<In which ponies and dogs cool offTo catch up, the previous sessions are located here:https://dl.dropbox.com/u/28501521/GeneralArchive/RenneQuest/RenneArchive.htmlIt is highly recommended that you have the script that allows you to play audio files embedded in the images. If there is audio with an image, it will be tagged like [this].The script can be found here: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/133802Make sure you refresh the thread after installing!>
You turn and ask the other if they can feel something. They both shake their heads."Are you okay, Renne? You look... You don't look like you're okay..."You swallow it down and nod that yes, you are. You ask Saffron and Chronicle if they're ready to move through the door. Chronicle looks at you and replies, flatly."Are you?"
You firmly nod and tell them that yes, you are ready. Whatever you are feeling hasn't hurt you before, so you steel yourself and approach the door. With focus, you can bring the feeling in your stomach. With one last deep breath, you place your hoof on the door.
But before you can push open the door, you hear Saffron from behind you."Renne, wait!"
>>5753513What could be the problem?
>>5753513Y-yes, Saffron-chan?
She reaches around at the base of her neck, untying her neckerchief.
>>5753762It's not a scarf. It's not worthy enough of our attention.
>>5753852Now now, Anon. It's like... a half a scarf. Down here, that's a kingly gift.
She kneels down in front of you and wraps her arms around you, giving you a tight hug.
>>5753889Hug back.REALLY HARD.Get Chronicle in on this too.
>>5753889Hug her back!
>>5753906>>5754109You motion to hug back but can only do so shortly before she pulls away, tying her neckerchief around you. She stands up, and you can tell her smile is forced."In... In case we don't get to go later..."
>>5754194>tfw tearing up at a quest for colorful cartoon horses ;_;
>>5754194If we don't make it, we'll meet up in heaven, on the clouds made of STEAK AND TOFU STEAK, next to the SPORTS CLOUD.
>>5754194;_;Go through the door to freedomI swear DP better not be fucking lying
>>5754338>Pones living on constructs made of steak
>>5754366You muster your wits and choke back the tears as you once again move towards the door. You push and it opens effortlessly. The darkness inside seems to be darker than you have ever experienced. There is a small periodic clicking noise echoing through the room. Before you can determine what it is, a voice booms out."Eternity shall be my fate. My ancient oath will be upheld."You can feel yourself shaking.
>>5754688Do we have any torches to send in?
>>5754785You take a wary step inside, the air in the room almost freezing cold, despite the heat of the door before. You send a torch in a bit further, but it illuminates nothing, your eyes trying to adjust to the blackness. The voice echoes and surrounds you once more."The end of all, I do await."You look at both Saffron and Chronicle, and they are just as worried as you. You all remain alert and ready."An age of hope, with evil celled."A pause, as if the voice is waiting for something."I can see that you have found all of the... chunks left behind by those foolish dogs. This is the fate that you have chosen? Pity."
<Super fucking sorry, but I got roped into being the chauffeur again. I will make it quick.>
>>5754688We are the beacon! We don't need to fear darkness!Besides, DP wouldn't let his only chance at freedom just wander in to die like this. He's got something up his sleeve, I'm sure.>>5754858Good, this'll give us some time to decide what we do.Do we say something to Baldwin? Call out?Maybe if we enter the spirit state we'll be able to see what's actually in this room, but I'm wary of leaving our friends.
>>5754858Could have wrote it off as suspense.>>5754956>Do we say something to Baldwin? Call out?I don't know how open to diplomacy Baldwin would be considering how much we've defied him in the last few chapters.
>>5754956As 'helpful' as DP has been, I'd reign in that hubris a bit.
>>5755000Well, he seems the talkative, gloating type anyhow. Maybe if we get him talking it'll... I dunno. Do something.
>>5755039That might work.Stall him until we know exactly what were facing him.
>>5755117Okay, let's tell him we've gotten through everything so far and we're not going to give up now. If he wants to stop us then we'll just have to go through him.
Clean map, clean Mind.
Annotated map, full of ideas
<Back. Sorry about that.>
While we're waiting, this seems like a good time to bring this up.I've started doing up flashes in the style of Ruby Quest since there were a few people talking about it in the general.Have a look, and let me know if you have any suggestions/requests for them over on the speculation thread (to avoid filling up the quest thread with meta)Log 1https://dl.dropbox.com/s/ya0ki7ldu1001q1/Log1Demo.swfLog 2https://dl.dropbox.com/s/7ya8cx74154nfba/Log2.swfLog 3https://dl.dropbox.com/s/79evbcdoie7qk74/Log3.swfSpeculation thread:http://mlpg.co/q/res/54251.html#199897>>5755703>While we're waitingWhoops, too slow.
>>5755749Holy fuck, this is amazing.This is how I first read Ruby Quest, and it really delivers the whole experience smoothly. If you kept doing these it would be incredible.
