/mlp/ - Pony

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<In which ponies and dogs meet goats

To catch up, the previous sessions are located here:

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You go further down the steps, pushing onwards. The clang of the golem's sword is steady, and his voice comes booming up the stairwell once again.

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The voice booms out of the golem and shakes the room. It cracks its jaw open again, head twitching to the side as it stares at you. The voice that comes out is familiar, but amplified.

"None bound by blood will be released."
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Oh boy, Renne Quest!
<Hnnggg. Oh my gosh, this is adorable.>
Oh man
my heart
I wasn't here for last time and I just kind of skimmed the log so I don't really have a plan of action in mind.

I assume we're in deep shit here. Is Baldwin talking to us again through the golem or is it the spirit inhabiting it?
DP said this when we asked about the golems
>They are animated
>through great warriors
>long since passed
>and arcane puppetry
so i think that Baldwin is the puppeteer
also spirit-land is red this time and we don't know why

Well, maybe in this "realm" it will be a bit more responsive to us? I don't think we're the ones it's supposed to be "guarding."

Can we ask its name?

I sure hope we can get out of here if we need to.
>The voice that comes out is familiar, but amplified.
My guess is that Baldwin can ASSUME DIRECT CONTROL of the golems

That's what I was thinking. The thing floating above its head looks a bit like him, too.
Actually it looks exactly like him. So yeah, it seems safe to assume that is what's happening.

Which means we're in trouble.
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You stay in your position, hugged against the wall at the bottom of the stairwell with your head barely poking around the corner. You gather yourself and ask it its name.


The voice comes out flatly and echoes for a long while.

"Have you forgotten? Although, I understand that these chunks of rock are a... poor medium."

Beyond the golem, seemingly far off in the distance, you can hear the clicking of Baldwin's jaw.

"Poor communication, and poor vision. Step closer."
The golems are scary
I'd rather just stay here
We can hear fine
if he can't see us then he can't see the armor
>"However, if you meddle with the secrets found here, pray to whichever princesses you wish. I shall show no quarter."

Don't move, let's take advantage of the golem's apparently poor vision.

Our "glow" looks a lot dimmer here than it did in previous encounters. And look at Baldwin's aura in contrast. Yikes.

I agree with not moving. I wonder what's going on in the "real world." Did Saffron just see us walk down the stairs or are we in some sort of astral projection? Is this golem the one that snuffed out Torchy or an apparition of one that's been toppled already?

I'm leaning toward the former. Also, is there anything we should ask this guy while we've got him here?
it seems to be an astral projection
when we were across the room with the fucking spirit goat we came back to our starting point when we let go of it
i don't know what to ask... our intention was to see if we could spirit-disable the golem but we had no idea he would BE Baldwin

Good point. Then again, he does still refer to it as a "chunk of rock," which is kind of confusing if it's in spirit form. You'd think it would appear as the type of soul used to create it.

Maybe we can tell him we are just trying to find the way out.
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You stay where you are planted, telling him that quite frankly, the golems are scary.

"Granted. Though since you are closer to me now, I have a better grasp of them. Were you some steps above, your safety at this moment would not be guaranteed."

You tell him that you are just trying to find the way out.

"Then why are you on the bottom floor. Going down does not help one to go up."

There is a pause, and that clicking noise again.

"Do not think that I did not feel you earlier when one of my servants went dark. His vision was obstructed, but my senses still work perfectly."

What does our being close have to with his control over the golems ?
Skip that question
There's no way out at the top, we looked
And we aren't going to just sit and starve to death, so obviously the only way left is down

I don't remember, how much does he know about Chance? It may or may not be a good idea to try to blame it on him. He did kill at least a couple of them.

We're getting closer to him, which means the golems are too

Well, he seems to be pretty straight with us. Though he should know there's no way out at the top as of yet. Maybe we should tell him we can't get out that way. He did say he wouldn't help us, though.


There seems to be "levels" of... whatever we're doing right now. The first level is where we see apparitions of the dead, and this seems to be... I can't really say for sure. Something closer to Baldwin's realm, that's for certain.
remember when Baldwin first talked to us?
he said something about the golems being automatic
it looks like he can control them better in spiritville

but realistically he's going to know that we're wearing the armor and he's gonna fuck us up at one point or another
this is the last golem so we might as well go for it already and try to sever his connection
an anon mentioned at the end of the last thread that maybe Baldwin's symbols were the thing that is binding the golem to him and that if we replaced them with our cutie mark we might even be able to control it
Where the fuck is everyone?

Still here.

Some people might come in a little later. Quest started a bit earlier today.
So what are we doing?

My vote is to tell him the way up is blocked by a door we can't pass.


Might as well tell the truth
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You shrink behind the corner a bit more, remembering his words from before and his reassurance of safety not being all that convincing. You tell him that you would go up, but the path is blocked by a door with a skull on it. The golem lurches forward at the mention of the door.

"You will not go there. Go up. Swim. You were able to come down here, so go back up."
My theory about this whole spirit realm thing is that it's not actually some kind of "realm" we're entering. I think that whenever we enter this state, we're actually in a direct connection with someone's soul. It explains why we can't do it if there's no spirit around, or why this particular connection is all red and stuff.
We're only on the bottom of this stupid ocean because the stone spiked made out boat take us here

Mentioning the door got a reaction. There might be something behind it he doesn't want us to see.
Yeah, I don't think we can reason with this guy.
We've got no choice, we have to get through the skull door. And it really sounds like there's something there he doesn't want us seeing.

>Skull Door

I'm gonna go out on a limb and make a guess that HE'S behind the door.
i said before he will know what we're doing sooner or later
let's try our best and blast him now and drop the connection if that doesn't work

We won't be able to make it out by swimming, we barely made into the temple as it is.
Fairly certain that Baldwin doesn't give a fuck what happens to anyone as long as they don't mess with his temple
so what are we doing guys?

That would piss him off for certain, and we aren't sure that we CAN drop this particular connection at will... And I don't think we could take him on alone in this realm, look at his aura compared to ours.

I'm alright with fighting the golem, but hesitant about blasting Baldwin in the face.
Spam thoughts about the door and see what happens to the golem.

