<In which ponies and dogs try on more clothes.To catch up, the previous sessions are located here:https://dl.dropbox.com/u/28501521/GeneralArchive/RenneQuest/RenneArchive.htmlIt is highly recommended that you have the script that allows you to play audio files embedded in the images. If there is audio with an image, it will be tagged like [this].The script can be found here: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/133802Make sure you refresh the thread after installing!>
Your eyes remain transfixed, but you can hear Saffron calling your name faintly in the background. There is a pulsing pain in your eye, matching your heartbeat. You manage to keep your hooves firmly where they stand.
faggot pls go
Get dat fukken artefact.
First things first: Snap out of it!
>>3612686Be careful. Are we having any visions or hearing any voices?
Oh shit, looks like I'm doing nothing for the night>>3612686Don't approach it, stay back for a bit, recover your senses.
>finally have time to stay up and participate in this great quest>I have no idea what the hell is going on
>>3612686Boldly push forward and get that prism.
>>3612924Look through previous threads, this thread will last a long time, you'll only miss half of it.
>>3612924I know that feel, I'll just watch.
>>3612924long story short>we're underwater in a temple full of murder>our diamond dog friend is wearing 2 artifacts, and we are in search of the other 2>we found one, and it's fucking with our heads
>>3612981Neat, didnt know about the artifacts.Also remember there was some one named.....Chance I think? And they are very bad and Renne should stay away from them
>>3612981Embrace the darkness. Let our body become an instrument of evil.
>>3612981Also we have another unicorn with us, who was with another group of ponies/dogs/etc. and one dog (chance) changed and killed his companions. (the unicorn in our group has been hiding from him)Chance appears to perhaps be after the artifacts as well.
>>3612686Concentrate on Saffron's voice Block out everything else
>>3612900>>3612906>>3612920You concentrate hard, your eye twitching, dry. You manage to close it, and the pressure on it lessens, your hearing and thinking beginning to clear. You can hear Saffron more clearly now."Renne? Oh please, Renne, come on... D-do you hear anything? Are there any voices?"You shake your head. There are none, only the pain. You tell her that it seems to go away when you don't look at the altar.
>>3613218Maybe.....approach the alter with your eyes closed?
>>3613218Where is Chronicle? I'd like to hear his opinion
>>3613218Close your eyes and grab that mofo.
>>3613218I don't see anything, anyone else spot anything in the gif?We need Soup or whatever his name is.Anyways, stop looking at the altar, look over to Saffron Chronicle. Ask them what's on the altar
>>3613286Wait wait waitWalk to it BACKWARDS
>>3613218There is only one thing to do.Walk into the room backwards and let Chronicle and Saffron direct you in.
>>3613286>>3613324>>3613307stop that, we have two other party members you can check it out.>>3613293this, Maybe have him take a closer look at the alter
What the fuck is this Homestuck shit?
Try and grab it with TK? Or yeah just deal with the pain, grab it and hurry out.
>>3613346>>3613386why do we have to grab it?
>>3613403Because it probably has a countermeasure against magic.
>>3613293I'm for this. Let's ask Chronicle or Saffron to describe what's in the room for us.
>>3613403Because if we don't Chance will Pretty sure we don't want the psychopathic diamond dog to have the pyramid of death
>>3613293>>3613439You turn to your left, and find Chronicle hiding behind Saffron. You ask him what he thinks."I don't like it. Whatever it is. I don't like any of the things that we find here. But... we absolutely cannot let Chance have them."You agree, and ask Saffron to please describe what she sees. When you looked at the room, you could only manage to see the green glow of the gem above all else."It's... it's another skull. The right eye of it is lit up by the gem in this altar. It looks like it's... a pyramid, set in a small base. I can't really see anything else in the room."
Just throwing this out here, but what if Renne and Saffron aren't destined to make it?and Chronicle chronicles our story?
>>3613563wait. do we even know what his mark or talent is?
Just take the prism already!
