Previously on My Little Stone Pone:
>Sincerely apologize to Applejack, reaffirming that you had no intention of manipulating her through lying
>--Push that you need to get Applebloom checked for Midnight Widow poisoning before sending you home to get chastised by your parents. She challenges you with a few questions--
>**Talk Applejack into getting Applebloom checked for Midnight Widow poisoning**
>Run to clubhouse, get the CMC to come outside
>--None of the CMC know about the Midnight Widow poisoning concern. Applejack is miffed.--
>Tell Applebloom about the Midnight Widow flowers and that she may be poisoned (85% chance of carrying your conversation without stumbling; success)
>Make sure that you have the Lamp; Applebloom automatically acquired one from the clubhouse
>**Trade Sweetie Belle your Bubblegum for her Lamp Oil**
>--Make sure you head out with Applejack--
>xXx While running down the trail, stop while alone near Fluttershy’s house to spot a Great Horned Owl. Panic and dive into the road, Applejack running off ahead xXx
>Get up and try to catch up; Applejack is nowhere to be found, Applebloom is calling out for her
>**Make sure that Applebloom runs to Zecora’s**
>**Go to where you hear Applejack struggling, save her from a Timberwolf**
>--Surrounded by Timberwolves--
>**Make a ton of noise by stamping the ground, scare off Timberwolves**
>Stuck in the ravine area; spotted by Harry the Griffin
>**Warn Harry about the weight of your Grappling Hook while throwing it**
>Applejack climbs to safety
>xXx Attempt to climb the rope down the ridge a ways; the rope snaps in two xXx
>**Loop the rest of your rope spool around you and the Twisted Iron Rod several times; Zecora and Harry team up to assist you as you climb. Make it to safety.**
>Enter Zecora’s Hut and relax
>Learn that Applebloom had a very mild form of Midnight Widow poisoning. If untreated, she would have had a horribly painful stomach ache the next day.
>Interrogate Harry, finding out that he’s an outcast from his ‘homeland’. Used to be a professional mugger/trap maker, banished to the Everfree Forest. Appears to have nothing to do with recent events.
>--Decide to leave the Hut, continuing out into the Forest on your own. Applebloom, Applejack, Zecora, and Harry all stay behind to rest--
>When you get to town, you spy a gigantic figure next to the Boulder Snake Statue
>--Move in closer to eavesdrop (10% chance of being spotted; roll failed, Raisin is safe)--
>--Witness a giant Red Cobra use an amulet to ‘unstatue’ the Boulder Snake Statue—
>?? You maneuver around the scene to get a closer look at the Shiny Helmet that’s been following you. Discover that it’s a blue Pegasus. It runs before you get a chance to talk to it??
>**Overhear the snakes mention something about an eruption**
>Snakes start heading into town, moving in a way as to not leave a discernable trail
>**Stay behind, letting the snakes disappear out of sight**
After chasing four ominous, massive snakes through a torrential rainstorm, our determined golem pony hits a dead end at the schoolhouse. The snakes seem to have completely vanished. In the darkness of the night and the shroud of the rain, Raisin notices that the schoolhouse has been completely barricaded. The sunken school is surrounded by boulders and primitive looking spears. While snooping, Raisin sees a small pool of magma hissing in the rain. Up above, the shadow of some unknown figure snoops around in the school belltower, unable to see our brave heroine back on the road.
Staring at the faint orange glow of the hissing magma just a few feet away, Raisin thinks carefully about her next move. The rain slams down all around in deafening sheets.
Inventory check:
Standing in the chill of the midnight rain, you can just faintly hear the molten rock in on the school path sizzling in the rain. It's much too dark to see but a few feet in any direction. The rain is unrelenting, coming down in sheets. The pegasi must have been bugged by the Earth ponies for a drenching storm again, you figure. Should be good for your dad's grapes, at least.
Taking one last look at the creepy figure high up in the belltower, you nod your head and start heading back into town. As you approach the town, the shadows of the square come into sight. The rain is letting up a little as you head out of town, but it's still pouring over the farms. You trod on past your pitch black house and into the Apple Family orchard, taking care not to bust the fence as you enter.
The trees look rather unsettling in the dark. You march your way toward the clubhouse. Inside the upper windows, you see a small candlelight.
