/q/ - Quest


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The party is currently in room 149 and has stomped 8 vampires. Everyone, including the paladins, are in good health. Dreamkicker has spotted a shrine in room 120. All of you have been down here for what feels like hours and have fought several groups of vampires, but nowhere near the amount that has been attacking the rest of the city.

Dreamkicker's lamp will be finished charging in 4 turns.


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"Is everypony ready to continue?"
What's in this room?

Roll #1 10 = 10


"We should probably wait until the lamp has finished recharging. Just because we're closer doesn't mean we can relax."




In addition to the loot you have already found, you find some lamp oil. Olga might be able to get this to work in her useful little lamp.


I toss the lamp oil at Olga telekinetically.


One of the paladins raises his hoof.
"Are we waiting or staying?"


I'll shrug.
"I'd rather give it the minute to recharge, but I'll have no choice but to follow after you all if the majority decides that we should push on."


"Let's go once the lamp is ready."


"It'll be up any minute now won't it? If it ain't on in time just smack it until it works!"


Everyone waits a few minutes for Dreamkicker's lamp to charge.
Dreamkicker's lamp has finished recharging.


"I don't know how magic items usually work, but I doubt hitting it will make it charge faster."


"It could be just lazy."


Towards 120!


Right, we're ready. Onwards and all that jazz.
I'll shrug.
"That would be the first time I've run across a lazy lamp."


"Not meeeeeeee!"

And away we goooooo





Roll #1 8, 9, 8, 3, 2, 8, 8, 4, 8, 2, 9 = 69



Roll #1 9 = 9


"You've met lazy furniture before?"

Roll #1 7 = 7



Roll #1 2 = 2



Roll #1 1 = 1


reroll '1d10'

Roll #1 10 = 10


Roll again please.

Roll #1 9, 7 = 16



Roll #1 8 = 8


Alright, now you roll again.



Roll #1 4 = 4


What is even going on



We've moved on. You have some spare oil for your torch that DK gave you after finding it.



Roll #1 1 = 1



Roll #1 6 = 6


Everyone files out of the room. The floor of the hallway starts to crack underhoof. Pomelo notices just as it gives way with a loud crack, sending a Happyhorn plunging down into the darkness.

You land hard on your back, breaking several bones and knocking you Helpless.
Roll twice.

Happyhorn: 0/5 hits 4/5 wounds


I shine my normal lamp down into the darkness.

"Goat! Are there any keys down there?"


Look down the pit.
"Tell me someone remembered to bring rope."




Roll #1 5, 1 = 6


I wince.
"Are you okay down there…?"


"Hey, bleat once if you're hurt, twice if you're dead!"


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Your light illuminates Happyhorn, as well as easily half a dozen ghouls twitching and shaking as they wake up.

A few of the paladins start digging through their things.

You see half a dozen ghouls just in time for two of them to pounce you and start ripping out chunks of your flesh. The pain is immobilizing.

Non flyers and people without ranged weapons must jump into the pit or be lowered by Dreamkicker. Dreamkicker can only lower one PC or NPC at a time. Jumping down will result in Helplessness and Wound loss except on a 10. You cannot attack on the same turn that you jump down. Pomelo, as a goat, gets +1 to jumping down if he wants.

Happyhorn: 0/5 hits 3/5 wounds


No time for ropes. Down we go. And hope I land on a ghoul. '1d10'

Roll #1 10 = 10


I fire off a Party Cannon shot at the biggest meanie hurting Happyhorn!

Roll #1 8 + 1 = 9


I pull some rope from my traveling supplies and lower it down to Happyhorn.

Also I try to zap one of the ghouls with a lightning storm bolt for five hits.

Roll #1 10 + 3 = 13


Can I use Raise Dead to snatch control of a ghoul?

Roll #1 1 = 1


Honk out a song to help my friends hurry up
Inspire '1d10'

Roll #1 3 = 3



Get up!

Roll #1 2 = 2


With your size it's hard to miss. You land on one of the gaunt, pale ponies and smash several of its bones, but it twists around under your and keeps trying to helpless bite you.

A crumpled up card table shoots out of your cannon and bounces off one of the ghouls. The ghoul falls over and starts trying helplessly to get up.

Lightning zags from your horn and strikes a ghoul one, two, three, four times. The ghouls dances and jugs as the electricity coursing through it shows off its skeleton in a cartoonish manner. Once it has finished you strike it with one last lightning bolt and turn it to ash.
Once that is done

You stand as close to the edge as you can get, reaching out to try and wrest control of the living creatures. Your attempt fails, of course, and thanks to your efforts you lose your balance and fall into the hole. The ground is hard, and your brittle bones snap as you bounce off it a few times before coming to rest on your side.

The paladins keep pushing you around as they try to pull ropes out of their packs that they can use to lower each other down.

The pain grows to become too much and dies away entirely, leaving you in a calm state as you stare death in the face. The ghouls that are still standing are crowded around you and tearing large, vital chunks out of your body.

2 Ghouls Helpless.
1 Ghoul Dead

Happyhorn: 0/5 hits 2/5 wounds Danger
Olga: 0/5 hits 4/5 wounds


The paladins try to get their ropes out and set up.

Roll #1 4 = 4


Only one gets his rope set up.


Right. Barrel in and help Happyhorn up. Onto my back, if necessary. '1d10'

Roll #1 6 = 6


Can I heal Happyhorn from the edge or do I need to go down? '1d10+3' if I can

Roll #1 1 + 3 = 4


Sling a stone at one of the Helpless Ghouls!

Roll #1 9 + 1 = 10



But the Man-Woman is in more trouble. Go and Heal it.

Roll #1 8 = 8


get up get up get up get uuuupppppp

Roll #1 9 = 9


Cleverly lower myself down into the chasm using telekinesis and rope.




Roll #1 9 + 1 = 10


You pick up Happyhorn and leave her balanced on the back of your thick neck.

From the edge? You are a goat, and as a goat you can go beyond the edge. Proudly, you walk over the edge and down the side of the wall. However, when you stop walking you keep moving. You are still trying to figure out what went wrong when you faceplant into the ground. Something cracks, but you aren't sure if it was your teeth, your skull, or your horns.

Before the ghoul you shot can recover, you shoot a rock at it with your blessed sling. The missile leaves a streak of light behind it and burns into the ghoul's vampire-tainted flesh.

You ignore your pain and stand back up.

You snuggle deep into the bunker in Brutus's fur where you will be safe from attack. Safe, at least, until you decide to crawl far enough out to shoot some ghouls.

You tactically leave your rear weightless and grab the rope with your front hooves. Stealthily, like Equestria's most high speed-low drag operators you pull yourself down the rope and prepare to assault the tangos at the bottom of the hole that threaten the safety of your bravo foxtrot.

One paladin starts to be lowered into the pit by a rope. The others keep trying to get their ropes set up.

2 Ghouls Helpless.
1 Ghoul Dead

Olga, Pomelo, Brutus, Happyhorn, and Dreamkicker are down in the hole.

Happyhorn: 5/5 hits 2/5 wounds
Olga: 5/5 hits 4/5 wounds
Pomelo: 0/5 hits 4/5 wounds

Roll #1 8 = 8


Two more ropes get set up. All the paladin's ropes have been set up.


Right, time to get messy. Start Slamming the nearest Ghoul into the side of the wall, shield-first.

Roll #1 1 + 1 = 2


Like I said

Heal the Billy-Nanny

Roll #1 6 = 6


I operate on the nearest ghoul with my crossbow

Roll #1 4 + 1 = 5


Get up '1d10'

Roll #1 10 = 10


I dive down after him, trying to crush a ghoul when I land.

Roll #1 7 + 1 = 8


Before you can slam the ghoul you left on the ground, another one gets behind you and sinks its teeth deep into your leg. The pain is almost unbearable.

You put a bit of distance between you and focus on fixing the parts of Happyhorn that you can. Slowly, you feel her body start to piece itself back together.

You forget the twenty one hoof rule and draw your crossbow on the nearest ghoul. It, of course, reaches you before you can finish. The monster's teeth leave red dots on your shoulder as it darts in for a quick bite.

You flip back to your hooves and land on top of a ghoul that was lying around. Something else breaks, but you can't feel any pain this time so it must not be important.

You not so gracefully dive down into the hole. The ground shakes as your mass hits it, and you feel several of your bones shatter.

Two more paladins are lowered down. The Nature paladin in the hole already gets mauled by a ghoul.

2 ghouls are dead.
Olga, Pomelo, Brutus, Happyhorn, and Dreamkicker are down in the hole.

Bessy 0/5 hits 4/5 wounds
Brutus: 2/8 hits
Happyhorn: 5/5 hits 3/5 wounds
Olga: 5/5 hits 4/5 wounds
Pomelo: 5/5 hits 4/5 wounds


Argh! Zap him for five hits!

Roll #1 9 + 3 = 12


I gotta make sure my buddy is okay!

Roll #1 7 = 7


Almost only counts in horseshoes and catapults.
Slam that ghoul that bit me into the wall. '1d10'

Roll #1 6 = 6


Now that I'm up, try to heal up Happyhorn '1d10+3'

Roll #1 10 + 3 = 13


"Bessy, did you hurt anything on the way down!?"
Pause for a second

"Also your form needs a little work.."


I poke my head out after getting my wits about me, and plug some ghouls!

Roll #1 4 = 4


"I'm okay! I'm okay!"

"I messed up on the first flip though… it through off my entire dive! You can't recover when you mess up that early!"


I nod
"Mmhm mmhm. You either do it twirl early or you go for the belly flop."


I do have a skellington, right? Send it about attacking ghouls.

Focus on raising another.

Roll #1 9 = 9


Roll for the skeleton attack.



Roll #1 6 = 6


Five more lightning bolts leap out of your horn and cause the monster to jump and dance and scream as it catches fire and burns away to nothing.

You grunt and stand back up.

You grab the ghoul with your hoof and slam it against the wall. Unfortunately, the ground here is made of soft dirt.

You become a beacon of pink light and giggles as you focus all your spiritual might on Happyhorn. Regrowing flesh and bone and bits of organ is actually sort of fun. It's almost like decorating a cake, except not. When the light fades you realize that you are feeling healthy again.

A ghoul leap over Brutus and kicks you in the head as it passes.

Some past victim of these ghouls claws its way out of the ground near you. Your other skeleton shambles over and stabs a ghoul through its eye with a rib bone.

Two more paladins are lowered down. The Nature paladin in the hole already gets mauled by a ghoul.

3 ghouls are dead.
Olga, Pomelo, Brutus, Happyhorn, and Dreamkicker are down in the hole.

Bessy 5/5 hits 4/5 wounds
Brutus: 2/8 hits
Happyhorn: 5/5 hits 5/5 wounds
Olga: 5/5 hits 4/5 wounds
Pomelo: 5/5 hits 5/5 wounds


Right. Don't want anyone else falling over. Activate Guardian. '1d10'

Roll #1 8 = 8


Now Heal Brutus! '1d10+3'

Roll #1 10 + 3 = 13


I take aim at the nearest ghoul and fire.

Roll #1 9 + 1 = 10


"Ow! That was rude!"
Minion grabs him! And I shoot it!

Roll #1 10 = 10



Roll #1 7 = 7


Shoot whatever ghoul's left with my cannon!

Roll #1 5 + 1 = 6


Now see if I can;t burn away the undeadness of these ghouls with a heal?

My minions continue occupying the others.

Roll #1 10, 9, 2 = 21


You prepare yourself to run around and keep your friends safe.

You decide to pop two balloons with one stone and heal both the buffaloes instead.
Brutus and Bessy feel revitalized.

Your bolt flies true and buries itself in a ghoul's gut. The ghoul stops in its tracks and starts trying to dig the bolt out.

Your large, decaying batmonster grabs a ghoul with its claws, doing quite a bit of damage before your own bolt strikes its chest. The ghoul dangles helplessly.

You Dreamkicker's ghoul with your cannon, knocking it off its hooves.

The ghouls are living creatures, so instead your attempts at healing only fix the bones you broke during your fall. One of your minions walks over and starts to beaat the ghoul Bessy just knocked down, but the other ghoul is attacked by the last standing ghoul.

Two more paladins are lowered down. One Nature paladin is knocked to the ground, while another finishes the ghoul targeted by Bessy, Dreamkicker, and Olga's minion.

1 ghouls are helpless.
4 ghouls are dead.
1 ghoul is standing.
Olga, Pomelo, Brutus, Happyhorn, Bessy, and Dreamkicker are down in the hole.

Bessy 5/5 hits 5/5 wounds
Brutus: 8/8 hits
Olga: 5/5 hits 5/5 wounds
Olga's 2nd minion: 1/4 hits


Focus our strikes on the one standing, then!

Roll #1 9, 6, 4 = 19


Right, help up that Nature Paladin. '1d10'

Roll #1 1 = 1


I finish off the ghoul on the ground.

Roll #1 6 + 1 = 7


Finish it off! Magic Bolt!

Roll #1 1 = 1


Help Brutus help up the nature paladin! '1d10'

Roll #1 6 = 6


Stomp that helpless Ghoul!

Roll #1 6 + 1 = 7


You hobble over the the ghoul and start to loudly lecture it on proper behavior while whacking it with your staff. Your first minion joins the assault, but the ghoul is able to break apart your newest minion when it tries to help too.

You rush over to him, but cannot stop yourself quickly enough and step on him. He swears loudly as your weight crushes him.

You sink a bolt into the ghoul on the ground, but the thing must have a very high pain tolerance. It doesn't notice the bolt sticking out of its ribcage.

An explosion sends you flying out of the back entrance to Brutus's buffabunker a split second after creating the back entrance. You hit the wall hard then fall to the ground, smoking.

