<In which ponies and dogs turn gears and climb chains.To catch up, the threads are archived here:https://dl.dropbox.com/u/28501521/GeneralArchive/RenneQuest/RenneArchive.htmlIt is highly recommended that you have the script that allows you to play audio files embedded in the images. If there is audio with an image, it will be tagged like [this].The script can be found here: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/133802Make sure you refresh the thread after installing!>
You are now Saffron.You find yourself in a room just barely lit by your own torch and the red glow coming from the room below. Illuminated is what looks to be a set of armor, gauntlet and pauldron. It shines with a blood-red hue in the light provided.[audio01]
I came prepared.
>>2849974examine the armor
>>2850022What is 'Ba?'
>>2850054Just an example of how a single "letter" with consonant and vowel looks.
>>2850022<Hoofy guide>
>>2850077God dammit.>>2849974Get ye gauntlet.
While we're waiting, this was requested of me on Saturday night. Posted here in higher res and a few line fix-ups.Fuck there was an errant line in there somehow, so solly.
>>2850039You carefully walk up to it, searching around the room for traps. The armor is set in a small recess in the wall, seeming to reach out from the stone pedestal it is sitting on. It has four fingers, and looks to be made of solid bronze with very small and intricate etchings. It is for a left hand. You can't get a look at the other side of it without moving it.
>>2850248Check the pedestal for traps.
>>2850241<Oh gosh, I love it. Scarves ;_;>
>>2850345Never forget ;_;
>>2850319The pedestal itself is a disc of stone that the armor is jutting up from. It has some things inscribed upon it, but they are too worn for you to recognize any of them. After thoroughly inspecting it, there are no plates, levers, chains, or traps of any kind to be tripped.
>>2850508Only legible word is "stone." Pick that thing up mang.
Sorry to intrude but.. does anyone have the link to rusty quest Dropbox?
>>2850555>>2850091It is much heavier than you anticipated it being, but you manage to lift it out of the pedestal and carry it with the torch as well.
>>2850755Look at all of the walls and stuff.Don't put it on yet
>>2850692Hah! I should've paid more attention to that show. It was pretty entertaining. >>2850755Take a closer look at that pedestal to see if you can make out any more symbols. Then do the same for the walls, ceiling, etc.
>>2850755Oh god oh god.Saffron is carrying the jasper stone, right?It should definitely go in the gauntlet before we put it on, but should we get back to our friends before or after we try this? It's good to stick together. I think it depends on whether we can descend the chain while carrying the gauntlet.
I don't know what this thread is about. I don't know if it's just a circlejerk or not. All I know is that I fucking love the picture OP uses. It's cute as fuck and I can't stand it. Enjoy your thread.
And yes, check the walls. There might be "instructions."
>>2850854>go in the gauntletwhere in the gauntlet?
>>2850755Examine room for more markings. Put on armor.
>>2850881Look at the back of the hand.
>>2850865read the archive, is a quest threadand with pics, in fact a very good quest thread
>>2850904Wait so. This picture shows the full set of armor?With wings and everything?Am I being a slowpoke?
>>2850975Not really, there were suspicions but nothing confirmed.
>>2850795>>2850880>>2850884You find a door to the north.
>>2850887>I missed that detailSon of a bitch, man. I had a feeling that bit of jasper was related but I didn't see that. I need to get my head in the game.
>>2851051"L nd stone united""ntrol"Door is marked 5
>>2851122door is marked "room full of guts"
>>2851122>>2851145Well fuck, there's no telling what's behind itDo we want to try and go down or go trhough?
>>2851145Use the gauntlet to open the hook handle
>>28511222fast4me. I'd only gotten "stone united""stone united" probably refers to the jasper and the gauntlet and "ntrol" is probably "control", ja?
>>28511452spooky.If the gauntlet is "metal" and the ball is "stone," uniting them may give us some control.Saffron is the only one who can get up here, so going down now will leave this place unexplored unless we come back.I vote we open the door.
>>2851051Examine the writing on the walls closer
>>2851291>>2851318You don't need to use the gauntlet, and the door slides open to the left, albeit rather clumsily due to holding the heavy piece of armor. Ahead of you is an empty hallway that curves to the left.>>2851329You look closer, but most all of the writings on the wall are worn and illegible.
>>2851504see what's down that hallway
>>2851504The new letter at the bottom there looks like a combination of "C" and "H" in the fashion of "ND" and "TH" with the vowel "A" for "Cha." Just an idle observation.We need protection if we're soldiering on alone. Slot the jasper into the gauntlet.
