<In which ponies and dogs lay the smack downTo catch up, the previous sessions are located here:https://dl.dropbox.com/u/28501521/GeneralArchive/RenneQuest/RenneArchive.htmlIt is highly recommended that you have the script that allows you to play audio files embedded in the images. If there is audio with an image, it will be tagged like [this].The script can be found here: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/133802Make sure you refresh the thread after installing!>
Both you and Saffron give a sigh of relief as you hug Chronicle, making sure to do so lightly. Between his labored breathing, you hear him sigh. You can see the look on his face; disappointed that he had gotten injured, but relieved to be alive.
>>4982460Ask Chronicler how he is feeling, is he able to go on ?
>>4982646While we're at it ask saffron whats up with that cough
Clean map, now with sliced chains and busted walls
Map with annotations and octagonally arranged torches
>>4982646>>4982686You ask Chronicle how he is feeling, if he can go on or if he needs to rest."I am exhausted, and it is rather hard to breathe. I don't know how I will be on my hooves, but I suspect that I will not be able to go very far without assistance. I'm... sorry. I never intended to be a hindrance. I suppose I was foolish to assume my spell would cloak me entirely from an unknown being."You nod, patting him on the hoof assuredly. You turn to Saffron, and ask her about her cough."I... I guess I am coughing. I hadn't noticed it, myself. Have I been doing it much?"She looks down at the spreading black marks and bites her lip."I don't know what's going on, and I'm... I'm scared. I don't feel any different, but these lines are spreading, and now I'm coughing..."
>>4983097well crap...we need to get him somewhere safe then HA HA YEAH RIGHTthen we can go on with Saffron
>>4983097Aww, poor girlAnd poor ChronicleGive her a hug, because hugs always help and there's nothing else we can do now.Then she can carry him towards somewhere more out of the way if he has to sit still for a while.
So we need to find a safe room for Chronicler, the cylinder room on the fifth floor perhaps ?
>>4983499above the spire?i think Soup suggested that earlier today because we can close the door in the fire-door room
Anyone have the numbers for the spinning of the gears on the different levels, you know the whole reason we fought the golem.
You hug Saffron tightly before suggesting that you all move Chronicle somewhere more secure. You suggest the floor above this one, in the room where you first found Chronicle. He wheezes and agrees that it would be an optimal spot to stay and rest for a moment.
You travel to the floor above, and into the room with the fire door, Saffron carefully making the way so not to aggravate Chronicle's injuries. You reach the room, and he chuckles with a wheeze."Funny... That things would end up this way. Placing me where you found me."
>>4984445Look at us just float that swordPretty boss
>>4984445i just realizedwe have to leave him with Torchy or he's gonna be in the pitch black until we get back
>>4984574Maybe he would be safer in the dark.Also... we are leaving next to a door we haven't open, that is just asking for trouble.
>>4984732where do you think we could put him then?there aren't many good places
>>4984574>>4984732So are we leaving him with Torchy?
>1 hourLK?
>>4984813the room where we found the 2nd bit of the armor, the armor with the anchor spell
>>4986404<There's an even number of responses for each side of whichever action to take. I don't want to impose or to beg for more participants. Considering I started earlier and this is usually around the time I start I hope that more people will show up soon.>
>>4986486This could work, it's on our way down and the goat is nearby if we want to check that out.
>>4986486i like itit's a sealed room with nothing else in it and a lock on the doorplus there is a torch on the way
>>4986698>>4986486Anyone object?
You take a wary look at the flame door, covered in the scorched blood of Chance and his four friends. Considering all that has happened, you would rather not leave Chronicle alone in the room. You then remember the room where Saffron found the second gauntlet, and you suggest that it be Chronicle's hiding place considering it is secluded and secure with the locked door. Saffron smiles and nods, and Chronicle gives a grunt of approval.
The three of you make it to the room safely. Saffron sets Chronicle down gently outside of the room to open the door, then carries him inside. The room is small and lit, and with inspecting as hard as you possibly can you find no traces of secret entrances to worry about.
>>4987812I guess this will have to doI really hope no one comes looking for the gauntlet
>>4987812Let Chronicle now we are going to be checking on him every now and then so don't wonder off.Then close the door and head over to the goat room
>>4987812>that corruption;_;
>>4988050Oh... oh wow... We need to figure out whats going on with that asap
>>4988102Is it happening to us, too?
You bid Chronicle farewell, telling him to remain alert and careful. Saffron motions to pat him on the head, then the hoof, but chooses to refrain, a frown crossing her face."I'm sorry. We will come back and check on you, I promise."You walk out of the room and she closes the door with a loud thud and a clunk of the lock. You then mention to her that you would like to go to the room with the goat, to see if you can reach out to a spirit there.
Alright, I'd like to get a vote rolling out on the next three things to do:-Check on Saffron's damage-Make Chronicle comfortable, maybe a makeshift pillow with our blanket-Turn the gears and shit
>>4988681Oh. Or, all that stuff I guess.
