>> RAISIN QUEST 3: DAY 13 FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/04/12(Sun)22:31 No.392686
Alright, I've stalled far too long. Let's get this show on the road:

The Time Before…
>--Divide team up to accomplish mundane tasks you’ve done several times before—
(1/10 chance per turn (unlucky number 3) that Sweetie falls asleep or Scoots drives the fillies away with her voice. Rolled 4 times.)
>**Take Rarity with you to the secluded tree**
>Encounter Sally as you convince Rarity that all you need is the Adanemzurai
>Sally attempts to attack Raisin, but fails; she’s caught by Rarity’s Telekinesis
>Namedrop on the Golden Box, calling it the Adanemzurai, in front of Sally
>**Warn Sally about Princess Luna, she drops a bag of coins**
>Encounter the Treasure Seeker Fanatic
>**Stop Treasure Seeker Fanatic by singing to her**
>Rarity gets fed up with Raisin’s metagaming; ragequits back to her boutique with a stack of gold from the tree
>Try to store the Adanemzurai whilst singing to Treasure Seeker Fanatic; not enough room in bags
>--Dump Rocks, store Adanmenzurai—
>Stash Bag of Coins behind the garbage can in the Secluded Alleyway
>Sally leaves town, no sign of the Princess. Start heading back to Sugarcube Corner, leading Treasure Seeker. Pick up a stray derped filly
>Discover that Sweetie Belle has lost the fillies and that Scoots tried singing to them
>Plug up the Treasure Seeker and the fillies ears with Marshmallows; keep them calm
>Pinkie starts metagaming with you, mentioning the Crystal Phonograph from the previous run
>Luna has arrived in town
>Assign teammates to, yet again, take care of a mundane task for you whilst you go and meet with the Princess (probably a roll here, just sayin’).
>Luna is straight to business; asks you for the whereabouts of the Adanemzurai
>**Tell Luna that some fillies have been put under a weird spell; she commands her guards to gather all of the small ponies in town**
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/04/12(Sun)22:32 No.392709
>xXx Surrender the Adanemzurai to the Princess xXx
>Get answers about the box’s functionality; found out that the box’s curse can be manipulated by storing a piece of oneself inside the box
>--Attempt to use Metagaming to trick the Princess into thinking you have psychic powers--

Last Time on Raisin Quest…
>Convince Luna that the box is the key to defeating Tezel and that only you can open it
>--Luna tests your confidence by telling you she’ll open the box—
>You tell her that your ‘psychic powers’ say that only you can safely open up the box
>Convince Luna to allow you to open the box
>**Dump out Piece of Granite**
>Box is suddenly closed with a violent reaction; Luna is injured and taken to Canterlot
>Pick up the Adanemzurai, overwhelmed with power; put it down
>Guards attempt to arrest Raisin; Wedge, Luna’s Pegasus guard, puts a spear to Raisin’s throat
>**Use charm and wit to make Wedge let up on his defenses**
>--Grab the Adanemzurai—
>Accidentally take control of Wedge when he strikes the Adanemzurai
>**Use Wedge to escape the Library – Raisin and Sweetie Belle become fugitives**
>Run to Everfree Forest, release Wedge from your control
>Stay out of sight, maneuver along forest edge until you reach Sweet Apple Acres
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/04/12(Sun)22:33 No.392727
Standing on a bluff overlooking the peaceful farm, Raisin and her dear friend Sweetie Belle watch as Big Mac hauls a wagon full of apples around down below. The two fugitives of the local Ponyville law enforcement know that they need to make their moves carefully; until they can defeat a far greater evil and return all of the enslaved unicorns to their homes, Raisin knows that she’s in some pretty serious trouble.

Not wishing to waste anymore time, Raisin takes a few moments to contemplate her next move. With the farmhouse ahead, she knows that she’ll need her friend Applebloom’s help if she wishes to make it to the Castle in the Sand in one piece. The little purple filly keeps the thought of her mystical golden Adanemzurai rolling around in her head… whatever power was unlocked from that artifact, it seems to slowly consume her every thought.

After some unexpected technical difficulties on part of your Quest Master here, we’re back and ready to roll on another night of epic Raisin Questing. The fate of our unfortunate hero lies firmly in your grasp; your actions will determine the end to sweet little Raisin’s story. Will it be tragic or epic?

Let us begin.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:37 No.392814

>No XxXs

This feel, it's good.


Approach the house, give Big Mac a friendly wave if he looks at us.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:37 No.392820
Let's make sure that our box is stored in our saddle bags then proceed to the farmhouse with Sweetie Belle.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:38 No.392835
Can we get a quick inventory check?

Also, did we ever get a peppermint or something to delay the crash from the elixir?
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:38 No.392856
>The two fugitives of the local Ponyville law enforcement know that they need to make their moves carefully
Only like six and already on the run from the law. Fuck yeah!

Anyways, inventor check stat!
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/04/12(Sun)22:40 No.392902

Raisin: Boots, Stompstarter, CMC Cape + Adanemzurai, Vial of Glittering Sand, Nearly Full Bag of Marshmallows
Sweetie Belle: CMC Cape, 2 Slingshots
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:41 No.392924

Tell Sweetie to let us do the talking. Let's just jet the bomb and AB and her tools, then set out.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:41 No.392937
We didnt. We should grab something from Applejack's. If they dont have any peppermints, we can get some cough drops and sugar.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:42 No.392943
Maybe we should get Applebloom to head back to town and try and pick up Scootaloo and Pinkie Pie. They proved pretty useful last time around.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:43 No.392965
but the guards saw sweetie leave with us, they would catch her in an instant
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:44 No.392978

Worth a shot.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:44 No.392985
whoops, just noticed that said applebloom not sweetie, should read more carefully before i post
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:44 No.392986
The only reason we should get the bomb would be to dispose of it. We have Adanemzurai now.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:45 No.392994
Menthol and sugar should at least give us a ghetto peppermint analogue.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:45 No.392995

We're short on time. Besides, if there's anything I've learned it's to NOT TRUST ANYONE DOING ANYTHING ON THEIR OWN.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:46 No.393029
We could always open the box and take one of the peppermint sticks off of Hayseed.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/04/12(Sun)22:46 No.393030
GAME INFO ADDENDUM: You have not consumed any Peppermint based confectioneries since you were given a drink of the elixir

You and Sweetie Belle spend a few moments enjoying the beautiful view from atop the bluff, then set out to the quaint little farmhouse down below. As you approach, Big Mac casts you a glance. You and Sweetie wave, met with a small nod from the strong pony.