You shift Brutus's weight off the Nature paladin and help him to his hooves.

You stomp the houl on the ground, but cannot throw your weight around quite like Brutus can. Maybe he could give you lessons after this is all over?

Two more paladins are lowered down. Working together, the seven paladins down here knock the last ghoul to the ground the hack it apart.

All ghouls dead.
Olga, Pomelo, Brutus, Happyhorn, Bessy, and Dreamkicker are down in the hole.

Happyhorn: 0/5 hits 4/5 wounds
Olga's 2nd minion: 0/4 hits DEAD
Nature Paladin: 5/5 hits 3/5 wounds




"Sorry. Ghoul goo is fairly slippery."
"That was close."


"Are you alright, though?"


Help Happyhorn up '1d10'

"Bleh, smells overcooked."

Roll #1 3 = 3


Respectfully tap the fallen minion.

"How are we getting back up?"


Help Happyhorn up!

Roll #1 2 = 2


"The ropes, most likely."


I'll pick Happyhorn up and put her on my back. '1d10'

Roll #1 9 = 9


He brushes himself off.
"It's fine."

The paladins look at you.
"The ropes, of course. You could try to get out yourself. You are a goat, after all."

The two of you comically run into each other.

While Bessy and Pomelo goof off you pick up Happyhorn and set her on your back again.


"Alright, so who's going up first?"


I levitate Pomelo up to the top.

Roll #1 3 + 1 = 4


There are four available ropes, plus Dreamkicker's horn. The goats can try to jump up without the ropes.
Or you can all say you go back up if you want to go fast.

"We can go."
The two Discordian pegasi fly back up.
"Hurry up. We don't want to be in here after the sun sets."


Shake my head
Can I do a sweet goat hop back up? '1d10+1'

Roll #1 7 + 1 = 8


I bounce off the Bess.

And stick my tongue out at Pomelo.


Can I do a sweet buffalo hop?

Roll #1 8 = 8


I'll just work my way up somehow. Though I'll probably need to be pulled out.



Roll #1 1 + 1 = 2


Show this youngster how it's done

Roll #1 9 + 1 = 10


You bounce from ledge to incredibly small ledge until you are at the top of the hole. The two Discordian pegasi applaud.
"Nice moves."

You try to follow Pomelo, but fall back down on top of Brutus and become tangled in his fluff.

You sweetly hop into a harness made with two ropes and are pulled back up.

Carrying your minion on your back, you nimbly jump onto a small stone sticking out the side of the hole them pretty much walk up the vertical wall of the pit until you're out of it. The two Discordian pegasi applaud even louder.
"Forget that guy, you're even greater!"

Happyhorn: Helpless



Roll #1 5 = 5


I'll chuckle a little.
"At least you had a softer landing this time."
And I suppose I need to make a harness with the last two ropes…


You remain stuck in buffalo fluff and Brutus is winched back up.

You fit yourself into the harness and let the paladins pull you up.

The rest of the paladins eventually get out of the hole with the ropes.


I try to levitate myself up using the ol' telekinesis spell.

Roll #1 5 + 1 = 6


"Well, that was exciting. Shall we press on?"


"So where are we goin' now?"


"North, I think."


"I told you going through that mirror would mess you up!"


You can't lift yourself, silly. One of the swooning Nature paladins from before helps you into a harness, and another pulls you out of the hole.

"To the shrine?"


"Don't touch me."

Brush myself off when I reach the top.

"We need to keep moving." Head towards the shrine.


"This has nothing to do with that, you senile old goat!"


Roll #1 3 = 3


"You should probably rest a bit. That was a nasty fall."


He looks hurt.

All your struggling only makes you disappear deeper and deeper into the forest that is Brutus's fluff.


Heal his feelings with a hug '1d10'

Roll #1 2 = 2


"At least wash up first." I wink at him.


He cheers up some.

#Is everyone ready to move on to room 120?







Roll #1 10 = 10


I'll feign being hurt.
"You didn't used to think it was so uncomfortable up there."


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All of you make a bridge over the pit with wood from the coffins then make your way down the hallway. On your right as you walk is another passage, but it is filled with thick beams of fake moonlight and looks unpassable. Turning north, all of you continue to the end of the hallway and go through the door. This room looks like it used to belong to some sort of medium level priest or higher, as there is a small bedroom and a closet attached to it. Hanging on a peg on the wall is a key.

You burst out of Brutus's fluff on the side of him opposite where you were first entangled.


"Well, there's our key."


"Yeah, but then I could move!"


"You seemed to be moving perfectly fine when you popped out of there."
I'll pat Happyhorn on the head.
"Still, I'm glad you're alright after that fall."


Take the key!
"We got all of 'em, right?"

Also closet? search through it '1d10'

Roll #1 3 = 3


"Yeah! We got all three!"
I do a little dance.


"Yeah, that was weird…."


The Pinkie Paladin nods.
"Yes we do. Any guesses as to where we need to take them?"
You find some old robes that might have gone stale.


Take a look at the robes with the ol' third eye. Are they special?


"We need to look for the tunnel to the other temple."

Roll #1 7 + 3 = 10


"Weird seems to be happening often here."


"To a locked door of course."


"Eh…it's pretty normal."


They look like they would be tasty if you were a goat.


Should I pause?


Anything unusual in the bedding or under the bed? '1d10'

Roll #1 6 = 6


You find a few notes scrawled in what looks like an older version of the local language.


Sure if you're getting tired


Notes? Hmm. And I'm not familiar enough with the local tongue to make them out.
"Hey, can your weird magic eye thing translate languages?"


"Sometimes. But I can also translate Pongarian. Give it here."


If you're getting tired, yeah


"It's older than the words I know."
I'll hoof over the notes.
"And don't keep them to yourself this time."


I taste the robes!


"They ain't that great"


They taste excellent.


"They taste excellent!"


"Well your tongue must be weird!"
Stick mine out at her


"Careful. You make that face too much and it might stick."


"Mine is better!"
Stick it back out.




The party is in room 120 and has acquired the final key. Brutus gave Dreamkicker a journal fragment he found.

The party has been down here for a while now. Who knows when the vampires will start waking up.


Do I know which was is the tunnel for the next Temple?


"So.. anything that resembles a clue on that journal Dreamkicker?" I'll ask with a short yawn.


"So, what's the deal with the notes?"


No, but you see markers for stairs that lead off the map in rooms 109a, 145, 148, and 153.


I read the notes.

Roll #1 1 = 1


No need to roll there.
It talks about whispering winds in room 119.


"What's it say DK?"


"Something about a draft in the next room. Could be something about the shadow."


"A draft?… How do you have a draft in an underground temple?"


"Who would write about something so boring?"


"Windy caves, of course."


"Well, that's not much use at all."
I'll snort a little.
"So, where's the door that these keys are for?"


One of the paladins speaks.
"A draft?"


"A 'whispering wind.'"

"Probably past one of the stairways to the north."


"Maybe it only whispers because it's shy."


"Sort of like those shadows we fought?"


"I don't think they meant a draft by 'whispering wind.' I think they're talking about those weird whispers you hear in the shadow…"


I'll nod slightly.
"A whispering wind is a lot different than a draft, Dreamkicker. Especially here."


"Well you can't see it after all."


"It didn't sound very shy."


One of the nature paladins coughs.
"Are we going anywhere?"


"Fine then, wise and wooly ones – are we going to investigate it?"


"Why don't we go investigate some stairs instead?"


"I'd rather not, but I figure we'll find the answer to why it came here behind the three-key door."
I'll shrug.
"So I suggest we make haste toward it."


"Good. This way."

Towards 145!


I bounce.




Let's bounce!


Everyone roll.



Roll #1 2 = 2



Roll #1 3 = 3



Roll #1 10 = 10



Roll #1 6 = 6



Roll #1 10 = 10


snicker a bit.

Roll #1 10 = 10


File: 1391308997835.png (377.98 KB, 962x892, Temple of the Sisters map ….png, IO Google TinEye)

It looks like some of you aren't eating enough carrots. Bessy, Brutus, and Andelia grab Pomelo, Happyhorn, and Dreamkickers seconds before they walk into a pitch black section of hallway which seems to absorb the light coming from the lamps and torches of the party.


"Woah woah woooah! Stoooop! That's one of those bad areas!"


I light the blessed lamp.


"ooooooh, not agaaaaaain…"


I shake my head and look around
"Someone's messin' with the lights"


"Is there another way?"


The light recedes a little bit. The passage to the right looks less dark.


"So where are we going?"



That way


I bounce


I hop off in that direction that DK is point to.


follow after


follow the bouncing goats and buffalo.
"Pinkie really must be the goddess of joy, as much as you carry with you." I smile.


Following after.


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You all come to another split in the path.


Keep right


"Well of course Pinkie's the goddess of joy! You loco or something Andy?"
I pause, then perk up.
"Ooh! Does that mean you need some coco? I can make some!"

After DK we go!


I refrain of asking if she's accepted pinkie as her lord and savoir today and just nod.


He's the one who knows where we're going.
Keep an eye out for moonlight and darkness.


keep an ear out for vampires as we go. '1d10'
Chuckle a bit. "I don't think we have time for drinks right now."

Roll #1 1 = 1


give you a small smile.


All of you turn north when you come to another split. The hallway up here turns to the right.

You can't hear a sound. Besides, your internal clock tells you you have hours until sunset.


Take the right, continue into the big room.


yea, but. Vampires totally live down here.
Oh well, just follow to the right.


"But it might help calm everyone down! And it is awfully chilly down here… some coco will warm us right up!"


"Well, this has certainly been an eventful trip…"


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All of you emerge into a large hallway. The south has caved in, but the north is open.

"Think we're getting close yet?"


"Looks like it!"
Head north




Shine light on the north and continue.


"As close as we'll get without getting closer."


"I am not sure."


Everyone continues north and turns around the corner. There is a large, heavy cloth hanging here and sways gently.

Everyone but Andelia, roll spot.



Roll #1 10 = 10



Roll #1 3 = 3



Roll #1 8 = 8



Roll #1 5 = 5



Roll #1 1 = 1


Dreamkicker's lamp has 10/15 turns left before it needs to recharge.

You hear a multitude of vampires behind the curtain. Your keen nose picks out at least one dozen vampires, four bat beasts, and one vampire that smells extra vampirey.

You can't hear much over the breathing of your companions and the clank-scrape of their armor.

You can hear a number of vampires behind the curtain, as well as smell blood.

You can hear several voices from behind the curtain.

You press your ear up again the curtain and it comes down on top of you, trapping you inside it.

When the curtain comes down the room beyond is revealed. There is a pair of wide, tall doors at the end. They glow with sunlight even though they have been covered with strange, bloody symbols. Several fresh corpses are scattered around the door, their throats cut. In a semicircle around the door, chanting, stand a dozen vampires of various races. Four large batbeasts hang from the ceiling near the door. In the center of the semicircle stands a tall, silver hair diamond dog wearing a black and red coat and cape. The bat beasts hiss at the party when the curtain comes down. The diamond dog throws the glass he was drinking from to the ground as he spins around.
"Intruders! Get them!"


My one weakness!
I feebly try to escape this cloth menace.

Roll #1 7 = 7


Blast the dog with a fireball for five hits.

Roll #1 10 + 3 = 13


Growling, I'll shapeshift.


"Give up now vampires."
'1d10' Wrath!

Roll #1 10 = 10


Vampires! Only I know what they sound like!

Rayblade, blay your rade!

Roll #1 4 = 4


at a bat beast.


"We're… the hired entertainment for this party?"
Break out into song. Inspire '1d10'

Roll #1 2 = 2


You tear your way free and see what the others do.

The searing light of the fireballs you shoot at him force you to blink. When you open your eyes he has thrown a pair of bodies at the approaching firestorm, negating a good portion of it. Your spells still singes him, though, and forces him to roll on the ground to extinguish himself.

Three of the batbeasts change course when they see you shapeshift and divebomb you.
Roll 3d10 to dodge. Attacking will give the dodge rolls a -2.

A green ball of energy expands outwards from you and crushes a batbeast and the three fastest vampires, forcing them to the ground.

Your ray of magic misses, and the batbeast swoops down and rakes you with its claws.

The music of a large pipe organ drowns out your squeaking when you start to play. The bat beast flies overhead and cuts up your back with its claws. The pain almost makes you fall over.

The Pinkie paladin is struck hard by a vampire when he rushes forwards, but a raging Nature paladin smashes the vampire with his warhammer and knocks it to the ground. A second Nature paladin is also roughed up by a vampire, but his friend is able to drive the vampire off. Another Nature paladin is hit, but the last two run over and knock the vampire to the ground. One of the Discord paladins is lifted into the air by the batbeast and thrown screaming to the ground. Another Discord paladin shouts a load of nonsense then smites a vampire, sending it flying into a pillar. Another is hit by a vampire, but her friend provides support.

Paladins: 1 Helpless
Vampires: 5 Helpless
Bat Beasts: 1 Helpless

Happyhorn: 3/5 Hits
Pomelo: 1/5 Hits


I stand between Pomelo and the vampires and shoot the nearest one.

Roll #1 7 + 1 = 8


Dodge those bats as I make my way towards the vampire who smells extra-vampiric. Probably that dog. '3d10'

Roll #1 8, 3, 9 = 20


"Keep up the pace everypony."
'1d10+2' natural remedy on pomelo.

Roll #1 10 + 2 = 12


Hop back behind Dreamkicker and shake off the pain, then run over to the paladin and help 'em up '1d10'

Roll #1 9 = 9


Yeeeowch! I send my own after it! And take a shot at the vampire!

Roll #1 1, 4 = 5


Smoke Shot this place!

Roll #1 7 + 2 = 9


You shoot one of the helpless vampires through the heart, turning it to dust.