>>4988735We'll get to the gears in a moment.Whatever is happening to saffron is bad for her obviously. I'm worried whatever it is my act up when we're in a bad situation... She is already coughing, what is the next stage?
>>4988681This is a good course of action.It seems like Saffron exerting her strength seems to aggravate the spread of that corruption. I wouldn't be surprised if it has started to show up on Renne as well.
>>4988979Yeah I thought about that earlier and it would seem its now been confirmed after spreading as much as it has after that fight.We should have her drop the sword and have her avoid any heavy lifting. Need to save what resources we have.Also, we should check ourselves out.
>>4989078Well, bad news is that to turn all those things on all the floors, it's gonna break her even worse.
You enter the room to the west, and a chill passes over your body as you enter. It is not nearly as strong as the one you felt near where Chance died, but you feel it nonetheless."Renne? Did it get colder? Does this mean that... that there's something around?"Saffron is looking around, wide-eyed, tail tucked between her legs. You nod, but do your best to allay her worries by saying that it doesn't feel like much.
>>4989457Well, now we need to be extra carefulThings aren't looking as dangerous
>>4989457Check to see if anything is in his mouth
>>4989457Try to contact the spirit
>>4989442I'm sure we can handle it with our improved telekinesis.>>4989457Concentrate and such, contact the spirit
>>4989528<Whoops. Easily overlooked, you guys already removed that jasper stone waaay back.>
>>4989457Can we move to the other side of the room and see if we feel anything stronger?Or maybe in front of that mural on the wall.
>>4989457Do we have anything to cover him with? Short of that at least close his eyes if they are open. Respect for the dead is pretty pertinent right now.
>>4989555>>4989589You tell Saffron to keep watch, that you will be back, and that you promise to stay safe. You reach out to grasp the cold feeling, and the room darkens. You feel a trail of the sensation that you felt when contacting Chance and the four bodies' memories, but it is leading to the corner of the room.
>>4990309Grope her butt.
>>4990309Move closer.Cautiously.
>>4990309This is 2spooky.
How did Chronicle get hurt? Is there a session missing from the archive?
I leik muh luttle ponay
>>4991012He got hit by a golem last session.
>>4991012Log 20, He got injured in the fight.
>>4990463You move closer, very cautious of this encounter. The sensation on your horn grows stronger until it is at its peak, although... you can feel another cold feeling beginning to grow, though it is extremely faint.
>>4991148>tumblr updateBreak off contact now.
>>4991148>Face is hidden I've got a bad feeling about this, Scoob
>>4991314Okay yeah, we need to trust him on this one.Stop the connection.
>>4991314>>4991360But... >curiosityI wanted to find out what the other cold sensation was
>>4991314>>4991360>>4991604Y'all're no funWWOCD?
>>4991601I'm with you Anon, Sure it may be a great risk.... But what we could learn could be worth it.
<Just thinking ahead, but since /mlp/ is in such a feverish haste to get to 5m, we might be better off letting this thread die once it's capped rather than trying to keep it alive for tomorrow.>
>>4991743>>4991360why not ask the tumblr?
>>4991860We can't keep running from everything, We've wasted soo much time and have ended up in a rather bad position.>>4991894because he is often cryptic, avoids our question or unable to respond as he is being watched.
>>4991950You make a good point, but on the other hand, ignoring his advice before has lead to bad consequences.Also>You hadn’t the need>to look>Curiosity is>a great riskThis whole situation seems to be foreshadowing something bad happening with this ability of ours... And DP just repeated himself with that last line.
>>4992306LK is letting us debate on this for a whilei feel it's important somehowor maybe he fell asleep
>>4991950He hasn't been very cryptic with these last ones.
>>4992306While I don't trust DP, he has yet to lead us wrong as far as we know... So I would understand and agree with avoiding whatever this is.But It is a risk, Something if we handled correctly could possible play in our favor and we are in need of information of any kind.
>updateI don't know about this, guys
>>4992661Is he saying we could push even farther and see something new?Sounds dangerous, though.
>>4992661>There are depths greater than you know.... so another scary temple under this scary temple?
>>4983721Slowpoking since I just got back in, but it's on the annotated map; I tried to put most of the important looking wall carvings on there.>>4992661Sounds to me like we should go ahead. He's told us the memories don't harm Renne; and this one's old enough that I can't imagine it being anything more than a memory. As far as I can tell, he seems to be telling us that there's something to be seen here that the simple knowledge of is risky somehow. I'm confused why he said the same about the corpsestack, though.
>>4992827That's what I was thinkingInception-style layers but with dead thingsI'm on the fence now, probably going to revoke my vote for moving forward
>>4992919>The sensation on your horn grows stronger until it is at its peak, although... you can feel another cold feeling beginning to grow, though it is extremely faint.The memories don't harm her, but other things might be able to.
>There are depths>greater than those>you have seenMaybe, its the a 'level' which BD and DP exsit, kinda of a half spirit world or something.
>>4993076So I guess the question is, do we try to grasp the new feeling?
>>4992970Chance could talk to us though, that seemed like more than a memory to me.
