<In which ponies and dogs try to open doors.To catch up, the previous sessions are located here:https://dl.dropbox.com/u/28501521/GeneralArchive/RenneQuest/RenneArchive.htmlIt is highly recommended that you have the script that allows you to play audio files embedded in the images. If there is audio with an image, it will be tagged like [this].The script can be found here: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/133802Make sure you refresh the thread after installing!>
Huh. I read about this back in the MLPFTORPG IRC. You do drawquests, correct?
The voice fades, and another grows stronger."Renne... please... please come back."You slowly return to reality, back to the heat of the balcony overlooking the lava room.
You clench your teeth, frustrated. You want answers, answers to why you're here, answers to how you can leave, answers to why the horrible things that have transpired came to pass.You search your mind, try to go back, but you hear nothing.
Wow, Is no one around tonight? Give me a refresh on what happened last week
>>4454841<It's in the archive, but ultimately Renne put on the shoulder armor and a stone and had a chat with a stranger.>
Tell Saffron and Chronicler what we learned from the trapped Diamond dog ?
>>4454880Yeah, just went skimmed it.We should check out saffron, she had some kind of corruption rash spreading out form her armor pieces.Also after inserting the Gem into our back, do we feel stronger or anything like that?Also ask if we did anything weird i guess while we were out of it... What were we doing in this room?
By the way, for anyone that didn't know this image was hidden in last week's quest.>>4454402First thing's first: let's tell Saffron and Chronicle that we're okay.
Anyone watching the tumblr? It always seems to lag my computer out.
>>4454900>>4454941>>4454970You turn around to address Saffron and Chronicle. You ask them how long you were out, and what you were doing at the time."You just stood there with your eyes closed and you muttered a few questions.""Not very long, fortunately."You sigh and assure them that you are okay. You tell them that a voice called out to you when you blanked out, and it answered some of your questions. It said that it used to be a diamond dog but is now trapped in this place like a prison. It also said that it knows you want to get out and offered to help.
>>4455155Have a look at your new snazzy metal backplate thing.What's it do? Does it make you feel any different?
>>4455155Ask them if they think we should trust the diamond dog and also examine the strange markings coming from the gauntlets Saffron is wearing.
>>4454941>>4455264As you turn and look at Saffron, you notice something, underneath the pauldrons. You ask her."I... wh-what?!"She looks down at herself frantically. She lifts up her arms to try and get a better look, but the bulkiness of the armor gets in the way and she can't quite see it that well. She scratches at it, rubbing hard, but it does not go away."I-I didn't feel anything, I still don't! I feel the same, but now I'm changing? Renne... we need to get out of here, we need to get rid of these things!"She looks down at her paws, her breathing more frantic than ever before."I...""I'm scared..."
>>4455472Give Saffron a hug and tell her we're going to make it out of here.
>>4455472>>4455472Comfort/calm her, Get Chronicle in on this too... saffron is freaking out.
>>4455512>>4455512You can't hug her like you used to, but you do your best hugging her around her waist. You can feel her shaking, but her breathing calms down a bit. She doesn't really hug back, although her arms twitch as if she wants to. You tell her that you're all going to make it out. You'll make it out and buy scarves, just like she promised.You take a deep sigh before letting go of her. You ask both her and Chronicle if you think you should trust the voice that you heard.
Anyone remember why we came down to this room?
>>4455851Examine the thing on our back while they answer.>>4455951Not really.
>>4455951To try and get whatever is in the center, so that we may open the skull door.
>>4455951>>4455984some of us were under the assumption that the stone would have sprouted wings for us and we could fly to the center of the room
>>4456006Maybe they still will, Lets have renne inspect herself/try and get them to work.
>>4456006>>4456029If we are wearing the piece from saffron's set, this would be the one with wings
Saffron doesn't respond, and you can only hear her sniffling. Chronicle stands in the doorframe, though you cannot tell if it is to stand guard, or to further himself from the two of you with your fused armor. His voice is somewhat shaky."A voice? I am not sure. Before Chance... turned, he heard many voices. But you say it is just one, and that it knows how to get out?"He pauses for a moment."What's the harm in listening, then?"
>>4456006>>4456029>>4456060Four of metal, you nignogs.The wings are the last piece of the armor.
>>4456069 I would just like to point out at the start of the quest, we heard a large number of voices chanting Renne...