There is a large number of vampires keeping themselves between the party and him.
You dodge two of the batbeasts, but the third swoops down and cuts you up with its claws.

You mix up a natural remedy for Pomelo, but make way too much. After he drinks his share you pour the rest into Happyhorn's mouth.

You run over the the downed Discord paladin and help him up. He laughs when he sees you.

Andelia force feeds you some sweet tasting medicine that heals your pains.Two of the bat beasts rip your own to shreds before it can even get off the ground. The third claws at you again before you can line up a shot.

You blind three vampires with your smoke shot.
+1 against the three vampires for the next 2 turns.

The Pinkie Paladin crushes a downed vampire with his squeaky hammer, turning it into dust. A nature paladin wraps his axe in green light and chops at a vampire, sending it to the ground.Two more are attacked by vampires, and one of them is knocked to the ground while the other barely remains standing. One Nature paladin rushes in to try and help, leaving his friend to be attacked by another vampire. The four Discord paladins get pounced by a few vampires and one of the bat beasts. One is knocked to the ground, two others are bloodied, but the fourth flashes a few times and knocks a vampire away.

Two vampires and one bat beast get back up.

Paladins: 2 Helpless
Vampires: 2 Helpless, 2 Dead
Bat Beasts: 0 Helpless

Brutus: 8/11 Hits
Happyhorn: 3/5 Hits
Pomelo: 5/5 Hits


Sling a stone at a vampire!

Roll #1 4 + 2 = 6



Roll #1 7 + 1 = 8


'1d10+1' attack a vampire with the spear.

Roll #1 7 + 1 = 8


Gulp it down and give her a little hug
"Thanks Andy!"

Cheap shot a helpless vampire '1d10+1'

Roll #1 1 + 1 = 2


Nod and give you a pat on the back as you hug. "Stay focused little goat."


Attack one of the vampires.

Roll #1 8 + 2 = 10


rrrrrrreroll '1d10+1'

Roll #1 9 + 1 = 10


Snarl at it, and Slam the bat creature that clawed at me. '1d10'

Roll #1 9 = 9


Dreamkicker's lamp has 6/15 turns left before it needs to recharge.

Your glowing stone burns the vampire as it bounces off its back.

Your bolt pierces the vampire's neck, dropping it to the ground.

You stab your silver spear through its chest, turning it to dust.

Your periapt glowing red, you pop up in front of a vampire and sucker headbutt him, breaking his nose.

You aim at another downed vampire and put a bolt through its chest, watching as it turns to dust.

You run up a pillar and bodyslam one of the flying bat beasts, nearly knocking it out of the air.

The ever present organ music music is drowned out by birdsong, rushing water, and wind. A nature paladin, glowing bright green, rises into the air. Vines, roots, and blood-red flowers explode from his body as it grows in size. When it hits the ground it is still pony shaped, but covered in tree bark. Small streams of water pour from cracks in its body as the giant tree pony wraps its roots around a helpless vampire and crushes it to dust.
The Pinkie Paladin is taken by surprise by a vampire and thrown to the ground. Three other Nature paladins are knocked to the ground by vampires, but the Nature Avatar lifts one off the already helpless Nature paladins back to his feet. A Discord paladin is knocked to the ground, but another appears above a vampire and lands on its head and knocks it down. A Helpless Discord paladin gets his face clawed badly by a batbeast while the last one kills a helpless vampire.

The diamond dog vampire snarls as he sees the Nature Avatar appear ad watches his vampires get crushed by the party and the paladin. He explodes into bats which swarm towards the party.

Everyone roll a d10 and take no other action.

Paladins: 5 Helpless; 4,4,4,3 Wounds
Vampires: 1 Helpless, 5 Dead
Bat Beasts: 0 Helpless

Brutus: 8/11 Hits
Happyhorn: 3/5 Hits
Pomelo: 5/5 Hits



Roll #1 10 = 10



Roll #1 9 = 9



Roll #1 2 = 2



Roll #1 7 = 7



Roll #1 6 = 6


'1d10' DUCK!
"Bats. I actually like bats you know.. real ones that is. They're sweet creatures."

Roll #1 9 = 9


You are able to crush a few bats with your hooves as they swarm you.

You manage to keep them away by swatting with your telekinesis.

Several of them get caught in your horns, clawing and biting your head until they drive you off Brutus's back. You hit the floor head first and nearly pass out.

You jump away from the bats.

You hide under Dreamkicker until the scarey bats go away.

The nature Avatar grabs you and keeps you safe from the bats.

The Pinkie paladin screams and begins to cry as the Vampire Lord reforms just enough inside the swarm of bats to bite his neck. The helpless Nature paladin is picked up and kept safe by the Nature Avatar but three Nature paladins get cut up by the swarming bats. One Discord paladin swings her glowing scythe and cuts several vampires in half. The Vampire Lord reappears suddenly, on his paws and knees, and one of the Discord pegasus paladins hits him with a crazy knee-drop that breaks a few of the vampire's bones.

Paladins: 4 Helpless; 3 (bit),4,4,3 Wounds
Vampires: 1 Helpless, 5 Dead
Nature Lord: Helpless

Brutus: 8/11 Hits
Happyhorn: 1/5 Hits 4/5 Wounds
Pomelo: 5/5 Hits


Go help the Pinkie Paladin. '1d10'

Roll #1 4 = 4


Gah! Scurry over to the Pinkie Paladin and use the curing effect of heal on him '1d10+3'

Roll #1 8 + 3 = 11


Give the avatar of nature a silent nod and contain my awe for the moment as I go after the paladins, give one of them a natural remedy. '1d10+2'

Roll #1 2 + 2 = 4


Get after the Pinkie Paladin! Shoo the bats away from him!

Roll #1 3 + 1 = 4


Get up! Shoot that vampire, I guess.

Roll #1 7 = 7


Flammenwerf the dog again for five hits.

Roll #1 2 + 3 = 5


Dreamkicker's lamp has 4/15 turns left before it needs to recharge.

One of the circling bat beasts swoops down and claws at you again.

You pull him to his feet and heal several of his wounds, plus his curse. He gives you a quick hug and rejoins the fight.

One of the bat beasts flies down and claws your back and neck before flying out of the Nature Avatar's reach.

You can't get the the Pinkie paladin before a vampire jumps onto your back and stabs you with a knife.

Oops, you should have been at 0 Hits.
You jump up to your hooves and get back on werBrutus's back.

The diamond dog vanishes, then reappears in front of you. His claws dig into your neck, causing a great deal of pain.
"Look deep into my eyes, bleh!"
Roll to resist hypnosis and take no other action.

The Pinkie Paladin takes a nasty hit from a bat beast and nearly goes down. The Nature Avatar grabs two vampires with its roots and starts crushing them. Three nature paladins kill a helpless vampire then knock down and kill one more. Another Nature paladin hits a vampire with its glowing green club and knocks it halfway across the room. The last Nature paladin is thrown to the ground by a bat beast. Two Discord paladins get knocked down, but another jumps up with a puff of smoke and smacks a vampire while the last one kills another vampire.

The Vampire Lord is back up.

Paladins: 2 Helpless; 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3 Wounds
Vampires: 2 Helpless, 7 Dead
Vampire Lord: Up

Brutus: 6/11 Hits
Bessy: 3/5 Hits
Happyhorn: 5/5 Hits 4/5 Wounds
Dreamkicker: 0/6 Hits 4/5 Wounds
Pomelo: 5/5 Hits


Think of Pommy thoughts

Roll #1 6 = 6


Right, I'm going to rip out that dogpire's throat. '1d10'

Roll #1 3 = 3


I am inveenceebeel!
Raise one of the dead vampires! Fire horn!

Roll #1 6 = 6


Throw it off me and fire a Cannon shot at it!

Roll #1 9 = 9


Fine. I'll try '1d10' wrath.

Roll #1 9 = 9


Try to lift up Dreamkicker and scurry away from the vampire '1d10'

Roll #1 4 = 4


You think of your qt 3.14 goat until the vampire throws you away in disgust.
"Bleh, your mind is too stupid to mold, bleh!"

He grabs you by your ears when you rush him and throws you into a pillar.
"One, ah-ah-ah! One mangy dog!"

The vampires have all turned to ash, but you can raise one of the drained corpses in the room. It smoulders on the inside, and light shies out of its mouth and eyes.

You hit the bat beast with a hail of throwing darts, causing it to spin out and hit the ground.

You jump into the last standing crowd of vampires and let your holy rage explode, knocking them all down.

One of the bat beast spots you and swoops down, clawing you for a bit before flying off for a new target.

The Pinkie paladin is knocked to the ground by one of the bat beasts. The Nature Avatar loses its grip on the two vampires it is holding and they squirm free. A bat beast picks up a Nature paladin and throws it at another helpless Nature paladin, leaving them both bleeding on the ground. Two Nature paladins rush to Andelia's side and crush two of the vampires with their weapon, but the last bat beast lands on a helpless Nature paladin and starts ripping its armor off. One vampire finishes the last helpless vampire, and another attacks the helpless bat beast. One Discord raises his sword high, only for an anvil to fall from nowhere and strike him on the head, then bounce off and hit another Discord paladin. Both of them fall to the ground.

Paladins: 5 Helpless; 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3Wounds
Vampires: 0 Helpless, 10 Dead
Vampire Lord: Up

Brutus: 3/11 Hits
Bessy: 3/5 Hits
Happyhorn: 5/5 Hits 4/5 Wounds
Minion: 3/3 Hits
Dreamkicker: 0/6 Hits 4/5 Wounds
Pomelo: 3/5 Hits


Focus all fire on the Vampire Lord! Sling a hail of stones at him!

Roll #1 4 = 4


All these downed paladins… but I can't help them all with that dog alive. Go in for the slam. '1d10'

Roll #1 8 = 8


"Too stupid?!"

I shoot a bolt straight at his heart!

Roll #1 8 + 1 = 9


Send him after the Vampire Lord! Also get Vantage Point back.

Roll #1 10 = 10 / Roll #2 5 + 2 = 7


Try Overhealing '1d10+1'

Roll #1 7 + 1 = 8


'1d10+2' Now that those bats are out of the way, try to apply natural remedy to a paladin ally!

Roll #1 5 + 2 = 7


Dreamkicker's lamp has 2/15 turns left before it needs to recharge.

He calmly walks towards you while your shots miss then backhands you, loosening a few of your teeth and making your vision blur.

Your snarl and barrel into the vampire lord, knocking him back several feet.

He turns just in time for your bolt to hit his lung instead of his heart. He falls over backwards and lands on his rear.

Your smouldering zombie runs over and bucks him in the face, leaving burnt fur and flesh behind. The bat beasts keep you from finding a good firing position.

You try out a new prayer, and it is answered. You feel yourself grow tougher and see the same results in your closest friends.

You help up one of the downed nature paladins, but there are still many more.

One of the bat beasts dives down and scoops up the Pinkie paladin in its claws. It tears off the stallion's armor then throws it, hard into a pillar. The pillar snaps in half and the paladin falls limply to the ground. The nature Avatar swats away one vampire, but the other grabs a fallen paladin's axe and starts to chop off chunks of its woody flesh. Two bat beasts attack four Nature paladins, knocking them all down and tearing into them with teeth and claws. An ignored Nature paladin is able to stand up. One Discord Paladin stands up, two are knocked down by a bat beast after it stands up, and the last one smites a vampire into a cloud of ash.

Paladins: 6 Helpless; 1, 4, 3, 4, 4, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4 Wounds
Vampires: 0 Helpless, 11 Dead
Vampire Lord: Down

Brutus: 8/11 Hits
Bessy: 8/5 Hits
Happyhorn: 8/5 Hits 4/5 Wounds
Minion: 3/3 Hits
Dreamkicker: 8/6 Hits 4/5 Wounds
Pomelo: 8/5 Hits


Should I pause or should we finish?


Incinerate him! Five hits.

we can finish if it's quick, I guess

Roll #1 2 + 3 = 5


Run over to help that Pinkie Paladin. I assume he's the one with one wound left. '1d10'
Depending on our rolls, we could finish it, but if you think we need to pause, it's your show.

Roll #1 3 = 3


Yay! Now heal the paladin at 1 wound '1d10+3'

Up to you. Pause if you're busy

Roll #1 9 + 3 = 12


Slam him! Beat him down! Nobody does that to Bessy!

Up to you.

Roll #1 6 = 6


'1d10+1' transform and attack the vampire lord while he's down.
your choice.

Roll #1 8 + 1 = 9


Help up one of the paladins instead!

zombie keeps kicking

Roll #1 5, 5 = 10


Dreamkicker's lamp has 1/15 turns left before it needs to recharge.

The vampire lord jumps back to his feet and shoots fireballs of his own at you before you can cast your spell. They burn, but somehow you stay standing.

One of the bat beasts dives down and cuts you up again before you can get to the limp paladin.

You run over to the Pinkie paladin and focus your magic as much as you can. He glows pink then stands back up, looking good as new.
"Pinkie be praised!"

You get close to him and land one punch before he disappears.

You see him reappear behind Bessy and jump onto his back, tearing into his neck with your jaws.

The Pinkie paladin gets picked up and thrown by a bat beast again. The Nature Avatar strikes a vampire with its roots, but not before the vampire can hack off more of its woody flesh. One of the Nature paladins runs over and starts smashing the vampire with its club. One Nature paladin stands back up, but another is knocked to the ground and stripped of its armor. The other Nature paladins are attacked savagely. One poor Nature paladin's head is bit off completely as a bat beast drains it dry of blood. The vampire lord picks up and Discord paladin, then glares at it and throws it at a Helpless Discord paladin. One Discord paladin stands up and the other is attacked by a bat beast.