>>4993108i vote no
>>4993108I vote no
>>4993108I vote don't try to grasp the new feeling, but continue watching the goat level
>>4993278>>4993236>>4993331Agreed, but then what do we do?Maybe we can try to circle around him and see if we can see his face?
I say we give it another turn or two, maybe fight of the feeling while we try and make contact with this creepy as fuck goat.Running off is silly, We should at least try something.>>4993348Agree embracing this new 'feeling' seems like a bad idea
Sup, Questfags? What's going on? I'd like to join in.
>>4993379I say leave it alone
>>4993379Steel ourself against the new feeling and move to one of the walls so we can get a look at his face.>>4993402It might be best for you to catch up first. This might not be the best time for a newcomer.
>>4993402Then join in! If you haven't played before, I'd suggest reading through the past sessions in the archive link up here>>4982386 (OP)to understand what the hell we're all talking about.
>>4993431>>4993471No time to read. Too much 5 million get activity going on. I've played before, a little. We just like escaped some golem, right?
You move around to the right, hugging against the wall to get a better view of the goat. You can see your bright light reflecting off of it, and its form does not waver and dissipate as you approach, like the four from before. You wait and watch. The goat simply stares into the corner. Its chest rises and falls with its attempted breathing, but you can hear the air whistling out of the gash in its neck.
>>4993797I'm getting some bad vibes here.
>>4993797yeah, let's... let's goi'm sure Saffron is lonely by now... yeah
>>4993916>>4993861The feeling doesn't seem to be getting worse at this moment.
>>4993797No wavering implies it's the actual goat, not just a memory. We could try talking to it, hope it understands whatever the default pony language is.
>>4994195Maybe ask who/what it gave its body and soul to... I'm sure that would get it talking.
>>4994250And THAT is the second thing we could feel.Or maybe the goat is the second thing and whatever is possessing it is what we see, hence the "great risk" warning.
The Goat gave is soul and body to whateverPutting on the armor gives up part of the soul and bodyI wonder if half of saffron is floating around somewhere in this spirit realm being controlled by whatever it is... wonder if we can find 1/4 of renne and talk to ourselves.
You pipe up, quietly and slowly, hoping that it understands you. You ask it who it gave its soul to, hoping to get it talking. As you speak, its eye twitches, and its breathing increases. By the time it turns its head and eye to look at you, its pupil has dilated and blood is spurting out of the gash in its neck, matching the pace of its feverish breathing.
Man, let's go do that spire puzzle. At least we know what the hell we're doing there.
>>4994796Leave. Now.Go. We don't need this.
>>4994796Man, this guy's pretty untalkative. Unless we want to wait for whatever he's staring at to show up, I say we leave hm be.Politely say goodbye?
>>4994796Alright, well we tried .>>4994895I don't know I would go and say that.>>4994918He only seems to be interested in being creepy, perhaps he can't understand us. Guess we should be on our way if he doesn't respond... so yeah lets say fair well and be on our way.>HIMWho... is him?BD? maybe whoever it is BD is working for..
>>4994796Maybe he can't talk with that awful gash.Wave and smile at him.
>>4995124You think that's all it is? Chance didn't seem to have much bother with it, he held his conversation after cutting his open, though he did cough and wheeze a little more.Maybe.
>>4994832>>4994917>>4994918You back away, and start to bid the goat goodbye, but it rears and turns to face you. It lets out a blood-curdling bleat followed by a spray of blood on the floor. It bares its horns and scuffs its hooves on the stone.
>>4995215I'm pretty sure he didn't talk after that.
>>4995370Run to Saffron
>>4995370Ditch the connection thing
>>4995431Agreed. This shit be too real.
>>4995472>>4995431> Disconnect>saffron is missingIts going to happen one of these times watch
>>4995370Try to position ourselves so that the dais is between us and him.
>>4995431>not putting your gems in the fridge.jpg
>>4995108Ooh, didn't realise you were refferring to the Tumblr with that HIM line, didn't have a clue what you were talking about until I checked it just now.Two possibilities seem obvious to me:Either he''s refferring to the ancient god that was worshipped here who's name has been lost to time, or he's refferring to Baldwin; I don't think he's refferred to Baldwin by name once so far, and when someone asked him about Baldwin when we first started speaking with DP, he threw a fit at the name.
>>4995602Well we know he is being watched or something, Maybe saying the name attracts attention or something. maybe, DP and BD are the same person
You cut the connection immediately and are brought back to your position at the altar, the body of the goat staring at you with its glossy eyes. You scream and jolt backwards, falling on your behind. Saffron immediately kneels down to you."Renne! Are you okay? What happened?!"You tell her about the goat, and how it was about to charge at you. She looks on with a horrified face as you describe it, and pulls you in for a big hug when you're through.
>>4995730Well that was a waste of time.Head down to the golem corpse on the next floor down, and have Renne look at the right side of that message in front of the gear expanse on the way past. I'm still being bugged by those words that were cut off last time we tried to read it.
>>4995730welpwe sure fucked up that encounter
>>4995897We didn't fuck up, we did exactly what we should have done.I think.Time is ticking though, someone got that diagram of how to turn the spire wheels?
