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WANTED: Harpist
WANTED: Foalsitter
WANTED: Public Speaker
WANTED: Exterminator
WANTED: Exterminator
Require an exterminator at old Malcolm estate.
Pay is good.
Subtlety not required.
Mostly requires cleaning out Tartarian Cockroaches.
Please clean up after yourself.
Inquire at Happy Farms Real Estate, 16 Oak Street.
WANTED: Foalsitter
Require foalsitter to take care of infant twins for a few hours this afternoon while we attend the opera.
Minimum wage.
Must like children.
You will be screened for trustworthiness.
Must pass an interview.
Inquire at Pasture Estate, 2 Robin Way.
Don't worry about your health. A gulp or two of gunpowder won't make anypony sick. Really, you should only be worried if you're opening powder cartridges with your mouth over the period of years. That could make you sick with lead poisoning or maybe salt poisoning. The latter would cause irritability and erratic behavior.
Again, this is only over a long period. You shouldn't be worried.
If salt poisoning is all there is to it, cutting sodium out of the diet and drinking plenty of fresh water will cure it. Really, the lead poisoning and arsenic poisoning are more dangerous but less maddening or likely affliction. You can get salt poisoning just from drinking too much sea water: I see many patients for it.
It's not very difficult to make once the ingredients are compiled. There's an inherit cost over time, though. And of course, if it's for your niece, I can't just keep making it for her.
Maybe Topaz could make that sort of thing? She makes all the fine mechanisms.
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Both difficult, high risk.
Obstacle Course
Ultimate Cage Match
Hide 'n' Seek
Scavenger Hunt
I Tried
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