Paladins: 5 Helpless; 4, 4, 2, 4, 3, 2, 2, 2 Wounds, 1 Dead
Vampires: 1 Helpless, 11 Dead
Vampire Lord: Up

Brutus: 5/11 Hits
Bessy: 8/5 Hits
Happyhorn: 8/5 Hits 4/5 Wounds
Minion: 3/3 Hits
Dreamkicker: 2/6 Hits 4/5 Wounds
Pomelo: 8/5 Hits


I try to hurl a giant rock at the dog and pin him to the ground with my telekinesis.

Roll #1 5 + 1 = 6


This is getting ridiculous.
Barrel into the Vampire Lord at full speed with a a Slam attack. '1d10'

Roll #1 10 = 10


Fire a Smoke Shot at the dum vampire!

Roll #1 10 = 10


'1d10+1' keep attacking him, don't let go.

Roll #1 8 + 1 = 9


I growl at the bat that killed the nature paladin but remember others are still hurt
Prayer of healing '1d10+1'

Roll #1 2 + 1 = 3


Dreamkicker's lamp has 0/15 turns left before it needs to recharge.

You pick up a large piece of rock and toss it at the diamond dog. He shatters it with a punch, but several chunks cut him up.

You howl and charge at the vampire lord. Fueled by a feral rage, you knock him over easily and start tearing into him with your massive jaws.

You fill the room with smoke.
+1 to all targets for the next 2 turns.

You stay next to the much, much bigger werBrutus and watch for your opportunity. Seeing it, you dart in and stick your muzzle through its broken ribcage. It's withered heart tastes foul, but you tear it out and crush it before spitting out the dust.

You are too angry and distraught to pray properly.

The vampire lord shrieks as he rapidly ages. His skin cracks like parchment then explodes, adding his ash to the smoke filling the room. The four bat beasts flee in terror. The pipe organ music continues unabated.


Shift back.
"How many are hurt?"


Immediately get to work healing one of the wounded paladins '1d10+3'

Turn to the dead paladin and cringe.
"Someone please cover him up.."

Roll #1 3 + 3 = 6


Pipe organ? Can I track down the source of the music? Maybe point in the right direction? '1d10'

Roll #1 1 = 1


The is another flash of green light as the Nature Avatar turns back into a Nature paladin. He and the others huddle around their fallen friend.

The Pinkie paladin crushes the last vampire.

The only standing Discord paladin start helping her companions up.
"Pretty much everyone."


I'll start helping up those who are down as well.
"I wasn't expecting a vampire of that strength so soon."


Here is the music, in case none of you had already guessed.

You heal the Pinkie paladin again.
"Thanks, brother."

You check everywhere but cannot find it. As you turn back into a pony you come to the conclusion that one-too-many blows to the head is making you hear things.

You help a Nature paladin stand up.


We can pause whenever you all want. Review in the meta, please.


I'll just keep going around helping up those who will accept the help.
I'm fine pausing.


sigh and start helping making natural remedies. '1d10+2'
"Nature is still on our side, we all saw that." I try to assure myself everyone, as I work.

Roll #1 1 + 2 = 3


I give him a smile and a hug
"I'm just doing what a priest of the pink cloth does best."
Can I get a prayer of healing off now? '1d10+1'

Roll #1 9 + 1 = 10


Before I forget, you have all earned your last skillpoint for the campaign. Talk with me over steam if you cannot afford anything with the skillpoints you have.

You help up a few more Discord paladins.

Too upset by the death of a nature paladin, you mix the wrong things together. The fumes coming off your potion knock you out.

He hugs you back and prays with you. Together, the two of you heal everyone and wake up Andelia.


Stare up at the Pomelo and the Pinkie paladin.
"…are we back at the pinkie temple already? Was I dreaming? …"


"No such luck, I'm afraid."


Help her up and smile
"If only. We'll be back there soon enough though."


"Oh.." frown a bit, and then manage a small smile.
"then we really saw an avatar of nature? That's a good sign if I've ever heard of one."


"It was… well, it was something you certainly don't see every day. So there's some hope still that nature's power can reach here."



"That's what that was!? Wow.. that can't be something you see everyday. You must feel suuuper lucky to be able to see it!"

Thanks for running


Nod and continue a bit enthusiastically "I feel really honored to have fought along side one. I can't wait to tell the high seed about it, they'll be so-…"
fall silent again.


"We did all we could. Once Olga is rested, we can try to bring him back."


Put my hoof on her shoulder while looking off to the side, frowning


shake my head at Brutus and lean slightly on Pomelo. try to hide feeling guilty '1d10' "..I should say a prayer for him, if we are resting anyway."

Roll #1 1 = 1


That's as guilty a look as any I've ever seen.
"It wasn't your fault, Andelia. I couldn't get to him in time either."
I'll sigh.
"But say your prayer. I'm sure he'll appreciate it."


Hug her
Give her a big bright smile to cheer her up. '1d10' for smile quality

Roll #1 8 = 8


"He came in here because of me Brutus.." look down a bit then
Who can stay sad with that face and a sudden hug too? hug back and even laugh a bit wiping away tears I didn't know were there.
"You're a really good friend Pommy."


"He came in here because he volunteered, Andelia. I helped pick him. So, if you need someone to lay blame on, let it be me."


The party is in room 145. It is littered with blood, scorch marks, plies of ash, and rubble left over from the fighting. All the Nature paladins are clustered around the body of a dead Nature paladin.

The music is still playing.


Can Olga bring the paladin back?


"Is… is there anything we can do for him?"


"If Olga is rested, then she can bring him back, like she did for Dreamkicker."


Most likely, but BDN has to be here for that.


"The old goat is a necromancer, right? She can raise him when she is ready."


Is there anything visible in the room playing said music?


No. There is the large passage you guys came through in the northwest corner off the room. There is a large tapestry in the northwest corner of the room. The doors to rooms f and g are closed. The large doors between them glow with faint sunlight, but are covered with bloody symbols.


I suppose I'll start gathering whatever's valuable from the corpses, vampire and victim alike.
But I'll leave the paladin for Olga to raise.

Roll #1 7 = 7


I cast see 'ems and look around for a source for the music.


Roll #1 6 + 3 = 9


Investigate the tapestry. What does it look like?
More importantly, how does it taste? '1d10'

Roll #1 5 = 5


We can timewarp to have Olga raise it, if necessary.
You find some fancy capes that are all too small for you, as well as a few earrings.

There is a ghoul chained to a massive pipe organ in room f. It is happily pounding away on the keys.

It has faded and molded to the point where you can no longer tell what it was, but knowing that this place used to be a temple of Celestia and Luna it was probably one of them.
It tastes a bit mushroomy, but in a good way.


I open up the door to f.


The earrings we can sell, and the capes can go to the other party members, if they want them. Probably stink of vampire, so that might throw off any other vamps lying around.
"So, where to now?"


You open the door, revealing the undead playing with his massive organ.

One of the Discord paladin rolls his eyes.
"If only we had keys to use on that giant door."


"What's in there DK?"


I put the ghould out of its misery.


Roll #1 2 + 1 = 3




"The bad kind?"


The ghoul slams a few wrong keys, making a discordant tone, but keeps playing.


"If only, indeed."
I'll take a look at those symbols. Can I wipe off the blood with some torn cloth from one of the vampires?


I play along with him. Inspire '1d10'

Roll #1 6 = 6


"Is that really appropriate?"


"Well he's off key!"


I'll join in too! Play along on my panpipes!

Roll #1 8 = 8



The two of you squeak and pipe along with him, making the tune cheerier.



Roll #1 7 = 7


You feel your lips raise in a silent growl as you look at the symbols. The language isn't something you can read, but you do understand that they are prayers and seals trying to infuse the door with Tirek's power and banish Celestia's. They wipe off easily enough, though.


"Well… I suppose he isn't doing any harm."


I nod
"Yeah, looks like he just wants to play with his instrument."

Open up door g then


Spit to the side after wiping them off.
"It seems they were trying to weaken the door seals."


"Yeah! Maybe we should just leave him alone."


This could be the last session. Should we pause and wait for our three missing players to get here, or schedule for another day?

There are a several ponies, donkies, and even a buffalo chained up in here. Each of them are about as big as any you have ever seen, and are all unconscious. Their necks have been shaved, revealing the numerous bite marks.

The door glows brighter when the last symbols have been removed.


I'm up for doing this tomorrow or something.


It would probably be a bit more fun with everyone, so I don't mind waiting.


Down for another day when everyone's free


Yeah, if it's this close then pause.



The party stands in room 145. In front of them stands a tall gate with three keyholes in the center of it. The gate shine faintly with the light of the sun. There has been no sign of the vampires that managed to flee, but they may return with reinforcements at any time.

All of the paladins are ready to finish this, are you?


I dust myself off and inspect the lamp. Is it charged?


About as ready as I'll ever be.
I assume Olga has raised the downed nature paladin in the meanwhile?




It is.

We can assume that will have happened, yes.


I'm always ready!
I paint pink battle stripes on my face.


"Ready then, little goat?"


You see the Pinkie paladin reapplying his own battle stripes.


I bounce


"I'll take that as a yes."


One of the Discord paladins coughs.
"So, who had those keys?"


"I have them."

vs is up to something right now so I was kinda waiting

Approach the door


We should finish this.


"You know how to use keys, right? Shopkeeper says you know how to stick things in holes, but we aren't too sure."
The keys start to shine as you draw closer to the door.



I scowl and put the keys in the holes.


And I'll be ready for whatever spills out from behind them. It can't be good, if they were trying to force the doors open.


Stand around being a cute goat


They click as you stick them into the door. For a second nothing happens, then the keys each turn one after the other. The door flashes blindingly bright then goes out as the door swing open.

The entire party is hit by a gust of cold air, carrying the stench of rot and decay.


I wince and wriggle my nose.


Scowl at it and try to squint into the light '1d10'

Roll #1 10 = 10


Cough and look inside with magic

Roll #1 5 + 3 = 8




I wave a hoof and try to get the stench out of my face.

Roll #1 4 = 4


You peer into the darkness. As far as you can tell there is nothing in the tunnel.

The tunnel is empty for as far as you can see, but you cannot see to the end.

It helps a little.


Light a light and proceed into the darkness.




Only one way to go then. "Lets end this town's nightmare." march into the dark tunnel.


I follow.


You light up your horn and marchin tinto the tunnel.

Everyone proceeds down the tunnel, the clop of your hoofsteps echoing up and down it it. The floor is made of cobblestone, and the walls are covered in dark moss. You all continue like this for many minutes, the rotting smell growing stronger all the time.

Roll spot.



Roll #1 5 = 5



Roll #1 1 = 1



Roll #1 10 = 10



Roll #1 3 = 3


Go go goat eyes

Roll #1 1 + 3 = 4



Roll #1 9 = 9


You spot a rotting pile of bodies at the foot of a collapse in the tunnel. Their flesh is grey and clammy looking

You see nothing, worrying too much about what might happen if Olga can't revive the next person to die. You nearly walk right into a pile of bodies, but Polemo stops you.

You spot a pile of dead bodies at the foot of a collapse in the tunnel. Your sharp eyes can make out that the tunnel is blocked, but makes a ramp up into the world above. Hardly any light is coming through the opening.
You can remember hearing something about this part of the city being full of undead that don't stay down even after being killed.

It's too dark for you to see anything, but it stinks of rot down here.

You skip right past everyone and into a pile of bodies that blend in with the grey, mossy floor. They groan loudly and quickly rise to their hooves, surrounding you and pulling you down.

You spot a pile of dead bodies at the foot of a collapse in the tunnel. Your sharp eyes can make out that the tunnel is blocked, but makes a ramp up into the world above. Hardly any light is coming through the opening.

Happyhorn: 0 Hits 4 Wounds



Roll #1 9 = 9


"Ack! The weird one!"
Fire a bolt at one of the dead guys.

Roll #1 4 + 1 = 5


"Ah! Happyhorn!"
I rush over and try to bat those nasty undead off of her!

Roll #1 5 = 5


Ah shit. Sentry Guardian and get ready to barrel into that mess.


"Whoa, thanks little goat." look for a way around the bodies? '1d10'

Roll #1 3 = 3


Because of the cramped conditions in the tunnel, the paladins cannot aide in this fight.

You hastily crawl between their legs then stand up.

You plant a bolt in the side of a zombie, but it doesn't react aside from turning to slowly advance towards you.

You run over and are hit quite hard by one of the decaying ponies.

You account for each of your friends then hoof at the ground.

You'll have to go straight through them.

Bessy: 4/5 Hits
Happyhorn: 5/5 Hits 4/5 Wounds


Blast the lot of them with a fireball for six hits.

Roll #1 2 + 3 = 5


I sling a stone at that meanie!

Roll #1 4 = 4


Right. Time to clear a path.
Shield Slam on through the throng like a train. '1d10+1'

Roll #1 8 + 1 = 9


Point out the ramp
"That looks like a way outside"

Inspire '1d10'

Roll #1 10 = 10


Climb back up on Brutus and use Knockout Shot!

Roll #1 4 = 4


"Its okay, its just a few undead.."
'1d10' wrath!

Roll #1 7 = 7


The rotting smell causes you to lose focus and miscasts your spell. You are engulfed in flames and fall to the ground.

He hits you again before you can shoot him, nearly breaking you leg.

You slam into the lead zombie and fling it across the crowd. It lands on the pile of rubble and leaks black blood.

You point boldly, like the commander of the goat armies of old. All your companions see this and are inspired to fight harder.
+2 to all actions next round.

Before you can climb on top of Brutus a zombie swipes at you, leaving a nasty bruise.

Green energy explodes from you and pushes all of the zombies back a little.