>>5755749>https://dl.dropbox.com/s/ya0ki7ldu1001q1/Log1Demo.swfThat's pretty rad, mate.
>>5755749This is fucking awesome, dude
You wait a moment and your eyes begin to adjust, although this room seems to have a similar effect on light as Chronicle's shroud spell did. What used to be a bright light from the torch is now muted and consumed by the darkness around you. You decide to stall Baldwin for a moment while you think. You ask him what fate, and why it is a pity."It is evident, is it not? I can see and feel it from here. Those marks, how they spread. You have made a pact that you cannot revoke. One that I cannot allow."
>>5756150We never chose this, we were being hunted by a murderous insane monster. Not to mention held captive by a prison meant to hold the sins of a whole civilization.Baldwin is delusional.
>>5756150If we can't see anything, perhaps we should try spirit mode?
>>5756150What is this pact, then? Why did you kill the dogs that lived here?
>>5756348>>5756498[audio01] You ask what the pact is, and tell him that you did not choose this pact, you had no choice."A pact writ with your blood and sealed with your soul. I prevented chaos. I brought a calm to this world. I will not let that be broken."
You open your mouth to speak again, but you hear a low thrumming noise behind you. The doorway is sealed with a barrier, glowing softly."I had given fair warning. I told you to leave, and you had your chance. No longer."
>>5757354Rev up those arms Saffronand think of scarves ;_;
>>5757354http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Jc2j2cjoz4Let Baldwin know this:Oklahoma! Oklahoma!The ladies of Buffet have come.
>>5757307>>5757354Well this is sufficiently creepy.Prepare for battle I guess or try to stall him a littler further?
>>5757614DP begged to differ...Why did we come in here alone?!
>>5757354We could either try and take him on all together or see how we match up in the spirit realm.Judging by the aura around that golem he was possessing, I'm not sure we'll do so well either way.
>>5757634if we go ghost then we leave everyone else behindi think this one will be solved with fistsRIP AND TEAR
>>5757614I guess you could say, entering his chamber was a major boner!
>>5757634Have saffron and Chronicle attack him physically while we assault his spirit?
>>5757707>Saffron gives Renne her neckerchief>Renne uses it to resist Baldwin's influence then shoves it in his eye socket and rips his head offBEST ENDING
Open up with a light spell. We are the beacon, and the thousandfold voice shows we're not the only ones trapped here, and it's strongest in this room. Let's get these prisoners rioting, so Baldwin's attention is divided.
>>5757787>Lets start a spirit riot....That's just crazy enough to work.
>>5757787If only we knew some way to increase the "light" around us...Aw heck, I just fall all to shambles when it comes to all-out combat. I can't handle this.
>>5757787That might work, but we would have to break them out first.
>>5757974>Tells us to leave>Offers no help, not even a point in the right directionBaldwin is a butt
>>5757974To be honest, he has been a little confused on the concept of 'leaving'
>>5758026>Baldwin assumed you all had a GPS or a map the whole time showing you the exit.
>>5758026He did tell us how to leave. He told us to walk back into the ocean.
>>5758063>>5758026He pointed us in A direction.That direction was the bottom of the ocean.
>>5758076>>5758089Right. So fuck that greasy skeletal asshole.
With a faint glow of his magic, he removes his hood and steps off of his throne. He moves slowly, as if he as all the time in the world."If what you say is true, you are like none of the others that have tried so hard to possess what you wear. No matter. It shall remain in this chamber."
>>5758116Hey man, he assumed mortals could survive living in the bottom of the ocean.Can't fault a lich for forgetting things about fleshy creatures.
>>5758123What's that thing behind his horn?
>>5758123Heeere comes the monologue...
>>5758123His horns lighting up.What's he doing?
>>5758123>That thing on his headPerhaps we've finally found the blue armour set? It'd explain why he's supposed to be so deadly.
>>5758144Looks like someone stabbed him in the dome.
>>5758123>The boss reveals his weak point>>5758144Check the beginning of log 4.
>>5758123Don't suppose there's a way to get this stuff off without killing us, is there? Also a way to the surface that isn't through the bottom of the ocean.
>>5758175OH! Of course!
>>5758144Looks like a big glowing 'fuck me' light. Soft plans to smash that thing are in progress.
>>5758175>>5758196Ooh, so that thing shining at the back of his mouth is the end of the blade, not just a particularly pointy tooth. Gotcha.
>>5758180When I first saw that I thought it was happening as we saw it, but now I think most if not all of that were memories Baldwin had.
>>5758175>>5758196it looks like he stabbed himselflets try and take it out
>>5758236Just imagine the stabbing headache he has had all these years...
>>5758272Oh man, he would be the DUMBEST lich ever if he kept his phylactery on him.
