[Due to SOPA blackout, this day was lost.
Summary: We retrieved Sweetie Belle and headed off to Sally's stand, where we found Rarity and Pinkie Pie. To our utter dismay and horror, HAYSEED WAS DAMAGED BY A STRAY PITCHFORK AND DAMAGED TO A DEGREE THAT RENDERED US UNABLE TO RELOAD. We persuaded Pinkie to give us one of her bottles of elixir and sent Rarity with Sweetie Belle and Spike to Sugarcube Corner. We told Sweetie to sing the tune we had memorized in order to ensure both Rarity and stray derped fillies followed her. Sending her on her way, we located the tree that Gilda stuffed all of her treasure in, spying both a shady located cloaked figure and the treasure hunting unicorn hanging out in the general area. We slipped into the alleyway and made our way to the tree, giving Scootaloo a lift so she could reach the branches and climb the rest of the way herself. Feeling a chill down our spine, we bravely turned and confronted an angry Gilda, who grabbed us tightly in her talons. Despite her protests, we insisted that she couldn't stop us and we would be confronting Tezel no matter what. Realizing that she couldn't stop us short of locking us in a cage, she agreed to let us take the golden box if we left the rest of the treasure alone. Setting us down, she walked off, muttering a wish for good luck before continuing to watch for the treasure seeker.]