[Let's get this party started.If I'm posting an out of context post, I'll contain it in square brackets, like this.Any sort of actions where I won't be taking commands, I will contain a message in the square brackets as well, such as [cutscene]That being said...][Intro]
>>1972761 (OP)[Intro]You are on a cruise ship, headed east from Equestria. Your gracious peers have given you a full-expenses-paid trip as a gift for your contributions to Equestrian archaeology at the universities in Canterlot.Your destination? A small island with a dig site on an island off the coast of the mainland from which the Diamond Dogs hail. You are set to get off on the mainland, and take a small boat to the dig site. The trip is a long one, but the fact that you are on a CRUISE SHIP for the first time in your life proves to make it an interesting trip at least.
>>1972893Is this our room?
>>1972893Inventory check.
>>1972893But perhaps... it is a bit too interesting. You don't know what to do first!>>1972906This is indeed your room, and it is furnished rather nicely. All of your possessions are packed away in the cabinet and in your hooflocker at the foot of the bed.
Have sex with the nearest Passenger
Do we have an colleges, assistants or co-travelers?
Check the mini-bar
>>1972966Second this >>1972956
>>1972991Nah, we'll get in trouble.Let's just pleasure ourselves, just to relax
put penis in pony
>>1972956>>1972991second to both
Roll up a blunt and take in that sea air.
>>1973007>Getting in trouble for being a slutWhat kind of country do YOU live in?
>>1973016Not for being a slut, but for rape. Everybody on this ship is probably too fancy for us, so the only way we get some is by>rape
Examine our belongings.
Check room for lifevest
Get ye flask.
Examine our own butt and try to remember what we're good at.
>>1973144Definitely do this
>>1973175Eternal life apparently
>>1972956>>1973132In your saddlebags you have a Marshalltown trowel (sharpened), a spade, a brush, a tiny ball peen hammer, a pick, a bundle of writing utensils (one pencil, two charcoal, one crayon), and a good sized stack of papers>>1972991>>1973007Now why would you want to do that? This is your fist time on a CRUISE SHIP, it's not a time to be chasing tail.
>>1972893>looks at pony's assWoah Woah Woah. Is that a Christian Cutie Mark? We aren't like some gay christian priest right? Or is that just some archeology symbol I've never seen? Please tell me it's the later.
>>1973260See if there is a buffet anywhere.Let's pig out!
>>1973260Explore the ship.
>>1973260have ponysex
>>1973260Let's explore the ship, maybe we can eat something
>>1973269That's a recall rune, you pleb.
>>1973260Awww yeah, hit the fuckin buffet.
>>1973260Excavate room for archaeological evidence
>>1973260I would go on deck
>>1973269how retarded are you?
>>1973286Just call room service
>>1973260I really want to say it one more time before we drown somehow, check dat life vest
>>1973341Easy fella
>>1973175>>1973243>>1973269It's a picture of a slab depicting an ankh. It is, in fact, the first artifact you had ever recovered, assisting your parents on a dig-site in an ancient zebra burial ground. Digging in dirt runs in the family, apparently.
>>1973431Let's find the casual restaurant and have a casual meal. We can have a regular meal in the regular dining room later.
>>1973431So we're basically indiana jones, but as a pretty little mare.Why the fuck not?
>>1973431Was this the burial site of King Zebra?
What is your little pony name?
>>1973472Also check room for Terry
>>1973431call our zebra assistant to bring the rest of our bags up to the room
>>1973559I hope they crack wise!
>>1973144>>1973217>>1973357It's right here, in the bathroom, hanging up on a wall. Two of them, in fact, even though this room was reserved for you alone. Can never be too safe!>>1973463>>1973300Food does sound good, you'll head out for a bite to eat in just a minute.>>1973000You are traveling alone, but your colleagues back in Equestria said that there were some other archaeologists traveling towards the same destination as well, perhaps you should try and find them?>>1973486Terry is back at home, finally getting that wing-enhancement surgery, and couldn't make it.[Apologies if I'm slow to update, this is my first quest ever and I'm still getting into the swing of things]
>>1973652Look out the window and see if theres anything significant going on outside[and I wouldnt worry about it. You're going pretty fast as it is, plus you're drawing]
>>1973652>Food does sound good, you'll head out for a bite to eat in just a minute.>there were some other archaeologists traveling towards the same destination as well, perhaps you should try and find them?Well why didn't you say so? Let's find those archaeologists.