>>4995730Where else are there corpses we can commune with?What about that ramshackle monster? Where did its remains go?
>>4995986We had to kill it, and we saw its spirits/memory at the entrance to the temple, where we first started.It was sad.
>>49959863/4 went into the lava, 1/4 landed in the top spire room, then was crushed into a paste by the golem we just killed.
>>4995972>>>4983810>>4983829on to the spire then?
>>4996169Wait, do we want to start turning the spire first, while the bottom floor's still inaccessible due to SJEDJ, or do we want to take him out first and then start turning? I figured we might as well go fight him first, since we seem to be on a roll. And there's a couple of things I want to do on the 7th floor down first too, such as testing Renne's strength, seeing if she can levitate herself, and seeing if she can reach the mouth.
>>4996239I'm partial to having Renne handle the golem so Saffron doesn't have to exert herself any more, but lifting Saffron was nearing her limits, and the golems are much bigger and heavier.
>>4996328She was able to lift the sword and saffron with easy, but at that point she could feel she was reaching her limits.
guys we need to give directions...where are we going next?i say the top floor of the spire
Head for the bottom of the spire
>>4996587I gave mine up here>>4995848Turning the spire seems a little pointless when we can't finish it up yet, and I'm wondering if it might not set off SJEDJ somehow, forcing a confrontation we have less control of.
You decide to head down to the second-to-bottom floor, to test your might with the decrepit golem and perhaps to face against the one on the floor below. As you pass by the abyss of gears, you hurry Saffron along, but notice that the chilly feeling isn't as strong as it was before.
>>4997147Ask Saffron if she is feeling strong enough to take on the golem.As ourselves if taking out his last golem is a good idea. What if he ups the ante?
>>4997147Ok. Item one, strength test. Give that golem a pull, see if we can lift it up, and if we can drag it around.
>>4997218You take a deep breath and concentrate on the body of the golem. You surround it with your telekinesis and pull, and try to lift. You concentrate harder, but it isn't moving.
>>4997738Item two. Can we lift ourselves?
You give it your all, but it barely budges. You can see it twitch and jerk slightly, but it never really moves. Most of what moves are the little bits of rubble immediately next to the golem.
So the tumblr updated a while back, no idea what Anon was getting at with this question.
>>4997767<cutscene>And so you try your second round of experiments.
>>4998398Think happy thoughts!
<cutscene>You think happy thoughts, but your equilibrium says otherwise.
>>4998398Next stop, Lava expanse platform and some bitchin' prizes!
<end cutscene>You hit the ground with a loud thump, and Saffron comes running. She's shaking her paws and twiddling her digits, fretting over you, but you assure her you're okay. You told her that as soon as you got off the ground, you had no frame of reference and your levitation magic went nuts until you finally let go of it.
>>4998600Oh dear. I suppose that means that having Saffron carrying us and then lifting her'd have the same disorienting effect. I'm sure it'd work with practice, but we probably don't have anywhere near enough time to learn a new skill like that while we're down here.
>>4998704Aw man, that would have been sweet. We could have become the next Mare-Do-Well!...What would Renne's superhero name be, anyway?
>>4998769An anagram would be best.Nener
>>4998704Item 3. Focus on Saffron. Can we feel anything like the spirit tingles we've been encountering?
>>4998769Who says we're not superheroes already?! Oklahoma Crux, magician extraordinare and her faithful sidekick, Saffron Hale!Honestly, the story writes itself. Two creatures desperate enough to live that they trade their very bodies to soul sucking lichkings for the power to escape a stone labyrinth built to house an ancient evil! Why, I can practically see someone drawing our story out now!"Crux Quest" we shall call it!
>>4995373Got distracted and forgot about responding to this when you said it, but>"Yes. The only sacrifice I couldn't commit. And then you got in the way...">He scoffs, with a spurt of blood and a wheeze.>"Peace? There is none. Do not think that I am through with you."All that was just after slicing his throat open.
>>4998256Hard to tell, but is that some corruption spread I see there?
>>4999572Was gonna say, those bags we have on have been blocking our view of our body.
>>4998965For your third test, you ask Saffron if you could borrow her for a moment."Sure, whatcha need?"You ask her to concentrate, to try and focus herself, and that you will do so as well.
<Also, just asking this real quick. Could we refrain from posting until the 5m blows over? I don't really feel like dealing with that.>
Y'know, a silly idea I had. We think that the problem might be that the energy from the gauntlets is reaching out for the bridge, and vice versa, right?What if we were to press the bridge up against the tendrils? Perhaps it'd temporarily discharge the energy buildup that's causing the trouble? Seems like it ought to be worth a shot.
>>4999837>>4999925Whoops, sorry, didn't see that before I posted. Looks like we're clear now, though.
You focus yourself, try to grasp on to Saffron's essence. You try to do so gently, not knowing if this could hurt her. You try for a few minutes, and then tell her to relax, and that you hadn't been able to contact her spirit, or whatever you have been making contact with so far.