>>3613559Explain to them that just looking at it is painful for us, request that Saffron or Chronicle should pick it up
>>3613583Probably a book or stone tablet.
>>3613559Have chronicle take it? Painful for Renne, and it may react to Saffron's armor...
>>3613703>this kills the Chronicle
>>3613714He might be able to just levitate it
You get a bright idea, and tell the others to stay back and watch for Chance. Since it only hurts when you look at it, you decide to walk into the room backwards. As you awkwardly make your way back, you can feel the pressure in the room growing, and you can feel your eye wanting to hurt, but it doesn't. Saffron looks at you pleadingly, telling you to be careful.
>>3613953>b-back that ass up!
>>3613953great plan guys, are we gonna grab it with our ass?
>>3613953>pyramid falls in butt
>>3613953Oh shit what are you doing Renne. Grab it with your eyes closed, don't look at it.
>>3613975I dare say I think she has ample flank room to do so.
>>3613953Now its just a matter of grabbing it using your butt
>>3613996>LK in charge of modest amounts of butt
>>3613975Thats a pretty risky move, if we drop it it might break opne and unleash some eldrich diamond dog abomination.I don't think this is going to get us anywhere.
>>3614021Let's just use magic. See if it works.
>>3614021Or worseAn evil enema But I'm sure that wont happen. Plus we could probably just use magic. I doubt she needs line of site
>>3614054>enema>not evil spooky diamond dog eldritch voodoo pregnancy
>>3613975>>3613998<cutscene>Your plan seems to have encountered some flaws. You stop and search yourself. You can feel the gem, you are sure, but you do not have to look at it.
>>3614127Is Renne rubbing her butt against the crystal?Does Chronicle like the show?
>>3614127 i... wait... she- is she really going to grab it with her ass?!?
>>3614127Go Ren go!
>>3614153We should've eaten more at the buffet to prepare for this
>>3614147>>3614153You can SENSE the gem behind you, and try to reach out with your magic.
>>3614186Don't you gimme that look Renne
>>3614127>>3614186i wonder what the others think of Renne's plan
<cutscene>Your telekinesis grasps the gem, and you can feel it float upwards. You carry it through the air, feeling a wave of heat pass over your back, and radiate on the back of your head.
<cutscene>The longer you keep hold of it, the harder it is to concentrate. You feel yourself losing your "grip" on the gem.
>>3614406why didn't she just put it in her saddlesack thing.
>>3614406Pleeeeeease don't drop it right in front of your face.
>>3614406Put it in the bag! Put it in the bag!
It sure would suck if someone DROPPED the gem on the FLOOR causing it to BREAK and screwing EVERYONE
>>3614406Oh shit.Get the fuck out of there Renne.
>>3614406>hovering it over her left eye>the skull's left eye isn't lit uphmm
<cutscene>The gem slips, and your eyes dart open to see it fall. You lean forward, putting your hooves out beneath it. You can feel the gem clink against your hooves, and a large surge of pain courses through your eye, to the back of your skull.
<end cutscene>That jolt is the last, and the glow of the gem dissipates, along with the pressure in your head and in your eye. The pressure of the room slowly drops as well, back to the hollow deadness of the rest of the temple.
>>3614621Welp, Renne has a ticking time bomb aneurism now
>>3614646and saffron lost an arm to get us here!
>>3614670>lost an arm>not two arms>not a chunk of her soulfuck, chronicle needs to grab the next thing
>>3614585>a large surge of pain courses through your eye, to the back of your skull.uh... this isn't gonna be like the Octavo is it?Nothing has hitched a ride in the back of our consciousness...R-right?
If you ever get back to ponyville, have Nurse Redheart do an MRI to check for an aneurism.
>>3614621Well, that seems like good news. Really!Let's get out of this room and check if we're not possessed by a demon or something.
>>3614724Only the tumor gently working its way down her brain stem
>>3614621Have Renne inspect her own mind for any demonic influences.
I like how we just wander around and grab everything we can, Fuck the consequences! We gotta 100% this fucking temple.
