/mlp/ - Pony


Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.
And here's that Q&A thread from a few days ago: *click*

Note: "noko" is now the default when posting. Posting in a thread will return you to your new post instead of the board index. You can enable the old functionality by typing "nonoko" into the e-mail field.

Also, the number of e-mails I've gotten from people saying they met their significant other on 4chan is insane. I feel like some horrible bastard version of Cupid. To all of the ">tfw no gf" people, there is still hope!

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<In which ponies and dogs look for eyeballs.

To catch up, the previous sessions are located here:

It is highly recommended that you have the script that allows you to play audio files embedded in the images. If there is audio with an image, it will be tagged like [this].

The script can be found here: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/133802
Make sure you refresh the thread after installing!>
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On the way out of the door, you take a closer look at the body. There is no head, and the left arm is thrown back above where the head would have been, as if it had fallen over backwards into the room, arched over the pile of rubble.
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You walk out of the alcove, past the body, to talk with Saffron and Chronicle again.

"When you were in there, I noticed some blood out here. Chance's. It's leading off into the darkness, I think towards some stairs, but I can't quite make it out."
This is the second time I've been waiting for RQ to start, opened up /mlp/ to check if you made the thread, and saw it on the front page before you posted it in the thread.

My special ability is LK-sense.
Your cutie mark is a chubby pony
(I'm looking through the last log since I missed it, I'm here, just considering options.)
I think our options are to:

>Follow Chance
>Go back one room and open the door with the bronze disc
>Go back to the gear and try the combination that was on the floor in the last room

I vote for the gear. Work through the puzzles from top to bottom, in terms of floors.
Go back and open the door in the previous room. We don't want to run into Chance.
this, we could just open up the wall thingy before we go to the gear
I vote for this. Solving these puzzles is not going to be easy if we have Chance on our tails. Best to not meet him yet.
we ded?
Another player just getting in.

I feel leaving Chance to his own devices might be a bad idea, but haven't really got any better suggestions and I want to know what that code does. Onwards and upwards, I guess?
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You all back out slowly out of the room, listening carefully for any movement, making sure that neither Chance nor whatever that statue was is following you.
Map! And then have Saffron open the wall up.
Ask if anyone has any idea what the statue was or if it can do anything
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While we wait, was this ever posted in a thread proper? I feel like it should be.

It was hidden inside a rar found by putting the hex color code of the tumblr clue's "paint" into the dropbox url, changing the file extension to rar, and then using the number code from Renne's eye in Log 10 as a password to open the rar. Seems to show someone trapped inside the pillar in the spire room. Could be our tumblr guy, who claims to be "Encased in stone."
See if Saffron can open this wall. Keep watching the door.
Could it be some diamond dog deity?

Guess it couldn't hurt to open that door while we pass through.

As for the golem, it seems to me that there were two of them that Chance had to fight his way through to get to the second eye. We heard him struggling with the one he threw through the wall, and we saw a hand identical to the fallen golem slipping into the lava, where Chance presumably threw it. The fallen golem isn't missing any hands, so I assume the eye had two guardians.
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You quickly jot down the room that you're in, as well as what you could see and remember of the other room. You ask Chronicle if he has any clue as to what the statue thing was.

"Its physique was similar to Chance's, albeit... slightly larger. I noticed that it had markings on it, similar to the one you showed me not too long ago. Perhaps these were some sort of guardians? And they were marked, so perhaps they travel in pairs."
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You ask Saffron if she could try her paws on the bronze disc. She slips the tips of her fingers into the divots, fitting in perfectly. She starts to pull her paws in the opposite directions and you can hear her strain.
>Dramatic 10 minute pause while LK draws
Well at least we know the room's not going to be empty!
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With a heave and a growl, Saffron throws open the massive doors, the enormous slabs of stone sliding to the side with a loud rumble. What lies beyond is a tangled mass of gears and cogs like you have never seen before, stretching out to an unknowable depth.

