<In which ponies and dogs find shiny new toys.To catch up, the previous sessions are located here:https://dl.dropbox.com/u/28501521/GeneralArchive/RenneQuest/RenneArchive.htmlIt is highly recommended that you have the script that allows you to play audio files embedded in the images. If there is audio with an image, it will be tagged like [this].The script can be found here: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/133802Make sure you refresh the thread after installing!>
You sit down as soon as you're out of the room, taking a deep breath of "fresh" air. Both Saffron and Chronicle are curious as to what you saw. You explain to them, trying to avoid going into detail. You ask Chronicle if he knows whoever was on the octagonal slab."No. A goat, you said? That is strange. I thought that we were the only ones down here? How in the world could anything make it here without a diving spell?"
You shake your head to clear the muddiness. You explain that you would rather not know for the moment, and would like to focus on what you had found in the room. You show them the stone, saying that from what you remember, it is nearly an exact copy of the one that's currently lodged into the back of Saffron's left hand.
>>3468423go back to the other arm now that we have a stone
Butts reportingIT BEGINS>>3468476Do this for now
>>3468476>>3468529You go down the hallway, your first few steps rather uneasy. Your group makes sure to check for signs of Chance, of which there are none, for now.
With another twist and mighty heft, Saffron lifts the door once more. Chronicle agrees to watch the doorway as the two of you enter. Once again, Saffron informs you that her left arm feels like it's tingling the further she goes into the room.
>>3468699Another piece of armor? let Renne approach it once again, be cautious of traps.
>>3468741Wait, scratch that, wasn't paying attention
>>3468699have ONLY renne go up and try putting in the stone we found
>>3468741>>3468769You cautiously approach the gauntlet once more. Levitating the stone out of your bag, you float it above its destination, the hemispherical indentation on the back of the gauntlet's hand.
The stone slots in perfectly with a soft click.
Obviously renne should try and put it on.
>>3468977Agree, try again
>>3468977>>3469002But..she doesn't even have fingers you guys. Don't be silly.
And... you wait. Nothing happens. No glowing, no sound. No nothing.
Have Renne put her left foreleg in the claw (assuming that it CAN be moved now)
>>3468699Good tingle or bad tingle? Does she feel alright putting the another gauntlet on?
Er, right foreleg. Sorry, i just woke up.
>>3468977>>3469002>>3469088>>3469130Be sure the remove any bones before trying to insert hoof
>>3469085Is the bone still inside?
>>3469174>>3469179>>3469112You carefully slip the bone out of the gauntlet and set it gently to the side. You ask Saffron what she thinks of the tingle in her left arm."It's like it's asleep. Little tiny prickles all up and down my arm. It doesn't hurt or anything."
>>3469372Anyone else worried Saffron may lose her arms with these? Can she even remove the armor she already has on?
>>3469467>armsi'm worried she'll lose herself entirelydon't let mai waifu die pls ;_;
>>3469467It's possible, but they are pretty helpful, right?
>>3469519>opening doors and tearing appendages off of The Hulki would say so, yeah
>>3469491 It's only a matter of time, she will be forced into using the armor
>>3468977>>3469002>>3469088"R-renne! What are yo-"You rear yourself up as high as you can and awkwardly insert your foreleg into the armor. The length of your leg that makes it into the armor gets uncomfortably hot. The heat increases until it has leveled off to being extremely uncomfortable. You feel it not only on the surface of your foreleg, but all the way through, down to your bones.You expect the worst, and wait for a moment, but nothing comes of it.
>>3469760gosh we're a pretty little ponei don't want to ask Saffron to wear it but i think she has to if we want to move this thing, it seems stuck
>>3469760Can you move your leg at all? If not I guess>>3469816yeah Saffron.
>>3469467Are we even sure she still has an arm beneath the gauntlet?>>3469760...Are we even sure Renne still has a foreleg?
>>3469760Renne should carry the gauntlet, we should only have Saffron wear it in an emergency
>>3469916we can't move it. it's stuck gripping the stone base of the pedestal thing that it's on, we tried moving it last week
>>3469955Maybe Saffron can move it without sticking her arm in it
Carrying it is a good idea, but remember last time she put one on it caused her pain to the point of vomiting and physical exhaustion.And the gem's already in this one. Just sayin'.
