>Stopped singing to the Treasure Seeker Fanatic, watched her get turned to stone by the Cockatrice
>Huddled up and waited for the Cockatrice to leave
>Headed down the path, found Sweetie Belle injured in a bush. Rarity had vanished.
>Put Sweetie Belle in wagon, continued onward to the base of the mountain trail
>Scouted ahead of the team because Scootaloo was too chicken to do so herself
>Came to a plateau, saw two ponies standing on the other side
>Sang to ponies, discovered that they were Rarity and the derped out filly Fluttershy lost
>Chanted to a dead tree
>Saw a gap in the trail, told Applebloom to cut down the tree to make a bridge
>Gigantic stone bird flew by on patrol, caught the group by surprise
>xXx Decided to try and utilize the mysterious box to attempt to control the giant stone bird xXx
>xXx Raisin lost her mind, player unable to control Raisin… xXx
>APPLE QUEST TIEM > Player assumed control of Applebloom
>**Took Raisin’s explosives, threw them at the giant stone bird. Bird was defeated**
>Rushed the team out of the plateau due to an impending avalanche
>All ponies accounted for; group hug and attempt to restore Raisin’s mind
>Rarity runs off ahead of the group
>**Used Marshmallows as earplugs to stop the derped out filly from rushing off to the Castle**
>**Traveled to the Castle in the Sand**
>Used a stone to distract guards, assumed cardboard box disguises from hammerspace, snuck into the Castle
>Distracted guards inside the Castle with rocks, got most of team to the Grand Staircase
>**Went back and rescued the scared filly**
>Looked into treasure room; tempted to search through treasure
>Sitting on steps, trying to determine next course of action
*Asterisks represent good actions, xXx represents bad actions
In the grand hall of the Castle in the Sand, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Pinkie Pie, a random filly named Strawberry, and Raisin sit upon the steps of the Grand Staircase in front of the entrance to the Throne Room. On the other side of the curtain, Applebloom caught the first glimpse of the gigantic stone pony that Raisin had been talking about earlier; King Tezel. Camping in their slightly musty cardboard boxes, the team shudders with anticipation, wondering how they’re going to stop the enormous golem’s plans, save Raisin, and underp the gaggle of unicorn slaves running about throughout the kingdom of Equestria.
As the record in the other room plays a discordantly sweet melody, the team devises their cunning plan with care, knowing that their next decisions will determine the success or failure of their entire mission.
Inventory check:
While devising your plan, you wish to see if that Vial of Strange Water Scoots has on her may be the elixir. Considering how much energy it gave you at first, it could give one of your team members the energy they need to do a blitz-rush attack/distraction in the throne room.
"Hey, Scoots... lemme see that water fer a second..."
"Uh... you know where we got this from, right?" Scootaloo hooves it over to you carefully. "This came from Sally's lab... I don't know what it might be..."
You open the vial carefully and smell the solution. It has a very pungent smell to it, much like the flavor of the elixir you drank. You cough a little. Just to be sure, you take a small sip. The solution crackles against your tastebuds, just like the elixir. It's so sour that it almost stings, but it perks you up.
"We've got elixir!" You tell the team.
"Ooooh! We do? Anyone got some candy?" Pinkie scoots up to your box, intrigued by this discovery.
The room is slightly taller than the massive doorway leading in. You can see King Tezel off a ways, a magnificent royal rug leading up a single platform and up to his throne. Twilight and the other guard look miniscule next to the giant stone king. To the King’s side is a pony sized Crystal Phonograph playing an entrancing melody throughout the castle. It’s rather loud.
Looking down at the base of Tezel’s throne, you see that the carpet, which is mostly a crimson color, has some dark blotches ground into it. On either side of the throne, you see two doorways leading out of the room on the right and left.
The crown looks like the top of a castle. From the front, you can see that it has 4 rectangular bumps along the top with one bump missing in the center. It's made entirely of an ornately carved gold.
Using your engineering insight, you don't think that an apple will be enough to knock the big phonograph over. Seeing as the horn on top is constructed of Crystal, you think that you'd have an easier time shattering it with something a bit harder.
The horn could probably be blocked by a well placed apple.
