Raisin Quest 3
Day 20

Last Time on My Little Raisin:

>Begin to discuss plans to destroy Tezel with Sweetie Belle
>xXx Light up the candle in your room xXx (Reveals what room you’re in to the nosy guard outside)
>-- Use the Adanemzurai to check confirm that the guard is outside your window –
>Move upstairs, ask the Rich Stallion to take the airship for a spin (Use ‘social status’ to encourage him to)
>--Guards have taken notice to Raisin and Sweetie Belle; they approach the airship—
>Ask the Rich Mare to deal with the them 1/6 chance of failure
>Go onto the outer deck to eat, see a mysterious creature in ninja like clothing
>Assume the figure is Snakeoil Sally; she tackles Raisin and Sweetie, trying to keep them silent
>Tell Sally you need her help to defeat Tezel; she thinks that you sold the Adanemzurai
>Tell her you were able to open the Adanemzurai; she thinks you’re lying
>--Convince Sally that you’re not lying and the Adanemzurai is the key to destroying Tezel—1/4 chance of being ‘accidentally’ crushed by Sally for ‘lying’
>Rich Mare alerts her husband to confront Sally; able to act alongside ‘Saffron’ to avoid confrontation
>Ask Sally to come with you; she outright refuses Failed Roll: 1/3 chance of succeeding
>Ask Sally to take you to Ponyville; she outright refuses Failed Roll: 1/3 chance of failure
>Sally says she’ll take you close to Ponyville if you give her your dresses. You agree to her terms.
>**Remember to grab the Adanemzurai before leaving**
>Find the Rich Stallion admiring it. Demand it back, hold it at a distance
>Rich Stallion runs out to chastise Sally for ruining his expensive windscreen
>…run back in to grab the Glass Jar
>Dive off of airship with Sally and Sweetie
>--Command the Adanemzurai to stay in your grip—
>Hit the ground, Sally demands that you give her your dresses and shoes
>--Agree to new terms, give up all of your clothing—
>--Command the Adanemzurai to release from your grip—
>**Use Parchment and paper folding skills to safely handle the Adanemzurai**
>Head off towards Fluttershy’s cottage
>Knock on door; a timid, scared Fluttershy recognizes Sweetie Belle’s voice, invites you inside
>Talks about unidentified Derp Eyed filly that wouldn’t stop asking her questions
>Convince Fluttershy to help you find Rainbow Dash and give you a cart
>Approach utility barn; there’s something inside that won’t respond to Fluttershy
>**Go back into house to acquire light source (Bundle of Candles)**
>Strike up candle with Stompstarter; see a Cockatrice napping on the cart
>Fluttershy gives it the ‘Stare’ and shoos it away
>Jump into cart
>**Investigate noise from up above; Fluttershy gives the Cockatrice another nagging before it runs off**
>xXx Fly straight toward Rainbow Dash’s house xXx
>Stopped by guard
>**Fluttershy successfully dodges the guard’s nosiness and continues onwards** 1/3 chance of failure
>Wake up Rainbow Dash

*Asterisks represent good actions, xXx represents bad actions

In the dark of the night, one groggy rainbow mane peeks over the edge of her owner’s cloud to discover a veritable swarm of guards patrolling all over Ponyville. To her further bewilderment, Fluttershy, Sweetie Belle, and Raisin have all come up to her house asking for her to help them destroy some gigantic stone pony that brainwashes unicorns and apparently lives in a sand castle far off in the east. Be it her weary mind from just shaking off the most wretched headache of her life or the innocent, sincere eyes of two young fillies, Rainbow Dash struggles to make reason out of Raisin’s odd story.

"...Uh... I'm completely lost." She states bluntly. "I'll.. follow you guys around for a bit... I need to get my bearings." Rainbow stretches her wings and whips her mane back and forth in the cool summer night air.

Hearing the cacophonous clamoring clang of armor cascading it's chorus against the cobblestone below, you decide it would probably be best to saddle up and head to Sweet Apple Acres.

"Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash... we need to go fetch Applebloom." You think back to some odd memories you had.. like a dream, except you were your friend. For some reason, it feels significant. "...we need to get going. Now."

