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File: 1607486417477.png (4.97 MB, 2710x2125, The Choristers -- Tartarus….png)

 No.750229[View All]

>Last time, on HolyQuest…

>Amy, Cloak, Pryce

Salt maintains her steady and judgmental glare, even as you respond. "Finally… it seems that you get it. In the end, one Will shall prevail above the others; it is those who do not conquer, who shall be subsumed. Know that all those who enter Tartarus must understand this. And if they do not, then rest assured that they will."

Ignoring Amy's other question, Salt nods. "See to it that you pass along my question to those other members of your small army. Not for my satisfaction, but for their hope of survival."

Like Sulfur before her, Salt is engulfed in a small and dense cloud of gaseous salt, and then vanishes.


Gadds slowly turns his head your way as you make more suggestions. "…How about we take the 'expected' way down."
"Yeah," Busta says. "The Sons of God would have probably taken extra care to put up obstacles against demons that could just phase through walls and bypass all their more conventional traps and impediments. Whatever those things were, they won't be the last ones we face if we try that again."


Volkama jots down the entry onto his map, but then taps your head with his pen. As Spark gnaws on his hoof, he speaks. "Erm, young miss goddess, can't you simply bypass this lock with your dominion over physicality?"
"Or, failing that, bash it open, as your usual modus operandi," Deriva adds.
1108 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


"For the BAND! The Band Amy." Shei scratches his head with digression "You already knew that though. Amy if we do the deed in any of these rooms you'll have my cape smelling like must and seeing how the band uses the place for practice I'd rather not subject them to that."

Shei closes the box "Calm down. I have plenty of other snacks for the trip don't you worry."


>"There was never a cheesecake. Just as there was never a fridge."

"Bah-" Shei waggs a finger at the bassist "A clever trick I'll give you that." Shei tosses the fridge cardboard standee aside and pulls the wall up as if it were a curtain revealing the real refrigerator.

"Here, I have some prizes for you angels." Shei tosses over two bags of candy he won from the Ecclessians "So my refrigerator is never in any danger. Help yourself."

Shei puts away the pizza box and steps over to the Bassist Malechim. "Have you put any thought into your desired prize for fashioning me a puzzle box?"


Shorthorns smiles and cries openly as she nuzzles Spark for a few more brief instances, but now her tears are not those of sadness, but of pride for having such a loving companion.
"I'll be back before you know it, Spark!"

Shorthorns chuckles, "It'll be the last big hug for a while. She wants to make sure you're feeling it until the next one, Zjetya. If I had arms like hers, I'd have the same idea!"

She lowers her head, looking between Zjetya and River. "Take care of Pryce too, will you?" She looks to KP as well, moving over to give him a friendly, very light bonk. "Both of 'em know how to get into trouble."


Pryce looks between the Zjetya and Rus, having forgotten how they were paired up when the group first met them.
"I'll be sure to help it continue. Should at least finish the book you left off on, right?"
He looks to River as she is offered a shake by Rus, and nods to her as River looks apprehensive, feeling Rus' judgement wouldn't nearly be as harsh on her as it was him.

>"Book club? What were you two reading?"

KP asks curiously.


Leather watches with mild bemusement.


KP snickers at the light bonk.
>"It's fun though! And we always make sure to keep safe still."



"YOU'RE the one who misunderstood!" Amy says with a laugh. "We were talking about hugging and…" she looks at the angels. "Stuff."

"Then, you said we couldn't do that here because you have roommates. Then, I said that a small audience would be better than a large one. Then, YOU disagreed."

"Honestly," Amy says with a condescending grin. "Sometimes I really have to spell things out for you."


"Are you sure?" Amy asks with a giggle as the fridge disappears.


River bravely sticks out her hoof, and Rus takes it… and instead yanks her in for a vertebrae-popping hug. River squeaks, but endures, having survived pains much worse than these, and those pains were not tempered with Rus's genuine love, such as this one. When at last Rus lets her go, River exhales, and looks as limber as a snake.

"Now where have Amy and Shei gone off to?" Rus asks. "Must they plague us with their incessant disappearances even before their final tribulation?"