Bessy: 2/5 Hits
Happyhorn: 3/5 Hits 4/5 Wounds


Roll around and get up!

Roll #1 6 + 2 = 8


Beat him up! Ram him into a wall and rush his stupid dead body!

Roll #1 5 + 2 = 7


Right, let's swing around a bit and clock the zombie that hit Happyhorn with my shield. '1d10+1'

Roll #1 7 + 1 = 8


Cheap shot one '1d10+2'

Roll #1 7 + 2 = 9



'1d10+2' lets give that big zombie a damaging earth grasp!

Roll #1 2 + 2 = 4


That's not very nice! Smack it with the Rayblade!

Roll #1 4 = 4


You extinguish the flames and stand back up.

He keeps beating on your head even as you ram him into the wall, but luckily he is only hitting your horns.

You spin around and clock the zombie with your shield. It rings like a gong as the zombie collapses into a pool of dark blood.

You sneak up behind one, then kick off the wall and headbutt it from above. It falls down under you and starts to leak oily black blood.

You pull a chunk of rock towards your hoof, but unfortunately that chunk of rock is inside a zombie. You duck just in time, but the zombie still swipes at you as it flies overhead.

Your shining sword slices into the undead. It groans sadly then collapses into a growing pool of black blood.

All the zombies are dead, and you are all free to climb up the pile of rubble into the city above.

Andelia: 3/5 Hits
Bessy: 2/5 Hits
Dreamkicker: 6/6 Hits 4/5 Wounds
Happyhorn: 3/5 Hits 4/5 Wounds




"Well what?"


"You guys feel okay?"
Start to climb up.


"Well, well, well."

Proceed towards the steps.


I fish a head out and make a puppet out of it.

Roll #1 8 = 8


"Well, that wasn't so bad. We should heal what wounds we may have, and keep moving."


"Good idea."
Heal Bessy '1d10+3' then Happyhorn '1d10+3'

Roll #1 2 + 3 = 5 / Roll #2 1 + 3 = 4


I should probably help the little goat out, he looks tired. Make a remedy '1d10+2'

Roll #1 7 + 2 = 9


There's a dead Paladin here, is it?

Resurrect him.

Roll #1 3 = 3


The head refuses to come off the dead body. In fact, it groans at you.

Remembering your past successes, you try to show off and heal both at once. This fails pretty horribly as your horns nearly fall off and you faint.
One of the paladins carries you up. Andelia wakes you up with a nice concoction, though.

You walk up the rocky ramp and give the goat a concoction you mixed earlier. He wakes back up.

You try to revive him, but fail this time.

The entire party walks up the ramp of rubble and emerges into the city above. The stone buildings slump unevenly on each side of the street, seeming to loom over the party and look at them with their empty, black windows. The paving stones of the street are broken and uneven, and on a few of them lie bones or broken weapons. In the sky the thick, dark clouds which cover the Forsaken District roll and rumble with thunder. Occasional lightning strikes provide the only light.


"Well. Any idea of which way to go now? Or do we just try and find the center?"


"This place is really creepy… the buildings even look like they're hunched over, glaring at us!"
I stick my tongue out at the buildings.

I also look around.

Roll #1 1 = 1


Be undaunted. Evil cannot break an enduring soul. Hold my head high and walk onward.

Try to look inspiring '1d10'

Roll #1 4 = 4 / Roll #2 6 = 6


"..comforting.." are there any old signs that might help? '1d10'

Roll #1 4 = 4


Rub my forehead then stretch

"Ugh… thanks Andy."


"Don't wear yourself out Pommy."


One of the Discordian pegasi flies up over the buildings, then dives back down.
"Great news. I see the Luna temple and, even better, I see and old Discord temple. If we go there first we can get some reinforcements."

You look around and see nothing on the street. Hearing something behind you, you turn around and are punched in the face by a zombie that walked up out of the tunnel.

You keep trying, but it will take more effort.


You look like a wise old goat.

There are no signs in a dialect you can read.

You stretch like a kitty cat.

Bessy: 1/5 Hits


Punch it back into the hole!

Roll #1 2 = 2


..in a dialect I can't read then? Maybe dreamkicker knows how to read it. '1d10'

Roll #1 6 = 6


I'll turn to look back at the loud thwumping noise behind us.


I look at the thingy


It hits you again and you fall down, nearly going all the way down the hole. The other zombies start to pick themselves back up.

He might, or maybe one of those Nature paladins that are running over to Bessy.

You see Bessy get knocked down by a zombie.

Temple of Luna, this way.


Get back up pronto!

Roll #1 1 = 1


"It's this way."


Pull Bessy back up with all my might '1d10'

Roll #1 7 = 7


Son of a…
Down the hole and pick up the Bessy. '1d10'

Roll #1 3 = 3


"Let's just get to the temple. We can't waste much more time. We can out run the zombies fast enough."

Roll #1 2 = 2


"Not when she's on the ground, she can't."


"Hey, Dreamkicker, check out those signs, or pull out a map or something. I feel lost."
… '1d10+2' "Hold on Bessy." Natural Remedy for her.

Roll #1 5 + 2 = 7


"It says that the Luna Temple is this way."


You fail and roll all the way down the mound, breaking a few bones in the process. This is compounded by the zombies wailing on you until you are screaming in pain and coughing up blood.

You haul Bessy back up the hole, but she is in bad shape. Several broken bones are sticking out of her legs and chest.

You rush down the hole and are instantly struck by a few zombies.

Try, try again.

You ignore the zombies crawling out of the hole and work on Bessy's wounds, healing her a little.

The paladins rush in and knock down two of the zombies.

Bessy: 5/5 Hits 3/5 Wounds Crippled
Brutus: 4/8 Hits


"These… these dumb meanie zombies! Ow…"
I wince from the pain of everything and just… lie there.
Can I throw a stone while I'm down?

Roll #1 10 = 10


Look concerned.
"Okay. Just stay there guys. I'll cover you." '1d10' wrath.

Roll #1 10 = 10


Send my two minions after to hit away the zombies.

Truly cursed…

Roll #1 5, 2 = 7


Incinerate the hole for six hits.

Roll #1 6 + 3 = 9


Try not to panic and mend her '1d10+1'

Roll #1 4 + 1 = 5


Try and get out of that hole before I'm singed. '1d10'

Roll #1 4 = 4


You are up, and you can pick up more than a stone. Lifting an entire zombie like a donkey wrestler you toss it back down the hole and hear it splat.

A viridian explosion fills the street, causing the the two standing zombies and the two that had been downed by the paladins to explode into chunks.

The zombies are all down.

You throw six fireballs down the hole, burning the last zombie to ash.

You panic a little too much.

The zombies are all down. One of the paladins swings his axe a few times.
"We really shouldn't stay in one place here. I'm sure more zombies heard the screaming, not to mention ghosts and whatever else is back here."


"Right. This way."

Head towards the temple.


"Y- Yeah… we should get going."
Can I move while Crippled?


Try again! Mend '1d10+1'

Roll #1 7 + 1 = 8


"Can you walk Bessy?"


"If she can't, I can carry her."


The three Discordian pegasi land in front of you.
"Hey, weren't you listening? We can stop by the old Discord temple and get some friends."

Nope, but you don't have to. Working carefully, Pomelo manages to fix your messed up legs.

You put her bones back together and close up the skin over them.


"Thanks Pommy!"
I pull him into a big hug, toss him up on my back and start hopping.


"Go do it, then. But good friends. No bringing back hobo ponies and saying you've known them your whole life and they're like a brother and can really take a punch."


"Guess she's fine, then."
"You know splitting the group is like saying 'hey go get killed.' We all go together, or not at all."


"How many?"


"They can fly, fuzzbutt."


"And their friends probably can't. Besides, there might be more of those mutant bat creatures, or worse."


Shrug a bit "Well if its on the way we might as well try."


"Let's make this quick."


"'Go do it'? You mean by ourselves?"
They start laughing.
"You're a funny pony."

"Oh, you know, maybe a dozen?"
They keep laughing.

"So can the ghosts, dancing pants."

"Great, see? She's smart."
The Nature paladins look uneasy with the idea of a dozen more Discord paladins.


"Well whatever we're gonna do we gotta decide it fast! Are we going back for backup or not?"


Look at the nature paladins and try to assure them.
"More swords to fight the zombies is good, if they want to help so badly, why not let them? We can put them up front"


"We could use all the help we can get. I get the feeling we'll need it."


"All right, let's go." Let' go.


I nod enthusiastically and follow.


"Something seems off about them being so willing to help. For all we know all our souls are going to be ripped out and eaten by the Shadow."

The Discord paladins are happy with your decision, but the Nature and Pinkie paladins are uneasy.

Everyone roll.



Roll #1 5 = 5



Roll #1 1 = 1



Roll #1 10 = 10



Roll #1 6 = 6



Roll #1 5 = 5


"…maybe you're right.."
'1d10' can I sense motive on those guys or just roll?

Roll #1 8 = 8 / Roll #2 7 = 7



Roll #1 7 = 7


As you all walk down the empty streets, strewn with body parts and broken weapons, several collapsed buildings force you to cut through a few that are still standing. As you all walk you can hear murmuring and muttering, but cannot find the source Inside the living room of one you find two zombies which groan and lurch towards you all, and a translucent pony wearing loose armor over a set of robes. Her mutters turn into scraps of words when she sees you all. Laughing shrilly, she summons a ball of ice and casts it at you all.
Whoever rolls the lowest to attack will be hit.


"What the heck is that thing!"
I fire off a Smoke Shot at it!

Roll #1 10 + 3 = 13


Ice? Got the cure for that. Fireball the ghost for six hits!

Roll #1 4 + 3 = 7


Sentry Guardian, so we don't fall over.
"Is that some kind of ghost?"


Smack the ball of ice away!

Roll #1 9 = 9


Brace myself and inspire '1d10'

Roll #1 5 = 5


The Discord paladins intend to betray all of you if a certain possibility becomes reality, but you have no idea what the possibility is.


magic booooooolt

Roll #1 7 = 7


Your smoke fills the room. Somehow, some way, the smoke does not shroud the specter even further.
+1 to attack the zombies for the next 5 turns.

The ghost shrieks as your fireballs hit it, causing the apparition to fade away.

You start watching out for your friends. One of the Nature paladins, stuck in the hallway outside the room, shouts at you.
"What else could it be!?"

You take up a batting stance, but the iceball goes somewhere else. Instead, you hit a zombie and crack its skull.

Bracing yourself doesn't help at all. The ball of ice freezes you down to your soul, locking your muscles up and causing you to fall over.

You shoot the zombie Olga was hitting, causing it to explode into gibs as the ray of light hits it.

Pomelo: 0/5 Hits 4/5 Wounds


Roll and transform into a wolf and attack the robed pony.

Roll #1 5 + 1 = 6


Rush over and heal Pomelo.

Minions, run about and hit things!

Roll #1 7 = 7 / Roll #2 7, 5 = 12


Scowl at the discordians while I'm at it.


>getting knocked down while Guardian is in effect
I'll take a swing at one of the zombies that's still up with my shield. '1d10+2'

Roll #1 1 + 2 = 3



Help him up/protect him. '1d10'

Roll #1 1 = 1


Try to get up! '1d10'

Roll #1 6 = 6


The ghost is dead, so instead you attack the last standing zombie.

You get Pomelo back on his hooves and take out the last zombie with your minions.

I keep trying different ways to remind myself that Guardian is in effect when I write, but none of them work.
The last zombie is dead.

"Hurry, let's move!"


Go go go


"Yeah, yeah."
I'll take this opportunity to switch to my Ghostbusting shield.


"We should."


Shake myself off and follow




Okay. Run fast!


You do so.

All of you continue to the next street over and carefully make your way through the abandoned segment of the city. The Discordians stoop you all in front of a large, collapsed mansion overgrown with dead, dark vines.
"Alright, this is it. All we need to do is go a little ways in and pull up the curtain."


I'm sorry to do this, but one of my players needs to stop. When can you all next be here?


Go to Andelia.

Can you mindread them for me? I have a few suspicions now.


"This is your temple?"


"Yea- wait, pull up the curtain?"


Next saturday most likely since weekdays posting will be inconsistent. I can, but preferably not


Any time, really. Maybe not Monday, though.


Here pretty much every day.
"Shouldn't we leave someone out here to make sure nothing else walks in the door?"


Any time except tomorrow for me.


"I read them just before that fight. They plan to betray us later, if something happens in their favor. But I can't tell what."


Look hesitant. "Why don't you go in first?"


"I think The discordians should go in, and we'll guard the door." Give you a strong stare as if I want to tell you something.


I'll raise an eyebrow.


keep staring.


They nod.
"It sure was."


Next Saturday would work good for me.

"I'm sure the Nature boys could do it."

"We were going to."


I'll clear out Saturday for you guys then.
"Fantastic I'll wait here." '1d10' see if I can pick up on their motive any more than I already have.

Roll #1 6 = 6




They want to get more people here so that they can outnumber all of you, just in case.


I'll shrug.
"Regardless, I think I'll stick outside here with the Nature crew. I picked them to come along, so I'm pretty much responsible for them."


The party stands outside the walls of an overgrown mansion that the Discordians claim is an old temple to their god. They intend to go inside and want the party to come with them.

The road outside the temple is empty of the undead, at least for now.


I'm suspicious. I try to look inside the temple with see 'ems.


Roll #1 1 + 3 = 4


"They are going to betray us. Convince the discordians to go in alone, and then we'll shut them inside until we are finished with the nightmare."


"So? We gonna follow 'em?"


Put a hoof in front of you and shake my head.


A rubber chicken smacks you upside the head with enough force to make you do a backflip. Stars circle around for a bit before spelling out PRIVATE PROPERTY.