>>4456134Possibly Chronicler's dead companions ?
>>4456167This happened before they were dead, Also if I recall it said it was hundreds or thousands of voices.I think it was just before the PillarsSpikes wrecked the ship.
>>4456225>>4456167>>4456134"The pounding in your head has been replaced by the chanting of your name in a thousand different voices at once." Log3>>4456069We may have to put on another piece to have Renne talk with him, Don't know why he doesn't just tell us... We've been talking to him.
>>4455984You try to look at your back, at the armor, but you cannot see. You turn your head, but can only see the bulk of the armor, not your where the armor ends and you begin. You look up to Saffron with pleading eyes, and she looks down at you, shaking her head, forcing a smile.
Looking back at Log 14, I'm thinking it might all those who Baldwin killed since he says many have come to the temple before.
>>4456086... oh wow.So I pointed out before how it would seem Who ever was wearing saffrons set before Ripped their own arms off. I wonder if they did it to stop the corruption from spreading any further.
I understand, though I'm not happy about it.
>>4455851>>4456069>>4456379god damn itpoor Saffron ;_;
>>4456422Time to go set him free ?
>>4456086but then the question is...who should put on the armor?
>>4456300>>4456069>whats the harmOh, A billion things could go wrong...Where do you think he is at? Perhaps if we get closer or have renne stare at an object linked to him she'll go into one of those trances and be able to communicate directly with him
So where are we going next? Any ideas? I think our options of not fighting golems are running out.
>>4456616We might need to fight or sneak past the golem downstairs so we can get past the door at the bottom.
>>4456616I'm confident Saffron could rip the golems apart, but i fear it may be her using her super strength that is causing the corruption to spread at this increased speed, I'd rather we attempt to sneak past them.
>>4456744>>4456757so downstairs then?that sounds okay to me
>>4455951>>4456778Anyone have a more update version?
>>4456422 It would seem all the heavylifters/thinkers are missing today... If you are so egear to speak with her, Perhaps you should clue us in on the how.
You walk out of the heated balcony, and past the sacrifice chamber into the room with the stairwell. You make sure to talk to Saffron and Chronicle, that you want to try and sneak past the golem hiding down below. You tell them to startle you if it tries to connect with you once again. They both nod, and you approach the stairwell, Saffron ready for anything.
You stare into the abyss below. The torches have gone out, either on their own or by the golem. All of you wait, trying to hear anything... the slightest creak of stone, the faintest screech of metal, or even a breath, but nothing comes.[audio01]
>>4457091>>4457151I don't know how well we can sneak around in a pitch black room with a lit torch...
>>4457216put it out!have Saffron guide us!she's a dog, she can see in the dark right?
>>4457238I don't think that's how dogs work
>>4457238She would have low light vision... she wouldn't be able to see in the pitch dark.Side note, wonder where chance's body ended up/ Whats underneath/behind all those gears.
>>4457216>>4457238So what do we do? Have Chronicle use his spell to hide most of the light?
>>4457268Just have her turn on smell-o-vision!Maybe we can lure it out into the light somehow?"HEY! UGLY!"
>>4457304>yelling at the thing you want to sneak pastyou make solid snake cry
Just got in. Think I might be a little bit too late with this idea, but since we couldn't turn the gear on the second floor we thought we might have to do them from the bottom up.I had another idea; the numbers on the the diagram are the numbers 1-4; perhaps they're the order we need to turn them in? It'd explain why Clunky was guarding the top, since that's number 1, as well as why this doesn't add up to 8 like all the others have.Also, said this in the speculation thread but since I'm not sure if anyone actually checks that>>4454970I think that circle in the middle of the octagram is another one of those ones we've been seeing in the floor and ceiling of the top four floors, which'd put this room on the eigth floor, above the room with with seven on the wall.
>>4457325Oh, sorry, hadn't realised we were sneaking. Thought we were going down to kick it's teeth in.Snake was all about making loud noises to lure guards out of his path, though.Knock on the wall!
>>4457238>>4457304>>4457289You ask Chronicle if he can use his Shroud spell to conceal most of the light. He nods, and you nod back. You all slowly descend into the darkness. You try to control your breathing, but your heart is racing. You wait for a sound, but still hear nothing.
>>4455951Oh, just noticed you've posted an older version of the map. Here's the most recent one.
>>4457501Go left.