Rainbow Dash nods her head. "Well, alright. Sweet Apple Acres is just a short flight thattaway." The Pegasus tilts her head forward, sliding down a vintage pair of Wonderbolts flight goggles over her eyes. "Try to keep up, Fluttershy!"

"No! Wait!" Fluttershy saddles up to the cart again and starts following after her. You expect to go launching off the edge of the cloud. As you and Sweetie brace for speed, you feel the cart gently take off and keep pursuit of the dissipating rainbow trail in front of you.

You make your approach to Sweet Apple Acres. Down below, you see a small platoon of guards eating from a large table of various baked snack goods. Applejack and Applebloom stand at the table, serving the guards. Fluttershy keeps her distance far above the gathering, hiding herself and the cart behind a cloud.

"W...Where'd Rainbow Dash go?" Fluttershy whispers back.

As Sweetie scans the ground, she reaches over the side and points down. "There! She's eating pie with one of the guards!"

"Hey... hey, Fluttershy..." You whisper softly, leaning against the front of the cart to get closer to Fluttershy's ear. "Will this cart stay in the cloud if you left it up here? We gotta get Rainbow back."

Fluttershy shakes her head. "Oh, no, it wouldn't. Not with two little fillies in the back. You'd be surprised how much wingpower it takes to keep you two safe and sound back there."

Sweetie Belle looks over at you. "Well, I guess that answers that..." She looks through your glass jar really quick. "There's gotta be some way to signal her... why'd she go down there, anyways?"

You see Rainbow working her way over to Applejack, enjoying her fill of apple pie along the way. The Adanemzurai pulses against your back... gently. It's rhythm is very soothing to you.

"Take her... Take this pegasus." Her voice sings to you.

Looking over the large platoon gathered here for their late dinner, you decide that it might be a good idea to try and find Pinkie Pie. After all, last time she went with you, her silly ways came in handy... well, mostly.

"Alright.. I don't know what Rainbow is doing... but let's get out of here. It's way too hot."

"If it's too hot, you can always just fan yourself." Sweetie Belle shrugs. You roll your eyes, then cast them over the side of the cart.

You look about, scoping the land again. A steady stream of guards seem to be going to and leaving the farm. You reach for the silvery cloud, but you cannot reach the ground. Shaking your head, you decide it's futile to attempt to write a message. "Let's try to find Pinkie Pie. She can definitely help us."

"W..wait... so we're going to leave Rainbow Dash down there with all those... scary guards?" Fluttershy looks back over her shoulder.

"She'll be fine. We need to find Pinkie. I just know it's going to help us."

Fluttershy stretches her wings out. "If you think so..." Taking to the air silently, the little yellow pegasus begins flying back into town. She heads towards Sugarcube Corner... but she's halted along the way by another guard.

"Halt! Citizen, do you realize that there is a strict curfew in effect right now?" The vociferous pegasus approaches. You make sure to lay on your side this time, hiding the Adanemzurai.

"I...I...I...I..." Fluttershy repeats herself like a broken record.

"Ma'am, we're looking out for dangerous criminals at the moment. It's not safe to be wandering around outside."

Fluttershy panics and nearly bursts into tears. The guard recoils. "Uh... ma'am, please calm down..."

Before he has time to comfort her, Fluttershy bolts towards Sugarcube Corner. You and Sweetie Belle slam into the back of the cart again, rattling your noggins against the hard yellow pine. "Ooomph!"

The guard looks a bit guilty as he settles back down into the streets. You start to pull up to a dimly lit Sugarcube Corner. Immediately, Sweetie Belle hops out of the cart and lands gracefully on the ground. "Hey... what's going on here? It's not even that late..."

"Fluttershy... listen to me. Go see what's up. Knock on the door, take a peek inside... something. Is Pinkie in there?"

Fluttershy shakily walks up to the door besides Sweetie Belle. Some guards look her way, but they continue on. She stretches to get up to the windows. "Sorry, Raisin... I can't see anything."