<Got pulled away. So sorry!>
It's puzzle time!
No probs.
Let's have a look at whatever those inscriptions in front of Saffron say.

Look at the inscription below.

Is there a window or is it an open expanse we could potentially enter or escape into?
I wish we could reclose these when we're done, but doesn't look like we can. Last thing we want is for Chance to throw a wrench (or a stone sentinel) in the works.

I told you man. I told you doing the gear first was a good idea.
See if you can push any of the gears in motion
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The inscription is only a few lines, and seems as if it is freshly cut into the stone base in front of the gears. There is a tiny bronze disc with eight notches on it, and four divots, that sits above the inscriptions. You try to peer into the depths beyond the stone base. There is nothing stopping you from inspecting, and possibly falling into the void that houses the endless amount of gears.
>>3769851 (Cross-thread)
Didn't soup or someone make a chart for this?
(first time actually participating and not reading old logs)
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I know he's in the thread, so I've just been waiting and hoping he's translating it. This stuff give me a headache.

Some of the words are cut off by the frame god dammit LK but these are the visible words.

"So that one may wake in his ima

eathe life into a form long passed let the

release the final bongs of the stone and"
bonds, not bongs



i thought that sounded a little weird
>the final bongs
>So that one may wake in his image
Saffron's gonna be the new whatever this is maybe >>3767661
From what I can tell
"So that one may wake in his image

Breathe life into a form long passed let the

release the final bongs of the stone and"
So that one may wake in his image
Breathe life into a form long passed

Seems like that's what those cut off words are.
>tfw no more bongs
WELL I guess we won't have to trek up to the gear room since this thing seems to work in the same way. Assuming we can work it with hooves or our BIG METAL CLAWS.

Someone go look up what the numbers on the floor are and how we did it last time with the gear.
>let the ... release the final bongs

Damnit Renne, move your head slightly right so we can get that missing word.

god dammit this is what happens

this is what happens when you trust me to do things

don't you see
The numbers are 2 and 1. Im such a genius. As for the gears you're referring to, refresh my memory, I'm sleepy.
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Here's how we ran the gear last time.
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The gear that was turned to lower the chain into the spire room. It had a similar key to the one in this room.

My only question is whether we are supposed to view this inscription from renne's point of view or ours.


If it's meant to be viewed the other way it might be 4 right, 5 left, 1 right, 4 left
Turn the disc two notches right, one notch left, three notches right, and two notches left.
Sounds good.
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Did this in case LK was being tricksy and we were supposed to look back to get the number at some point, but I think the first view's correct since it adds up to 8 like the last gear code.
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>base8 number system
>writing system
I am still amazed.

The gear for lowering the chains or the actual gears?
The notched bronze disc above the inscription

Sounds good
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Saffron walks up to the stone base and slots her fingers into the bronze disc. She turns with all her might, but tiny disc seems to be putting up more of a fight than anticipated. With a wrench of her wrist, she turns it to the right one notch. A loud clunk is heard through the abyss in front of you, echoing endlessly. The gears all lurch and turn in response, creaking and screaming metal heard deep within the darkness. Saffron continues to turn the disc. Once more to the right, then to the left, the clunking of machinery getting louder and louder.
Saffron is thoroughly fed up with this nonsense.
After the turning is done, have Renee look at the rest of the words >>3769815
Perfect opportunity to insert some R2-D2 noises into that image.
Inspect closer. What could go wrong?
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Looking through the old logs, here's the pic that accompanied Remnant's description of the island the archeology team was supposed to be heading to.
Assuming Renne's mental image is correct, it's shaped like an 8-sided gear.
It's Renne.

Huh. Neat.
Grr need to go to sleep but I need to know what happens with the twisty turny disk!!
She looks pretty miffed
>a tiny fish flies out of the dark expanse, landing on the floor meters away, only to be whisked away by a cleaning robot
Damn auto-correct.
>It seems as if

>you have shaken

>the Hornet’s nest
Oh boy.
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"L-ladies! If you would hurry please!"
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"I think I can he-"
Oh god oh man oh god oh man

I'm guessing all that gear turning alerted Chance. And maybe even those stone guardians or whatever.