>>5000313>that corruption on us>those bags under her eyeshow long have those been there? ;_;
>>5000313Right, last thing is to see if the Mouth is in our TK range now from the upper platform, then I guess we need to start making battle plans, unless someone else has an idea.
>>5000313>that corruptionPretty soon we'll have to give Saffron the Abaddon treatment.
>>5000392What about >>4999925?
>>5000483you mean press our back to Saffron's?
>>5000507Or our chest to her back, since that'd be how the bridge'd be oriented if she was wearing it.
>>5000507>It attaches itself to the arms permanently>Renne and Saffron are now joined at the back>Saffron runs around wearing Renne like a backpack>Saffron-Kazooie
>>5000392You and Saffron move over to the west, and arrive on the platform overlooking the huge lava room.
Was having trouble remembering which bit of text was with which images in the plot wall, so I went and made this.
>>5000643And with the original writing
You try your hardest, but the distance from here to the platform is actually farther than on the lower level.
>>5000643>>5000652Aaand just realised I've used the wrong version of the dots image in those. Ah well.>>5000676Does our reach extend close to those chains hanging from the ceiling?
>>5000697>Does our reach extend close to those chains hanging from the ceiling?Almost the same distance to the center platform, but a little farther.
>>5000750Well, I'm done. We could still use that chain swing idea if we want to later, but I think that can wait until after we've dealt with SJEDJ.Shall we try Saffron-Cruxtooie then before we head into battle?Sorry if my series pf testing stuff's making you run late tonight, LK.
And I think this is a good stopping point tonight. Thanks, guys.>>5000821No worries, I don't think there's a "late" for me to run considering I've done one for 11 hours before.
>>5000842No prob, thanks for the session as always!Didn't make much actual progress, but I think we cleared out a bunch of things that needed to be done to make sure we were going into the golem fight at max power.Next session we smash!
>>5000882Oh god, I love these edits so much. You guys are awesome.
>>4988681Y'know, I just realised something. We've just locked Chronicle in a room that requires a gauntlet to open; If we lose Saffron, or she loses her arms, we've got no way of getting him out again.Cheery thought!
One final tumblr update, guys.
>>5000984thanks for that
/thread, i guessWriting it out here again: thanks to rossy!, a truncated version of 4chan X is in an almost fully working condition, but quote preview is being a bitch. I'll look into it at the weekend
>>5001526Thanks, and good luck!
>>4999925>>5000507>>5000531We kind of already did that.
>>5001892Oh, that's right, when we were going up to have a look at the top of the chain. Nevermind, then!
>>5000591There's a largish audio file in this image, of steam venting and rumbling, but I'm pretty sure that's just because it's s13_19.png reused, and LK threw an audio tag on it then.
You frown a bit, now knowing that you'll have to at least be downstairs to be close enough to reach the center platform with your telekinesis.
>>5012363Lower platform or spire bottom, either way we have to deal with the golem.
>>5012363looks like we have to gear up for the golemi still think we should wait until the rest of MLPG calms down
>>5012363lets go to golem
<You guys sure you want to go ahead without the decisions from the rest of the crew? Waiting isn't a bad thing.>
>>5013037I don't mind waiting
I don't really think there's much else to do. Let's just go fight that golem.
>>5014561We can always try and talk to chance some more, we left a bit early.Maybe turning of some of the gears will cause the platform in this room to change.Also I guess the plan form the golem is to trip it and have saffron rip it apart...?
>i keep seeing this thread err daybut i never know what this is about
>>5014711i thought that we didn't want to have Saffron do too much work because it made her corruption spread?>>5014734>quest in the titleit's a questthere's an archiveread it if you're interested
You swallow hard, and tell Saffron that you think the only thing left to do is to face the golem on the bottom floor of the temple. You head back east and to the stairwell. Deja vu washes over you as you stare down into the darkness, unable to see or hear anything.
>>5014765Yeah I don't want her to, but I'm not sure Renne could take it on her own and now that the corruptions is spreading across Renne we don't have the time to mess around.
>>5014909>>5014822I don't think we want to go try to fight the thing in the dark. We can easily lower Saffron down into the column chamber, which'll be lit by the lava and put us closer for tossing him in there if we can. Not sure how we can get Renne in there, but she doesn't exactly need to come down, with her TK.
>>5014943>flying Saffron
>>5014943i think that might be the better routedo you think she'd be able to catch us if we jump?i'd be for it but... lava
>>5014711We could get Saffron to cut up some chain; maybe those ones hanging down from beside the high lava room platform, then use those to tangle his feet up.>>5012363They don't seem to connect to anything, as far as I can tell from the past images.
>>5015087cut that fuckhuge chain? let's see if she can lift it first i guessit's either this or sending her down with no way to get down ourselves
>>5015269Well either that, or some from somewhere else. If I'm not getting mixed up with the other sacrifice chamber, I think there were some smaller chains hanging from the roof of the goat room.
Man... i have missed so many threads, what happened to chronicle dude?
>>5015298the chains are in between the lava ledge >>5012363 and the stairwell >>5014822but don't you think those chains are too thin?