Everyone sees Dreamkickers horn glow, then a yellow rubber chicken materials and hit Dreamkicker upside the head which causes him to flip backwards.


"Huh? Now what makes you say that Andy? They haven't betrayed us yet!"

I try to resist giggling.

Roll #1 10 = 10


Shake it off.

"Well, it sure does seem like Discord…"

Take a look at the area around us, say, around the time the shadow came. All history-like.

"Something does seem odd here."

Roll #1 6 + 3 = 9


I tap her hoof with my nose and shake my head

Help Dreamkicker up '1d10'

Roll #1 2 = 2


"I have a very very strong feeling. We should ditch these guys before they can betray us. We can collect them again later."


"Then I suppose we should press ahead. The Discord paladins should be able to catch up with us with no trouble. After all, there's only so many ways to go, now…"


for you as well.


"But what if this is where the Shadow is hiding?"


"Now you're bein' all cryptic, Andy!"


"and what if I'm right and there is an ambush waiting for us?"


You keep a completely straight face.

Looking back in time you see nothing more that wandering zombies or ghosts who occasionally are struck with lightning. Things don't get interesting until you see the clouds clouds start to part. Changing gears to watch things happening forwards in time instead of back you see a massive flock of pegasi and gryphons pushing thunderheads in, spitting enough lightning to nearly blind you, at a patch of inky blackness in the midday sky. The darkness shrugs off the attacks for the most part, but the edges of it are starting to become ragged. While they contain it from the air, you see a building in the distance start to glow with all the colors of magic. The Shadow, you are pretty sure that's what it is, comes apart completely. Sunlight pierces through the remains as they are pulled down into the building and disappear.

All you can do is give him a hug while giggling.


"Good idea." nod to you.


"Then we just fight 'em off like we always do! What could they throw at us that we haven't faced before?"


Nod my head

"Do ya really think it would feel like it needs to get the drop on us?"


"They could outnumber us. Or wound us so that we can't fight the shadow."


Is the "building in the distance" the one the Discordians want us to go into, or is it the Temple of Luna?


What's happen


It looks like a temple. You are all right next to the one they want to go into, so it can't be this one.


We're getting ready to ditch the Discord paladins because Andy got a bad feeling about them.


"Well, I don't have any intention of walking into a trap. Let's continue on without them, then."


Well that's kinda nebubububububuloo.


"Hey! Are you delicate flowers going to come in or not?"


"If you say so DK…"


"We're fine here. You go on ahead and get your reinforcements."


"Nah, you have fun on your own." start walking away.


"Maybe next time."
Turn my nose up and walk after Andy



I stare at the others.


"Let's go. They'll catch up. Only so many places to go in a dead city, after all."


"Next time!"

I hop after Andy.


"You'd be surprised."
I follow.


"Where the honky hell are you guys going? Trying to ditch us?"


"You're big fellas. I'm sure you can catch up. You only needed a second, right?"


They look at each other and grimace.
"Fine, but you guys had better wait for us outside the temple!"
The four of them go in.


"…So are we ditching them here?"


Once they're inside…
"Right, let's book it and see if we can't wrap this up before they get back."


'1d10' earthen grasp the door shut behind them.

Roll #1 3 = 3


"…I really can't help but feel this is gonna be some sorta 'self-fulfilling prophecy' deally."
I shiver.


"Aaaand off we go."
Slowly back away


You start to pull up some earth, but stop when you see that you are raising a squirming zombie leg with it.


'1d10' try a different patch of dirt.

Roll #1 8 = 8


You seal the gates with stones pulled up from the streets.


"Let's go, before they get back… if they do."

Let's goooo


And we're off to see the shadow, the terrible shadow of Oz.


Okay! get out of here now. Whichever way we were going to go in the first place.


I nod and start hopping off to where we need to be.


All of you head off to the temple of Luna.



Roll #1 10 = 10


'1d10' eyo

Roll #1 1 = 1



Roll #1 6 = 6



Roll #1 8 = 8



Roll #1 6 = 6



Roll #1 1 = 1


'1d10' ?

Roll #1 9 = 9


You all meet three zombies on the road. They shouldn't be too hard to deal with.


Just mow them right over. Shouldn't need the shield. '1d10'

Roll #1 1 = 1


Wave at them


I incinerate one of them for five hits.

Roll #1 4 + 3 = 7


Magic Boooooolt

Roll #1 3 = 3


Smoke Shot at them! Bang!

Roll #1 7 + 2 = 9


"No time for that, Pommy!"


"Oh. Aw.. goodbye!"
Cheap shot one '1d10'

Roll #1 1 = 1


'1d10' Sigh and use wrath on them

Roll #1 1 = 1


One of the zombies happens to be a buffalo, and he charges into you as you charge into him.

You light an explosion under one of them and send its body sailing through the air.

Your magic bolt misses and they start to advance towards you.

You wind up to punch one of them, but knee Andelia in the nose. This triggers the magic she was building up and you go flying itno the air before landing hard on the ground.

Brutus: 2/8 hits
Andelia: 0/6 hits 5/6 Wounds
Pomelo: 0/5 hits 4/5 wounds


Send two minions to both smack one down.

Roll #1 4, 5 = 9


I'll not be defeated in this battle of the buffalo! Slam again! '1d10'

Roll #1 5 = 5


Every post but mine ;_;


'1d10' "Ow!" get back up.

Roll #1 4 = 4


Back up and shoot them with a regular bolt!

Roll #1 3 = 3


Get up on my hooves '1d10'

Roll #1 5 = 5


I help Pomelo up.

Roll #1 8 = 8


Your minions get roughed up a bit, but stay in one piece.

You are tough, but this guy is immune to pain. He rears his decaying head back and headbutts you, making you see stars.

You fill the street with smoke.
+1 to every zombie for the next four turns.

You can't get up just yet, but luckily the slow zombies haven't reached you.

You miss, but stay away from the zombies.

You are stuck in a groove of the road on your back, and are stuck for now. Keep trying.

You pick up Pomelo with your magic.

Brutus: 1/8 hits
Andelia: 0/6 hits 5/6 Wounds
Pomelo: 5/5 hits 4/5 wounds


Now Bolster Andelia


'1d10' I'll get up eventually.

Roll #1 8 = 8


Hop over and ram one of those zombies dead! Again! For probably the third time in its life!

Roll #1 1 + 1 = 2


Right. Well. No shame in just thonking it on the head with my shield, then. THONK. '1d10+2'

Roll #1 6 + 2 = 8


Let's try another shot then!

Roll #1 2 + 1 = 3


I shoot one of them in the face. '1d10+1'

Roll #1 7 + 1 = 8


Heal Brutus! '1d10'

Minions continue kicking whatever they can reach. '2d10'

Roll #1 2 = 2 / Roll #2 6, 10 = 16


Andelia is up and Bolstered.

The zombie you are about the ran ducks and you very nearly trip over it. While it is under you it bits up your legs.

You whack it hard with your shield and get yourself some space.

You shoot the burning one int he face and it drops.

You can't get your magic to work on Brutus, tainted as he is, without trying harder.
Both your minions pile onto the undead buffalo Brutus is fighting and beat it until it is on the ground.

1 zombie dead, 1 helpless, 1 standing

Brutus: 1/8 hits
Andelia: 6/6 hits 5/6 Wounds Bolstered
Pomelo: 5/5 hits 4/5 wounds


Right, let's clonk it a few more times, just to make sure it stays dead. '1d10+2'

Roll #1 7 + 2 = 9


Try my hoof at healing Brutus '1d10+3'
"Hold still big guy."

Roll #1 2 + 3 = 5


Kick it away! Kick it awaaaaayyyy!

Roll #1 6 + 1 = 7


I zap the last one standing for four hits.

Roll #1 2 + 4 = 6


"That's what we get for relaxing."
'1d10' throw the magical boomerang at the standing zombie.

Roll #1 10 = 10


Stay back and continue having my minions hit the standing onme


Roll #1 2, 4 = 6


I raise one with the horn.

Roll #1 1 + 1 = 2


You bash the buffalo with your shield until it stops moving.

Your magic boucnes offf Brutus.

You kick it in the face a few times until it backs off.

The zombie dances and jumps as you electrocute it.

While it is still seizing your magical boomerange hit the zombie and it explodes into globs of bone and grey meat.

Your minions stay back and guard you after Andelia kills to last you.

Hlding the horn with your hoof, you chant you spell and focus on the buffalo. Something goes wrong, though, and you lose control. Fire burns around the horn as the buffalo rises up, then the flame jumps off and lands on the buffalo. The meat comes off it, leaving behind a burning skeleton that crushes the last zombie corpse under it.

New Enemy: Buffalo Nicholas Cage Flaming Buffalo Skeleton


"Happyhorn what'd you dooooo"
I throw rocks at it!

Roll #1 9 + 1 = 10


"Oh, now you're just showing off!"
Slam with Shield. '1d10+1'

Roll #1 3 + 1 = 4


"Oh come onnnnnnn"
I, uh…Cursed Arrow!

Roll #1 9 + 1 = 10


Look surprised.
Try to put out its fire with damaging earthen grasp. '1d10'

Roll #1 6 = 6


Try not to panic and heal Brutus again '1d10+3'
"What the heck kinda magic is that!?"

Roll #1 1 + 3 = 4


"Great, a flamer."

I shoot it in the skull-face!

Roll #1 1 + 1 = 2


reroll '1d10+3'

Roll #1 5 + 3 = 8


"Good thing we have experience in dealing with those."



Sen my two minions after it again '2d10'

Roll #1 8, 7 = 15


You You throw a rock at it as hard as you can, and manage to shatter its horned skull.

Being covered with armor only makes things hatter as you charge into the flames surrounding it. Driven mad by the burning, you charge away into a wall and get stuck.

You hit the monster in the same with your arrow and see purple threads spread through it's bones. It's yours, or will be soon enough.

You reach up with a tower of dirt and smash at the buffalo.

You help pull Brutus free while chanting a healing prayer.

Both your minions charge into the flames and start punching and kicking its legs until the thing collapses into a pile of bones.

The flames die until its bones are merely smouldering, then it stands back up.
Happyhorn, you feel your link of control connect with it.


Your bowstring snaps.


"And that's that! Phew… that was a doozy for just being a few zombies!"


"Ahem. Totally meant to do that."
Then, as a small aside.
"Thanks Pomelo."


"Bleh. Everyone okay?"
Take the time to heal up Andy's wounds '1d10+3'

Roll #1 9 + 3 = 12


"Well, at least it's not a flaming bufaloony anymore…"



Replace it quickly!

Roll #1 1 = 1


Sigh in relief. "Lets get moving again before more show up."
Trot toward the temple, keeping an eye out. '1d10'

Roll #1 7 = 7


Smile at you.
"Watch out for dreamybutt, he seems to be trying to hurt himself again."


You hop around and heal everyone of their aches and hurts with hugs.

You're all out of strings.

You take the lead and wait for the others.


Rub my face and organize my sacrosanct dead in front to shield from traps.


Try to retie it magically, then.

Roll #1 2 + 1 = 3


Right, let's get moving,


Look at Dreamkicker, then his butt, then at Andy and nod

"You can use this if you want."
Hoof him my staff with the squeaky ball attached


They form up in front of you.

You can't get the string to tie right no matter what you do.

Is everyone #Ready?






Let's do dis.


Go time



All of you take off down the streets, eager to not meet any more resistance. After twists and turns down broken strets you all finally find it.

The building's exterior is crumbling, but there are no holes that go all the way through the wall. The stained-glass windows are completely opaque, leaving you with runny views of Princess Luna raising various phases of the moon. Pony-inspired gargoyls emerge from above the wooden doors at the front of the temple, around which are scattered several skeletons.


Can I sense if those skellies are going to jump out at us?


"Right, I guess we should expect anything at this point. Ghosts, Goblins, Ghouls, the whole nine yards."


"…you think those are gonna get up too guys?"
Aim the mace carefully at the piles and try to get by.. '1d10'

Roll #1 1 = 1


Glare at the skeletons
"At this point I'm expecting the rocks on the ground to come after us."

Followin' '1d10'

Roll #1 2 = 2


Stay on my guard…


Following. I'm not quite as dainty as those two, though, so I'll just walk on in.


I look up and growl at all the spooky intimidatin' lookin' things around us as we head inside, keeping watch!

Roll #1 3 = 3



Roll #1 1 = 1


They are obviously a bone golem waiting to pounce on the unwary.

You trip and land painfully in the pile of bones.

You run into her when she falls over.

You keep a careful eye out as the other bungle around.

It might be your imagination, but they seem to growl back.



Roll #1 10 = 10


I bark at them then! Like a big mean guard dog!
"I'm not scared of you nasty statues at all!"

Roll #1 5 = 5


Minions quickly go up and throw away the 2 largest bones in the pile! Just in case.

Roll #1 6, 4 = 10


Scan around with my third eye.

Roll #1 7 + 3 = 10


Under the pile of skeletons that Andelia crashed into you find a mound of holy icons. There are suns, moons, ram's horns, balloons, chariots, loaves of bread, ships, hammers, trees, and others. As a Priest of Pinkie Pie you are knowledgeable about symbology, and because of this you know there are no Discord icons in the pile.

You bark at the gargoyles. Better hope Brutus doesn't find that racist.

They lift up a buffalo skull each and throw them away. Nothing happens other than the skulls shattering.

Under the pile of skeletons that Andelia crashed into you see a mound of holy icons. There are suns, moons, ram's horns, balloons, chariots, loaves of bread, ships, hammers, trees, and others. Doing a quick count, you find that the number of icons match the number of skulls in the bone pile. You also see a plaque above the front door and a large lock on the front of the door.


What's the plaque say?


I'll just give Bessy a rather flat look, then turn to the others.
"So, now what? We go up and knock?"