"Looks like they're still up there..."
"Scootaloo! Sweetie Belle! Guys! We've got a situation on our hooves!"
You call out into the storm. You watch the flickering candle in the windowsill dance behind the watery panes of the beloved clubhouse. It feels like it's been forever since you were last actually in there... there doesn't appear to be any immediate response.
"C'mon guys! Wake up!"
You shout again. A groggy purple mane floats up to the window, squinting through the glass. The window slides open. "Rai-Raisin?" Scootaloo rubs her eyes and yawns. "Raisin! There you are. We've been waiting for you guys to get back for hours!" She looks around, noticing that you're the only one there.
"...where's Applebloom and her sister?" Scootaloo scrunches, searching around in case they somehow escaped her vision.
"They're fine!" You shout back. "We had a run in with some Timberwolves when we were taking Applebloom to Zecora's! They're sleeping over at her Hut right now!"
Sweetie Belle hovers up to the window as Scootaloo replies. "Thank goodness! Was she actually...?"
"Yeah! It wasn't bad, though! She would've got a stomach ache if Zecora didn't treat her!"
Sweetie Belle breathes a sigh of relief. "We were really worried! You sounded really serious about getting her checked out!"
"Guys! Get down here so we can talk easier! I don't want to keep on shouting like this!"
Scootaloo nods, shutting the window and heading out down the ramp. Sweetie Belle covers her head with her CMC Cape. The two of them look incredibly groggy.
"Guys, remember the snake statue in town?"
They both freeze, hanging on your words.
"Some giant red cobra queen thing came by and woke it up using an amulet. They escaped through town by the school house."
"...did anypony else see them?" Sweetie Belle asks.
"Maybe. I don't know. I couldn't follow them too close, but they headed out that way and disappeared." You pause. "They mentioned an 'eruption' of some sort."
"That doesn't sound good at all." Scootaloo gets closer. "We've gotta find out where they went!"
You nod. "Also... uh... the school looks like it's been... barricaded. I don't know what's going on there."
The two sleepy crusaders look at each other while the chilly rain soaks their manes.
You notice that the cold touch of the rain has forced them into a state of alertness. They still look really tired, but they're definitely not going to pass out with the rain pouring on them like this. The CMC Capes don't seem to keep any of the rain from reaching their coats.
"Are you guys awake enough to save the world?"
Scootaloo blinks hard a few times, then slaps her face. "Yeah! I'm good."
Sweetie yawns. "We're always ready when you are, Raisin..." She shakes some of the rain out of her mane, letting her cape down when she realizes it's not helping keep her dry whatsoever.
You notice that both of them are not wearing their saddlebags. "Uh... guys? Where's your equipment?"
"We took it off when we were napping. I'm not gonna accidentally roll over on that Sneezing Powder or something." Scootaloo gives you a look.
"...and my bag has that Saw and Nails. We just took them off for a nap is all." Sweetie Belle adds.
"Go get your stuff quick. We've got some investigating to do. The rain simply patters off your head. Not even it's likely chill permeates the numbness of your form. Awake and alert, you're ready to tackle any challenge at any time.
You're sleepy friends head back up into the clubhouse and return with their bags. The candle still flickers up in the window. As they head down, you see that their saddlebags are still pretty dry.
>Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo have joined your party!
Inventory check:
"Lead the way, Raisin..." Sweetie Belle's eyelashes flutter in the rain, partially trying to keep the drops out of her eyes while forcing herself awake.
You lead a march straight through the orchard and back to your house. The rain doesn't seem to let up as you pass under the shadowy, creepy forms of the trees above. You know that there are certainly nests above your head, but the rain will keep any birds from pestering you at the moment. Scootaloo has hopped up on your back again while Sweetie stays close to your side. She sounds a little shaken as you approach the orchard fence.
As you go through the fence, Scootaloo flutterjumps above it, landing perfectly square on your back again. Sweetie Belle follows behind as you lead the way to your front door.
Your house is pitch black. Not a single light is on at the moment; considering that it's nearly 2AM, it makes perfect sense. Checking by the doormat, you see that your letter has disappeared. There is nothing in it's place... as far as you can tell.