It appears to be in range of the slingshot. You're pretty certain you could peg Tezel in the eye from the door if you really felt like it.
On either side of the throne, you see two doorways leading out of the room on the right and left.
You decide that the Treasure Room may still hold some sort of secret that will help you get a one up on the monstrously huge pony golem in the Throne Room.
"Alright, girls... Ah've got a plan..."
Scootaloo scoffs. "Finally! Geez... the suspense has been killing me."
You begin to explain that the treasure room probably has some more magical items hidden inside. It may be a bit risky to go inside, but as long as Pinkie uses her Pinkie Sense and stays in front, the team should be able to make it through unscathed. There may just be a passage or something that will help you sneak up on 'ol Tezel.
They nod their heads and pick up their cardboard boxes, following you carefully down the stairs. You are careful to avoid the guards' attention as you make your way toward the treasure room.
As you approach the room, Pinkie stops the group. "Twitchy-twitch..." She looks above, trying to see if there's anything above the door. It appears safe.
To your front, you can see the back of Pinkie's cardboard box. Beyond that, the doorway to the treasury. There are mountains of gems, gold, Bits... a treasure beyond your wildest imagining.
The floor is made of granite tiles, but you notice that several tiles have an odd symbol on them. The walls look like the rest of the Castle; polished to a brilliant shine.
"Pinkie... are you sure that was a 'Twitchy-twitch' or..."
"I'm pretty sure... the Pinkie Sense doesn't lie." Pinkie continues to look about, trying to find what set off her 6th sense.
"Little filly..." You tap on the box behind you, then slip under it to talk to her. "Little filly..."
The box close behind you shudders. "...Strawberry.." She whimpers.
"Strawberry, Sweetie Belle... can you guys feel any magic stuff around the door?"
Sweetie steps out ahead and points her horn at the doorway. She shrugs. "...hmmm... nope." Strawberry doesn't know what to do, copying Sweetie Belle. "N..Nothing."
The music echoes through the halls. You can hear the soft tap of some hooves walking down the main hall.
The symbols on the floor in front of the treasury door seem to be spread out in a zigzag. They have a weird mark upon them that you've never seen before.
Behind you and around a corner, you swear that you hear the trotting approaching the stairs. You cannot see who it is yet.
You again slink under Strawberry's box, but this time you pull out an apple. "...huh?" The scared little filly shivers as you jam it into her mouth. Quickly, you reach up and yank the marshmallows out of her ears. She panics for a moment, but you can see her eyes lose focus in an instant.
"Go to the Treasure Room and bring us back somethin' shiny."
"Applebloom! What are you..." Sweetie Belle protests for a moment, but quickly gathers what you intend to do. You can hear Strawberry mumble a question from behind her fruit gag, but she starts to scoot across the floor with you still inside the box.
From a distance, you can still hear the hoofsteps approaching. Pinkie issues a command. "Everyone.. act natural!" You hear the simultaneous thud of several boxes contact the granite floor.
Strawberry moves toward the treasury unabated.
You panic a little. Whatever pony is coming, you certainly don't want them to see you. Quickly, you plug the filly's ears once again. As she starts to regain her focus, you wrap your hooves around her body, trapping the apple in her mouth and keeping her from moving. She struggles in your grasp, scared and confused. You can hear her crying a little.
The hoofsteps continue on by. Looking out the back flap of the cardboard box, you see a mint striped green unicorn wandering up the stairs. She looks content on getting up there to meet Tezel.
"...whew. Sorry about that, Strawberry." She shudders and struggles, trying to break free of your hug.
You continue to hold onto the scared filly, keeping her from moving around too much. She's becoming quite a hassle. You tell Pinkie to experiment around a little bit more to see if she can get around this trap.
"Okey dokie lokie!" Pinkie bounces up, letting Raisin and her box land on the floor. She slinks over to the tiles on the floor, scratching her chin.
As she experiments with the floor, trying to decipher the trap, the filly you're holding onto becomes more unruly. You're starting to lose your grip on her.
"Hey, AB? What are you and Strawberry doing in there?" Scootaloo turns her box to face the two of you.
In the other room, you hear a deep, friendly laugh resound throughout the chamber. "Welcome!"