Fluttershy peeks inside. "I see... a lot of fillies..." She searches around for a moment. "...and Pinkie too... she's sleeping on top of a... cannon?"

"Sleeping? On a cannon?" You not to think about it too hard. "Test the door out quick. See if it's open."

Fluttershy gives the knob a jiggle. "Um... sorry... I think they're closed, Raisin."

You pop out of the cart quick, taking the Adanemzurai with you. "Alright, then, let's tap on the window." Stretching up, you give the window a few taps. Fluttershy confirms movement.

"...but she doesn't look like she's getting up. She... rolled over." Fluttershy narrates the scene. "Oh... okay, I think she's awake."

Sweetie Belle looks panicked. "Raisin! What are you doing?! The guards are all looking for you! Get back in the cart!"

The fillies inside all have their ears stuffed with various objects, ranging from marshmallows to balloons.

And yes, they are all sleeping in a giant pile on the floor. They look like they simply collapsed into the giant pony pileup.

You realize your error. You dart your eyes around and find the nearest hiding spot. Quickly, you dive under Fluttershy, holding the Adanemzurai in your hooves. Your wild mane tickles her stomach a bit, but she only manages to squeak out a little laugh. Another patrol of guards pass on by, giving Sweetie and Fluttershy a look. They smile back awkwardly. You're hidden... the guards don't seem to notice you as they pass on by.

You hear the door click and open up. "Ughhhh..... who is it? We're slee-" Pinkie shakes her head back and forth, wiping off a bit of spittle on her cheek. "Oh! Raisin, Fluttershy! Is that Sweetie Belle?" She tries to sound like she's got any energy left. "C'mon in... but be quiet..."

You slowly follow the bouncy pink tail into Sugarcube Corner. There's a few candles lit to give the room some light. In front of you is a giant pile of fillies with things jammed in their ears. On the floor, scattered amongst the confetti, you see a pair of marshmallows without an owner.

"So... back to the Castle, right?" Pinkie's head spins a little bit. She laughs.

"Yep, going to go for round 2. Wanna come with? I promise I'll make better decisions this time."

"Oh, for sure. Those hints sounded like they're really gonna help us out." Pinkie nods, wiping a little bit of sleepy dust from her eyes. Both Sweetie Belle and Fluttershy just look at each other, then back to you and Pinkie.

"I'm not even going to ask." Sweetie Belle shakes her head back and forth.

"Ready when you are..." Pinkie yawns, then stretches. "Let's... do this."

"Oh, yeah, I think we're nearly ready ourselves.. but we nee-"

"-d to get Rainbow Dash to put the golden thingamabob into stone pone's head. Got it." Pinkie finishes your sentence. "Where's she at this time? Still sick up in her cloud?" Pinkie looks up for a moment. "I wonder what it's like up there... in her cloud house."

"Uh.. no, not this time. She's eating some pie at the moment. You know how much she loves pie."

Pinkie looks at you slyly.

Sweetie Belle reasons through the conversation. "Soo... I take it we're going back to the farm?" Her eyes express concern.

"Yeah, but we got Pinkie this time. Now we can... get..."

You notice that Pinkie has fallen asleep standing up. You give her a quick boop on the nose. She jumps up. "Wh.. Wha?"

"We're going to Sweet Apple Acres to get Dash. Let's saddle up and go."

The team gives an almost simultaneous affirmation. Quickly, you all start to sneak back outside. Pinkie smuggles you under her tail, walking to the back of the cart. She gives you a light toss in. Looking around suspiciously, she picks up Sweetie Belle and tosses her in next to you. Just as she shuts the back and Fluttershy saddles up, a unicorn guard approaches.

"Hey, you aren't planning on flying tonight, are you?"

You whisper shout to Fluttershy. "Fluttershy! Do something!" The nervous pegasus swallows hard, then slowly looks over her shoulder. She smiles at the guard. "Umm... I... I.... I..." Sweat rolls down her forehead.

"You know you can't be flying around right now. There's a strict curfew in effect right now; all ponies are to remain indoors until further notice."

Fluttershy continues to stammer.