>>5758272His horn wasn't glowing there. He's been stabbed by whoever the mysterious voice was.>>5758285>stabbing headacheBooooo
>>5758272It won't be that easy, he wouldn't be dumb enough to just show us his weakness otherwise.
>>5758332Lets just wait to see how dumb he is when he starts to monologue, keep in mind he thinks he has all the time in the world here. Who knows how smug he is going to pull this off as.
>>5758365Good idea, but stay ready for battle.
Don't forget to look around for the all the souls >>5757787 thinks are trapped in here.
Without warning, Chronicle braces himself and attempts to use his telekinesis on the dagger in Baldwin's head. He concentrates and lowers his wings in front of himself for protection.
>>5758515Flick Baldwin's horn to stop him interfering!
>>5758572Give it a whack with our trusty trowel!
>>5758515>Chronicle is going to get his shit slappedPls no ;_;
>>5758515Oh shit what are you doing
You see a bright flash of Baldwin's horn, and Saffron yanks you away from Chronicle.
>>5758650Oh God no!
>>5758515>>5758650Great idea, guys. Five stars.
>>5758650ded ;_;7
Chronicle took that bait like a starving fish.
>>5758650It's okay the wings make him immortal or something right?Right!?
>>5758650Baldwin: Red Miles
Fastball special? He can't laser us if we're on his back.
>>5758650Is it too late to do >>5757787?
>>5758760You could have prevented this.
>>5758650So, like, he's not dead, right?He's just injured, right? Treatable wounds?;_;
Goddamnit DP.
>>5758887Heart strike.He would have been fine if his blood flowed, allowing repairs to a lung shot.But that aim was dead (pun) on.
>>5758917>Heart strikeBut that was through his neck...I have no idea how pony anatomy works
>>5758954Hmm.You may have a point.But that will incapacitate him. Because FUCK IF that had to hurt.
>>5758974>Oh no, the quest is reaching its conclusion!
>>5758917That missed his heart.>>5758974I'm afraid I have to agree.
>>5758908I was wondering when or if he was going to chime in.Come on man, we helped you.
>>5759030>>5758987>I have to samefag how I don't like this particular cutscene.
>>5759057He just fixed his typo.
>>5759016Difference between seeing the end and the GM throwing a character into a fire
>>5759057He deleted and reposted since he wrote "hissed" instead of "missed" the first time.
>>5758974>baldwin baited us>we didn't give orders on the fight>chronicle fell for it>railroadingand you guys were even saying that WE should have gone after the daggerand you were expecting a monologue toolet's give some fucking orders then, let's fight this bastard!
>>5759126No, we are too busy acting retarded because someone called called out for being assmad at a railroading!
>>5759126Agreed.Doing anything while standing in front of him seems like a bad idea, since instaKO lasers, so we need to get behind him somehow.Shall we have Renne and Saffron split up and each run in a different direction around his throne, and whichever one he doesn't target steals his dagger?
>>5759193Why do you think the dagger is important?
>>5759210Because Anon wants to get right to the point.
>>5759210Because it's out only lead on how to fight him beyond simply tipping his chair over and crushing him beneath it.
>>5759180>>5759126I want to see what this place looks like in spirit form, even if we are screwed.>>5759193It's obvious bait. He removed his hood just to show us, and Chronicle got hit trying to get it. The bridge is the only thing we have on us that gives us any power and he said it made us "different from the others."Maybe Saffron can keep our body mobile while we zonk out?
>>5759237Are me and the other anons wrong about this being the room with a bunch of souls in it?
Baldwin tried to take that dagger out.He got shot for it.That alone should say how important that knife is.
>>5759210At least from this >>5758196 we can tell that he was a stallion that got a dagger stuck in his head, and that somehow made him a magical skeleton.It's kind of our only lead.
For the record, I still have hope.
>>5759267It's as good an idea as any.
>>5759276Maybe the Dagger IS Baldwin.If we can remove him, maybe he can be our quirky sentient weapon.Like Lilarcor.
>distract him>Saffron jumps on his back>snaps off his horn and tears his head offi don't see what the problem is
>>5759267I thought he was saying we were different from the others because we were still claiming we just wanted to leave.Other points are fair enough, though.>>5759210The dream we had of him had them ask him"Are you ready to commit to that which is asked of you? Eternal service."Then when he agreed it stabbed him. The dagger has to be involved in the immortality process. Plus similarities to the whole lich phylactery thing.
Wait... Wait wait wait... I've played adventure games before... Let's see if this works.>Kill Skeleton
>>5759352>Baldwin is now a demilich flying around the room shooting deathlasers at us
>>5759368i don't think you understand you're not supposed to rattle his bones
>>5759356Well, he implied that no one so far had ever actually gotten hold of the armor.
>>5759385Why wouldn't he want a cute little mare rattling his bones? Is he gay?