>>3469898>>3469982You pull your foreleg out and take a step back. It cools off instantly, the moment it is out of the gauntlet, and it looks as if there is no harm done to your leg. You apologize to Saffron, and say that you wanted to see if you could get it to work somehow. You ask her if she wouldn't mind stepping up and trying to carry it."I guess I could try, although you already used your magic on it."
>>3470130>>3470130Be ready to magic saffron away if she tries to put it on or he "acts" again.We should also go back down the hall and go down that new set of stairs. also, updated the map horribly
Saffron steps up closer to the gauntlet."G-ah... The tingling is worse. It doesn't hurt, but it's more persistent now."You tell her that she doesn't need to go through something like this again, but she shakes her head. She grasps the gauntlet starts to yank and tug. Lots of growling, jerking, and clawing at the floor for leverage later, she gives up."I... uh... huh... I can't move it either..."
>>3470370I meanI guess she has to stick her arm in it if we want to take it with at this point
Here's an idea. Since we can't take it with us anyway, why don't we continue without it and retreat to this room in an emergency?
Should we have her go ahead and put it on now or leave it here until we have to come back for it?
>>3470455>>3470479I think everyone is thinking the same thing.
>>3470479I vote put it on. Doesn't seem like we'll go anywhere if we don't do it.
>>3470455>>3470479I guess it couldn't hurt to leave it for now. Part of me just wanted Saffron to have both pieces because it MIGHT be necessary for something.
>>3470518Well it is, We have already found a door that would require her to have both arm pieces to open
>>3470518>might be
>>3470518Well, actually, there is a wall upstairs with two of the circles that need to be turned with gauntlets. If we take it, we have two options for paths we can take from here. If we leave it, we can only go down.
>>3470455I suppose....if we have the gem Chance shouldn't be able to use it, and just one gauntlet was enough to stop Chance before
>>3470543Ah shit I forgot. We might as well just take it now then, get this over with.
Okay, I'm voting we put it on and then continue to this door: >>3470543
>>3470582but do we take the gem out of the gauntlet first?!its still sitting in it
I say we let saffron decide, it is her arm and soul that are about to get fucked up.
>>3470370We need to take the gem out of it before we go. We don't want Chance putting it on.
>>3470572>>3470582>>3470586With a heavy heart, you ask Saffron for a big favor. You ask if she would be willing to put on the second gauntlet, as you recall that there is another door with two dials upstairs, and potentially more past that. You also say that it helped you protect everyone from Chance earlier and that it's shiny and looks rather fancy and suits her coat well."Hehe... You're fine, Renne, no need to make excuses. I had a feeling in the back of my mind when I put on the first one that I would end up wearing more of this stuff. Just a hunch, I guess."
>>3470658>letting the DM decideNo, bad player. She should only put it on if that locked door is the only place we haven't explored yet.
If she puts this next piece on (at least in theory) She will have half of the set and potentially only half control over her own body.
>>3470774I really think we are making a mistake here, or at the very least sacrificing Saffron.
If we wanted, we could get Saffron to ;ick us up so we could get our arm into it.
>>3470776>>3470826we can still tell her to stop!
>>3470776>bad playerSays the guy who doesn't know what we have left to explore.Also she is going to end up putting it on no matter what we do, that's just how the quest is going to go.
>>3470795That's a risk I'm willing to take.
>>3470795And/or soul.>>3470826Well, the alternative is that we're shoehorned into going deeper where Chance is lurking with no protection for ourselves. I think it makes more sense to explore a room we know he couldn't get into first. It may contain clues or something useful.
>>3470891i'm really torni don't want to hurt Saffron but i think we need to put the armor on
My vote is for her putting it on because if we leave it Chance might get to it. And we know the gem is impossible to remove once put on.This might just be repeating what you guys have already said. I may have skimmed a little.
>>3471091if we close the door chance can't get to it as you need the arm saffron has on to open it.
>>3470863>Also she is going to end up putting it on no matter what we do, that's just how the quest is going to go.LK doesn't make his railroading that obvious.
>>3471116Do we even know if it's possible to lock it back up?
>>3471122>>3471122it has always been obvious where we have to go and what we have to do. he hides some cool stuff here and there though.
<Wow, this is the most divided I've ever seen you guys.>"If you really want me to put it on, Renne, I will. I trust you more than anything. You're the one that's had the visions and the headaches, you're the one that's heard the voices. You're more connected to this place than I am, even if I'm wearing this armor. Regardless, I think we need to take the stone, I don't want Chance to have any way to get one of these things."