Scootaloo and Sweetie's saddlebags are starting to get damp with rain.
Quickly, you pull off Sweetie Belles Cape and drape it over Scootaloo. The filly jumps a little; the cape was keeping her back at least slightly warmer than the fresh, cool raindrops.
"Sorry, Sweetie. We can't have our supplies getting completely ruined by the storm."
Not immediately seeing any letters laying around in the rain, you decide that you've run into some sort of a dead end. "Hmm... what now..."
You ponder your next action for a moment. "...hey, let's go see what Twilight has to say about the snakes! The cobra one looked new... and that amulet she used..."
Scootaloo rests her chin carefully on your rocky mane. "She's probably sleeping right now, Raisin."
Sweetie Belle yawns. "Yeah... I mean... what time is it right now anyways?"
You realize that it's a little passed 2AM right now. Most of the ponies in Ponyville are probably fast asleep.
"'re probably right..."
You shake your head. "Wait! This is really important, though! Twilight's not going to care if we wake her up over something like this!"
Scootaloo stretches. "Yeah, Twilight's cool like that... most of the time. Let's go see what she has to say."
Sweetie Belle shivers slightly in the cool rain. She looks like she's about to pass out. If it weren't for the rain, she probably would have already.
You start trotting down the road, heading back toward town square. The Pegasus ponies really put up one heck of a storm; the clouds seem to be filled with limitless rain. It puddles up all along the little dips and potholes of the old country dirt road.
As you approach the town square, you remember that the red Cobra had a scale plucked off of her body.
"Wait a minute... wasn't the snake statue RIGHT here just a few hours ago?!" Scootaloo peeps up.
"Yeah, this is what I was talking about. The red Cobra used her weird Amulet on it and made it shake the stone right off. They talked for a bit, then headed toward the school."
You search around in the puddles, looking for wherever that scale might have been dropped. Suddenly, you step on something that looks like a stone shield. Picking it up, you see that the edges are razor edge sharp. Flipping it over, you see that it has lost its signature crimson hue, now replaced with a dull granite stone look.
"...what the hay is that thing?!" Sweetie Belle seems more awake now.
With the rain pouring down and soaking your comrades, you take your newly acquired Stone Scale and firmly clutch it in your mouth. The scale must have incredible durability; even in the grasp of your jaws, it doesn't so much as crack. The head sized scale's sharp edge extends out like a finely ground sawblade.
You pick up your hooves and start moving toward the Library. Sweetie Belle drags on behind, slowly catching up. As you make your approach to the giant tree, you see that there's a single light coming from one of the upper story windows.
You set the scale down for a moment. "Hey! She's awake!"
Scootaloo laughs a little. "That's probably Spike's night light."
Undeterred, you pick up the scale and approach the door. You see that the hole you put in it earlier has been haphazardly boarded up to keep the rain from getting in. Gently, you push on the door, only to find that it's locked.
"Oh, horseapples." You think to yourself.
Sweetie Belle catches up, seeing that you and Scootaloo are simply standing in the doorway. "She's not awake, is she? Did you knock?"
You point to the boarded up hole.
The little marshmallow filly takes that as her cue to tap on the door. With a rhythmic set of strikes, she pounds away, hoping for an answer and a way out of the cold soon.
Suddenly, the door opens up. Spike jumps back when he sees the large razor edged scale in your mouth.
You spit the scale out, letting it embed itself into the Library floor. It does so effortlessly.
The little dragon lets out a terrified yell. Immediately, Twilight starts to groan. "It's just the rain... go back to sleep, Sp..." As she comes down the stairs, she sees you and your groggy friends standing in the door with some sharp looking shield embedded into her floor.
"What in Equestria are you girls doing here at this time of night?" The concerned mare asks.
"Twilight, I ran into some live Boulder Snakes just a little while ago. This came off of their leader... some giant red cobra. She used an Amulet and her scale to bring that snake statue outside to life."
The purple mare looks like she didn't catch a word of the explanation. She trots down the rest of the stairs, approaching the scale hesitantly. Her magic deftly plucks the stony shield from her floor. "Spike... light a few candles..."