Oh man oh man.

Also what's that blue diamond?
haha it's just Rarity, come to help us!
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so much for renne and chronicle hooking up.
renne x saffron otp
Run. Run the fuck out.
Let's try to get Chronicle far away of whatever is behind him and just run.
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>good luck
Welp, we're boned.
Quest is over. Everybody pack up your shit and go home.
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Everything is fine, nothing to worry about
Find the possible connection brtween these two things
>get back from movies
>man i sure hope they didn't get renne & saffron killed while i was away
oh, guess I'm just in time then.
Damnit, with all this kerfuffle we're never going to find out what the final bongs will be made of in addition to stone, or what it is that's going to release them.
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Chronicle runs away from the door just in time as Chance shoulders his way in. You back up slowly, your side practically glued to Saffron.
Damnit, I was joking when I talked about him shoving it into his eyesocket!
Besides, that's the skull's right eye, how does he expect to be able to see with two right eyes, eh?

The one thing I really regret is not trying to get a charcoal or crayon rubbing of those marks. We are archaeologists after all.


>chance running around shoving whatever he can find into his body

give Saffron a gem for the other glove! punch him!
Bring up casual conversation
Is it RIP AND TEAR time?
Have Renne tell Saffron to smash.
It's too bad we don't know what the gears did.
I actually agree with this. I want to know if he's still got enough sanity left to reason with, plus there's the chance if he is in contact with some other beings related to this place that he could let something useful slip out.

Just be ready to dodge if he lunges.
I'm guessing it started the spires moving
Just unleashed an ancient evil or something.
Finally, 4chan kept telling me that was spam.

Going by the inscription, I'm going to guess it either releases mystery tumblr guy's stone and metal band prison, or some other horrible monstrosity.
Tumblr updated; someone asked MTG if he was Discord, he denied it. Nothing useful.
It might be useful to run and see if anything useful happened outside this room that we can use instead of just throwing away pieces of Saffron's soul willy-nilly.


I'm also interested in this. Say hello.
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Looking through the logs the most recent inventory check I could find was way back in session 5, and I'm pretty sure we've eaten the hay/dried meat since then, gained a soul jasper and gained Chronicle's inventory space. Can someone please remember to ask for an inventory check whenever we've next got a moment that isn't completely frantic?

Oh, and I remember there was a fellow clamouring to find out Chronicle's talent/cutiemark last session, too.
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He lets out a mighty roar and swings his left paw in your direction. Saffron pushes you to the left and dodges to the right, herself, just before a long chain attached to his wrist slams into the ground between the two of you. You scramble up to your hooves and shout his name. You yell it as loud as you can, one more time.
Well I guess we know where the headless sentinel's head went, now.
Use magic on the chain, try to use it to wrap around Chance

We're going to have to kill him if we want that eye. Preferably without destroying or losing his body. No two ways about it. And he seems pretty hell-bent on murdering the fuck out of us.
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You seem to have gained his attention.
oh my
No codes I can see, despite that suspicious looking pupil blur.
So guys, what do we want to say to him, or ask him?
Reminds me of that Cowboy Bebop scene
"how's it goin'?"
b-b-back that ass up
If we have nothing better to do to try to calm him, we could just go with "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?" In the hopes of getting raving about whatever his voices want.
Gives us information and distracts him to give Saffron a chance to slug him.
who, what, when, why and how.
Ask why he killed all the people from his crew

It's too bad Renne is carrying the jasper stones.
should tell him to stop listening to the voices.
Yeah, was thinking we should have TK'd one over to her, but was afraid that'd just wind up with Chance turning it into a game of "Fetch".

I'm kind of hoping Chronicle'll have something to chime in with at some point, given he's the only one that knows Chance well.
Don't know if he could, at this point. Remember how badly turning away from those four voices from the deathspire affected Renne?
> Chance mentioned voices... calling out his name... At first it was one, but then they multiplied until they were in the thousands
Multiply that by 500 or so.