So how long till we get a full armored Saffron?In b4 possesed but we would finally have a party member suitable for battle.
>>3471470i say we ask her to put it on
>>3471470I also vote put it on and continue
>>3471470PUT IT ON.Also have some doodles I did while we wait.
>>3471470>>3471573>>3471586You do know that this will bite us in the ass in the long run, right? a full set of evil magic armor?
>>3471618Maybe it's not really evil?
>>3471618We don't know that it is evil, I think it may be the armor of the "warden" of this place.
>>3471618What could possibly go wrong? I say put it on.
>>3471618We deal with the consequences later. Right know let's get some bitching armor.
>>3471607Any reason why she's pudgier than Ms. Cake?
>>3471607That's pretty good. Renne's head looks kinda small for her body, though.
It's like Prequel, gotta advance the plot somehow.Put it on!
>>3471618We're trapped in an underground eldritch prison with what may be as many as 3 or 4 pissed-off elder gods/magical entities of varying malevolence.There IS no "safe" option.Also, this.
>>3471716>at armsOH HA HA FUNNY GUY
>>3471706Oh well now, if you're joining in on the fun, how can I go to bed now?>>34717162spooky
what the fuck is a nexus
I say we don't have her put it on, We don't need it, there are still places we can explore.
>>3471607I like it except maybe for what >>3471697 saidOther than that I really like it
>>3471781We can ALWAYS come back later and put this thing on if we need to... We already have one character in the party that drifts off and hears voices, we don't need another.
>>3471716tumblrguy hasn't steered us wrong yet. Put it on.
>>3471706BCS draw Renne quest fanart.
Just got in. I reckon before we make a decision, we need to work out exactly where there is left to look if we don't have the gauntlet. >>3470195This looks to only have two rooms listed that we haven't explored yet, and presumeable one of those is the double-gloved door. Anyone remember which is which, and what the other is? I'm digging through the logs now to find out.
>>3471952That's what I find so worrisome. He's been too helpful.
>>3471959Oh God, yes please Buttercup. Quests always need more fan art for them.
>>3471966double glove room is upstairsspire room with a stairwell leading down is to the east
>>3471966The double-glove door is one floor above us. Other than that there's still the skull door on the topmost floor that we don't know how to open, and the stairs downward on this level of the spire room.
>>3471975>>3471952He is in this for himself, he is only using renne and the gang for his own gain.
>>3472030Exactly what I was trying to save. We are tools.
>>3472026Also please note there is a very high probability of running into Chance if we go down the unexplored stairwell.
>forget to have the tumblr open in a tabWell don't I feel like a butt.>>3472030We figured he wouldn't let Renne die if he needs her..I'm not so sure about Saffron though. I still stand that we should put it on. Things have to progress.
>>3472102If he only plans on using her once he'll have no problems throwing her away as soon as he doesn't need her. You can't reuse a stick of dynamite.
<Holy cow, debates!>Though you are understandably torn over hurting your friend any further, you nod for her to put on the gauntlet. She steps forward and slips her arm down into it.
Well since I know you're paying attention to us mystery tumblrman, know that whilst we're tenuously trusting you at the moment, all that will be out the window the moment your advice guides us to harming Renne or one of the other creatures in our care. And then you'll be stuck again, without anyone who can listen to or help you with whatever your mysterious situation is.
<cutscene>You can hear a faint hissing noise, one that you missed earlier, now that you're standing next to her. From the feeling you got before, you can only imagine what she's feeling at the moment. Saffron winces, heat wave emanating from the gauntlet.
>lets do it because progressYeah same could be said of those voices guys.
>>3472315If you're against the whole "Do it to advance the plot", I agree it's a bit silly. But our goal is to get out of here, preferably as whole in body and soul as possible, and since we've explored (almost) all we can, the only way to get closer to escaping is to don the glove.
<cutscene>You can feel the heat from the gauntlet now. The tears are streaming down her face, but she doesn't make a noise. You can hear the scraping of stone in the alcove, just over the hissing, her armored fingers scraping over the stone.
She finally lifts her paw from the pedestal, a look of determination on her face, though you can tell she is in pain.
What effect did putting the gem in the gauntlet have last time?