In a matter of minutes, Twilight is pacing back and forth, looking at the monstrous sized scale laying on her table. You can hear both of your friends snoring alongside Spike in a comfy chair.
"...I've never seen anything like this." Twilight admits. "I can't find a single reference to any creature that would have scales like this..." She looks back and forth between your stony skin and the scale, drawing an obvious comparison between the two. "...It's completely made of stone, I know that much..."
"Would the Princess have any idea?"
Twilight holds the uniform scale up in the air, spinning it around very slowly. She's looking it over as best as she can. "Princess Celestia barely knew anything about the Boulder Snakes... I don't know if she'd be able to tell us what creature this thing could possibly belong to..." She sets the scale down carefully. "It's worth a shot, at the very least."
She looks over at Spike and the CMC, giving a soft smile. "Maybe we could send one first thing in the morning?"
"That scale wasn't made of stone when the cobra revived the statue with her amulet. Could there possibly by a temporary stone-to-flesh spell?"
Twilight shakes her head. "There are spells that can reverse the horrible magic of a cockatrice's petrification, but we've tried all kinds of things like that on you, remember? None of them worked."
You nod, recalling all the odd spells you were inundated with for almost a solid month after your return home.
"...whatever magic caused the Boulder Snake to become petrified was much more powerful than a cockatrice's gaze." Twilight sits down and puts a hoof to her chin, immediately grabbing a book with her magic. "...I'll try and see if I can find something on that Amulet... I've never heard of something like that. The Princess might know something about it?"
"The Boulder Snake that was trapped inside the statue mentioned something about an 'eruption' when it woke up... it didn't sound good."
Twilight flips through her book. "No.. no... no..." She looks up, stopping on a page mid flip. "...did you say eruption? Like a volcanic eruption?"
"I'm not sure. The snake just starting talking about some sort of an eruption, then the cobra hit him."
Twilight looks completely stumped. "...well, there aren't any volcanoes immediately around Ponyville. The only ones I know of are far off to the west... Spike traveled out there once." She shakes her head. " eruption... that really does not sound good, though. Maybe the snakes can sense when a volcano is about to erupt?"
"Twilight, I also saw some magma out near the schoolhouse. I think the snakes might have had something to do with it..."
The purple mare sets her book down. "You actually SAW magma? Like molten rock magma?"
You simply nod.
She looks mortified. "...these things might not be able to predict eruptions..." She paces back and forth. "...if they created molten rock just like that... there's a chance that these snakes might be able to CAUSE eruptions!" She plants her hooves down on the floor. "You said you last saw them by the schoolhouse, correct?!"
You nod again.
"We haven't a moment to lose! I must see this with my own eyes." Twilight grabs an Umbrella from beside the door and ushers you out. Your friends are still fast asleep.
Inventory check:
"Wait a minute, Twilight. I have an idea."
Twilight has an immediate look of urgency upon her countenance. You carefully walk across the creaky floor to your pile of friends, all cozily sleeping in a big, comfortable chair under a blanket. You get a solid grip on Spike's head and pluck him up from between Sweetie and Scoots. Amazingly, he manages to stay asleep.
Looking around, you see that Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo's saddlebags have been placed safely off to the side. You sort through Scootaloo's bag. You see that, while the bags are slightly damp, the contents are mostly dry. You swap your Empty Flask out for Scootaloo's Sneezing Powder. You pull out the Stompstarter and the lone noisemaking Firework that Scoots had stored.
Quickly, you splash the bag of Wake-Me-Up Dust on Spike's face. He springs awake. "Wha!?" The dragon looks like he just got a full night's sleep in an instant. The powder worked perfectly, just as Zecora said.
"Here, hold these." You give Spike the Firework and the Stompstarter. He looks at the Stompstarter. "Uhh... I can breathe fire?"
"No time to argue. C'mon, we've gotta get going!"
You pick him up and toss him over to Twilight. He rests comfortably under the Umbrella. "What's going on? What did you throw at my face?"
Your 3 pony group heads out and barrels down the road. Your thunderous stomping is only slightly muffled by the pattering rain.
In just a matter of minutes, you come up on the schoolhouse. You look around the front for the soft patch of magma you spotted earlier. It seems to have disappeared in the rain.