You apologize to the scared filly, telling her that you thought she could lead you to the treasure if her ears were unplugged. She starts to calm down a little bit, but she's still trying to get out of your grasp.
You turn your grip into a soft hug. You whisper about how badly you want to get back to the farm, how badly you want to help your sister pick apples, how badly you want to go adventuring with your friends, and how badly you want to get out of this terrible place.
She starts to calm down, but breaks down in tears, realizing how much she misses home. "I...I'm really scared.. why are we here?"
You let her go, then tell her that you need to stop the evil golem pony here from destroying Equestria. It's your mission and your duty.
You slink back into your box. Pinkie is still trying to figure out what's going on with the trap. You see her push on one of the marked tiles. A shiver ripples up her back. "Ooooohhhh... I don't like this one bit..."
There's nothing but music coming from the other room now.
You ask Pinkie how she feels about the marked tiles. "Oooh... there's something up with those ones. They're giving me the jeeblies all over!" She presses on the tile again, shivering once more. "Bad bad bad... these are definitely not good."
"What about walking over the tiles?" You ask.
"Hmmm... I dunno." She bounces over one of the marked tiles and lands on the floor. "Nope. That seems fine." You can hear an audible click in the wall.
You shout out to Pinkie, asking her if she feels like anything is about to happen. She looks about, a little confused. "Hmmm... not at the moment, no... but I did feel something when I looked up at the doorway..."
She stands in place, looking over the small cluster of cardboard boxes. "Are you guys coming?"
You worry and fret. That click must have been something bad... you feel a knot roll up in your stomach. Going with your gut instinct, you turn to Strawberry once again. "Strawberry.. I'm going to unplug your ears again... I think you can lead us through."
She panics. "W...What?! Me?!" She shakes and shivers a little. Before she has time to respond, you quickly unplug her ears and jam an apple into her mouth.
"Get us some gold from the treasure room."
She mumbles something like a question, then starts heading over to the tiles. Defying your reasoning, she jumps straight onto the marked tile. You hear the wall click and turn like crazy. She marches across the tiles with her derped out eyes, humming the song in the other room. Pinkie watches in horror as the filly steps across each tile.
She reaches the last tile. As she steps on it, she waits, staring into the treasure room. Suddenly, the doorway lights up. A white fiery looking substance pours from the doorway, forming a wall. She stands in place, waiting. After a few seconds, the silent, ghostlike fire disappears. She hops into the treasure room and picks up the first coin that she sees.
Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and yourself find your jaws hanging open in awe.
You pick up your small purple friend and carry her on top of your box. You tell Pinkie to come on back and follow your lead, one pony at a time across the tile floor.
As you start formulating your plan, you see Strawberry heading back through the doorway. She walks straight through the tile puzzle, returning to face you. A single gold Bit slides off her back. She stares at your eyes, hers kind of bobbling around. You can hear her ask you another question, more than likely about the Castle.
Her attention turns toward the Throne Room.
You plug her ears back up with the pair of marshmallows, then hold her tight. As she starts coming to her senses, you calmly tell her that she's just saved all of your lives. You let her know that she's done a good job.
She stares into space, confused. "Umm..."
"See, being a hero is easy!"
Pinkie is still standing on the central tile. It appears to be slightly depressed, but you're not sure what it does. Since she has first stood upon it, you notice that it has started to become a little darker than the other tiles around it.
You tell Pinkie to jump on back over. You're not sure if the tile she's standing on is safe. "Okie dokie, Applebloom." She bounces off the tile and back onto the safe side of the floor.
You continue to stare at the tile. It continues to darken up. After a little while, it seems like it has vanished. Pinkie looks over to it. "...where did it go?"
You decide that you've been dallying around long enough. You tell the other ponies to follow your lead across the marked tiles, one at a time. You make your way across, then wait for the wall of silent white flames to dissipate. Summoning up some courage, you leap through the door way, landing inside the treasure room. One after the other, you watch as the wall of flames comes and goes, each time followed by another pony.
With a little time, the team has now reassembled beyond the doorway. Raisin was carried over on Pinkie Pie's back... she seems to be moving around inside her box now.