You give Pinkie a little nudge. She perks up with a little 'oh!'.

"We're not just taking a little joyride, silly. I know there's that whole 'looking for bad guys hide and seek' thing going on right now." Pinkie nods. "We're just taking some fillies back home real quick! It won't be but a few minutes!" Pinkie looks over her shoulder. "Right, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy sweats bullets. "Oh... um.. yes, why.. of course! That's what we're doing right now, taking fillies home..."

The guard nods. "Well, alright then..." He stops. "None of those fillies are really... purple, are they?"

Pinkie looks about. You feel some powder cover your body. You and Sweetie cough and sneeze. It hangs around the bottom of the cart for a minute. "Nope! Just two white fillies that need to go back to Sweet Apple Acres, pronto!"

"Alright. Fly safe... oh, uh... hold on." You see the guard pull a scroll out from under his armor. He uses his magic to scribble something onto the bottom of it. He hoofs it over to Pinkie. "If you run into any pegasi guards, show them this. Get those two home safe, you hear?"

With a sigh of relief, you inhale some more flour and get into a coughing fit. Quickly, the cart picks up into the air.

As your coughing clears, Sweetie Belle laughs softly. "You look like a ghost!"

Pinkie chimes in. "She's been a ghost before! So have I!" She wobbles about for a second, then hangs off the side of the cart. "Wow... that was really scary... I didn't see that coming at all..." She drifts off a bit.

In a matter of minutes, you see Sweet Apple Acres coming into view. Sweetie Belle looks over the side, searching for Rainbow Dash. "...where did she go?"

Ahead, you see a tight cluster of clouds that wasn't there when you left. It seems... off.

You point up ahead. "Fluttershy, I bet she's in there. Keep pushing forward." Fluttershy keeps up her smooth pacing as she makes an approach on the bouncy clouds.

While you approach, you withdraw the letter from Pinkies mane. Carefully, you unfold the parchment to read what it says. The moon provides just enough light to make out the letters.

"Please excuse this small caravan of ponies: A yellow pegasus, a pink earth pony, and a cart with two white fillies inside. They should arrive at Sweet Apple Acres within 3 turns. This pass is void after such stated time." You read the letter aloud.

Sweetie Belle scrunches up her nose. "...3 turns? What's that supposed to mean?" You shrug your shoulders, then look forward.

Suddenly, a blue blur shoots out of them. It races at the cart with incredible speed.

You quickly bring the Adanemzurai close to you. Suddenly, you feel the world darken about you. A single voice seems to echo straight from out of the sky. "Touch me... I will protect you... always..."

Ignoring the cursed box, you shout over to Fluttershy. "Down! Down! Down!"

Before the pegasus has a chance to react, the blur shoots over top of the cart. You heard her hoof hit the inside of the cart by your head... Rainbow Dash spins around in the air and looks into the cart. "What the...?" It takes her a moment to recognize you. Pinkie suddenly wakes up.

"Whoa! Rainbow Dash! We ne-" Pinkie is suddenly interrupted as Dash swoops again, making a grab at you. With precision, she's able to lift you up out of the cart.

"Got her!" Rainbow Dash calls out. Fluttershy immediately begins pursuing the two of you.

"Wait! Rainbow Dash! Stop!" Fluttershy's yells are barely audible. Pinkie waves her hooves around. "No! No! Come back! Rainbow Dash! We need Raisin to beat the game!"

They keep in pursuit of you. Rainbow looks down at you for a moment, noticing that you're carrying the Adanemzurai. Immediately, she lets out a scream and drops you. She swoops again to catch you, though repositions her hooves around your flank, holding the Adanemzurai as far away as possible. "Don't you even think about it!" She sneers. "I know what you're up to!"

Fluttershy's cart is just below you. Pinkie looks up at you in bewilderment, signaling that you should get back into the cart.

You stretch your rearleg up and tap her on the side of the head. "C'mon! I explained everything to you! Everything I said was the truth!"

"Pony feathers, Raisin! The entire Canterlot Royal Guard is down here looking for you!" She keeps her pace. "Because you attacked Princess Luna!"

