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/art/ - Art

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File: 1377994743470.png (228.99 KB, 700x700, fluttermoth.png)


I will post misc things and horse loving.


File: 1377994780676.png (196.44 KB, 1300x600, bughorse.png)

everything I've done in the past few days.


File: 1377994820449.png (194.71 KB, 800x746, celesrararakiss.png)


File: 1377994832568.png (243.79 KB, 800x800, gildasketch.png)


File: 1377994846778.png (600.48 KB, 1320x1200, sketches.png)


File: 1377994931120.png (298.48 KB, 640x800, twilight.png)


Especially of this


>Jalm having an art thread
Fucking finally

This is too cute for me to handle


I think her spine is broken


File: 1378695801329.png (340.55 KB, 1166x800, wait anon i thought we wer….png)


File: 1378695889500.png (230.7 KB, 914x800, flutterballerina.png)


File: 1378824401708.png (305.13 KB, 1028x800, i0y1TSb.png)

had to do everything for you jalm


Update your thread, nigga. Pls



I ventured far and wide to find the source of this image and all I can say is: The look on her face is just amazing. Please, more of this style (and/or this Twilight)!






File: 1385452262172.png (319.15 KB, 1200x1272, 1385424376519.png)

Since he doesn't post it himself


File: 1385452275917.png (399.06 KB, 1000x1162, 1385429570764.png)


File: 1385452289498.png (305.86 KB, 600x800, hello-(n1385359916174).png)


and where does he actually post it?


Those were from MLPG.


he beb
he stopped jalming long ago

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