You can here Raisin stirring underneath her cardboard box disguise. Pinkie can feel her squirming about. "Guys! Raisin's moving!" She sounds excited, taking the small purple pony down off her back and setting her on the ground.
"Alright! She's back!" Scootaloo cheers, keeping her voice down.
"Raisin! I'm so glad that you're okay!" Sweetie Belle runs over, taking the box off of her.
Raisin stands on her rearlegs, holding the box in her forelegs. Her eyes are still off center. Without an emotion on her face, you see her chuck the Golden Box into the pile of treasure. She lands on her hooves, then stares towards the back of the room. "Command me."
“She's still not back yet..." The team is disappointed.
All around you are mountains of treasure, including the Golden Box that was just thrown into a pile of artifacts. The shiny objects in this room overwhelm your senses... Scootaloo pours over the stacks of Bits just lying around on the floor.
You gently remind Scootaloo that any of this treasure could have the same weird effects that the little Golden Box had on Raisin. Touching something could make you lose your mind.
Scootaloo stops drooling for a moment. "Hmmm... there's got to be a way to pick this stuff up safely..." She shakes her head. "Right, right. Maybe on our way out?" You roll your eyes.
An idea comes to mind. "Raisin, dance."
Raisin stands in place, staring toward the back of the room. Looking up, you trace her vision to what seems to be an set of stairs.
"Oh well, worth a shot..."
You find Raisin's reaction rather peculiar. You lift the box up, watching her head move. Suddenly, she lowers her head. She takes a defensive stance, but nothing happens.
Sweetie Belle looks her over. "It looks like she's trying to use magic..."
Raisin stands in place, pointing her forehead in your direction. She has an angry look on her face.
The treasure room looks like it was carved directly into the mountainside, it's dirt walls left bare to allow ease of expansion. There are golden treasures adorning all of the walls with a slightly wider path left open closer to the right wall.
You set the box down on the treasure room floor. Raisin's expression returns to it's flat, emotionless state. She turns back to face the rear of the room, asking but one thing.
"Command me."
Scootaloo looks over the small purple filly and wanders passed you. "Who is she talking to?"
You find it in your best interests to restrain the small purple filly. You don't want her acting up. With the box out of your hooves, you're able to lasso her with your cape with no resistance whatsoever. "This is fer yer own good, Raisin..." She doesn't respond, staring at the back of the room in silence.
You search around the room a little bit, specifically over in the artifact pile. You remember seeing a scepter in here that could help you open up that scary little Golden Box that derped your dearest friend.
"Whatcha lookin' for, AB?" Scootaloo inquires.
You tell her that you want to get something to open that Golden Box from a distance. There could be something inside that is critically important to saving Raisin's life.
"If you think so..." Scootaloo walks over, helping you pull out a solid gold scepter from the pile of artifacts. It's rather heavy... something feels odd about it as you hold it in your mouth. It's extremely cold compared to the other treasures.
The Golden Box sits on the ground, ready to be jabbed with the blunt scepter.
The staff looks similar to the Golden Box. Down it's side are engravings much in the same style as the box... though all of the artifacts in the pile you withdrew this rod from look kind of like the Golden Box.
On top of the staff is a red gem. The bottom of the staff looks rounded with a few nubs sticking out of it.
Carefully, you try to open up the box with the staff. The lid seems to be sealed shut. Gently poking at it doesn't seem to do too much.
"C'mon, AB. On three..." Scootaloo pulls the staff back, preparing to jab the box in hopes that it will open up.
"Wait up, Scoots..." You halt her countdown. Instead, you push on the side of the box, letting it fall over. For some inexplicable reason, the lid refuses to open.
"Hmm... how do we open it? Raisin really gave it a tug when she activated it at Zecora's..." You recall as you try to remember how it was opened in the first place.
Raisin continues to stare at the back of the room. You can hear a mighty voice resound from what you think is an exit. "Ah, my lovely servants! You may rest for now; tell the guards outside to relieve you." Two softer voices speak as you hear trotting echo from the main throne room.
Picking up the box, you examine it for anything peculiar. From the top on down, you see it's crowned with a beautiful red ruby. Down the box are 4 golden struts. Between them on each face of the lid is a decorative pattern of engravings. Where the lid meets the main box, there doesn't seem to be anything holding it together, but yet it remains firmly sealed.