On the door to the farmhouse, you see a note. It was apparently written by Applejack. It says that she won't be at the farm today. From what you read, it appears that she's doing some protesting at Snakeoil Sally's stand.

"The market was empty when we went through town... you think she might be back?" Sweetie rubs her chin with a hoof.

You carefully creak open the door. Inside the house, you see Applejack. It looks like she just got in. She's being quiet as to not disturb a sleeping Granny Smith nearby.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:48 No.393054
>We're short on time
We're so short on time that we're gonna charge in to the castle with one actually useful ally and a box that could potentially screw us by infecting us with its evil influence?
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:48 No.393056
Ask her if Applebloom can come out and play.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:48 No.393067
Ask if Applebloom is home and feeling better. Ask if they have any peppermint.
>> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 03/04/12(Sun)22:51 No.393121
Can Applebloom come out and play?!
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:51 No.393125

"Hey AJ, what's up? Listen, those rumors about me blasting Princess Luna and going mad with power are completely unfounded. Is Applebloom feeling better?"
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:51 No.393134
say you want to play with applebloom and that youre craving peppermint
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:51 No.393143

Which is why we have an extra life left.
>> Meso !!q5IBtVI5vCg 03/04/12(Sun)22:52 No.393150
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:52 No.393152
Rumors don't travel that quickly here. This isn't Cyrodiil.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:52 No.393164
Jr says it has a 1/100 chance of making us do something it wants.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/04/12(Sun)22:55 No.393216
You poke your head in through the door. "Hey Applejack!" You whisper loudly.

The farmer pony turns her head, seeing you and Sweetie Belle at the door. She looks a little worried. "Oh, uh... hey there, girls." She spins around, keeping an eye on Granny Smith as she approaches the door. She leans down to whisper. "Have you two... uh... did y'all talk ta Pinkie and Scootaloo yet?"

Sweetie Belle shakes her head. "No, we haven't had a chance to. Pinkie's been all over the place and we haven't seen Scootaloo..."

Applejack gently directs you out of the farmhouse. "She's in the barn with Applebloom and Pinkie... and a bunch of other fillies..." You and Sweetie Belle look at one another. "I don't know what the hay is goin' on, but it's really... odd." Applejack leads you over to the barn.

From the outside, you can hear Applebloom and Pinkie singing. It doesn't sound quite like the song you taught Sweetie Belle, but it's close. "They're in there... maybe you two could see what's goin' on?"

Sweetie whispers over to you, "I don't think she knows about the whole thing at the Town Hall yet..."
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:56 No.393227
But bad news travels faster than the speed of light. Anyone who's studied quantum mechanics knows this.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:57 No.393243
...Well that's awfully convenient!
Walk inside and give Pinkie a big hug, and ask her if she has any peppermints on her.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:57 No.393246
Thank her and enter the barn.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:57 No.393253

Proceed to the barn, ask if Scoots and Pinkie were accompanied by any of Luna's guards.
>> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 03/04/12(Sun)22:57 No.393255
THAN---- thanks aj!

head to the barn
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:58 No.393270
lets head to the barn
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:59 No.393288

Also, ask for AJ if she has any cough drops. Gotta please chemistryanon.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:02 No.393351
Pinkie is here so we can probably forget about the cough drops.

What the fuck flood detection?
>> Scrubbing Bubbles 03/04/12(Sun)23:03 No.393387

>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/04/12(Sun)23:05 No.393404
"Alright, we'll see what we can do."

Applejack rolls her shoulder to adjust her saddlebag. "Alright, I hope you two can... I certainly couldn't." With a look of distress she heads back to the farmhouse. "Just Pinkie bein' Pinkie again, I figure."

You open up the barn door. Inside, you see a small gathering of fillies. They seem to be drifting in and out of a trance as the trio sings to them. Pinkie stops when you come in. "Oh! Raisin! You found us!"

You race up to Pinkie and give her a big hug. She picks you up and swings you around in a small circle, then jumps backwards and lands on her back in a small pile of hay. "So, what's up? You get away from the po-po all right?"

You tell her that you took control of one of Luna's guards and got out of the Library. She looks excited. "Oh!? How'd you do that?"

As you explain things, Sweetie Belle talks to Applebloom. They discuss a few things with Scootaloo and try to get caught up. They start giggling and talking until Sweetie Belle explains that you and her just out ran a small platoon of Luna's guards. You can hear them 'Oooh'ing and 'Awww'ing over your most recent exploits.

After your quick summary explanation, you ask Pinkie if she's got any extra Peppermint Candy Canes on her. She shrugs and gives you a big grin. "Nope! Sorry, fresh out! Me and Scootaloo finished them off!"

>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:06 No.393435
Cough drops and sugar engage.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:07 No.393451

Give Pinkie a boop out of spite and them ask Applebloom if she has any spare pig pens or somewhere we can lock these fillies up. Don't want them running loose.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:07 No.393461
do we have enough marshmallows for all these fillies?
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:09 No.393491

Ask them if they had any trouble evading the guards and what they know about the situation.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/04/12(Sun)23:12 No.393547
GAME INFO: You have 16 Marshmallows inside of your bag. There are 9 derped unicorns currently residing in the barn.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:12 No.393555
This. Also make absolutely sure they understand what happens when we touch the box so they don't freak out in the future.

Ask Applebloom if she knows how to neutralize that bomb she made for us.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:13 No.393557

Yeah, first thing we should worry about is containment and getting a wagon ready.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:13 No.393564
Let's plug all of them except for Strawberry.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:14 No.393585

We already plugged Strawberry and the treasure seeker. Besides, we don't have enough, unless we can stick apples in their ears.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:14 No.393587
one short, well lets plug all but one then
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:15 No.393602

Stick one we can't plug into a pigpen.
>> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 03/04/12(Sun)23:15 No.393607
We should probably keep some

We will need more

Just tie the other ones we don't get to a post or something

Or go back and ask AJ for something that can be used
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:17 No.393634
Good point. Let's keep enough marshmallows to plug Twilight Sparkle.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:19 No.393667

Agreed, keep 4.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/04/12(Sun)23:21 No.393710
You bounce off of Pinkie's tummy, slightly disappointed that she didn't have any Candy Canes handy. You reach through your saddlebags, taking a little extra time to brush your hoof up against the Adanemzurai. Your friends seem to be caught up in conversation; the derped unicorns are starting to wander around the barn.

