>> RAISIN QUEST 3: THE TURNING POINT EDITION FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/08/12(Thu)22:05 No.473960
Alright, without stalling too much, let's get this show back on the road. We've gotta find out what happens to our little purple friend, even if it gets her seriously injured and/or killed. Let's start off the top of the hour with a summary, then get into something a bit more... well, I don't want to spoil it yet:

Previously on My Little Raisin…
>Convince Luna that the box is the key to defeating Tezel and that only you can open it
>--Luna tests your confidence by telling you she’ll open the box—
>You tell her that your ‘psychic powers’ say that only you can safely open up the box
>Convince Luna to allow you to open the box
>**Dump out Piece of Granite**
>Box is suddenly closed with a violent reaction; Luna is injured and taken to Canterlot
>Pick up the Adanemzurai, overwhelmed with power; put it down
>Guards attempt to arrest Raisin; Wedge, Luna’s Pegasus guard, puts a spear to Raisin’s throat
>**Use charm and wit to make Wedge let up on his defenses**
>--Grab the Adanemzurai—
>Accidentally take control of Wedge when he strikes the Adanemzurai
>**Use Wedge to escape the Library – Raisin and Sweetie Belle become fugitives**
>Run to Everfree Forest, release Wedge from your control
>Stay out of sight, maneuver along forest edge until you reach Sweet Apple Acres
>Approach the Apple Farmhouse, see a note that AJ is out. Open the door, AJ is inside
>Say ‘hi’ to Applejack; she leads you out to barn, telling you that Pinkie and Scootaloo came by and starting doing weird stuff. Applebloom has joined them in their shenanigans
>Enter the barn; find Pinkie, Scoots, and AB singing an off key version of the Crystal Phonograph melody to a group of derped up unicorn fillies
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/08/12(Thu)22:06 No.473984
>Bug Pinkie for some Peppermint Candy, but she and Scoots ate it all
>--Begin Elixir Withdrawal Headaches—
>Plug up all but two of the fillies sets of ears with Marshmallows
>Guards have showed up at Sweet Apple Acres
>**Calm Sweetie Belle down as she ponders the notion of going to jail**
>Get Applebloom to attempt to open up the back doors of the barn, use Scoots as a distraction for the guards. She fumbles Bad Roll Result
>HAMMERSPACE: Pinkie plugs up the remaining derped fillies before the guards make their way too far into the barn; she distracts the duo
>xXx Dash out towards door, slam head into barn doors xXx Bad Roll Result
>Go back towards farmhouse, avoid smashing head into door
>xXx Send Sweetie back outside so that Raisin can have some alone time with Adanemzurai – Sweetie is seen by the guards xXx
>--Use the Adanemzurai; find instant relief and incredible perception. You hear a mare’s voice speak to you while holding it—
>-- Attempt to open the Adanemzurai –
>Put the Adanemzurai away; guards know that you’re in the house somewhere
>xXx Announce your presence, exit the cellar to confront guards face-to-face xXx
>**Threaten guards with Adanemzurai; issue demands for Grape Peppermint Jelly, Sweetie’s Freedom, and that nopony touches the Adanemzurai **
>xXx Get knocked out by one of the guards while staring at the Adanemzurai xXx Bad Roll Result

>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:07 No.473997

My body, is ready.

Also, AB posted an updated pic of Raisin in the forest with some red eyes peering out from the bushes. Felt is was appropriate since that goddamn cockatrice gave us so much trouble.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:08 No.474024
I really hope we win

I really do.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/08/12(Thu)22:08 No.474028
Raisin awakens to find herself in an opulent chariot en route to Canterlot. The gleaming ivory towers ahead that usually evoke peace and comfort for our dear filly send her spiraling into an anxious state of disbelief, knowing that she’s about to answer for her apparent ‘attack’ on Princess Luna and the guards. With Sweetie Belle at her side, Raisin takes a few spoonfuls of Grape Peppermint Jelly and lays helplessly on the deck, awaiting judgment.

Without a clue as to where the Adanemzurai could be, Raisin must think of a way to turn this situation around… and fast.

Once again, on this 14th day of questing, you will have another chance to save Raisin from a fate most unkind. However, there is a bit of a change in the dynamic of our quest…

Tonight, Questers, I will be taking one of your continuances away from you. Why, you may ask? Am I just trying to be a gigantic douche-prick to my more than likely exhausted adventurers? Not quite, actually, for in exchange of this extra Raisin, I will be offering you guys a small handful of hints that may help guide you to one of very few endings left at your disposal.

The Hints won’t be gimmies, however. You will be given 3 vague clues in exchange for one of Raisin’s souls. These clues will help guide you, in some small way, toward achieving a good ending and possibly a best ending, depending on how creative you are tonight.

So, without further ado, I give you this opportunity now to give me some questions. You have 30 minutes tops after I post this to decide on your hints. I hope that you guys can figure things out for Raisin’s sake…
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:13 No.474099

Do we need a party greater than 2 two obtain an end where we survive?
Is the box truly under our control?
How do we avoid the bird if returning to Ponyville is out of the question?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:14 No.474126
Hold the fucking phone.

No hints.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:14 No.474132

Do you WANT us to die?

I can literally not think of how our situation could possibly get worse?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:14 No.474135
So wait, we dont have a choice in the question decision?

I mean, I dont want to give up a life for questions.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:15 No.474140
>Tonight, Questers, I will be taking one of your continuances away from you.

Do we not have a choice in this? What the fuck, Jr?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:15 No.474146

It's too late. He already took the life away. We need to come up with some good questions.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:16 No.474156
>Automatically losing a life
Not gonna lie, that's a dick move. We've been playing this whole life on the assumption that we have another one left.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:16 No.474158

He's taking away I life. It rubs me the wrong way, but at this point I want Raisin to live so badly that I'll take what I can get.

Also, Will the box betray us if it gets the chance?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:16 No.474171
What if we want the life instead?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:16 No.474174
He already confirmed this. 1/100 roll. We need some better questions.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/08/12(Thu)22:16 No.474177
GAME INFO: The Game Master is stealing one of your precious continues away for the sake of bringing this quest to a close sometime soon; an ending must be reached. In an act of mercy, the Game Master will exchange this life for some vague hints that may or may not help you continue in your adventure.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:16 No.474180
>Is the box truly under our control?
>How do we avoid the bird if returning to Ponyville is out of the question?

These two are bad questions. We know the box is not under our control and we have the box that I am almost certain will let us control the bird.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:17 No.474184
God Jr, if you're tired of the quest and want it to end, that's one thing, but jacking a life to speed things up a little? What the hell?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:17 No.474195

How about we condense the first and last question: Would it be in our best interest to return and get AB, Scoots, and Pinkie and their associated items, including the bomb?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:17 No.474197
>We've been playing this whole life on the assumption that we have another one left.

True. Three vague hints isn't going to make up for us shooting our reputation in town in the foot.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:17 No.474198
then too bad
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:18 No.474204
If we ask the box to do something like "save us," what generally will happen? Will it actually help us out? Will it do nothing? Will it save us using the most horrific interpretation of our request as possible?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:18 No.474208
>Would it be in our best interest to return and get AB, Scoots, and Pinkie and their associated items, including the bomb?

This is a good question.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:18 No.474212



>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:19 No.474223
>Rasin is doomed to death or exile
That's fucking cold.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:19 No.474224
We can avoid asking this question and this scenario by being specific with what we want to box to do.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:20 No.474235
We have experience with that statue in town that we almost animated. We also know Tezel needs the box to animate his statues.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:20 No.474238
I think we definitely need to use the box more. It's pretty aggravating watching everyone pussy out on using it. He threw a god damn MacGuffin right into our laps, and everyone's too afraid to use it.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:20 No.474240

Yeah, if anything, we should have just be able to sort of speed through what we already knew how to do.

>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:21 No.474264
I don't think that means what you think it means. Also: Haven't you noticed that Raisin's mind slips further and further each time we touch the box?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:21 No.474265

Well, I suppose you're right. I've just been afraid that a Dark Queen ending wouldn't let us reset. Now, it's either that or death.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:22 No.474278

We save it for the most dire of situations.

>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:22 No.474282
If we can't think of anything better. I suggest a question on how to get out of captivity without being branded a Traitor and having Rasin live in Exile forever.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:23 No.474290
There is something about the box where we have a chance of losing our mind to it every time we use it, he said something about it a couple of quests ago.

Doesn't mean don't use it, but don't think its a tool withought repurcussions.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:23 No.474298

I'm just so afraid that the box will just use us to implant itself onto Titanio and then betray us in a shocking twist.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:24 No.474318
Fuck, apparently I missed ONE fucking day and everyhting went to shit.
I have known this would happen since the quest started.