>>1973652Check room for safe to stow archeological notes in before leaving. Can't have your rivals stealing your research
>>1973652You are drawing. You are doing fine.
So where are we going?
>>1974051wait for LK to update
>>1973717You are currently on the aft end of the second floor, starboard side. The restaurants are located on the fourth and fifth floors, in blue. The observation and recreation areas of the ship are highlighted in green. The other archaeologists could be anywhere. Where do you start first?>>1973725Good idea! You pull the sheets of paper out of your saddlebag and stow them in the safe provided, located inside of the closet. Putting the ones with writing inside, you stow the blank pieces of paper back into your saddlebag.
>>1974110Observation deck. Even if they aren't there, we can look and try to find them.
>>1974110It's nighttime, so no point in going to the observation deck, check out the ship's fancy restaurant, this your first night may as well make it special
>>1974110>>1974124Food sounds good.>>1974173What, you don't want to watch the stars shining over the sea?
>>1974200Cruise ships go FAST at night to make up for the slow speed they do during the daytime so guests can enjoy the deck. It makes being on the deck at nighttime like being in a wind tunnel
>>1974264That sounds fun. To the observation deck it is!!!
>>1974264that sounds exciting
We can't go out like this. Our mane looks dreadful, and we've got next to no make up on. First impressions are everything. Do we have anything pretty to wear to impress other guests? Maybe a spiffy saddle or two?
>>1973705Nothing that you can see. Just water. A whole LOT of water.>>1974124>>1974173>>1974200As fun as it sounds, it's probably not the best idea to go on the observation deck at night. To the restaurant it is!
>>1974423Let's eat hay
>>1974446Hey, its an ALL expense payed trip.Buy the fanciest thing on the menu at the fanciest restaurant. Get the most expensive thing stuffed with the second most expensive.Bring back a mummified hand or a gold amulet and no one will think twice about the bill
>>1974446Hay?! We ALWAYS eat hay. It's all you can eat, so let's eat new things, and eat til we throw up, and then eat some more!
lets look around if we are actually to find some of the archaeology people
>>1974492>poorfag that has never been on a cruise beforeYou don't have to buy meals on a cruise. The food you pay for is a money trap for rich suckers. The good food is what they serve for free.
>>1974533Well, lets see what is available before we make any final decisions.God forbid theres a buffet
>>1974570You can choose between eating in the fancy dining room or going to the buffet. If you are fast enough you can do both.
>>1974570Typically, cruise ships offer a buffet, open almost 24 hours, a fine dining area where you have a regular waiter, and a premium area that serves the most exclusive type of meals
>>1974600We are plenty quick on our feet, but we want to pig out. To the buffet first!!!
>>1974619>To the buffet first!!!But I thought the idea was to survive this journey!
>>1974652how about >>1974530
>>1974652Yes, and people need to EAT!Chow down at the buffet, faggot!
>>1974687Knowing stories like this, we will likely meet the archeologists while we have a face full of fries.SO BUFFET!!
>>1974652But if we don't go to the buffet how will we hear the Muslims talk about how much pork they have eaten during the cruise? True story.
>>1974687How do you look for archaeology people? Are they all supposed to have similar cutie marks?
A quick look at the map notes that the buffet is on the fifth floor, with the fancier restaurants being on the fourth. Given that this is your first night ever on your first cruise ever, you are understandably nervous, so looking fancy might not be up your alley. Not that you like to look fancy or anything.
>>1974726They're all wearing funny hats.
>>1974822I wonder what a pony buffet would look like.Imagine all those salad greens and hay and flowers under heat lamps.
>>1974822Fancy shit.
>>1974822Then it's decided.TO THE BUFFET!
>>1974822Still, it would be nice to make an impression, atleast put on a professional looking dress.
>>1974822Both are bad idea. Order room service, then go exploring on the employees only section of the ship. Once you finish with your recon, you can chow down on a magnificent late night snack
>>1974822WEAR A FANCY HAT!