You withdraw your bag of Marshmallows and start hunting down the fillies. One by one, you plug up all of their ears except for two. As you plug them up, they have mixed reactions, ranging from shock to confusion. It takes a little while, but only two fillies remain confused and derped. You quickly explain, and loudly, that if they pull out their marshmallows, they'll start behaving like this again.

Applebloom walks up to you. "Uh... Raisin? What's goin' on here, anyways? Scootaloo said they were all zombies..."

Outside, you hear the suddenly loud voice of Big Mac. "EeeeeeeeeeeNope!" Beyond that, you can hear some murmuring.

Your head is starting to get slightly achy.


GAME INFO: You previously plugged up Fractal, the Treasure Seeker, and another filly. This filly was not Strawberry. The filly you plugged up is named Honeyway
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:23 No.393744

"Hey Applebloom, this barn doesn't have a back entrance does it?"

If it doesn't, hide in the hay.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:24 No.393785

Tell Applebloom that plugging their ears seems to bring them out of trance.

Also, tell her to play cool and that we'll be hiding in the hay.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:25 No.393793
hide, and make sure sweetie is hiding with us
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:25 No.393800
Tell them that we have to open our box really quick, but when we touch it our eyes start glowing thanks to some spell that was put on the box. Tell Sweetie Belle that she might want to hide if those were guards that Big Mac was talking to.

Go find a part of the barn where they can't see us, then open the box, take a candy cane off of Hayseed, eat it, and close the box.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:26 No.393804

Ask Applebloom to take a look outside and tell you if Luna's guards are out there.

If they are, tell them that we left heading EAST
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:27 No.393839

Yeah, give her a little story beforehand so she doesn't need to dive back into the barn. That would be suspicious.

Tell them we came by asking if she wanted to go on an adventure, she said no because she's still feeling a little ill, and then we left.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:28 No.393850
opening the box has never exactly been a simple matter, i doubt we could just open the box, take something out, close it and be fine
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:28 No.393863
The box is ours now. It should be safe.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:29 No.393868
No need to open the box yet.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:29 No.393873
Before we leave make sure that Applebloom has an axe with her.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:30 No.393885
>Your head is starting to get slightly achy.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:32 No.393920
Junior said it's still evil. And that's just when we're using the box. God knows what'll happen when we open it.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:33 No.393939

That's from the elixir.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:34 No.393952
Alright then. Send Applebloom out of the barn to ask for cough drops and sugar or whatever that guy wanted.

No kidding?
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/04/12(Sun)23:34 No.393957
Fearing the worst, you think that Luna's guards may be outside questioning Big Mac. Using his sudden volume as a tip-off, you decide to hide, dragging Sweetie Belle with you into a pile of hay.

"...Raisin? You actually did run away from the guards, didn't you?" Applebloom asks excitedly.

You poke your head out. "Yes. Yes I did. Could you please check to see if it's actually them or not? I'm in a lot of trouble..."

"...a LOT of trouble." Sweetie Belle parrots over your shoulder. You shove her back into the pile of hay.

"Tell them that we came by and left already... going east."

"Well, alright... I guess. You guys stay here, I'll go check quick." Applebloom hops up. Scootaloo follows behind her. "Hey, I got your back, AB."

The fillies poke their noses out of the barn door. Instantly, they pull it shut. "Raisin! Raisin, it's them. They're right outside talkin' to my brother."

You sit quietly in the hay with Sweetie Belle. She's breathing a little faster. Your head aches a little bit.

>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:35 No.393973
i think thats his point, that we are starting to feel the effects of the elixir so we should get the peppermint from the hayseed which is probably in the box
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:38 No.394030

Tell Applebloom to go out there and tell them that we left after asking her if she wanted to go adventuring.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:39 No.394054
Tell them that we need to open the box we have with us to get some peppermint out of it and warn them to not look inside the pile of hay we are in while the box is open. Make sure that Sweetie knows not to touch the box while we have it open and that we are actually inside the hay pile before opening the box.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:40 No.394066

Make she she gets her fucking story straight. Applejack led us to the barn, we asked her, we left.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:40 No.394079

What about Pinkie and Scootaloo?
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:41 No.394093
What about them?
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:42 No.394098

Touch Sweetie with our hoof and tell her just to relax and we'll be fine.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:42 No.394101
I really don't think we should open the box. We have no idea what will happen now that we're in control of it.

I vote we sneak out the back and have the guards come into the barn. That way, we can move around the property while they check hay piles and Pinkie distracts them.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:44 No.394132

Tell them to say they only marginally know us.

But that still leaves the derped fillies...

Damn, we should have told AJ that we were fugitives so that she'd cover for us.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:44 No.394133
have applebloom lie for us and try to calm sweetie
is there a back exit?
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:44 No.394145
Most barns don't have back exits.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:45 No.394161
Side doors, anon. Or loose/broken boards.
There's plenty of ways we can get out besides the front. What's holding us back however is Jr's word.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:46 No.394168

But we still need a saw to cut down that tree. We'd need to wait until the guards leave.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/04/12(Sun)23:46 No.394186
You put a hoof on Sweetie's. "Relax. We're gonna be just fine." You hear her breathing slow down a little bit. She breathes a small sigh of relief.

"I don't wanna go to jail, Raisin..." She whimpers quietly.

GAME INFO: Looking at the back of the barn, you see a large set of doors that probably lead off into the apple orchards. They're shut at the moment.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:48 No.394222
Ask Applebloom if those doors are quiet enough for us to sneak away. If they are then tell her to get a saw and follow us. Ask Pinkie to stay here with the fillies and apologize to her for what happened last time.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:49 No.394246
>tell her to get a saw
Why get a saw?
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:49 No.394260
we'll need it for the tree bridge
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:50 No.394276

Tell her that if worse comes to worse, she can act like she's hypnotized and that we forcefully took her along. It's us they really want.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/04/12(Sun)23:50 No.394281
META INFO: On a previous play through of Raisin Quest, the saw was a required item to bypass a hazard on the broken mountain trail. Applebloom had a small set of tools with her last time, namely a saw and a hammer.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:51 No.394294

Because we let Wedge go and need a way to cross that gap.

Too bad we're moral.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/04/12(Sun)23:55 No.394363
Alright, we're getting somewhere it seems. Guards out the front doors, we have a few anons considering an escape out of the back doors.