What is up with those rolls? It looks like almost everything that could have been random went wrong.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:25 No.474337

That one is simple. We have to mindrape a pair of guards into flying us out. There is no other option. We don't know if we can find an airship, and walking would take way too long.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:26 No.474347
>I suggest a question on how to get out of captivity without being branded a Traitor and having Rasin live in Exile forever.

This might be a good question.

>There is something about the box where we have a chance of losing our mind to it every time we use it

Just because he said there was a 1/100 chance of us going temporarily insane with it doesn't mean that he won't make us go permanently insane if we use it too often.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:26 No.474349
probably due to the elixir headache, jr said it gave us a negative modifier
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/08/12(Thu)22:26 No.474357
Yes, I know this sudden gameplay change is rather upsetting for some of you. Honestly, though, we've been doing this single quest for over a month started back on the turn of the new year, stagnated for a month, then started again and I've given you guys quite a few lives/retries. It was an experiment and a failure on my part with the first Hayseed save system I put in place; I didn't expect the quest to go on this long.

Okay, enough meta-faggotry from me.

>3 Questions
I'll let you guys debate a bit more. Try to narrow it down, though.

GAME INFO: Raisin's headache caused almost all of your rolls the last session to go wrong. Without Candy Canes or the Grape Peppermint Jelly, you could not control your headache.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:26 No.474362

We suffered severe penalties for not eating peppermint jelly after being revived with elixir.

You want the pastebin for last night time's session?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:27 No.474364

>"Without a clue as to where the Adanemzurai could be, Raisin must think of a way to turn this situation around… and fast."

Let's get a hint on where the fucking box is.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:28 No.474380
Was Scootaloo's bad roll also a result of our headache?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:28 No.474391
Jr said in the steam chat last night that it is in the chariot with us.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:28 No.474392
Sure, I'll skim through it.
I hate making uninformed desisions, this way I'll actually be able to participarte in the first half of the quest.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:29 No.474407

I know, and we're sorry for fucking up so much. I just hope Raisin doesn't die because of it.

Anyways, I think one of our questions should be if going back to Ponyville and getting the party and items would be a good decision. Otherwise, we can fly to the castle and only have to worry about the bird and sneaking.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/08/12(Thu)22:29 No.474411
GAME INFO: While this would be rather funny, no, Raisin's headache didn't mess with Scootaloo's chances of success. There was a 1/5 chance that she'd flounder the conversation, 3 was the unlucky number and it ended up getting rolled.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:30 No.474417

>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:31 No.474427

So maybe we can get Sweetie to maybe grab it through the cape and touch the guards' butts with an exposed side.

Better than nothing.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:31 No.474434
>I suggest a question on how to get out of captivity without being branded a Traitor and having Rasin live in Exile forever.
>Would it be in our best interest to return and get AB, Scoots, and Pinkie and their associated items, including the bomb?

These two look good. Are there any more?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:32 No.474443
I'd work on the wording of the second one, so he doesnt just say "maybe."
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:33 No.474455

I vote for this at least.

Another thing I'd think of is whether or not the box will betray us if it is ever able to.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:34 No.474466
>Yes or no: Would it be in our best interest to return and get AB, Scoots, and Pinkie and their associated items, including the bomb?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:35 No.474486

Perhaps, "Is it still possible to achieve and ending that allows for future Raisin quests and the status quo is restored if we return and get AB, Scoots, and Pinkie and their associated items, including the bomb?"
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:36 No.474502
>Another thing I'd think of is whether or not the box will betray us if it is ever able to.

I think we can answer that by looking at King Tezel. Princess Luna said that there is no record of King Tezel ever referring to himself as Royalty, he is very eager to get the box back, and the box called us Queen and messes with our head.

That box is the bastard child of the One Ring and the Eliacube.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:37 No.474514

This one is better>>474486. I don't care what the specifics of the endings are, just as long as everything returns to normal enough so that we can quest again as Raisin.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:38 No.474527

Okay. Then the question should be: How can we defeat Tezel without using Titanio?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:39 No.474539
Why not straight up ask what we'll need to get the best end?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:39 No.474544
>Is it still possible to achieve and ending that allows for future Raisin quests and the status quo is restored if we return and get AB, Scoots, and Pinkie and their associated items, including the bomb?

Would you recommend returning to Ponyville and getting Applebloom, Scootaloo, Pinkie Pie, their assorted items, and the bomb if we want to get an end where we save the ponies captured by Tezel, clear our name, and that leaves open the possibility of future Raisin Quests?
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/08/12(Thu)22:39 No.474556
Alright, continue to think of your last question. Here's Hint 1. Hint 2 will follow shortly:

>I suggest a question on how to get out of captivity without being branded a Traitor and having Rasin live in Exile forever.

To avoid becoming branded as an outcast from Equestria permanently, even though as of now your fate is not exactly set in stone, I would suggest playing along with this capture for the moment and listening to Celestia. Try to appear as humble and understanding as possible. She’ll probably tell you that what has happened is absolutely tragic and mention that you’re under a curse; play along with her. She’ll toss you into lockup temporarily, but as long as you don’t get excited before her Majesty, it’ll be a relatively easy escape.

Apologize for what happened to Luna, explain a little bit of what happened perhaps, and escape from your relatively low security holding to save Equestria. Killing Tezel will more than make up for all the shenanigans that have occurred.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:40 No.474564

>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:40 No.474576
The Adanemzurai.

Cause he's going to be vague.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:41 No.474589

We're still going to have to mind control some guards, though.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:42 No.474601
What if we asked if Tezel is really evil, or just under the influence of the Adanemzurai?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:44 No.474640

Because it doesn't change how to defeat him. We can't talk him out of it, as evidenced by Pinkie's extremely high CHARISMA only netting her death.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:46 No.474663
Good point, but what if we told the box the remove it's influence from him?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:47 No.474680

That'll take two seconds to try on our own.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:47 No.474687
Good point.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/08/12(Thu)22:49 No.474707
Hint 2:
>Would you recommend returning to Ponyville and getting Applebloom, Scootaloo, Pinkie Pie, their assorted items, and the bomb if we want to get an end where we save the ponies captured by Tezel, clear our name, and that leaves open the possibility of future Raisin Quests?

Believe it or not, Raisin is actually the ONLY character required to get any of the endings. Your friends are usually helpful, however, and can make your quest a lot easier. If you want my suggestions for friends to bring along, I'd try to find a Pegasus. This is going to help you exponentially in your task of defeating Tezel.

Also, you can use any of the guards along with your Adanemzurai to get the same kind of help. Depending on the route you guys wish to take, the CMC may not be required to come with you this time around. It's still a good idea to bring at least Sweetie Belle along; having at least one pony that isn't under the Adanemzurai's influence could make the difference between life and death if you get a bad roll.

The bomb is not required to win. It can take care of the bird, but now that you've actually got the Adanemzurai under your control, you can attempt an extremely risky takeover of the thing. Regardless, the bird will pursue you. It's entirely up to you whether you want to destroy or attempt to capture the bird.

Don't destroy the Crystal Phonograph until AFTER Tezel has been dealt with. That will keep them alive.

Defeating Tezel and returning the unicorns to their homes, even if disobeying a direct order from Her Highness, will save your reputations.

If successful in your quest, you will be able to quest as Raisin in a future quest. That's all there is to it; the ending will directly affect your next game, but Raisin will still be a potential questing character.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:52 No.474737
Damnit Jr, like 1/4 of the responses last night were "Its fucked, start over", then you do this?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:52 No.474741
>you can attempt an extremely risky takeover of the thing

I suppose getting the die you would roll and the fail numbers would be asking too much?

>If successful in your quest, you will be able to quest as Raisin in a future quest.

If we somehow manage to Best End this quest can you just grant her a Cutie Mark and retire her? The poor filly has been through enough already.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:53 No.474752
That's EXACTLY why he did it.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:54 No.474759

>Don't destroy the crystal phonograph until after Tezel has been destroyed.

Wow, so that would have got us bad end before? Holy shit, how the fuck are we going to do that? unicorns have enough power to tear us to shreds the moment we're detected.

I'm really starting to feel down now.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:55 No.474766

Hell no. Raisin is our questing bitch. It just wouldn't be the same with another character.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:55 No.474775

Cutie mark maybe, but I still want to play as her. She's my favorite OC.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:55 No.474779
We will be the death of Raisin if we keep this up. We should let her retire and use Jr's other filly.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/08/12(Thu)22:56 No.474786
GAME INFO: Actually, tonight, because I made such a dramatic change, I will let you guys pick the fail numbers for each roll and tell you the chances you have of failing an action after you've picked it, of course

GAME INFO: You guys tend to give up at the first sign of trouble. There's almost ALWAYS a way out of something. Just have a little faith in yourself and your creativity.