You start to sense that you are wanted topside…

"Still holding onto that one, chief," the bassist says as he looks over his share of the candy. "There are few things in life that I want, and those few things are sweetest when obtained under my own power, and not under another's. Don't mistake this for ingratitude, but perhaps Buiwong's ideals and principles have lingered after my previous transformation."

"Books that would make even Regina blush," Rus says. "You will have to find a more suitable curriculum for the little one's reading."


"Would you expect anything else from them? It seems quite common."


Shei squints his eyes at Amy "Hm. Right. Hugging. Hugging the inescapable Revelrous Friendmaking Heartthief Hugger. That couldn't possibly lead to anything else."

"Very well." Shei now speaks to all of his Malechim "We're entering Tartarus soon. Under no circumstances are any of you to leave the cape without receiving my call. Reality may collapse on itself should you dare linger too long. Please- And thank you."

"I believe thats enough with the tour." Shei jumps up grabbing the cieling and pulling it down like unraveling more curtains. The whole dimension collapses on him and Amy as Shei-Sher pulls his cape out from over Amy.

Amy and Shei find themselves outside the cape now.


"Feeling alright?"
Pryce asks River after her crushing hug.

"They can't have gone too far with how things are here. They might be taking a few minutes with how Amy was looking earlier."
Pryce comments on the disappearance of the last two.

"R-Really?" Pryce stammers in surprise at hearing what books Rus and Zjetya were reading.

>"You guys had something more complicated than that Warg and Witches game?"

KP questions, misunderstanding Rus' implication.



"You can't escape my hugs forever," Amy says with a playful grin as they return to the correct reality.


Amy sees that everyone is gathered around as if someone is about to say something. "Sorry, what did we miss?"


"Yeah, cause we're always around to bail you out, 'shrimp'," Shorthorns chuckles, using her hoof to noogie one of the very, very few companions she had that was shorter than her. "Just be extra careful without us around for a while, okay?"

Shorthorns chuckles as Rus delivers her bone-crushing hug against River as well, moving in to offer any help necessary as she's released from the vice grip.

She turns to look at Rus Tea, looking around afterwards for where Shei and Amy are as they avoid detection. "Huh… they were just here, I'm sure they wouldn't exactly go far. I'm really curious what the 'gift' is, they better hurry up here."


KP laughs as Flaming gives him a noogie.
>"Hey, come on! Alright alright,"
KP says, giving a proud salute afterwards.
>"I promise to be extra careful until you guys get back."


"Hay buddy no solicitations we're having a moment here."


"Never better," River says, rolling her shoulders with her newfound flexibility. "If that's all you stallions have to endure when courting a mare, I don't get what all the complaining's about."

"Much much more complicated," Zjetya says, ruffling KP's mane. "You'll have more fun sticking to W&W than trying to get into that other stuff."

"Right, we know the drill," the bassist answers. "Some spiders – lowercase 's', mind you – have been crawling in here from time to time to catch us up on the pertinent details of what we miss out there."


With everyone at last gathered, Doctor Galton stands at the fore of the Great Seal, side by side with Sir Gegenschein. She fans out a collection of long, sepia-colored paper talismans, practically every inch of them covered with ancient, arcane scrawls. She passes them to Viper, who in turn begins to distribute them.

"In our World," Gegenschein begins, "The soul lingers for three days before departing for the Ocean of Souls, safeguarded by angels. In Tartarus, however, the soul is immediately captured by the Abyss, and shredded and mutated by its dark, unknowable machinations. Hence, the spiritualist wing of the Laity has developed a handy failsafe for us.

"If ever you should find your life forfeit, simply place the seal upon your heart, and make an earnest wish – 'I want to live.' It need only be a thought. You will immediately die, but under controlled conditions, and the talisman shall rip soul from body, and instantaneously take it into our safe care. Afterwards…"

He smiles, and tips his hand. "We, Ecclesia, possessing two of the five beings in this World capable of it, will perform a perfect, true resurrection on you upon our triumphant arrival back into our own World. Free of charge, I might add. The only catch being that you won't be a poor sport if things don't quite shake out as you had hoped down there. A reasonable condition, would you not agree?"