Any other options you guys have in mind? Remember, currently, the center of the barn is loaded with marshmallow stuffed fillies, two derped fillies that are wandering around, Pinkie off to the side, and AB + Scoots with their backs to the front door.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:55 No.394373
we could have applebloom open the doors while we hide, so if the guards hear it and check it out they'll only see pinkie and a bunch of not raisin or sweetie fillies, which makes saying we're not here and this is a party or something an easyish lie
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:57 No.394418
Ask Applebloom if we can open the back doors quietly and if she can get a saw and come with us and ask Pinkie Pie if she can stay here and keep the fillies safe while we are gone.

Once we are out with just the CMC let's warn them about what we are about to do and pop the box open for some sweet, sweet candy.
>> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:58 No.394437

Sounds good. If they ask questions, tell them that marshmallows in the ear is a new fashion and Pinkie freaked out because she thought they were going to bust her for some littering she did earlier today.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:00 No.394481

This, and tell Pinkie to group the underped fillies with the derped ones in the center so it hides them a bit.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:03 No.394530

And the paranoia sets in.

Hopefully Raisin gets lucky on the sneak rolls.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/05/12(Mon)00:05 No.394574
You wave Applebloom on over to your hay pile. "I've got the door!" Scootaloo whispers loudly behind Applebloom as she runs over to you and Sweetie.

"Applebloom, can you open up the back door here?"

She looks up at the gargantuan red doors. "Yeah, sure. I've gotta get up in the loft to pull the lever, though. It'll take justa minute!" The little redhead darts off toward one of the ladders leading up into the upper hay loft.

Suddenly, you hear a knock at the door. "By the order of Princess Luna, we request that you open this door." You look over to Scoots. They speak again, "...we saw you and your little friend. We just want to ask you a few questions about one of your friends."

Scootaloo's eyes are huge. She looks over to you for guidance. Pinkie hops up and looks over to the fillies in the center of the room. She puts a hoof over her mouth, telling them to 'shhhh' and leads them toward the back of the barn. The two derped fillies walk up next to her and start pestering her with questions. "Have you ever been to the Castle in the Sand?"

"...excuse me?" The guard on the other side of the door sounds confused. "Please, we just want to ask you a couple questions, little ones."

Your eyes feel achy. You headache becomes slightly pounding.

>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:08 No.394643

Well Scootaloo, time to take one for the team.

Continue hiding in the hay, don't make a sound.

Just close our eyes and try to clear our mind so our headache isn't as bad. Trust our friend to do their job.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:09 No.394657
Well we can either wait and hope that Applebloom get the doors open before the guards break them down, try to get Scoots to cover for us, or use the box to take control of the guards.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:09 No.394662

Get the box ready, but don't grab onto it. Position our bags and hooves so that we can grab it if they find us.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:11 No.394689
We really should have taken care of this headache at the start of the night.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:11 No.394692

Have Applebloom open the back door, sacrifice Scootaloo. Tell her that since she's the most charismatic, she should go outside and buy us a bit of time.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:12 No.394707

We couldn't have. We need the grape jelly, which is now impossible to get.

We're just going to have to tough it out.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:13 No.394734
We need peppermint. The grape jelly had peppermint inside it.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:14 No.394753

We need both the jelly AND the peppermint for it to work. Besides, if we try opening the box, we risk destroying everything Luna did.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:15 No.394764
this headache is going to fuck us
continue hiding, have applebloom continue opening the door, scootaloo give the lie that we said earlier
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:15 No.394765
We were fine with just the peppermint before.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:18 No.394827

We ate the jelly before. That, or the elixir didn't have time to act before we went back in time.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:20 No.394873
We need some form of peppermint to counteract the elixir. Peppermint sticks or peppermint jelly would both work.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/05/12(Mon)00:21 No.394888
MORALE MODE: Don't worry too much, Anon. All the headache does is cause most of your rolls to fail as it become worse.

...wait, that isn't very morale boosting, is it?

You pop up out of the hay pile. You give your chest two taps with your front hoof, then duck down into the pile. Scootaloo groans. "...you owe me big time, Twilight Jr."

"Ready?" You turn around, picking up the bottom of the hay pile. Sweetie Belle follows your lead. "Oh! Okay, let's do this." She picks up the back of the hay pile. You start moving toward the barn doors.

Up above, you hear the mechanical whir of a few pulleys after Applebloom throws a the lever. You hear Scoots open up the front door. "Oh! Hey, didn't hear you there! We're having a little party in here!" She gives the guards a nervous giggle. "It's a.. put... things in your ears party! Yeah!" Enthusiastically, she pulls out two vials from her saddlebags and puts them in her ears. "Wowwie! We're sure having fun now!"

The guards seem put off by the odd display, but get straight to business. They begin questioning her about your whereabouts. She fumbles around with her words. The guards can't help but notice the whirring mechanics up above.

"Hey! Stop!" They yell up to Applebloom. She lets the lever go. The doors have opened up enough to allow a pony through.

>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:21 No.394890
Remember that time we were Applebloom?
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/05/12(Mon)00:23 No.394917
Your headache acts up, causing you to stumble. Sweetie Belle falls over on top of you. "Ooomph!" She squeaks. Your hay pile stops right in front of the back doors as the guards push their way into the barn. Pinkie has managed to stuff a set of vials in her ears as well. The previously derped fillies have miraculously spawned a set of balloons in their ears.

"Oh, why hello there, officers!" She greets them casually.

Your headache is pounding. You feel a little out of it, but not completely ill.

GAME INFO: Raisin discovered that Peppermint in some form counteracts the negative effects of the elixir. The jelly does have one extra property, but it has not been discovered.

The jelly helps to correct the negative effects faster than peppermint alone, especially when the effects have already set in. Peppermint alone also does not work if the illness is allowed to reach maturity.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:24 No.394940
Well then let's get out the back door the moment the guards are no longer looking in our direction and pop that box open.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:26 No.394963

DON'T OPEN THE BOX. The moment we touch the box, we becoming a living flashbulb. We can open it once we've eluded the guards.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:28 No.394991

Fuck, if we had the rock we could tell Sweetie to shoot it at the barn doors while guards weren't looking to make them think we bolted.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:28 No.395002
Our eyes are the only thing that glow. The guards can't see us through a wall.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:30 No.395039

Yeah, opening the box would be a bad idea.

