>>48733>>48742"Certainly the Princesses of a kingdom would have more important things to do? Not that I'm ungrateful, I just think, don't you have royal duties you should do instead of teach me how to read?"
Celestia smiles, shaking her head gently, "My duty, first and foremost, is to take care of my people. Teaching you will allow you to become one of those people, as well as adjust you to interacting with my other subjects. It is in the best interest for all parties that I oversee your instruction."
>>48743"What times will my lessons be at? I don't know what duties you perform around here."
"Every morning I raise the sun, and every night Princess Luna raises the moon. Those are our core duties that don't involve our subjects. My lessons to you will be after I've raised the sun for the day, and my sister's will be after she raises the moon for the night."
>>48738You bow your head, almost hitting the table in the process, thanking them for their kindness, "I don't know how I got here, or exactly what's going on, so, thank you. I'll do my best to adjust."
Because there really isn't an alternative, you think to yourself.
"With all that's happened, I wonder if I'll have problems sleeping tonight," you joke, laughing nervously.
"If you need to talk, don't hesitate to contact a guard. One of us will be happy to talk to you if it will help ease your mind. Just remember that during the night I will be sleeping, and Luna will likely be patrolling, as she often does around the castle grounds."
You notice through one of the many windows that let in the fading light that it is rapidly becoming dusk. Luna looks out as well, and excuses herself from the table, "We…I mean, I, must prepare to raise the moon this night. Excuse me."
Celestia then has a pair of guards show you to your quarters, a relatively spacious and clean room with a bed, dresser and mirror, an adjoined bathroom and some commodities for hygiene. A book or two lay on the dresser, but you can't read them so they're pretty useless for the time being.
The guards salute and exit the room, taking positions outside your door. Whether to guard you from the outside or to guard the outside from you is yet to be determined.