"Who performs the resurrection?" Vizsla asks.

Gegenschein just smiles at Vizsla.

Vizsla laughs derisively. "Oh, come on… catbird's got your tongue all of a sudden?"


"There were a few more factors on my end," Pryce comments, remembering the judgement from Rus and Vortigern's shakes. "But that's nothing more to worry about."

>"Yea, that book is plenty big enough as is. Don't need something more than that."

Pryce frowns hearing the reveal is a way to save their souls. The offer is noble, but hearing the possibility of death leaves a sour note on the promises made by everypony present.
"…Two of five? Who are the other three?"
Pryce asks, that part catching some of his concern of this matter.


As Shei recieves his talisman he cannot help but sneer at the thought. "We-.. appreciate the gesture. A VERY very last resort. reserved for after other failsafes have failed." Shei puts the talisman away in his cape.


Shorthorns chuckles as she lets go of KP's head, and as he gives his salute to them she gives a low bow of her head, before quickly reaching out to pull him into one more hug. "Same goes for us, we won't do anything we wouldn't do if Pryce were there, I swear!"

As Gegenschein explains the purpose of the talismans, she looks down at her own as she is passed one.
"These… you can do that?! You can bring us back to life if we die in Tartarus, without our souls being corrupted?"

Shorthorns lets out a sigh of relief, looking at hers with every so slightly trembling hoof as she's made aware they have a safety net now. "So… even if we die, we can still get another chance… though it will mean we'll be taken out of Taraturus, it means we have another shot." She closes her eyes, "W-wow… this is… I can't even imagine how you made something like this. I'm almost worried I'm going to get too cocky now going in there knowing we have these."

She turns to look at Gegenshchein. "I have a question, can a seal be used by someone else on you? If you aren't able to put the seal on your own heart or are almost too far gone to make that wish, can someone take your seal and do it for you?"


"Perfect and true? I wouldn't mind not having green fur if was a little imperfect. Though truth be told I don't plan on using such a device anyways. But that's not the point of them, anyhow."



"Hey, thanks!" Amy says, wagging her tail. "When exactly does the resurrection happen, though? Will we be out of the fight until everything is done?"


this post happens before this post >>757401

As Shei arrives he can notice all the tear soaked farewells and hugging being emitted from the crowd. He greets his friends, the saviors.

"I cannot even remember how I've come into all your company. But it is the happiest thing I've ever bumbled into."


"You should hope and pray you will never have to meet them," Doctor Galton says. "There are some things that are dangerous just to know."

"An excellent question," Gegenschein says. "To which I must answer 'no.' Can you imagine? Immediately giving you all the power to kill each other with just a strip of paper and a few words? How dreadfully irresponsible it would be of us to do that. Hahahahahaha!"

"It will have to wait until we are out of Tartarus," Gegenschein says. "It would be far too dangerous to perform beforehand. So do take care, this failsafe does not negate every consequence."

"You dreadfully boring coward," Vizsla deadpans to Gegenschein. She immediately crumples up her talisman, and tosses it back at Galton's head. Gegenschein catches the talisman before it can strike his beloved. Vizsla then slaps the talisman out of Mudi's hoof. Mudi just sort of stands there and takes it.

"Think for a moment why he won't divulge any pertinent details," Vizsla says, standing at the opposite end of the crowd. "It is so you all, so fearful of death, will ensure that the Ecclesians, every one of them, comes back alive. After all… it has to be one of them who takes care of the captured souls, right? The souls can't just get back to this World on their own. Perhaps it's even one of them who can perform the resurrection…"

The Ecclesians' faces betray no emotion, but their bodies are tense. Vizsla stomps Mudi's talisman into the earth, and sneers. "So, relying on these trinkets does nothing but behold you to them, like the rest of their faithful sycophants, letting them stomp all over you as they please. I became a witch to never be driven down into the gutter again, to be who and what I willed. If any of you entering here are afraid of dying…"

The temperature of the air starts to drop, faster and faster…

"You simply do not belong here."