On a more serious note; where's saffron? Doing the whole sneaky thing again?
she sort of disappears when we do spirit stuff
since our body stays put then so does hers so she should be at the top of the stairs
>Spam thoughts about the door and see what happens to the golem.
You mean mention it more? I don't think that will do any good because Baldwin is the one controlling the golem
If we rile the golem we're riling Baldwin and I kind of don't want to see that happen right now
It was a joke. Please Renne, don't do that.

Could be.

We should make a decision about what to do, though.

I'm for backing off and dropping the connection but I don't want to railroad this thing.
i think breaking the connection might be for the best then
is there anything else we want to ask him?
we only ever talked to him on his means and were forced to do so, but this time we are the ones that approached him
i don't know if we'll get this chance again

What is there TO ask?

No seriously, I can't think of anything right now, but I can't help but think we SHOULD try asking some more questions.
i can't either but i still think we need to
if we can't come up with anything than just wave goodbye awkwardly and then pounce on it in its physical form

He seems hostile toward us gaining any more knowledge of this place. The only thing I could think of would be to trick him into revealing something, but I don't know how or what.

Maybe if he knew we were close to opening the door he might spill something...
We're wearing the armor, and we have all 4 stones
We got the eyes, and now we're looking for the mouth
We can read diamond dog, and we can speak golem
I think we have a good list of things to catch him off guard with

Judging from his reaction, he might spill our guts if we push him too hard.
Renne Crux: Golem & Lich Diplomat
"No smashing is good relations!"
The only way we know of that he can harm us directly is through the golems, and we know we've taken one down before.

I'm for pushing him a little bit. We really do have a lot on our side.

We might have a battle on our hands but we damn well have a fighting chance.

So what do we tell him?
"Ojn nvl kemmva P bavsj nvlz bopa!"
but really maybe we should tell him that we are going to open the door to get out
it's simple and the mention of the door got enough of a reaction as is

This might be combined with stepping out to reveal our new jewelry for dramatic effect.

Up until now I'm not sure Baldwin has seen any of the stuff we've actually managed to do. He saw Saffron but said his vision was "blurry," so he probably couldn't see her arms.
"I'm going to open that door, and I'm going to get out." While stepping out and showing off the armor?
I think it sounds good, but we kind of need more people with ideas...
I feel bad for LK, we are bad at giving directions sometimes

How do we even know the way out is behind that door?
Let's egg him on, the worst he can do send the golem after us, right ?

We don't, but Baldwin is very defensive about it for some reason. Perhaps we can force him to help us leave by using the door as leverage.
It's the door or the ocean.

Also, guys, remember we had a whole battle plan for this golem last session. I personally don't think there's much else we can get anything out of Baldwin. Let's just go for the golem.
Spirit-golem or return to our body and face the regular golem?
The plan was to see if we could fight the spirit-golem without putting Renne's body (and Saffron) in danger. And if that failed, cut the connection and go against his physical form with that chain we got.
so are we deeming the spirit thing a bust and should we go back to Saffron?
we need to make a decision already...

I dunno, talking it out isn't a bad thing. Better we get everyone's opinion before we rush headlong into something.

Let's have a vote.

1. Go back to Saffron
2. Antagonize Baldwin with bravado

I guess I'll vote for 1 since we don't know his powers in this realm and we could probably have a better chance beating it if Saffron knows the deal.
I'm voting 1.
Taunting Baldwin in his realm doesn't sound like a good idea.

1. How do we even know we can take Baldwin on, especially here?

1, probably
2 is a big risk for only the chance of a gain
I tried asking DP if we're in danger from Baldwin here, but I don't know if we'll get an answer in time.
>LK has just been drawing Kazooie this whole time
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Clean map, unaltered from last session.
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Annotated map: second verse, same as the first.
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You decide to opt out of this lovely conversation with the terrifying golem and the Lich possessing him. You back away around the corner, awkwardly telling Baldwin that you are going to leave now.

"Remember what I have said. Someone had been setting into motion things that should not be."

You hear the sword clang one last time, followed by the clicking of Baldwin's jaw.

"Pray for your soul that it had been that mess in the gears. For if I find it was you, our next meeting will be the last."
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Just got in.
Something I thought of: the reason we couldn't escape out the same way was came in was because our scuba spell wouldn't last for long enough for us to reach.
Renne's magic's been buffed a whole ton by the bridge since then: perhaps we might be able to make it now.
Problem is, we'd be stuck in the middle of the ocean without a boat or any way of signaling help, plus we'd still have the corruption problem to deal with on both Renne and Saffron.

Also, made this updated dogrunes chart a while back: added on a couple of the combo letters and things that were missing, and replaced the letters with ones copypasted from the actual pictures.

Don't forget Chronicler's injuries.
Just noticed the Bridge is glowing. So this is definitely a power granted to us by wearing it.

...A bridge to the land of the dead. Duh. So obvious.
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You think hard, and try to let go of the sensation surrounding your body. It leaves in a rush, almost ejecting you out, and you appear at your position standing next to Saffron.

"Renne! Are you okay?! What happened?"

She drops the torch and leans down to hug you, but pulls away at the last second.

"I... I heard you mumbling, and the golem was speaking. What did it say?"

You tell her everything that happened. The golem speaking in rhyme, the image of Baldwin, and how he was very adamant about you not going to the skull door.

"Well then that must mean something's up there..."

She looks down at you again and smiles.

"I'm just glad you're safe."
Time to smash some golems. This time for real!
So Baldwin doesn't know we're the ones messing with the temple and DP, and he doesn't know we have the armor.

He doesn't know EVERYTHING that goes on in this temple, and he's apparently not a mind-reader.
>3 days ago
>5 days ago
Apparently going into the spirit world messes with our connection to DP.
He doesn't seem to like that
This happened last time we were Baldwinchat; He can't talk to us while we're with Baldwin, then they come through when we disconnect. Still 2spooky.
Have we tried our spiritsense while in the other sacrificial chamber with the fresh blood, where we found the Bridge?

I don't see any panels where we were in there after slotting the stone into the armor. We passed through the room, but do you think it's worth another look? We might be able to find out something about what happened in there...
What is the golem battleplan again?