>>1974870This bro gets it. We can at least comb our mane, yeah?
>>1974822>go to buffet>head directly to chocolate fountain
>>1974870>>1974891You don't own a single dress, they always get so dirty during digs. You give your mane a once-over with a comb from the bathroom and get ready to finally go get some food!
>>1975088Let's go.
>>1975088Make a note to buy a dress for these occasions at one of the ship's many shops tomorrow. For now, a good brushie will just have to do.
>>1975383who are you?
>>1975490Someone that earned his name and trip.
>>1975490I'm some guy.
>>1975548then how come I've never seen him before
>>1975592He's from a different board.
>>1975604being which?
>>1975592Because I'm the kind of tripfag who gently massages your anus while lurking, and only talks when it's worth contributing. Why you'sa gotta talk about me?Let's go to the buffet!
>>1975604MLPG is its own board?
Sanguinus wrote preggity and frequents /tg/
>>1975636>Why you'sa gotta talk about mebecause LK is not finished drawing yet and I was just wondering>>1975701oh well
1- >Not knowing Saguinius2- Guess what, this thread is outside the boat and outsiders can participate, so, guys, take it easy, ok?
[cutscene]Gosh, that's a lot of doors.
>>1975735But they are such easy targets.
>>1975753[cutscene]And stairs...
>>1975765Well it's not like they have a tram system or anything, just gonna have to tough out the walk.
>>1975753ABORT ABORT
>>1975790OH FFFFUCK!
>>1975788I can't wait until there are cruise ships that need their own tram system.
>>1975765Oh wow... No pressure. No pressure at all. Not like this is your first time on a really fancy trip or anything.
>>1975813Is that a passed out pony?
>>1975813[Is that a bag on that table?]
>>1975813Around griffons don't relax
>>1975813Go check out the unconscious pone. See if he's ok.
>>1975837>>1975840[Passed out pony, yes.]
>>1975860Let's take advantage of him...I mean, check out if he's ok, if he needs something
>>1975860well then obviously >>1975859
>>1975859If by see if he's ok you mean check his wallet
>>1975813Let's see what's up with the passed out pony.
>>1975735>don't know some tripfag>hurr piss durrnever change
>>1975917It's not about Sanguinius, but we already scared another tripfag early.Don't be a rampaging faggot and let everybody play.
>>1975971You'reright,I'm sorry
>>1975983It's ok, man
>>1975859>>1975872>>1975876>>1975910You give him an experimental poke, but he just mumbles face first into a puddle of drool. You try to get a look at his cutie mark, but it's covered up by his ratty blazer. Perhaps food is a better idea?
>>1976051That's cute as fuck.Ok, let's eat something.
>>1976051And just leave him there, unconscious as he is?OkayGrab the fanciest food you could find
>>1976051Let's order something.
>>1976115You don't order at a buffet, just pick up whatever looks good
>>1976051Ask the pony and the griffon how long the guy has been like that.Be as polite as possible.
>>1976051I thought that we had gone to the fancy dining area. Let's load up a plate.
>>1976164good.......or ask this when the waiter come with the menu(sorry guys, I advice that I have a terrible grammar)
At the buffet line, you find a wide assortment of vegetables, desserts, drinks, and even meat dishes for the carnivores aboard the cruise. There's salad, carrots, hay fries, cocktails of some sort, piles of tomatoes, oats, and hay. Nervous as you are, it's probably best not to load up too much, especially on sweets!
>>1976235If spy movies have taught me anything, its that you need to have a cocktail in your hand whenever possible.
>>1976235Time to eat a ton of sweets.Or at least grab the most elaborate dessert, it's time to eat fancy.
>>1976235Eat whatever we don't normally get a chance to eat.
>>1976235To The Buffet, and probably knock down a plate......meat? barbarians.....let's find some fancy salad
>>1976235What kind of meat is available? Is it some kind of jerky?If it's easily preservable, wrap some in a napkin or plastic bag.Could come in handy if we have to distract some vicious beastie.how are we carrying stuff?
>>1976235Taste some of the meat.Aren't you curious?Who's going to notice?The passed out guy? The busy couple?