Shei begins to play a melody.


The air douses with warmth, the song soothes the soul. A somber melody for those going somewhere dangerous. Perhaps to never return.

>Shepherd's tone


Roll #1 3 = 3


Shei's malechim step out of his cape to back him up with a chorus


guitar strings are strung, voice heard, sweetness in a grim fate is perturbed.

Roll #1 2 = 2 / Roll #2 4 = 4 / Roll #3 10 = 10


"I have already said I had no plans of using it, my going here was a choice made without the option. It is not like I retroactively knew then." Leather shrugs, "What will happen will happen."


Pryce isn't sure how to take the answer, feeling the manner might just be on the Ecclesians.
"I shall hope so, then."

"Those of us staying above will be hear to meet you all when you return. If you're concerned this is a ploy, I'll be sure to keep watch over any talismans that were used and ensure nothing shady is done for the process."
Pryce says to try and temper the concern that Vizsla is making over the offer.



"What a stupid, pointless complaint," Amy speaks up at Viszla's impertinence.

"Yeah, if they have useful people, they're going to want to keep those people safe. That's just obvious. You haven't pointed out anything secret. If you wanted to be considered important enough to keep safe, then you should have done something more useful than trying your best to make everyone scared of each other. If you don't want to be in the gutter, then maybe don't try so hard to make everyone in the room not like you."

"But, you can't really do that, can you? It's not in your nature. You became a witch to be whoever you wanted to be?" Amy laughed. "You literally couldn't be a cooperative person even IF you wanted to. Now, stop bullying your sister, she's way better a person than you'll ever be."

"I'll shut up now before I say more that we'll both wish I hadn't. And, you should probably do the same. There's no point in complaining about a gift given to you. Even if they have other reasons for giving it. No one's making you their slave. I don't like them either, but I'm not dumb enough to talk about it. You don't have to like them to use someone."

"That's how cooperation works. People with different ideas come together to do something better than the could do alone. You don't have to like every part of it, but it works. And, we're all here to cooperate. So, thank you, Ecclesia for the nice gift! I'm sorry that SOME witches don't know how to say that word."

>Mantra of Equality: Recharge 2; Instant; Soothes a hostile target, making them more likely to listen to what you have to say, and unable to target you next turn.

>targetting everyone, not just Viszla
>[1d10+4] DC-4

Roll #1 4 + 4 = 8


As Gegenschein points out how the wish-granting paper might be so abused, Shorthorn's muzzle turns into a sneer, "Oooh… right, I can see how that might be a problem. Okay, so, better make sure you use it yourself when it looks like you have no choice… just have to make sure you hold out just enough strength to do that."

"Then, one more question: can someone force you to use it? Like if we're bewitched or possessed? Or does it have to be our own free will?"

As Vizsla makes her speech, crumbling up both her own and Mudi's seal, Shorthorns listens to her words, and contemplates if she has a point. She was just fearful a few moments ago that a safety net would make her feel cocky, and now there's the point that taking in such a trinket, only for the sake of preserving their own lives, would further distract them and cause them to separate from their goal.

However, as she thinks on it a bit more, she puts the talisman away in her satchel. "I am no coward. I plan on coming back alive, even through the gates of Tartarus and a sea of demons. But I'm not more scared of being betrayed than I am of death." She turns towards the Ecclesians, "To turn down a gift offered to better our chances, ALL of our chances, is not something I'm going to throw away just because I'm scared of what they might do to my soul." She turns towards Vizsla. "I want our way to be the way that wins, but in the end what matters most is that someone gets the job done. If that sadly doesn't turn out to be us, then so be it. I won't turn down anything that gives us any sort of decent shot here."

"And besides: it's not JUST to bring ourselves back to life. They said it can do other things, it's a 'wish' isn't it? You don't HAVE to use it the way you're worried they'll abuse."


>Change last line to:
"And besides: surely a great and powerful witch like you can find another use for it. It doesn't HAVE to use it the way you're worried they'll abuse."