Worth a shot

But first can we have Saffron take a look at us and see how bad these black marks are getting?

If "activating" the armor causes the spread we may be worse along than expected.
From what I remember, something along the lines of binding its legs with the chain and trying to hold him in place while Saffron does her thing.
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Might just be a property of THE RED ZONE, but Renne's scratches aren't showing up like the did in the blue.
Have they healed up already? Do we maybe get some sort of boost to our recovery with the other bridge bonuses?
didn't we want to send Saffron down with the chain in the spire room to flank it?
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-the spirits seem to think Renne's and Chance are both suitable candidates for whateverthefuck it is they're doing.
-Only thing we know Renne and Chance have in common is that they both glow
-they had Chance collecting the armour
-We know Renne can't wear the gauntlets (Or was it just that she couldn't get her hoof in properly from that angle?)
-Equipping the armour ups Renne's luminosity. presumeably would do the same to Chance
-Perhaps it's just a matter of being a bright enough beacon?
-Beacons are used to guide: with only one beacon, it can only serve to either mark a place that needs to be avoided (eg. lighthouse on rocks), or a place to head toward (eg. Distress beacon, safe port)
-Who are we guiding? The spirits? Their forgotten god?

I figured it's because we're doing something akin to Astral Projection, and the injury is to the BODY, not the spirit.
Right, but that picture I posted alongside is from our chat with Chance, which assuming it worked the same as our one-sided goat convo, still involves moving outside the physical.
So what're we doing guys?

I vote golem battleplan. Break him up the way we'd planned. Swimming out seems kinda unlikely.

I'm all for checking out the room where we got the bridge piece.
but what is the battleplan exactly? sending Saffron down to flank and we go in with the chain from the stairs?

that sounds like something to get done after the golem is dealt with

We JUST got out of there, and if Baldwin finds out we have the armor... things might very well get more difficult for us.

I'm all for avoiding a fight if we can.
Sounds about right to me. Let's rock... and roll....
but we need to fight the golem sooner or later
they were guarding the spire
We've been avoiding this fight for so many sessions already. It has to happen now.

...Well, shit.

Can we have a quick hug before we go?
Shift our saddlebags so they're covering up the bridge.
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H-here you go
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You tell her that it's now or never, you need to get the golem downstairs. You lay out the battleplan, having Saffron descend from the spire room on your level to the level below by your chain, and that you will bind the golem with your chain, then the both of you can finish it off. Saffron nods in agreement, but frowns. You open your mouth to ask, but she speaks first.

"With what happened to Chronicle... we have to be very careful, Renne."

You ask her if she would like a hug. She drops her sword and lifts you up, holding you tightly.
<Oh god you guys, I love it. Thank you!>
On the way to drop her off, tell her to try to aim for the segments when she uses the sword, and warn her that this one isn't likely to be as stupid as the other one was, and'll likely manage to adapt to us binding and injuring it, rather than just collapsing like the last one did.
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Before you send her down, you tell her to swing for the jointed areas of the golem, and warn her that this golem seems to be directly controlled by Baldwin and so it is likely to be much more dangerous. As you see her climb down, it is your turn to tell her to be safe.

"Thank you."

She jingles the chain when she's at the bottom, and you pull it up, heading back to the stairwell.
okay now, shit is gonna get real
what is our first move?
Saffron is already in potential danger, so we should hurry over to the stairs and restrain the golem with the chain as soon as possible.
but do we run? the chain will make a lot of noise
Well, as far as I know the plan is to quickly ambush the golem from both sides, so I don't think it involves much sneaking around.
Doesn't matter, we're not the ones trying to be sneaky. We're the distraction.
Guys you are going to get one of the two characters killed, or fall out of the frying pan and into the fire with this course of action.
You got an alternative? Might have been better to pipe up BEFORE we lowered Saffron down there, if you do.

That's what I was trying to say... We're going up against a lich, and if he's not pissed we're trying to fight him out-and-out, he's gonna be pissed when he sees Saffron's arms, or our back.

I'd really rather not have to race him to the last piece of the armor.
I have been piping up, but none of you listen. We should be turning the spires or trying to find out what putting all eight torches in the big spike room did.

It's too late to do that now, because you guys wanted to piss off a lich.

Technically the golem is in the way if we want to turn the spires.
We're getting rid of the golems so we can turn the spires. And by turning the spires we will hopefully figure out what the torches were for.
Only alternative was to pull some chain-swing-over-lava shenanigans to get at the mouth and see if we can find anything helpful on the 8th floor that'll let us avoid this.
And we're running out of time with the spread of the corruption; hopefully DP'll know something that'll let us stabilize the duo.

Turning spires is the goalwe're currently working on here, silly. It's not going to do us any good to turn half of them and we can't turn the last without sending this golem packing first.

And we already did our best to work out what the heck was going on with the torchroom, and came up with nothing. Where would you have us look?

Thankyou! I'd forgotten it was still dark down there after those double-beacon spiritworld shenanigans.
>It's not going to do us any good to turn half of them and we can't turn the last without sending this golem packing first
You know what they say about assumptions?
Feel free to call me on my bullshit, but I seem to remember the spires had to be turned in order from bottom to top. So we absolutely must face the golem.
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You race down the hallways, dragging the chain behind you. As you pass the torches near the headless golem, you grab one with your telekinesis and bolt down the stairs. There is some light coming from the lava room from the east, but it is not nearly enough for the room. Your torch doesn't let you see very far either, but you can at least tell that the golem is not right in front of you. You rattle the chain, hoping to get its attention.
West, dang it.
Actually, we never did come to a definite idea on how we need to turn them. The two theories were
-from bottom to top, as indicated by the triangle at the base of the diagram
-Top one, third one down, second one down, bottom one, as indicated by the numbers

We did try turning one of the middle two (I've forgotten which one) and it only turned a little and then snapped back into position.
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You hear the slow scrape of stone, and see the golem turn to face you in the darkness. A brief clang of its sword sets off a spark that illuminates it for only a moment. You can barely see it open it's mouth.

"I was hoping that you would have not chosen this course of action."

It takes a lumbering step forward.