>>3614785We haven't even found the map or compass yet. What's up with that.
>>3614803I didn't even think you could get to the (metaphorical) Triforce room without getting either.
>>3614781>any new demonic influencesFTFY
>>3614830How many little green men do we have living inside right now?
>>3614843Thats what she said!
>>3614621Put the Gem in the sack, it may be useful sometime later... lets go up stairs to that skull door that we marked on our map with a sad face.
>>3614868You shouldn't have done that.
>>3614843>>3614843well, We are all in renne's head. The there is the tumblr guy and possible someone else?Its getting crowded up in here.
>>3614921>Demonic presence is here with us now2spook
>>3614724>>3614781You calm your body as best as you can, trying to meditate and look inward like all those monks do. You cannot feel anything out of place, and you try to listen for voices. You try to listen for the ones you heard on the ship, or the ones that you've heard down here, but it is silent aside from your own thoughts.
>>3614921Wait, just...hold on there a minute!We're in her bloody head?! So she can hear whatever we say!Renne! Know what would be super cool? If you took that strange glowy gem and threw it into a pit! Yeah, that'd be great!
Wheatley pls
>One eye is nice>but two are required>to See properlyTIME TO FIND THAT OTHER GEM
>>3614961Write in our journal a note to self: get checked for tumors and aneurisms when we get back home.
>>3615006No, I quite like it here thank you very much.It's definitely much warmer than space.
>>3614961>>3614961hold on... has renne's eye changed at all? Is it glowing or anything weird like that now?
>>3614961They obviously don't want to be noticed yet. I'm sure they'll want to be seen enough.Do what this guy said.>>3614892
>>3614980>Wheatley tries to entice Renne into a deathtrap>"Go on! Just jump in! You know what's down there? Do you Know what's down there? There's... umm... there's a pony! Yes! A lovely adorable pony with a saddle all ready for you to ride!">beat>"Oh well I guess that was kind of useless"
>>3614961So....did Saffron or Chronicle notice anything strange about that encounter?
Make sure we get renne to close the door on the way out, don't want chance to know we have been here.
>>3615007If we still need another gem, there's only one place left to look. Further down.But I was under the impression that the door was only missing one eye?We can either continue down, or go check the door with the gem we have.
Guys, what ifWhat if the gemWhat if the gem is actually the missing eye of the skullWhat if we put the gem in the skull's eye socket?
Someone is watch the tumblr right?
>>3615036>>3615007wait wait i dont know about thisif two are required to SEE properly what will happen if we go to the door with just one?
>>3615123i got it
>>3615113>>3615113What if the reason we keep staring at shit is because there is something there, something we can't see... but we can't help but stare at it, even though we don't know its there.
>>3615113It might be worth a shot.
You know what you should do? You should use magic to try to recharge the gem! Maybe it's some kind of capacitor of magic!
>>3615185pls don't avatarfag in this thread man.not cool.
>>3615217Aye cap'n
>>3615147This.The tumblr told us we need two eyes. I... kind of don't want to stray from it. It has a good track record of being helpful.
>>3615276you could say everything is going according to plan
>>3615276>Need two eyes>Skull is missing one>Gem could probably fit in the other socket
>>3615113>>3615057Late to the party, but I'm pretty sure it's missing both eyes.>As you approach the door, a great sense of dread spreads over you. You can feel every beat of your heart pulse through every one of your veins. The heartbeat soon turns into a headache, starting right between your eyes.Headache between the eyes, not in a particular oneAlso, pyramids are definitely for the eyeslots.>You try to turn away, but your vision is locked. Your head begins to pound, your knees begin to shake. There is nothing it the eye sockets of the skull, but it seems as if they are staring right back at you. Their shape is not a normal socket, but four planes reaching a singular point.
>>3613583And we haven't asked him about his talent directly, but we saw his mark when we first met him.
>>3615334>those indentationsAt least you made This easy for us LK.