RE: Chronicle's talent, rediscovered that he was a historian while I was digging up that quote.

>"Oh, I am not an archaeologist, myself. I am a historian with a penchant for big adventures. This one just happened to be a little too big. I would have stayed on the shore and researched to help the archaeologist team."
>You'll be the first, in a long line of many to come.
>A catalyst.
My current theory is that whatever that MP3 was about has been going on a long time, and that Chance is lumped with the voices of every creature that's ever been killed for whatever purpose is going on there.
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Chance slowly lumbers towards you, the bottom jaw of the guardian and the chain scrape slowly across the floor as he moves. You can hear the loud clunking of machinery behind him, near the gears. Before long, the clunking turns into screeching as the gears finally come to life, spinning faster and faster, creating a cacophony you hadn't thought possible. Over it all, the deep, booming voice of Chance bellows forth.


The scraping of the guardian's head and the chains gets louder as he gets closer.


Your hooves are failing you, your slow retreat slowing even further.


The cogs and gears are spinning and screeching at an alarming rate, buzzing in your head, manifesting as a headache behind your left eye.

Oh shit
that gem
>Jasper moving
>Renne's horn isn't glowing
Damnit Chronicle, you better be cloaking that gem as you move it.
Jesus fuck, I'm shaking
I don't know what to do
>Nothing more than a poor
>lost puppy
I'm guessing he wants to talk to tumblrguy?
But apparently tumblrguy only talks with us.
What can we even tell him?
I'm a newfag and what is this?
I say we give him what he wants. He seems to be paying attention to Renne's voice.

What should we say?
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So he's stuck 4 pieces of metal in his arm and 4 pieces of stone in his back, in addition to sacrificing the bodies and souls of his friends?

Also, >4 pieces of stone in his back
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Pretty awesome quest thread which had been going on for about ten week.

You might not understand most of it, just sit back and lurk for a bit.
Ah, thanks. So I take it I shouldn't dive into the logs right away?
Maybe something like its not time yet, he needs to wait?
Well, we need to get that gem he has in his eye...
I'm not sure we can just somehow convince him to hand it over.
Oh hey, it isn't obvious in the gif for some reason, but looking at it frame-by-frame Chronicle has in fact cloaked the gem. Good work.

Sounds good to me. Speak, Renne!
There is the chance he may not even be talking to us, What ever was guiding him may of just stopped directing him for some reason.
Yes you should.
Nah, go ahead and start reading them now. There's quite a bit to catch up on, and a lot'll rely on stuff we've figured out in the past sessions.
Maybe it would be better to trick him. We could tell him he can't hear tumblrguy because he's not ready yet, he found the wrong stone...?
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Tumblr just updated again. He's talkative tonight.


Well, it might keep him distracted at least long enough for Chronicle to get that gem or whatever's happening with the gears to finish.
Drat it, I had meant in the past, not right now, when I asked that question. Ah well, my fault for not clarifying.

So it's sort of like an ARG?
Kinda, yeah. Nothing IRL, but we seem to have a hotline to a mysterious actor in the story in the form of an ask tumblr, and there're sometimes things hidden in the images (such as the url/password to the tumblr, links to images that help us make sense of what's going on, creepy soundclips etc.) that we have to find and puzzle out how to access.

Sounds like it's the kind of thing that would leave me shut up in my room for weeks.
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Your voice wells in your throat. Your eye is pulsing, the pain increasing. You try to yell to Chance. Ask him what he's doing. Ask him to stop. Ask him to give you the gems that he has. Your words come out a jumbled mess, and he keeps approaching relentlessly. He swings at you, his right paw landing inches in front of you.


