Witches of Gehenna, the Light Brigade, the Saviors, and Belphecorp.

Of the Spiders, these are their number:
The Dragon
Great Voyage
Septum Axis

Of the Ecclesians, these are their number:
Holy Hours
Living Saint Zoantharia
Leather Cloak

Of the Witches, these are their number:
Desert Lamp
Supper of Crows

Of the Light Brigade, these are their number:
Evil's Judgment

Of the Saviors, these are their number:
Rus Tea
Mirror Image
The three Malakhim

Of Belphecorp, these are their number:
The Paper Trails
And likely others of whom you do not know.

>You can elect to change up your party composition now and assign these faction groups to manipulate the LORDS OF LIMBO as you see fit.

>These assignments do not have to be 1:1. Multiple factions can be chosen to deal with a single LORD, and LORDS can also go unassigned.
>You can also elect to have the DM select the matchups instead.


Shorthorns narrows her eyes, "Based on our numbers and the LORDS we're targeting, it looks like we should have about a half dozen teams with around eight or nine members apiece."

She looks around, trying to judge who would be best to take with her at least as they consider how to group up. "I want to go after Grogar if he's the last one we think was in control of the Lake. I'd like Voyage to go with me for certain… and Gadriel too." She says, wanting to speak to the golden construct after Shei's passing. "Rus Tea, Sir Flow, and Leather are also good company but I want to make sure our teams are split evenly."



Amy consults the voices in her head that she's only vaguely aware of for advice.

>Vestigial Sunlight


Roll #1 4 + 2 = 6



"Not you TOO!" Amy says when she hears Shorthorns emphasizing random words like a certain business tycoon they know.


Shorthorns looks at her, "Huh, what'd I say? LORDS?"


The voices – for once – are… contentious. You picture the lot of them looking over a sheet, like a party of adventurers lost on their way may argue over a map. They really, really, REALLY do not want to deal with Grogar. At least one of them is a little curious about the Storm King. One of them won't shut up about TIRAC and insists on pronouncing it in all caps… some…how. Another two vote in favor of Asphodel, but they vote with the fake enthusiasm of one who wants to get on a mild roller coaster, in order to get out of the really big tower drop one.

One of them, a gloomy, macabre sort, is possessed by a certain fascination with the Sons of Perdition… knowing that that broad path leads to destruction. Though perhaps this one voice is not alone in her fascination. You sense that MISTER MOOLAH shares that fixation with the Sons… and the calamity that follows in their wake.

An instant later, you forget each of these contentious inklings.

Great Voyage grumbles indecisively, while Rus Tea, Flow and Leather are more resolute. Flow goes up the hill to retrieve Gadriel.



"YES," Amy says before groaning. "GREAT, now I'M doing it!"


"Alright, I have some ideas!" Amy announces, taking up a bit of a leadership role - after all, she IS supposed to be a leader.

"Fighting strong guys is scary, but fighting annoying guys is worse. It's not hard to figure out how to fight Tirac or Grogar. It's hard to DO, but that's still not as hard as figuring out how to fight an anchor-sized monster or some guys who always just seem to make things… work."

"Shortyhorns, you and I should go with the rest of the Saviors to lure Asphodel into attacking whatever anchor has the Sons of Predation. Either of them dying is GREAT for us."

"I think the Spiders and the Witches should team up and go learn more about Grogar. The Ecclesians and the Light Brigade should do the same with Tirac. The goal should be to get them to fight each other. Two strong guys fighting each other is good for us. It'll make any fight with them afterwards easier."

"Anyone have any other ideas?" Amy asks, concluding her shockingly coherent plan.


Shorthorns listens closely to Amy's plan, trying to think if she has any reasonable objections.

"Hmmm… if Grogar is one of the stronger ones, I guess it WOULD be better to deal with those that might be more tricky and less straight forward. Or getting those ones to fight the strong guys first so they can deal with it one way or the other."

She nods her head, "Alright, I don't have any problems with that! Let's go after this 'Asphodel' then as our first LORD."

She pauses, "Huh… why AM I putting so much emphasis on that word?"


"An astute plan!" Buiwong congratulates you. "But one small edit, I must make. You see– I don't think the Light Brigade have ever gotten to work with the Witches."

Hope's head snaps toward Buiwong and Vizsla, his eyes burning with murder. Vizsla casts an icy leer over Buiwong and Hope.