>>3615355>chronicle's left eye is injured>saffron stabbed out chance's left eye with his own fingeroh fuck oh fucki'm worried
>>3615355a book?
>>3615389>Chance finds the gem before us>Shoves it in his own eyesocket
>>3615334Then I guess we gotta head down.TIME TO MOST LIKELY RUN INTO CHANCE.
>>3615438There's only one course of actionRenne needs to eat it
>>3615542You can't solve all your problems by eating them.
You walk back out of the room to meet with Saffron and Chronicle again. You let them know that you have a hunch about the gem fitting in the eye of the door at the top of the temple, but that you only have one gem. You're unsure of whether or not to go up to the door or look for the other gem."Whatever you think we should do, Renne. Remember what I said, you're the one that can sense these things.""The only thing I know for certain is that there is no sign of Chance, so the next room is safe."
>>3615607downstairs, i think we need to get the other eye firstand holy hell that door was huge. saffron lifted that whole thing? i dont know if hugs are a good idea anymore
>>3615574Seeing as Renne has yet to try that, I say bunk to youBunk!
>>3615607We should find the other gem before Chance gets to it
Instead go going down stairs we should dance, Dance renne, dance!
>>3615607let's find that other gem
Going through the old logs a bit, found a better shot of Baldwin's cutie mark. Wasn't sure before since there was some weirdness at the bottom of the mark on the other picture, but with this one it's definitely the symbol that was on the glove.A treble clef, perhaps? Clef coming from french for key? Wonder if there'll wind up being any significance to it.
>>3615671>>3615746>>3615822The three of you head cautiously down the stairs. After a quick check, you can ensure that Chance is not in the next room.
>>3615983This door shall yield to no command save for a song from a genuine band.
You make your way along the edge of the room towards the doorway on the far side. You can hear the distant scraping noise as well as the occasional bark from Chance, but they are very very faint.
>>3616175So far so good
The next level down is significantly hotter than the last, the white-hot glow coming from below being the source of all the heat. You can hear Chance, but can determine that he is below one level. This room is just like the last, four chains connected to the spire in the center of the room, with a metal band surrounding it. There is a door to the west, and you can practically feel the air cooling around you as you approach it.
>>3616531NEW ROOMS, UPDATE MAAAAAPSRenne's still keeping up a map, right?
>>3616531Well, only one way to go.
>>3616531if chance is one level down maybe we could see him if we peeked over the edge.
>>3616531Wait, there's still more floors down?How far does this place go, damn.
>>3616725i bet you i know how many floors
>>36167258 floors, most likely.Though the floor we started on did have a 6 on the big doors, and the room below had a 5.
>>3616594You pull out your paper and update your map again.
>>3616813And again, with the new floor.
The new room is very cool, a refreshing reprieve from the heat of the room with the spire. It is a very long hallway, and you can barely see the end of it, no torches to be found anywhere except the one you carry.
>>3617582Use magic to light up the room.
>>3617582Examine wall at the end of the hallway
>>3617582Why do I have a feeling that this hallway is rigged with some sort of trap?
>>3617582Check>Marks beside the doorway you entered>Marks on opposite wall>Octagon and vertical line on northern wall>Marks outside other door
>>3617582Floor reads 2131, from the top downwards.We never did find a use for this, did we?
>>3617698Er, whoops, here's the original.
>>3617698>2131Damnit, though should be 2132.Hands, why do you not type what I'm thinking?
>>3617629>>3617658The things next to the doorway you entered are simply empty torch holders. The only marks on the walls are those of tools scraping into the stone to form this room, the walls themselves being very rough compared to the smooth stone of the upper floors. Traveling down the hall, you can see that the far wall has a bronze disc in it.
>>3618101What are those markings on the bronze disc?
>>3618101Clearly two gloveholds for pulling the wall open.I vote we see what's in the next room before cracking it open.
>>3618158am i the only one frightened of saffron's strength with those gloves? she lifted the fucking wall up stairs, and now she is probably gonna tear this one in half just as easy
>>3618158I agree, let's take a peek in the next room.>>3618200B-But she's my waifu. She wouldn't hurt us, right?At this point I'm more scared of Renne suddenly losing her mind for whatever reason.