But I go nominate escaping while the guards aren't looking. We'll go first and tell Sweetie to stay hidden. She's scared already. Once we're free, she can dash out too.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:31 No.395069
you are just like the elixir anon
wait until the guards arent looking and continue sneaking
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:32 No.395083

It's a hay pile we're behind, and they can probably see out of place shadows and lighting. Besides, we don't know how bright our eyes glow.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:32 No.395085
And getting a condition that would fuck all our rolls would be better?

If we don't open that box we will get screwed. If we do ope the box we might not get screwed.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:33 No.395103
>Well then let's get out the back door the moment the guards are no longer looking in our direction and pop that box open.
>let's get out the back door

Do what I did and get some caffeine.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:34 No.395135

Whoops, my bad. I still think it's a bad idea to open the box.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:36 No.395155

He does have a point, but we should wait and see if the box will open on command for us.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:37 No.395170
Lot's of Raisin quest is just choosing between a variety of bad ideas.

>but we should wait and see if the box will open on command for us

Not THIS is a good idea.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/05/12(Mon)00:37 No.395181
You decide to wait for your opportune chance to escape. The guards don't seem to find your hay pile the least bit suspicious, disregarding the fact that it's right next to the opening in the barn doors.

"So, as you were explaining to us... your little friend Raisin came by, correct?" The guards as Scootaloo, who nods. "Yep, then she left." Scootaloo gives them a false smile, hoping they'll leave.

The guards walk into the barn some. "Sure is dark for a party..." They turn to Scootaloo again. "It almost seems like you're all hiding in here..."

Pinkie jumps up. "We're not hiding! Haven't you ever been to a put stuff in your ears party?" She seemingly pulls a set of balloons out of nowhere and puts them in the guards' ears. Shocked by her sudden movement, they go to ready their spears. She drags them over toward the other fillies, who seem to also be playing along. "Don't be party poopers, now! C'mon!" She starts dancing with one of the guards.

"Look, we don't have time for this. A dangerous criminal is on the loose and we must bring her to Princess Celestia for questioning." The guard struggles to get away from Pinkie.

"Raisin..." Sweetie Belle pulls on your tail gently. "...now?"
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:38 No.395203

Yes, tell her to bit our tail and just follow us.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:39 No.395216

Both at once. Better to risk one roll than two.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:39 No.395219
Now, assuming they aren't looking at us.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:41 No.395267
pinkie is good at distracting and this time it probably wont get her killed so lets sneak out
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:41 No.395284

"On 3"


This might be good if she's scared. Just tell he to keep looking at our tushy.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/05/12(Mon)00:45 No.395353
You tap Sweetie Belle on the nose. "Alright, you hang on back there. Let's go."

Bravely, you creep up out of your hay pile and start heading toward the door. You keep an eye open toward the guards, making sure they're not looking.

You look forward just in time to kiss the door of the barn. With a clunk, your face smacks into it. The doors jar a bit and rattle. You hear Applebloom up above placing a hoof on her fact. It's loud enough to be audible.

"Omigosh! Are you okay?" Sweetie whispers with your tail in her mouth.

You shake your head. The bump makes you realize how painful your headache is at the moment. Miraculously, as you dart out of the door with Sweetie in tow, it seems as though the guards didn't take notice to your splintery faceplant.

Outside, you duck around the side of the barn. "Whew... glad that's over with." Your head pounds and your eyes ache.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/05/12(Mon)00:46 No.395381
GAME INFO: Also, just to let you guys know, I may not be able to quest too late into the morning tonight. We may need to wrap up this session within the next hour.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:48 No.395413

That's okay.


Put a tree or two between us and the barn and take out the box. Command it to open.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:49 No.395434

Head a bit deeper into the orchard and let's see if we can get the box open.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:50 No.395451
Why are you guys trying to get the box open?
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:50 No.395457
That's alright. 'Prolly for the best, tbh. Got stuff to do tomorrow.

Anyways, head over to the main house and ask AJ is they have any peppermints? Or cough syrup and sugar?
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:50 No.395463


Maybe chill out from cover while keeping an eye on the barn to see if the guards leave it and start searching the rest of the farm.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:52 No.395489
thats fine, i have to get some sleep in before work anyway
find a good spot to hide so we can wait for the guards to move on
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:53 No.395510
Unwrap the box, touch it, and command it to open.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:54 No.395528

Because either we eat a peppermint cane or get so sick we can't move.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:55 No.395556

Fine, appease chemistry anon.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:56 No.395582
Not cough syrup. Cough drops. You know that cool minty feeling they give? That's the active chemical in pepperming.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:57 No.395594
>Implying there's peppermint in the box and opening it will do anything other than remove our control over it, and make everything we've done so far worthless
>> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 03/05/12(Mon)00:57 No.395595
We should move >>391629
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/05/12(Mon)00:58 No.395630
Alright, seeing some discrepancy between action decisions... to open or not to open the Adanemzurai... quite the gamble either way, I'd say.

>Get to cover
You run down the small dirt path with Sweetie Belle flailing in the dust behind you. With amazing speed, you charge deeper into the orchard a safe distance from the back doors of the barn.

Quickly, you peel off the trail and hide behind a tree. You swing Sweetie Belle around and she ends up landing up against you. You look around the tree toward the barn, seeing if the guards are out searching around. There's no signs of them.

Sweetie Belle pushes herself off of you. "Looks like we're safe... for now." She notices you holding your head. "Uhm... Raisin, are you okay? You bumped into that door pretty hard..."

>See what you can do with the Adanemzurai; try to get the Peppermint Candy Canes from Hayseed
>Try to sneak around into the main farmhouse and get something from AJ to calm your elixir effects


Let me know in the next thread, guys.
Thanks Leth!

>> RAISIN QUEST 3: THE BIG DECISION EDITION #2043 FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/05/12(Mon)01:01 No.395664
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Alright, doing good, questers. Let's see how you handle this current set of events; good luck.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:01 No.395671

Let's head into the house first. We can try opening the box in there. If it doesn't open on command, don't force it and just get some cough syrup.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:03 No.395711
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:04 No.395723

I agree. The guards probably searched the house already probably
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:05 No.395743

Maybe we can get Applejack onboard? Could use the muscle.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:05 No.395758
Before we start coming up with ideas can you tell us if our headache has finished setting in?
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/05/12(Mon)01:07 No.395782
GAME INFO: Your headache can still get worse at this point. Quite a bit worse, as a matter of fact.