>>4457559You slowly... carefully head west, towards the closed door. As you and Chronicle walk forwards, Saffron walks backwards, facing the darkness, ready for anything. You enter the room to the west, and on the far end you can see the door outlined by the light coming from behind it.
>>4457695This tickles me.
>>4457730I guess we have to open that door.Let's just hope that it doesn't bring in the golem.
>>4457798The question is, how?I guess we start with treating the circular discs the same as we have previously, then see what happens.
>>4457798>>4457831Also, don't forget to have someone watching the door in case it DOES bring the golem. Though I suspect Chronicle would have taken that task on himself anyway, he's been pretty good about that so far.
>>4457730As we go over to the door check out the rest of the room to make sure the golem isn't hiding in here.Can someone post the door so we know how to open it before we get there?
>>4457910so we turn it first?
From when we first opened a two-glove-disc door:>You nod, a gut feeling that something is indeed nearby. Saffron walks up to the door, the metal from her gauntlets clicking softly against the metal of the discs. She turns each paw, palm down to palm up, a metal clunking noise coming from the door. With great strain, Saffron begins to lift.
>>4457947>>4457957Guess so.
>>4457910Turn the top two then grip and press the bottom two before lifting.
You check the room to ensure the golem is not around, and it does not seem to be hiding anywhere. You approach the door slowly, the heat growing as you come near, that feeling welling up in the back of your throat once more. Saffron sets aside her sword while Chronicle looks out toward the blackness, his eye squinting, watching for anything.Saffron inserts the digits of the glove into the disc, all too familiar to her now, and turns them slowly. There is a loud metal creak and a clunk.
Hey, I want to play this, but don't exactly know how. Care to explain?
>>4458054>That feeling welling up in the back of your throat once moreAh! We've located the mouth! Progress!
>>4458097Simple enough, just read what LK posts, pay attention and try to work out what we need to do to escape this place. Whenever LK makes a post that's not accompanied by "<cutscene>", we get the opportunity to choose an action for Renne to take.Of course, to understand what's going on you're going to have to read all the past sessions, they're in the dropbox archive up here>>4454328 (OP)
>>4458015Saffron presses her paws into the half-discs, pushing them slowly. Another loud clunk is heard, echoing through the room. Chronicle looks around nervously, but reports nothing. You swallow, trying to rid the feeling from your throat. Saffron begins to lift the door slowly.
>>4458150Take Chronicle and stand to the side of the door, just in case.
>>4458192>Yeah fuck Saffron!But seriously, that's probly a good idea
>>4458202If we wanted to fuck her we'd stay behind her.
>>4458265oh you
>>4458130Thanks. Time to get started then.
>>4458192You step to the side of the door, along with Chronicle, as Saffron flings the door upwards. The room is bathed in a blinding light and intense heat. Saffron gasps and covers her eyes, and you do the same, trying to get them to adjust.
>>4458312Fuck, forgot spoilers.
>>4458317Wait for them to adjust, then look around.
Damn im late, and looks like people is already getting corrupted... we are gonna die in the end.
>>4458448Not using Chrome myself, but a quick google says>1. download the userscript you want to install;>2. open the url chrome://chrome/extensions/ ;>3. drag the userscript .user.js file and drop it to the page above.http://userscripts.org/topics/113176?page=1#posts-455149
[audio02] You adjust your eyes and walk through the doorway into the blistering heat. The air in here is hard to breathe, being so incredibly hot, and the lump in your throat isn't helping that at all. Both you and Chronicle walk slowly on the walkway with Saffron taking up the lead. The feeling in your throat begins to pulse, your jaw feeling as if it being slowly pulled from your skull. Behind it all is the low thrum of the earth, echoing and filling the room.
>>4458593Weird way of phrasing it, but it's just warning that the script can access the pages you go to. It analyses 4chan pages for the appropriate sound tags and messes with the page to let you hear them if it finds them.Also>Ponyhoof
>>4458691Try to take a closer look at what's in the middle of the lava pool.
>>4458691Make sure someone's keeping an eye out behind us, so we don't get bullrushed into the lava.Look around, see if there's anything on this platform for us to interact with/read.See if we can get a better look at the object on the platform.See if our TK is strong enough to bring it over to us now that we're a bit closer.