>>3472655give her a comforting hug
>>3472655Oooh.That accounts for all 4 gems already, counting the one Chance has in his hand.
>>3472655Is that the gem we had, or a new one that was hidden under the gauntlet?
>>3472684her "soul hurt"She lost a part of herself or something like that, Also Something took control of her for a short period of time.
>>3472760>her "soul hurt"GAAAAAYYYY
>>3472655...Huh. So that's all 4 soulgems accounted for, then.Look her in the eye so she can see how worried we are for her, and sorry that she's had to do so much for us, and give her a hug.>>3472684>You finally get a smile out of her, and then ask her exactly what happened.>>"I don't know. As soon as I put the stone in the gauntlet, I got another jolt. But… it wasn't physical pain, this time. It was like my soul hurt, if that's even possible… I-I got up, and don't remember being in control of my actions. I could see it all happening, but… but it just seemed like the right thing to do, so I didn't try to stop it."
>>3472705Seconding. Feeling pretty shitty for not checking the other rooms first.
>>3472705You run up and try to give her a hug. The pauldrons are a bit bulky for your forelegs to wrap around her, but you try your best anyways. You can feel her body trembling as you embrace, and you keep telling her sorry over and over again.
>>3473135>can't even hug her right anymore
>>3473135>>3473222>no more close hugsi wanna cry now
>>3473222Oh god what have our careless hands wrought. ;_;
>>3473222>>3473287>>3473302We told you so.
>>3473135hugs over, time for that door!but grab the gem first
Head up to the double lock door.After grabbing that gem of course.
>>3473346So, current macguffin status:GEMS1 in Chance's hand1 in Saffron's glove2 in our saddlebagsARMOUR2 gauntlets on both of Saffron's arms1 chestplate? location unknown1 collar? location unknown
>>3473407>1 set of badass wings>Location unknown
we are one step closer to losing saffron forever. Lets head up stairs to the double locked door.
>>3473222What have we done.
>>3473407That's 1 gem in our saddlebag and 2 gems for each of Saffron's gauntlets
>>3473346>>3473359>>3473471You take the gem from its spot and put it into your saddlebags with the other. You leave the room and Saffron slams it shut for a final time. Chronicle looks Saffron up and down."Another?""Yeah...""I hope that it did not hurt as much as the last, you looked to be in severe pain.""It did."You blurt out something about moving forward and mention the door one level above, the one with two metal discs."Ahh, yes, excellent! We should be able to get in now that she is wearing both gauntlets, I hope. We also know that Chance could not have entered that room, so we will be safe."
Oh confound it, I'd meant to have Renne check that octagram below the glove to see if there was anything interesting about it before we left, but forgot it while being concerned for Saffron. >>3472655Ah well, onwards, I guess.
>>3473718That's something we need to do.
>>3473718it was probably what glued the gauntlet down to the pedestal
>>3473666Nah, we took it out again before she put the gauntlet on.>>3471470
>>3473744Crap, sorry. My brain is on a few other things right now. Just ignore me.
>>3473718>>3473733You blurt out to Saffron that you forgot to check one final thing and ask her to please please open the door again. She does so quickly, and you dart inside.
So everything down here seems to want to take a host... and the tumblr guy wants to be free, maybe he needs a host. maybe he needs renne
You look in the alcove where the glove was so securely attached. Underneath the palm of the armor there is a small octagon. It looks hastily scratched into the the stone, along with some other markings as well.
>>3474046so you draw an octagon to cast a spell or what?
>>3474046Does anyone have the alphabet saved?
>>3474201Looks like it. It says "Anchor Steadfast." Some kind of ritual circle or something.This is useful knowledge.
<hide, report, and move on pls>
>mfw I JUST now realized that these threads are RoleplayingPlease go to Ponychan's /rp/ to do this...
>>3474233Curious.Anyway, out again, let them know about it in case there are some traps inscribed in other octagons or something.Also, did we ever tell them we think we've worked out how to translate this stuff? If not, tell them and ask them to point out any other script they spot, in case we miss something.Then onwards!
>>3474201>>3474046>>3474233maybe saffron can do somekinda DiamondDog magic
>>3474233Did we just gain the ability to cast a spell?We just draw an octagon and write something in Diamond Dog language?
>>3474425Maybe we shouldn't.