>>1976272>>1976280>>1976323You fix yourself a fancy plate of fancy salad with some fancy tomatoes and hay fries, while trying to look your fanciest with a cocktail and an admittedly unfancy piece of carrot cake. Walking over to the only other occupied table, you ask the colt and griffon about the other passed out pony."Oh, him? He's been there for hours. Drinking for about half of them.""Yeah, I think he's some scientist or something? By his fifth round all he could say was 'dirt, dirt, dirt.'"
>>1976504Thank them and go sit next to him while we eat. Give him a poke every now and then to try and rouse him.
>>1976504Welp, drunk pony is our archaeologist colleague. Take him to his room to sober up?
>>1976504Dirt? Oh man, we love dirt. We work with dirt, right?Ask the couple what brings them here.
>>1976504Thank them, and if we do do anything with him, make sure to have a cup of coffee with us.
>>1976504How does a pony/griffon couple work? They can't reproduce. Also, the seem to both be gentlemen. We must obviously do the civilized thing and ask them if they're faggots.
[Next update to be a tiny bit longer, getting some food]
>>1976634You ever hear of a hippogriff?
>>1976504Secure some of the meat!
>>1976587>>1976596>>1976627You thank the two and move over to the table where your archaeologist still lay passed out cold. As you eat, you give him a poke every now and then to see if he's awake or not. He keeps muttering to himself in his own drool, and you decide it best not to have a sip of that fancy cocktail of yours.
>>1976987Finish our meal and see if we can find some coffee for him.
>>1976987God damn we are the most adorable pone.Feel satisfied about that, then ask him about dirt.Meaning, see if he can talk about his job.
>>1976987let's drink too.......and how about some information? look his pockets, of course, stay classy
>>1977094That's not classy at all.
>>1977116yep.......maybe some coffee to this drunk pone......
>>1976987As you are nearly finished with your meal, and the colt is still knocked out, you hear someone walk up to the table."I apologize for my colleagues... situation. He cannot seem to handle himself. Do you know him, by chance?"
>>1977331Tell her that we are an archaeologist too.
Start spewing spaghetti. This is too awkward.
>>1977331Not personally, but we expect we share a profession, and likely a destination.
>>1977331Ask her what her name is, and tell her that she looks very pretty, and has just made a good impression for dressing nicely. Eventually let's ask her if she'd like to help us pick up something equally nice tomorrow at the shops.
>>1977331Ask her if she's met Klondike
>>1977331"no, sorry. Nice to meet you, my name is........"guys, what's the name of the protagonist?
>>1977331Sloppy make out session, right then, right there.
>>1977543Our name should be something to do with our mark.A quick trip to wikipedia tells me to propose: Crux Ansata (The latin word for our Ankh symbol)Ib (The part of the soul that is a heart)Or maybe"Ren" (The part of the soul that is tied to one's name for eternity)
>>1977612I vote we name ourselves something cute.
>>1977612Ren is good.....Renny......well, the surname......I dunno......
>>1977665"Something cute"? What kind of pony name is that?
>>1977723Renny Pecker?
What if we just didn't have a name? You lot are like a bunch of young girls with a small animal.
How about Renne?
>>1977361>>1977382>>1977397>>1977478>>1977543You explain the situation in a rather awkward fashion, not expecting to meet the colleague of the passed-out pony whose table you just decided to eat at. You tell her of your trip, with your ultimate destination being the new dig site. You also blurt out that you like her scarf and want a nice scarf that looks nice like that nice scarf."Ah, hah, thank you... Yes, Remnant and I are headed towards the new find as well. Hoping to unearth something of relevance to my own history, now that would be something... The name's Saffron, by the way. Yours?"
>>1977612Renny Crux
>>1977953Rusty Shackleford
>>1977953I vote Renny
>>1977953This works fine for me>>1977971Goes by Renny or Renne most of the time.
>>1977953Renne or Renny. I like those.
>>1977915come on, contribute, she has a cutie mark, a profession and stuff, how about just a name?
Renny sounds like some kind of redneck and is too masculine.Renée sounds sweet.