"No, no, no... I'm not cursed! I'm not evil! I'm trying to save everyone!" RD doesn't seem to be having any of it.

You look at Pinkie's tired eyes with utmost concern. She seems to get what you're asking her to do.

"Rainbow Dash! She's not lying! It's the truth!" Pinkie yells up to the variegated pegasus. "We need your help to put an end to all this nasty evil business, but we also need Raisin! Please, bring her down here! We gotta move!" Pinkie pleads.

"Pinkie, the guards told me everything. She's under some mumbo jumbo curse right now and she's trying to give this thing back to some evil guy over the mountains! That's where you're going, right?" Dash questions you, giving you a little shake.

"Yes! But I'm going to stop Tezel once and for all! I need to jam this thing into his head!" You squirm a bit in RD's loosening grip. "But I can't reach it! He's the size of a house!"

Fluttershy makes a little squee. You look around, noticing that a small group of pegasi have surrounded your team. Rainbow Dash seems a bit confused at the moment. "Yeah... likely story..."

"WAIT! WAIT!" You shout. "Hold on a minute, here. Let's just settle down for a second and reason this out, shall we?" You look straight down, seeing the cart. "Sweetie Belle! Show them the note!"

Sweetie Belle holds up a note in her hoof. "Oh! Oh! It's a permission slip!" She gives it a toss into the air. Rainbow quickly tosses you up and catches your tail in her mouth. She reads over the note, then drops it back to the cart.

"So... are we good now?" Sweetie Belle calls up.

Rainbow Dash holds you up and flaps her wings. The flour blows off of your body. Rainbow Dash shakes her head. "Nope."

You plead your case one last time. "Rainbow! I'm not evil! If I were under some curse, we'd have taken your mind with our Queen when you came out of your house!"

Rainbow Dash holds you as far away as she can. "We? Queen? Are you even listening to yourself?!" Rainbow tries to shake you a bit. "Drop that thing! Drop it!" The guards looks tense, like they're about to strike.

She rears a leg up, ready to kick the Adanemzurai out of your grip. "Just let it go, Raisin! We're trying..." She kicks once, but you dodge it. "...to help you!"

"I'm so sorry!" You let the parchment fall away from the box. Immediately, you feel imbued with power. The world opens up for you to see... a legion of guards, incoming from Ponyville. You feel the anxiety of those around you, then fear of the ones under you. You can see all of them simultaneously, especially the confused pony holding you upside down.

With a little spite, you curl up and hit Rainbow Dash in the stomach with the Adanemzurai. It gives off a beautiful 'ting' as it fills the air with an increasingly deafening sound. The guards around you are terrified; it feels satisfying.

In a few seconds, you and this blue Pegasus fall into the wooden cart below. The filly in the cart backs away... though the pink one doesn't seem frightened by it. "Nice headlights!" It says, giggling to itself. How tired she feels...

"Goood... very, very good...."

"Command me." The balled up pegasus lays on the deck of the cart, her eyes in opposite directions

"Worry not, little one. Your Queen is in command." You speak these words to help alleviate the stress of the little filly. She doesn't seem any less panicked.

The Pegasus slave currently attached to the cart quivers and shakes in the harness. The guards maintain their distance. One large one with decorative armor swoops in. "Hold!" He shouts. The Royal Canterlot Guard Commander... it's been a while.

"Pegasus... Rainbow Dash... rise, and take the harness. We ride to the Castle." Chills ripple up and down your spine. You feel incredible.

Without hesitation, Rainbow Dash jumps out of the cart, then flies up under Fluttershy. Effortlessly, she pushes the yellow pegaus out of the harness. In a matter of moments, the cart starts going along at a breakneck speed.

"Pinkie! Help!" That small white filly seems to be hanging off of the back gate. The pink earth pony goes to help her back in. "Hold on! We're cruisin' now!" Despite how tired she feels to you, she carries an inexplicable amount of energy.

You begin to approach the base of a mighty mountain. You remember when your husband roamed these mountains, looking for a paradise. It feels like it was so many years ago...