>>5015326We fought a golem, he got too close and to a fist to the ribcage. We left him in the room we found the second gauntlet in to rest while we're just about to take on the second golem.
>>5015366But hes still alive?What a relief, guess its time to spend days on the archieve.
So what are we doing guys?Let's take charge, are we:Going down the stairsFloating Saffron down by the spireor bringing in a chain?
>>5014822Our methods of killing it are slowly killing us via armor assimilation. We should have a backup plan incase the arms finally start to wreck Saffron.Something's animating them that lets them see or hear while blind. We should see if we get any feeling of mental connection when we approach where it is. Maybe we can mindfuck it before it's in punching range. Get in its head and stir up whatever animates it, wizard duel style.
>>5015454I think we should lower Saffron down and try to snag it up with the chains while she beats it to death with fists / sword.We're a squishy wizardy mage. We should be far out of harm's way, so that no one has to get hurt trying to protect us, and Saffron can focus on protecting herself while we fight it. From our perch up there, we can hit it with things, tangle it up with chains, and try to wizard duel.Sound good?
>>5015499I like this idea, if it's at all possible. It'll have the bonus of rendering it immobile and easy for Saffron to drag over for a dunking too, if entering that state affects it anything like it does Renne.
>>5015454Try to lower Saffron down by chain, I guess.
>>5015454My vote's to go cut a chain from somewhere, tangle its legs up and then try to enter into a MIND DUEL with it.At any rate, the legs see to be the weak spot, I think; the sword failing to affect any part beside them showed that, and they're smaller than the rest of it's parts.
>>5015499oh wowi really like this ideaso how will we go about investigating?we need to be close to feel if we can grab on to that feeling but can we search for it from afar?because our body remains stationary, we can send spirit-us down to investigate and abort if we need to
>>5015638All while Saffron's doing her thing, of course.
>>5015646Scout with Spirit us, then if we can't find it, enact plan "Chain tangle mindfuck".
>>5015675This could have interesting results. Let's do it.
>>5015675If it's a matter of finding it, we can just TK the sword down there and clang it against the floor a few times to bring him out of the woodwork.
>>5015709let's send Torchy!
>How did Baldwin gain control of this place, and where did he get the knowledge to do so? >By great force>on both accounts
You suggest to Saffron the idea of binding a golem with one of the chains hanging from the side of the balcony in the lava room. She agrees and the both of you head in that direction. The chain looks massive, though you are sure that the both of you can handle it.
>>5016071Give it a test lift.
>>5016161You give it a lift with your magic, and the chain rattles. You test it some more, and you can tug it closer. You feel you could bring most of the chain up by yourself if given the time, but Saffron lends a paw and you both drag the chain up and onto the platform rather quickly.
>>5016280I really want the mind duel to work. Saffron's back has gone to shit.
>>5016280Looks like our plan won't work after all.
>>5016364why not?cleave the chain with the swordare we going to have Renne or Saffron carry it?
>>5016399I say Saffron
>>5016399This. Let's just cut the chain and get rollin'
>>5016399If Renne will be using it against the golem she should carry it.
>>5016399My vote's for Renne, since it'll give her practice manipulating it and give us a better idea of how she handles it. (For all of two pictures)We're bringing the sword along too, right? I haven't seen it since we tried out levitating the golemcorpse. Makes sense to have all our tools close to hand, just in case we have to change plans.
You break the chain with the sword in one swift slice, and hand the sword back to Saffron. You tell her that you will be in charge of the chain, and use your telekinesis to drag it, rather loudly, back to the room with the stairwell.
>>5016652...Damn, that sword is sharper than I though. I thought it was mostly a bludgeoning weapon with it's size, but if Renne can cut through a chain that thick without Saffron's simply ridiculous levels of strength...
>>5016693Then how fucking hardcore are these golems? God damn! And Saffron Kool-Aid Man'd one with her bare hands
>>5016709>and the blackness spread a whole lot. I think it spreads more if it is used.
>>5016693or maybe the chain is brittle as fuck and will snap once wrapped around the golem...
>>5016709I wonder if it's a matter of where we're targeting? We know parts of them are stone and parts of them are bronze: Where were we hitting them last time?
I was going to say "well Chance took out three!"But these were the last two downstairsI think they're a different level of golem-ness
>>5016709>>5016750maybe they're being protected by something else >>5015499>Something's animating them that lets them see or hear while blind
>>5016786Did he take out three? I'd been thinking it was only two, but I've kept being bothered by the fact that there were three empty golem pedestals.If I'd somehow misinterpreted Chance's battle and there was a third one, that'd clear things up.One is headless on our current floor, we saw one go into the lava. Do you think a third one also went into the lava before we saw it?
>>5016750What if we studied the body of that dead golem to see if we can find any weak areas?...I'm just trying to improve our chances however slightly we can.
>>5016879Sounds like a good idea
>>5016879...That's actually a good idea. I suppose we'd better go and beat that dead dog a bit.
>>5016879I'm down. At least let's see which parts are bronze and which are stone.