"Rest assured, it cannot be used under duress," Gegenschein says. "Lion's Horrors thoroughly questioned the spiritualist department on every possible undesirable contingency before approving the talismans for use. Though you must understand, we couldn't exactly test them before deployment! Hahaha."

Vizsla turns and stares down Shei and Amy, ignoring all others, as Shei tries to fight the frigid cold. It grows only worse as Amy tears apart Vizlsa's supposed exposure of Ecclesian subterfuge… but soon, another warmth begins to fight back against the cold, as Galton softly glows, her flames like those of the sun – burning and burning.

"Thank you, Amy," Busta says. "And thank you, Sir Gegenschein."
Just as Vizsla's eyes snap over to Busta, other voices start to thank the both of them. Vizsla turns her nose up, and Mudi fishes the stomped talisman out of the dirt. Vizsla glares over, but does nothing to stop Mudi this time.
Supper of Crows skitters over to Amy, her mouth all contorted up in a squiggle. She stands there a moment, then pets Amy, and immediately retreats, as if fearful of what her gesture will invite.

Gegenschein waves his hand dismissively at all the gratitude. "Thank me for nothing, 'twas all the Laity's work. You can make the spiritualist cloister a nice gift basket once this is all over. Now then, I have said my part. Does anyone else want to make a big speech, or shall we be off? Vizsla, old girl, you want a go?"
"My title is 'the Kind,' not 'the Old," Vizsla sneers.
"You could have fooled me," Gegenschein chuckles.



Amy sits down and happily accepts the head pats, her tail wagging vigorously. When Supper backs away, Amy looks to her with sad, puppy-dog eyes.


"I understand, of course. Just want to know what all to prepare for, you never know how things might turn out in how they're used, right?"

Shorthorns can't help but stifle a giggle as Supper of Crows comes over and briefly pets Amy before swiftly running off, looking over to Mudi with pity as she fishes her stomped talisman out of the dirt. She looks over towards Vizsla, sighing, as she walks over to Mudi, taking her talisman out.
"Want to trade with me Mudi? I don't mind if mine's a little dirty, I like the feel of it."

As Gegenschein asks if everyone is ready to move on, Shorthorns looks one last time at all her companions, eyes quivering as she thinks of seeing of Pryce, River, Zjetya, Spark, Vortigern, and the others before this perilous journey. "I'm… I'm ready. I could stay here saying goodbye all day if you let me, I just know it."


"I'm patient, I'd rather save the speech for once we get back."


Pryce looks over his friends, allies, and all gathered as tensions end and Gegenschein extends the floor to any further speeches.
He shakes his head.
"I don't have anything more to say. Only that I'll see you all again soon."


"She was an absolute sweetheart to me when I was a younger." Shei comments on Vizsla's title to Gengenschein

Shei dotes on Supper of Crow's cute behavior "gaaw- there's no need to be shy. She's quite fond of the head pats

"FUCK IT! LET'S DIE ALREADY!" Shei lets out the battle cry heralding his readiness to enter Tartarus."

He hurries his malechim back into his cape as he hold it's open for them to rush back inside "Come on! Get a move on! Women and children first!"


Mudi shakes her head, avoiding your gaze as she walks onward to the Great Seal.

Vizsla starts to walk to the Great Seal, heedless of Galton's phoenix flames. Galton and Gegenschein stare her down, all smiles, already in position to storm the Gates of Hell itself…

In the moment that their bosses' backs are turned, Desert Lamp and Hurrricanrana quickly pat Amy. Every Spook becomes a blur as they flash-step to Amy, pet her, then flash-step back to their respective Choristers, who were obviously not fooled.

"Wait, why did they have to hide it?" Voyage wonders aloud.

Mocha, seeing everyone else do it, reaches over her spider leg and pets Amy from a distance.

The Light Brigade abstains from the petting… except for Evil's Judgment, who loads a wad of papyrus into her crossbow and launches it to Amy. When unwadded, it reads, "IOU one pet."


"If you all are done having fun back there…" Galton begins, looking back over her shoulder. "Amy, I believe you hold the keys to this door. Care to let us in?"

