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File: 1335750022481.jpg (35.95 KB, 199x199, 1304810814910.jpg)


I am banned from 4chan for a stupid reason.

I posted two things this morning, and did absolutely nothing else with the site the rest of the day.

Just sayin.


How long is the ban?


>you will never share the soda with Lyra

What did you poast?


stop posting horse porn Leth


a likely story


i bet he posted furry outside of /b/


238 get




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How did you know?!


How long's the bannu?


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Have a cute ponae while you are on the exile.


once month, but I'd hope it won't be that long


Wait, you got a whole month ban?
On /mlp/?
Holy shit.


Static IP? Use a proxy or a VPN man, it's really easy to set up.


But how will we get our Hamburger time reports? How will we know the state of the General?


I've got someone to post it for me.

Evading the ban would not be… wise.


Some other tripfag who spends the whole day in there should do it.

I.E, anyone.


Oh come on don't be a pussy
What else to do?
I need the journal updates


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Did you lose anything you can't tell us about?


>Evading bans


It really is a shame Leth, though the continuing reports are appreciated. Are you going to spend some time on your writing since you were evicted from the ride?


Well he could still lurk since being banned only means not being able to post


Indeed. MLPG will still absorb plenty of time, just be getting quite a few less posts from Anon and me…

I should
But you know




how can I see why I am banned if it keeps taking me to the front page


Leeeeeeth! You were unbanned right? Post your Hamburger Time Report on the general plz



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