"Like all the rest. Every. Single. One."
Oh christ. That's terrifying.

Just...stick to the plan.
"The ones Chance killed tried to learn about this place too?"
Man up, baby
Lead it into the light
he said something about others coming to this place for thousands of years when we first talked to him
i think that's who he is talking about
The specifics aren't important. We need to keep him talkign and focused on us so that he doesn't notice Saffron.
"I'm sorry. But I want to escape alive, and we would not survive leaving the way we came in. My only hope is to explore this place fully, and use whatever I find.
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Time for [battle]!
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You steadily walk towards the light, keeping yourself and your chain out of the golem's distance. You keep talking, asking about if he meant the four the Chance killed, and you talk about how you're going to explore the rest of the temple AND escape. The golem steadily lumbers forward, and more of it is visible. The eyes flare up and shine when Baldwin's voice comes through.

Ask him what is behind the door with the skull on it. Why doesn't he want us back there?
Yeah? Well, your face is doubtful!

As soon as we get any sign that Saffron is ready to jump him, we should bind its legs with the chain.
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You keep pressing on about the skull door when you hear a loud clang, and see a spark at the golem's right shoulder. The golem's right arm becomes limp and it drops its sword.
tie that fucker up!
Wrap the chain around it's legs and pull if it tries to turn around.
Hogtie the blighter, then grab that dropped sword and join in the assault!
Update from DP:

>Do we have a chance of surviving this?

>Only you
>can answer that
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You begin to wrap the chain around its legs, but the golem pivots at its waist. It flings its limp arm like a windmill and you can hear the clan of stone on metal. In one swift motion, it picks up the sword in its left hand. You can see Saffron holding up her sword to block, sliding back from the impact, but keeping her footing.

...Wasn't expecting that. Fuck.

Well, all we can do now is pull and hope we can unbalance it.
I can see the darksouls-like message "YOU DIED" already.
Pull on the chain as hard as we can to knock it over.
pull the chain, quick!
Neat. Also problematic.
It's surely not designed to keep it's balance in that position though, so take this opportunity to sweep it's legs out from under it.
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You yank as hard as you possibly can, and the golem begins to topple forward, but he has already readied and started his swing.
He's toppling, grab that sword and yank it out of his grip, or at least throw his aim off!
Saffron! no!
fuck, i'm biting my nails over here

He's already falling! Grab the sword!

If not to take it out of his hand, then to slow it down or change its direction!

>didn't see the cutscene marker

Oh... Oh no...!
With momentum of a few tons of rock behind it, shit's gonna go down. Swords and/or arms breaking.
RIP Saffron
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<end cutscene>
You hear Saffron yelp before the loud boom of the golem's sword on the stone floor. You hear the clang of her sword hitting the floor as well.
Game over

Oh God. Oh God no. Oh God no no no no no no no no no...!
Run over and save Saffron.
And the golem might not even be actually defeated

Kill the fuck out of it
Grab his sword, jam it down his throat and use it as a lever to crack his head open. We can't safely check on Saffron until he's dealt with, so we need to kill him ourself as fast as possible.

Grab the golem's sword and wail on its head.
anchor steadfast his hands to the ground or something
take his sword and cut off his head
do SOMETHING and do it fast!
fuck fuck fuck
>pressing down on something that is probably on top of Saffron
Please think before you act.

Pray to every divine force out there that Saffron is okay, and try to find a way to disable the Golem.
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You bound over past the golem and pick up its sword. It doesn't seem to notice you, but sees Saffron's body lying in front of it. It tries to get up.
Stick the sword through one of its eyeholes.

Don't let it.

Take. Its. Head. OFF.
Finish it, lop it's head off.
stab the sword through its hand so it can't lift it
then get Saffron's sword and cut the fucker's head off

Keep it away from Saffron.

This. If Baldwin's in direct control, it might not be enough to take off its head.
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You lift the sword high above your head, and bring it down with all of your might. The blunt tip of the blade is driven into the wrist joint of the golem with a horrifying screech of metal, and into the stone beneath. Its fingers go limp, and try as it may, it cannot dislodge the sword.
now grab hers
shove it in its eye
then go and see Saffron ;_;
Smash it's eyes and ears so it can't hear or see.

Or just smash it's head.
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You pick up Saffron's sword and canter towards the golem's head. You heft it, and bring it down with a loud crunch. The golem's eye fades, but the other still flickers. Its voice seems to have lost a lot of its power.

"So this is the path that you have chosen."
Nothing needs to be said.
End it.
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You stare down at the golem as your magic envelops the sword and begins to wrench it. The golem's eye begins to crack and shatter, and you can hear the mechanisms inside of it whine and pop as they are destroyed.

"You would do well to hope we not meet again."

With a final twist and a crunch, its eyes fade and body goes limp.

Go and see to Saffron. NOW.

Make sure Saffron is okay.
Huh, that's a neat effect, switching to his perspective.
Check on Saffron. I really hope she's OK.
Damnit, why are all our allies falling? This wasn't supposed to be Raisin Quest.
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No! It's NOT over! She's gonna be okay!

She has to be...! She HAS to be okay! She HAS to...! ;_;
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Holy SHIT.
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Yyyyou SON OF A BITCH Lowkey!!!!!
Hey eyes.... Dammit...

Oh fuck, that's right
So that's going to be a massive amount of blood loss, any ideas for dealing with that? What do we have to dress it with?
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I don't think we ever retrieved the sheet from the previous golem's head, did we?

Also goddamn it blood drip, this is not the time to be grinning like an idiot.
Also, tomorrow is tentative now due to the impending announcement about S3. Considering how hyped everyone was for last week, if it's another big announcement then I'll just run the quest only one day this week.
I don't think we did, so cauterize the wound with fire, maybe a heated sword, then wrap it with that cloth sound good?

Sounds good to me
I don't suppose we know a spell to reattach limbs?
Sounds good, though
>That cloth
You mean going up and getting the sheet once it's cauterized?
Yes, of course. Gotta stop the bleeding first.
Sure, just toss her on the corpse spike with it. It'll reattatch, just not nescessarily in the usual sport or in any functional capacity.
session is over
thank you LK YOU BIG MEANIE ;_;
Guys... what about the Gauntlet?
Announcement? Care to enlighten me?
>those eyes
Holy shit I want to cry
We kept saying "it'll be okay."