You'll begin feeling nauseous/short tempered when the illness kicks in.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:08 No.395798
lets go for the house and cough syrup first, its less likely to catastrophically fail than opening the box
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:08 No.395803

Then let's get over to the house, get inside and in a closet somewhere, then see if the box will react to our commands.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:09 No.395817
I say we should touch the box and command it to open.
>> F 03/05/12(Mon)01:10 No.395839
What if we command the box to cure us?
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:11 No.395863

It's Sally's Elixir that's causing this, not the siren sand that was in it. Worth a shot I guess.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/05/12(Mon)01:13 No.395883
Although a certain lust for the Adanemzurai pours through your head, you decide that your best bet would be to head toward the farmhouse. Thankfully, you think to yourself, your friends are currently entertaining the guards.

"C'mon, Sweetie. I need to get some medicine for this wicked nasty headache quick..." You put a hoof up to your head, pressing on one of your temples.

"Right. Let's see if Applejack has anything for that..." Sweetie looks you over. "Uhm... you really hit your face kinda hard... I could carry yo-"

"No. Let's just go."

You make your way through the orchard and towards the farmhouse. You see Applejack walking around outside with a small watering can. She's watering a small plot of land near the house. You continue along, going for the front door. With some stealth, you manage to sneak on inside. Lucky roll; 1/2 chance to faceplant into the door

You're now inside the house. Your head is pounding and so are your eyes. You feel a little dizzy.

You ponder over the idea of letting the Adanemzurai could cure you. "Hmmm..." You hold the box up in your hooves, still wrapped in your CMC cape. Sweetie's eyes get a little bigger. "Uh, Raisin? What are you doing?"
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:15 No.395895

Tell Sweetie to see if she can find a medicine cabinet and tell her that we'll be in a closet. We're going to try something risky.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:15 No.395903
Tell her that we are considering trying to open the box to get a peppermint off our doll. Ask her to go outside and tell Applejack we drank one of Sally's elixirs and need some coughdrops to cure the after effects while we look around inside.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:16 No.395913

Have Sweetie ask Granny Smith for cough syrup and anything that soothes headaches.

Duck behind a piece of furniture, then touch the box and ask it to open.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:16 No.395919

Seems good.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/05/12(Mon)01:22 No.396037
"Sweetie Belle.. go see if Applejack has any medicine in the house. I'm going to see if She can cure me..." You can see the lustrous skin of the Adanemzurai through your cape. As you stare, your painful headache seems to wane.

Sweetie looks between you and the box. "O..okay..." She darts off toward the door. You can hear her slide outside, but she rushes back in, slamming the door shut. "Uh.. Raisin!" She grabs onto you and slides off into the kitchen.

"They're outside! The guards... oh! I think they saw me, Raisin!" Her eyes are a little teary. "I'm too young to go to jail! We're too young for jail, Raisin! We've gotta hide..." She pulls you after her.

Looking around the kitchen, you see a bunch of different cabinets lining the walls. As you peek around, you can hear Applejack outside. "Uh... afternoon, gentlemen." You can hear her talking to the guards outside.

"We don't have much time! We gotta hide!" Sweetie panics, looking for anyplace to hide.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:23 No.396054


>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:24 No.396071

How big are the cabinets, big enough for us to hide in?
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:25 No.396082
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:25 No.396091

Did into a closet somewhere and hold onto the box. Command it to open, and failing that, lie in wait.
>> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 03/05/12(Mon)01:25 No.396093
We've been in new horse for a while
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:26 No.396106

>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/05/12(Mon)01:26 No.396115
GAME INFO: The cabinets close to the floor hold a bunch of pots and pans. You remember this from when you were helping Granny Smith make Zap Apple Jam. They should be big enough for you and Sweetie to hide in... if they're not full of pots and pans.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:29 No.396171
Tell Sweetie Belle to start looking for a cabinet that isn't full of pots and pans. Says that we'd help, but as we are right now we would just end up dumping them everywhere.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:30 No.396196

No sense in hiding there if we have to move out the utensils outside. Have us hide in a closet while Sweetie goes upstairs and hides under a bed or something. When don't want her screaming if we go mad with power.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:31 No.396211
Consult the box. Ask it to save us.

Maybe as a last resort, mind control another guard.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:32 No.396225
if it looks like a lot of the pots and pans are out find a cabinet to hide in, otherwise find a closet to hide in, and be prepared for mind-taking
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:36 No.396287
Let's try to NOT fight unless it's a last resort.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/05/12(Mon)01:38 No.396313
META INFO: Probably gonna go one more move after this one and I have to call it a night. I've gotta get up early tomorrow.

You decide that the cabinets may be more trouble than they're worth. Quickly, you decide that your best bet lies with your beautiful, wonderful, brilliant golden box. "Sweetie Belle, run upstairs quick while the guards are talking to AJ. I'll find some medicine down here."

Panicking, the little marshmallowy filly just gives you a nod. Her legs rev up like little tires before she bolts out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

You look about for a broom closet... any where out of view. You discover a small door that appears to lead into the Apple Family cellar. Ducking into the door and remaining on the threshhold toward the top of the stairs, you finally unwrap your Adanemzurai. It's glow seems to pierce the darkness around you... you can see everything quite clearly.

Holding the box in your hooves, you feel a ghostly soft presence wash over your body and mind. Your headache feels as though it is gone. You can feel the presence of your scared friend upstairs, the guards outside with Applejack, Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Big Mac. Once more, you feel incredibly powerful.

"...Thank you..." You hold the box close, relishing in this wonderful, empowering feeling once again.

"You're Welcome."
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:38 No.396314
agreed, mind-taking only as a last resort, but be prepared for it just in case
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:38 No.396317

This is going to end soooooooooooooooo badly, but I guess we had to finish up early anyways.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:39 No.396338
Tell it to open. Oh man this is bad this is bad this is bad.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:40 No.396341


This is bad.
>> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 03/05/12(Mon)01:40 No.396356
No way Anon.

This is good.

The besst...
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:41 No.396357

"Hey, mind opening up for a moment, I just need to grab a peppermint cane off my phylactery. And no soul sucking, understand?"
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:42 No.396379
>Instead of a Dark Lord, you would have a queen, not dark but beautiful and terrible as the dawn! Tempestuous as the sea, and stronger than the foundations of the earth! All shall love me and despair!
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:43 No.396404

Umm, Jr, does bad queen end count as losing a life in terms of reloading? I mean, we TECHNICALLY lose control and are essentially out of the game.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:46 No.396454
tell it we require the peppermint inside of it
and that we loves it
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/05/12(Mon)01:46 No.396464
You smile as She talks to you. "Oh, my Adanemzurai... would you mind opening up for a moment...? I really want my doll back...." You struggle for her name. "...it's holding something that I need right now."