>>4458795>>4458809You walk as close to the edge of the platform as you feel safe doing, making sure that Saffron is watching the doorway. You squint out into the glare, and you can see a octagonal prism structure, a framework of metal, held up to the ceiling and walls of the room by large chains. You can see something in the center of the platform, but cannot make out what it is. You try your hardest to reach with your telekinesis, but the chains only rattle slightly, the structure not even moving.
>>4459054Is the lump in our throat worse when we look out at the platform, or in another direction?
>>4459054Looks like a sacrifice spike to me
>>4459054Have Chronicle help us. He can drop his spell if he has to.
>>4459097You look up to the ceiling briefly, testing if the feeling in your throat changes. It lessens, but still remains, and returns to the strength it had been before when you stare at the center platform once more.
>>4459158Are those hooks or holes?
>>4458706So it doesn't, like log my activity or anything? Just looks to see if I'm on 4chan?
Aaaargh, so close, yet so far.
>>4459253<It just checks to see if there are [square bracket] tags in a post with an image and it attempts to play any embedded audio. No worries.>
>>4459145Even with Chronicle's help, the platform is just a bit too far.
>>4459274Install'd. Time to hear that room.
>>4459347I'm stumped.
>>4459347Drat it. I'm out of ideas, until we get someone with wings.Time to muck about with the spire?
Oh, and how do you upload audio to 4chan like that? That's wicked cool.
>>4459388I think so
>>4459384it looks like we need these>>4456086please don't have Saffron wear them ;_;
>>4459388If we are, do we want to head to the top or the bottom first?>>4459393Lazy way is to use oggchanhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/oggchan/Select an image, select an audio, it spits the image with the sound embedded in it out into the oggchan folder
>>4459445Are we ready to rumble with that golem?
>>4459461I think we're going to have to sooner or later.
Here's how our inventories stand, just in case it's useful somehow. Saffron's red, Renne's blue and Chronicle's green.
>>4459388>>4459412>>4459445You tell Chronicle that you feel you need to go back to the spire and try turning it once more. He agrees, having run out of ideas as well. As you walk closer to Saffron standing by the doorway, you begin to hear a noise. You're about to ask her what is going on, but she holds up a paw to quiet you. In the darkness, you can hear the clang of metal on stone. You hear it again, and again, in a slow and steady rhythm, It never gets louder, never gets closer, and is not accompanied by the sound of footsteps.
>>4459749See if Chronicler can hide us so that we carefully investigate the noise.
>>4459749Gee guys, I dunno. Should we try hugging this one?
You move your head slightly past Saffron to peer into the darkness.*CLANG* *CLANG* *CLANG*You freeze, not knowing what to do. The golem does not move, but remains in his position. From deep within the darkness, you can see its mouth hang open, slack-jawed, amidst the flashes of light. A voice reverberates through the room and shakes your very body."P AVSH NVL AV SJEDJ"
>>4460080Don't look at it
>>4460107Back away to a safe distance.
>>4460080We may be boned.
>>4460080Okay that made me jump in my chair
>>4460080holy shit
>>4460080Is he smacking the sword into his palm? Like a baseball bat?
>>4460080So the sound was him sharpening his sword on his own hand?Also, looks like we can't understand golems any more. SJEDJ was leave, what was that other word?
>>4460178We didn't find out what it meant, but it's previously said "SJEDJ UVW".At a guess, that was "LEAVE NOW"
>>4460178>>4460192I think it's saying "I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE"
can we run past it?he didn't follow us up the stairs last time
>>4460107>>4460240You turn away, not wanting to look it in the eye. You huddle behind Saffron, who's brandishing her sword. You ask her what you should do, what she's going to do."It's... not moving. Just standing there. I think if you and Chronicle run, I can make sure you get away. You remember it didn't go up the stairs last time, right?"
>>4460474Tell her to stay safe and not underestimate it.
>>4460474where in the room is it exactly?
>>4460536<Across the room with the stairwell, near the east doorway. Sorry, I forgot to mention that.>
>>4460474Saffron...You'll follow us, right?
>>4460474She goes in ahead of us while we run up the stares with Chronicle. Then she follows us up.
>>4460578And she doesn't attack it, but she can defend herself.
>>4460499>>4460575>>4460578>>4460587You tell her to stay safe. To only defend herself. To make sure to follow us. And to be SAFE. She smiles and nods toward you."I'll always follow you, Renne."