>>3474424>roleplaying>quest threadconfirmed for ponychanner who came to 4chan when /mlp/ was made.You fuck off.
>>3474448Presumably it would also require a gem or maybe some other energy source as well, but yes I think that's safe to assume.
>>3474448Try it and see.
>>3474449What's the downside, unless you don't trust Chronicle?I'll admit, I'm a bit worried about his complete unflappability on the mystical stuff myself, though he seemed decently panicked whenever Chance rears his ugly mug.
>>3474424Its not technically RP.
>>3474476>implying Quests ARENT roleplayingYou serious, nigga?
Pls don't respondpls
>>3474570 Anon please, /mlp/ is made of /b/ and /v/, They are obligated to respond.
We're heading to the double lock door, right?
As you head to the east into the room leading to the gear and spire rooms, you hear an echoing howl. It's coming from the spire room, but it sounds far away. Behind the howls, you can hear what sounds like a heavy thudding noise, and the clang of metal on stone.
>>3474619If not we should.
>>3474618But this is /co/fag territory, why cant the bandwagoners just go away and leave us alone?It's their fault this shitty board exists in the first place.
>>3474637Maybe it's on a different level? Peak through and check.
<Come on, guys. Pls?>
>>3474657Anon, this is not the time or place for this argument. It is time for creepyquest.Suggest a course of action.>>3474637
>>3474665I wanted to say this, but I'[m worried he could come sliding down that chain if he knows we're there.
>>3474637Best be on the safe side and check it out.
I wonder what chase is up to.
>>3474699Ah screw it, let's see...Maybe he's pulling the chains somehow? I'm still curious as to why they're there, and what the deal is with those rooms.
>>3474795Our current theory is that the chains are binding whatever horrible monster the spikes belong to.
>>3474772>>3474795You all slowly creep into the next room. The sound of his howling gets louder, but only slightly so. You can tell that the noise is coming from below.
>>3474867Before we move on, check with Chronicle to see if he has enough energy for his hidey spell.
>>3474926sounds good
>>3474867Should we take a peek down the hole?
>>3475053I am against this. We probably don't want to alert ourselves to whatever is down there.
>>3475053Let's. We can always just leg it if he sees us.
>>3475053I'm for it.
>>3474926>>3474995You both turn to Chronicle at the same time, asking him if he would be able to cast his shroud spell again."I-uh... I might be able to. It is harder to perform under duress, but if I can calm myself enough it might be feasible. I... I am afraid I cannot offer any guarantees."
We should just go up to the locked room. If we look down Chance might see us.
>>3475153We'll just be taking a peek. He probably won't be looking up at that exact moment unless he's already heard us.
>>3475168>>3475092>>3475086You cautiously creep over to the edge of the hole in the center of the room. The noise of metal on stone gets louder, as well as Chance's howls and barks. It does not sound like the noise is coming from the chains, but from something metal being hit against stone.[audio01]
The clanging of metal gets louder and louder, as do his howls. You start to back away, only your eyes peeking over the edge now.
>>3475616Inspect the gauntlet.
>>3475616>>3475658holy shit, is chance in the lava?
>>3475658is... is something climbing up?
Uhh run?
>>3475680Looks more like it's slipping down.
>>3475616>>3475658...holy shit
>>3475663You can hear the metal clanging, louder and louder. As soon as it reaches its crescendo, it halts, a loud thud echoing up through the hole in the floor. A few moments pass before Chance's howl pierces your ears. You try to get a look at whatever it is that's slipping into the lava, but you shy away at the last moment, not wanting Chance to catch a glimpse of you.
I wonder if we could of stopped chance form doing whatever he was doing (or at least had more info on it) if we didn't dick around over in the 2nd armory
What the fuck is that in the lava?
>>3475752a spooky goast
>>3475616That audio...
>>3475752i'm more interested in what was on its handis that a letter that we know?
>>3475699Listen for Chance's next movements. Did he hear us?
>>3475699I think that's enough, let's just get to that door already.This is getting 2spooky.
>>3475823You try to listen, but cannot help from looking one last time. You cannot see Chance, but you can hear him walking away, every other step accompanied by the scraping of metal.
>>3475956BOOK IT
>>3475956What if "walking away" means walking upstairs?