>>1978039We are an archaeologist, not the upper crust.I vote: >>1977971
>>1978071I agree
>>1978071I like the last name Crux. When we steal an American state's name for a nickname, we can even be Mississippi Crux or something. Let's be honest, if you name off all the states, not one of them sounds bad if it ends in "Crux".
Why not Ansata?
>>1978118New York CruxWashington CruxHawaii CruxI disagreement
>>1978172OK, new york does sounds pretty rugged, you're right. Not sold on Washington and Hawaii being bad though.Oklahoma Crux? Sounds bitchin'. We can even be "Oklahoma's own: Oklahoma Crux".
>>1977612>>1977665>>1977723>>1977884>>1977921>>1977959>>1977971>>1977983>>1977991>>1978039>>1978071RENNE CRUXYou mean.... *ahem* Renne Crux, or Ren, for short. You apologize for your ourburst, not quite used to all the fancy that comes along with these cruises.
>>1978309Has that fork been floating there the entire time?That must be a little impolite.Either eat your food or leave it on the plate, missy.
>>1978309Let's ask her what she knows about the dig.
>>1978342yep, let's do this
Show her your collection of shovels and spades.
>>1978342Tell her we'd like to "dig" her, if you catch out drift.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QT6qsK4thlQWe needed music.
>>1978338>>1978342>>1978557After politely putting the fork in your mouth, you ask if Saffron knows anything more about the dig."Well, only that it's a supposed ancient diamond dog city. I don't know what it could contain, but I am very excited nonetheless! We could ask Remnant more about it if... well... you know. It's getting late though, and I should probably be getting back to our room, soon. If it's not too much to ask, could you, well, help with... him?"
>>1978734Of course we will.This story won't go anywhere otherwise.
>>1978734Of course we'll help.
>>1978734Of course, we might as well get a head start on working together.See if you can get him to drink some water, he'll appreciate it.
>>1978734Sure, we don't mind going. Any chance we can agree to meet up tomorrow and shop for scarves? Big cruise ships are notoriously boring... when you're fancy... and kinds of stuff, right?We should laugh nervously at our own joke and scrunch cutely for maximum effect. She'll be eating out of our hand in no time.
>>1978680nope, we are in a fancy place:http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=mjJ_e8FV_EQ>>1978734"of course"(Ren is so dawwwwwww.....)
Of course, just be careful to not fall on all those stairs bro.
>>1978758>>1978765>>1978777>>1978822>>1978873>>1979110With great caution, you help Saffron lift Remnant on to her shoulder. Assisting her as she walks, you constantly remind her not to drop Remnant. Just so that she's sure not to drop Remnant, because you would really like it if she not drop Remnant."I know."You tell her you just want to make su-"I know."
>>1979366Onwards, to wherever their rooms are.Warn them if they're about to hit some stairs or something, but otherwise she looks capable of walking on her own.
>>1979366Just so you're sure.
>>1979366Juuuuust so you're sure.
>>1979366Flirtation mode: Activate!"Wanna go do some 'research of our own' after you drop him off?"
>>1979366Still sure? Please don't drop him. He looks very old.
>>1979418>>1979421"I know."
>>1979533>>1979580"I know."
>>1979753Cool. Watch out for that step!
>>1979875You didn't have to do that. Just at the end, right click, Save Page As... and boom, thread saved
Guess there was no keywords in here. Bummer.>>1979904The main archive would have saved the pictures, and be in a public format.
>>1979919In general, what would you say is a keyword?
>>1979919I suppose so, sorry.
>>1979962MLP, some of the pony's names, like trixie
>>1979962pony, ponies, mlp, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Trixie, Gilda, brony, hubI think
>>1979999So if I put one of those in next time, it can be archived?
>>1980029Yeah. Unfortunately without Archive's personal touch, I cannot mark it, even manually, without a keyword.I should talk to him about not bothing to use those anymore. There's no unconfirmed repo-- offtopic, sorry.
>>1979762You help Saffron carry Remnant all the way to their room, number 316. You excitedly say that it is practically one floor above yours!"Haha. Thanks for the help, Ren. If you want to stop by tomorrow, I'm sure Remnant will be significantly more functional. He knows a lot more about the dig than I do, he could bring us all up to speed."You tell her that it was no biggie, and wish her good night, and that you can't wait to talk tomorrow.>>1980071[It's no problem, I fully intended to save these myself, anyways. Thanks, though!]