With a jangle of his chain, Chance reels backwards. The spinning gears are now a constant high-pitched shriek in your ears.
>Nothing IRL yet

Srsly, I await the day we find co-ordinates and discover that we have to run and answer a pay phone somewhere in the desert.
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<Well balls, forgot to turn on the "Blood and everything else" layer.>
Saffron being a boss, as usual.
Shout at Saffron to throw that chain in the gears that are whirring and hang this sucker.

It always works in the movies.
But we need to loot his corpse, if his corpse is lying amongst whirling gears we'll have trouble doing so (Oh wait, overpowered unicorn TK, nevermind), not to mention it's supposedly pretty vast in the gear chamber.
Also we might not want to risk jamming things up.
Welp, her right glove's glowing this time, she's inserted the other gem and powered up to level 2.
So... RIP Saffron's soul?
say what we are hearing in our head... "the gears are spinning" or something along those lines.
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I really hope those gems don't get lost irretrievably.

Sometimes I think this guy is just being a smartass.
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You try yelling to Saffron, that you're having another of the headaches, that you are thanking her for saving your life, but if she can hear you she does not show it. She effortlessly drags Chance across the floor, closer to the abyss of whirring, screaming gears.
He definitely is.
But I'm guessing that's an invitation to ask him whatever we want, whenever.
Can we try and take the gem out of his eye before shit happens?
Levitate it out?
We never get to see too much of Chronicle... Maybe its because hes always standing off to the side not doing anything... just watching... chronicling whats going on. half the time it feels like hes not even there.
We also need the jasper out of his hand, don't forget. The eye's probably the bigger concern though, since I think it's our ticket out of here.
doubt it, its only going to dig us deeper into this dark octagon filled hell pit.
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If the floor numbering idea holds true, the skull door'll let us up a floor higher than we've managed to go so far.

Try to tell Saffron to restrain the chain so that Chance is trapped.

Don't kill him yet.
I dunno, I think she's on auto-pilot right now. If we're going to get those gems out, we'll have to be quick about it.
I'm just thinking of that charter line up, we have only met like half of them.
or so "we" think
Worth a try, though if things are the same as last time she added a gem she might not be under her own control.
murder-mode Saffron is kind of hot
I'd say it's actually sad
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guys, I don't think we are ever going to go scarf shopping with saffron...
Wow. Looking at that pic...
Jesus, we've taken a dark turn.
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You finally regain use of your hooves. You gallop towards where Saffron is, to try and tell her not to kill Chance. You're yelling, but the gears might be too loud for anyone to hear. Chronicle comes out of his Shroud spell as you pass. You try to hold on to Chance with your telekinesis, and it seems like Chronicle has the same idea.

Wow Chronicle is pretty good at keeping himself cloaked.

a little too good

yknow we never saw him on the boat...
I've always been suspicious of him, but maybe I'm just paranoid... did anyone ever ask the tumblr about him?
He's named Chronicle, cutiemark's a book, presumeably skilled at gathering/recording information, has a cloaking spell he knows off by heart and can use regularly.
What if he's A SPY?
maybe that's not even his real name

He could have been in our room while we were sleeping and we wouldn't even know.

I vote we remain suspicious of him in the thread, but don't let Renne act on it at all yet.
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The telekinesis spell slows him down, but only slightly so. You concentrate your hardest, envisioning Chance as an anchor, unmovable. He slows a bit more.
Pity we can't ANCHOR STEADFAST that begemmed hand of his.
there is a possibility we may lose the gems if we let "saffron" Toss him into the gears, But what will we do if we stop her and save chance. We don't know how long "it" is going to control her &or how long these powers will last at this level.
try yelling for Saffron one more time
try anything, try linking with her mind if you have to, just tell her to stop

How about giving her a light tap on the shoulder?
That would involve going past Chance. I don't know if that would be a good idea.

or a hug.
Can we TK hug?
real hugs are no longer possible
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The gem pops out from his paw and clacks on the stone floor. Saffron keeps pulling, and you keep trying to pull in the opposite direction. You try yelling again, yelling your loudest, but you cannot even hear yourself over the gears. You try to contact her with your hopefully-latent psychic abilities, sending her images of hugs and scarves, but it does nothing.