>implying I care if he does

"What's the plaque say DK?"



Roll #1 4 = 4


Warning: Great evil resides in this place, and it is no longer fit for the living.
The doors are sealed, to protect us from that which lies within. Do not remain here.

You get up with only a few cuts on your body.


"Warning: Great evil resides in this place, and it is no longer fit for the living.
"The doors are sealed, to protect us from that which lies within. Do not remain here."

"This would seem to be the place. The skulls around the room are likely those of the clerics who sealed it here."


"I think we should take some of those icons…"


"Well… what are we waiting for then? We gotta bust this place open!"
I go up and tap the lock. Does it sound like it's weak?


"It doesn't look liked they helped their last owners much."


Shake it off, its only a few scraps.
"Well, that sounds like the right place at least."


I have the keys, yes?


"They're the ones who sealed it in? No Discord icons though… you'd think they'd wanna seal up something that would kill 'em."

Give her a precautionary heal and dust her off '1d10+3'

Roll #1 8 + 3 = 11


"True enough, but a little extra can't really hurt, can it?"
"Unless they sided with it, after things turned south."


"You can never have enough shinies in a crisis situation, smartybutt."


Doo doo doo

While everyone is not payign attention

Time for a seance. Commune.

Roll #1 7 + 2 = 9


Andelia does.

The lock, at least you think it is, there is no hole in the golden square, feels very sturdy.

You heal Andelia and check her for bone-born diseases. She's clean.

A skull clacks its jaws.
"What? No! No, I won't become a-wait, you are a necromancer?"


"Hey DK! Don't you have the keys to this?"


"…I knew I had a bad feeling about those guys."
"Thanks Pommy.. No sense in wasting time.."
put the keys into the lock.


"I believe Andelia does."


"Yea, I'm on it. I just tripped." look a little embarrassed.


"A most blessed one in service to All The Earth That Is, of course. welcome back, ascended soul. My comrades and I desire your wisdom in our quest to defeat this great evil."


I'm going to dig through the pile of discarded holy symbols. A Nature symbol is easy enough to find, right?


You press the dagger up against the golden plate on the door. The piece of metal splits down the middle and the doors swing open. The inside of the temple is dark, save for where your light falls. What you can see is a faded carpet and a few rotten pews.

The skull clacks a few times.
"What do you mean? We defeated."


*"What do you mean? We defeated it."


"Not permanently. It has returned and found new strength. We must crush the dark again."


I wave a hoof in front of my face.
"Bleeeeh… this place stinks. It smells like mold and old air!"


"Someone got a torch? I can't see anything."


I make a light.


I hold my nose.
"Yes, it's pretty… musky."


The skull looks confused.
"That can't be right. I saw it with my own eyes. It was dieing."

The Pinkie paladin stands next to you.
"We mustn't tarry here, sister. Lead the way with your lamp."

Several of the Nature paladins step forwards with theirs.

You pick a tree out of the pile, ignoring the chariots.

You light your sun lamp. There are patches of ground and wall covered with inky blackness. These patches get larger and larger as they head back into the temple. You cannot see the other end of the church from here.


"Bleh, it does!"
I hop up on Bessy and hide my nose in her fur


I nod.
I pull out my lamp and shine it into the darkness.


"Well, things have changed! How did you see it die?"


Nod to them and use one of their lights to peer inside. '1d10'

Roll #1 3 = 3


"call out if you spot anything useful."


Bessy smells like sweet candy. Aww, she's been using the shampoo you got her for her birthday!

Your pink light joins Dreamkicker's yellow and expands the pool of light. You cannot see the end of the church from here, but you can see that you will have to follow a winding path between pews to not step in any of the black spots.

It keeps clacking.
It came apart when we hit it with the shattering spell, and the lighting and sunlight tore it through. We locked the doors to this place tightly, so that it would stay here and starve.

You see much the same as Bessy and Dreamkicker.

Everyone roll.


Sweetest buffabro

Roll #1 9 = 9


Groan "Of course there would be darkness here."

Roll #1 10 = 10



Roll #1 10 = 10



Roll #1 3 = 3


Damn straight I ignore them.
"So, are we heading in or what? We don't have all night."

Roll #1 1 = 1


"It's not starving. It has somehow renewed its strength.."


Roll #1 2 = 2


You notice that there are no bodies, weapons, or signs of damage in here other than decay.

You notice that there are no bodies, weapons, or signs of damage in here other than decay.
Wait a second, hadn't you been told that there was a grand battle to seal the monster in the temple?

You ignore the foul icon and lift yours up to wear around a horn-wait. You stare at the chariot icon you picked up, ignoring the temple's interior. A little voice inside you tells you to put it on.

You focus on the skull and ignore the inside of the temple.
"If you are sure, necromancer. My apologies, but is there word of how we died?"


You are too busy not stepping in black spots to look around.


Well, surely…

Take a glimpse at the pasty times

Roll #1 1 + 3 = 4


"Not at all as far as I remember."

yell to the others.

"HEY! Anyone know anything about the clerics who died in this place?"


I picked the tree.

Roll #1 9 = 9


"…something is off about all this.. are we in the right place guys?"
this isn't some kind of illusion is it? look harder. '1d10'

Roll #1 5 = 5


"Well I know that their skeletons or somethin' should still be around here, but they aren't…"


Call back.
"I'm pretty sure you know as much as we do, that they died sealing up the shadow! Did you find something else out?"


You watch, enthralled, as a proto-dragon fights a tribe of Neanderponies. This is too great to stop watching.

You throw the chariot away and grab a tree instead. Your muscles untense as soon as you do.


"Nope! They say the same thing!"

"Well, you died sealing up the Shadow, and that is about all we know."


No! No time for this!

Roll #1 6 + 3 = 9


Damn straight. Put that tree on, and let's join the others.
"So, we just going to sit here like those gargoyles, or are we going to go in and get rid of this thing once and for all?"


"Brutus. I think we're in the wrong place. This is.. just a church. Not a battle field. "


"It might be a spiritual battlefield."
I'll shrug.
"Anyway, the Shadow came from the younger sister of the Sun, right? The Dark Side of the moon and all that. Who's to say it didn't take her church for its own?"


"Ask them where they fought the shadow at. Or where it is so we can beat it up already" I'll call back.


I shake DK.


"Well… it's a big mean shadow thing, isn't it? Who's to say it might not be below the church? Or- or-"
I wave the lantern around.
"It's in the shadow somewhere!"


I help shake him


"Yes, and this. What was this place like, and where was the shadow fought?"


His skull shakes back and forth.
"No, the sealing went perfectly. We bound it inside the church while the Discordians kept watch outside the church for monsters. Once it was bound to the building we left and sealed the doors, then after that I know no more."

You sail through a few hundred thousand years and stop at the sealing of the shadow. The inside of the church is peaceful as members of every race chant and cast in an outwards facing circle. The Floating patches of blackness seep into the wood and stone, pooling around the altar, and squirm futilely. Once it is done they all head outside.

You hang the tree over a horn and head inside the church, careful not to step on the black portions of the floor.
You didn't notice it until you had something to compare it with, but this entire quarter of the city stinks. In fact, the entire city does. You had thought it was rot caused by the vampires or some such, but in here? Comparing this church to a landfill would insult the landfill, and yet the powerful scent nearly causes a dark part of your brain to commandeer your legs and walk you deeper into the church.


Backpedal slightly.
"This place does more than stink… it reeks of evil."


Does anything about that seem amiss to me?


"You keep insisting the sealing went perfectly. What could have gone wrong, then? How was the place like and where did you fight it. for instance?"


"Huh? How can you tell?"


I'll tap my nose.
"Seems I'm a bit more sensitive to the stench of the Dark, since I've been touched by it. Even though it smells bloody terrible, my legs keep trying to go towards it."


Wave my hooves in front of him
"You doing that thing again?"


"Lead us to it then! You should've said something way earlier!"


"So…don't then."


Frown and pat you on the back.
"Stay strong brother. Do not let it temp you."


You could have sworn you were told they fought against the Shadow in the temple, and you recall a vision you had in the temple of the Two sisters showing a group of paladins, weary and wounded, leaving the passage leading to this section of the city.

"Nothing went wrong. We sealed the beast in here without having to fight it.


"You want me to walk snout-first into something that's actively trying to take over my senses."
I'll shake my head.
"I guess first impressions can go incredibly wrong, then. I'd thought better of you than just using another companion as a disposable dowsing rod."
I'll shrug.
"It's not so bad near the exit here, but we go deeper and I might become more of a liability than an aid."
"That's what I was hoping this stupid twig would help with."


I frown.
"Well…you managed to come this far, didn't you?"


"You really have no information, then? What was your faith in life?"

To everyone else.

"OI! This one insists that everything went perfectly with sealing. What should I ask?"


"You act like we're not going to be following behind you!"
I frown.
"And besides, you never said it was trying to take over your senses, you just said that it was trying to pull you to it! Not even close to the same!"
I humph.
"It's not like we have anything better to go on. This place is empty!"


"That doesn't always mean I can finish the journey, though…"
"How to shield a mind from the Dark."


"Celestial. Praise the Sun."


"..that seems strange.. This should be a different darkness? Maybe I should change forms and try to sense it?"
"Ask why the discordians weren't here with them to help seal it."


"I'm… not sure what happened here. There was no battle, they just sealed the shadow in. But if there was no battle, then why the skulls? And why was it so peaceful?"

"What happened after the sealing ritual?"


"Hmmm…. I have nothing to say."

"He just said the Discordians went out to watch for monster while they sealed it… wait!"

"Are you sure the discordians did their job properly?"


"Hey, we're all gonna come outta this."


"Trying to pull me toward it would imply that it was doing so against my will."
"Be careful. The smell is beyond terrible."
"I thought you were the smart one, Dreamkicker. What would a bunch of Discordians do once they were sure they were out of danger?"


"One can hope."


"I'm a Diviner, not an Occultist."


"Yea.. keep questioning about the discordians." I say.
"Here. Take the candle. just in case." set the candle down beside you.
Transform into a wolf, and try to sniff out the evil scent '1d10'

Roll #1 3 = 3


"Alright, let me put this in smaller words. What would a backstabbing rat do to the dog after it gets rid of the cat?"


My eyes cross.


"Nor am I a pest expert. I suspect the rat would go back to eating and humping."


Press forward a bit towards the back of the church.


"Bleh. Disgusting. They probably thought of it as a funny prank too."


I'll pick up the candle.
I'll shake my head.
"I'm trying to make this as obvious as possible. The Discordians probably stabbed the assembled clerics in the back after the shadow was sealed, and then buggered off."
"See, the goat gets it."


"Yes, I gathered your theory. I don't see any evidence for it."


"Why though? The Discordians aren't evil! They're just bad! I don't think they'd go and kill a bunch of ponies just like that!"


The skull chatters again.
"The only monsters I recall were on our way to the temple. We fought through the line they had made against the last part of the wall that had been finished, and the workers finished the wall behind us when we broke their line. After that it was easy going."

All you can smell is old wood, stone, bone, and your companions.

You hold your lamp high with your TK and slowly thread your way through the pews and black splotches on the floor. This temple was once grand, you can tell. The windows are tall, and the pillars are decorated with polished silver. At the back there is an altar to preach from, and behind it a massive statue of Luna. Beneath that is a smaller, life sized alicorn statue. One that is blacker than the deepest night. You can't even see traces of stone on it.


Third-eye on the black statue.

Roll #1 3 + 3 = 6


I go to inspect both of the statues.

Roll #1 3 = 3


"Huh? Did you find it DK?"


"Think about it. With all their competition gone, whose church would have the most clout for the immediate following? How much chaos would there be as the other churches scramble to pick up the pieces?"
I'll shake my head, then take my horn polishing rag out from my pack and jam it up my nose. Maybe that will dilute the smell a little. Then follow after Dreamkicker.


'1d10' sniff sniff sniff
get father away from them and try again.

Roll #1 9 = 9


I frown.
"Really? That's the best guess you can throw out there?"
I roll my eyes.
"Now you're just being rude! If a church lost a few clerics that's not the end of the world! It's really really sad and they'd be in mourning for a few days but that's not gonna make them… be… gotten rid of! That's not how it works at all!"


"And with the veritable mountain of bones out there? That's more than just 'a few clerics.'"


It's no statue. The alicorn standing before you now is made of pure, congealed darkness. The power contained within it could easily blot out the sun for an entire contentment, perhaps even crush Celestia herself into a sunny pulp if it caught her unawares. The power containing within this being nearly blanks your mind with shrill terror, but you stay sane enough to realize that you haven't been spotted yet.

What statues? Dreamkicker went off into the darkness with his sun lamp. The dark fog in here obscures everything at the back end of the temple except the glow of his lamp.

Still no evil. What does evil even smell like?


Back away.

"That's it. The shadow is that alicorn."


Where did that dumb pinhead go? It's blacker than pitch in here…


Well, then what is Brutus afraid of? Stupid curse must me messing with him. take another sniff around to be sure.. '1d10'

Roll #1 3 = 3


"What kind of monster? Any tha could have broken in?"


Can I see the shining of his lamp anywhere?


Fine, then I'll stick close to Brutus.


The evil scent is borken slightly as you inhale the horny scent of your rag. You carefully weave your way through the pews and dark spots until you see it. The thing the blackest part of your heat desires, standing there in the form of an alicorn made of solid shadows under a massive statue of Luna. It is everything you can do to not step forwards and -and-and you don't even know what.

You back off to the others at the front of the temple.

You fail to sniff a hint of evil before you revert to pony form.
Maybe it has something to do with him being a werwarg?

The skull clacks.
"Nothing that could have killed me so quickly, unless it was a lucky ghost."