The Saviors brace themselves.

"You'll be alright… you'll be alright…" Zjetya repeats, to herself and to everyone.
"I love you all," River says to you.
Sir Estuary simply nods his farewell.
Sister Renee holds back her tears. "You're a brave lot… but keep yer heads on straight down there!"
"This isn't goodbye," Spitshine says. "Do us proud down there."
Sugar hangs her head. "I… wish I knew what to say… but thank you."
"You saved my life," Onion says. "I'm an old dog, but I'll pay it forward."

Sir Gegenschein shoulders his crucifix.

Vizsla surrounds herself with snow and ice.

Hope holds his magitech arm at the ready.

Great Voyage places his hooves steadily in the earth… and his shadow wriggles like a disturbed nest of spiders.


Leather pulls up his shield, bracing himself with rifle notched above it.


>"You can do it guys! Show Tartarus who's boss!"
KP cheers in high hopes as the group makes its move towards the Great Seal.

Pryce looks on, unable to bring himself to say anymore. He watches them march towards the Great Seal, still as time feels to slow while watching them near the barrier.


As they approach the final doors separating them from the gates of Hell, Shorthorns takes a look back, taking one last long look at everyone bidding them farewell. Remembering their first run-in with Spitshine so long ago, meeting Onions on the way to and from Fantasia, meeting River and Zjetya and Renee over a journey that feels like a life-time ago to her now, to Spark and Vortigern as they wait just behond the line, Shorthorns reaches up to rub the tears out of her eyes one more time before waving them frantically at her friends.

"Goodbye everyone! I promise I won't let any of you down, I love all of you too! Every one of you made me the buffalo I am today, and I won't forget a moment of it! I promise we'll be back together soon and go on more adventures together, so take care of each other until then, alright! Thank you all for everything!" She shouts, practically screaming with passion as she reaches the end.



Amy closes her eyes and lifts her head up high with a huge smile on her face as everyone comes to scratch her head.

She opens her eyes when Galton calls them out on it. She blushes slightly, then stands up, donning a fighting position for what comes next.

Then, when she's told she has the key, she stands up straight again. "I do?" she asks, cocking her head, completely ruining the mood.

Then, she remembers the dress that is half fused into her very being, practically looking like a part of the fluff around her neck. "OH!" she says, with a jump. "S-so, I have to be the one to…"

She lets out a big sigh, then a gulp. "Alright, let's do this…"

Amy steps up to the gate and looks up at it. She feels another dizzy spell, and closes her eyes. "Um… open up?" she asks the gate kindly. She opens one eye cautiously to see if it did anything.

[1d10] diplomacy on the door!

Roll #1 8 = 8


Shei-Sher stops by Zjetya and River "Please keep Pryce out trouble. He can be a tad dense- and- thanks.. You are my kith."

Shei stops by Sir Estuary. Shei pats his lantern and winks at him with a fingerbang of his hoof.

Shei stops by Sister Renee "I'll bring Flow back. Even if I have to bring him back like I did you all that time ago."

Shei stops by Spitshine and Sugar he's very short with them "Be good."

Shei stops by Supper of Crows "Boo!" and hurriedly walks away, he waves goodbye to Vizsla and Mudi who are nearby

Shei stops by Desert Lamp "I like the dress by the way. How do you like my new get up?" He leaves before she can respond.

Shei stops by Onion "I never had the chance to thank you for helping me see my master. When you strum your guitar and sing your songs know that I'll be playing too."

Shei stops by the Spiders and bows his head "Spiders" He greets them cordially.

Shei stops by Gadriel, Volkama, Deriva "Let's make an agonizing bet. First one to arrive at the Hangor Dock has to taste the worst tasting dish in Tartarus!"

Shei hugs Flaming and Amy from behind, patting Amy's head and ruffling her hair.

Shei flaps his wings with a mighty gust he takes into the air swirling, twirling his axe around before playing a lull on his guitar. Ready to enter Tartarus.



At Amy's command… the entire earth shudders.

It is a quake that would be felt and reported across the continent for years to come, as the beginning of the end.