>>3618200It's kind of insane, but it's in Saffron's paws and she's the one person besides Renne that I trust completely in this mess.Or until she goes insane, at least.
>>3616725>>3616783Currently fiddling about with the map, and assuming 8 floors I think we might be on the second-lowest, with Chance clomping around on the lowest floor.
You take a peek inside the next room. There is no light aside from your torch, and it is not enough to make out what lies in the room.
>>3619068Dear god. What is that?Torch to the right immediately.
>>3619068Or perhaps he's not clomping around on the lower floor.AAAAAAAA
>>3619068Don't go in there.DON'T GO IN THERE.
>>3619068Oh god please no.OH GOD PLEASE NO.
>>3619068I think it's a body
>>3619094Aim torch to the rightBe ready to run like a bitch
>>3619068don't movedon't breathedon't blinkfffffffi dont know what to do help
>>3619170I dunno, we do kinda have to face Chance at some point to reclaim his jasper, I think.Why not take him by surprise now?That's a pretty odd position for him to be in, though. Perhaps something beat us to it?Also, is that another passage behind the wall?
>>3619251>Perhaps something beat us to it?There's always a bigger fish...
>>3619068send torch inside
If that's Chance, he looks like he's missing a head and one or both arms - I bet it's the breastplate from the armor set being worn by an armless, headless torso
>>3619068Also why would Chance (assuming it is him) tear down that wall? I see that there's a passage behind it, but I wonder just what he is trying to do here.
>>3619293I dunno, if Chance's been lurking down here I don't think he would just leave the armor laying around like that.
>>3619327Well, if he can't activate it, it doesn't seem like it'd be easy to carry around
>>3619307>WhyHe is absolutely bugfuck insane. Perhaps a few hundred of his voices manage to give him the idea that some of the armor was behind there or something.I'm wondering if it was a gauntlet wall that he's just broken down physically or something.
>>3619094>>3619222>>3619291You hold your breath and send the torch inside slowly. You notice the low hum coming from this room. Faintly, before, but it is more noticeable now. You can hear it emanating from below you, all around.[audio02]
>>3619068It's a bit messed up from this angle, but that symbol on his chest looks like Baldwin's mark again.>"We have offered you a throne.">"We have offered you servants.">"We have offered you life eternal.">"Only for your cooperation."Perhaps this guy is one of the "Servants"?
>>3619632Jumping to conclusions, but perhaps there's a bunch of them around in Baldwin's livery; one's who Chance's tossed into the lava, one here that he's KO'd.
Random question, but what exactly IS Chance's necklace, anyway?
>>3619583Just... shine the torch over the thing so we can tell if it's safe or not.
The torch is shaking in your telekinetic grip. It looks to be the size of Chance, but... made out of stone and metal.
>>3619583Equip Renne and Remnant with pick and sharpened trowel, examine body whilst being ready in case it acts.
>>3619696Shit. Chance's got some power armor or something.
>>3619700Have Saffron in the lead, since she's most likely to be able to overpower him in an emergency, and the two unicorns can attack from afar with TK.
>>3619711and what's he doing? sleeping?seems like an uncomfortable place to nap
>>3619730From what I can tell he's not inside the armor. The thing's just... standing there.Unless Chance suddenly got artsy and decided to carve a stone statue of a Diamond Dog.
>>3619725do we need to have her put in the jasper gem of badassness before she goes? we have 2
>>3619790Not unless we have to.
>>3619725Saffron leads into the room, paws raised. You and Chronicle follow in behind her with the torch, illuminating her way. You can see her shaking as she slowly steps forward. After more of the body is illuminated, she stops."I-It's not Chance... but I don't know what it is. It's got the legs of a diamond dog, and it's made out of bronze and stone."
>>3620027>those things to the side of the crackAlcoves. Looks like a place where something would be standing.a suit of armour perhaps?