>>3476019then we walk up more stairs than he doesand fasterand possibly eat the 2 gems and punch him in the face if needed
>>3476066Oh god I just pictured Renne popping the gems into her mouth like pills and then chasing Chance around like a pac-man ghost.With the squiggly face and everything.
>>3476091LK you'd better draw this
>>3475966>>3475922You hurriedly tell them what little you saw, and everything that you heard as you run out of the room and for the stairs leading up to the double-lock door. Saffron says nothing and follows you, but Chronicle seems worried."M-metal? And something falling into the lava? What else is down there!"
>>3476207Hurry hurry super scurry
You arrive at the top of the stairs in the double-lock door room. Chronicle holds the torch and stands guard at the top of the staircase. As you and Saffron approach the door, your right eye begins to hurt again. You squint it shut.
>>3476207Explain to chronicle, see if he can make sense of it.
Damn.. why do these threads have to be on so late?Im literally falling alsped over here.
>>3476406<Because I'm a weenie and can never start it at a decent time.>
>>3476389Not a bad idea, maybe he knows what that symbol means.
>>3475840>your right eye begins to hurt againI missed this last time. Anyone mind bringing me up to speed on what the deal is with that?Also, I've found the symbol from that gauntlet, give me a sec to mspaint a pic together.
>>3476460Boop.Perhaps not, after I rotated it I noticed the bottom didn't quite match up. I think it's probably right, though. It's from the nightmare at the end of the first session.
>>3476460Headaches and eye pains are usually a sign we're close to something significantly powerful or something I think. >>3476510Oh shiiiiiiiiitttttt.Also, tell our colleagues about our headache this time. They deserve to know.
>>3476510Which is to say it's Baldwin's cutie mark.
>>3476389>>3476441You walk up to Chronicle, taking a moment to breathe. You explain to him what you saw, what you heard. You saw something slipping into the lava, its hand scraping the stone floor on the way in. You only got a glimpse of a symbol that was on the hand, and you pull out your stick of charcoal to draw it on the ground."Hmm. No... I have not seen a symbol like that anywhere before. Are you... okay?"He's looking at your right eye, squinted shut. You tell him and Saffron that you're having one of your pains again, in your right eye this time. You tell them that there are no voices or anything. Just pain."Well, Renne, you seem to react to things around here for whatever reason. Maybe something is close?"
>>3476635Doesn't seem anything left to do but crack open that door, I guess.
>>3476635Open door?
>>3476738>>3476741You nod, a gut feeling that something is indeed nearby. Saffron walks up to the door, the metal from her gauntlets clicking softly against the metal of the discs. She turns each paw, palm down to palm up, a metal clunking noise coming from the door. With great strain, Saffron begins to lift.
>>3476859Go Saffron! Lift that door!
>>3476859Get ready for the worst
>>3476859Come on, Saffron!DO YOU EVEN LIFT?
Sip a mint julep
>>3476985Mint Juleps are disgusting
>>3476859Saffron is quite the imposing figure now.
>>3476859Keep an ear out in case he did hear us
She struggles with the door at first, lifting it only a few inches off the ground, a sickly green glow coming from under the door. But with a mighty heft and a growl, she throws the door up, sliding all the way into the ceiling with a loud metal clunk. Your eye... Your eye aches, but you can't turn away.[audio02]
>>3477251>brush hair out of your eyes
>>3477251Another number hidden in one of the frames. One sec.
>>3477288I see no numbers soup.
>>3477311I see them. mspainting.
>>3477251OH NO!
>>3477251take some Rad-x
>>3477316Here you go. They were tiny and on her eye.
>>3477325Err, that was a lot more visible in mspaint. Hopefully this is large enough to not give you eyes like Renne whilst reading?
>>3477311In her eye on this frame.MSpaint was faster but just to show you where it was.
>>3477347Soup are you a robot or something?
>>3477347How the fuck do you find these things?So fast, no less?
>>3477347I need a higher res monitor for this quest...
>>3477343Sooo 85614678
>>3477364Remember that link with the X-es at the end?Someone try these numbers with it.
>>3477380Link where?
>>3477358Not Soup, but I open the gifs up in quicktime and go through it frame by frame with the arrow keys. Tilting the screen of my laptop back helps spot the things too, for some reason.>>3477380Trying it now. Can't find anything for .jpg, .png, .gif, .ogg, .mp3, .txt, .zip or .rarStill trying.