>>5759274I'm still game for that idea, but the problem is we've seen Baldwin zap Chronicle for trying magic. Unless he's got a cooldown on that laser (and given the threat level he's been made out to be, I don't want to risk it), I don't want to be standing still for any length of time.Hence why I suggested circling around up here>>5759193Regardless of how we're attacking, I think splitting up and keeping moving is a good idea.
>>5759333...Why haven't we ever tried to shoot lasers before?It might even work at this point.
>>5759352DP implied he's as strong physically as he is mentally and magically.
>>5759425...The quality is utter shit, but you get it!
>>5759425Then we shall assault him with stupid!
>>5759458What do you think we've been trying for the last twenty minutes?
>>5759425>on every leveli thought that was spirit levels
He turns to focus on the two of you, not saying a word. His horn glows red, and you can feel the temple itself quake and shift. You can feel a connection appear, then another, and they seem to grow exponentially. His eyes, or what passes for them, dart around and his aura increases before the rumbling stops. You can feel the connections weaken.
Do we need a vote?
>>5759548Is he trying to keep them down?We should connect with them before we can no longer feel them.
>>5759548Is he drawing power from the souls he has trapped here or something?We need info quick, or Saffron's going to die. We need to get into spirit form.
Shit, is he... Was he stopping that?
>>5759548So that's what he's been preoccupied with. Keeping all the spirits in this place quelled....What'll happen if they're all loosed at one, I wonder?
>>5759592>>5759595HE'S THE WARDEN YOU FUCKNUTS
>>5759606Maybe they'll turn on him.And then us.
Well... We're not getting out of this.I'm thinking prison riot.
>>5759643It's a risk we'll have to take.
>>5759548Tell Saffron to put us under her arm while we fight Baldwin. After that focus on the connection and try to connect with it.
>>5759548Grab onto them before they go away completely.
didn't Saffron say that she heard the golem speaking when we were in spirit mode?maybe we can be in the physical and spirit realm at once if we try hard enough
Can someone please explain to me in simple terms exactly what "Renne Quest" threads are and what makes them NOT shitty cancerous threads that are unrelated to MLP?
>>5759321>The strength I have given youThat could either be outright physical/magical strength or the unique abilities of Renne's armour.
>>5759719Or the regenerative abilities.
>>5759772>Regenerative abilities>Armour keeps the trio alive... foreverRenne Quest 2: Lich Quest
>bitch about railroading>provided with an opportunity>no suggestionsguys...let's grab onto a spirit or something
Get Chance.
>>5759835I believe that's been locked in. We're just waiting to see how fucked we are.
>>5759548Reach for them, it's all we got
>>5759835We did.
>>5759548Ok, so-Baldwin turns to us-Horn glows red (About to attack?)-A bajillion spirits pop up (His doing, or incidental?)-Baldwin's looks around franticly-Ups his aura-Connections weaken (Still there for us to connect to?I vote we have Saffron carry us und er her arm and keep moving so we don't get lasered, then we connect and see if we can pull some spirit shenanigans
>>5759715Well since no one has actually answered my question, I am going to report OP because 1. this is not related to MLP and 2. this thread seems to contain roleplay, which is against the rules.
>>5759715>>5759909Sorry about that - we didn't see your post.
>>5759715It's a quest thread, like /tg/ has. Random anons suggest an action, the guy running the quest picks one and says / draws what happens as a result.It's /mlp/ related because the characters are ponies.
>>5759938>>5759940Just ignore it.
>>5759909Have a fishy stick, bro.
>>5759940>>5759938Baited harder than Chronicle
>>5759907>>5759864>>5759835>>5759659>>5759592This is the only plan we've got so far!>>5759859What makes you think Chance would help us?
>>5760088Well, if he thought of himself as the conduit and he went around trying to collect the armor, then I'd say he considers Baldwin his enemy.
>>5760137Didn't he say he wasn't through with us yet?While cutting his own... ghost-throat?
>>5760137I'm still trying to remember everything Chance said.He was trying to collect the armor for some purpose at the behest of multiple "voices," most likely the prisoners of this place trying to use him to free themselves.He was convinced he was the conduit, but it seems much more likely Renne fits that role.DP claims he was NOT influencing Chance, which could be true considering Chance didn't seem to make it to the armor, though he knew of it. Chance was either broken by millions of voices clamoring for his obedience or he was abandoned by DP after we showed up and DP decided to cast his lot in with us. The lies would make sense to get us to dispatch the mess he made of Chance.
>>5760304This post from Log 12 seems to cement the issue, now that we're more clear on the power struggle between Baldwin and DP. I don't really see who else "the guide" could have been.Bottom line, Chance was probably against Baldwin at one point, but currently he'd probably be more focused on hating us.