>>3620027Light the torches hanging nearby.
>>3620027Uh, ok. That's a little bigger than I was expecting.Eamine it closer, I guess, and let's get a confirmation on that mark on it's chest, and whether it has an identical symbol on it's hand.>>3620116Ooh, or perhaps this stone soldier and the one that fell into the lava were both standing in them previously, guarding whatever was behind the wall?
>>3617745>>3617582...I wonder if these are codes for that gear, to get it to do something else?Like pull that column out of the lava, or to pull it open or something?I wish we knew what the text at the top of that old thing said.
>>3620129You light the torches on the wall on either side of the figure. You can now see that whatever it is, it is collapsed backwards into the hole in the wall.
>>3620309Not sure about >>3617745, but >>3617582 adds up to 8 like the other gear code did. I think it might be.
>>3620335Examine the blood stain trail
>>3620335Let's not follow the blood just yet
>>3620335Check the other entrances to the room.
>>3620460I agree. Let's clear this floor before we head down, especially considering Chance ought to still be down there.Which way do we want to go? Western doorway, through the crack, or go back and open up that gauntlet wall?
>>3620500Probably going to regret it, but I vote crack.The first eye was behind a gauntlet door, wonder if the other is behind the one in the last room?I would have though we would have had a pain in our right eye though, if it were.
>>3620460I just want to see if Chance was hurt before he went into the caved in section
>>3620562You slowly move next to the body to look into the hole in the wall, making sure to keep an eye on the body itself. You float the torch in for a better view. The humming sound is behind you now, coming from the connected rooms.
>>3621008Yep, Baldwin's mark.Head on in, I guess, and see what's going on with that door, if that's what it is.
Pasting what we know of Chance's battle>As you head to the east into the room leading to the gear and spire rooms, you hear an echoing howl. It's coming from the spire room, but it sounds far away. Behind the howls, you can hear what sounds like a heavy thudding noise, and the clang of metal on stone.>You all slowly creep into the next room. The sound of his howling gets louder, but only slightly so. You can tell that the noise is coming from below.>You cautiously creep over to the edge of the hole in the center of the room. The noise of metal on stone gets louder, as well as Chance's howls and barks. It does not sound like the noise is coming from the chains, but from something metal being hit against stone.>The clanging of metal gets louder and louder, as do his howls>You can hear the metal clanging, louder and louder. As soon as it reaches its crescendo, it halts, a loud thud echoing up through the hole in the floor. A few moments pass before Chance's howl pierces your ears. >You try to listen, but cannot help from looking one last time. You cannot see Chance, but you can hear him walking away, every other step accompanied by the scraping of metal.
It's currently obscured by the wall, but it occurs to me we should check to see if the stone soldier still has his left arm. Chance was looking for a gauntlet for his left hand, perhaps he decided that theirs would to the job.And if it did do the job and allow his gem to amplify his power, we might be in trouble.
I'm here! Aw man, did I miss it again?
>>3621274Not entirely, but 7 or so hours of it, yeah.
>>3621054You walk in, with Saffron standing guard behind you, facing the body in the doorway. The room looks exactly like the one you were in not too long ago, but the glowing gem is missing, as is the pain you assume you would have had in your eye.
>>3621454Oh dear.
>>3621454Chance must have the last gem as well.It's time to face a monster!
>>3621454Well that was a bust. Head back out and check that statue's left hand on the way, then into the eastern door.
>>3621504And by eastern door I mean western.
>>3621454Turn around to see Chance blocking the exit
>>3621521Saffron was guarding our back, we should be fine. Somehow I doubt she would have failed to notice his huge bulk showing upAdded the new Rennemap to our old compiled map and made a bunch of annotations.
>>3621454At least the gem didn't seem to give Renne any kind of dangerous power
I'd like to propose hugs for the entire crew. We all know we can't hug Saffron like we used to, but we'll hug her around the waist instead
>>3621618I don't think even hugs can save us now Sang.