"Oh…" Buiwong murmurs, smiling with sweet, false innocence. "Am I wrong…? Perhaps you haven't gotten to work together recently. All the same, it'd be good to touch base after how much time we've spent apart. Switch my group with the Light Brigade."

Gegenschein taps his chin. "Ah… am I to take it that a god of the Union, my homeland's beloved pantheon wishes to journey with me? A high honor indeed, divine one."

It's Buiwong's turn for irritation, as he narrows his eyes at Gegenschein, as he mentions the Union. But, he holds back, at the last moment. You know him well enough to pick up on that. "…You pecked the words right outta my mouth, birdbrain. My forces and yours shall deal with TIRAC, while the Light Brigade and the Witches handle Grogar."

"Is there a reason for this switch?" Mudi asks.

"I just think TIRAC sounds like a cooler guy to fight," Buiwong scoffs.

"The truth, for once, if you would," Vizsla growls. "Do you know something about this… Tirek, was it?"

"Oh, you caught me," Buiwong says. "I bought the strategy guide, and really it sounds like I've got the skills to exploit TIRAC's weaknesses. No spoilers, but you shouldn't have too much trouble with Grogar, so don't worry."

Vizsla nearly explodes with rage at Buiwong's continued flippancy… but she tilts her head instead, apparently… noticing something. "I see… I appreciate your input. Fine, then."

Hope, having calmed down as well, nods. "We'll accept this arrangement."

"Too much emphasis on the word, huh…?" Great Voyage mutters, but it sounds like he's talking to himself more than anyone else. He continues to hem and haw, pacing about.



In Buiwong's dialogue, change every instance of TIRAC to Tirek. Have Vizsla use the word TIRAC instead.


Shorthorns looks between Vizsla and Buiwong as they argue, growing impatient with their bickering but taking a calming breath, seeking inner peace as she lets them resolve their differences.

"If you're both in agreement, I have no issues with either of your targets. Just be careful… every one of us is necessary and I do not want any more loss than what we have already." She chokes up, feeling odd at having to express this at BUIWONG of all people, but for now her old grudge seems so distant in light of what's at stake. "We'll handle the Serpent on our end."



Amy narrows her eyes as she watches this interaction take place. She may be dumb, but even she can see the obvious hole in Buiwong's argument. He could have just as easily asked for the groups as they were arranged be sent to the opposite targets.

Amy shrugs. "I didn't really have a reason for which groups would go to which lord," she admits. "So, if Booeywong says he has a way to mess with Tirac, then I say the Spiders and the Witches should go to Tirac and the Light Brigade and Ecclesia go to Grogar."

"Does that work for everyone?" Amy asks. As she does so, she looks directly at Vizsla. She gives Viszla an intentionally strange look to indicate the significance of her choice. She trusts Viszla's distrust of Buiwong. If Buiwong has some plans, then she trust Viszla to sus them out.

She hopes that Viszla picks up on this.

>[1d10] to hint at Viszla

>DC-4 because of Compassion and Gilded Tongue

Roll #1 4 = 4


Buiwong bows. "Your wish is my command, godling. And the same to you."

Vizsla blinks at Amy, then back at Buiwong and Hope. Her expression is blank, but in that blank sort of way that only someone like Vizsla can manage. Buiwong, looking back at that withering blank stare, hunches forward with an exasperated frown. "Don't tell me you're going back on your agreement," he sighs.

Vizsla just keeps staring, blank-faced at them. She turns slightly, catching Gegenschein in her field of view. Gegenschein, normally so unflappable, shifts a little where he stands. Galton looks a little jealous. Normally only she gets to use that on Gegenschein.

Hope looks like he's just done with this shit.

"You already agreed to my plan," Buiwong reminds Vizsla.

She keeps staring.

"The strategy guide's pretty fool-proof…" Buiwong argues.

She keeps staring.

Buiwong groans. "Fine, fine, if that's where you wanna go eat tonight… Spiders and Witches get Tirek and the Light Brigade and Ecclesia get Grogar."

Everybody looks equally pissed off with this arrangement. Except Vizsla, who smirks and snorts.

Great Voyage stampedes about the hillside garden in his woes.



Though she tries not to be petty about it, Shorthorns can't help but deride some enjoyment out of seeing Buiwong squirm as Amy expertly negotiates Vizsla going along with him to keep him in check. "Good one," she whispers to Amy with a slight giggle, approving of her decision.