>>5760088>>5759692You focus all of your energy into grasping onto one of the many connections. You alert Saffron that you have an idea, and you're going to try something crazy. You ask for her to protect you, but to be safe herself. You feel a headache developing beneath your horn, stronger than it ever has been. You give it your all, and latch on to a spirit. It drags you down, and more pop up, by the dozens. They are fading, but they are absolutely everywhere, scrabbling out of the floor and walls.
Aww shit. We got an army.
>>5760591Oh shit here we go.Time for riots.
Light spell, now, while we're in the red.Give them a beacon.
>>5760591Maintain focus and try to encourage them.
>>5760663Ooh, this.
>>5760591While Baldwin I'm not too surprised about, it's odd that Saffron's followed us down this time.Also>Octagon
>>5760591...Where's Chronicle?>InvisibilityOh, right. Wonder if he's really as far out of the fight as we think he is.
>>5760660Nothing says fun like a good old fashioned prison riot!
>>5760700... Maybe because she was touching us at the time. I don't think we've ever had someone's hands on our withers while we were traversing the planes before..
>>5760591Maybe we can help them through somehow. Give them something to hold onto, like they are for us. Try a light spell or something.
>>5760727Let's hope he doesn't have a magical KS-23.
>>5760663>>5760674Baldwin stops, as does your breath, and you could swear your heart does as well. Saffron gives you a sidelong glance before stepping in front of you."Renne... are you still here? I don't know what you're doing, but it's doing something..."The spirits stop, their wispy forms wavering all around you. They seem to be waiting. You attempt a light spell.
As your light grows, so does the form of the spirits. The temple rumbles. You can hear Baldwin clicking his jaw, and he takes a step forward. You hear his magic aura spark up, and the rumbling dies down, but only slightly.
>Tumblr Update>Yes.That's it..we seem to be doing things right?
>>5761218Lets get dangerous.
>>5761281Cue 'obvious villain gloating 'yes, YES YESSSS AHHAHAHAHAHAAAA' in ten minutes
>>5761303>Not "HAUEUEUEUEUE" as everything falls down around us.>LK not fucking us over for shits and giggles.
>>5761218so are we a spirit commander now?neat
>>5761218Focus all our energy into the light!This has got to be the finisher!Well, maybe save a LITTLE energy for, like, staying alive and stuff.
>>5761439>staying alive
>>5761290>>5761379>>5761396>>5761439You give it your all into shining as bright as you can be, to be the brightest beacon ever. The spirits stir, and turn their attention to their captor. They advance, slowly at first, but soon begin to swarm him. Baldwin backs up, inching closer towards his throne as he tries to fend off the enraged spirits. The temple rumbles louder beneath your hooves.
>>5761753Keep on focusing.
>>5761218>>5761753>Blackness is spreadingFuck it. We're ending this.>>5761800
>>5761753Time for the dogs to get their bones.
Baldwin is forced back even further. His barrier is disintegrating the spirits as they reach for him, but the longer that he keeps it up, the louder the rumbling on the temple gets and more spirits seep from the walls and advance.
>>5762073Keep it up.
Saffron should go smash him/that dagger while he's forced to hold off the spirit swarm.
>>5762073If we are going down, those spirits better tear that blade out of him.Make sure we all aren't getting up from this.
>>5762167>>5762165What about Chronicle?
>>5762198What ABOUT Chronicle?
>>5762198He had a good life.
>>5762198He's cloaked himself and we don't know what he's up to now.If he can pull it off, all the better.>>5762185Oh dear. It's not talking to us at the moment, is it?Is Chance back in the picture?
Is the tumblr talking to us, or the spirits?
>>5762357Ask DP if you wanna know
>>5762275Maybe? I'm honestly having trouble making heads or tails of those last four posts.>As it turns out, you are the only one who knows how to listen properly.>So eager.That sorta makes sense if he's talking to Chance, but the next one >Again you are so quick to assume.seemed like it was in response to the suspicious that he was turning on us.And that "Keep moving, ignore them" I'm not sure about at all. The only "Them" I can thing of is either to ignore the spirits, ignore Saffron/Renne/Chronicle, or if he's talking to Chance, ignore everyone in the room and just go and get the blue armour set from the back of the room that Baldwin had sealed in here with him after the last person to collect it fought him.
"No! NO!"Baldwin's voice is cut short as you see his barrier fail, and the spirits swarm him, ripping him to pieces and tearing the dagger from his head.
>>5762455Forgot to explicitly state that that last bit was me pulling things out of my arse, so don't be thinking you missed anything that lead into that idea.>>5762496So he was talking to Chronicle. Damnit man, we don't want to fight you.
Yay, we did it...?
>>5762496Get behind his throne.
>>5762496>>5762529So he was talking to Chronicle, who can apparently hear him clearly, telling him to ignore the fight and head for the octagon, then do something>>5762538Damnit damnit damnit. I liked Chronicle, I hope we don't lose him here.