GAME INFO: Tezel has changes of guard which see him without his unicorn protectors. Also, you really do not want to directly confront the guy anyhow. Stealth can be used to disable him.

Alright, so... last question? I may have missed it...
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:56 No.474788
Do we have a third question yet?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:57 No.474800
>There's almost ALWAYS a way out of something

The thing about that is that there is always a way out of a bear trap. You may have to cut off the bottom half of your leg but it is still technically a way out.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:59 No.474822

Either about Tezel and the box.

He's a massive, magical creature. He's both stronger and magically adept than we are. Even using stealth, I have no idea how to defeat him.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/08/12(Thu)22:59 No.474824
MORALE MODE: Exactly. Yes, and while you may lose the bottom half of your leg, this is magical pony world. There's ways to get it sewn back on. Truck on, continue, and never give up.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)22:59 No.474826
What do you guys think about this:

>Is there a limited number of times we can use the Adanemzurai before it takes over our mind?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:00 No.474843
We pretty much know there is allready.
Even if it isn't a "three strikes" deal, too much use is definately not good for our health.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:00 No.474851

He does have a point. If Celestia and Luna could only seal him away, then I bet he could shrug off our bomb even if we were able to save it and shoot it at him. Some hints, like if he has a phylactery somewhere hidden that we can destroy to severely disable him or something.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:02 No.474879

1/25 chance that it makes us do something involuntary, which probably has some sort of compounding factor the more we use it.

Regardless, we're going to almost need to use it if we want to escape now.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:03 No.474897
>Is it possible and recommended to destroy the Adanemzurai?

Should we ask this or try to fish the answer out of Celestia.

I could have sworn he said it was a 1/100 chance.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/08/12(Thu)23:05 No.474927
GAME MODE: That would be correct. Currently, the chance modifier for having the Adanemzurai force you to complete a command is set at 1/100.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:05 No.474937
So did everybody leave?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:07 No.474960
Its gone down to one final important decision, and most people have allready weighed in with opinions but no suggestions.
It happens every time.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:07 No.474968

I vote for a hint on how to defeat Tezel. He seems impenetrable.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:08 No.474988
Shit nigger I've suggested >>474897 and >>474826. I want some more feedback or more suggestions.

The Adanemzurai.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:09 No.475007

Even with stealth, how can we do it? I mean, even if we can get a back attack, the only way we can rival him is if we go full evil.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:10 No.475023
Second, I guess.
I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the chip out of his crown, seeing as it gets mentioned every time we look at him, but I have no fucking idea how it would be used at all.

so something along the lines of "how to defeat Tezel"

Yeah, probably, but if its something more complicated than "point it at him" I really doubt we'd be able to do it in one try, which is all we'd get before he stomps the fuck out of us.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:10 No.475024

This. We need to know this unless we want to fuck it up again and get a essential pony killed, at best. But what about Tezel? How will we subdue him?

We gotta pick between the two.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:11 No.475034
>Quickly! Stab him in the back with the box that lets us control people's minds!
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/08/12(Thu)23:12 No.475051
META MODE: Alright, I count 3 votes for how to defeat that gigantic asshole golem.

This good? Last Hint is 'how do we fuck that fucker up?'
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:12 No.475063

Only with it's detailed and not "With the Box"
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:13 No.475072
>I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the chip out of his crown

You are talking about the hole in his head, right? Judging by the fact that Luna said there are pedestals that let us safely open the box, the fact that Luna said she didn't remember him wearing a crown, and Jr saying it looks like the box would fit in it I wold have to say that hole is how Tezel safely opens the Adanemzurai.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:13 No.475074
Unless someone is furiously typing up a better suggustion, I guess.
I can't think of anything else we are less likely to get on our own.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:13 No.475077

I doubt his mind will fall as easily. He knows the box and all its tricks.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:14 No.475091
I suppose we could get answers to the other questions out of Celestia. Wait a few minutes just incase someone is coming up with a question then answer that.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:15 No.475114

I thought we could have won by putting the box where the chip was to "complete" the crown, but the fact that the box is older than the crown contradicts this.
>> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 03/08/12(Thu)23:20 No.475189
I vote 'stepping on him with Titano' should be the best way.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/08/12(Thu)23:20 No.475190
GAME INFO: This may not necessarily be true. Much of the backstory to the Adanemzurai is still a mystery; it interacts with several other areas/pedestals all inside of the Castle in the Sand. It may be older than the crown, but it could also interact with it somehow.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:20 No.475193
>Jr gets rid of our extra life to make us go faster
>It is now more than an hour later and we haven't even finished our three questions

I want art of a Sandraker petting Raisin.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:21 No.475210
We could always ask Celestia about the history of the box. I'm hopeful that she would be willing to tell us about the thing that "cursed" us.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:23 No.475248

So the solution is have Pinkie distract Tezel, while a pegasus flies up from behind and j-j-jams the box into the spot that's missing a chunk?

If not, I'd like the hint so we can continue with the quest.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:24 No.475265

Mark my words, that box will turn on us and go on a rampage if we install it into Titanio.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:24 No.475267
I guess asking how to defeat Tezel for good should be our question?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:25 No.475287

Yes, if he isn't typing that up already.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:28 No.475335

Well, it was a good idea for a reason.

Trouble is getting a pegasi who can fly up there. Scootaloo can't do it, so we'll have to use one of our possessed guards.

I was hoping that we could leave them in the mountains so that they wouldn't draw as much attention, but it seems like we'll need at least one.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:29 No.475361
I'm wondering if it wouldn't be possible to get Rainbow Dash. If we end up getting driven temporarily insane I want a pony that is bigger than us to be able to knock some sense back into us.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/08/12(Thu)23:30 No.475368
Hint 3:
The crown that Tezel wears is cursed. It represents a haughty king that used to rule alongside his queen, Adanemzurai. Together, the two could almost never get anything done. The King always wanted to appear to be the bigshot, so he’d constantly undermine her decisions with his own contradictory ideas.

One day, Adanemzurai became so furious and upset with her husband that she performed a dark curse upon him. This curse transfigured her husband into a lustrous, beautiful golden crown. Unfortunately, the curse backfired on her; she became a lowly, small box upon it. Since then, several generations of royal ponies have kept the two treasures as a sore reminder to resolve their disputes without the use of dark, evil magic.

Snakeoil Sally helped bring Tezel out of a 'magical lockdown' when she removed the Adanemzurai from the crown upon his head. Tezel originally put the thing one when he was banished from Equestria, clueless as to what the sealed away treasure in the abandoned castle could possibly be.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:31 No.475389

I'd support this idea, but we don't even know where Dash is. Fluttershy would be a very poor substitute, for obvious reasons.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:31 No.475398
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:32 No.475413
>Fluttershy uses The Stare on Tezel
>King Tezel frees the ponies then walks all the way back to Canterlot and apologizes to the Princesses
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:33 No.475424

So >>475248 is the solution?

Good. Now we know how to win. Let's just hope we can get it right on the first try.

Turn to sweetie and ask her where the box is now.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:34 No.475443

>Fluttershy squeaks involuntarily, giving away our position and too afraid to move while she's flattened into a yellow pancake.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:34 No.475445
Interesting. Nice backstory, and it definately hints to j-j-jam it in as the right answer.

So far, I guess that's what we'll have to assume, unless I'm too tired to see something else.
It looks like putting the Adanemzurai back on should re-freeze him in place, or at least nullify the box and crown.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:34 No.475453

Alright. Under this new information, I think we should go back to Ponyville, if only to retrieve Pinkie and the bomb.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:36 No.475477
If we get the bomb I want a Unicorn that can use its magic to carry the bomb without risk of getting blown up.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:36 No.475494

If it isn't, well, we can at least say we tried our hardest.

Alright, tell Sweetie that we're sorry that she's going to go to jail while we wait for our prison chariot to arrive.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:37 No.475495
Did Jr ever say what our chance of failing to capture the stone bird with the Adanemzurai was? What about the chance of missing with the bomb?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:37 No.475509

We just carry it in the chariot that we're going to temporarily borrow without permission.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:39 No.475525
>We just carry it in the chariot that we're going to temporarily borrow without permission.

You mean right next to us?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:39 No.475536

He said it was extremely risky.

We're going back for Pinkie at least, so we should at least get it. If it explodes en route, we'll be forced to use the box to try to kill it.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:40 No.475557

We can give the chariot a wide berth. Besides, I'll bet a chariot is more sturdy than an old farming cart.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/08/12(Thu)23:44 No.475614
Alright, let's get back in business here. With some solid information, you've pretty much been given the opportunity to land the best ending. Let's see if you can actually do this, now...