"I am all that you need, my Queen." A gentle voice pours over you. You can see the auras of the other ponies walking around outside through the walls, the guards approaching the front door. "Guide me."

You emplore the Adanemzurai to open. "Very well... open me, my Queen."

You start pulling at the lid of the box. It feels as though it's sealed shut. Your headache suddenly returns, twice as bad as it was previously. The air around you feels as though it vibrates and shakes your body. You struggle with the lid. "What's wrong, my Queen? Open me, if that is your wish."
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:48 No.396487

She's tricking us.

Wrap her up and stuff her back in our bag.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:49 No.396498
This isn't working at all. Cover that box back up and stick her in our bag.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:49 No.396505

Half as long, twice as bright.

Open it, if it tries to take control, press it shut immediately and hope our headache is gone by the time we wake up.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:51 No.396525
stop trying to open it, stick it back in our cape, break out in a cold sweat and find a hiding place in the cellar
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:52 No.396540

Yes, she is NOT our friend.

I say we take our chances and just find a nice, dark, secluded spot to nap. If we wake up in shackles, commit sudoku.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:53 No.396563
So now the One Ring wants a body of her own. Question is, what are we going to do about it?
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/05/12(Mon)01:56 No.396617
You start to shake. Immediately, you stop trying to open the Adanemzurai. "If that is your wish, my Queen." She repeats herself. As you hold her, your headache clears once again. You can see the guards beyond the walls heading into the house. Applejack is behind them. Her aura appears darker; you can feel that she's angry.

With great reluctance, you wrap the Adanemzurai up in your cape again. You nearly cry as her beauty is covered up once again... then, you feel your headache start to return. Your senses wane and dull... except your sense of pain. Your head throbs and your eyes burn. You start to feel a little sick, but can still move.

"Raisin! We know you're in here! Come out; we only want to talk to you!" You hear one of the guards announcing. "Really, you have no idea what you're getting into! We need you to come to Canterlot immediately!"

You're in the darkness of the cellar again, standing at the top of the stairs. Your head hurts, your eyes hurt, and you feel like you just want to go to sleep. You put the Adanemzurai in your bags and ponder how to act.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:58 No.396668

Check if any of the cider barrels are empty and try to fall asleep.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:59 No.396693
"I think I'm starting to figure out what I'm getting into. Please just let me go so I can stop King Tezel."
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:59 No.396697
Ask the box to save us.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:00 No.396705

Every decision seems horrible. On one hand, there's the risk of the box corrupting us fully, like it probably did with Tezel. On the other, we get imprisoned and hope we can goad one of the guards into stabbing us so we can reload.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:01 No.396722

This is a bad idea, very ambiguous. For all we know, the box can "save" us by blowing the head of everyone in the house.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:02 No.396743
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:02 No.396747

This run is so fucked up, sending that letter was a bad mistake.

We were doing so well, and to think it all came crashing down because of one minute detail being overlooked.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:04 No.396784
it was very informative, we learned a lot about the the Adanemzurai

also, when was our last save
>> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 03/05/12(Mon)02:05 No.396806
Maybe we should head back to canterlot.

Learn more about how it works so we can better control it next time.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/05/12(Mon)02:06 No.396824
Ah, we've reached a turning point. This could be do or... dare I even say it...

Well, the next choice you make could be a major turn in the plot. You've got your Adanemzurai at your side, a nasty headache in your head, and some guards beyond the doors that want to take you to Princess Celestia for whatever reason they fail to specify.

How do you guys want to do this? Honestly, there is still hope... it may not be the greatest chance of salvation, but you can still do this thing.

GAME INFO: All the way back to Scoots giving you a hug after you were repeatedly thrown about by our wonderful, motherly Griffin, Snakeoil Sally.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:08 No.396854
Tell the guards that we will surrender on two conditions: They bring us some peppermint grape jelly from Sugar Cube Corner and promise that neither of the Princesses will touch this cursed box.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:08 No.396867

Never compromise, even in the face of Armageddon.

Find a hiding spot in a barrel or box, take our chances.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:09 No.396891

I just feel so bad about Sweetie though. She probably will go to jail since she probably hid behind some curtains or something.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:09 No.396896
wow, its still back there
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:11 No.396917

I support this option, except we demand Sweetie, Scootaloo, and Pinkie come down here with us and that we escape once we get some of dat sweet Jelly.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:11 No.396931

Let's move up to one of the first floor rooms so we don't get trapped.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:12 No.396940
Let's add one more condition: We are the only one that goes. All the other ponies that helped us go free.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:13 No.396957

Yeah, let's move up and negotiate, we have the power here. Keep the box within reach, but don't physically touch it unless they try to attack.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:16 No.397003
We are so, so fucked.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:17 No.397016
inb4 our headache is bad enough to not notice a sneak attack from behind and we get restrained by trained warriors.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/05/12(Mon)02:17 No.397025
With a pounding head and little to no hope of escape left in your heart, you figure that it's time to start cutting terms with the authorities.

"Alright. You got me, fair and square. I'm in here."

The guards walk over to the door. You pipe up again, talking over the pounding noise you hear in your head. "Ah! AH! No, no, no... stand back, I'm coming out."

You open up the cellar door, seeing the two guards very close by. Under your other hoof, you lift up the Adanemzurai. Sweetie Belle and the guards recoil in fear. Applejack looks around. "Err... did I miss somethin'?"

You stand your ground. "Alright, good, good. Stay right there." You think about how you're going to handle this. "Okay, I'll come peacefully... under a few conditions."

The guards look at one another, then to you. "...what are your terms?"

Applejack looks back and forth. "Oh for pete's sake, what is that? Is that the 'armed and dangerous' thing you two were goin' on about?" Applejack starts to approach, but Sweetie Belle grabs her tail. "No! NO! Don't touch it!"

"Alright. Here's my terms. I get a jar of Grape Jelly from Sugarcube Corner. This is very important."

>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:20 No.397053

>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/05/12(Mon)02:23 No.397114
The guards nod. "Okay, is that it?"

"No. You must also let all of the other ponies go free. Especially Sweetie Belle."

You hear a sigh of relief come from one of the cabinets. The guards seem to fixated on the Adanemzurai to notice. "Is that it?"

"Lastly, this box... this one, right here... the... Adanemzurai..." You stare at the golden luster again, entranced by it. "She isn't to be touched by anypony. Not a hoof on Her...."