He does have one of those octagon things scratched on his forehead. Unfortunately I think writing the inscription may be a little difficult in our current situation.
Focus on getting the gem out of his eye. After than he can go into the gears.
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You leap over Chance's right paw, clawing at the ground. The screeching of the gears is almost unbearable. You run up behind Saffron and hug her around the waist. You hug with more might and energy you thought possible to put into a hug. You keep pleading in the back of your mind for her to come to her senses.

Nice map.


at this point if we haven't gotten through, I think its best we sit back and let whats going to happen happen. not much else we can do
>Sit back
No damnit. We don't let go until we have to, or Saffron's back with us.
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Saffron halts pulling Chance into the pit of gears. You can just barely hear her over the noise.

"Renne! Wh-what are you doing?!"
I'm sorry anon, but i lost hope for saffron when that second scrap of metal fused with her arm.
>snapped out of it
>arm still glowing red

She looks pissed

she might not have snapped out of it yet


Give Saffron the most intense puppy dog eyes you can manage.
we're helping! we wanted to save you and save that gem lodged in his eye socket
but we wanted to save you more
well as long as she still has super strength, lets have her take that gem out of chance's eye socket.
>she might not have snapped out of it yet

It's a .gif mate.
I wonder if Saffron is straight 50/50 sharing her body with "it" now... it could possible jump in whenever it feels like it.
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You yell that you need the gem in Chance's eye, but you are interrupted by Chronicle's screaming voice, just barely audible.

Scream at chance to stop at once, Avoid the blow or push saffron out of the way.
maybe all three

Push Saffron out of the way.

Claim that you are the guide. Yell it as loud as you can.
This is all going to hell. Hugging during a fight with a murderous monster might have been a bad move. Tossing him in there might have been our one shot at actually getting out of this alive.
I'm starting to think that too, should've let Saffron feed him into gears and then grabbed the gem at the last second.

Wow, this has gotten pretty grim.
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Saffron reacts lighting-quick, catching Chance's paw before he can strike and likely hit the both of you. Her arms shake slightly, though you're unsure if it's from his might or from her nerves. You know that you don't have much time before Chance attacks again. You clear your head and think. You yell at the top of your lungs that you are the guide. You yell that you want to speak.
just wondering... if renne can make a bubble to keep air in... could she do the same to keep air out?
Also i would think it could hold up to chances attacks, as it held the pressure of the sea back.
Chance's guide has been drowned out by the other voices, and can no longer speak to him. He now speaks to us, so follow our lead.

Sound like a vague plan for what to tell him?
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Chance stops. His bloody eye finds yours, and he speaks flatly in his booming voice.

>Are you the one that guided Chance?

Bugger. So much for that plan.
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Tell him you are the key master

He already said multiple times that he doesn't have anything to do with Chance.

Tell him you're the new guide or something. Chance sounds pretty delusional at the moment, through some bullshit at him.
tell him you're the new guide and have saffron take the gem and then throw him in the gears LIKE WE SHOULD HAVE
Shall we throw in that
"Bring together the body of the heavens
Instill within it the soul of the earth"
line for bonus bullshit points?
should toss in a "It is not your place to question me" kinda thing too... if you are going lie you better go big.
I feel like talking to him is really a waste of time at this point if we don't have anything to say. I really wouldn't want to have him around us, whether he obeyed or not. Stopping Saffron from dragging him into the gears was a bad idea.

Rabid hounds cannot be reasoned with, dammit.
>Rabid hounds cannot be reasoned with, dammit.
>the tumblr is right again
he has heard Chronicle's voice before have him jump in here, may be the edge we need.
odds are it won't work, but maybe it'll distract him and saffron could toss him over into the gears.
So this got kind of lost in all the panic, but this conduit business might be good to keep in mind in relation to the use/purpose of the armour and stones.
I bet saffron is the real conduit...
The question is, does being the conduit mean you need to wear the items, or does wearing the items make you the conduit?
Given the use Saffron's been getting out of them, I'm assuming the latter, though Chance himself being special does tie in with Chronicle's comment about the big bad beastie (>>3771883) looking a lot like Chance.
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You tell him that you are the NEW guide, and that your orders are to be followed without question. You say that the body of the heavens should be brought together and... and instilled with the soul of the earth. A low, steady growl comes from Chance as he listens.