Twilight looks over the schoolhouse. "...what the hay?" She taps the spears sticking out of the ground. "When did this happen?"
Spike jumps down, leaving your items atop Twilight's dry back. He starts sniffing at the air. With certain curiosity, he walks over towards the front of the school. "Hey... do you smell that?" He kneels down and pokes at the ground. Suddenly, a bright orange glow follows his claw up. "Whoa!"
Twilight calls him over to get a closer look. "...yep. That's definitely magma alright. Spike, can you see how deep it goes?"
"I touched the ground underneath... it's like it's just a little patch sitting here..." Spike dabbles some of the molten rock onto his nose.
"This is definitely weird..." Twilight comments.
You get an incredibly bad feeling about this. "Twilight... uh.. I forgot to mention. I think I saw somepony in the school belltower..."
She turns her head towards the school, unable to look up into the rain. "I can't see anything..."
You see the shadow leaning out, trying to get a better look. It pulls back for a moment, maneuvering around in the small space of the belltower. You cannot clearly see what it's doing.
You follow your gut instinct. Whatever that figure is up in the tower, it feels threatening. You decide to address it immediately.
"Twilight, there's definitely something up there. Can you pull him down?"
Twilight strains through the rain. Even with her Umbrella, there's too much falling water for her to get a clear look at the subject in the tower. "Raisin, I honestly cannot see anything..." She squints, lighting up her horn. "I can't seem to get a hold of anything..."
Spike is patting the ground around the front of the school, looking for anymore lava.
Suddenly, you hear a thunderous boom from the tower. It's deep and hollow. In a split second, you hear the ground peppered with the thuds of something heavy... it sounds like bags of sand smashing into the road.
"Twilight?! Twilight, are you okay!? Spike?!"
You hear another boom from the tower. You get hit by two of the bags. They simply explode against your stony exterior. Looking about in the rain, you see Spike laying on the ground with his hand still full of magma. Twilight is nearby; it looks as though she's fallen over.
The bell starts ringing. The figure in the tower sounds like it's hitting it with a soft fist. Accompanying the tolls is a piercing howl.
You immediately rush over to Twilight. Over the noise of the rain, the belltower, and the howling, you lean in close to her face. She's groaning really lightly. You see that her Umbrella has been snapped in half. Under the low level light, you're unable to see if she's been seriously injured. She doesn't immediately appear to be... she's definitely not conscious, though.
You lift up Spike. He's groaning lightly as well. You take care to let his magma filled claw lay off the side of your back. He's rolling a little bit; it sounds like he got hit in the chest.
Up in the belltower, you see some shadows sliding down the roof. There's one still on the roof with another coming up from the belltower.
"...what the..."
Quickly, you reach down for the Firework that was on Twilight's back. It's slightly soaked from laying on the ground, but you take aim and chuck it towards the magma patch in front of the school.
The slowly approaching figures suddenly stop, watching the Firework fly through the air. When it lands in the magma, you hear an incredibly vociferous explosion followed by an extremely bright flare. For just a moment, you see that the shadows are some sort of bipedal, armored canines. You notice that they are carrying a large, weighted net.
While they feel around blindly in the darkness, now night-blind and slightly deaf, you pick up Twilight and carry her in your forelegs. Moving a little slower, you get some distance between you and the dogs and rest behind a tree. You hear a raspy, high pitched voice shouting in the rain.
"Find them! Find them! Go dogs, mush!!"
A small barking stampede travels on down the road, heading your way. You're currently behind a tree, probably out of sight...
You carefully push Twilight and Spike further behind the tree to obscure them from view of the road. You know the dogs were startled by the Firework you threw, so their senses are probably dulled significantly. As you move Spike, you see that his claw is still glowing with magma. It only provides a little light, but you make sure that he's completely obscured by the tree.
As the dogs make their approach, then end up running completely passed you.
"Whew..." You sigh a breathe of relief out of habit into the night storm. Twilight and Spike are still knocked out.
You lean down, gently nuzzling Twilight under her chin. She simply groans softly.
From the road, you hear footsteps. You align yourself with the tree to try and stay out of sight. Keeping an eye out, you spot a shadowy figure scanning the darkness. Two piercing, greenish yellow eyes look about in the darkness. They do a double take on your tree.