>>5016879it looks like there's some cracking and debris near where she tore the head offseems to be that the stone is the weaker part
>>5016879<1 of 2>You decide to take a closer look at the 'dead' golem's body. Wherever a join would be, there seems to be a bronze metal band with some intricate workings barely exposed beneath each one. You can see that where its neck would be, there is a lot of scrapes and scratches. The handiwork of Chance in an attempt to remove the head, you assume.
<2 of 2>Upon very close inspection of its hand, you can see the bronze bands covered in many symbols that you do not recognize. Shining the torch closer, you can see a small gap in between the stone, and the metal band. The light of reflection on metal gleams out of the small gap. You can see that the stone parts of the golem are not solid stone, but hollowed out and filled with bronze, and the bronze itself being a hollow vessel.
>>5017186>hollow enchanted bronze soul-container covered in stoneHuh...
>>5017186so they're made of bronze entirely but just have stone bits for more protection?i don't know where we should swing with these guys
>>5017331At the bronze.
>>5017331>>5017360>You swing again, this time for its legs. The blade connects on the metal band right above its foot with a loud clang and a spark. It tries to take a step but its foot buckles. You use all of your telekinesis power and pull, sending the golem falling to its knees.I think we disabled it somewhatSaffron was just too fast for us to really know
>>5017331I wonder if hitting them on those symbols might mess with whatever magic makes them work?
>>5017396we don't know what magic that iswe're probably better off doing the spirit stuff for that
>>5017186Is the sword able to fit in the small gap ?
>>5017527You try, but only the very corner of the sword tip can fit into the gap, and just barely. They are sealed exceptionally tightly.
>>5017677Reach out to the body. Can we animate it again? We could try to make one fight for us.
The fuck did everybody go?>Captcha:>fickle chub
>>5017928I have no idea what to do.
>>5017940didn't we have a plan?reach out to the golem with our spirit vision stuff and then have Saffron smash him to bits?
>>5017940We go kill some golem with our knowledge, I guess.>Attract golem to bottom of stairs>Reach out with spirit vision shit>Wizard duel>If that don't work, IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIME.
>>5017971I think we were also going to try and disable it a bit with the chain.
>>5017928Sorry, had something else to do for a bit.>>5017980We do this, then. Since I don't particularly want to find out how lava effects spirits, shall we try heading down the stair in astral projection mode? I assume we'll be able to see by our own glow.Also Tumblr update.
>>5017980>>5018215Do we want to do this first, or while Saffron's fighting? It seems it would be best to do it the latter, since the golem'll be fighting on two seperate fronts, and it'll make it a lot easier for Saffron to take care of him.
>>5017821You focus hard on the feeling you got around the four, and Chance, and that goat. You get a slight tingle, and when you open your eyes your vision starts to shift, but you do not feel anything with the strength of the others.
>>5018256Follow the slight tingle if possible.
Question: Anyone know who got the 5M get?
>>5018328Nobody in this thread.
>>5018328A random picture of AJ. "Isn't My Little Pony a show for little girls" got 4999999, though....Why ask here, rather than the general?
>>5018270You try your hardest to latch on to it, to spread the feeling, but you cannot.
>>5018370Is Saffron still visible?
>>5018370whats happening to saffron
>>5018399>>5018409Her form is fading in and out the harder you try. She looks down at you funny.
>>5018498Ask her if anything weird is happening.
>>5018516same here
>>5018409I was asking to see if we were in spirit country proper, yet. All the other times we've entered bluespace she's dissapeared.
>>5018215Huh, that seems both a blessing and a curse. The spirit powering it means we should be able to latch onto it to go spirit mode once we're close enough, but do we really want to go toe-to-toe with a "great warrior"?,,,We'll do it for Saffron. Let's just hope she can dispatch it's body before we get too roughed up.
>>5018498We've learned all I wanted to. >TFW later our only means of saving saffron is to bind her spirit to one of these things At least we have a backup backup plan. Let's go kill us a golem.
>>5018498hnnnggthat ear wiggle>>5018569does this mean that the golems can exist in both places?if they are spiritual and physical then they can be in both places at once
>>5018676So does Renne: remember she wandered over to the goat in the corner, but when she cut the connections she was stanging back in front of the altar? The trick is that while Renne's moving about spiritually she's a sitting duck physically. We're hoping that having to fend us off on the spirit plane will at least slow the golem down on the physical, if not disable him entirely, giving Saffron an easy kill.
You return from your attempt at connecting with the dead golem. Both you and Saffron prepare yourselves at the top of the stairwell.
>>5018808try to connect to the golem's spirit
>>5018808>You prepare yourselveshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEjgPh4SEmU
>>5018808Wait, so are we taking the stairs, or going to the column and sending Saffron down the lavaroom hole, with Renne staying up above and working her magic from there, so Saffron doesn't have to guard her body?
>>5018888Top of the stairs, attract golem, try to take its mind over since it can't come up after us.If that fails, we go around and drop Saffron down the hole, while we stay above and wizard duel it.
>>5018897so we're gonna stay here for now and connect to it?
>>5018922Sounds about right.