>>4460080>>4460474Well shit we want to leave too.Ask where the exit is
>>4460679>Tfw Saffron obviously loves us
<cutscene>You nod one more time, and Saffron slowly steps out into the room. The golem is slow to react, clanging its sword against its palm a few more times before lumbering forward. Saffron puts herself in between you and the golem as you run behind her and head up the stairs. The last thing you see before you reach the stairs is the golem scraping its sword along the floor and raising it up.
>>4460848Goodbye Saffron ;_;
>>4460848Oh godOh jeezeOh godPlease be okay Saffron.Please.We love you.
We probably should have tried teaming up with Chronicle and blasting it with telekinesis before running.
>>4460848Saffron pls no!Saffron pls run!
<cutscene>You watch down the stairs, even though it is nearly completely dark. You can see a faint red glow followed by a flash of light along with the clang of metal on metal. You hear one more clang, and the sound of metal hitting the stone floor. You speak out loud, wishing for her to please be okay, repeating it again and again.
Hey guys what's going on in-Oh
>>4460960WE FUCKED UP SOUP ;_;
Went ahead and worked out as much of the golemspeech as I could.Now I'm just sitting here worriedly while I wait to hear if Saffron's OK.
>>4460995hahahaGood one.we all know she's not
>>4460995So what was it telling us? I am to tired to break codes.
After a split second of silence that seems to last for eternity, you hear the hurried padding of paws on stone and Saffron comes barreling up the steps. She trips and tumbles, landing against the pile of rubble at the headless golem's feet. Below, you can hear a low hollow howling noise and the golem stomping away from the stairwell, to the east. You look over at Saffron, who is propped up against a bunch of rubble. You can see her forehead is bleeding, and she stares blankly off into the distance. You slowly move to approach her, and she speaks."That guy. Has really big arms."
>>4461040Ask her if she's okay
>>4461040Hug her and ask what happened.Everyone notice how the corruption marks are longer? They grow when she fights.
>>4461040Oh god, first aidWHO KNOWS FIRST AID
>>4461040LK stop making gravely injured characters look so cute, i need to be worried right now!
>>4461040Concussions are not a good thing to be having right now...
The suspense is killing me
>>4461046>>4461047You run over to her and give her the tightest hug you can muster. You start smothering her with questions. Are you okay? What about your head? What happened?"Renne."Will you be alright? Are you hurt anywhere else?"Renne... I'm okay. Really, I promise."She sits up a little straighter and coughs."I was just backing up, I wanted to go all the way up the stairs that way, but he lunged at me. I blocked it and tossed his sword to the side. Before I could run, he raised his fist and swung at me."She put her right arm in front of her forehead, and mimed hitting herself on the head with her own gauntlet."Like I said. Big arms. I blocked it but he knocked my fist against my head. And then I ran when he was getting his sword. Really... I promise, I'm okay."
>>4461177Where are we going next? Are we going to bed?
"And... I think the bleeding stopped already anyways. See?"
>>4461196uh... guys?Are we positive she's leaning against rubble?
>>4461209>She trips and tumbles, landing against the pile of rubble at the headless golem's feet.
>>4461185The only thing I can think of is to test and see if we just tried to turn the spire wheel the wrong way before.I have no idea why that would be the case or what we would do with that information but it's the only thing I can think of to do.Unless there's some way to reach the ceiling of the "7" room and... do something there? I don't know.
>>4461239did you see the theory that the floors are numbered in a specific order?the diagram has floors numbered 1 through 41 is at the top with another golem...
>>4461259Yeah I just saw that, seems reasonable.But again, fighting the golems seems out of the question unless we're desperate enough to put ourselves in harm's way.Are we desperate?
>>4461268Have we tried knocking them around with magic? All we really have to do is push the one up top down a hole.
>>4461268Could we try communicating with the golems from a spire room above them?
>>4461259>>4461268>golem 1 patrolling floor 1>wait until he is at the doorway>charge with everyone>golem go down da hole
>>4461287>>4461282I don't think attacking the golems is a good idea.Saffron certainly wasn't successful, so we haven't really seen all they're potentially capable of.
>>4461300>Saffron certainly wasn't successfulshe was also trying to walk up stairs backwardsin the dark
>>4461313We're not even positive we can damage them.
>>4461325you sure about that?