<cutscene>[audio02] Baldwin's outburst causes you to lose your grip on the spirits, and you are jolted back into the cold throne chamber. Chronicle is standing on the center of the octagon. You can hear a faint wheeze through the hole in his throat as he laughs. You call his name, but he doesn't respond.
>>5762637DP better not have done what I think he did.
>>5762670He did
>>5762637Aw, fuuuck.
>>5762688OH BOY!
>>5762637Ha ha, time to release an ancient evil.
>Mmmmm…>Two of eight?>It will suffice.what?
Eternity shall be my fate. My ancient oath will be upheld.The end of all, I do await.An age of hope, with evil celled.NOT ANYMORE, FUCKERS
>>57627042 of 8One of the four of metal, one of the four of stone.
>>5762699Honestly, it was a pretty shitty seal if it can be unlocked with only 1/4 of the keys.
<cutscene>The rumbling of the temple grows exponentially, and it feels as if the stones are moving under your feet. Chronicle's laughing grows more frantic, the black ichor spurting from his neck.
>>5762743We unlocked the seal on his spirit when we broke the spire.He just gained a body.Who knows if the "heart" was included in that deal.>>5762771What the fuck
Fuck I thought I saw something in the sub about it not being run this week... Fuck what have i missed?!
>>5762783It wasn't going to be run if LK was still banned. It cleared yesterday.Quite a lot.Chronicle...
>>5762783WE FUCKED UP
>>5762771I knew that fucker was looking too smug when he got those wingsI TOLD YOU BRO
Oh you bastard.
>>5762817THIS WAS FORSEEABLE FROM MILES AWAYBut then again Baldwin was also a dick, so it's not like we had a choice.
>>5762848You could say, we lost him to the smaller of dicks...Renne could argue that, but hey...
>>5762844>>5762813DP wasn't in his body then, though.
>>5762848So it was simply a matter of who would get possessedI can dig it
>>5762637>>5762699>>5762771>>5762817>>5762844Is clinging to a hope that we can force DP out of Chronicle an irrational response to this?
>>5762817 I only went on about how DP shouldn't be trusted every single thread, the he is using us and will dick us in the end.>>5762848He wasn't though, We were fucking up is temple....If someone kicked down the door to your fucking house punched your friends, started throwing and stealing shit you wouldn't politely ask them to leave.Baldwin could be trusted at least somewhat, he was lawful.
>>5762894That sounds like a happy ending.I seriously don't think this is going to end happy.At all.
>>5762921>>5762869>>5762848Really, I don't think either of them cared if we lived or not. Nobody was truly on our side here.
>>5762873I don't know about that; when Renne put on the bridge he was there, and the first time Saffron put on a gauntlet she had a weird bunch of flashes in DDspeech.>WHAT ARE>STOP>LIAR
>>5762894Yes.>>5762771Drop him.
>>5762894Probably. Do it anyways. Call out to Chronicle and ask if he is still in there.>>5762921We didn't have a choice.
>>5762962There was always a choice.>>5762950Oh, but DP did want us to live. live just long enough to compete his plan.Baldwin just wanted us gone... and who knows maybe would of helped us leave if we had been more open with him.
>>5762958Yeah, that's true.>>5762921It's been said, but there really was no "right choice" here.I mean, unless we went back and somehow handled things completely differently with Baldwin, with the knowledge we only have now.
>>5763010Did we ever try opening those special doors without the gauntlets?
As you take a step closer, calling out his name, the octagon glows with a blinding red light. A spire shoots up through the center and impales Chronicle. The black ichor seeps down the spire and onto the floor. Through it all, you can still see Chronicle laughing, though no sound is passing from his lips. Behind everything, behind the rumbling of the temple, you hear a low, deep echoing laughter resonate through the temple in time with Chronicle's silent heaving.
>>5763010We had a chance to talk to him that one night, kinda just ran off... Fuck He even gave us a second chance after that and we ignored him.
>>5763031holy fucking nope
>>5763031I guess this is it.>>5763048He kept assaulting our mind back on the boat. We had no reason to trust him.
>>5762962>We didn't have a choice
>>5763031Ffffffffuck!Fuck fuck fuck fuck!Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck---!
guysit... it could have been Saffronlet's just be glad it wasn't Saffron ;_;
>>5763095>Oh yes, it was just Chronicle!>Its all fine, everyone, we just let him have a bit of hope that his life was going to be a little better!
>>5763070I can't think clearly right now, but there were reasons to trust him over DP... I'll get back to you in a bit. But yeah the one night we talked to him we didn't even have anyone playing devils advocate. ...Alright, Its time for Renne To become the new litch and seal up this evil. maybe we can hang out with saffron till the end of time, or some band of idiots comes down and fucks everything up.