Warn him that new labours must be completed, or else all that he has achieved thus far will be as nothing. Tell him that the time is critical lest all his work be undone.

If we can't convince him to follow our orders specifically maybe we can make him worry about something and run off to check it.
You have failed us. You never understood, and the four of stone and earth are not what you think they are. We have gathered all but two of them, and we require the gem you have taken for an eye to gather the final pieces. You will return it, and then you may rest from your labours and your voices.

Goddamnit, this is terrible. Anyone got any better suggestions?
>If we can't convince him to follow our orders specifically maybe we can make him worry about something and run off to check it.

Or keep him occupied long enough for Saffron or Chronicle to get the jump on him.

Keep throwing bullshit at him but keep all of focused between yourself and him.
well everything here seems to cause pain when its not getting its way, so maybe probe his mind violently...
This is all very silly.
kill him already! Saffron could probably toss him into the gears with her own two paws!
>Rabid hounds cannot be reasoned with
i think that's been the plan for awhile now, Maybe we should taunt him... make him forget about saffron.
>8 hours
I should of been sleeping six hours ago
Today has been an indecisive mess.
so nothing new.
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You tell him that you... you have new orders. That if he doesn't follow them, all of his work will be for naught. You can feel his frustration growing, his patience fading. His voices returning.

And Chronicle's all like
I would have to agree with Chronicle, with was absurd.
continue pouring out bullshit while Chronicle does his thing
Have you wondered how this little dog is able to stand up to you, despite you dwarfing her in size?
We have gathered the true stone and metal, those you were meant to gather from the beginning.
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"End this! Now!"

Chronicle yells, and it is all that Saffron needs to know.
That is his arm...
>those gloves
okay. no more hugs. saying this right now.
Try and get the gem thing with magic
why did you do that... now I have sound out of my head playing over and over.
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You wish that the whirring and screaming of the gears would drown out the sound.
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See you next week.
>those last three pictures

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I... I don't know who to feel bad for.
Chronicle just killed his friend
Saffron just took another spike to the soul
Renne just fucked up and brought further risk to the three of them than was nescessary, whilst being trusted as leader

This is sad end. Hopefully with Chance no longer dogging our steps we can do better next week.
At the least we shouldn't have to kill anyone we're close to.

Thanks again for the quest LK, quite a mess on our end this week, but you did well by us. Looking forward to what next session brings!
>tfw we still never asked Chronicle about his mark
Chronicle is best spy

>Chronicle just killed his friend

He certainly seems... stony about it.
Well his friend also killed all his OTHER friends
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And he personally witnessed him kill at least two of them.

Oh, I just remembered something insignificant I wanted to mention.
On the boat:
>You trot over to the griffin and look over the railing to see what he's looking at. Open ocean. You decide to try and talk to him. >Hello!

>"Oh. Hi there."

>You ask him what's up, he looks kinda bummed.

>"Ah, well... apparently the old lady gets seasickness. I've tried to help, but she just chased me off, said she felt miserable."

And Chronicle, when asked about his eye injury:
>"Oh, this? Had this happened with Chance, I would not be talking with you right now... An... old female griffon on the boat was panicking while we were sinking and nicked my eye. She didn't even make it two steps on the ocean floor. Broke from our spell and... and the pressure is just so... The note, please?"
Sorry, forgot to say what I was >implying there; I'm thinking maybe Gaston had a wife, who didn't make it down.
wow, we've come a long damn way
we thought everything was going to be peachy keen on that boat, and now we're here watching people get ripped to shreds and going insane