Now it's not going to be okay.
We're alive. It's less okay than it could have been, but we'll pull through, so long as we keep ourselves together.
>Couldn't make it to thread
>Start reading through it
>Talking to Baldwin
holy shit yes we can fucking learn something
>Run away
no no no
>lets fight the golems
Fuck no
oh god fucking damn everything... I hate you guys soo much.
>So long as we keep ourselves together
Too soon anon... too soon.
have to say I'm disappointed with what happened here...
easy way to avoid this kinda thing is to at least have one person in the thread play devils advocate.
DP can't be trusted everything he has done could easily be for his own benefit
Baldwin seems to be lawful, he can be trusted on at least some level. too late for that though.
Saffron and renne are not adorable and should never hug again That's not true, I take it back!
One last thing I really feel the need to point out.
We didn't open the door for chronicle before fighting.
and saffron is going to be to weak to punch anything...
>he can be trusted on at least some level
>trusting a lich
nigga WHAT
He has been straighter with us than DP.
We wouldn't of been able to survive a swim to the surface... but what if we only had to hold out for like 30 seconds out in the water?
summon up a spike ride up to the surface... wouldn't solve the were fucking stuck in the middle of an ocean bit, but hey at least we'd be out of the temple.
that would be one hell of a trip
Chronicle probably wouldn't make it in his state
well... you see it takes a blood sacrifice no doubt to activate the spikes
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well you can fuck right the hell off
how much longer do you think they all have, We always avoid making the hard choices and getting fucked over and over... we always run away and things always get worse
how long till saffron losses her other arm?
How long till that corruption covers all of renne?
and how much do owe REALLY know about chronicle anyways?
>We always avoid making the hard choices
but we're facing them now, one after another
we took out one golem and then the last in 2 sessions when we had been putting it off for how many? 8?
what is left? the spire, the mouth, and the skull door
the spire is free
we will get the mouth soon somehow
and the skull door is the last bit of things
have faith
we're almost out of this
but thats the thing anon I don't think were are going to get out
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15th item on page 9
Have a bump.
Unless LK is planning on doing something Friday we should just let this die, it was already archived.
I'm here, just massively later than I anticipated or intended. The quest will go on, I just need to set up.

I reiterate this question.
What about saffrons whole bleeding to death thing?
we should deal with that first.
Were there any more doors or whatever that required two gauntlet arms to maneuver? If so then we're fucked.
Chronicle was hidden in the one room, right? He's fucked too
We're all fucked
Chronicle is in the room where we found the second arm, unless we've moved him.
I doubt she'll be able to do it, but we can always punch our way through doors with saffron.
Wonder how long till she losses her other arm and those armless saffron feels come true.
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You cannot help but stop and stare. You begin to walk forward, but stop and look at her, then her arm.

"Is it... is it dead for good now?"

She coughs and shifts herself against the wall.

"Are you okay?"

Try to assess how badly Saffron is bleeding.
Do we have anything we can use to bandage to wound?
Let her know we are okay and that she is going to be okay.
We need to get her up to the one door chance used to cauterize his wound before she losses any more blood and goes into shock.
Lift her up with our telekinesis ( also her arm i guess...)

Unless maybe we want to try and heal her or something with magic we don't know.
A bandage wouldn't do anything, she lost an arm. We'd have to use a tourniquet, but It would be hard because of how much of the arm she lost
She is bleeding a ton, unless the corruption somehow stops the blood loss... Which would be horrifying

The corruption's spread to her neck now. >>5155001

I'm scared, you guys. I'm really, really... really scared!
Look at the trail of blood leading from her arm to where she is and tell me that the corruption hasn't slowed her bleeding.
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You rush over, unsure of what to do with yourself, let alone her. You tell her that everything is going to be okay. You think on what you have to bandage the wound, but aside from Saffron's scarf and headband, the only piece of cloth is on the top floor of the spire, still wrapped around the golem's head. You look at the wound, and thick black ichor seeps from the cut, dripping down to the floor in long strands. It almost looks as if she is bleeding tar.
oh god that is what I was afraid of...
Hug her and start crying.

She's probably in a lot of pain right now. As much as I wanna hug her too, that probably isn't the best thing to do right now.

Don't do that. Maybe the arm will go back on? I doubt it, but.. Fuck. What do we even do in this situation?

See if we can reattach her arm using our magic/the gauntlet's magic.
i don't know what to do
this is horrible ;_;
>maybe the arm will go back on
that is sad and hilarious at the same time...

But do we really want to reattach the arm? whatever it is they are doing to her its not good.
I've just got this image of renne trying to shove the arm back in like you might on an action figure or doll.
I think!
I hope ;_;
Do it. It might work.

What else CAN we do?

Given our collective mental state right now this is probably how we would react.

>that perfect expression of the first stage of grief
I'm actually worried about what Saffron would think if we just picked her arm up off the floor and tried attaching it back to her torso.
But yet, with all the weird stuff going on here, you never know.
>think trying to reattach her arm might work
Fuck, you guys are hopeless
Saffron is minus one arm, don't add insult to injury by trying to reattach what's been severed
It might work.
Its a horrible thing to try and do, but in the long run it won't really hurt anything
you don't really believe that do you?
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You lean into her and apologize, telling her that you don't know what to do. You tell her that you would reattach her arm, if you could. She remains silent.
She is bleeding black ichor. Who knows how her biology works now?

I don't think it will work, there are consequences for actions. To be honest we got off quite lucky.

Luckily there are rewards for sacrifice, too. The spire is free now, barring any more unforeseen events.

Let's not waste more time than we have to. Everything we did was for this.
The finger is moving.
d-did it just move...?
are those lines normally there?
>that look on her face

I'm not sure we are dealing with saffron right now, who ever it is may of just taken over.

We might as well try it.
Saffron... what are you doing?

Oh shit.
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Exactly what she's thinking at the moment.

"You fuckers owe me an arm"
Hey man, she wouldn't be like that.
You're reaching here.
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Oh god
>It acts like a remote control punching device.