>>3477358I swear to god he's LK in disguise..or like one of LK's potential multiple personalities.
>>3477325>>3477343How do you go through frames of a gif in mspaint anyways?
>>3477411I don't, but in quicktime you just go >edit>copy and then I paste the frame into mspaint and fuck with it to seperate it out/make it easier to see.
>>3477416Holy jesus that thing just send an actual shiver down my spine
>>3477416Awwwwwwwww shit, nigger, we're in trouble.SNAP OUT OF IT RENNE
See you next week, guys.
>>3477428Hahahaha you fucker, that was a fun one
>>3477380Tried, but hasn't yielded anything so far. Tried .png, .gif, .jpg, .zip, .mp3, .wav, .ogg, none have worked.>>3477358I actually miss a lot of stuff. I can't really take credit for figuring out these methods of finding things.
>>3477416Aaaaaaaa!>>3477428Aaaaaaargh!Confound it LK, now I've got to wait all week!Thanks for the session as always!
>>3477428Fuuuuck that was great
>>3477440Gotta make sure you guys come back~
>>3477442What's the link?I'll look into it too
>>3477416>>34774282SPOOKY.This was really fun. Thanks.
>>3477428Take it easy LKStay chill man.
>>3477458The original link was https://dl.dropbox.com/u/21938484/_RQ/XXXXXXXX.png
>>3477457>implying we'd miss out
>>3477428Why hasn't anyone stuck a dick on this?
>>3477469What a beautiful way to end the thread, thank you anon.
>>3477428You bastard.
>Super Saffron>Chance fucking shit up>Baldwin's mark appearing>fucking skulls againmy little heart almost couldn't take itthank you LK
Hey so someone solved the hidden messages on the tumblr, right? Any hints as to what we should do with these numbers and link?
>>3477525Which hidden messages are you referring to?
>>3477394Welp, I'm confizzled.Gone through all the reasonable filetypes I could think of/find in my computer's filetype associations and can't find anything.
>>3477535Well I thought there were hidden messages with the capitals in these posts. But I may be wrong, I haven't been following as much as I used to
>>3477550Nah, we never managed to make any sense of his capitalisation, if there is any.
>>3477550I was thinking the same thing but I can't see a pattern yet.8 lines in that post, 8 numbers. Could just be a coincidence, though.
>>3477550Bow to B? Rearranged?
>>3477550i think he just sucked at capitalizationhe's getting betteralso trying to jokepretty soon he'll be rhymingi still want to know what the hell a "broken nexus" is
>>3477565Sang you should do a quest some time.
>>3477574I'm assuming he was referring to Chance, since we couldn't really forget about something we didn't already know of.
Huh, didn't notice Renne's cutie mark scrubbed out on the right side last time.There's nothing new to be gotten from this with what we know now, right?
>>3477585but how is he a nexus?
Guys what are some shot key words from the quest? Replacing a file extension with anything you want is easy, he may have done that.
>>3477596Pure conjecture, but "Nexus" may be weird-imprisoned-monster-speak for an individual who is sensitive to the energies surrounding this place.Those energies may flow through Chance and Renne more easily than others. This would explain their shared dreams and headaches.
>>3477587Well there's a 2 and a 6 on either side of the central octagram, and a 7 in the centre of the spiralling cube.Absolutely no sodding clue what that could indicate, though.>>3477596Nexus for whatever those voices are supposed to be? Chronicle said Chance'd complained about hearing thousands of them, didn't he? Unbound nexus = every spirit that wants to make itself heard can speak to him, while we're limited to those we want to listen to?
>>3477623>want to listen to>that stack-o'-corpses in the first roomthey almost mind-raped us
>>3477601By the way where did we get this link from originally anyways?
>>3477648It was from a QR code earlier in the quest.
>>3477660Ah okay
>>3477601Well, the original was XXXXXXXX.png so I doubt he changed it. Trying a bunch of combinations anyway. Already checked all 1 and 2 letter extension and I'm up to fgn on 3 letter extensions.
>right eye hurts>>3477416>skull's right eye lit up>pyramid gem thingYou think it will fit?
>>3477682Huh there's an eight on top of that door
>>3477664From a QR code hidden in the spectrogram of the .ogg embedded in this image from session 6, specifically.>>3477676We had it change to .mp3 the other night, could easily be something new. I feel we're missing something, though.Wait, has anyone tried .help?>>3477682Ooh, of course!