Bad Roll - Headache modified to 1/5 chance of detection
Suddenly, you feel a whap on the back of your head. It hurts for a moment, but you slowly slip into a darkness.


You awaken inside of a chariot in the air. The calm sound of clouds rushing by fills your heart with fear; you're about to answer to Celestia, you think to yourself. Your hooves are bound by shackles. To your surprise, there is a jar of Grape Jelly in front of you with a spoon. Sweetie Belle is riding along.

"...are you awake?" She asks you, rubbing the back of your head where you were hit.

>It's approaching the mid-afternoon; around 3pm, you'd estimate.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:24 No.397128

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:25 No.397141
we ded
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:25 No.397144

Alright, we're boned. Try to hop off the chariot and hope we land on our head.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:26 No.397153
Ask her if she could feed us some of that jelly and ask her what they did with the box.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:26 No.397160

>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:26 No.397168
Why did you have to post this. We were safe where we were.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:27 No.397178

Sob gently, knowing that we failed.

I suppose this is a good time to stop as ever.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:27 No.397191

The plan was to negotiate and get the shit we needed, then escape and finish the game.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:28 No.397212
ask sweetie what happened, particularly with the Adanemzurai
i have to go to sleep, id say dont fuck this up but i think we're well past that point
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:29 No.397219

Well, look where that got us.

I blame myself too, I supported that idea
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:29 No.397232
Well, I guess Wednesday's session is going to have a "tragic" beginning.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:31 No.397246
We could have negotiated fine without leaving the room and walking right up next to them.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:32 No.397278

We still would have had to blast our way out of the cellar. It was a chokepoint. The goal was to escape with the least damage done.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/05/12(Mon)02:33 No.397289

Sweetie Belle looks startled. "Raisin!" She shakes her head. "You're awake! Oh, I'm so glad!" She looks relatively happy.

You ask her to feed you some of the Grape Jelly so that you can shake off your headache. She gently spoon feeds you a few gulps of the nasty concoction. You can feel the pain behind your eyes ween as the sticky goop drags down your throat.

"Sweetie... tell me, where is the Adanemzurai?" You look at her with great concern.

Sweetie looks about. "...they said you'd be asking about that..." She skirts the question.
Alright questers; don't feel bad! You're not dead as of yet! Sure, you're in a terrible situation, but you're not beyond hope! Besides, it's not your fault that lady luck gave you a bad roll with your headache and all; don't be too hard on yourselves.

When we pick up, I'd suggest considering your escape options from Canterlot. You could turn this situation to your advantage... if you can get 'your precious' back. Who knows where that might be...

It's been fun so far. You could still feasibly pull through and fight Tezel, even in these shitty, odd circumstances. The guide allows for a few routes, but being creative will be your best bet.

Good luck!

Also, I'll answer any questions you might have quick before bed
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:34 No.397329

Quick question is Sweetie bound too, or did they think she was too stupid to be a threat.
>> F 03/05/12(Mon)02:35 No.397339
Are you able to tell us what would have happened if we'd opened the box, or asked the box to cure us or save us?
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/05/12(Mon)02:36 No.397356
GAME INFO: It seems as though the guards respected your demands. Sweetie is unbound and looks to be along for support.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:36 No.397359

I'm just worried that the quest won't be fun if we have a squad of trained soldiers escorting us. Besides, Canterlot's far away, it would take far too long to get back to the mountains unless we possess a pair of pegasi to fly us out.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:37 No.397381

Do you ever feel disappointed by our decisions? It seems whenever we get to an impasse we always make a bad decision.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:38 No.397399
When's next session? Wednesday, same time?
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:39 No.397414
i know i often feel disappointed by our decisions
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/05/12(Mon)02:40 No.397428
GAME INFO: I could tell you what happens if you force the Adanemzurai open when you're already in control of it... but... that might spoil the surprise. Good or bad, who knows?

The box seemed to know that you were suffering a headache, thus cured it upon touch. The Adanemzurai seems to pine for your constant touch...

META INFO: See, that right there. That's creative! I can tell you one thing right now, though; the guards are never your friends. Don't expect a forced cakewalk just so you guys can 'win'. That will not be happening.

No, but I feel pretty bad that I've sown in so many pitfalls. I mean, there was that one time you guys dropped the Adanemzurai when you first discovered its power... I'll admit, I facepalmed, but I don't blame you. Knowing my playstyle, it was probably best to play that one safe for a bit.

Let's shoot for Wednesday. Tomorrow and Tuesday are going to be busy as fuck for me.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:40 No.397432
We almost fucking had it, if only we didn't go with the birthday idea. So, so close.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:43 No.397470

No, I like the pitfalls. Victory is never certain, which is what makes it so fun. We have to actually try to win. I'd rather get bad end and at least knowing we tried our best than be handed victory on a silver platter.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/05/12(Mon)02:45 No.397495
Trust me, I love to see you guys earn victory over being just given shit. I almost felt bad about giving you guys the Adanemzurai because of how powerful the damned thing is when it's under your influence, but I think it's potential to destroy you adds some kick to the story.

Just be creative, don't go emo with Raisin, and a victory could still be yours for the taking.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:46 No.397514
If we do wind up taking him down in the sandcastle with the Adanemazuri, we can hopefully plug it into one of those stands in the castle that Luna mentioned to disarm it when we're done.
Got here late and haven't read through all of today's shenanigans, just wanted to post that in case I'm not around when we get to that point.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:48 No.397547

Thanks, see you then. Also, you are right, not knowing how powerful it is means every time we use it we have to weigh the risk.

Also, I dread our headache modifier when it came to the dark influence rolls.
>> FaceIessJr !derpv/fTOE 03/05/12(Mon)02:51 No.397599
To say it got close doesn't really make much sense... since I have to roll a 26 and you have an equal chance of rolling it each turn.. but I did get a 25 tonight. That gave me a bit of a start.

I'll catch you Wednesday. Hopefully, we can quest a bit longer and get towards the end. I'm almost half-tempted to call this the final run... but I promised the questers at least one more life. Might try to steal it from them somehow...

Probably shouldn't discuss that idea with the questers. Alright, Good Night, guys. See you later on.
>> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)02:58 No.397720
I like the pitfalls too, but so far in this quest it seems that there are maybe two or three somewhat safe paths out of several hundred that will kill us dead, and even with those paths if you deviate even slightly you get fucked up.