You remain perfectly frozen in place... like a statue. You found that your stony exterior aids with this statue mimicry; you can completely lock your body into position without flinching a single inch. As the rain pours down, you see the tall figure fidgeting with something.
"Stupid pony thing... come on, work..." You see the eyes are directed down toward himself. With a few punches, you see a bright flurry of sparks light up the area by the tree. It appears as though the dog has picked up your lucky Stompstarter.
"Oh come on..." You think to yourself.
"Aha! There we go..." He strikes it again, looking toward the tree this time. As the sparks fly into the air, he jumps back. He apparently must have seen you. He sits on the ground, baffled. "...wha.. what was that?!?"
He appears to have dropped the Stompstarter in his surprise. He fumbles around, searching the road for the device.
Inventory check:
You quickly turn the Diamond Dogs mistake to your advantage. Ditching all of your equipment beside Twilight and Spike, you take a few steps out in front of the tree and freeze yourself into a heroic position. You raise your forelegs up high, standing on your rear legs. You let your body freeze you in place as the Diamond Dog finally finds your shiny Stompstarter once more.
He punches it a few times until some sparks fly out. They bounce off of your face, landing harmlessly on the ground. You can see his canine face crack a smile. He approaches you, cackling to himself. He puts one of his feet on your face, then gives you a solid push. You fall over, thudding against the ground. He looks down in satisfaction.
"Ha! Take that, stupid pony statue!" He looks quite proud of himself.
Slowly, he turns back towards the road, continuing along. His greenish yellow eyes bead down along the sides as he explores. The other dogs that ran ahead are coming his way. You can faintly hear him asking if they found the 'missing ponies'
"What do you mean they got away?! You mangy mutts aren't good for anything!"
One of the dogs says that they're really good at digging. The dog with your Stompstarter bops that dog on the head. "They've probably told all of Ponyville we're here by now! Get to your battle stations, pronto!"
The small group of dogs takes off back towards the schoolhouse. As they continue running down the road, you can't help but notice that the leader is staring you down. He starts to continue on, but he stops and comes back. "...I can't believe I'm doing this..."
He leans down, attempting to pick you up. He strains and struggles, unable to lift you. "Gah! What is this thing MADE of? The boulders were lighter than this!" He drags you a little distance in the rain, stopping to breathe for a moment in the rain. He doesn't look too determined to continue dragging you down the road, but you're not completely sure.
You choose to remain completely still. He grunts and strains as he tries to drag you on down the road by himself.
He pants as the rain soaks his coat. It looks like the first bath he's ever taken in his life. His coat matted down and completely frustrated with trying to move your incredibly heavy form any further, he drops you in the middle of the road. "Forget it! Stupid pony statue!" In anger, he kicks your head. He manages to successfully stub his toes.
Limping away, the dog seems defeated. In a matter of moments, he disappears into the rainy darkness of the night.
You breathe another sigh of relief out of habit. You maintain your heroic pose as you lie on the ground, letting the slowly relenting rain patter against your stony exterior.
You let your pose relax. You lay on the ground for only a few more moments before rolling back up onto your hooves.
"Wow... those guys are really dumb."
You head back to the tree that you left Twilight and Spike at. Looking down, you see that the molten rock on Spike's claws have solidified. They're both still very much unconscious... their condition doesn't seem to have changed much since you dropped them off, though Twilight sounds like she's breathing a bit shallower.
You make sure that all of your equipment is secured and re-equipped as it was before you played statue. Carefully, you are able to pick up Spike by the nape of his neck while Twilight sits atop your back. You make your way back towards the Library, feeling lucky to be alive.
You can hear the rain finally starting to let up. It's gone from sheets to a dull, manageable roar. Some pegasi are probably high above you right now, shoving the clouds around. You figure having nighttime weather shift must be punishing, especially when you consider that they have to manage the storm all night and keep it going.
In a few minutes, you carefully open up the door to the Library. You set Twilight and Spike down gently on the floor, looking them over.
Immediately, you notice that Twilight's side has been badly bruised. There's a distinct rounded square bruise on her chest; a direct hit from one of the belltower sandbags. She's looking a bit more pale than usual...