You turn on your side toward Sweetie Belle. "I've really gotta know where the Adanemzurai is, Sweetie." She rolls her eyes again, looking away from you uncomfortably.

"It's all gonna be better soon, Raisin..." Sweetie Belle gently runs her hoof through your mane.

"Look, I know the guards probably told you something like 'Raisin's cursed' or some junk, but I know that thing is the key to stopping Tezel."

Sweetie Belle sighs. "I don't even know who this Tezel guy is! You keep talking about him..." She continues to brush her hoof over your mane. "Don't worry, Princess Celestia will know what to do."

You struggle in vain to get an answer out of her. You hear one of the guards up front talking with his buddy. "No, no. Her Majesty said to take her directly to the throne room. This is big... it's about Luna..."

Sweetie Belle looks up. "We're almost there, just hang on..."

You look around, seeing that the chariot you're in looks mostly empty... except for a white, heavy chest to the very side.

>Anything you want to look at/interact with before the chariot arrives?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:44 No.475618
do we have anything on us right now besides shackles
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/08/12(Thu)23:46 No.475648
Raisin: Shackles, Spoon (in mouth)
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:46 No.475651
Check inventory. Inspect surroundings.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:46 No.475656

Keep a sharp eye out to see if the castle has any airship docks.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:47 No.475673
Look around, obviously. Try to find where the box might be hidden or who might be holding it.
As we leave, be sure to watch for people getting things out of the cart. They aren't going to leave it in there, so we should be able to see who takes it if they aren't too careful.

If we have nothing better to do, ask one of the guards if Luna is OK, show concern over her wellbeing. Not only will it look good, we really wouldn't have wanted to hurt a princess who hadn't done anything to us.
>> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 03/08/12(Thu)23:47 No.475682
The next thread
Is available for habitation.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:47 No.475683

Tell sweetie that we're sorry for getting her captured. She was so scared about this happening.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:48 No.475704

Tell Sweetie to stay with us when we get off. We don't go anywhere she can't.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:49 No.475723
Take a look around, but don't do anything to jeopardize our meeting with Celestia.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:51 No.475748

Yeah, we might have a clue where the treasure room is if we pay attention to the direction the guards take the chest.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/08/12(Thu)23:53 No.475788
You take a quick look around the cart. You can see two sets of Saddlebags up towards the front; they're secured in place with a set of straps.

To the side is a very large, intricate chest. It looks identical to the one that Luna used to store the Adanemzurai back at the Town Hall.

"...Sweetie..." You look up at Sweetie Belle. She looks down, still petting your mane softly. "...I'm really sorry about all of this... I never meant for you to get captured..."

She doesn't seem worried at all. "Oh, um... actually, the guards said I was kidnapped by you back in the Town Hall... so I'm free to go anytime..." She looks around sheepishly. "...but I wasn't just going to let one of my best friends go all by herself to see Celestia." She smiles. "I'm with you all the way, Raisin... we're gonna get you fixed up and back to normal again."

The chariot shakes as it lands on the upper docks. Above you, there are magnificent banners with the Royal Sisters upon them. "We're here. Come on, little ones, let's go see the Princess." The guard sounds emotionless and cold.

The back of the chariot is open.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/08/12(Thu)23:55 No.475814
Continue on or stop for an action?
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:55 No.475815

Try to lean on her for a hug and tell her thanks. Also, cooperate with guards. Let's not get shoved around.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:56 No.475822
Smile at Sweetie, she's been a great friend.
Walk calmly with the guard, staying behind a bit, and keep an eye on the chariot to see if anyone takes anything out of it.

Its pretty natural to look back at freedom while getting lead to a dungeon, they'l probably think nothing of it.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:56 No.475828
Just keep an eye on the chest containing the Adanemzurai.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:57 No.475837

Cooperate, tell Sweetie to keep an eye of where the guards take the box and meet us just outside the throne room.
>> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:58 No.475873

"Ugh, what happened? Where am I? What's going on? Why am I in chains?"

Play the ignorance card.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:00 No.475903

She should stay with us, since she'll get lost in the castle.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:01 No.475916
I doubt they will buy that. Let's try looking sheepish instead.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:01 No.475919
Arent the guards going to come and take everyone to Celestia? It'd be hard for her to get lost.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:01 No.475925
Let them come. Be honest. Dont talk much with the guards - wait for Celestia. Dont tell her more than we need to.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)00:05 No.475971
You give Sweetie a soft smile, then nuzzle up to her hoof. "Thanks for being here for me, Sweetie. It means a lot."

She smiles back, lifting your head up off of the chariot deck to give you a hug. "I'll always be there for ya."

The guard steps up into the chariot. "It's not standard protocol, but I shall carry the prisoner upon my back to the Throne Room. I do not wish to see such a young prisoner struggle with her shackles nor do I wish for her to obtain injuries before she meets her Royal Highness." He announces his intentions flatly before picking you up with one of his wings, effortlessly rolling you onto his back. You lay across him, staring off toward a large set of stain glass windows.

Sweetie follows the guard close behind as you make your way into the castle. Behind you, a set of guards are carrying the white box from your chariot. As they turn a corner, an old pony with thick glasses stops them. "Is that it? Is that...? Where's the paperwork for it? I must have..." The conversation trails off as the Throne Room doors close behind you.

"All hail her Royal Majesty, Princess Celestia."

You are gently rolled down onto the ground, standing in place on the red carpet. You look up, seeing the pristine visage of Princess Celestia upon her throne.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:05 No.475977
Seems solid.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:06 No.475995
Bow and wait for her to speak first.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:06 No.475996

"Hey Miss Princess, how's the family?"
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:07 No.476005
>drink the elixir
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:07 No.476009
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:07 No.476011

Thank the guard for being gentle and bow. Wait for her to address us.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:08 No.476025

"Um...sorry for going a little mad with power. I don't know what came over me"
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:09 No.476035

We should ask her how Luna is, but be sincere and say that we're extremely sorry.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:09 No.476042
This, but wait for Celestia to speak first.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:09 No.476051
To be clear, did we ever cure our head issues from the elixir?
>> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 03/09/12(Fri)00:10 No.476054
Next thread is still available. This thread will still be alive for an hour or so, but I suggest we move somewhat soon.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:10 No.476062
Yeah. We ate some grape jelly in the chariot last time.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:11 No.476074

Yeah, the guards were nice enough to get us some jelly since we turned ourselves in. well, as far as their concerned.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)00:17 No.476180
You scramble for a moment, but manage to bow before her. You wait a few moments.

"Rise, little Raisin..." Her tone is delicate and sad. "I'm so sorry that you've gotten mixed up in all of this... if only Luna hadn't entertained your theory..."

"I'm really sorry about what happened to your sister... I really didn't mean for it to happen... She wasn't supposed to touch it..."

Celestia rises up from her throne. "Princess Luna... my sister... she's going to be fine. Whatever power the Adanemzurai unleashed upon her has knocked her unconscious. She's in her room, recovering from her injuries..." The Princess slowly makes her way toward you, her mane flowing magnificently as she descends her throne. "...You're in extreme danger, Raisin. The Adanemzurai has put a terrible curse upon you."

You sit quietly, allowing her to speak. "The box you opened, the Adanemzurai, is a cursed relic from times passed. It's cursed with the darkness of Hatred from a twisted, vile queen." She stops before you. "That curse is now upon you for opening that box." She lowers her head. "The lust for power that you feel will slowly consume you for as long as the Adanemzurai is a part of you."

>Let her continue, or interject?
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)00:19 No.476201
Sorry for the posting delay, btw. For some reason, it's taking like 2-3 minutes to submit my posts.

Also, one more response, then we'll move into the next thread.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:19 No.476206

"Yeah, but what are you going to do about the stone bird that's loose in the mountains? Luna's guards personally observed that"
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:20 No.476230
Do we feel any different from normal?
The reaction to the box is obvious, but a lasting effect even when removed from it could be trouble.

Look worried at her statement and ask what she intends to do about Tezel, because curse or not he's still a huge problem.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:21 No.476239
Tell her that we only feel the lust for power when we touch the box. Right now we just feel scared.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:23 No.476265
look concerned/scared but let her continue
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)00:23 No.476267
GAME INFO: You feel as though you really want the Adanemzurai close to you. Being separated from it makes you feel nervous. You're not sure if it's because Hayseed is inside or if it's truly your lust for the Golden Box itself.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:24 No.476280

I agree. Use the bird as evidence that someone is out there. Maybe someone masquerading as him?
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:24 No.476282
Tell her that there is something very important to us inside the box and ask if there is any way to remove it.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:25 No.476285
Should we mention that an object of ours is inside toe Adanemzurai?