>>5763031Should we get saffron the cut the spire with her sword?Or would it be a bad idea to go near the octagon at all?
>>5763171Chance, Gusty, Gaston, Meadow, and the other pony... Star something.
>>5763162GuysWe have to find a way to stop him.Right now, our advantage is he only has two of the pieces - he shouldn't be as strong as he would be if he'd taken Saffron, or heaven forbid, if he'd had ALL of the pieces together.
>>5763171Those three or four othe-oh
>>5763171Seven. Himself, an old griffon lady who broke out on the swim down and was crushed by the pressure, Gaston the Griffon, Meadowside the Deer, Gusty the Pegasus, Shimmering Star the Unicorn, and Chance the Diamon Dog.
>>5763171>>5763210Wait, what are you guys thinking?
>>5763238I'm think that including Renne only eight made it down here, but >>5763249 just crushed that idea.
So what the hell are we going to do?
>>5763249That makes... eightShit
>>5763273I don't know, but we'd better do it fast!
>>5763273Do we have Baldwins dagger?Bet we'll need it.
>>5763294Good idea.We should also check behind his throne.
So. Da bad guy. what now.
>>5763294It should either be on the floor somewhere, or in the grasp of a spirit floating about the place, depending on whether or not us jolting back to the real world dissipated the spirits.
>>5763294>>5763302There must always be a Baldwin.
>>5763326>Ominous thunder
>>5763326Yeah that's what I was thinking... We're going to die. but... maybe saffron could still leave?
>>5763326I don't wanna think about that.I'd rather it all just end.
How about we just set everything on fire and run away?
Chronicle's head snaps up, and his eye locks on to your own. His mouth moves, but the sound is coming from the temple itself, a mixture of his voice and a deep rumbling behind it."Hello, Renne. I am glad that we can finally meet... face to face, so to speak. Hee... I have to thank you! For all that you've done, for him. For... us."
>>5763379They cannot leave with the artifacts.Saffron has to write about their adventure, and warning to the next set of adventurers who enter.And her asking, begging them to send these notes, the story of her friends adventure to the rest of the world.
If we kill Chronicle... will that mean DP doesn't have a body anymore?
>>5763435He will just choose another corrupted body.
>>5763435Worth a shot.Hell if I'd want to go down without a fight.
>>5763431>saffron will become a golem> killed 3 of baldwin's saffrons
>>5763427"What did you do to Chronicle!?"
You know what you must do, RenneYou have to keep him from coming backTHERE MUST ALWAYS BE A WARDEN
>>5763477Oh that is not a good feel
>>5763427"You know what this calls for, Mr. Disembodied Voice?"
>>5763481Not now Pinkie we're questing
>>5763427We should probably get that dagger, soon.
>>5763488He'll never see it coming.
>>5763509Stall DP while Saffron gets the dagger.
>>5763513Because that worked so well last time, right?
Also I just realized if DP can "read" everything we're saying here, we're not going to be able to pull any surprises on him.
We never stood a chanceDP can see everything we say in these threads, He has always known what we are thinking and he still does no doubt. anything we plan, anything we do he will see it coming.Its over.
>>5763546I don't know about that. That would be almost too meta.
>>5763547So stop thinking.
>>5763546>>5763547...This is going to sound crazy...But do any of you guys have skype?
>>5763546>>5763547he didn't always follow us!remember when we were in Baldwin-Space for a week?!he didn't see us there!
>>5763546I'VE GOT AN IDEA. We need to guard our mind right? This thread is technically Renne's mind so what if we moved somewhere DP can't reach to come up with a plan of attack? Like a chat room or something.
>>5763565I think I can handle that.>>DPtumblrUp yours, buddy.
>>5763598There is one place where we can talk.
>>5763598If this thread is "Renne" then let's go to the sub!
"So as I was saying before thinking got in the way...""Do you know what this calls for, Mr. Disembodied Voice?"
>>5763647Stop.We need to think. Somewhere we can't be overheard.
>>5763625>>5763617>>5763598>>5763568>>5763565>Getting this metaThe things this quest does to us.
>>5763660Parties are pretty loud.
>>5763660You stop. I'm solving the problem.
>implying he wouldn't just follow us anywhere we wentAnywhere you suggest in the thread he's going to see anyways.
>>5763686Not by getting us killed you're not.
>>5763697It'll be fine. Trust me.
>>5763693>DP knows about skype>DP knows about the real world>DP knows about us hes coming for you this very moment.
>>5763663>The tumblr that is currently the character that is the cause of all our grief is from an easteregg from a sound clip run through a sound program turning out to be a QR codeI think we passed that mark long ago
>>5763585Right, but how do we do all that?Also things we can all agree on1.Don't die2.DP is a cunt3.Get that dagger
LK, where are you?We need to do something before we think ourselves into a hole.