Flipping the box over, you see a small indentation. It looks like it's supposed to attach to something. Using your engineering prowess, you'd guess that this could be a keyhole... though you have nothing that could open it at the moment.
You make the realization that this box must have a key lying around here somewhere. There's got to be a way to open this box up normally. You approach Strawberry once again. She shivers in fear, knowing what you're going to do.
"Alright.. bite down on this..." You put an apple up to her mouth. Reluctantly, she bites down on it. Carefully, you remove the marshmallows blocking up her ears. Her eyes fall out of focus.
"Strawberry, find the key that opens this box up for us." You hold the box up and show her. She turns her head toward it, then mumbles something behind the apple.
She walks towards the back of the room, then takes a sudden turn up the stairs. Pinkie panics.
"Oh no! She's going into the throne room! Applebloom, do something!"
You run up ahead. Just as the filly starts entering the Throne Room, you tackle her against the floor. She continues to struggle towards the absolutely gigantic pony golem that sits in his throne within spitting distance. You plug her ears up with marshmallows, then drag her back towards the room. The music seems to drown out the noise of the altercation.
"That was close!" Scootaloo wipes a bead of sweat off her forehead. You can see that she's loaded her empty saddlebags with gold.
As you reenter the room, you can feel a certain anxiety wash over your body. You look over the small Golden Box laying on the floor, desperately trying to figure out how you're going to open it up.
Pinkie looks it over quick. "Do we need to open it up?" She shrugs. "Why don't we try talking to the king? He sounds like a nice guy..."
"Are you crazy?!" Sweetie instantly retorts. "He'll crush us for sure!"
In an act of desperation, you decide to take matters into your own hooves. "We've gotta get that box open! No matter what happens, you guys have got to stop Tezel!"
Before they can say anything, you wrap your CMC Cape around your hooves, slide under a cardboard box, and start prying at the golden treasure. "Applebloom! Noo!!" Scootaloo tries to stop you, but the box comes tearing open. The cape around your hooves doesn't seem to be doing much good. In an instant, you are blinded by a brilliant white light. A loud, terrifying voice blasts you senseless. "CONTROL"
You struggle, but you manage to dump the contents of the box out. The voice assaults you, weakening your small body. Memories of Sweet Apple Acres rush through your head. You remember sorting apples with your sister Applejack.
You struggle to quickly close the box. The lid resists the weakening strength of your hooves. As the word CONTROL blasts your ribs again, you let out a final push. The lid slams shut. You see your box come flying off. Pinkie is freaking out, but you cannot hear her speak.
You mutter the word 'elixir'. Scootaloo seems to pick up on your cue as you begin to blackout. Your vision wanes to black...
Suddenly, it returns. Your heart is racing and you feel alive again. A nasty, sour liquid goes down your throat.
You look over to where you remember dumping the box out. There doesn't seem to be any gold over here... the only thing that fell out of the box was a Piece of Granite. It looks like a small chip.
"All that for a chip of rock? What kind of a joke is that?!" Scootaloo looks furious.
You can hear the hoovesteps of a pair of guards echoing in the Throne Room. "Welcome! I trust it's been a safe, quiet night?" The guards seem to respond, but you cannot hear them clearly.
You take a daring gamble. "Pinkie Pie..."
"Yes, Applebloom?" Pinkie turns to look you over. "Are you feeling better?"
"Yes, much. Listen, Pinkie... You know the real reason we came all the way out here for?"
Pinkie tilts her head, imploring you to continue.
"It's King Tezel's Birthday!"
Pinkie looks rather excited. "OH!! We've come to celebrate it with him?!"
You nod. "Yep. That's what this magic box is really about. It's his present." You lie through your teeth. As Scoots and Sweetie Belle try to protest, you cover their mouths.
"YOU DRAGGED ME ALL THE WAY THROUGH THIS JUST TO CELEBRATE SOMEONE'S BIRTHDAY!?" Strawberry explodes. "No. NO. I'm not doing this." She spins around, crossing her hooves.