Or do we keep things as is in hopes of commanding it later?
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:25 No.476291
That would be giving up the box entirely after everything we've done to keep it.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:25 No.476295
Before we continue the path we took with her sister, which she probably won't go for, lets ask about the curse. How to remove it, effects etc.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:26 No.476296
Masqurading as who?
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:26 No.476302

A little of column A, a little of column B.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:27 No.476320
if we take hayseed out we lose control of the Adanemzurai, that seems like a bad plan
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:28 No.476333
Well of course we can't remove it here. I'm just trying to get us to look remorseful.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:28 No.476340

Let's let her do her thing. Once she sends us home, we can do some sneaking around and get back the precious.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:30 No.476363
Jr said we will have to break out of a minimum security room or something like that.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:32 No.476392

>Our filly size allows us to slip in between the bars

We'll play along until the guard goes to sleep though.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:32 No.476399
So am I the only one listening to music while playing Dried Grapes?
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:34 No.476442

I listen to atmosphere music that's appropriate. like this right now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCMHmDnfD6I
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)00:34 No.476443
"Yeah, but what are you going to do about the stone bird that's loose in the mountains? Luna's guards personally observed that."

The Princess looks up. "A stone bird?" She shakes her head. "That's certainly Tezel's doing. There's no doubt about that." She paces away from you for a moment. "...but how is he controlling it without the Adanemzurai?" She turns around once again to face you. "This is most concerning... but it's not your burden to bear, Raisin. We have to cure you, that's what's important now."

Princess Celestia continues on. “The Siren Sand curse upon the fillies that you observed in town has a counter-curse. I’ve already dispatched one of my star pupils to cure them… “ She looks extremely worried. “… but the Adanemzurai’s curse can only be lifted if we empty the box. That is something that we cannot do.”

Turning around, she issues a command to the guard at your side. “Please take her to the south tower guest room. Keep her under guard..." The Princess returns to her throne. "We need to keep her safe from herself until I can figure this out..."

The guard looks down at you. "...I will show you to your room, young lady." He offers you a lift.

>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:36 No.476473
I've just been listening to this.

>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:36 No.476466

"C-can I have a box or a puzzle box or something? I've never been in jail before."
>> RAISIN QUEST 3: UNDER HOUSE ARREST EDITION FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)00:37 No.476480
Continue on, Questers. The opportunity to escape will come to those who are patient and act swiftly.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:37 No.476485

"Wait, you star pupil? You are aware Twilight's missing and drank some Siren Sand too?"
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:38 No.476487
Can we walk easily or are the shackles actually a burden?
Its probably easier to look around more if we walk ourselves. We probably need as much knowledge of the layout as possible.
I'd rather not be so easily restrained either, having to get off the guards back if we need to run would just be trouble.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:38 No.476501
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:40 No.476531

Ask Celestia if we can be unbound from our shackles once we're in our cell. I mean, it's not like we'll be going anywhere

>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)00:42 No.476552
GAME INFO: The shackles don't give you too much room to move your hooves, but you can still walk. Running is straight up out of the question, though; you'll probably faceplant into the marble floors if you attempt to.

"Wait, your star pupil? You are aware Twilight's missing and drank some Siren Sand too?"

The Princess looks up. "...I knew she has been missing..." She looks down at you curiously. "...but I was certain that she was looking into this Tezel matter herself... isn't she the one you learned the names 'Tezel' and 'Adanemzurai' from?"

Her eyes narrow as one of her hooves rise, a command to halt the guard at your side. "...or am I mistaken?"
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:42 No.476561

And maybe Sweetie can hang out with us too, at least through the bars.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:43 No.476570

"One of her books, but yeah"

Smile and do the squee.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:44 No.476588

"Well, I'm just letting you know, since if she's been possessed, it would be nice that your guards might be walking into a bloodbath."
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:44 No.476591
"Some of her books and some things Snakeoil Sally hinted at when we talked. Twilight has been missing for a few days now."
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:46 No.476642

"Well, I'm just thinking out loud. I mean, missing student, ancient evil who needs some muscle, curse that turns turns ponies into mindless servants.."

"Whatever, I'm sure in your wisdom that you can handle it. I would just suggest you give troops some sort of anti-magic powder or something just in case. But then again, I'm just a little filly."
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:47 No.476650
Dodge the question.
So you didn't know?
Damn, thats pretty scary, she is really strong. I hope whoever you sent can handle what they might find.

The potion seems to enhance their abilities too. I don't even want to think about that.
It did enhance unicorn power, right? I don't think I'm tired enough to start making shit up yet.
>> F 03/09/12(Fri)00:47 No.476658
Too much sass for the situation.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:48 No.476668
I don't think it enhances power any more than PCP increases muscle mass.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)00:49 No.476682
What you could say here may have an impact on your current situation. Choose your words wisely, questers.

Which response do you wish to use?


Also, >>476650
GAME INFO: The elixir seems to make pony's powers lack their typical finesse; the magic they use is very blunt, unfocused, and unrestricted.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:50 No.476698
I don't suppose you could post the letter we sent to Celestia before, could you?
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:51 No.476721
I don't think we should straight up lie, that never goes well.
She's probably too smart to get legitimatly tricked, but something important enough to force her attention away might work just as well.

We don't lose anything by trying it at least.

Something along the lines of >>476650
Voting for my own post feels dirty
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:52 No.476742
She said she is dispatching one of her star pupils to Ponyville to cure the fillies, right?

We should probably go with >>476570 or >>476591.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:53 No.476749

Just point out that it's a strange coincidence that one of the most powerful sorceresses in Equestria goes missing not long after giant stone birds fly through the air.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:54 No.476780

Yeah, this. Try to make Celestia realize how deep this might be, then retire to our cell.

Also, ask if we can be unshackled. We can wait until we're in our cell if she's afraid we'll run off.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)00:57 No.476820

Give her sad eyes and tell her they're uncomfortable and kind of hurt.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:01 No.476900
This seems like a really good idea.
Seconding before anything else gets done.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)01:01 No.476913
"Some of her books and some things Snakeoil Sally hinted at when we talked. Twilight has been missing for a few days now."

Celestia seems a little suspicious, but settles down. "Alright... forgive me. I believe this whole situation has put everyone on edge." She holds up your letter that you sent. "Because we were never able to apprehend Sally, we couldn't confirm this information you sent. I thought that Twilight may have spoken about this matter before she left... but... if she's truly been enchanted by the curse of the Siren Sand..." The Princess falls silent.

"Just relax for a while. The south tower is one of the grandest suites in the castle. We need to keep you nearby for your own safety." She sighs. "We will figure this out." The guard again offers you a ride, but you refuse, instead deciding to walk behind him.

"Please, unshackle her when she's inside her room." Celestia watches you and the guard begin to exit the room. "As long as you stay put, Raisin. Just give the adults some time to solve this mess."

Sweetie Belle tags along by your side as you exit the massive hall. "So... what did she say? Are you better now?" She gives you a beaming smile.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:04 No.476955
"She says that we need to wait and let the adults solve the problem." Roll out eyes as we say this.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)01:06 No.476991
GAME INFO: Unfortunately, I don't have the letter on hand. Let me dig through the pastebin quick and try to find it. Roughly, I remember you guys mentioning King Tezel and the Adanemzurai, with the Adanemzurai being the keyword the triggered Luna's arrival into Ponyville.

You mentioned that Snakeoil Sally gave you this information, but seeing as the guards were unable to bring her into custody to confirm this, Celestia assumed you were either telling the truth or learned this information from Twilight prior to Twilight leaving. Her guards sewed a rumor into your head that you were possessed and serving Tezel, trying to recover the Adanemzurai for him.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:06 No.476997

"I think I'm feeling better. Can you walk with me for a while? Maybe we can hang out with me for a while? Being locked up makes me a little nervous."
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:07 No.477014

Ask Sweetie to join us for a while. We can play inmates Well, she can, we won't be playing
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:07 No.477018
>Her guards sewed a rumor into your head

Was that a typo, or am I just tired?
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)01:09 No.477046
META INFO: I believe it is I that is currently tired. Sorry, that was indeed a typographical error. It's supposed to be 'her' head.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:10 No.477064

Proceed to the chamber. On the way, be on the lookout for any ornate hallways that might lead to treasure rooms.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:11 No.477085
And her refers to Sweetie Belle, right?
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:12 No.477103
I think he means Celestia.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:12 No.477106
Celestia, probably
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:14 No.477132

Probably both.

The trick is, how are we going to get Sweetie to disobey a direct order from the Princess?
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)01:15 No.477154
"I think I'm feeling better. Can you walk with me for a while? Maybe we can hang out with me for a while? Being locked up makes me a little nervous."