>>1980184The scarves! No-wait! Scaaarves. Awwww. She's gone.
>>1980184Are we tired?If so, we should go to bed.But if not, why not go exploring?What self respecting archaeologist doesn't take every opportunity to poke their nose into places?
>>1980184Les do dis>>1980206I want to see this ship before it hits the iceburg and everyone drownsexcept for us cause we know where the life jackets are
>>1980206Lrt's go to bed.
well, bed time......
>>1980206>>1980300>>1980436Well, you are pretty tired, you suppose. Might as well get some sleep! Those beds are probably pretty comfy and fancy.
>>1980530Excellent.Make sure to take a life preserver to bed with you.You never know, after all.
>>1980550Also, knock on the door before you go and make sure she didn't drop that guy.
>>1980569You go to knock on the door, but hear a muffled "I know," from inside. You take that as your cue to finally get some rest, and head back to your room.
>>1980758Aww, have sweet dreams.
>>1980758>inb4 we wake up and the ship is upside down under water
>>1980758Am I looking at that wrong or are we holding something?
>>1980776We have a lifejacket on.
>>1980835inb4 shit gets real when we wake up
>>1980854We got trouble right here in river city
Wait, we're still going? What time is it for you LK?
Ẁ͜AK͘E̶̸͞ ̢͡U͟P̕
We Rubyquest now, excellent.Don't trust the dummy.
WH̴a̡T I͟S͡ ͟Y͟our ̢n̨áme?̨
>>1981030Our name? Uhhh... Saffron.
>>1981030Who wants to know?
>>1981030[are we looking around in the dark or are these the eyes of something looking at us?]
>>1981030Fake name plz
>>1981030Slab? What slab? Not returning anythin'. What's yer offer?
RENYou say.The name passes from your lips.RENYou yell.The voice echoes off the walls, shrouded in darkness.The voice is not yours.
>>1981120Shits gettin real nigga
So is this going to be an archaeology quest with an ancient evil?I had always wanted to do one of those, but I'm glad to see that someone with actual talent beat me to it.
>>1981120And what's your name, nameless disembodied voice?
>>1981157>tfw talented people beat you to your ideas and you're glad you didn't try it first and possibly discourage them from doing itthis is the bane of my creative existence
ẂH̵A̢͜͡T̢ ͟I̛͏S͘ Y͡҉͞Ó̸UR̸͟͟ ̢͟N͝A͞҉̛M̸̀Ȩ
>>1981198Our name is Baldwin.
>>1981198Renny crusk
>>1981198Rusty Shackleford.
>>1981217BALDWINYou yell once more.BALDWINThe din coming from the darkness quiets.This name.This name is yours."Do you know why you are here, Baldwin?"
>>1981352For beer and hookers?
>>1981352To dig?
>>1981352We dig.
>>1981352To dig!
>>1981352Man, meeting new people is hella nervous making. Wish we had one of those fancy scarves for a good first impression.
Yes.For what seems like eons, there is no reply.But you stand firm, unwavering."And are you ready to commit to that which is asked of you?"
>>1981558Fuck yea down the rabbit hole
>>1981558Why the fuck not?
>>1981558Commit? We uhhh... Well, sure? You talking to uhhh... Ren, or Saffron, Mister Baldwin sir?
>>1981558Maybe?What is asked of us?
>>1981558I'm not too fond of commitment.
>>1981665>still safe because of the life jacketWhat a great ideaAlso, the fuck
Thank you for bearing with me through the first thread, but I do believe I am pooped. Next week Wednesday?
>>1981695Count on it.
>>1981695Aight nigga.
>>1981695Aye aye, captain. Thanks for tonight.
>>1981695Sounds good to me.This and Raisinquest are the only internet things I've ever set alarms for, crazy
>>1981695This was fun.
>>1981698>>1981721>>1981731>>1981735Thanks, I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. I was worried about various things, for various reasons.
>>1981753Check inventory for scarf before we quit!
>>1981753I think we should check the life jackets again next time
>>1981798I choose to believe this is canon.