>>4461345We only beat Chance by pushing him over a ledge.I'm not convinced that a giant stone golem will shift quite as easily.Plus we never saw Chance destroy that golem. It might not have been him.
If we believe that theory, the bottom floor would be the last one, so we wouldn't need to figure out a plan for getting past the bottom floor golem until we need to turn the final ring.That still leaves us with how to deal with the top floor golem though.
>>4461359>It might not have been him.Fucking stop right there. I don't think I can handle something ELSE in this fucking temple.
>>4461373At first we thought it was just Chance and his voices. Then we discerned that there was something buried in this place. Then we bumped into a legion of animate stone monsters, and then we were introduced to someone who for all intents and purposes is a SKELETON
so we're still going up stairs yeah?
>>4461392Yeah I vote we go up.
Oh, there's always the option of having someone else check the corpse-stack room. We never really saw clearly what was in there.
>>4461384Let's not forget all the voices in our head! The ones that help us decide our every course of action!q
>>4461392>>4461397After using the scarf already around her head to wipe off the rest of the blood, Saffron stands up and grabs her sword. The three of you begin the ascent to the top spire room, but stop in the second-level spire room. You glance down into the pit, to the west. You see a darkened doorway, but cannot make out anything inside of it. A low, deep rumble echoes up from the bottom floor."MV"You decide to hurry up the stairs.
>>4461476Man, he's all "GO", but where does he expect us to go TO?
So what are we doing?Up top or corpse room?Can we visit the latter on the way?
>>4461496Yes let's ask if either of them are willing to investigate that room.
>>4461496See the map>>4457554Corpse room's two floors above the top of the spire
It's late and I'm tired. Take care of Renne and her friends.
You make your way up to the top spire floor, just one room in between the golem and yourselves. You can hear him making his rounds; stomping, waiting, turning, and stomping once more. He seems to have been undisturbed by the events on the bottom floor.
>>4461492I don't think he really cares.He just wants us not-there.
>>4461515He's like a cranky old man wanting us to get off his lawn.A cranky old man made out of tons of steel and stone, carrying around a sword almost twice our size.
>>4461498>"I'll always follow you, Renne."we need to be leadersare we going to the top spire or to the corpse room?
>>4461525Unless you think there might be more loot on the corpses, or maybe some more of Chance's mad scrawlings, the spire seems kinda fruitless. Kinda don't want to immediately take on a golem after Saffron's injured though, so let's head up and try that. We can stop for lunch for a bit to recover our strength while we're there too; that's the room we took our first meal in, too.
>>4461545Maybe there'll be some rope or something we missed, or some tools that Chance was using?
>>4461545>>4461553You decide to head upstairs, to check the room that you found Gusty Gale in, and.... and something seems to be amiss.
>>4461606Yay now I can be sleepy!I think it's hilarious that you said you were winding down hours ago
>>4461604>>4461606Oh maaaaaan.
>>4461609I do that sometimes...Also, would anyone be interested if I ran the quest tomorrow night as well? It's free for me. Does anyone else do a quest on Thursday nights?
>>4461620Woah shit Renne quest two nights in a row?....Gaaaah I can't, I've got to be up early Friday.
>>4461623Aw, sorry. If I can twist my schedules around I might be able to start quests sooner, and run them on both Wednesday and Thursday. I might wait a week before I do 2 sessions in a row.
>>4461620I guess I can make it.
>>4461647But I'm not the guy you just responded to.
Had to duck off for a bit when we were deciding whether to visit the spike again, just got back.>>4461604If we can't open the door from this side we're still fine; once we clear out that golem we can have Saffron shimmy up the chain again and open it up from the other side. I'm worried about whatever it was that shut it, though.>>4461620Fine by me, though if it runs later than whatever time an hour and a half before now is in your timezone I'll have to head off for work.
>>4461842Also, this doesn't stop us reaching the corpse stack; all that this has blocked off is the flame door and the secret passage to the top of the chain....You don't think something's come out of the flame room, do you?
>>4461620I'll be there for the first half of it.
>>4462116I think I'm gonna hold off on the double quests until next week. I'm not sure I've adequately prepared myself this time around. Gonna make sure we get double the fun next week though. I'll make a post or two about it in the generals so that people know.
>>4462239Gotcha. I shall gird my body in readiness.
>>4461842Actually, that's not going to be a problem unless it's been locked somehow; last time Renne just slid it open with her magic.