In a matter of moments, Pinkie slides out in front of the titanic sized golem. He stirs. "Oh? What have we here? How do you do?"
Pinkie breaks into her birthday song she wrote on the spot. Tezel looks rather pleased. You see the two unicorn guards approaching with their heads lowered. Tezel raises one of his massive hooves.
Pinkie continues to sing her birthday wishes to Tezel. As she gets into the faster bits of the song, Tezel starts clapping along to the song. "'ve gotta be kidding me..." Scootaloo watches the giant enjoy Pinkie show.
"Aaaaaand Happy Happy Birthday... TO YOU!" Pinkie spins around, revealing a small wrapped gift. "Happy Birthday, King Tezel!"
The behemoth pony laughs and stamps his feet. "Oh! This is just too much! What an unexpected treat!" He picks the gift up with his telekinesis. "It's not even my birthday, but your king accepts your generous offering." Pinkie looks immediately upset. She casts you a cold glance. As Tezel opens the gift, the joy from his face suddenly turns to shock.
"...oh my. What a gift to receive indeed." He looks over the small Golden Box with concern. "I've been missing this for some time... where in Equestria did you..." He stops. "Thank you, pink mare. You have brought me incredible joy this day."
The giant golem stirs, lifting up out of his throne. "You are a hero of sorts. Tell me, what is your name?"
"I...I'm Pinkie Pie..." She looks up at the intimidating golem.
"Pinkie Pie... thank you." He lifts up one of his hooves. In an instant, it comes crashing down on top of Pinkie. She disappears underneath.
"My children! The time of our ascension has come!" He bellows throughout the throne room. The CMC are in shock. "P...P...P..."
You quiver with sorrow. Taking out your hammer, you prepare to smash the granite chip you took out of the box. Through bleary eyes, you take a few smacks at it. The chip crumbles into dust.
Tezel and his guards cannot hear you over the music.
You pony up, regaining your wits. "We're not letting anyone go down in vain. C'mon girls!" You level your slingshot with the Crystal Phonograph. With a quick release, the rock flies through the air, unnoticed by Tezel or his guards. It impacts the horn, bringing an abrupt silence to the room. "Huh?" He turns around, seeing his beloved music player shattered upon the ground.
Tezel's guards shake their heads and regain their focus. An energy seems to leap off of their bodies. "Wh.. What happened? Where am I?" The mighty golem king looks furious. He stamps one of the guards into the ground and kicks the other one towards the throne. "Where are you?! SHOW YOURSELVES!"
You pony up, regaining your wits. "We're not letting anyone go down in vain. C'mon girls!" You level your slingshot with the Crystal Phonograph. With a quick release, the rock flies through the air, unnoticed by Tezel or his guards. It impacts the horn, bringing an abrupt silence to the room. "Huh?" He turns around, seeing his beloved music player shattered upon the ground.
Tezel's guards shake their heads and regain their focus. An energy seems to leap off of their bodies. "Wh.. What happened? Where am I?" The mighty golem king looks furious. He stamps one of the guards into the ground and kicks the other one towards the throne. "Where are you?! SHOW YOURSELVES!"
You and the CMC retreat back into the treasure room. Sweetie Belle looks devastated. You see Strawberry and Raisin chilling inside of the Treasure Room. "What's going on?" Strawberry asks, holding onto Raisin.
"Pinkie's down! We need to get out of here... now!" Scootaloo grabs the small filly and begins dragging her in tow. You lift up Raisin. She seems to be almost completely non-responsive as she was before, though she's no longer looking in any specific direction.
You start heading out of the Treasure Room. The Castle quakes as King Tezel stomps out of the Throne Room. He seems absolutely furious. The ponies in the hallway seem to have vanished.
“Applebloom... what do we do?" Sweetie Belle looks out into the hallway.
You duck back into the room and wait for the gigantic stone pony to run on by. After you're certain he's run outside, you head into the hallway. You can hear the unicorns yelling outside.
The statues in the hallway all start walking outside. You stay at a close distance, carrying Raisin above your head. As you approach the entrance, you see Tezel running through a small group of ponies. They have enough strength to shove the tyrant around.
"We've gotta find Twilight..." You tell your friends.