>>2851580I agree, time to gear up Saffron.
>>2851580I dunno, what if the gauntlet is cursed or something? I think we should just hold onto it until we get back to the others in case it starts doing something nasty they can remove it
>>2851690Saffron is awesome, she can handle this. Besides what's the worst that could happen, we have another insane killing machine on a rampage.
>>2851690it would be better to put it on away from them, wouldn't want to end up hurting them would you?
>>2851690I'd be inclined to agree with you. But, this place needs exploring and she's the only one that can do it.Truly, I'm torn.
>>2851739Keep in mind that Chance could probably climb up there too if he wanted.But he most likely doesn't know we're up there.
>>2851580>>2851630You pull the stone out of your inventory and slot it in the hemispherical slot on the back of the gauntlet. It is more than a perfect fit. You wait, scared and impatient, but nothing seems to happen. You give the gauntlet a shake, and still nothing. Tilting the gauntlet, the stone rolls out of the slot and into your hand.
>>2851859Okay, so do those squiggles need to line up or what?
>>2851859Go down the hallway.>>2851885Either they don't, or we have the gem for a different gauntlet.
>>2851859It needs some kind of catalyst. Maybe we'll find it later, for now let's check out the new room
>>2851859Must be the wrong stone. Put on the gauntlet and try again.
>>2851911>put on the gauntletyou sure we wanna do this?
>>2851885I'm assume their is a whole set of armor>>2850904At least 4 pieces, these two must not match up...
>>2851859...Damn.>>2851766Good point. Chance is most likely at the gear room or in parts unexplored beyond that by now. He came down from above and passed us hiding in the room outside the spire.I'd say we should stay together for safety but Saffron was absolutely petrified of him. I don't think she'd be able to help much even if he came back. The ponies will have to make do for now. Carry on down the hallway.
>>2851953Or maybe it needs all the pieces and gems corresponding to it
>>2851939>>2851962Fine. Lets head down that hallway. pussies
>>2850904>>2851953A breast plate, a set of wings (maybe that has something to do with chance's hate of flying things) and a breastplate of sorts.
>>2852001I wonder if Chance is trying to build a set of armor out of dismembered bodies?
>>2852001... one of those breastplates should of been two gauntlets, I'm sure you guys got the idea
>>2852018Gaston helmet!
>>2852018Or maybe the blood from the victims gives power to the armor
>>2850904What did this say again, 2 soul, 2 blood, 2 metal something something>>2852087maybe
>>2852114Four of MetalFour of StoneFour of BodyFour of Soul
>>28521142 of soul 2 of stone2 of metal 2 of bloodnot sure about the order
>>2852087No, I like the idea of a crazed diamond dog running around wearing meat armor
>>2852143>>28521454 not 2
>>2852143Four of Metal = armorFour of Stone = gem stonesFour of Body = victims of Chance hehFour of Soul = ?????Is this about right?
>>2852143>Four metal... well there are four parts to the armor>Four stone... we need four of those gems>Four body... how many dead bodies have we found... fourish?>Four soulSee above i guess?
>>2852192>>2852207That looks to be about the size of it.
>>2852192>>2852207maybe soul is for the number of survivors?
>>2851897>>2851899>>2851994<cutscene>You tread carefully down the hallway. It is the smallest place you've been in thus far, and that fact is forever in the back of your mind as you walk down. The air cools, and the red glow of the spire room dies down.
>>2852247I'm thinking it has something to do with something we have yet to find.
>>2852247Or maybe some victims give their body, while some give their soulIt's 3 that have reported having headaches and visions so far...
what's the tumblr password, again?
>>2852247>>2852267>>2852268Damn all three of these seem possible
>>2852262we should of gone back to the others ;_;
>>2852192>>2852207Well the four soul could be Renne, Saffron, Chronicle, and another individual that come together in magical friendship to overcome this. We still need to find Saffron's old pone friend.
>>2852262You step in something wet before shining the light on another door. You slide it to the side.
>>2852378Examine the body.
>>2852378don't look down
>>2852378i told you guysguts room
>>2852378Examine cadaver
>>2852396It's Meadow.>>2852412Shit, you were right. Looks like the door numbers might have significance after all.
>>2852378oh godit's Meadow...
>>2852425so they're floor numbers?
>>2852421>>2852396I'm wondering if its still warm... We seem to keep missing chance by a few minutes less each time we stumble onto something.