Sweetie nods her head. "Of course! I asked the guards and they said that I was allowed to keep you company! I heard they have a huge wardrobe in the south tower! We could play dressup if you wanted, maybe make some drawings, listen to some music.. OH! I bet the food here is reaaaaaaally good! We could probably get like, a ton of different desserts..." Sweetie Belle trails on with ideas for fun things to do while under the watch of the guards.

As you listen, you take a gander around the halls. You still see the old pony arguing with a set of guards about the white chest they brought in. "No, you can't just throw that into the archives all willy-nilly! We have procedures here, gentlemen, and if we don't follow those procedures, things just become a giant mess..." He rambles on, trying to convince the guards to get the appropriate paperwork together before they move the box another inch.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:15 No.477163
We don't? We leave her behind to let Celestia know that we are sorry but we have to go save the world, then go down to Ponyville and pick up Pinkie Pie and maybe Rainbow Dash, then fly our possessed guards up to the Castle in the Sand
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:16 No.477178

Make a mental note about where this place is. Also, make mental hotes about the directions the white pony gestures in.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:17 No.477183
Ask the guard escorting us if we can go over to the chest and confront our demons.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:17 No.477189
So for now the box is stuck there, although we don't know for how long.

This pretty much sums up what I was going to type.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:18 No.477204

>"Hey Sweetie, let's play a game. It involves me tying you up, gagging you, and letting you watch me escape using a rope made out of blankets!"
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)01:19 No.477230
GAME INFO: The old pony seems to be shaking a gnarled blue cane at the two guards. The guards periodically look around the old man down the hall a ways. Down this hall, there are many stain glass windows, each with a historical scene upon them.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:20 No.477256
And at the end of the hallway is that room that only Celestia or Luna or Discord can open, isn't there?

I think we may have to make our move now.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:21 No.477261
Oh, that makes sense, duh. Into the vault thing with the ancient treasures.

It'll be pretty much unaccessable if they get locked in there, I'm guessing.

What's the guard with us doing?
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)01:25 No.477315
GAME INFO: This hallway looks quite similar to the one that Princess Celestia hid the Elements of Harmony inside of, except that the door at the very end does not look like it needs to be explicitly opened by one of the Royal Sisters. You're not sure how the door is opened.

Also, you're being guided down a hallway adjacent to the upper skydock. Outside, you see the chariot you rode in on among many other, a hot air balloon, Celestia's Royal Chariot besides Luna's Royal Chariot, and a massive airship.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:26 No.477346
I'm in favor of >>477183. Make up some stuff about how we need to do this to prove to ourselves that we are stronger than the box or something.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:27 No.477355

If we act now, the guard is going to forcibly restrain us and put us in maximum security.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:28 No.477366

It's worth a shot, better than just diving for it at least. If he's uncomfortable with the thought, then he'll say no.
>> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 03/09/12(Fri)01:28 No.477368
Agreed. We should bet on the box being marred in paperwork for at least a short while.

We can't delay after we get 'locked up'.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:28 No.477372
We're being taken to the south tower right?
How's our sense of direction, any idea if we are allready in a place connected to the south tower?
If we would need to fly to get back here getting taken to some other place is a nono.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:30 No.477386
we should wait until we're not in shackles before we try to get the box
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:31 No.477401

So the plan is escape out the window as soon as the guard shuts our door?
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:31 No.477416
How do we plan to find the box? Can we hear it calling to us?
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:34 No.477456
it sounds like it will be tied up in bureaucracy for a while
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:36 No.477478
You guys seem to be forgetting that we are operating under Jr time instead of regular time.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)01:36 No.477479
"Can we... well, could we go over to the chest really quick? I wish to confront my inner demons."

The guard doesn't respond at first, just continuing to lead you down the hallway. "You are not allowed within the immediate proximity of the chest. It's far too dangerous for everyone."

"We flew here with it like just a few feet from my face! What was different then?"

"We only had one chariot." He answers bluntly.

Sweetie looks a little disappointed as her fun ideas seem to have fallen flat on you. "...I really hope you get better soon, Raisin..." She carries her head down as your chains echo in the hallway.

GAME INFO: Raisin is not very good with her sense of cardinal direction. The sun is still hanging in the sky; it's not behind you nor in front of you.

You assume that you're currently going South. The path seems to head off in several directions, more than likely to the guest rooms.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:38 No.477515
Well, at least we tried. Stick to the guard and do our best to memorize the hallways we walk down.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:38 No.477519

Try to remember the location as best we can, then let ourselves get locked up.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:38 No.477520
Ok, fine. While chained up we can't really do anything, and even if we could get to the chest somehow, we have no idea if its locked or something, and we certainly wouldn't have time to open it and get the box out.

I guess all we can do is go with the guard, unless someone else has other ideas.

We COULD use Sweetie to run and bring it to us, but that doesn't seem like a good idea either.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:41 No.477561

Sweetie seems pretty convinced we're still cursed. It's going to be hard to convince her to come with us.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:44 No.477605

Well, we have some options:

1.) Convince her to play hide and seek while we escape. She hides while we "seek"

2.) Convince her that what we did was on our own free will, so we weren't really cursed in the first place.

3.) Say that by doing an inconsequential thing that she's our accomplice and that going to the guards will get her thrown in jail too, so she has to help us escape.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:45 No.477613
>2.) Convince her that what we did was on our own free will, so we weren't really cursed in the first place.

I like this. The others leave a bad taste in my mouth.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)01:46 No.477643
You continue to follow the guard, noting the hallways you walk down. From the Chest where it sits currently, right outside of the upper docks, you have gone straight. You take a left down another hallway, then take a right as you near the end. You ascend up a spiral staircase and find yourself outside once more. A cool breeze washes over you.

You continue along to another flight of stairs. It spirals up an opulent white tower, ending at a large, grand door. "Make yourselves at home. I will be at the door if you require my immediate assistance. Inform me if Raisin attempts to harm you." The guard stands by the open door, ushering you both inside. As soon as you cross the threshold, the door slams shut. You hear a click.

Sweetie Belle looks about, putting on a pleasant smile. "Hey, this isn't so bad, right? This is like... the biggest bedroom I've ever SEEN!" She carries on for a bit, describing the room. "...and look at hose huge windows! We could probably see Ponyville from here!" She runs over, kicking a small chair up to the side of the window. She looks out, but doesn't make any immediate comments.

You can still feel something odd in the back of your head, like a very faint pull towards the door.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:46 No.477645

Yeah, I mean, it's POSSIBLE to escape with her, at least.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:47 No.477659
If we still have our shackles on ask the guard to remove them.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:50 No.477695

"Yeah, this is nice. Sweetie, how about we break out and have some fun? It's totally okay since this is all a misunderstanding. I was never cursed, everything I did was of my own accord."
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:51 No.477710

Yeah, do this before anything

Also, ask if we can have our things. Our parents would be so mad at us if we lost our nice saddlebag they got us for our birthday.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:52 No.477738

How about this, we tell her how fun riding on a balloon would be, escape with her promising we won't not go near the box, hide her near the docks, go back to get the box, return and hijack a vessel?
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:53 No.477755
A chariot would be a better choice than some flying yacht.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:55 No.477781

A chariot would also require us to mind control some guards.

Let's go for it if we have to do some mind raping to stay undetected, say if a guard sees us accidentally.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)01:57 No.477807
You turn around, removing your rump from the door that bumped you on your way into the room. "Hey! Mr. Guard! The Princess said that you were going to take my shackles off! I can't play anything with these on!"

After a few moments of silence, you hear the door click again. The guard pokes his head in. Without saying a word, he reaches down between your forelegs with his muzzle. His helmet brushes up against your chest.With a quick jerk and a distinct click, the shackles around your legs all fall off. Sweetie Belle looks at the guard in astonishment.

"How did you do that so fast?" Her mouth hangs open slightly.

"Practice." He picks the shackles up, slings them over his back, then promptly slams the door shut. You hear the door lock click once more.

"Hey! What about my belongings? My parents would be sooo angry if I lost my brand new saddlebags!"

This time, there is no response.

Alright, so, where shall we go from here? You're no longer bound, at the very least.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:57 No.477817
I have an idea. Make a rope out of bedsheets, break the windows Sweetie mentioned, make it look like we escaped through the window, hide, exit through the door when the guards come in.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:58 No.477824

Alright, so we lost our sand, stomp starter, and what else?
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:58 No.477840
Let's explore the room with Sweetie Belle.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:59 No.477845

First we have to convince Sweetie to let us escape. She thinks we're mind controlled and we'll need to get lucky on some speech roles.