An unearthly, eldritch light dawns at the center of the Great Seal, and spirals outward, spindling in slow pulsing rhythms, from its heart. It illuminates every etching and glyph inscribed into the face of the ancient Seal, and the heart of the earth rumbles in a terrible birth-pain.

The first connection that this World had to another – to a malevolent, dark place, unfit to be called a World – has opened once more, long after this World had thought that horrid era to have concluded.

Only now, that horridness has gouged its way back again… brought about, just as last time, by fools who dreamed they'd save the World.

After the two halves of the Great Seal recede into their carved grooves… an utter void awaits beyond. Devoid even of darkness, no word exists for the emptiness before you. A sudden dull, uncomprehending pain rushes across your eyes and foreheads, as you behold a non-being, a state of non-existence, for which your mind holds no conception, your World holds no Data.

In time, it fades… as that peculiar void has changed. Your minds, unable to process its true form, have substituted the void for shadow, an analogy necessary to retain sanity.

All, even Vizsla, stand there a moment, their bodies rebelling, courage lost, now confronted with the unconfrontable…

Sir Gegenschein swallows, even his body leaden… until he glances to his left, and sees Doctor Galton. He glances to his right, and sees the rest of his motley allies.

He begins to hum, and then to sing.


>The End of HolyQuest: Act II



Alternative music for this post; it can replace both tracks



At Amy's command… the entire earth shudders.

It is a quake that would be felt and reported across the continent for years to come, as the beginning of the end.

An unearthly, eldritch light dawns at the center of the Great Seal, and spirals outward, spindling in slow pulsing rhythms, from its heart. It illuminates every etching and glyph inscribed into the face of the ancient Seal, and the heart of the earth rumbles in a terrible birth-pain.

The first connection that this World had to another – to a malevolent, dark place, unfit to be called a World – has opened once more, long after this World had thought that horrid era to have concluded.

Only now, that horridness has gouged its way back again… brought about, just as last time, by fools who dreamed they'd save the World.

After the two halves of the Great Seal recede into their carved grooves… an utter void awaits beyond. Devoid even of darkness, no word exists for the emptiness before you. A sudden dull, uncomprehending pain rushes across your eyes and foreheads, as you behold a non-being, a state of non-existence, for which your mind holds no conception, your World holds no Data.

In time, it fades… as that peculiar void has changed. Your minds, unable to process its true form, have substituted the void for shadow, an analogy necessary to retain sanity.

All, even Vizsla, stand there a moment, their bodies rebelling, courage lost, now confronted with the unconfrontable…

Sir Gegenschein swallows, even his body leaden… until he glances to his left, and sees Doctor Galton. He glances to his right, and sees the rest of his motley allies.

He begins to hum, and then to sing–

As you march into Hell.

>The End of HolyQuest: Act II



[Retroactive RP post]

Shei-Sher finds a moment to slink over to the witches' proximity, and doing his best not to bother them picks up the talisman Vizsla stomped onto the ground. "ehehe" He laughs nervously to conceal his chagrin. "Would be an awful shame to see such a nice gift go to waste."

Before taking his leave Shei decides he may as well take a chance and ask Supper of Crows "Supper? Do you plan on keeping your talisman?"


[omit this post. rp is mistaken]

Shei-Sher finds a moment to slink over to the witches' proximity. and he probes Mudi "Intend on keeping that? I would hate to see such a fine fetish go to waste" He asks in regards to the talisman she's holding.


Mudi brushes past you, shoving you aside without looking your way. A moment later, an icicle falls from above, dropping with more force than mere gravity could give it, stabbing into the ground, right where you would have been had Mudi not shoved you.


As Shei is brushed away so forcefully by Mudi he actually doesn't take it personally. He's quite used to being admonished. Yet when the icicle drops, Shei sees Mudi had saved him some pesky head trauma. And yet Again, Shei-Sher does not take it too personally.

"Oh Aunty Viz! I was only asking. What is the harm in any of that. I hardly thought you wanted her to keep a token of Ecclessia in the first place."

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