As they seem to have their team and destination set, Shorthorns looks on as Great Voyage stampedes around the hillside. She turns to Amy and the others and says, "I'll be right back…" and moves to run up to Voyage to check on him



"Thanks," Amy says with a smile to both Flaming and Vizsla.

Then, she adds to Vizsla in particular, "I trust you to not trust him."


Great Voyage stampedes another loop as you approach him, as it takes him the extra distance to skid to a halt lest he crash into you. Yet he barely even looks at you for the first few moments, as he's still busy thinking. "Great Voyage… something about that name just isn't sitting right with me. It's not really rolling off the tongue… I don't know, I feel like something about it's cramping my style. Voyage, voyage… you think Great Journey might sound better? Is it too late to change back? This isn't gonna throw off my godhood, is it?"

"Way ahead of you," Vizsla says. "I haven't been trusting any of you since the very beginning."
Mudi sighs. "Here I thought we were making progress…"
"I'm more of an authoritarian if you can't tell," Vizsla retorts.

As the battle plans are drawn up, you look over your allies and realize that, despite the recent loss, you still have quite the fighting force at your disposal. You will likely want to take only a small number of allies with you in your pursuit of Asphodel. Furthermore, you note that nobody's been assigned to keep tabs on the Storm King – or upon your "benefactors" at Belphecorp. It may be worth allocating numbers there too…

>choose up to 4 NPC allies to come with you to Asphodel. Assign others to the other factions, or leave the remaining assignments to the DM. See above for the list of availabile allies.


Shorthorns tilts her head in confusion, "You're having doubts about your new name?" She shrugs, leaning into him and offering him a short nuzzle. "I still think it sounds heroic! Ambitious, even. But, if you aren't sure about it, I think 'Great Journey' sounds pretty heroic too… are you feeling alright?"

>Suggesting Busta/Gadriel in addition to Observer/Flow



"And that's why I also trust Buiwong to not trust you," Amy says with a friendly smile.

"Not that I think that either of you would do anything bad. I just think the people who don't trust each other will get along better than the people who trust the people who don't trust them."


"Alright, so I picked the saviors to go with us because they're one of the smaller groups. It's kind a bad idea to have a lot of people against Asphodel. But, now I'm realizing we have too many. So, I think it should be me, Shortyhorns, Flow, Observer, Blessings, and the weirdo," Amy finishes off the list pointing at Gadriel, as she still has yet to remember his name.

"The rest of the saviors should go with Bephelcorp," she instructs the rest of them. "Make sure they get to where we need them to be by the end of this," she says, giving Volkama and Rus Tea in particular a significant look when she says this.

[1d10] DC-4 to get them to understand her meaning

Roll #1 6 = 6


"Great Journey…" he repeats. "Yeah… yeah, I like that!"

He bonks his horns into yours, then shoulder-checks you, jutting his head down to the base of the hill. "Race you!" he declares. Looks like that's all it took to break his malaise.

As you hash out your selections, the saviors gather about about you. Nobody raises any objections to their selections. Gadriel is still too crestfallen to react much to being simply called "the weirdo," but he does manage to force out a lifeless nod. Flow, normally not one for outpourings of emotion, stands close to him, and hits him with a subtle nudge. Gadriel looks over, then returns the push with muted gratitude. Further, Volkama and Rus Tea take note of Amy's subtle inflection. Now these two are generally more inclined toward more outrageous expressions of opinion, but with the agents of Belphecorp being so close, they settle for mere knowing flicks of their eyes.

Speaking of Belphecorp, MOOLAH makes an obnoxious show of checking each of the watches worn upon his excessive quantity of arms. When all is said and done, your allies split, and Volkama goes to inform MOOLAH of their intent to reinforce his number. MOOLAH nods, but adds, "I HOPE you don't think you're getting PAID BY THE HOUR. LET'S GET A MOVE ON, PEOPLE."

MOOLAH spins about and begins leading the way to the boundary of the Anchor. Your allies converse among one another, catching up with what little time together they have before they must split apart once more. Gadriel is the last to leave, casting a forlorn glance at Shei's resting place, before closing the gate behind you all.



As everyone leaves, Amy gives Gadriel a light hug. "I know how you feel," she says, tearing up a little bit again. "But, this is not good bye, I believe that."


Shorthorns grins, "Great Journey it is, then!"