Has she said ANYTHING since it happened?

Is part of her trapped in that thing?
Would you be chatty after your arm gets chopped off?
Just a thought...
this place seems to run on a sort of blood magic...
What if the armor is 'eating' the blood or something similar to power these simi-super powers we are using.
what happens when we run out of blood.

I don't think she has said anything at all.
Its possible that part of her is trapped in the gem.

The gem takes part of your soul... the armor eats away at your body maybe?

>that finger twitching

Ask if she's the one who did that.
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You feel her digits wiggling next to you, and you look up at her, confused. She holds her arm out and makes a fist. Her left arm follows, fingers moving slowly to make a weak fist.

"I can feel it... Just barely."

She looks at her left shoulder, then across to her left arm and sniffles, her voice shaky.

"I... I don't know which one worries me more."

It sounds crazy, but I think we should try to reattach it.
It's sounding less and less crazy now...

>What happend to saffron's Blood?
>It has been Assisted

We should nick ourselves later... See if we have been 'assisted' too.
>What happened to Saffron's blood?

>It has been

fuck... we're losing her aren't we ;_;
But how? It's not we've got the right equipment or know who.

Maybe we should go and ask Chronicle?
Who knows, maybe if we just hold it there it will knit together on its own?
I've been thinking about this for some time now. The way she acts has slowly been shifting, changing. I just wrote it off as all the crazy shit she has been putting up with.
But maybe its something else.

This is what I was thinking. It's pretty clear the rules have been changed a little bit.

>complete puzzle later on
>rip an arm off and high five with it
>put it back on afterwards
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Too cute
My heart
>Needs to get something up high.
>Pull arm off.
>Grab thing.
she seems to be getting more serious now
the cute puppy is still in there though i hope ;_;
My heart
It is broken
Please be okay, Saffron ;_;
>LK could break the heart of every single person in this thread
No one should wield such power...
>Implying that isn't how the quest is going to reach its terrible conclusion.
Death would be a blessing for what is in store.
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You tell her that maybe... maybe the idea of reattaching her arm isn't that crazy after all. You lift it up with your telekinesis and bring it over, shaking all the while.
Make sure she's ready before you just go poking her with someone's arm
N-no! we're all going to sail off into the sunset and everyone is going to be happy and safe... We'll go shopping for scarves just like we've always wanted.
>Someone's arm.
I am pretty sure we can safely say it's her arm.
No stranger arms to be seen here.
>He still has hope.
is the falling down or going up?
If you're talking about the tar like blood, its dripping kinda.... its like tar i guess
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You slowly bring her severed arm up to her torso.
This is either gonna be freaky shit or terribly anticlimactic
>"I don't think it's doing anything"
does it looks like the corruption is smaller in this picture to anyone else?
Maybe.. We'll just have to bleed out some tar every now and then.
Also if this works... Does this mean we could be cut in half... and kinda just pull ourselves back together?
... Are renne and saffron even alive anymore?
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Tumblr update.

"Assisted by who?"

>All of those

>before her

So there are definitely souls trapped within the stones.
Hey, voicefag here - just made a quick, crappy vocaroo thing from DP's last message.

>With mind you shall drive
>And soul I shall keep

Ahahaha, that pic is wonderful. Thankyou!
It's all Ruby Quest with different animals.
Well that was fucking creepy

That's frickin' great.
Speaking of which, I was thinking once we'd recovered we might levitate Saffron up with our writing materials and a torch to transcribe the parts of the WALL OF TEXT that we couldn't read from ground level.
Oh yeah, Good call anon.

>with mind you shall drive

Saffron can move her arm, even when it's not attached to her body.

>and soul I shall keep

...that... doesn't sound good.

I wish all of his responses were voiced like this.
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You wait a moment. Saffron gasps, and the digits on her left paw twitch.

Also yaaaay.
<Oh gosh, that is amazing. I would have done that had I the know-how to make stuff sound that way.>


I honestly can't tell if this is a good or bad thing.
Suddenly everything was a little bit better.
everything is still horrible
Also gros
Also Noooooo...
Poor us
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Hey, worst case scenario we can just cut it off again, right?


I use Audacity and a webcam mic. I kinda bullshit what I do, but I can try to write something down later?
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<end cutscene>
Saffron's arm knits itself back together with a loud squelch. She screams and falls backwards trying to run away from her own arm.
This isn't good. Try to calm her down.
Now might be a good time for that hug.

Try to calm her down a little first.
>Inb4 it tries to punch her.

She needs a hug, stat!

First let's make sure her arm isn't trying to kill her now.


Or worse.

>Renne is crushed to a pulp in the ensuing panic
>It goes full futurama and starts choking her.
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So an idea for getting at that mouth:
We gather up 25 and a half Rennes worth of chain from about the place, attatch it all together with a chunk of one of the felled golems on the end (either by tying through an eyehole or something, or by welding the pieces together using the heat of the lava. Can Renne levitate lava?) then have Saffron toss it across to one of the bars of the platform as an improvised grappling hook, then once we're sure it's secure crawl along the chain to the platform, while Renne holds her end steady.
Doing this from the lower floor, of course. Wouldn't reach from the upper.

This isn't a horrible idea.

Another thing I thought is that maybe the "spirit world" has some kind of bridge that we can't see while in physical form, but we didn't feel any sensations or anything at the upper point when we put on the bridge. The only thing that leads me to believe this is that we found it just outside the lava chamber, so it feels like it should be helpful to us in that particular puzzle.

Might be worth checking out the lower platform now that we have the bridge on and see if we feel anything.

Why is the fact we're calling that thing on our back a "Bridge" sticking in my head?
>>5159130 here.

Looks like we're thinking in the same direction, kinda.
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Not sure why it'd be sticking, but the reason we're calling it that is because this is where we found it. The text below says "BRIDGE".
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You dive in for a hug, asking her to please calm down. You feel her hold you tightly, although less so with her left arm. You hear her sniffle and cough a few times.