>>5018897Ooh, I see. Good idea.Then let's get it's attention by sending Torchy in first to light the torches either side of the stairwell; that way Saffron'll have light if she does attack him.Tell Saffron our plan; we know she can hear us mumble what we're saying when we're in the blue, so set it up so when we want her to attack we'll yell out to her, should be audible enough for her to get the idea.
>>5018935Or just tell her to take the opportunity if she sees it.
>>5018935waitwhen we're contacting his spirit is Saffron standing next to us or is she downstairs?if we're all spirity then what use is the chain?can we see if we can connect with it now?
>>5018975We can't connect with it right now; we didn't have anything to latch onto like the other times when we tried>>5018370We're going to have to lure it closer, first.And yeah, chain plan's kind of a bust if we're going spirit mode straight away.
>>5019005>>5018975Chainy is our backup plan. If it comes to violence, we chain its legs up while Saffron wails on it.Plan 1: Wizard duel from safetyPlan 2: Violence>Captcha: Leviticus BallsThat bodes... ill.
>>5019005but that was us trying to connect to the DEAD armor i thinkmaybe the thing we were getting was the actual golem and we were too far?
>>5019026Oh right, so it was. Sorry!
>>5019026Sounds about right. We can do this anons!
>>5019044we're all going to die
You send Torchy down in an attempt to light up the two torches on the wall and hopefully catch the golem's attention.
>>5019121>Onward to victory!
>>5019301TORCHY NOOO!
>>5019301Slowing that gif down, that's his hand reaching out and wrapping around the whole torch.
>>5019301Poor torchy.
>>5019354So we probably shouldn't pull it back to us too fast then
>>5019307Do we have another torch to float down there?
Try connecting with it, he's right at the foot of the stairs
>>5019452You mourn the loss of your trusty torch, feeling your telekinetic grip on it dissipate. You instead focus yourself on the very faint tingling sensation. It only arises once you try to pay attention to it. It seems far away, but reachable.
>>5019301Well that's as close as he's going to get. Time for us to do the glowy thing, if that's what we're doing.We could head a little down the steps to get closer if we needed to, but he has still got that sword; I'd be worried about him reaching up and smacking us with it.>>5019432There's a couple of torches on the wall behind us>>5018808I don't think sending another one down there's going to do anything more than give him a second hostage, though.
>>5019559keep going
>>5019559Try to reach it
>>5019559Use the memory of Torchy to fuel our anger and strengthen our reach to that sensation. The fire that torchy has lit in our hearts while assassinated on a mission of diplomatic peace will burn this entire stone shithole to the ground.
>>5019559Time to go say "Hi!" to the spirit powering that clunky old thing.
We double quest again? Why am I always the last one who gets to know about this?
>>5019645<Sorry. I mentioned it a few times in MLPG before we started, but you didn't catch it I guess. I'll be doing doubles from here on out unless otherwise specified.>
>>5019645We forever doublequest.
>>5019600>>5019608>>5019617You concentrate harder, trying to bring that feeling to the surface. You can feel it now, much stronger than the others ever were. It almost feels like it is fighting back, but you press on, determined. Your surroundings are fading, and the last thing you hear is Saffron's calm, gentle voice."Be safe."
>>5019660I hardly ever peek into mlpg.>>5019662Oh my...
[audio01] You dive in headlong, chasing the sensation. It overwhelms you and you open your eyes, suddenly.
There is a bright light on the floor below. It shimmers, but does not move from its position.
>>5019789Oh fuckGo down the stairs slowly
>>5019789...get some?
>>5019789>>5019827It sounds like breathing.VERY slowly. Fully prepared to cut the connection if need be.
<Whoops.>Yo decide to press on. As soon as your hoof hits the first step, you can hear the clanging noise of the golem's sword against its stone hand in a slow and steady rhythm. When your hooves touch the second step, you can hear the rumble of its voice."AOJBJ OESSB VK BAVUJ, KPSSJH WPAO AOJ HJEH"
>>5020096OH GOD WORDS.Where is Soup to translate them?
Will this be running at around the same time next week?
>>5020208<Yes. Relatively the same time. Starting times fluctuate a bit but it's always on Wednesday and Thursday.>
[audio02] You go further down the steps, pushing onwards. The clang of the golem's sword is steady, and his voice comes booming up the stairwell once again."KJEZ FJ AV AOVBJ WOV HEZJ AV AZJEH"
B = SZ = R
>>5020314>>5020329I've got a bad feel about this one, Saff
>>5020255Awesome. Now I won't have to miss it every week.
>>5020378were fucked
>>5020378Nonsense! Voices in Renne's head, DO YOU WANT TO LIVE FOREVER? Forward you dogs!
>Have to leave for 3 hours just as we're about to fightIT KEEPS HAPPENINGYou guys had better not get us killed while I'm gone.
>>5020472We'll keep the impromptu hugs to a minimum this time.
See you next week~
>>5020696We could be in trouble.Where's Saffron to save our flank again?
>>5020627Jesus fucking christAnd since when do golems recite poetry?