As he shoulder checks her, she oofs and glares at him as he dares her into a race, smiling as she is challenged. "Were it so easy…" she says before giving chase, intent on overpassing him as they reach the others

As she meets up with her group, she takes special notice of Gadriel - feeling he may need family more than anyone else right now with Shei's passing - but focuses on the prsent as MOOLAH calls for everyone to get moving. She focuses on the anchor ahead… but does give Shei's memorial and resting place one final glance, bowing her head in reverence.

She looks down to the chain in her tunic, feeling a bit of herself with each link she adds using her magic, and holds it close to her chest. "Look out after us, Shei…" before turning towards the Anchor, and joining with the others.



"I'm happy you're honoring him…" Amy says with a smile.

"But, PLEASE remember the no name rule!" she gives Flaming a bop to the head.


Gadriel forces himself to return the hug, mustering what little strength he has in his wings at this moment. "Yeah…" he mutters. "Let's… make sure the world that Shei's gonna watch over is a world we can be proud of."

Moolah leads you to the edge of the Anchor which the Vestal had made her bachelorette pad. The doily-like mandala of light surrounding the Anchor, encasing it from the darkness of the Abyss, is now fading, and shall soon be gone. At the edge of the Anchor, where cobblestone roads meet the eternal darkness, there are several vessels wrought from enchanted paper awaiting you, shaped like a variety of vehicles. Some are more easily recognizable, such as boats. Others are of a foreign design to you, but with some examination, you discern them to be distant relatives of the magitech airship– you, dear reader, may suspect that these are paper planes. Still others are even stranger, vehicles of war hailing from worlds with technologies far different from your own… now dropped into Tartarus, thrown out like so much trash.

"All aboARD, all aboARD," MOOLAH calls. "Please keep all appendages INside the vessels at all times."

Rooster, sighing at the lack of accomodations for his size, transforms himself with a puff of smoke, out of which emerges a huge rooster. Cloak looks over, then rolls his eyes. You sense he is contractually obligated to do this – he clicks his tongue and nods. "Nice."

It seems that the exact vessel you choose doesn't exactly matter, so long as you're with your travel group. Each paper vessel has a Paper Trail sitting at the helm.



"We will," Amy responds resolutely to Gadriel.


Amy happily boards a paper airplane. "Come on, this one looks fun," she says to the others enthusiastically.


"Oooh!" Shorthorns grunts, rubbing the top of her head, "Okay, okay! I-I thought it wouldn't matter since he's… well, you know…"

Shorthorns looks on at the many vessels, all made from MOOLAH's enchanted paper, and can't help but be impressed with the designs as she steps onboard the nearest vessel. "Amazing… looking at these ships you'd think they'd fold or crumple immediately, but I know better than to underestimate anything down here."



"That's even worse!" Amy says enigmatically.


Although Observer and Hafaza are rather reluctant to part from one another now, they do so, boarding their own vessels. Flow looks a little skeptical of the paper airplane, being of an aqueous form, but the paper is quite sturdy, and is not weakened in the slightest. Once everybody's aboard their paper vehicle, MOOLAH gives the signal, and one by one they are cleared for departure, pushing off into the Abyss, all in different directions. You notice, as you sail forth, that it takes far longer now for the omnipresent darkness to subsume your thoughts and senses underneath its obliviating weight. Even as the darkness presses in on you, you feel the focused thoughts of your mind persisting, as you concentrate – Asphodel, Asphodel… something about this paper plane must be facilitating this. It's not a stretch to imagine these vehicles to be a valuable resource… perhaps MOOLAH has truly come to see you as a worthy asset to risk the investment of this tech.

But such speculation must wait– for your mission is far from over.



The senses flicker back to life, one by one… yet no Anchor is in sight. All are silent aboard the paper plane, your allies not risking even the slightest word, lest they draw unwanted attention.


Yet something wavers here and there, about you, in the darkness. Like a wave of water, turbulence of a sort, imperceptible to all but the spiritual sense… another wave, then yet another, quicker than the last one. The trajectory of the paper plane wavers. The Paper Trail at the helm plays a delicate balance, keeping parallel to the turbulence as he can, while still trying to move onward… could something be trying to push you away…?


Shorthorns steels herself as they pass through the Anchor, feeling her entire existence threaded through the needle once again. Only this time, when she regains her senses, she looks around, still seeing herself aboard the paper craft as she looks around for signs of their arrival.

"What happened? Are we here already?"

She looks around, her hairs standing on end as she surveys the darkness, feeling the presence here that threatens to lash out at them from beyond their gaze. "You all feel that, right? Is that… the one we came here for?"

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