>>3621504On the way out of the door, you take a closer look at the body. There is no head, and the left arm is thrown back above where the head would have been, as if it had fallen over backwards into the room, arched over the pile of rubble.
>>3621759>There is no headOh.Well at least we know how to stop one now, I guess.>>3621618Saffron can pick each of Renne and Chronicle up in each of her arms and give them a hug!
Stopping here for tonight! Thanks for coming, everyone.
>>3621981Thanks again LK!Feels like we're getting toward the end now, but I suppose we'll see when we get that skull door open, eh?
>>36219812spooky4meThanks LK was fun
Sent, are you here? This thread hasn't been marked and I don't want to lose it.>>3621981Thank you very much, LK, enjoyable and creepy as balls, as always.
>>3622007>Feels like we're getting toward the end nowthat feel, i dont know if i like that feel, but judging by the maps >>3621542 there isnt too much more left to explore
>>3622080Plenty of stuff to still do/find out, though.There's those potential gear codes, there's Chance to take down, there's Baldwin to find out about, there's whatever's behind that gauntlet wall, there's the entire 1st and 8th floors, there's Baldwin to find out about, there's that giant monster from the picture at the top of the chain.Guess we'll just have to wait and see!
>>3622132Also whoever those dudes in the boat were>You'll be the first of many to come. A catalyst.
>>3622163I want more of thatThat was a real fucking surprise, and creepy as fuck
>>3622132Don't forget we need to actually find out what the hell Chronicle's mark/talent is. Someone, pls, next session.
>>3622132>Chance to take downI'm still pretty worried about that part
>>3622802all we gotta do is power up and have Saffron go full-Hulk again
>went to sleep at 3am>Renne quest gets posted at 3:19amfuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
>>3624300Will that work?
I just got on. Saving this thread and pictures now. Wicked timing SMILe!
>>3624318Here it is http://arch.413chan.net/mlp3612637.html
>>3624369I don't know. How do I play audio there?
>>3624456I don't think you can unless someone makes a script for the archive, Leth and Smile have been saving these threads since the beginning for the discussion
>>3624505Then how come LK isn't linking to those in the DB archive?
>>3624456>>3624505You could still save the image then extract the audio from it and just play it.You're best off waiting until Sent gets this session posted on the main archive.https://dl.dropbox.com/u/28501521/GeneralArchive/RenneQuest/RenneArchive.html
>>3624530Because they haven't managed to get all the threads; the first two were missed because the general archive was still set to require a keyword in the OP post, there's been at least one that has simply not had the marker dropped in it because neither Smile nor Leth were around, and there was one that was done half here, half on the sub because 4chan deded midquest.
>>3624570Geez, by sub, what do you mean?Also, I've sent LK a note on dA about this, because it seems like threads are archived by two people and I really want the best for those who want to catch up on earlier quests like myself
>>3624617Not from MLPG?The main archive for this quest is the one linked up here>>3624542And it's being done by a single guy.The whole thing with dropping the marker image in here so it gets saved over on the MLPG archive was started before that main archive was set up. I think Smile only does it now if it looks like the guy who does that main archive is late, just in case he doesn't get here in time.
>>3624746So, I should be bugging Sentenal instead of LK about doing the archival?
>>3624761Probably, yeah. He's the one who's put together and runs the quest archive.He responded to you in the general over here>>3624397 (Cross-thread)Out of curiousity, what about it is that's a pain about the current setup?
>>3624798I've answered him as anon, but no respond so far.Quotelinks don't werk and 4chan X stuff everywhere. It's pretty difficult to follow replies without working quotelinks
>>3624845Ah, sorry, somehow I failed to see that post.Yeah, that is a bit annoying. I recall him talking about putting together something to go through and fix up those links for him, but that was a little bit ago. It'd be worth giving him another poke about it.
>>3624875Is there any way to contact Sentanal about it?fyi, if you want to know how I'm dealing with archiving, just take a look at the fluffy pone archive don't hate me for this pls