Hey Jr, how high is our charisma stat?
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:59 No.477856

Yeah, it might be wise to explore the room since we're starting with nothing.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)02:00 No.477876
GAME INFO: Your inventory before being captured was:
Raisin: CMC Cape, Boots, Empty Bag, Vial of Siren Sand, Adanemzurai, Stompstarter
Sweetie Belle: CMC Cape, 2 Slingshots

GAME INFO: Oh, you wish you had stats. I'll let you guys roll if you wish to convince your friend that you're not cursed, but I'll only let you know the chance of success if you attempt the action. Also, I'll let you pick your unlucky number.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:01 No.477880

Agreed, We heed at least a bag, meaning we might have to make a bindlestuck.

Take inspiration from that hobo pony that hangs around Ponyville.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:03 No.477909
Does Sweetie still have anything?
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:03 No.477914

Do those REALLY matter?

what's the point of letting us know the odds after we've done it?

Anyways, search the room for useful items.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)02:03 No.477922
GAME INFO: Sweetie Belle's saddlebags and cape were also confiscated. She currently has no inventory.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:05 No.477940

Yeah, ask Sweetie if they stuck our stuff in the chest or if they gave it to Scootaloo or AB.

Maybe we can convince her we'll go after the chest to retrieve our stuff. Just tell her how angry her sister would be if she lost anything expensive.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:06 No.477966

Yeah ask her what they did with our stuff. If she doesn't know, then I support convincing her that they might be in the white chest.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)02:11 No.478069
You shrug off the guard's silence. "Hey, Sweetie Belle. Let's see if we can find any fun stuff in here."

She hops down off of her chair, then races around. "Okay! I'll start looking over here..." Sweetie Belle runs up to a desk. You start combing over the back of the room close to the wardrobe closet, picking up a variety of any interesting items. Before long, you and Sweetie have amassed a small pile of things from all around the room.

"Let's see here... a set of Quills, some Paper, a fancy set of Horseshoes, a Glass Jar, some String..." You spread a few of the things out. "...and some Dresses." You saw a set of pretty dresses in the closet, so you figured you'd bring them over for Sweetie Belle to see. She likes them.

"Hmmm... I can't think of anything fun to do with all this stuff..." Sweetie Belle rubs her chin. "We could draw or something with the Quills and Paper..."

>The Late Afternoon sun hangs in the sky, bathing the land in it's brilliant glow. It's still well above the horizon.

"Hey, speaking of stuff... do you know what happened to our saddlebags?"

Sweetie stops. "I have no idea." She looks a little concerned. "Maybe they sent them back home?"

>Attempt to convince her that the box contains your belongings?
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:13 No.478095
We saw saddlebags in the chariot, right? Were thye ours?
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:13 No.478104

Might as well. I mean, if we fail, we just bound and gag her.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)02:14 No.478121
GAME INFO: These were indeed your belongings. Sweetie Belle saw them, but has no idea where they could be now.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:15 No.478146

I think this will just end poorly, but what else can we do? We have to convince her somehow.

Also, stress that we weren't cursed and that we were fully aware of our actions.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:16 No.478158
>a Glass Jar
Make jarate!
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:16 No.478162

Okay, change so that our belongings probably aren't IN the box, but are RIGHT NEXT TO the box.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:17 No.478177

Sounds better at least. Also, that since they unloaded everything at once, everything might be together.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:19 No.478209

Do any of the dresses have pockets?

Maybe we should put on the dresses so that we might have at least some legitimacy to any claims that we're the daughters of a wealthy aristocrat and Celestia let us look around the castle.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:19 No.478222

Agreed. I vote for this modification.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:21 No.478249

This might be crazy enough to work. Put on the horseshoes too if there are any in our size.

How much carrying capacity does the jar have?
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)02:23 No.478289
GAME INFO: From what you could determine, the Fancy Dresses you picked up don't have any storage pockets on them.

They are quite nice, though.

GAME INFO: The Glass Jar could probably hold the Quills, Paper, and String...

You have a 1/3 chance of convincing Sweetie Belle that your belongings are probably near the White Chest and that you're not cursed at all.

Pick your unlucky number. First response determines number.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:24 No.478314
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)02:24 No.478319
Unlucky number is 1-3, btw.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:24 No.478326
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:25 No.478328
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:25 No.478349
frosted butts
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:26 No.478360


>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:27 No.478376

Please let it be this. I really don't want to have to bound and gag our friend. We need allies right now.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:28 No.478404

This was supposed to be a painless procedure, in and out.


>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:28 No.478413

piss in jar
throw jar at guard
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:32 No.478465

At first I was going to try to escape saying that we needed to use the bathroom, but then I remembered that the suites have bathrooms.

The depression is starting to set in again.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:33 No.478497
Maybe we could clog the toilet...
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:35 No.478516

I just hope Sweetie won't blab to the guards if we fail.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)02:36 No.478538

Wow. Rolled this when I posted. Good job, Anon.
You look at Sweetie Belle sincerely. "Sweetie Belle, I've gotta be straight with you. I'm really not cursed whatsoever."

She looks at you, then looks about, laughing nervously without response. "I know it's weird that I know so much, but my knowledge has nothing to do with some weird curse thing. I'm your best friend, Raisin, and always have been." You pause for a second. "I just got the ability to use a really rad cube thing that gives me mind control powers."

She smiles at you. "Raisin.. we both know that thing is cursed..."

"Yeah, but I know that it can be used to stop all this madness. You've gotta trust me on this one; I wouldn't lie to you."

After a little bit, she shrugs. "...I really don't know what to do right now... I mean, we're stuck in this room until Celestia can figure out what's going on..."

"I say we help her out. C'mon, there's gotta be a way out of here."

Though she seems a little flustered, the little unicorn can't resist the possibility of dangerous adventure. "You know what? I think you're right."

She seems to be on your side. What do you wish to do now?
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:37 No.478571
Examine the room.
Its pretty rare for a whole suite like this to only have one door. That`s a safety hazard.

I doubt we`re that lucky though. Whats out the window?
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:38 No.478576
Tell her we need to find a way out of this room.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:38 No.478579


Okay, first thing's first. Look out the window and see if there is a lower balcony and whether or not guards are patrolling anywhere that would see us.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)02:40 No.478613
GAME INFO: Outside of the main window, there is a huge dropoff. Down below, you can just barely see the edge of a balcony, probably about 50-60 feet down.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:40 No.478617

I'm much more relieved than I should be.

Let's don the dresses and horseshoes, stuff the paper, quills, and string in the jar and make Sweetie carry them in her mouth. From this point forward, she is Writesalot, our good companion.

Now we need a psuedonym for ourselves.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:41 No.478632

Start tying all the blankets, towels, and sheets we can find together.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:42 No.478650

Purple Heart because we're highly likely to be grievously wounded before all this is over.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:43 No.478670

This is going to end badly, but I don't see any other way. Safer than trying to edge along a tiny ledge that may or may not lead to escape.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:44 No.478686

Maybe we should also redo our hair. Maybe wear it down or in the well combed style those two bitches Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon do from school.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:46 No.478707

Mood music

>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:49 No.478762
Are we doing this?

>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)02:50 No.478779
You decide that it'd probably be cool with the Princess if you borrowed some of the guest room dresses for a little while. You put on the brilliant blue dress and fit yourself into the pair of child's horseshoes. You were relatively surprised to find the wardrobe could potentially accommodate a wide variety of guests.

Sweetie Belle puts on a pink, stylish getup. "Wow... these look REALLY expensive... I hope the Princess doesn't mind..."

"Nah, she probably won't. There was like 5 of these in there."

You decide that your hair might give you away. Shaking your head and patting your tangled, wild mane, you somehow get your hair to slick itself back for a few moments, then it 'pops' into a richie-rich looking kind of style. Sweetie Belle pulls on the ends of your mane a little, making them curl. "You seriously look like Diamond Tiara right now..." Sweetie giggles at you.

"...shut up."

You put the jar full of writing supplies in her mouth, telling her that she'll be known as Writesalot. "...Writesalot?"

"Hey, it's all I have on short notice. Roll with it."

>Continuing with Bedsheets/Towel tying
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:54 No.478852

Raisin, master of disguise!
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)02:54 No.478855
You and Sweetie Belle start tying the ends of the bedsheets together to form a long rope. After a few minutes, you've got a decent coil of 'bedsheet rope' lying on the floor. Sweetie Belle has pretty much pieced together your escape plan.

"Okay... so we're going to climb out of the window, then?" She looks over at the large glass window. "...how do we get it open?"

There doesn't seem to be any latches on the window.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:56 No.478876
Does it slide or something?
Not all windows have latches.
But most stained glass windows dont open.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:56 No.478882

Wait a second, how were we able to look down if the window was closed?
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:58 No.478910

Try pressing on it. Examine the window carefully.