"Stop here, slave." Suddenly, the cart grinds to a halt. That small white filly's eyes roll when she hits the front of the cart. You hope that she's not going to be a bur...she's... wait, what's going on? Why can't you remember her name?

Raisin lets go of the Adanemzurai. Suddenly, her vision nearly blacks out. The night air returns and folds around her like a cold, wet blanket. Your vision recedes as you come back to reality. A voice sings to you...

"Pick me up... hold me..."

You look at Sweetie Belle. She looks absolutely terrified. "I'm... I'm sorry. There was no other way... I had to use it."

Pinkie gives you a soft hug. "It's okay, Raisin. We understand. I mean, as long as you don't abuse it, it's like an ace in the hole." She strokes your mane. You can feel some tears well up in your eyes...

"Command me, my Queen." Rainbow Dash speaks without emotion.

Far off behind you, a small swarm of armor shining in the moonlight makes a hasty approach.

"Uh... Rainbow, go nice and steady..." You look back to the approaching swarm of guards. "...but try to go a bit fast..."

Without a word, you can feel her hooves running on the ground ahead. Feeling the movements of another still throws you off; you keep tensing up your legs, trying to walk in their shadow...

You round a corner on the mountain. A large, open plateau stretches out before you. Upon it, there is a single, dead tree. A filly stands off in the distance, staring off into the mountain ranges.

"Hey! Strawberry! I knew that was you!" Pinkie hops out of the cart, corralling the derped little filly towards the cart. "I told you not to fidget with your marshmallows..."

Rainbow Dash continues onward, approaching the hole in the road with undeviating direction. Sweetie Belle looks over Rainbow Dash's shoulder. "H....Hey! There's a hole there, Rainbow Dash! Stop!"

You remember that you had to deal with that accursed bird the last time you here. "Rainbow, detour the cart behind the tree.. and stop."

The blue, derp eyed pegasus submits to your command. She parks the cart behind the small, frail, dead tree. Pinkie holds Strawberry in her hooves like a baby, sliding in next to you. The Adanemzurai lies inside the cart, it's previous parchment coverings lost to the wind.

"Oh! I remember this! That big nasty bird came up..." The moonlight suddenly gets blotted out. "Just like that! And then, you tried to open the adanathingy and went all derp on us, then Applebloom fired a bomb into the bird's chest!"

The imposing stone bird flaps it's massive wings over the plateau. It seems to have spotted the cart... and the Adanemzurai inside it.

"...wait a minute... we don't have the bomb, do we?" Pinkie looks at you with certain concern.

"What are you even talking about?!" Sweetie Belle is incredibly confused by you and Pinkie's meta-gaming chatter.

Quickly, you slink out from behind the cart. After much self-debate, you realize that there is only one way to stop this thing now.

"Raisin? Did you come up with a plan?" Pinkie keeps rubbing Strawberry's head, keeping her derpy unicorn self calm. You nod to her, then hop into the cart. As your hooves approach the Adanemzurai, you feel overcome with the need to touch it. Like a pair of lead weights, your hooves drop to pick the beautiful box up. As soon as you touch it, you hear the bird to your side let out a shrill cry.

"Kelthrax... you dumb animal." The words escape your lips before you even think them. "Slave! We ride, now!" As you speak, you jump off the side of the cart. Without failure, your pegasus comes running around the side, catching you beneath her. The giant bird seems enraged as you take off into the sky.

You feel the rush of her adrenaline... the wind through her wings. It's fascinating... thrilling. You loop around, trying to get behind the giant bird. The guards come pouring from around the mountain side, but immediately stop and start kicking away. Kelthrax sends a great fear through them... you can feel it.

You fly up above and around the angry statue, avoiding it's massive wings. It swings and reaches out for you, but this pegasus has such incredible agility.

You try to approach, but it doesn't seem to let you near enough to tap it safely...

"Jump..." A voice whispers. "Take his pet..."

As you take off high above the bird, you shake your head back and forth. "You're not the boss of me." With a sudden kick off of Rainbow Dash, you dive towards the massive stone bird, holding the Adanemzurai out ahead of yourself. You swing it madly... Kelthrax has always felt so cold. You cannot anticipate his movements at all.