>>5763713>implying that wasn't all entirely fucking brilliantThis 'lets get on skype so DP can't hear us' shit on the other hand? Nah, son.
>>5763802I wasn't implying a lack of brilliance, just saying that the meta was all over the place long ago.
>>5763835we are the quest LK is playing
So I guess we're just gonna go mad instead of doing something then?
>>5763847Really?Huh.Ok... LK loses, we win, Renne Quest is now about shopping for scarves and everything being ok and not crazy and dangerous and scary.Did it work?Please don't die...
You tell Saffron to go get the dagger, while you keep Chronicle busy. She walks off towards Baldwin's shredded remains, but keeps an eye on him and you. Chronicle's head snaps about, as if he is trying to listen to something. There is a deep rumble from within the temple, and his eyes narrow."So. You indeed are smarter than I have taken you for. So be it."The octagon that he is standing on jolts, and with an earth-quaking rumble, the octagonal engraving in the floor heaves, and a platform lifts at an alarming speed, carrying Chronicle upwards into an octagonal hole in the ceiling.
>>5763892We are working on that.
>>5763913"So that's a no to the party then? I really think you just need a friend."
>>5763913Go over the Saffron.
>>5763936He doesn't need a friend, he needs a swift kick in the butt.
>>5763913Maybe... chronicle is still helping us?Baldwin maybe?
<Oh, shit. I forgot to say in the last post that it will be a cutscene from here on out until the end of this session. So you don't think yourselves to death.>
>>5763985> death>DEATHBUT WHAT DOES IT MEAN?
>>5763985great... now I'm all worried.
>>5763985Just as long as you don't screw us harder than we have already screwed ourselves.
>>5763985Already ded, mang.Gon' go b Renne's ghost buddy now.
>>5764007Don't go with a party, he said. It'll get us killed he said.
>>5764014If Renne dies here she will know no rest.
>>5763985Cool... that means i can head to bed now.Thanks for the session LK.
<cutscene>>>5763959You go over to Saffron, both of you entirely speechless. You huddle close to each other, unsure of anything anymore. It starts slow, but the sound of the rumble increases. You can feel the temple itself jolt and shake beneath your hooves. You hold on to Saffron, and she does the same.
>>5764014>>5764038Renne isn't going to dieThere must always be a warden
>>5764167<bad end>
>>5764167And then DP controlled the temple and took over the surface world.The mind is a control room
>>5764181>>5764192its not over, he was defeated and imprisoned before.
>>5764314what the fuck
>>5764369Keep it in the sub.
>>5764385i'm not doing important thinking thoughsorry
>>5764401It doesn't mater.
Need to block our minds with a song or something?I've got just the thing. Double Pen will never see it coming.http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=m7GN70wn9GM#t=15s
>>5764483That's hypnotizing.
>>5765129>TFW a giant riseshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9xzhyp431c
>>5765325...So now can we have a party?
>>5765367A sun party!I can say without a doubt that it's nice to be able to see the sky once again.I hope corpsestack enjoys it too
You hear water rushing around you for several minutes, and then it stops. The rumbling comes to a halt as well. With a mighty jerk, the entire temple tilts, sending both you and Saffron sliding across the floor. Booming within the temple, the cacophonous sound shakes the both of you to the core. It is a familiar sound, one you have not heard in quite some time. One you wished you would never have to hear again.[audio03]
Holy crap.
>>5765529Indeed. Thanks for the session, LK. Damn.Are we continuing tommorrow as well?
>>5765529Truer words never spoken.
>>5765541Yes. Same time and everything like that.
>>5765571Righto, see you then.Holy shit.Chronicle...
>>5765529Were you intending to let DP read our minds or was that just a kinda neat thing that happened; us going to the sub, I mean.
>>5765671Man just go with it.
>>5765692k.Had fun but now I think bed needs me
Also, everyone? I'll be making a new thread tomorrow, we're almost at 400 posts as-is. Let's just let this one die. After it's capped, of course.
>>5765862Plus another 60-odd offthread. We were chatty tonight.Oh my god, this session.
>>5765972>sage in name fieldOh fuck me.
>>5765972Yeah. Not sure how that is going to get capped. Sorry, archiveanon...
>>5766244I've got the thread downloaded offline if it's any help.I've been meaning to ask; to objections to throwing up everything in a mediafire archive once we're done?
>>5766244Didn't he say he'd managed to get his script working for mlpg.co when we shifted to there after your ban?>>5766260He's said his script doesn't really work with downloaded versions, sadly.
>>5766269Here's the line>I'm close to be able to archive this thread, or threads from this chan in general.>I'm not in the mood to mess around with the CSS to get the fade seen on top of every page, and there will be absolutely no javascript in the html....>I'm done.Honestly not entirely sure what the javascript line is about, but it seems he's got a system for archiving the sub threads that he's satisfied with.