If all else fails, hide the rope under the beds and tell sweetie to go outside and ask the guard if she can get some air since it's stuffy, BUT ONLY AS A LAST RESORT!
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)02:58 No.478916
GAME INFO: This window doesn't appear to be one that opens. Celestia probably put you in this tower specifically because she knew the window didn't open up.

GAME INFO: This is the reason Sweetie Belle got the chair over to the giant window. Standing up and looking down, you can just barely see the balcony far below. The chair, in general, provides a better vantage to peer out of the window.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:58 No.478917
Tell her that we plan to make the guard think we escaped out the window, then run out the door while he is distracted. Start looking for a window that doesn't look too valuable.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:58 No.478919
If we do have to break a window, we probably won`t be able to keep it quiet enough for the guard to not here.

It would be smart to start roughousing and making a ton of noise to get the guard to look in once, and see that its just kids being kids so he wont think anything of the window breaking.

Hopefully if we press a blanket or something against it as we break it it wont sound too much like glass.

If we have to break it that is.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:58 No.478921

Shit, uh >>478876 try this.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:00 No.478951
But we WANT the guard to come in and check out the window breaking.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:01 No.478964
Oh, if we`re going to run out the door then yeah.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:01 No.478970

Are you sure about that? The less attention we draw, the better.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:02 No.478982

The moment we run out the door, the whole castle is going to be place on high alert.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)03:02 No.478985
META INFO: As an aside, I'm getting that >3am feel pretty bad right now. I'm thinking that we'll hit a checkpoint soon here.

Very dangerous rolls coming up. Will wait until you guys have at least attempted escape before wrapping up.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:03 No.478992
Wait, are we actually trying to escape through the window or are we doing >>477817?
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:04 No.478996

>dangerous rolls

What else can we do? We have to try. We are a brave pony.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:05 No.479015
Is it close to snack time? Demand the guard get us something nice to eat, then smash the shit out of that window.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:05 No.479019

Window first, then guard trick second.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:05 No.479026
Well if we have dangerous rolls coming up let's call it a night now. We shouldn't be making important decisions while we are tired.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:07 No.479056

would it still be possible to win if we're thrown in a dank underground dungeon for betraying the Princess's trust?
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)03:07 No.479059
I could give you guys some time to think about your next action and call it a night now... it's been a pretty rough night, what with me being a cock and stealing your precious confidence away that delicious extra Raisin soul.

What do you guys think?
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:08 No.479075
Im fine with stopping now, Im about to pass out.
Not sleeping yesterday was a terrible idea.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:09 No.479079

Can't sleep on Lady Luck.

We just have to get out of here. Once we're out of the castle, we won't have guards breathing down our necks.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:10 No.479110

Yeah. I'd rather you be at your prime.

I guess our hint should have been on how to escape. I tried to think creatively with the disguise idea.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:11 No.479119
I'm sick as a dog and powered only by the slim hope that Raisin will not die as long as I'm awake. Can we please stop for the night?
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)03:11 No.479121
GAME INFO: I'd recommend against it. Keep your disguises on.

META INFO:I woke up at like 9 this morning after staying up til 4, so it's been rough. Had a meeting today, went good, so that was fucking great, but now I'm ready to fall over.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:12 No.479132

Alright, tomorrow or Saturday?

I'm really tensed up right now. Knowing that we don't have an extra life to fall back on is really, REALLY making me nervous.

Maybe a peptalk, please?
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:14 No.479181

Look on the bright side, without the hints, we probably would have died when we got to Tezel again anyways. Honestly, would we have gotten a flier? I would never have guessed we needed to j-j-jam the box in.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:17 No.479221

True. I can just imagine the horror when Titanio got a mind of its own after crushing Tezel.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)03:17 No.479237
Let's aim for... Sunday, actually. Sunday at the very latest. 10pm EST, as per normal. I don't want to say Saturday and end up going 'oh no, I'm a hueg faggot, tomorrow lol'. I hate doing that to you guys.

If I do get a sudden burst of inspiration, I may, in a very rare chance, do Saturday. I'll let you guys know at like around 8pm EST if I plan on doing that.

MORALE MODE: The disguises was a brilliant idea. I had put the dresses in there as a loose idea; went better than expected. Breaking through the window is probably gonna happen. There is a very dangerous roll if you climb on out and descend the tower (1/4 chance of slipping to death), so think about that.

Alright, beyond that, you guys are doing good. I think we'll only be a session or two more until we reach a conclusion. Since we got that awful extra life business all figured out and got some sweet hints for it, I think we'll actually see an end to Raisin Quest soon.

An actual ending, guys!

Then Raisin Quest 4 sometime later. Unless you die, of course. Then Some Other Pone Quest: The I'm Not Ever Going To Be Raisin And You Know It Edition
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:19 No.479264
You guys better not screw this up while I'm away on vacation.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:20 No.479300
About these rolls, if we`re clever can we get the odds changed?

Taking the climbing for example, as a base we have 1 in 4 chance to die, but if we say, tie knots in the rope to use as hoofholds, dust chalk on our hooves and weight the bottom to prevent sway, would that help our odds?
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:20 No.479302

>1/4 a chance of slipping to death''

>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:22 No.479313
What about fluffy pone quest?
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)03:22 No.479323
Being Creative could help you out a bit. I'd be willing to alter the play guide to accommodate a better built rope.

Be aware that tying knots will shorten your rope, though. You may have to make it a bit longer first.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:22 No.479327

Okay, Sunday it is.

Still don't know how we're going to get out of this one. We're in such a bad position. All it takes is being unlucky to kill us.

Kind of depressing, actually.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:24 No.479360

>Two fillies
>Against a highly trained, armored guard.

I..I..just don't know. The odds are so slim, but that's like that for the rope.

And we can't open the window silently, so he'll be alerted regardless.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:25 No.479374

>The I'm Not Ever Going To Be Raisin And You Know It Edition

If it ever came to that, I don't think I'd even want to participate. It just wouldn't be the same.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)03:26 No.479388
If it's any consolation, you get to pick the chamber on our revolver. Of course, you're blindfolded when selecting it, but at least you have a say so, right?

Oh, there's a way to get out undetected. I want you guys to think on it for a little bit with clear minds. That should help.

>yfw that's the exact title I use for the quest
>yfw you start warming up to new pone
>yfw you still remember Raisin
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:27 No.479401
I'd be willing to play, but I dont think I'd fight very hard for that pony's survival
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:29 No.479432

Heating vent, maybe?

Been playing too much Deus Ex recently. I'll think about it.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:30 No.479455
>mfw I have no face

Are you still planning to do a fluffy pone quest?
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:30 No.479456

Yeah. Having another Mary Sue replace Raisin just cheapens the value of her. What's to say the new pone just can't be replaced?
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:31 No.479467

If we do fail, could you at least give us an outline of what we needed to do to win?
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)03:33 No.479499
I've been thinking about this. I may do it in a >sea of piss thread to help troll a bit and still have fun with it.

No game document; would just go seat of my pants.

Personally, I feel the same way. Raisin's kinda grown on me. I'd hate to have to kill her, but if that's the way things go, I must.

Sure, sounds good. I've got it already written up in my Game Guide, so not a problem.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:35 No.479537

We won't fail. We won't.

Anyways, see you Sunday.
>> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 03/09/12(Fri)03:35 No.479541
I'd miss the fuck out of Raisin if she dies.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:35 No.479549

All we can do it pray. If our best isn't enough, then we can at least say we tried our hardest.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:36 No.479574
Same. We can't let her die. We just can't.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:36 No.479582

If Raisin dies, ALPLBLEWM's art is going to be outdated really fast.

He drew a picture of her hugging an anon. How can we let her die a couple days later?
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)03:38 No.479616
Like I said, it's nasty business, but you guys are responsible for her life/death. I'll let you know risky rolls so that you can make better decisions, but if she dies, she dies.

My hands are tied.


I'll catch you guys Sunday.
>> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 03/09/12(Fri)03:40 No.479630
Oh? Where was the arts? I seem to have missed it. I saw the one with her standing in the forest, but not the hugging.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:41 No.479655

Ill post it at the beginning of next session. I'll delete one of my pics from the thread to bring down the image count. Maybe it'll motivate us.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)03:43 No.479676
Most unfortunately, I don't have it... what the fuck, I know I saved it...

I've got a picture of Scoots sucking on Raisin's pone teats from AB... but that's just not quite the same as an Anon hug
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/09/12(Fri)03:47 No.479744

For posterity's sake, in case everyone is gone. At the very least, this link will be good for probably a day/week or two.
>> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:48 No.479767

Now our current situation just made me MORE depressed.
>> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 03/09/12(Fri)03:48 No.479768
Ah, that was Raisin? I think I saw the picture, but I didn't think it was her.