I'm surprised LK hasn't hidden anything in the exif data of his pictures yet. I bet that happensor doesn't cause I said something
>>3477698I did try .helpNo dice
>>3477676This is gonna be some hard shit to figure out. LK hasn't made this easy.Has anyone thought that the tumblr's url might not just be random nonsense? It looks like some phrase or thing that's been run through a replacement cipher. I don't know much about those, though.awujabvojnavwaowqau
maybe...maybe he hasn't used it yet?
>>3477722Yeah, thought about it back when we first discovered it, but didn't get to far. Let me know if you can work something out with it.These are the letters it uses, with duplicates removed.awujbvonq
>>3477676So no luck trying all the combinations, or still going?
BAH I would love to keep guessing at the innumeral amount of possible codes but I have to register for school tomorrow morning. Good luck guy
>>3477865Tried everything here and got nothing.http://www.techdictionary.com/filename.htmlWe're going about this the wrong way
>>3477984TUMBLR UPDATEALL WE HAD TO DO WAS ASK ITNow... now what do we do with it?
>>3477984Maybe there was another link we missed? Bah there's too many possibilities.
>>3478018what the fuck is this?
>>3478024latest tumblr updateDon't know what it's all about though
>>3478024Was just posted to the tumblr
i'm stumped, i don't know what to do with this thing
>>3478169Me neither. I tried exif data, ogg chan, looking for clues in the image... It looks like the one that had numbers on it before but... Graffitied over?Shit I'm too tired for this
>>3478245The image doesn't have any extra data tacked on as far as I could tell. Whatever we're looking for must be in the image itself.
I think what it's saying is that the "XXXXXXXX" part of the url isn't important this time.I tried XXXXXXXX.85614678 but it didn't work. We're obviously missing something and it'll require some thinking. Should be fun to work on. For now I'm off to bed since I've hardly slept.
I think I've got it. Give me a minute to mspaint.
>>3478330Oh shit I'm excited
>>3478330Looking at the old numbers, the outline of the panel is the same as the new one, but the splodges in the background are different. If you rotate it 180 degrees however, they match up. I figure we've got to rotate the image in Renne's eye 180 degrees too. What number does this give us?
>>3478388Wait, fuck, dot dash isn't even a valid number is it? Welp.Ah well, assuming dot dash = dash dot87621638
>>347838887621638Trying it now
>>3478388Okay maybe we're on the right track here. What if it was reflected in Renne's eye? Maybe rather than rotating it, we mirror it
>>3478479Nah nevermind that doesn't get us anywhere
GAWD LK makes it harder every time
>>3478388Just in case it's useful somehow, that old code rotated comes out to 56274836
>>3468317 (OP)Eugh I can't pone any more tonight. Good luck with anyone who's still working on it. I'll take another look tomorrow
>>3478686Night Anon. Shall we make a persistant thread over in the submarine where we can post the tidbits as we work them out? I keep seeing people posting in the general during the week, and it'd be good if we could communicate our guesses to all the questers, not just those there at the time.
>>3478713 (Dead)Cheers, Smile
>>3478425>>3478446Didn't work with any of the filename extensions on my list.
>>3478738Bugger.I have no idea what we're supposed to do with this. We haven't had anything else so far that could make use of 8 numbers, right?Perhaps we'll get something else that we'll be able to use it with when we find the other eye?
>>3477702Problem is the EXIF data gets destroyed when you upload images to 4chan. But we should check the shit out of the Tumblr ones.
i think he finally got us on this one, shit
>>3480896I know, I'm kind of annoyed. Given up for tonight myself, hopefully someone'll be struck by inspiration during the week.By the way, what's the font in the OP pic?>>3468317 (OP)
>>3481172Thanks!Made that thread over in the submarine I suggested earlier, so if anyone DOES manage to work out what on earth is up with the curveball LK's thrown us this week, they can throw it up there for people to catch.http://mlpg.co/q/res/54251.html
>>3481484Neat!>OP pic>OP pic of ShittyQuestIs this a thing now? It's cute.
>>3480389>>3482880It keeps png metadata and I know for a fact EXIF data is kept.
>>3482908>>3482880Strange. Shit was destroyed when I did some other ARG. Guess new changes were made. Well I guess you might as well check every single image.