"I... I just want to know what's happening to us, Renne..."
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>Some kind of bridge we can't see
You mean we're going to have to take a leap of faith?
us too

Say, does the tumblrguy have an in universe presence?
I just realized I have no idea who he is supposed to be, which is probably intentional
But I also have no idea whether or not he's supposed to be interacting with Renne in some way, or if he's just part of the ARG
"So do I."
We all know we are getting devoured by corruption.
Yes, he spoke directly with her when we put on the bridge, before being cut off by Saffron and Baldwin snapping us out of it.
Also, given some of the images he's slipped us and what he's said about himself and his prison, we're pretty sure he's inside the pillar, and that turning these spoke's'll "Unleash the final bonds".

We think he's the diamond dog we've seen pictured wearing the armor, probably part of the civilization that Baldwin tried to genocide. Maybe he couldn't kill this particular dog for some reason.

A rather shifty fellow, but our best bet at combating Baldwin at this point, and boy howdy are we going to need it now.
>But I also have no idea whether or not he's supposed to be interacting with Renne in some way, or if he's just part of the ARG
we're her subconscious
he talks to us and we talk to her
she's getting messages from him through us but doesn't know
>tfw LK is playing a quest WITH US playing his quest
Ahh. cool
I'll need to reread that log I guess. Any idea which one it is?

>more people to be afraid of
Log 16. Still had it open from checking lava distances.
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Let's get to work on that spire. We don't have time to waste.

I think the first thing to try is turning the bottom ring clockwise 4 times.

(Picture from log 21)
I'd kinda like to go and read the wall of text first. It had a picture of DP on it, I'd like to know what it says before we crack him open.

I kinda wanna know what HE'LL do when we crack him open. I might ask him.

Fair enough, let's do that then if Saffron is able to move.

Reminder that Baldwin is pissed the fuck off as of a few minutes ago though.
>Let's get to work on that spire. We don't have time to waste.

I agree, lets get to the spire.

Check on Chronicle while we're on the way.
>angering a lich
i admit it was a horrible decision
but goddamn we were a badass for once while doing it >>5141327
Also, we should definitely go check Chronicle if we are in the area
Poor guy

This. We promised.
We did.
so spire is top priority
but are we doing anything before we go to the spire?
Only thing I remember him saying on the matter so far was that bit when he was talking directly to Renne.
"I used to be a diamond dog and this used to be a temple"

"but now it is a prison and I its prisoner"

"I only want what you seek as well"

"Were I to be free I could assist you"

Yeah, I kinda wanted to go check on him and give him the results of the battle before we went and opened up the spire, too.
My vote is for wall, then Chronicle, then spire.
Should we tell Chronicle about the arm thing?
It seems like that might be the kind of thing we don't need to worry him with
He's our scribe. Besides, after taking a krumping for us, I think he has the right to hear the full truth on our situation.

I'd say keep it between us and Saffron for now.

Yeah, he's got to tell our tale after all.

I wonder if attaching the chest piece to him would heal his ribs.

What good would that do?
<Oh man, you have no idea how helpful that would be.>

It's just another worry on his mind.
i could take or leave the wall
i want to get to the spire and to Chronicle as soon as we can
So are we going to the wall or the spire first?
They're both on this floor
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So we have consensus on turning the spire, and seems to me we have mostly consensus on visiting Chronicle before doing so.
Can we take a vote on whether or not to check out the wall before heading to Chronicle?

I vote for.

I vote for checking out the wall.

As long as we do it fast. We need to make sure Chronicle's okay.

We should also chop off his arm, just to make sure.

Huh, OK then. I thought we had some people who didn't want to spend time doing that. Righto then.
So we sweep Saffron across the top there, having her note down the stuff in the top left quadrant, see if anythings hiding in the whitespace above the skull, particularly note down the stuff in the top right quadrant and then take a closer look ourselves at the bottom of the bottom right quadrant to make sure that the stuff below metal is actually utterly illegible.

Can we please tell Saffron we think we can understand this now? Give her a reason for doing this and the hope of some explanation, given her recent worries?

Renne? What are you tal-


-Renne, it's ME. I'm Ch-

>Can we please tell Saffron we think we can understand this now?
>we have been getting links to the dropbox for all of these secret files we have decoded
>the dropbox is actually part of Renne's subconscious, deeper than we can see
>she knows the diamond dog language but doesn't KNOW she knows

My fucking brain
make it move...
>Renne's brain is MLPG
this is worse than i thought...
>MLPG is the corruption.
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You ask Saffron if she could lend you her assistance in something if she is feeling okay. She stands up and flexes her left hand. It moves slowly, but she is in control of it. She nods. You head to the west and tell her that you would like if she could copy down what was on the wall while you levitated her up. She agrees and you head into the room with the large mural, levitating her as delicately as you can while she holds the paper and chalk in her paws as delicately as she can.

"Turn the spokes on the tower of stone

Break the chains bound to the earth"
Let's check on Chronicle, I guess?
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<cutscene I guess>

"Shatter the tower and lower the rings

Release the final bonds of stone and metal"

Why would we do that?
Once we're done here; we haven't even finished scribbling down the left side, yet.


Sorry, didn't realize there was more.

Whoever wrote this obviously wanted their instructions followed, but were they on our side or not?

So we turn the spokes, break all those chains (and store them away for grappling hook shenanigans)
Then... The tower breaks? We smash it apart? Then send the unlocked spokerings down into the lava?
Guess we'll just have to wing it.
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Also, we should probably add this to the sheet if we haven't already.
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<end cutscene>
Saffron reports that after this, there are no more markings at the top of the mural. You let her down and give her a hug, thanking her greatly.

"Stone body awaits the final key

Conduit come and rise from the depths"


That looks friendly.

Wrap up here and check on Chronicle.

I ALMOST beat you to it...
<We're actually approaching bump limit. I may end this session soonish so that the thread is guaranteed to stay alive for archival purposes. If this happens again, then I'll make one thread for each day of questing.>
We got an answer from DP.

>"Will Baldwin personally come after us now?"

>He is
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Done and done.

>Conduit come and rise from the depths
So presumeably that's whoever assembles the four of body and four of stone.