Spike looks like he's in some pain. He's still clutching at his chest in his unconscious sleep.
"Oh man... what am I going to do?"
Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are still snuggled up under a blanket together. They haven't moved since you picked up Spike from between them.
You try to think of a way to wake them up quickly. You look around, seeing a nearby pot. You rush it to the kitchen, filling it with cold water. Quickly, you return to the two and drench their already soaked forms with a healthy amount of water. It doesn't seem to do anything.
You take a moment to realize that they've been in the storm with you since you first left the house.
They're still both unconscious. Twilight is still breathing rather shallow. A certain panic sets over you... you're not sure what to do. You wish that you were a doctor right now.
Sweetie Belle yawns as she wakes up from the sound of the splashing water. She still looks tired, but not quite as much as before. Her eyes pop open when she sees Spike and Twilight laying on the floor. "R...Raisin? What happened?!"
Sweetie Belle wakes up Scootaloo with a shake. The little orange pegasus looks terrified. "Whoa! What's going on?"
"No time to explain right now, guys... we just narrowly dodged death. These two need to go to the hospital. Now."
Sweetie Belle watches as Twilight seems to have trouble breathing. She looks mortified. "Wh.." She can't finish her sentence.
You lift Twilight back up onto your back. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo pick up Spike, immediately noticing that his hand is covered in rock. "We go to sleep for an hour and a half... and HOUR and a HALF." Scootaloo tries to calm herself as you, Twilight, Scoots, Sweetie, and Spike rush out of the door and towards the Ponyville hospital. It's a distance away, but thankfully the rain storm is starting to fade away.
A light purple and sky blue maned pegasus with a bow in her mane swoops down. It's one of the night shift weather team pegasi.
"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Is she... is she okay? What's going on, Raisin?!"
The hospital is still a distance away. It will probably take about 15 minutes (1 turn) to reach it. Twilight is still breathing as shallow as she was inside the Library.
"Flitter! Fly up ahead and tell the Ponyville Hospital we're coming with a badly injured pony who's possibly got a broken rib... and an injured dragon!"
The panicking pegasus kicks her legs back and forth, then speeds on up ahead. She's no Rainbow Dash, but she's got some speed to her. She disappears into the night sky, heading straight for the hospital.
The rain has become a light drizzle. Twilight doesn't sound too good at the moment... her breathing is very weak.
Your storming hooves skid to a stop up at the Hospital, tearing up some of the peaceful road outside of the doors. Several emergency workers are out front with a stretcher. As soon as you stop, they pick Twilight up off your back and rush her inside.
"Wait! What about Spike?"
A nurse rushes back out and picks up Spike off of the CMC's backs. In an instant, the door shuts. You, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo stand outside. Your friends are gasping for breath after the run.
"What... what happened?" Sweetie Belle gasps.
You can feel the morning not too far off... the night feels almost complete as the drizzle falls peacefully through the night air.
You head on inside of the Hospital, leading Scoots and Sweetie. Carefully, you lead the two fillies over to the waiting area. You can see a few doctors scrambling in the hallway, presumably going down the hall where Twilight and Spike were taken.
You sit your friends down. They look like they're nearly in tears. "Okay, okay... calm down. She's at the hospital now, she's going to be fine."
"What happened? Tell us now!" They both shout in unison.
"Alright... we were investigating the schoolhouse... apparently, the barricades were set up by some... well, these dogs that walk on two legs. They're really weird."
"Diamond Dogs?" Sweetie Belle asks, trembling a little.
"Uh... yeah, probably. Apparently, they took over the school. When we got close to investigate some magma, they shot Twilight and Spike with some sandbags."
"...sandbags?" Scootaloo asks with confusion.
"I'm not making this up. Seriously, they shot us with sandbags. It knocked them both unconscious. I was able to use some of our supplies to distract them and get away."
They both look down. "...t-they're going to be okay, right?" Sweetie stammers.
You huddle up to your best friends, wrapping your forelegs around them gently. "Twilight and Spike are going to be just fine. They're safe now."
You can hear some talk over the intercom, asking for doctors assistance down the hall.
SAVE 1: Day 1, 9:15AM, Raisin's Room
SAVE 2: Day 1, 7:00PM, Boulder Snake Statue