It is drawing closer as Dreamkicker backs towards you and the others.

You stick close to Brutus as he advances and follow in hiss hoofsteps. Under a tall statue of Luna you can just barely see an alicorn made of pure shadow standing between her front legs. It has not noticed you or Brutus yet.



"Perhaps the priests truly know nothing."


"I believe I've found the Shadow. Some sort of shadow alicorn, further into the temple."


Go back to Brutus in defeat.
"I can't find any trace of the evil smell. Sorry."


"Uh… guys? What are you doing over there?"


Is that a ghost? Would my other shield be able to hurt it? Oh geez.
I'll point her at the Shadowcorn.


"It suuuure looks like one…"


"..oh.. that's the thing we need to kill right?"


"It's here? In the back? …Is it doing anything?"


"It sure as Tartarus feels like it. It just feels… wrong.


"Not yet, anyways."


"and its just standing here? ….weird.."


"I think it's waiting for something. Maybe. I don't know, and I don't really want to know. That thing gives me the heebie-jeebies."


Look around
"Where are the rest of us?"


You thread your way through the temple with the Nature paladins, and they stop you short as soon as you all get close enough to see the solid black alicorn standing between the legs of the Luna statue.
"Mistress Andelia, stay back. Let us hold it back while the mages and clerics ready the sealing spell."


"Grrr. Stop splitting up!"
Grab hold of Pomelo and Bessy and use Farsight to find the others.


Nod slowly. "Be careful."
"Maybe we should use the candle for somepony before it does attack, perhaps Pommy Or Ogla?"



Seance all! Commune with all of them!

Roll #1 6 + 2 = 8


"Probably. Here, I picked it up earlier."


"you're just as capable as me of lighting a candle. But who do we use it on?"


"I don't have a light, though. I say Olga."


You spot the rest of them, along with the Nature paladins, facing off against the unaware Shadow.

All the skulls and bones start to shake and clatter.
"What do you seek, necromancer?"


"Don't touch it, and don't wake it up."

"Let's review: We need to force this thing into a new vessel, yes?"


"I wish to defeat the Menace of the Shadow with my comrades. One of your number claims that our situation should have been impossible to come across. So I will ask all of you for wisdom."

Roll #1 5 + 2 = 7


"I guess…any ideas?"


"Anyone have a teakettle?"


"We could force it into that musical ball I have! It loves music, right?"


"Remind me how we do that again.. Oh, and we should probably light this candle for Olga in case things go bad in there."
"I can agree with that."


"I believe it hates music."


The Pinkie paladin nods.

All the bones shake.
"It is."
"It was on its last leg when we locked in it there."
"The Shadow must be dead by now, mustn't it?"



"So it's a doubly good idea!"


"…no, I forgot mine."


"And once we seal it, then what happens?"


"Noooo it is not! If you insist the shadow is dead, then what is causing the curse on this city and this district? There is suspicion on Discordians. What do you know?"


"…speaking of Olga, shouldn't we tell her that we found the shadow?"


"Wasn't she with us?"


"Do you even drink tea?"

Look around
"…Oh. I thought she was with you guys."


"..wasn't she outside talking to some bones?"


"What what what now? You didn't leave me behind while deep in concentration, did you?"


I shrug.
"I dunno. I might have…"


The two of you, only a mere twenty feet away from the alicorn of Shadows, hold you conversation with each other.

You are still outside the temple and cannot hear them.


Ah. Right.
Has it, uh… noticed us?


"I'll go get her."
go back outside to where I last saw Olga.


I shush everyone and wait for Andelia and Olga to return.

"So, again – what do we do after we perform the ritual?"


File: 1393136352165.png (2.01 MB, 1539x570, Temple of Luna 1.png, IO Google TinEye)

Map map


You both go outside and watch Olga talking at chattering bones.





"Hurry up, crone. We need you for the sealing ritual."


"Hey. Calm down. We found the shadow are you ready to help reseal it?"


I shoosh her vigorously.


"Oh you did? Right, right, hold on a bit."

Think a while, then…

Replace my minions with the skeletons of two priests.

"I wish for you to follow me."

Roll #1 10 = 10


The bones rattle.
"What curse?"
"Do the undead still walk?"
"Why were they not destroyed?"
"The Discordians remind outside as a rearguard."
"They must have not done well, as I died as soon as I stepped out."
"I did as well, brother."
"Wait, you two both died? I thought I died first?"
"You all died right away as well?"

Both your minions fall apart and two skeletons rise up, filled with your own spirits.


Put the rest of the priest skulls in my bag.

"You all should clear it up among yourselves, please."

Now follow Andelia and the rest back inside.


Were you talking to the living or the dead?



Watch her raising the bones and twitch a bit when she takes more bones with her.
"Uh.. great. Its not attacking or anything so this should be easy. Also, we wish to protect you with the candle, in case something should go wrong, so you can revive us."

follow her. and uh.. I guess light the candle now.


"Did you wander off?"


The clatter in your bags.
"We have concluded we all died at roughly the same moment."

You light the candle, linking your soul to its flames.


"Yes. I am taking the wisdom the the priests of old with us. I will do all I can."

"The Shadow has such an ability… so perhaps there was a way you could have overlooked a flaw in your design?"


Rattle rattle rattle.
"It is…possible?"


No. We want to link Olga to it. =/


"Uh… Olga? Are you still chatting with those clerics from outside?"


Then why didn't you have her light it?


"Yes. They all have blurred memories, but agree they all died at the exact same time. The Shadow must have an attack that can kill everything within an area. May our souls be guarded."


"Before we go further…"
Take a quick look at the western room. What's inside?


It looks like a funerary room. Most everyone is placed as it should be, but there is a pile of armor and clothing near the middle.


Check out the armor and clothing. Anything magical about them?

Roll #1 3 + 3 = 6


Some is a little magical. They are mostly…jester outfits? There are nonsensical icons on strings under them.


Take a closer look and head back to the rest of the party.


You count an equal number of icons to the number of skulls that were outside the temple.


Are they Discordian?

Roll #1 5 + 1 = 6


Tap tap tap… wait, no, tapping my hoof would be bad. What's keeping the others? I don't enjoy staring at this alicorn thing for extended periods of time.


Maybe? Pomelo or Andelia would be the ones to ask.

That Alicorn still hasn't moved.


I bounce.


"Getting impatient, large stinky one? Just one moment."

I show them both. "What do you think of these?"


"I'm gettin' nervous being near this thing…"


If the others don't get a move on, I may end up doing something completely foolish. My sun-blessed shield might hurt that thing, but then we'd be stuck fighting it… beats sitting around doing nothing, though.
"I'm just getting tired of waiting for your boyfriend to fiddle with the garments. There will be plenty of time clothes browsing after we finish this job."


Look it up and down, then give it a quick nibble
"Discordian. Where'd ya get it from?"


"Over in that room. You probably shouldn't eat it. It's very old. And probably evil."


One morre thing to ask the priests.

"What did you see before you all died?"


"Well I suppose this is an easy enough mystery to solve. The Discord-followers killed the other priests for whatever reason. They might be behind the seal weakening, as well. Let's just seal this thing and be prepared for when they inevitably try to jump us after we leave."


It tastes foolish.

Rattly rattle.
"We saw the Discordians standing guard."
"Some were waiting and asked how it went."


"Huh? But Olga said the priests said they all died at the exact same time. How could the Discordians do something like that?"



Shout it out so anyone can hear.


"Magic. A large rock. An intricately-designed trap. A particularly large sword."

"Yes, crone, we were all just talking about that."


"Maybe they were prepared to die and planned it. I don't know."


The three Discord paladins swoop into the temple through the door and circle around overhead.
"You guys are still alive? Great?"
"Someone locked our gate with dirt, can you believe it? If half of us didn't have wings it might've taken more than a couple of hours for use to get everyone back out!"
"That shadow thing isn't giving you guys any trouble, is it? When we didn't hear any screaming over the talking for a couple dozen minutes we figured it was safe."

Ten ponies, gryphons, donkeys, and a buffalo trot into the temple, all wearing jesters outfits.


I'll put my face in my hooves.
"Brilliant, bloody brilliant. Now we're outnumbered."


"Ah. So the Shadow was defeated after all, then, priests? I suppose we can understand our confusion now."


Scowl at them
"Don't you think this is going beyond pranks or jokes?"


"So there's just one piece of the puzzle that is still missing – what is causing the vampires to be drawn to the city, if the shadow hasn't really broken its seals?"


I frown.
"So… you really were behind it all! Why? Why'd you do such a thing?!"


The donkey nods.
"We were counting on it being mostly dead at least, yeah. Now, lets get that sealing done, shall we? We'll help, don't worry. The spell will need to be modified just a teensy bit though. Updates to the magical firmware and whatnot, you know."

A pegasus laughs.
"We are being serious right now, goat. Dead serious, even."

"Have you ever tried to maintain an airtight seal for a few centuries? Ask your friend Brutus what's drawing them. See if he can guess."

A gryphon giggles.
"What do you mean? We just wanted to seal that mean old shadow away."


"Wait. What changes?"


"Firmwhat? What kinda modifying are you doing?"


add a read intentions to that question '1d10'

Roll #1 6 = 6


I'll just huff a bit.
"So long as it doesn't involve blood sacrifice, that shouldn't be too hard. Now can we do this already, or are we going to dilly-dally here until we run out of time?"


Read their minds. Now.


"What are you even talking about?!"


"Oh don't worry your nonmagical little head over that. You just keep an eye on that scary shadow thing, okay?"

"You wouldn't understand. It's a bunch of technical jargon. Now, who's got the scrolls with the spell?"

"Talk to the magic users, buddy. Good job not humping that alicorn's leg, or whatever. It must smell pretty nice to you."

"What are we talking about?"


"It smells like month-old shit and Evil. And that's an insult to the shit."


"So what are these changes? Our lives are now a component, I take it?"


"And you love it don't you, doggy?"

"Nope. The Shadow's dead, so we want to weaken the seal. This thing was built on the back of a few different gods, you know. We're just here to do them a favor."
There is some snickering in the back of the group.


I'll just glare at the Discordian.
"I'd almost kill for an air freshener right now."


"Lemme guess, you want it to run on 100% Discord power."


"Well that won't be happening any time soon."

Stand in front of Pommy and get ready for a fight.


"No. Tell me what you're changing."
'1d10' can I discern if they are trying to hurt us?

Roll #1 9 = 9


"That's a no-no, then."


"Weaken the seal? Why?!"


"This is no joke. Stop what you're doing now."


"A huuuuuuuuge no-no. The noest of nos."


"What would be more chaotic?"


"Oh, right! I remember one of your number came with us to the old crypt months ago. Always seemed a suspicious Dark Spirit. Well, as you know, we cannot let you do that. Do you intend to fight us if we will not allow you to have your way?"


They laugh.

"What? No, stupid! Why would we burden our pour, unjustly imprisoned god like that? Now hurry and unpack your crap so we can get this show on the road."

"What? Don't tell me you love the idea of the Laughing One struggling under a useless burden! What would you boyfriend say if he knew you hated Laughter?"

They intend to murder the shit out of you guys after the spell is cast. They're also lying about the spell.

"Because the Shadow is dead! It's like having a lid on an empty sippy-cup."

"Fight? You make it sound like it would be a fight."


"I think he's already well aware of my position on laughter, and I suspect the Pink One will handle it just fine."


"So you have a plan in mind already. Something that would kill us all immediately, right?"


Growl slightly.
They don't step off, I'm going to see how good that blessed shield is, spell or no spell.


Stand firm, a growl behind my voice. "No."
"You will leave. Or you will die."

"They are lying to us. Do let them cast that spell no matter what."


"Great. I've been getting bored over here staring at that thing."
Loosen my Sun-blessed shield.
"I do hope they try and make trouble."


"Okay Andy!"
I ready my cannon and turn to face them again, growling.
"You're not getting past us!"


"Ah,yes. The same spell that killed all the priests long ago"

Communing with the skulls.



"That's all I need to hear."

Improvise Glorify on Dreamkicker '1d10+1'

Roll #1 10 + 1 = 11


I telekinetically throw a rock at the nearest discordian.

Roll #1 8 = 8


Ignore that +1 I don't think it's a spell


And I'll hurl my shield at one of the flying Discordians. '1d10+1'

Roll #1 10 + 1 = 11


I fire off a Smoke Shot into them!

Roll #1 8 + 3 = 11


Knockout shot! Goooo buffalo, break their formation!

Roll #1 6 + 1 = 7 / Roll #2 7 = 7


"Is he?"

"Nope. I promise on Discord's Disco that you will all survive the ritual."

The laugh when you growl.

Rattle rattle.
"We died to fast."
We don't know."

They all sigh.
"Fine, I guess we'll just have to-"

"Alright you little bitches lets do this."

You sing praises about all the times that Dreamkicker has laughed, filling him with strength.
His next 2 actions autocrit.

You hit one of the pegasi with your shield and it bounces off as she falls, hitting another before returning to you.

You fill the temple with smoke.
+1 against all target for the next 2 turns.

You hit one of the donkeys with your knockout shot and it falls to the ground. Your burning buffalo skeleton homes in on the downed pegasus and start to gore her.




I incinerate the nearest Discordian for four hits.

Roll #1 9 + 2 = 11


Ram into them like the bowling pins they are!

Roll #1 10 + 1 = 11


Another +1 from Vantage Point.


'1d10+1' wrath
"You will not be repeating history this night discordians."

Roll #1 3 + 1 = 4


Time to go for that pegasus I just knocked down. Choo choo, here comes the pain train. Shield ready, I Slam my way to her. '1d10+2'

Roll #1 1 + 2 = 3


Start singing with all my might. Inspire '1d10'

Roll #1 1 = 1

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