>>2852436speaking of minutes, how long do you think we have been down here in this temple.
>>2852396>>2852421>>2852427You wonder how Renne was able to stand coming across this. The stench is horrid, and the sight is even worse.
>>2852502Let's get away from the dead body of the innocent victim, yeah?We should head back to where Renne is and tell her what we found.
>>2852502Well, either he isn't interested in taking this body, or he hasn't gotten around to it yet
Might be of note that Chance didn't pick up Meadow. Might have been in a bit of a hurry, though.Get back to the others.
>>2852637sentenal posted it in the general before the current one.
>>2852652 rusty quest
Did anyone know what LK meant when he said that some of us have already seen Chance?
>>2852527>>2852562As soon as you step out of the doorway, you see both Renne and Chronicle there, having just come up from the stairwell."Saffron!"On the list of happiest things in your life, this is the happiest thing.
Apparently 4chan is going down in an hour.
>>2852801<Fuck, really?>
>>2852799Oh snap I was JUST looking at the picture of that room and wondering if that octagon had significance to assembling the armor.Fucking called it.
>>2852799dat wagShow them the gauntlet and tell them what you saw
>>2852799This seems like a good time for another hug, Also show them what you found and update your map.
>>2852819"Site will be down for a few hours starting at approximately 9:00PM ET tonight (6/27) for maintenance."
>>2852819Yup, going down for maintenance. Could move to the submarine if you like.
>>2852865>>2852868<Wednesdays don't like me, it seems... I've never been to the Submarine, to be honest, and I'm not sure if that would do well splitting the thread up into two. If we wait "a few hours" we can resume this thread. Maybe someone could message me on Steam when it's back up?>
>>2852865>>2852610 (Dead)I'd finish the quest quick
>>2852909Will do.Anyway, let's continue for now. Investigate the markings on the wall.
>>2852921<>doomsayingIf it's true though, guess I'll finally have to check out the Submarine.>
>>2852934Eh...kind of hard to keep going when you know it's all going to shut off in awhile
>>2853055We have 45 minutes easily, and will continue after a few hours when the maintenance is over.
>>2853055well he should at leasat rap up the whole telling them about everything part.
>>2852828>>2852830Saffron runs up to you, and you can see her tail wagging."Renne! I am so happy to see you, you have no idea! I was gonna climb back down right away, but then I found... this..."She holds up the piece of armor for you to look at. You squint at it and look over at Chronicle, who's staring at it wide-eyed. You tell her that you had to leave because you heard Chance making some noise a level down in the spire room. You ask what the armor does."I have no idea, I tried to put that stone into it, the one that we picked up in this room, but nothing happened."
>>2853313Ask her if she's sure if this is a good idea.
>>2853313is that... a bone sticking out of the pauldron?
>>2853360Oh... so chance is trying to put someone back together and needs some spare parts to fill in the gaps
>>2853396Could be.
>>2853360>>2853412You make mention of the arm still inside of the armor. She hadn't seen that at the time, apparently.
>>2853313>>2853313ask for the armor so you can take a closer look at it.
>>2853561God damn, she's cute.Take a closer look at it
>>2853561okay now just take a closer look instead of asking
About 10 minutes left until down time, guys. Are we wrapping it up and continuing later or moving to the submarine?
>>2853723Continuing later I think.
>>2853723<One more pic to post, and continue it later once we're back up. I'll relink it in the general. If the board really DOES get deleted, then we'll be at the submarine regardless, haha.>
>>2853577>>2853590>>2853605You use your magic to lift up the armor, although it requires much more effort than you would have thought. You carefully remove the bones from within the armor."Diamond dog."You and Saffron look over at Chronicle.He's speaking in a very flat tone. "That's a diamond dog arm. The armor... it was made for a diamond dog."He looks over at Saffron, who shies away a bit.
<And now we wait. Thank you for participating for the first half.>
>>2853921welp see you when the site comes back up.
>>2852684In case you didn't go back and get it yourself:https://dl.dropbox.com/u/28501521/GeneralArchive/RustyQuest/RustyQuest.html
>>2852684Sorry anon. I was away for the longest time.
>maintenance pushed back an hourMoooooooooooot
>>2854851well played moot...
>>2854775Woah, oh, ohFor the longest time
>>2854883ahah, yeah. Sorry about that. If I don't notice your post after a while, just shout at me in the threads.
Moving to the submarine for now, so head on over there. The thread will be up soonish.