Suddenly, as soon as he comes near, he flips his massive stone body up on its side. Vertically, he flies on passed you.

"What? No!! No!!!" You fall towards the mountains, though you cannot feel the wind. In fact, you cannot feel anything. She takes your feelings from you... the Adanemzurai...

You see the stony hillside approach. A name is yelled out as you fall. "Raisin!!!" It sounds high-pitched, tense... that little white filly covered in flour, perhaps?

Your pegasus rushes down toward you." Is there anything that can be done? Is this... it?" You wonder to yourself...

As you prepare to hit the ground, one last thought comes to mind. You didn't want to have to do this... but you can't think of anything else.

"...Adanemzurai... save me... somehow... save me..."

The ground approaches ever faster. Suddenly, you feel your body take on a strange, heavy feeling. "As you wish... my Queen..." Something feels very wrong...

You hit the ground at full force. It seems very dark now... down here, out of view of the moonlight. You stare up into the sky, watching your pegasus just make it near to you.

"Slave... am I...?"

Your colorful slave stares down at you, her eyes pointing in different directions. She doesn't respond to your inquiry. Suddenly, she scoops you up onto her back. Strangely, you don't feel anything... not her, not yourself... nothing.

The pegasus struggles to lift you into the sky as she dodges Kelthrax. Under the bright moonlight, you finally see your own hooves again.

They're made of granite. You panic... though you have no heartbeat. "Wha... What's..."

"I saved you... from mortality." The voice echoes softly in your mind. Under you, Keltrhax rises up to catch the slower pegasus in his beak.

Not skipping a beat or taking too much heed to the fact that you've been blessed with the form of a golem by the beautiful, loving, and gracious Queen, you decide to take your chance immediately and jump onto the giant bird.

You feel like you're falling much faster than usual. Seeing as the bird is flying vertical, you find it incredibly difficult to hang onto him. "Stop... moving!" Your new granite hooves kick up sparks as you slide down his back.

Suddenly, you wonder where the Adanemzurai is. Kelthrax goes level for a moment, his long tail reaching onto his back to swipe at you. The Adanemzurai is fixated upon your back...

You've only just discovered that it's on your back. You're not sure how it may be attached.

You flip over onto your back to touch Kelthrax with it. As you touch it to his back, a sharp pain resonates through your body. In a matter of moments, you gain Kelthrax's incredible vision... his wings move at your command... The massive tail coming your way relaxes and trails the giant once again. He flies straight toward the mountain.

"Raisin... our Queen... you're adapting well..."

"Uh... yeah, I guess I am..." You don't feel your lips move as you speak, nor do you hear your voice.

That pink Earth pony shouts from down below. You see the guards approaching her and the little white filly. Your pegasus has seemingly appeared out of nowhere, standing at your side with a pair of derped eyes.

"Get us out of here!!" The pink one shouts and waves her hooves wildly as 4 guards push the trio towards the plateau wall.

"Have you ever been to the Castle in the Sand?" The small pink filly asks.

With Kelthrax under your command once more, you control the giant beast as though he were a puppet. You flap your wings a few times to clear the plateau, then make a dramatic landing. The mountain quakes a little.

"Citizens... I have come for these ones. Do not resist me." You had your wording down different in your head, but that's what came out.

A well decorated set of armor steps forward. "You won't get away with this, Raisin! No matter what your plans are..." He stops for a moment. "...when did that happen?" He raises his brow toward you.

The pink earth pony and the white filly climb up the bird's back, but freeze when they're getting close to you. The little one hides behind the adult. Another follows close behind, blissfully unaware of anything that's going on. "Whoa... Raisin...? What happened?" That annoying pink earth pony slowly approaches you. "I thought Rainbow Dash caught you..."

"I am your Queen. Worry not, for we shall be triumphant this day." For some reason, none of your words are coming out right. You address the guards once more. "I shall return."

With a few flaps of your wings, you blow some of the guards back, then take off into the sky. They naturally pursue.