While the "Rise" and the "awaits" SEEMS like it implies that this stone body is elsewhere and not at the bottom of the ocean, I can't help wonder if the stone body might not be the temple itself
> 415 posts
> near bump limit
I don't think so
<Just going by the rate of conversation and comments. I think this is the most that a quest thread has seen yet.>

That's encouraging.


I'm a bit confused by the meaning, as with most stuff we've run into.

I expect it will become blatantly obvious with time.
Is it 500 or 600? I keep forgetting.
So are we going to the spire or to check on Chronicle?
Then yeah, I guess it is entirely possible we'll hit bump by the end/with post session chat.
Looks like AA's here though, so we don't need to worry about archiving issues unless he has to shoot through sometime before we're finished.

Is that likely to happen?

Chronicle. I'm sure he's worried about the outcome of the fight, and we should probably let him know we're about to go poke a sleeping dog in case shit starts going down.
Also I just want him to know we're thinking of him. With all his friends dieing and him not being able to contribute much beyond the invisibility, he's kind of had it worst down here.

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>Conduit... rise
Rise... to the eighth floor? Eh? Eh?

Looks like we might be taking a ride on that spire.
>Then yeah, I guess it is entirely possible we'll hit bump by the end/with post session chat.

Keep in mind, the thread still has ten pages to fall through before it dissappears completely.
You can still safely go until the thread's around the 7th page.
>We wind up piloting an ancient stone mecha
>Walk it over to Cog Island
>Hi Remnant!

Yup, but it only took 6 1/2 hours for that to just about happen last night
It's not going to die while we're questing, but the worry was that if AA was asleep or otherwise occupied for a goodly while when the session ended he might not get to it until after it'd 404'd.
Of course, since he's here the whole issue's moot.
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Both you and Saffron agree you need to check on Chronicle before you mess with the spire. You promised, after all. The two of you head up to the door outside of his room. You take a sidelong glance at the room with the goat and sidle up to Saffron while she opens the door. It is harder for her to turn with her left hand, and she needs to use her right to help in lifting it, but she says that her left arm is feeling stronger by the moment. You enter the room to find it empty.
Chronicle, it's us.
Whoops, I'd mean to have us call out to him before we went in. Ah well, should have said before now.
Holy snap that corruption.
is it just me or does it look like the bridge?
It does.
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You call out to the empty room, reassuring him that you were just coming to see him. He reveals himself and sighs, suppressing a cough.

"I must admit. I was not expecting you to return."

He nods and groans, shifting in place.

"Thank you."

Ask how he's feeling.
and tell him about the golem and Saffron's arm
Don't tell him about her arm.

No, tell him everything. He almost died for us. He deserves to know. Knowledge is all he has.
This, he has to know.
Who are we to be dishonest to him?
what purpose would that serve? he's seen some shit down here
hearing about her arm isn't that bad
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You tell him everything that happened. Your contacting the golem's spirit, you talk with Baldwin, and the fight with the golem. Saffron speaks up.

"He was too fast and I was recovering from a strike. He cut my arm right off... Renne saved me. And all of this... black stuff... it reattached my arm for me."

She shivers and flexes her arm.

"I don't want to know how or why, but I have it again. It's a little weak but I think it's getting better."

Chronicle looks at the both of you, wide-eyed.

"It sounds like you have been through quite the ordeal. I apologize I was not able to help in any way."
"it's fine. Are you strong enough to move?"
Its not his fault. He's done more than we could ask for already. Everyone has.
Group hug
Always more hugs

I know you like hugs anon but we need to get on with the quest
So, spire next, right?
do we take him with us or let him rest more?
also we need to ask how he is doing

I think his rib's broken.
If he still needs rest, tell him the next thing we plan to try to free whoever it was that spoke to Renne when she put on the bridge: he was there for that.
Then tell him to just rest and stay safe. We'll be back.

If he thinks he's got the strength to come with us, make sure he's not just pushing himself too hard, then explain to him on the way.

Just one, if he's extremely lucky. He got punched by a Golem, for pity's sake.

LK: voicefag here. I wrote a couple of things down for you. Hope they help!

and are we going to start at the bottom like you said before?

Seems reasonable since we're closest to it.

If it doesn't work we'll have to trek all the way up and start at the top.
I think we're actually closer to the top, since we're on the 3rd floor (4th being the top of the spire and 1st being the bottom).
Either way works, though.
Now that I think about it, I should put a Chronicle head in the anchor steadfast room.

You're right. For some reason I was thinking the top of the spire was at the top of the temple. Whoops.

Your maps are amazing by the way, thanks a ton for doing them.
i vote bottom because of the big triangle >>5159658
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You ask Chronicle how he is feeling.

"All things considered, I am doing well. It hurts to move and breathe, but I am not spitting up blood or the like."

You tell him that you are glad. You look over to Saffron and she nods. You tell Chronicle that you are going to leave him for a short while again to go turn the spire. You bid him well, and Saffron closes the door behind her.
can we still use any of the swords?
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You head down to the bottom of the temple. As you pass by the golem, Saffron reaches for the sword embedded in its eye. She yanks and tugs, but cannot dislodge it. She commends you on your strength, and punches the broad side of the sword with her right fist, shearing it off about halfway. You both head east, and enter the head of the spire room.
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Welp time to go pass out.

Thanks LK.

Thanks, LK!

In case you didn't see it.
Thank you, LK.
Saw and capped, thank you so much. I've messed with Audacity before, but never enough to go beyond just recording things. Thank you!

No problem. I'm eager to see what you do with it!
>that corruption
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I think we've seen that shape before
Thanks yourself!
This fucking session.
Thank goodness we ran the second one today, I'd hate to have spent a week expecting Saffron to have been reduced to one arm.

Oh geez. The bridge was kinda clear, but I definitely wouldn't have realised it was outlining the chestplate as well. But you're right, it's pretty much spot on.

No problem, glad they're coming in handy. The whole annotations thing is half there to help me remember all the details myself.
Didn't I steal the start of the map off of you, though? I know most of those red arrows between floors came pre-done when I started fooling around with it, anyway.
>I'd hate to have spent a week expecting Saffron to have been reduced to one arm
I was honestly distraught
Being left with that for a week would have been hell
I need to thank you for the maps as well, they are so helpful!